Words From The General Grand East: Dear Companions

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Words from the General Grand East November 2021

Dear Companions,
Sir Michael Costa, the celebrated conductor, was holding a rehearsal. As the
mighty chorus rang out, accompanied by scores of instruments, the piccolo player -
- a little pint-sized flute -- thinking perhaps that his contribution would not be
missed amid so much music, stopped playing.

Suddenly, the great leader stopped and cried out, 'Where is the piccolo?'

The sound of that one small instrument was necessary to the harmony, and the
master conductor missed it when it dropped out. The point? To the conductor there
are no insignificant instruments in an orchestra. Sometimes the smallest and seem-
ingly least important one can make the greatest contribution and even if it doesn’t
seem to make that big a difference to the audience at large, the conductor knows it
right away!

In your Royal Arch Chapter the players and the instruments are diverse — dif-
ferent sizes, different shapes, different notes, different roles to play. But like
the piccolo player in Sir Michael’s orchestra, we often in our own sovereignty
decide that our contribution is not significant. Our contribution couldn't possibly
make a difference. And so we quit playing. Stop doing that which we’ve been
given to do. We drop out. But it’s noticeable. From our perspective, our contri-
bution may be small, but it is crucial.

I just have to believe I’m writing to some piccolo players today, who have
dropped out of the orchestra, for whatever reasons. Convinced that your contri-
bution doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the bigger scheme of things. We have
buried our talent in the ground.

For all piccolos who won’t play, or at least aren’t playing, I encourage you to
return, get active and involved, volunteer. Your Chapter is depending on you.

Steven Tiner,
General Grand High Priest,
General Grand Chapter
Royal Arch Masons International
James Knox Polk is Born
James Knox Polk was an American politician and the 11th President of the United States.

Polk was born on November 2nd, 1795 in Pineville, North Carolina. In 1806, his family
moved to the Duck River area of Tennessee. The family prospered in Tennessee when
Polk's father became a land speculator and a county judge. In 1812, Polk had a health
scare and was forced to have surgery to remove urinary stones. During the surgery the
only anesthetic was brandy and Polk was awake during the entire surgery. Prior to the
surgery Polk was home schooled. After he recovered in 1813, he enrolled in the Zion
Church. Later he attended an academy in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. In 1816 he trans-
ferred to the University of North Carolina where he graduated. It was in college he
sharpened his oratory skills which served him in his later political career.

In 1819, Polk was elected clerk for the Tennessee State Senate. In 1820 he was admit-
ted to the bar. His first case was the defense of his father he had been arrested for pub-
lic fighting. Polk's practice took off due to the number of people in debt due to the Panic of 1819.

In 1822, Polk joined the Tennessee Militia. He was later promoted to colonel and put on the Governor's staff. From that point on Polk
was referred to by his military rank or as the "Napoleon of the Stump" for his oratory skills.

In 1825, Polk ran successfully for the United States of House of Representatives. He was seated at the age of 29, which some felt was
too young to be seated in the House of Representatives. He ran for reelection in 1827. The following year, Polk's mentor and political
ally, Andrew Jackson ran successfully a second time for the President of the United States. Polk began to support Jackson's agenda in

In 1834, Polk ran, unsuccessfully for the Speaker of the House. He ran again the following year and was elected as Speaker. He contin-
ued to support Jackson's and then Van Buren's policies during their respective presidencies. Polk became the only person to date in Unit-
ed States history to be elected as the Speaker of the House and President of the United States.

In 1838, Polk left Congress to run for Governor of Tennessee, which he did successfully. He served only one term as Governor and ran
two more times being defeated both times..

During Polk's one term as President he had four agenda items. Reestablish the Independent Treasury System, reduce tariffs, acquire
some or all of the Oregon territory (it was partly controlled by Great Britain) and acquire California and New Mexico from Mexico. He
accomplished all four items on his agenda in his single four year term. Although the Oregon territory and the annexation of Texas were
controversial mostly due to the issue of slavery. Polk was accused of being an instrument of the "Slave Power".

Polk passed away on June 15th, 1848 at the age of 53. He had the shortest retirement of any United States President to date, which is
103 days. He is also one of only six United States Presidents who passed away while their successor was in office.

Polk was a member of Columbia Lodge No. 31 in Tennessee.

