Load-: Circuit Is Minimum at Resonance

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NCL -Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)GradeC, in reference to
ence to

Section A (Question no. 1 to 70)

Assertion (A): The impedance of a series resonant

circuitis minimum at resonance.
Reason (R): Resonance condition impliesunity
power factor condition. TUTC fRYAI
A)Both A and R are true and R is correct
explanation of A
not the correct
B) Both A and R are true and R is
explanation of A
C)A is true but R is false
DAis false but R is true
difference created
2 The value of total potential
between the electrodes, when
the cell is not
known as its: A) faya TYTai a
connected to an external circuit is

A)Electromotive force BElectrostatic force

C)Electromagnetic force eV)

force V, 50 Hz

3 A 42 resistor is connected in
series with at0mH Ye5 4Q utdktec5 10 mH Dr d HT 100
inductor. across a 100 V, 50 Hz voltage soiurce.
of the circuit will be

The impedance 2 x
BS+i34 A)5-j3.14 B)5+j3.14
A) 5-j3.14 D) 4 +j3.14
C4-j3.14 D)4 +j314 )4-j3.14
4 A1uF capacitor connected to N battery.
in the capacitor is:
energy stored B) 24x10J 4 t A) 12x10°J
D72x106 ( E f),
A 12x10 J
C) 36x10° J D) 72x10" J 'XIo ) 36x10 J
An open coil has
inductancee A
A) zeb resistance and zero

B infinite resistance and intfinite inductance

Cinfinite resistance and zero inductance j
infinite inductance
D) zero re_istance and
6 the value of load resistance, R for
which maum power will transfer from sexce to

load- VVV
69 RL


B ) Ri = 1.5 2 ,
A) R=8 N
A) RL 8 2 B) R =
1.5 Q C) RL= 4 Q D)R 3A
C)R=40 D) R=3 Q T RT HOTTEd Eidi HI/
fa 122 resistor draws of 1A
a current as shown in | 1 Y 12 Q iRTerco 1A

the figure, the value of resistance R is -

w 1 ww

1A 720 A12 6v

B) 60 C) 8 Q D) 18
A) 4 B69 C) 8 DH8Q A)40
Twelve 1-ohm resistances are used a edge form
a cube. The resistance between two diagonally
opposite corners of the cube is:
AS/62 B)1NC) 6/5 2 D. 3/2 2A)5/6 B) 10 6/50 D) 3/2 0
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NCL-Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T(Trainee)Girade C, in reference to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET D

9 In the superconducting state, the flux lines of a | 4RhSHtII HTRT H, Tay aa ast TH TIS
magnetic ield are ejected out of the
superconductor-as per- A. T i gT B) ToRTS UHA
Curie effect B) Faraday's effect C. HaHdc THTA D) HR U4Ta
C) Maxwell's effect D) Meissner effect
10 Threshold of sensitivity with respect to measuring
instrument is
AThe maximum signal can be measured
B) The value of sensitivity on the highest scale
C)The value ofsensitivity on the lowest scale
D)The smallest signal which result in a detectable
11 Ratio error in the current transformer is attributed
APower factor of the primary
BLeakage flux B) THTA yATE
CExciting current
D)Wattless component ofthecurrent in primaryD)IH T maTa uc
12 The remory that conmmunicates directly withCPU HHUgCPU) HY M HATR GYA Tci THRÍ
AJAuxiliary memory BUSB storage A) 3hfHTA ÀH B) gua(USB) HaYT
)Main memory C) HHN D) HISSDI-tATH HATNT
D) Micro-Program Memory
13 The following property of semiconductors cannot
be determined from Hall effect:
A) Semiconductor is n-type orp-typ A)n -coTR p - uTR 5 3HTC
B) The carrier concentration B) CI5C5 YIMGT
C) The mobility ofsemiconductor
B The atomic concentration of semiconductor D) 3rarc } YRAJJ HIGTT
14 The components of full-wave voltage double
circuit are: A) 2 3T43 R 1 H
A)2diodes and 1 capacitor B) 2 3r R 2 He
B 2 diodes and 2 capacitors C) 4 3 3 R 1 HT
C)4 diodes and Vcapacitor D) 4 343 aN 2 HTfRA
D)4 diodes and 2capacitors
15 Fermi level in ap-type semiconductor lies clo_se to
whiçhone of the following?
A The top of the valance band. A)
B) The bottom of the valance
valance baFd.
band. B) acH TR
C) The top
)The ofthe
topof the conduction band,
D) The bottom of the conduction band
Aregion of negaívedifferéntial resistánceis
observed inthe current voltage characteristics ofa 4TEY H Iu fqI
silicon PN junction if A) P-87 3ÎN N- 7Ci
Aboth the P-regionand the N-regionare heavily
B)the N-region is heavily doped compared to the P-
Cthe P-region is heavily doped compared to the N- 8
Dan intrinsic silicon region is inserted between the TRfaaf T4T
P-region and the N-region
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in reference E.N. 466/10-07-2020,5El
NCL -Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, to

