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(Matthew 5:1-12)

November 1 2020


The saints seem to be at peace no matter what their circumstances are. They seem to have an
inner strength that you also might be longing for at this tumultuous political season. They had
an inner strength that kept them true no matter what was going on in their life. The lives of the
saints are filled with both wonderful moments of happiness and sometimes great persecution.
Yet they always seem to be at peace. That inner source of peace and happiness is our goal. Our
lord does not call just special people to be saints. He calls everyone to be one. Everyone can
begin the path to sainthood no matter what has gone on before as well. Your past is not a
burden at all since Our Lord will always provide the forgiveness, grace, and strength you need to
start anew. All you have to do is ask for it. Then you will live in a way that His light will shine
through you to others. 

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