November 22nd On this date in 1991, Jerry
Marsengill was killed in an automobile
accident. He was a very active Freema-
son, editor of the Philalethes magazine,
the Royal Arch Mason magazine, and
Past President of the Philalethes Society.

November 25th On this date in

1813, the Articles of Union
of the United Grand Lodge
of England were signed

November 28th On
this date in 1911, Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt (U.S.
President 1933-1945) re-
ceived his 3rd degree.

Did you know we have a Facebook page? Please come check it out.

General Grand Chapter now has it's own, registered Tartan that is
being made available in Kilt form to all Royal Arch Masons. There
are accessories available and, after the initial Kilt order, there will
be other items as well. Please go to https://ggcrami-kilts.com for
more information and to order.

This effort is starting like a kickstart campaign. We need 26 kilt or-

ders to get the process started, Once we get the initial orders, we'll
be able to offer ties, vests and other tartan items.
Again, the link for the webpage is https://ggcrami-kilts.com

If you have any questions after reviewing the page,

please message Rod Waggoner, PGHP, Arizona.
Fielding questions about the Rite?

Founded in 1797, in Boston, Massachusetts, as a national organization, the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons,
International now has jurisdiction over half the 7,000 Chapters in the world, including several provinces in Canada, the
Grand Chapters of USA, Philippines, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and many chapters in Central and South America.
Upon your exaltation as a Royal Arch Mason you will become a member of the oldest and largest rite of Royal Arch Ma-


One of the most fascinating aspects of Royal Arch Masonry has always been how so many men, from so many different
walks of life, can meet together in peace, never have any political or religious debates, always conduct their affairs in
harmony and friendship, and call each other brother. No Rite of Freemasonry covers the world so much as does Royal
Arch Masonry. In every country of the earth, on every continent and on many isles of the sea, Will be found Royal Arch
Chapters, eager and willing to receive their companions from other parts of the world into that full fellowship that char-
acterizes Royal Arch Masonry.


All Royal Arch Masons believe in one God and in respect for each other.


Royal Arch Masonry contains some simple, plain statements of Truth, easily understandable and helpful in our relation to
life. Lodge symbolism deals with lessons of the material side of life. The Chapter degrees, and particularly the Royal
Arch, deal with the spiritual side of life. Upon your exaltation as a Royal Arch Mason you will become a member of the
oldest and largest rite of Freemasonry. QUALIFICATIONS Royal Arch Masonry is the logical step for every Master Mason
to take. If after becoming a Royal Arch Mason, you desire to continue your studies, you may take the Council Degrees
and the Commandery Orders, both of which are illustrative of and carry forward the principles of the Royal Arch. Any
Royal Arch Macon will eagerly propose your name as a candidate for the advancement in the mysteries of Freemasonry.


Anyone seeking Membership in the Royal Arch must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation and place of residence.
Members of the Chapter vote by ballot. To be accepted, the ballot must be unanimous.


What has attracted so many Brethren to seek further light in Royal Arch Mason-
ry?? The Royal Arch Degrees was considered most important in the early years of
Freemasonry and so dogmatic was the Mother Grand Lodge - from which all
Speculative Masonry derives - that in 1813, when the two grand lodges in Eng-
land united, a firm and solemn landmark was adopted and placed in the Articles
of Union to guide Masons throughout the world forever on this matter: “Pure An-
cient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees, that of Entered Apprentice, Fel-
lowcraft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal
Arch.” The Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry consists of four degrees, Mark Master,
Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.
The Square
Brother Robert Morris based this poem on a Masonic legend
from the Holy Land where it is said that though the Earth was
built by the Gauge, Gavel, Plumb, Level and other working
tools. Heaven was built with the Square alone.

