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Talanta 53 (2001) 771 – 782

Supercritical fluid extraction in herbal and natural product

studies — a practical review
Qingyong Lang, Chien M. Wai *
Department of Chemistry, Uni6ersity of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844 -2343, USA

Received 26 June 2000; accepted 10 August 2000


Due to increasingly stringent environmental regulations, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) has gained wide
acceptance in recent years as an alternative to conventional solvent extraction for separation of organic compounds
in many analytical and industrial processes. In the past decade, SFE has been applied successfully to the extraction
of a variety of organic compounds from herbs and other plants. This review article presents the practical aspects of
SFE applications in sample preparation, selection of modifiers, collection methods, on-line coupling techniques,
means for avoiding mechanical problems, and approaches to optimization of SFE conditions. SFE can also be used
to clean up pesticides from herb medicines. SFE processes can be modeled to acquire useful information for better
understanding of the extraction, mechanisms and optimization of the extraction procedures. With increasing public
interest in natural products, SFE may become a standard extraction technique for studying herbal, food and
agricultural samples. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: SFE; Review; Herbal; Natural product; Modifier; Pesticide; On-line coupling

1. Introduction one of the most interesting and active research

areas. Clinical tests have indicated that certain
With the fast development of modern chro- herbal plants do contain pharmacologically active
matographic and spectroscopic techniques, the ingredients that are effective for treating some
chemistry of natural products has made great difficult diseases. For example, taxol, a diter-
progress during the past decades [1]. With better penoid isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew
understanding of natural products, an increasing tree, showed promising results for the treatment
number of people has become interested in study- of ovarian, breast, lung and skin cancers [5–7].
ing the active natural products as medicines [2], as Since pharmacologically active compounds in
food additives [3] or as natural pesticides [4]. The herbal plants usually are in low concentrations, a
pharmaceutical studies of natural products are great deal of research has been done to develop
more effective and selective extraction methods
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1-208-8856173. for recovery of these compounds from the raw
E-mail address: (C.M. Wai). materials. For conventional extraction methods

0039-9140/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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772 Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782

such as hydrodistillation (steam distillation) and extraction time could be reduced from hours or
solvent extraction, there are few adjustable days in a liquid–solid extraction (L–S) to a few
parameters to control the selectivity of the extrac- tens of minutes in SFE [16–19]. (2) In SFE, a
tion processes. Therefore, developing alternative fresh fluid is continuously forced to flow through
extraction techniques with better selectivity and the samples; therefore, it can provide quantitative
efficiency are highly desirable. Consequently, su- or complete extraction [20]. (3) In SFE, the solva-
percritical fluid extraction (SFE) as an environ- tion power of the fluid can be manipulated by
mentally responsible and efficient extraction changing pressure (P) and/or temperature (T);
technique for solid materials was introduced and therefore, it may achieve a remarkably high selec-
extensively studied for separation of active com- tivity. This tunable solvation power of SFs is
pounds from herbs and other plants [8]. particularly useful for the extraction of complex
The high solvation power of supercritical fluids samples such as plant materials [21]. One good
(SF) was first reported over a century ago [9]. example is the selective extraction of a vindoline
Demonstration of SFE technology for industrial component from among more than 100 alkaloid
applications was reported by Zosel at the Max compounds from the leaves of Catharanthus
Planck Institute for Kohlemforschung in 1969 roseus [22]. (4) Solutes dissolved in supercritical
[10]. In recent years, SFE has received a great deal CO2 can be easily separated by depressurization.
of attention as the full potential of this technology Therefore, SFE can eliminate the sample concen-
in analytical applications has begun to emerge tration process, which usually is time-consuming
[11–13]. Today, SFE has become an acceptable and often results in loss of volatile components
extraction technique used in many areas. SFE of [18]. (5) SFE usually is performed at low tempera-
active natural products from herbal, or more gen- tures, so it may be an ideal technique to study
erally, from plant materials has become one of the thermally labile compounds [23–25] and may lead
most important application areas [14,15]. With to the discovery of new natural compounds [26].
the increasing public interest in herbal medicines For example, when SFE was used to extract gin-
and natural products, numerous SFE-related re- ger, many undesirable reactions such as hydroly-
search papers in herbal or natural product studies sis, oxidation, degradation and rearrangement
have been published in recent years. In this arti- could be effectively prevented. Therefore, the
cle, a practical review of the recent development common difficulties for quality assessment in clas-
in this area will be presented and some of the sical hydrodistillation could be avoided in SFE
interesting research results published within the [27]. (6) Compared with the 20–100 g of samples
last decade will be discussed. typically required in L–S methods, as little as
0.5–1.5 g of samples are needed in SFE methods
[18,28,29]. It has been reported that from only 1.5
2. Major advantages of SFE technique g of fresh plant samples, more than 100 volatile
and semi-volatile compounds could be extracted
Because SFE has several distinct properties, it is and detected by gas chromatography (GC)–mass
regarded as a promising alternative technique to spectroscopy (MS), of which more than 80 com-
conventional solvent extraction methods. Some of pounds were in sufficient quantity for accurate
its major advantages are summarized as follows. quantifications [18]. (7) SFE uses no or signifi-
(1) SFs have relatively lower viscosity and higher cantly less environmentally hostile organic sol-
diffusivity (the diffusivity for SFs is  10 − 4 cm2 vents. A SFE method may need no or only a few
s − 1 and for liquid solvents is 10 − 5 cm2 s − 1). milliliters of an organic solvent while a typical
Therefore, it can penetrate into porous solid ma- L–S extraction method would require tens to
terials more effectively than liquid solvents and, hundreds of milliliters [16,30]. (8) SFE may allow
consequently, it may render much faster mass direct coupling with a chromatographic method,
transfer resulting in faster extractions. For in- which can be a useful means to extract and di-
stance, with comparable or better recoveries, the rectly quantify highly volatile compounds [31–
Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782 773