17 An electricpower generating station supplies

power to three loads A,B and C.Only a single
generator is required when anyone,load is
switched on. When morethan oneloadison,an
auxiliary generator must be started. The Boolean
equation for thecontfol of switching of the
auxiliary generator will be A) AA +BB+CC B)AC + BCA +CAB


18 PLAs, CPLDs, and FPGAs are all which type of fyTyPLA)s, tHutyTsICPLD)s iR uptjuitu(FPGA)s
19 To multiplya numberby 8in8085Microprocessor 8085 HTSPuTRRR E TS 8 ToT 7 5
we have to yse(RAAihstructión:tt
A) Onee B) Twice
F o u r times A) go B)a R
20 ASCII code is used as-
A)An alphanumeric Code B)A Weighted.Code
C)A Cyclic Code
D)An Alphabetic Code
21 Decimal Number (85)10 is encoded as 11000101,in RITHCD HT (85)10 5t 11000101 H tHYH

A) 8421 Code PB) 2421 Code A) 8421 13 B) 2421 o3

C) 4421 Code D) 2221 Code C) 4421 S D) 2221
22 The circuit given below is functionally cquivalent

AInhibit Gate P BJNAND Gate A) ET8fae t

C)Full Adder D)Comparator B) HNTSt(NAND) IE
D) c5HuRe
23 What is represented by the digital circuit given in fèy TyfEA H AU TY fSfUET HDE ERI
the figure below: A

D h
A) A J-K Flip-Flop with A=J and B-K. A) A= N B=K HRY J-K fUTY-Tiu
B) An
S-RFlip-Flop with A=S and B-R. B) A-S R B=R HTP S-RfUTU-.i4
C) An S-R Flip-Flop with A=R and B-S C) A=R 3R B=S TY S-R fUTy-uTfT
D) A J-K Flip-Flop with A=K and B-J.
24 Thephase correcting circuit is:
High-pass filter B)Lowtpass filter A)T B) -TH fbrET
C)Allpass filter passfilter D)5-H fooET
25 The respónse of an LTILST
LTILSI system is given by the | gTtiT/UTYHATE(LTI/LS) JUTTT i utatoyT 3TY
of input and impulse response:
A) Convolution B) Correlation A) TENTT B) HEHT
C) Superposition D) None C)&84TRTy D)
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NCL -Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&TXTrainee)Grade C, in reference to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET D
26 Choke input filter is a :
A) Zero Detector B Peak Detector A) siTRI TYa
C) Average Detector D) RMS Detector D) TRYHYH(RMS)FT
27 Which of the following circuits may be used for
conyerting a sine wave into a square wave?
ASchmitt Trigger B)Bisfahle Multivibrator | A) EtoTAA feR B) aTR Hriarteer
C)Astable Multivibrstor D) HT-TRTT HTEtaTsaer
)Monostable Multivibrator
8 A lead compensator network indludes a parallel
combination of R and C in the feed forward path. If HHTTTT HYT9ARfYT BIufa aurRaa aI RIRU
the transfer function of the compensator is GS G(S)=(s+2)/(s+4) E, at RC HTA RT
(s+2)4s+4). the value of RC is- A ) A) 2 B) 1 C)0.25 D) 0.5