'Twas In Damascus on an April day; He took it up and with great reverence

In the bazars where pilgrims congregate raised it toward the Throne: “By this," he said,
I met an aged Mason on his head "The Heaven of Heavens in perfect order fell
The turban of Mohammed large and green; When God took out the Master's implements
In his right hand the mystic almond-rod From His own chest and built the Universe!
Such as wise Jacob bore, and Moses bore By this the radiant Throne - by this the Courts
When the Red Sea divided 'Neath his hand. of His own glory were constructed sure!
Mustapha was his name; tall, gaunt and gray, "Earth and the Stars were fashioned well by
Yet his black eye, undimmed, flashed into mine; These,
And his strong hand exchanged the mystic grip The Gavel, Trowel, Level, Line and Rule;
With sinewy force. The Lodge Celestial by the Square alone!"
He was my senior by some forty years, This was the legend that the Arab told.
And sixty years a Mason. He had thought I partly do believe it, for I see
More deeply than the most of the intent in this full angle and these perfect lines
Of Solomon's wise Imagery so quaint and old, what in no other working tool appears.
And how it makes its Impress on the soul.
I asked him which of all these emblems wise, And noting that you choose this honored type
That glorify our Trestle-Board, is best? To give your Lodge a name, I charge you now,
Which gives Divinest light? Which points to us Dear brethren, KEEP WITHIN IT! Do your work,
most surely, the great Master of the Craft? Your praise, your counsels to the listening Craft,
And oh, your daily walk before the world,
In quick reply, he laid that sinewy hand WITHIN THE SQUARE.
Upon the Square. It la my favorite type,
One that in thousand Lodges I have loved
To moralize upon-the Trying Square.
This Short Talk Bulletin was prepared by Worshipful Brother Walter J. Harmon, Past Master of Richmond Lodge No. 10,
Richmond, Virginia, a magician for more than 28 years, and an active member of "The Invisible Lodge."
The expression, "the magic of Free-masonry," takes on a different meaning when one realizes the great number of pro-
fessional and amateur magicians who are and have been members of the Ancient Craft. It was only natural that these
skilled performers of the art of producing baffling effects and illusions should band together to share their interests with
the Fraternity.
In the strictest sense of the word, Lodge, "the Invisible Lodge" is not a Lodge. It is an international organization of
Freemasons who also have as their vocation or avocation - MAGIC. The Invisible Lodge was formed in 1953 by Sir Felix
Korim of England, who served as the organization's first President. Member-ship in The Invisible Lodge has been ac-
corded to more than 800 selected Masons throughout the world, including such notable and well-known figures in the
world of magic as Black-stone, Okito, Ballentine, Levanto, McDonald Hirch and Jack Gwynne.
Joined by the common bond of magic, these Brethren who may be or have been professional entertainers, hobbyists,
collectors or students of both magic and Freemasonry, combine those interests to produce the organization known as
"The Invisible Lodge."
Just as the roots of Freemasonry are entrenched in antiquity, so are those of Magic. Magic is a word referring to the
craft of the magi. The magi were the priests of the ancient Medes and Persians. After the rise of Zoroaster, they be-
came the priests of the Zoroastrian religion. The ancient Greeks and Hebrews knew them as Astrologers, Interpreters of
Dreams, and givers of Omens. The reign of the priests was more than eight thousand years ago. Zoroaster is believed
to have lived about five thousand years before our era. He is said to have been an unusual child who was gifted to have
visions at an early age. Born in Azerbaijan in Northern Persia, he taught a belief in one God, the existence of the devil,
and the doctrine of immortality. It is alleged that these priests (the magi) predicted the birth of the Christ Child and
were the ones who brought him the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. As ruling monarchs, the priests were referred
to as "Kings of the Orient" and "the wise men."
There are certain similarities between the order of the Magi and Freemasonry which should be noted. The word, "Dao"
is Persian in origin. It signifies Light and Wisdom and is the forerunner of the word Deity (Bright One). Fire or light was
used in the rituals of the magi to symbolize intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. It is recorded that during the initiation,
the Arch Magus sat upon a throne of gold in the East.
The established dates of the reign of the Magi was five thousand years before the Trojan War, which took place in 1200
B.C. King Solomon began his temple in 966 B.C. This gives room for interesting speculation.
The Magi were Kings, Priests, Lawyers,
Engineers, etc. In essence, they embodied most of the knowledge of their time, earning the respect of the people. It is