34]. (9) In large scale SFE processes, the fluid, Water as SF material has been reported by
usually CO2, can be recycled or reused thus mini- Bröll et al. [38] and mainly used as a reaction
mizes waste generation. (10) SFE can be applied medium. Superheated water (water under pressure
to systems of different scales, for instance, from and above 100°C but below its Tc of 374°C) has
analytical scale (less than a gram to a few grams been used for extraction of herbal samples [39–
of samples), to preparative scale (several hundred 41]. Although superheated water has certain ad-
grams of samples) [26], to pilot plant scale (kilo- vantages such as higher extraction ability for
grams of samples) [21] and up to large industrial polar compounds, it is not suitable for thermally
scale (tons of raw materials, such as SFE of coffee labile compounds. If oxygen was not carefully
beans) [35]. purged, water at high temperature can be corro-
In addition to the advantages mentioned above, sive and might cause damage to extraction vessels
another distinguished advantage of SFE over con- [39]. Therefore, in this article we will not include
ventional methods is that SFE can provide more supercritical water and superheated water
information pertaining to the extraction processes extractions.
and mechanisms. One can use such information to The application of modifiers probably is the
quantitatively assess or evaluate the extraction simplest yet the most effective way to obtain a
efficiency and then optimize the process accord- desired polarity of CO2-based fluids. By selecting
ingly. This will be discussed in more detail later. a modifier or just simply changing the molar ratio
of a modifier, one can readily manipulate the
properties of the fluids. Usually, addition of a
small amount of a liquid modifier can enhance
3. Fluid materials and modifiers significantly the extraction efficiency and, conse-
quently, reduce the extraction time. For example,
Of all the gases and liquids studied, CO2 re- to extract essential oils from aromatic plants,
mains the most commonly used fluid for SFE addition of only 0.5 ml of CH2Cl2 to 500 mg
applications because of its low critical constants sample in a 2.5-ml SFE cell would reduce the
(Tc = 31.1°C; Pc =72.8 atm), its non-toxic and extraction time from 90 to 30 min, while the
non-flammable properties, and its availability in extraction efficiency was consistent with that ob-
high purity with low cost. Supercritical CO2 has tained in 4 h of hydrodistillation [28].
good solvent properties for extraction of non-po- At least 17 modifiers have been studied in SFE
lar compounds such as hydrocarbons, while its of natural products [8]. Among all the modifiers,
large quadrupole moment also enables it to dis- methanol is the most commonly used because it is
solve some moderately polar compounds such as an effective polar modifier and is up to 20%
alcohols, esters, aldehydes and ketones. miscible with CO2. It was believed that high per-
In order to extract polar compounds, polar SF centages of methanol could disrupt the bonding
materials should be considered. Two such polar between the solutes and plant matrices [42]. Etha-
materials that have been successfully used for SFE nol, though not as polar as methanol, may be a
of polar compounds from plant samples are better choice in SFE of natural products because
Freon-22 (chlorodifluoromethane) [36,37] and ni- of its lower toxicity. Several reports have success-
trous oxide (N2O) [6]. The former was used for fully employed ethanol as a modifier in SFE of a
extraction of free carboxylic acids and steroid variety of organic compounds from plants
compounds, while the latter for extraction of [6,16,43,44]. An interesting finding was that etha-
taxol. However, their application is limited due to nol was a more effective modifier for SFE of
their unfavorable properties with respect to safety linuroon, while methanol was better for SFE of
and environmental considerations. Nitrous oxide diuron from plant materials [16].
can cause explosion and Freon-22 is no longer Depending on the properties of the samples and
available commercially because of its ozone deple- the desired compounds, the best modifier usually
tion effect in the upper atmosphere. can be determined based on preliminary experi-
774 Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782