2 B)1 C) 0.25 b)0.5

29 Which of the following statements is correct for a
system with gain margin close to unity ar A phase
margin close to zero? a?
A Thesystem is relatively stable L A) UTe 340enpa fRR
B) The system is highly stable B) UITe 3FRTf9C5 RN
C) The system is highly oscillatory C) yUTC FRTfdT FT-RiT
D) None of the above
30 Which technique gives guick ansient ándSabilinta MTDia aka aus 3ANRRI UÍfaico4i aii
A) Root locus B) Bode A) E B) Ts
Nyquist D) Nichols D) T7
31 By increasing impurity content in the metal alloy,
the residual resistivity always FHRT-
A)Decreases B)Increases A) TEdi B) adl
C)Remains constant
D)Becomes temperature independent
32 Electron occupying the groundstateis at its: - Au arI ETAT B)¥7-1 BTaI
BFermi Level A) HI H hu 5H kENr
A)Lowest Energy Level
C) 3 H tR
C)Highest Energy Level D)Zeb total energy Level
33 For an FM receiver with an input signal-to
an FM| HUTA 29 3a, 777 4 3al N UsYA YUR
ratio for 29 dB, a noise figure of 4 dB and
and O R 16 3taT , di- 1sNIA 3R UE-ScaRTT
improvement factor of 16 dB, the pre-detection
post-detection signal to-noise ratios are:
A) 30 3a 41 3a B) 30 tai R 49 3a
A) 30 dB and 41 dB B)30 dB and 49 dB
C)25 dB and 49 dB D)25 dB and 41 dB 3t1 sN 49 3a D) 25 3 N 41 31a
C) 25
34 The enhancement N-channel MOSFET ETHHE - T HIE(MOSFET)
y HAfAa TE
A)Cannot be operated as an enhancement A) ETHHt HtDE(MOSFET)
B)Can be operated as a JFET with zero gate
enhancement MOSFET
C)Can be operated as an

by applying -ve bias to gate

enhancement MOSFET
PJCan be operated as an Hlea tebI HHdl
1 by applying +ve bias to gate

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NCL - W t e n test tor the Fost ot ASSIstant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, in reference to E.N, 400

35 The I-V characteristics of three types of diodes at

the room temperature, made of semiconductors X, v faeT ETHA ITY yr fTH ET
Y and Z, are shown in the figure. Assume that
diodes are uniformly doped and identical in all
respects except their materials. If EgX, EgY and 3IR EgZ hHRI: X, Y 3N Z dE TRII E, cill
BgZ are the band gaps of , Y and Z, respectively,

A) EgX>EgY>EgZ A) EgX>EgY> EgZ

B) EgX=EgY EgZ B) EgX = EgY = EgZ

C) EgX<EgY<EgZ C) EgX<EgY<EgZ
D) No relationship among these band gaps exists
36 The large signal bandwidth of an op-amp is limited ATYRRTT YeiiR (op-amp) coI HAI
by its:
A) Loop gain B)Slew rate A) UTI CTH B) &HIH GR
C)Output impedance D)Input frequency C) 3HI3eyT udaTeT D) -9 TgT
37 In a full wave rectifier with input frequency of 50
Hz, the frequency of the output is:
A)200 Hz B) 150 Hz A) 200 6cu B) 150 6
C) 100 Hz D) 50 Hz C) 100 u D) 50
38 In a single stage RC coupled CE amplifier, phasé E CE) UycitTT yHT VHT NU 3RRÍ(RC) ,
shift at lower 3-dB frequençy is -

A) 0 B) 135 C)180° D) 225 A) B) 1350 C)180° D) 225

39 FET phase-shift oscillator uses- yusci(FET) Uoyi-1RI4E TRITTER _oluarT
A)Voltage Series feedback
B)Voltage Shunt feedback A) alce HRTI STEa5 B) ateu IC itgdc
C)Current Series feedback C) chE RRIT IEd5 D) cE RIE 5lsd5
D)Current Shunt feedback
40 The 6V Zener diode as shown in the circuit belowi fa Tr TDE H fREIY Tr 6V GR SI43 H
has zero Zener resistance and a knee current of 5
mA. Then what is the minimum value of R soth t H ETI GI THA aITTT 6 VHH 1?
the voltage across it does not fall beloy 6Y2A S02