the hypothesis of some historians that the Magi even possessed knowledge that has since been lost to man and that
they possessed powers that would seem awesome to us even today.
Always in history there have been those who sought knowledge for knowledge's sake and those who sought to use it to
manipulate and enslave the less informed. As the knowledge of those ancient wise ones became the specializations of
medicine, law, astronomy, and philosophy, there were those who specialized in those little known principles of the mira-
cle worker and became just that. These individuals, whether in quest for power or riches, formed a special priesthood
that manipulated the ignorant and robbed the credulous.
Magic has passed through many forms and many lands until today it is deception for the purpose of entertainment with
the trappings and refinements of those lands.
Masonry, in its language and ritual, retains much of the various sects and institutions it passed through before arriving
at its present state.
In Masonry, as in Magic, we meet with Chaldean, Indian, Egyptian, Jewish, and Christian symbols and ideas.
It is little wonder then that at some time in history a group of men with an interest in both Magic and Masonry would
form an organization that would embody the two as its focus.
Many Masons are surprised to find that many of the Great Magicians, whose names are familiar, and many others were
active Masons and active in the various appendant bodies. Many could and did tell interesting anecdotes about their
Masonic experiences. One of those deals with Brother Harry Keller, famous for the floating lady illusion which he intro-
duced in this country. Brother Keller was shipwrecked in the Bay of Biscay and his Blue Lodge diploma went to the bot-
tom of the sea. It was later recovered by divers who brought up baggage from the sunken steamer. He later remarked
it had been viewed by Grand Master Neptune and returned.
Membership in the Invisible Lodge is limited to those persons interested in Magic, who have been raised to the Sublime
Degree of Master Mason. The publication of the Invisible Lodge is called the "Trestle Board" and is published quarterly,
giving information on the Masonic and Magical activities of the members.
The annual stated meeting of the Invisible Lodge is held in conjunction with the Colum-bus, Ohio Magic Fest. The date
and time are announced annually. Additional meetings are held at the National Conventions of the International Broth-
erhood of Magicians and The Society of American Magicians as well as recognized Regional Conventions.
The Invisible Lodge publishes Bert Douglas' book, "Masonic Magic," which is the sole work devoted to presentation of
Magic with a Masonic interpretation.
Members are encouraged to participate in Masonic education programs by using their Magic abilities and skills to illus-
trate the under-lying principles of Masonic philosophy, as well as providing entertainment within the Fraternity. They
are further urged to labor in the non-magical areas by the Invisible Lodge's award system.
The first of these, the ZB Award, so named after the second president of the Invisible Lodge, Dr. Zina Bennett, is a cer-
tificate presented to any member who gives a total of five certified gratis performances for the residents of a Masonic
Orphanage, Masonic Home for the Aged, or the patients of a Shrine Hospital. Another award of the Invisible Lodge is
the Masters Award, consisting of a certificate and wand presented to a Brother who has received the coveted 33 Degree
of the Scottish Rite. Another award is presented annually, known as the Harvey Award, based on the traditional invisible
rabbit, to a Brother who has served the Invisible Lodge or Masonry with distinction.
Membership in the Invisible Lodge is not necessary to be a recipient.
The meetings of the Invisible Lodge are held at midnight, with a special
ritual prepared for it that combine the elements of Masonry and Magic.
At these meetings, honors are given to both the oldest and youngest
members present.
Probably the most singular important lesson to be learned by the aver-
age Mason from the Invisible Lodge is that all of the great Magicians saw
fit to give a certain amount of their time to Masonry and with their travel
and exposure to the blandishments of the world felt that this brother-
hood was of value.
Another lesson lies in the origins of both Masonry and Magic. Rooted and
entwined in antiquity as both are, the mystical qualities of both manifest
themselves in our inner feelings and convince us of the lasting value of
In our hurried view of the history, we made mention of knowledge that
was lost. Of course this came about as the result of persecution of both
the thinking individual and the organizations to which they belonged, by
those who would bend mankind to a life of superstitious slavery. The
individual Mason cannot and should not lose sight of the sacrifices of our
predecessors and our debt to them to preserve our ways and customs in
their entirety and guard them against exploitation by the politically ambi-

