Pendulum Experiment: Scientific Investigation

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Scientific Investigation
Statement of the Research Problem
Investigating the effect of the change in length in
the number of swings of a pendulum
Formulating Hypothesis
The length of the pendulum affects the
number of swings it can produce
Independent and Dependent Variables:

Independent Variables: Dependent Variables:

-Length of the -Number of swings
a. Pendulum set-up in which the length can be varied
b. Measuring tape or ruler
c. Timer
a. Set-up the pendulum
b. Start the 20cm as the first length of the pendulum
c. Suspend the bottom of the pendulum from the highest point which is
aligned to where it is attached. Set the timer to one minute .
d. Once you release the pendulum, count the number of complete
swings (back and forth) it will make for one minute.
e. For the second length, increase it to 40cm. Suspend the bottom of the
pendulum to the same point done in the first length. Set the timer to
one minute and count the complete swings.
f. For the third length, increase it to 60cm. Do the same procedure of
counting the number of complete swings.

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