10v R
A) 1200 Ohms B) 80 Ohms A)1200 stH B) 80 iTE4
C) 60 Ohms D) 40 Ohms 60 3HH D)40 3tHA
41 The network address of provides how Heacs KH C IN ERE e
many subnets and hosts? chRl ?
A ) subnets, 30 hosts each A) 7 HaE, 30 EE Urd
B 8 subnets, 8,190 hosts each B) 8 H , 8,190 FT UR
C) 8 subnets, 2,046 hosts each C)8 E , 2,046 E URA
D) 7 subnets, 2,046 hosts each D)7 He, 2,046 EE YR
42 Which of the followjng is not a layer in the TCP/IP
A) Applicatión B) Session A) yfTbR B) HRIH
C) Transport D) Interne D)RHT
NCL-Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&TXTrainec)Grade C, in reference to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET D

43 Which ofthe following is

lists applied to an interface?
true regarding acces H TR VRE zfaut n ar HAysraa H
A) You can place as many access lists as you want on | A) Tu f r t $criH TR frT-1 aT 3 - g I
any interface until you run out of memory.
B) You can apply oly one access list on any B) 4T f t at e r b 7 T yHe TT
C) One access list may be configured. per direction,
for each layer 3 protocol configured on an YGN AT RH TrT 3 uetaia r»H UR
D) You can a ply two access lists to any interface.

44 Which statement about IPv6 addresses is true?

A) An IPv6 address is 128 bits long, representedin
B) An IPvó address is 32 bits long, represented in B) 3SUTet6 uH 32 faz TAI aai T,FTd HTSRHT|

An IPv4 address is 128 bits long, represented in C)TEet6 u}H 128faz ianear, frt zfkm
decimal. RTTAT TTI
D) An IPvó address is 32 bits long, represented in D) 3TEutet6 vH 32 faz iaI BaI d, ArA sAHa À
45PSTNstands for
CA) Personal switched telephone network A) HT faas daluia cach
B) Personal switched telephone node
C) Public switched telephone node
D) Public switched telephone network
the unit
46 In telephone systems, load i_éxpressedin
A)Bells B) decibels D)wattsA)
C)erlangs B)3Hia C) 3RCT D)IE
47 In which frequency range do the cordess phónés fcoH TqT U AR
A) 88-108 HTIEC B) 43-50 ITEET
mostly work?
AC) 540-1600 fcidT D) 200-540 foclEcu
A) 88-108 MHz B)43-50 MHz
C540-1600 kHz_ D)200-540 kHz
48 The typical voltage across a telephone when on-
A) 48 arT J. .
hook is:
B) 48 loe, 20 FcU Zi.
A) 48 volts DC C) 90 dlrc 3. HI.
B) 48 volts, 20 hertz AC D) 90 alce, 20 .
C)90 volts DC
D90 volts, 20 hertz AC
49 Noise is added to a signaljn a communication system
A)At the receiving end rE-T R
B)At transmitting antenna* B) gitfHtT
Clp the channe ) TT
of the information
pIDuring regeneration
50 Theanalog signal m(t) is given 8sin200nt + cos300Tt,
= 4cos100t
m(t) 4cos100nt + 8sin200t cos300zt, c
= + n(t)
the Nyquist sampling rate will be: B) 1/200
B)1/200 A) 1/100
A)1T00 D) 1/600
P1/600 C) 1/300
51 Which one of the following blocks isnot common
in both AM and FMfeceivers? B) f4CHR
A) RF Amplifief B) Mixer D) sTaEr
CIF Amplifier DYSlope Detector