mental results. For instance, in SFE of phenolic ture was sufficient to increase the solubility power
acids, methanol was a much more effective of the mixture fluid to its maximum extent [48].
modifier than acetonitrile, acetone, water or Miyachi et al. [49] also used water as a modifier to
dichloromethane [45]. In SFE of paclitaxel and extract a lignan (1-hydroxypinoresinol) from
baccatin III, among methanol, ethyl acetate, Fraxinus japonica and other Fraxinus species.
dichloromethane and diethyl ether, A mixture of methanol and water could also be
dichloromethane was the most effective one for employed as modifier. In SFE of flavonoids
paclitaxel but diethyl ether was the best for bac- (baicalin, baicalein and wogonin) from Scutellaria
catin III [7]. In another report, 4% of methanol or radix, Lin et al. [50] observed that, for 1 g of
chloroform did not result in any improvement on sample, adding 3 ml of 70% methanol
the recovery of santonin (a sesquiterpene lactone), (methanol:water, 70:30) in 20 ml of CO2 gave
but 4% of acetonitrile could increase the recovery much better extraction than pure methanol. This
from 38 to 85%, while water-saturated CO2 could might be explained that 30% of water would
further increase the recovery to 92% [33]. further increase the polarity of the modifier, thus
By manipulating the types and ratios of liquid the polar constituents would be extracted more
modifiers, one may obtain different extraction easily. Janicot et al. [51] also extracted thebaine,
results. For instance, a stepwise process has been codeine, and morphine by using a mixture of
used in SFE of lemon grass [46]. First the extrac- CO2 –methanol–water (70:24:6 w/w, respectively)
tion was performed with 10 and 30% of hexane, as a modifier.
followed by another step with 10 and 20% of There are three common ways to introduce a
acetone, and finally with 10% of methanol. The liquid modifier into the SFE system, using a sec-
extraction result with 10% of hexane-modified ond pump; using pre-mixed fluids from a cylinder;
CO2 was similar to that obtained by steam extrac- and direct spiking. Compared with the other two
tion, while the result with 30% of hexane was methods, direct spiking a liquid modifier into the
similar to that obtained with Soxhlet extraction in SFE cell is the simplest and the most economical
hexane. Acetone-modified CO2 could extract addi- method. It also creates less mechanical and repro-
tional compounds, and 10% of methanol modified ducibility problems [28,52]. However, if the spik-
CO2 was not selective. ing method is used, one must be very careful to
Palma et al. used SFE for investigation of the make sure that the binary fluid is indeed in the
active phenolic compounds in grape seeds [47]. supercritical state [8]. Another common problem
With pure CO2 they obtained the first fraction for the spiking method is that most of the
that mainly contained fatty acids, aliphatic alde- modifier may be flushed out of the sample vessel
hydes and sterols, which had a high degree of in the very beginning of the dynamic extraction
antioxidant activity. With 20% methanol-modified step, which will likely result in inconsistent results
CO2 they extracted the second fraction that and, therefore, require repeated extractions [17].
mainly included epicatechin and gallic acid, which Page et al. reported a comprehensive compilation
was more agrochemically active. Because SFE of phase behavior data for modified CO2 systems
allowed the extraction of the compounds without [53].
exposure to light and air, they found that the When a liquid modifier is used, a static extrac-
antioxidant properties of the extracts could be tion usually is necessary because it can allow the
safely conserved. solvent to modify the sample matrix. Depending
Although moisture in raw plant materials usu- on the composition of the sample and the concen-
ally is undesirable because it may cause clogging tration of the solute, a suitable static extraction
problems, in some cases it could be an advantage time can vary significantly from one case to an-
because water may function as a modifier for SFE other. For example, in order to extract b-carotene
of certain compounds. For instance, in SFE of from corn, a 20-min static extraction is required.
pesticides from Glycyrrhizae radix or other herbal Nevertheless, if the same extraction is conducted
medicines, Ling et al. found that 10% of mois- with green leaf vegetables, less than 10 min will be
Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782 775

