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Viết lại hay cải thiện giáo án nói trên cho phù hợp hơn với yêu cầu của
Chương trình GDPT 2018.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh khối lớp 4 năm học 2020-2021

Week: 7th Date of preparing: 20/10/2020

Period: 25th. Date of teaching: 21/10/2020
UNIT 5: Can You Swim?
Lesson 1 - 1 , 2
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to :
1/ Knowledge:
- Ask and answer questions about what someone can do.
- Sentence patterns: “Can you swim? - I can __________.”
- Vocabularies : dance, sing, skip, skate, cook, swim.
2/ Skills:
- Practice listening and reading skills.
3/ Attitude/ Quality:
- Be confident in communicating with friends/ teachers.
- Show pride and love to your hometown and respects to other’s hometown.
4/ Forming competence:
- Co-operation (ready to help friends in pair work/ groupwork).
- Self-study ( can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves).
- Use language to talk about what a village/ town/ city is like.
II/ Teaching aids:
Teacher book, Audio (unit5- lesson1,page 30), Flashcards of Activities (dance,
sing, skip, skate, cook, swim.) and a picture of a cat, 4 large pictures of Activities
1(page 30), 3 role-play hats of Phong, Mai, Nam, and 15 handouts of Sentence
patterns: “Can you swim? - I can __________.”.
III. Methods:
- Communicative Language Teaching, Teaching (CLT), Total Physical Response
(TPR),Instruction Checking Question (ICQs), teaching methods with game,
teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing, discussion, group
work, pair work, role-play.
IV. Procedures:

Content Teacher’s activities Student’ activities

I/Warm-up: Objective: welcoming/ lead in/ review
(5’) Procedure:
- Greeting -Greeting and ansawer.
- Checking for the students' attendance. - Whole class sing the song.
-Have Ps to sing the song “Can you
Objective: provide the Ps the necessary
II/New lesson: information before the new lesson.
(25’) Procedure:
1.Pre-teach: Vocabulary:
(7’) 1/dance: múa, khiêu vũ( Mime and - Listen
anecdotes) - Repeat
2/sing: hát( Mime and anecdotes) - Copy down.
3/skip: nhảy dây( Mime and anecdotes)
4/skate: trượt băng(Visuals and realia)
5/cook: nấu ăn(Visuals and realia)
6/swim: bơi( Mime and anecdotes)
Checking vocabulary:
Game: “Simon says:….”

Objective:- Identify the situation for the

Activity 1: conversation between Nam, Phong and
1. Look, listen Mai.
and repeat. - Role play.
(8’) Procedure:
- Tell they are going to read a story in - Listen the T.
which pS ask and answer questions about
what they can or cannot do.
- Ask them look at the four pictures to - Look at the 4 pictures and
identify the characters(Mai, Phong and identify Mai, Phong and Nam.
Nam) and the context in which the some Ps answer the questions.
language is used. Ask them questions such
as: “Where are they? What are they
- Explain the meaning of the phrases can - Listen to the T.
and can’t. Check comprehension.
- Play the recording a few times for Ps to - Listen to the recording. Do ch
listen and repeat. Do choral and individual and individual repetition, pointi
repetition, pointing to the characters to the characters speaking.

- Play the recording again for them to listen - Listen and repeat again.
and repeat.
-Set the time limit for PS practice the - practice the dialogue in pairs.
dialogue in pairs.
-Role-play: invite some pairs to perform - some pairs to perform the
the dialogue in front of the class. dialogue in front of the class. T
others give comments.
-Give comments. -Listen

Objective:- Conduct a dialogue to explain

Activity 2:
how to say what they can or cannot do by
2.Point and say
using the Sentence patterns: “Can you
swim? - I can __________.” And using the
vocabularies : , skip, skate, cook, swim.
- Role-play
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice - Listen to the T.
asking and answering the question about
what someone can do.
- Have them look at the bubbles to
understand how to use the language. Ask - look at the pictures and read t
Ps to look at the 4 pictures a,b,c and d to speech bubbles.
identify what the girl can do in each
- Point to the first picture and model the - Look at the 4 picture and liste
task with one P, using the expression in the answer chorally.
bubbles and the word under the picture.
( Teacher: What can you do? Pupil: I can - to say the question and answe
skip.). Ask Ps to say the question and chorally and individually. Repe
answer chorally and individually. Repeat the same procedure with the res
the same procedure with the rest of the the pictures.
-Ask Ps to practice in pairs, using the - Practice in pairs.
prompt in the bubbles and the pictures.
- Select some pairs to role-play the -Watch and give comments.
dialogue in front of the class. Monitor the
activity and offer help, if necessary.
- Check and correct pronunciation. -check
Activity 3: Objective:- to practice asking and
Work in pairs. answering the question about what Ps can
Tell your do with facts about themselves. Using
partners what “Can you swim?
you can do. I can __________.”
(5’) - role-play.
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice - Listen to the T.
asking and answering the question about
what someone can do. Using
“Can you swim?
I can __________.”
- Ask to work in pairs: one P asks the - work in pairs: one P asks the
question and the other answers with facts question and the other answers
about themselves. with facts about themselves.
- Monitor the activity and offer help, if - check and listen.
- Select some pairs of Ps to role-play in -Watch and give comments
front of the class.
- To extend this activity, ask them to say - Say something they cannot do
something they cannot do.
- Check with the class and give comments. -check
Objective:- to check how the Ps can use
the phrases.
III. Wrap up “Can you swim?
and assigments I can __________.”
(5’) - play game.
Sum up activity
- Ask some ps about what they can or - Some Ps answer.
cannot do.
- Invite 3 Ps to play the game. - Watch and give commen
*Game: “ Reorder the sentences”
- Tell Ps that they are going to play a game.
- show how to play the game.
- invite some Ps to play the game.
- Check with the class and give comments.
1/ a /cat /I /can/.
2/ can/ you/ what/ do/ ?
3/ can’t/ I /skate/.
-Encourage Ps to play Sports -Listen to the T.
-Explain the useful of sport and music
- Ask Ps to practice the part 1 and 2 at - Listen to the T.
Core value of - Prepare the next lesson.
the lesson: - Do exercise A in the workbook.

Experience after teaching the lesson:

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