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NCL -Written test for the Post
of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainec)Grade C, in reference
52 Mono-stable multi-vibrator is used for generating
to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SE TD
PWM because it is
A)A Pulse Generator
B)A Voltage-to-time converter A) HFRET
C)An integrator B) aTeTu-FH-EIEH DAATr
D)A Voltage-to-frequency converter C)cer
53 D) alrc-F-TqN 7aaEY
Range of frequencies allotted for commercial VHF
TVbroadcast is-
A) (470 -2300) MHz B)(470- 2300) kHz A)
C)(47-230) MHz D) (47-230) kHz (470-2300) HTTEE B)(470- 2300) focieeT
C)(47 230) HIIE
54 If an FM wave is represented by the eguation YIG Y YYA ARI l e= 10D) (47-230)fclU
sin (9x 10°t 4 sin 1500
e= 10 sin (9x 10t + 4 sin
t50 Dthenwhat is the t) GIAIHHT5YUI GRI ZRIÍY È, a a% 31g I BPi?
carrier frequency?
A) 127.32 MHz
C) 286.62 MHz
B) 200.00 MHA
D)143.31 MHz
9286. A) 127.32 HTETT B) 200.00
C) 286.62 HTETT D) 143.31
S5 The process of assigning a discrete value from a
R HCod c5 A HI HÀTHs fAy t FHAa
prescribed set of a finite numbers_of sueh discrete
values to each one of the sample values of the
thessage signal, is catted?
A) Fittering B) Noise removal A) fefkT B) a
C) Decoding D Quantizatiom C)blis`T D) IEH
56 How many bitsaé requird to encode 64evePCM? | 64 R HHQA q Vs A fay foaA facH
A) 7
D) 4 A) 7 B) 6
C) 5 D) 4
57 Bandwidth is determined by the minimum pulse
widthin which of the following-
A PPM B) PDM A) ttutg B) usiyH
C) QAM B) All of these C) y H D) JuRTT HA
58 The electric transmission of a document at a distant
place via telephone line is called
A) Modem B) Radar A) HIGH B)SN
Fax D) None of these C D) a
59 In optical communication, wavelength 1550 nm is TTgebei FAR , AITPT 1550 nm aT¢i BT
used nowadays. What is the possible reason?
ADispersion is very low
B)Loss is very low B) Btd agd 5H
C)WDM is feasible
D)Optical amplification is feasible
60 Which type offiber optic cable has/have its/their TGH OT HI^Y iIP5 DaT pN 480 um
core with the size of about 480 um to 980 um & TchY 980 um 3TR AN YÍai¥YTETHgfaoae
made up of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)? (PMMA) H AAT FTAI E?
A) Glass fiber optic cable A) ITH 5^TR TP5 HaM
B) Plastic fiber optic cable
CPlastic clad silica fiber optic cable
D) All of the above D)3T T
61 Negative feedback in a closed-loop control system
A) reduce the overall gaj
B) reduce bandwidth
C) improve disturbance rejectio
D) reduce sensitivity to parameter variation
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NCL -Written test for the Post
of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, in reference to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET D
62 Reflex klystron a
A)Low power generator
B)High power oscillator B) NAER
LLow gain amplifier D)Not an oscillator
The Poynting vector measures
A) Power B) Energy A) RT B) t
CEnergy Density Power Density
64 Which one of the following modes has the highest D)Rfa TH
cut-off wavelength in a rectangular
A)TM1 BTMo1 A) TM11
C) TEo1 B) TMo1
C) TEo D) TE1o
65 If the maximum and minimum v6lages o f a i gTHRI
transmission line are 4V and 2V, respéctively for a | cI: 4V 3RCIS-A UR 3fYGH 3AR HAH aIreu
typical load VSWR is:
2V, aqs HHT fMy
A) 1.0
C) 0.5 A) 1.0 B) 0.5
C) 2.0 D) 4.0 C) 2.0 D) 4.0
An antenna above its critical frequency is-
A) Resistive B) Capacitive A ) A) fartes B) HTRa
C)Inductive D) Any of the above C) t
67 IEEE has defined the specifications for a wireless
LAN, called which covers the physical
and data link layers.
A) IEEE 802.3 B)IEEE 802.5 A) ATBE 802.3 B) 3T5SS 802.5
C)IEEE 803.11 IEEE 802.2 C) S 802.11 D) 3T 802.2
68 Which of the following is true regarding the aiumy tdY AAHffRaaH a I
A) You must have at least two VLANs defined in
every Cisco switched network.
B) All VLANs are configured at the fastest switch B) i duagua m HaN dU Ra r a i R fT
and, by default, propagate this information to HI 3dz, TA Auffkaayà H I 3
all other switches.
C) You should not have more than 10 switches in C) YT dci 3H1 10f i aA
the same VTP domain.
D) VTP is used to send VLAN information to | D) aetui a1G4T aieiu 3 Hfa ofpRaA
switches in a configured VTP domain.
69 Which of the folowing is wrong example of | fAercra RR T T I6RUI ?
Netwerk Layer? A) CRC HTeIEoT (T`u) ARPANET-