sufficient [17]. However, in SFE of fatty acids and mechanical difficulties such as restrictor clogging
sterols from plant tissues, 5 – 10 min static extrac- due to ice formation. One simple yet effective way
tions did not result in any enhanced extraction to avoid such problems is to mix the sample with
[37]. Similarly, when using methanol modified anhydrous Na2SO4. Anhydrous Na2SO4 can im-
CO2 to extract michellamines A and B, a static prove SFE results because (1) it can provide bet-
period from 5 to 60 min did not result in any ter contact between SFs and samples; (2) it can
improved extraction [54], which was believed to reduce the dead volume effects; and (3) it can
be an indication that such extraction was not retain effectively the moisture [59]. Other re-
kinetically driven; consequently, the static extrac- searchers, however, believed that silica gel was a
tion period would not be necessary. better choice in retaining the moisture for SFE of
In order to understand the modification mecha- fresh samples [23]. Improved SFE results were
nism, the solute-modifier interactions must be also observed as fresh ginger samples were
considered. Such interactions involve dipole– blended with coarse granulated celite (30–60
dipole, dipole-induced dipole, hydrogen bonding mesh) before loading the samples into the SFE
as well as other polarity forces. For predicting the cell for extraction [27].
enhancement effects on matrix-free basis, the at- As reported by Lehotay [60], water is only
tractive and repulsive forces have been modeled in  0.3% soluble in supercritical CO2, but could
terms of the specific interactions using the Peng– play an important role in the extraction. If excess
Robinson equation-of-state with the covolume-de- water remained in the extraction vessel, highly
pendent mixing rule [55]. water soluble solutes would prefer to partition
One disadvantage of using a modifier is that it into the aqueous phase and, therefore, the SFE
can cause poor selectivity, i.e. more impurity com- recovery would be low [61]. Hydromatrix, a pel-
pounds such as chlorophylls and waxy material letized diatomaceous earth material, was another
may be extracted with the wanted compounds choice of drying agent to absorb water in SFE
[28,56]. If the concentration of a modifier is not [59].
properly selected, a lower recovery might be re- Weathers et al. [61] used acetals such as 2,2-
sulted probably due to the increased liquid dimethoxypropane (DMP) as a modifier to re-
modifier in the collecting solvent that produced a move water from paprika samples and to improve
negative effect on the trapping efficiency [52]. In the SFE yield of b-carotene. The reaction of DMP
fact, not in all SFE processes are modifiers neces- with water is shown below:
sary and helpful. For instance, Ashraf-Khorassani (CH3)2C(OCH3)2 + H2O
et al. [58] used pure CO2 to extract seven kava
lactones from kava roots, the yield was \90% of “ 2CH3OH+ CH3COCH3
that obtained with a L – S method while addition Upon addition of 500-ml of DMP to the sample
of 15% of ethanol had no significant enhancement in a 7-ml SFE cell, the extraction efficiency of
effects. It was also reported that even triterpenes b-carotene from wet paprika was increased by a
could be extracted under mild SFE conditions factor of about 2.5 and from dry paprika a factor
without any modifier [57]. In some other cases, a of 1.5. This is an indication that the DMP could
modifier would only slightly improve the extrac- act as a ‘drying reagent’ and a modifier as well.
tion yields so that it might not be necessary [22]. Sometimes, dry plants might be preferred for
SFE. Drying procedures for a plant material
could affect the yield and quality of the extracts.
4. Sample preparation Ibáñez et al. [62] investigated three drying meth-
ods for rosemary, which included (1) freeze-dry-
In SFE of natural products, fresh plant materi- ing; (2) oven-drying at 45°C until reaching a
als are frequently used if the desired compounds constant weight; (3) vacuum rotary evaporation at
are volatile or labile. When a fresh sample is 35°C until reaching a constant weight. Freeze-dry-
extracted, its high moisture content can cause ing was found to provide the highest quantity of
776 Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782