President J.R. Knight P.M.


Chapter Name Chapter# Location—City & State

Amount of Donation Special Instructions, if any

Number of Chapter Members

Secretary / Donors Names

Street Address

City State Zip

Certificate Yes or No ______________ It is understood that not everyone wishes to receive a

Diamond Pin Yes or No _____________ certificate, or even a Keystone or Diamond Pin. This saves us

Red Certificate—Donation of $25.00 or more money for certificates and mailing. However, if you do desire to

Silver Certificate—Donation of $50.00 or more receive one, please let us know as we are happy to obliged.

Gold Certificate—Donation of $100.00 or more !!!!! If not indicated, no certificate or Pin will be sent!!!!!

100% Certificate—requires at least $1.00 per member

RARA Keystone Pin—Donation of $300.00

RARA Diamond Pin—Donation of $500.00 for each diamond

If you already have a Diamond Pin, you must return it to the General Grand Secretary’s Office to have a diamond added !!

To ensure proper credit, please fill out all areas and either type or PRINT NEATLY
Mail completed form to Royal Arch Research Assistance, c/o J. William Riggs, P.O. Box 1040 Bardstown, KY 40004-1040
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International
The Mission Statement of General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International, with a heritage of over 200 years, is to offer
services and support to its Subordinate and Grand Chapters throughout the world in fulfilling the goals of Capitular Masonry by:

-providing a source of, and administration for, the rituals of the four degrees of the American Royal Arch system.
-Assisting in the creation and chartering of new Subordinate and Grand Chapters throughout the world while maintaining our tradi-
tional standards.
-Being the primary source for developmental information concerning the formation of a Royal Arch Masons Chapter or Grand Chap-
-Providing a means of communication, liaison and interaction for our member Chapters and Grand Chapters worldwide.
-Supporting and encouraging York Rite unity around the world in harmony with regular Grand Lodges, the General Grand Council
and Grand Encampment.
-Recognizing achievement and service.
-Helping member Chapters and Grand Chapters to fulfill the obligation of all Royal Arch Masons to spread further light in Masonry.
-Promoting the progress of the Royal Craft, disseminating true Masonic knowledge, inspiring interest, and encouraging Blue Lodge
Masons to pursue their search for Light and Truth to its logical conclusion through the degrees of Capitular Masonry
-Organizing a Triennial Convocation for all member Chapters and Grand Chapters to express their concerns, offer programs, legis-
late and elect officers for the next three years.
-Representing Royal Arch Masonry to the world in its highest tradition and heritage.


-To uphold and support the Mission Statement of the General Grand Chapter.
-To take all reasonable steps to secure membership of those Grand Chapters in North America which are not currently members of
General Grand Chapter.
-To retain all existing members, helping them become true and zealous disciples of Royal Arch Masonry and not mere wearers of
-To respond to requests and to encourage development of the American Royal Arch system in foreign lands especially Eastern Eu-
rope, Latin America and Africa.
-To maximize our communication efforts through enhanced development of the Royal Arch magazine into the internet world and to
maintain an electronic newsletter which serves as a method of instruction to supplement the ceremonies and lectures of the de-
-To live and work together in a devoted team spirit ith the aim of promoting better education among Royal Arch Masons.
-To be the most useful and effective unit in the entire Fraternity in promoting the progress of Royal Arch Masonry among our mem-
ber Grand Chapters through Regional Deputies and Ambassadors with duties and responsibilities to and from the General Grand
Chapter to be visible as a support and a link.

Royal Arch Mason Magazine

Regular Subscription
Life Subscriptions
1 YEAR ............................$ 10.00
3 YEARS...........................$ 25.00
5 YEARS...........................$ 40.00
LIFE ..................................$ 150.00
PLEASE PRINT: NAME: _________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ______________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________
AMOUNT PAID: $ ___________ (_____) NEW (_____)
RENEWEL MAIL TO: Royal Arch Mason, P.O. Box 205, Maxwell, IN 46154
THE ROYAL ARCH MASON has no paid solicitors
The General Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons International

Larry Gray, PGHP, General Grand Secretary Send articles in electronic format to the Editor at
P.O. Box 128
parallaax@comcast.net . We reserve the right to de-
termine suitability for publication, to exclude con-
Greenfield, Indiana 46140-0128 tent at the discretion of the Editor, and to perform
Phone: 317-467-3600 reasonable edits to any article submitted to better
FAX: 317-467-3899
suit the purposes of the General Grand Chapter.
Email: ramintl@sbcglobal.net DEADLINE 25th of each Month for submissions

We will publish submitted photographs as

deemed appropriate by the Editor. We reserve
the right to crop and/or digitally enhance such
photographs as we deem necessary. Digital im-
ages (JPEG) are preferred. Submitted print pho-
tographs may be published, if in the sole opin-
ion of the Editor, the scanned image is of suita-
ble quality. Submitted photos will be credited to
the submitter. If taken by someone else, please
provide proper credit. Also, PLEASE identify
the individuals and event in the photos.

Mailing List

We do not sell, rent or otherwise disclose our

mailing list to any third party.


Published articles and letters do not necessarily

reflect the opinions or policies of the General
Grand Chapter International, or the Editor.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
what we publish, and that we have rights to the
material we use. Please notify the Editor if you
have concerns about accuracy or copyright is-

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