Internet Protocol (IP)- ARPANET B) X.25 Tc TT UEoiT (PLP) -1SO

B) X.25 Packet Level Protocol (PLP)-ISO
C) Source routing and domain naming-USENet D) X.25 Td 2-ISO
X.25 X.25 1level 2-ISO0
70 Which statement describes the IP address
A The subnet address is A) H YH
HTH HTH H E YGH B10.16.2.1
/ B)
B) The lowest host address in the subnet is |
C) The last valid host address in the subnet is

D) The broadcast address of the subnet is
020S D
E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET
NCL-Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, in reference to
Section B (Question no. 1-30) d*
YIRG co u d o
Which of the following schemes aims to provide | AutitdA AAfRH qUAI DI 3Ey
electricity to each and every household in India?
A. Sour Sujala Yojana
B.Saubhagya Scheme
C. Atal Bhujal Yojana
D. National LED Programme
Which among the following is
not Tiger
B. Kanha A. B. 1E
A. Pench C. ateaig
D. Palamu D.I
C. Bhandhavgarh
gold medals in just
3 Who won Five international
three weeks in 2019? B. fHI ZTY
B. Hima Das A. HTeT HTA
A. Sakshi Malik D.t. at. fiy
D. PV Sindhu
C. Deepika Kumari MPATGM RI E?
What is MPATGM?
anti-tank missile
A. India's indigenous
Multi-role Combat Aircraft
B. India's Advanced
Howitzer manufactured by L&<T
C. Self Propelled
D.None of the above
schemes aims to transform
5 Which of the following
India into a digitally empowered
society and knowledge
economy? B. 5RT 4RT
B. Skill India A. f3faca zfsuT
A. Digital India D. ETJY
C. Uddan Scheme D. Startup India

filled 6594 forms in 10 minutes,

6 If314 employees forms filled per minute by an
what is the number of
average employee?
B. 2.4 & 2.1 D. 2
B. 2.4 C. 2.1 D. 2 . 2.5 c z a H 2:35 K
A. 2.5
A, B and C in the ratio f 90 y A,B R
If Rs 90 is divided between

of 2:3:5. What is B's share? D. 27 A. 3 B.26 C.25 27

A. 3 B. 26 C.25
books is equal to the selling
the cost price of 15
8 If
the loss per cent is C24 25
price of 20 books, D. 25 A. 16 B. 20
A. 16 B. 20 C. 24 D.2 A3R BTHC
a piece of work
9 I f A and B together
can complete 20 f
in 20 days. In how many
in 15 days, and B alone 2 0

the work? D. 30
days can A alone complete D. 30 A. 60 B. 45 C.40
C. 40 ?
500 50% DT 5 %Tbd-
A. 60 B. 45
B.25 C. 1.25 D. 6.25
10 is 5% of 50% of 500?
What D. 6.25 Á. 12.5
B. 25 C. 1.25 HTGTDR0Ó Ty4 BI T I
A. 12.5
increased fromRs 630
to Rs 700. TH DI d 630 F
11 Ram's salary is
find the increase percent A10 1/9 % B.9 1/9 %
B. 9 1/9 %
A. 10 1/9 %
C. 11 1/9 % D. 121/9 %
C. 11 1/9 % D.12 1/9 % Bank's ease
is the position of India in the World cDI RITAGRI F?
12 What
of doing business 2020 report?
D. 62d A.63
C B.77 79 ai D. 62 ai V
A. 63d B.77th
aims to promote
13 Which of the following schemes institutions'?
infrastructure development in A. yTTRTSyaTs B. U13RUgHYST
NCL-Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, in reference to E.N. 466/10-07-2020,SET D