rosemary essential oil followed by oven-drying at of sample preparation, type of fluid, choice of
45°C and vacuum rotary evaporation. However, modifiers, method of fluid feeding, and extraction
based on the antioxidant activity, drying at ambi- conditions including pressure, temperature, flow
ent temperature and in a ventilated place was the rate and extraction time. In order to optimize the
method that provided better results. SFE conditions, a statistical experimental design
Sample particle size is a critical factor for a based on a ‘second order central composite de-
satisfactory SFE process. Large particles may re- sign’ was used and reported by Adasoglu et al.
sult in prolonged extraction because the process [65].
can become diffusion-controlled [63]. A good ex- In most cases of plant extractions, the diffusion
ample is the SFE of basil leaves. If the sample of the solutes out of the matrix usually is the
particle size was 0.55 mm, 5 h was not long limiting step [63]. The diffusion rate of a com-
enough to achieve a satisfactory extraction. If the pound from the sample matrix can be affected by
sample was pulverized into 0.17-mm particles, 2 h the following three factors, (1) occupation of the
was sufficient to complete the extraction [21]. In matrix sites by the SF molecules, which could
fact, pulverizing a sample into fine powder can reduce the affinity of the matrix for the solutes;
speed up the extraction and improve the effi- (2) dissolution of the solutes in the SF, which is
ciency, but it may also cause difficulty in main- directly related to the fluid density; and (3) tem-
taining a proper flow rate. One effective way to perature effects, which can influence the volatility
overcome the flow rate problem is to pack the of the solutes, particularly for those with high
sample with glass beads or other rigid inert mate- boiling points [16,59].
rials such as sea sand. These rigid particles can The solubility of a target compound in a SF is
prevent the samples from pressing into solid im- a major factor determining its extraction effi-
permeable plugs and thus maintain a desired per- ciency. The solubility is controlled by the sum of
missibility of the sample bed [7]. A metal filter two factors — the volatility of the substance,
installed at the end of the inlet side of the SFE cell which is a function of temperature; and the solva-
was also helpful to maintain a smooth flow rate tion effect of the SFs, which is a function of fluid
[22] and avoid channeling of the fluid flow [7]. density [8]. The number of polar function groups,
Depending on the distribution of the target e.g. hydroxyl groups, may affect the volatility of
compounds within the sample matrix, a SFE pro- the solutes thus determine their extractability with
cess may tail off dramatically after the majority of SF CO2. For instance, Stahl et al. [66] were able
the compounds are removed from the matrix sur- to extract steroids with three hydroxyl groups
faces at the beginning of the extraction. This is below 300 bar, but they were unable to extract
because the remaining solutes are held inside the those steroids containing four hydroxyl groups, or
structures of the sample particles and can only be three hydroxyl and one acid group, or one pheno-
extracted with a prolonged time. For instance, a lic hydroxyl with two other hydroxyl groups.
99% removal of a particular compound may re- In SFE of b-carotene from paprika, Weathers
quire an extraction time up to ten times that et al. [61] observed that when pressure decreased
required to remove the first 50% [64]. Therefore, from 338 to 250 bar, which corresponded to a
using a prolonged extraction time to gain a decrease of the fluid density, the extraction effi-
slightly higher recovery may not be economically ciency was dramatically reduced. However, in
worthwhile. SFE of lignans, schisandrol A, schisandrol B,
schisandrin A, schisandrin B, and schisandrin C,
from Schisandra chinensis, Choi et al. found that
5. Extraction conditions if the extraction time was sufficiently long (e.g. 30
min 100 mg − 1 plant material), the temperature
For successful SFE, several factors must be (40–80°C) and pressure (135–340 bar) of the SF
taken into consideration prior to the experiments. CO2 had no distinct effect on the extraction yields
These factors include the type of sample, method of the targeted lignans. But if the extraction time
Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782 777