14 Which of the following is considered as India's uffaaÀ Jfad 4Ra auet ZTTUT-d HTAI GIT
coal capital?
A. Singrauli B.Talchar C. Dhanbad D. Korba A.TT B. ilTR D. NGT
15 Dhokra craft and bhitti chitra are the arts and craft Autiirda u N fH RTGT À TOI Ry 3iN f fEA
in which of the following states?
A. Jharkhand B. Chattisgarh A. RES B/UriHTG C.TS D.f4uH
C. Nagaland D. Mizoram
16 Which of the following states has an Elephant| Autada A tcHH RITq H FIP HEiHa H-TI GTAI
Festivalwhich includes a tug-of-war between fH H- 3R EIP a THTOR Et
humans and elephants? |A. aYT B.XTGTRTH
A.Kerala B.Rajasthan C.aT-HI D.3HI uR
C.Tamil Nadu D. Andhra Pradesh
17 Which of the following states does not fall under
Western Ghat?
A.Goa B. Maharashtra AtaT B. HERI
C.Karnataka D. Gujrat
18 NGT calls for coal audit in which of the State in
April 2019?
A. Meghalaya B. Bihar A.HETCT B. FGETR CIRTS Ó. 3iTG
C. Jharkhand D. Chhattisgarh
Which of the following states topped in Niti tct sraiT 2019 fXAI TUTEI aFT7
Ayog's School Education Quality Index in 2019?
A.West Bengal B. Kerala A. ufyy aT D. dcIHT
C. Karnataka D.Telangana
20 Which of the following cricket player scored three ufcT AÀ H fbe faarg Ays feat
double centuries in ODI cricket history?
A. Rohit Sharma B. Virat Kohli A. RiTET RIHT B. faRTE TErit
C. Sachin Tendulkar D. Ravi Shastri D.t TE
21 India is planning satellite surveillance of ships with 4RA AHlcirTA H T TDY T HTY TEI oI 3UUE
which of the following country?
A. France B. USA A. TH B.H D. TeicoT
C. Russia D. Sri Lanka
22 Which is the next number in the given series?
6, 15, 36, 75,? 6, 15,36, 75,?
A. 231 B. 138 C. 214 D. 216 A. 231 B. 138 C. 214 D. 216
i 3THA 17 12 q I Tt
23 The average age of a class of 40 students is 12 | 40 3TAT i T T
years. If the teacher's age is also included,
the | M4C5 co 37q 4i HMT i GTdi E, a Hd Ig
average age increases by one year. The teacher's h a To
TTI EI Mecyl ry fo-i ?
A. 52 6. 534
ageis D. 54 T
A. 52 years B. 53 years C. 51 q
C.51 years D. 54 years
24 A merchant sold an article for Rs 75 at a profit
percent equal to his cost price. The cost price of the Fyù H T T B. 50 q4
article was A45 Fy
D. Rs 60 C. 54 FT D. 60 34
A. Rs 45B.Rs50C.Rs 54
25 Zinc and copper are in the ratio of 5:3 in 200 g of| 200 UTHA UTg TkT
an alloy. how much grams copper be added to4UTa 3: 5
make the ratio as 3:5?
A. 133 1/3 B. 1/200 A. 133 1/3 B.1/200
O . 66
C. 72 D. 66 C. 72

Page 10 of 11
NCL-Written test for the Post of Assistant Foreman (E&T)(Trainee)Grade C, in reference to E.N. 46/10-07-2020,SETTD
A. Band Cworking alone. can do
piece of work ABsr c rs r 55dfeaad
i n 11 days. 20 days and 55 days, respectively. How f , 20 f
gy y r
f a a I uA 8 r c
soon can the work be done if A is assisted by B and | EIRT aTNÍ aTi AHETaI 7} urdi d, a foaAI RîH T4
Con alternate days?
A. 7 days B.8 days C.9 days D. 10 days A. 7f B8 f C. 9 fa D. 10 f
Seven men can complete a picce of work in 12 HTT YTY 12-T VE TT YEI 4d18 fT
days. How many additional men will be required to | qTAT T TRI fAy foaa 3fafraa ysu 51
complete double the work in 8 days?
A. 28 B.21 C.14 D.7 A.28 B. 21 C. 14 D.7
28A train of length 150 m takes 40.5 seconds to cross 300 Hte TaT I YR DA fey Hter daa
a tunnel of length 300 The speed of the train (in
kmph) is
1505140.5 HbS I HHU TTAI EI ia
A. 13.33 B. 26.67 C. 40
D. 400 A. 13.33 B. 26.67 C. 40 D.400
A goes on a picnic trip and meets a women B who A fuw-i5 teU r TII HN Y HfTT B AATAI
is the sister of A's wife. how is B related to A?
A. Sister B. Sister-in-law
C. Brother D. Brother-in-law C. H D.CR _
3 Which fraction is thelargest?
A. 1/2 B. 4/5 C. 5/8 D. 7/10 A. 1/2 B.4/5 C.5/8 D.7/10


3 x 4

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