was 6 min, increasing the pressure greatly en- remarkably high yield was obtained at the lowest
hanced the yields of the lignans [67]. temperature (35°C) and the highest pressure (300
Generally speaking, it is often desirable to ex- bar) tested, i.e. with the highest fluid density [22].
tract the samples right above the point where the In addition to being used as a drying agent,
desired compounds just become soluble in the silica gels can also be used to couple with SFE
fluid so that the extraction of other compounds techniques to improve the overall extraction selec-
can be minimized. To achieve a good selectivity tivity. As the effluent passes through the silica gel
for a SFE process, careful control of the fluid column, polar compounds will be retained and,
density is essential. For instance, in SFE of essen- therefore, separated from non-polar constituents
tial oil from the fruits of archangelica off. Hoffm., [33]. Cascade separators based on gradient fluid
it was found that at the optimum temperature density can also provide further separations of the
(60°C), as the density of CO2 was controlled at 0.3 extract. For instance, essential oils with molecular
g ml − 1, practically no other compounds were weight (MW) 140–160 could be nearly completely
extracted except the desired ones [68]. If volatile separated from cuticular waxes (mainly n-
compounds are to be extracted, increasing CO2 paraffins ranging from C25 to C35 with mean MW
density to more than 0.80 g ml − 1 would result in 408–430) by using post-extraction separators. The
a lower yield for the compounds and lead to the waxy compounds are deposited in the first separa-
co-extraction of a significant quantity of triglyce- tor at 0°C and 80 atm [21].
ride material, which would deteriorate the quality Internal standards were also used in SFE pro-
of the extract and cause clogging problems cesses to assess extraction results and optimize the
[27,69]. It was also reported that 40°C and 80 atm extractions [27,33,56], but this method may be
were suitable for SFE of geranyl geraniol, a diter- questionable because native and spiked com-
penoid, without extracting limonoid cedrelone, a pounds can show different affinities toward ma-
triterpenoid [34]. The optimum conditions for trix sites. Native compounds usually are
SFE of essential oil from rosemary, marjoram and distributed throughout the plant matrices, but the
basil leaves are in the ranges of 40 – 50°C and spiked standards are likely only associated with
80–100 bar [21]. surface sites. Therefore, high recovery of the
By controlling the fluid density, fractionation of spiked compounds does not necessarily mean high
the extracts could be achieved. For instance, a recovery of the native compounds, and compari-
two-step SFE of antioxidant active compounds, son of the SFE method with other extraction
carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmanol, epirosemanol methods may be needed [28].
and isorosemanol, from rosemary leaves could Due to high moisture contents in organic mate-
separate the oleoresin into two fractions with rials, clogging can be a very common mechanical
different antioxidant activities and essential oil problem in SFE of plant samples. As mentioned
compositions [62]. The first step was performed at above, anhydrous Na2SO4 and silica gel are effec-
40°C and 100 bar and second step at 60°C and tive drying agents to absorb moisture from extrac-
400 bar, both with 5-min static followed by 30- tions. Heating the restrictor to a proper
min dynamic extractions. temperature is another effective means to avoid
However, if the targeted compounds are not the deposition of the extracted compounds so that
that volatile, higher CO2 density may be required. clogging problems can be eliminated [28,44]. An
For instance, in SFE of Pacific yew tree needles, easier yet still effective way is to use a high
at 300 atm and 40°C (higher CO2 density) the concentration of a liquid modifier to increase the
target compounds, taxol and baccatin, can be solubility of the organic compounds so that they
effectively extracted, but at 100 atm and 40°C will be effectively flushed out into the collecting
(lower CO2 density), the major portion of the vials [5]. For example, in SFE of taxanes from
extract is the waxy compounds [43]. Similar re- needles of the English yew tree, Taxus baccata,
sults were also observed in SFE of vindoline (an when the concentration of methanol was greater
alkaloid) from the leaves of C. roseus, in which a than 5%, restrictors would not be easily clogged
778 Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782

by a waxy material [5]. Again, the density of CO2 for solid trapping is that the selectivity can be
should be carefully determined; otherwise, CO2 at further improved by selective trapping coupled
high density (] 0.80 g ml − 1) may extract signifi- with selective eluting. For example, polar com-
cant quantities of triglyceride material, which will pounds can be trapped on a silica gel column and
cause clogging of the restrictor [27]. then eluted with proper solvents [33]. Neverthe-
One interesting but not commonly used appli- less, there are also some disadvantages for solid
cation is the in situ trans-esterification and extrac- trapping methods. An improperly selected liquid
tion of certain thermally labile compounds [70]. modifier may result in significant losses of the
Without the use of in situ transesterification dur- wanted compounds because they may be washed
ing the static period of the SFE process, those through the trap by the modifier solvent. Unde-
compounds would undergo thermal isomerization sired reactions were also observed as the elution
under analytical GC conditions, thus making the was done with improper solvents [17].
quantification extremely difficult. Interested read- Off-line SFE/GC ‘coupling’ is a good alterna-
ers may refer to the original paper for details [70]. tive way for highly volatile compounds. A special
sample collection method was proposed by Ibáñez
et al. [71], which consisted of a glass liner of a
6. Collection methods Perkin–Elmer programmed temperature vapor-
izer (PTV, 100× 1 mm i.d.) placed inside a stain-
In SFE of natural products, a commonly used less steel chamber, which was surrounded by a
collection method is to trap the extract in a liquid cooling jacket that could be refrigerated to −
solvent such as CH2Cl2 [28] or ethyl acetate [59]. 25°C using liquid CO2. The glass liner was filled
Keeping the collection vial in water at room with quartz wool at both ends and GasChrom 220
temperature was found helpful in increasing the (80/100 mesh) in the middle as the absorbent for
recovery of kava lactones [44]. Under cooling collection of highly volatile components. After
conditions during expansion of a fluid, different extraction, the liner was introduced into the GC
collection solvents may show different collection injector where desorption took place as the tem-
efficiencies. For instance, as the collection vial perature increased. Significantly high recoveries of
was cooled to − 8°C, CH2Cl2 and acetone would very volatile compounds were achieved.
still give better recoveries of volatile compounds
than methanol or n-hexane [52]. Compared with
trapping in methanol-ice (− 15°C) or in acetone- 7. Clean-up of pesticides from herbal plants and
dry ice ( −60°C), trapping in liquid nitrogen (− other samples
170°C) was found to be the most effective way in
collecting volatile compounds [33]. The depth of In addition to extracting desired compounds
the trapping solvent might also affect the collec- from plants, another very interesting application
tion results. The same volume of a solvent in a of the SFE technique is the extraction or clean up
narrower vial was more effective than in a wider of pesticides from natural products including
vial [52]. herbal medicines [48,59,72–75]. Because the natu-
Solid trapping is another common way for ex- ral resource of medicinal plants is limited, manu-
tract collection. Octadecylsilica (ODS) traps can facturers usually get their raw materials through
be used at 15°C to collect the essential oils and cultivation of the plants. For instance, millions of
the bitter principles from hops, and after SFE the ginkgo trees have been cultivated in Europe,
retained compounds can be rinsed out with aceto- North America and China [76]. The cultivation of
nitrile for recovery [56]. It was also found effective herbal plants usually takes years and requires the
to retain volatile compounds on an ODS solid application of pesticides to control pest damage.
trap at lower temperature (15°C) and then to elute Improper use of pesticides may pollute the soil,
these compounds with an organic solvent at an groundwater and cause the accumulation of the
elevated temperature (45°C) [18]. An advantage pesticides in the plants. SFE has demonstrated its
Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782 779

ability to serve as a screening or clean-up protocol in the glass liner, was directly introduced into a
for pesticides on a routine basis. Ling et al. devel- GC for analysis. The desorption and the transfer
oped a SFE procedure for 13 organochlorine pes- of the retained material to the capillary column
ticides including heptachlor, aldrin and DDT, and were achieved by raising the injector temperature
the mean recoveries for spiked standards were to 350°C. This procedure is particularly useful to
78–121% [48]. Although the organochlorine pesti- analyze complex samples and the loss of the
cide concentrations in marketed herb medicines volatile compounds could be minimized. The au-
were found to be much lower than the FDA thors believed that their procedure could also be
action levels, the SFE method did provide a applied in the fractionation of SF extracts of
screening protocol for the determination of those different samples such as foodstuffs, although the
harmful compounds. Stefani et al. extracted 92 optimum conditions might be different.
different pesticides with SF CO2 under milder In SFE of azadirachtin A, a natural pesticide,
conditions (45°C and 189 bar) [74]. A review of from neem seed kernels, Ambrosino et al. used a
SFE application in removing pesticides (insecti- three-stage separation (fractionation) technique in
cides, fungicides and herbicides etc.) from natural a pilot plant scale, and they obtained cuticular
products was published by Lehotay in 1997 [60]. waxes in the first separator and the oil com-
As Lehotay indicated that based on the solubility pounds in the second and third separators [47].
properties of pesticides, SFE using CO2 was well On-line coupling of SFE with a chromato-
suited for the extraction of most pesticides with- graphic method is a useful approach for analyzing
out difficulty. SF CO2 undoubtedly provides an volatile compounds. Smith et al. [33] found that
effective means to clean up any pesticide residues cryogenic focusing (B − 10°C) for retaining
from herb or other plant materials without intro- volatile constituents was usually required, that is,
ducing any toxic solvent residues. the volatile compounds were deposited and en-
For collection, the general use of ODS with riched at a low temperature and then evaporated
acetone elution was found to be the best choice at a high temperature. In addition to the on-line
for SFE trapping of pesticides [75]. The use of the SFE–GC coupling, other on-line coupled tech-
ODS trap and acetone elution solvent gave the niques included SFE–SFC, SFE–FTIR and
most consistently high recoveries of the traps and SFE–MS were also reported [8].
solvents tested. ODS trap could be achieved with Ramsey et al. [78] reported a SFE–LC–MS
40-mm particle size contained in 1-ml trap. on-line coupling combined with a UV/vis diode-
array detection to obtain a high degree of specific-
ity for analysis of targeted compounds. They used
8. On-line fractionation and coupling with a high pressure ten port switching valve for the
chromatographic methods on-line coupling and successfully determined
drugs at ppb level.
On-line fractionation is another distinctive ad- Although on-line coupling technique demon-
vantage of SFE. By manipulating the SFE condi- strated its merits such as effective for volatile
tions, it is feasible to separate the extracted compounds and easy for automation, neverthe-
compounds into two to more groups. For exam- less, some disadvantages limited its applications.
ple, in SFE of Thymus mastichina L., Blanch et al. These disadvantages include, (1) sample size may
[77] used two on-line separation vessels to obtain be limited; (2) chromatographic system can be-
the less and the medium volatile fractions (tem- come contaminated by highly retained compo-
perature and pressure were set at 50°C, 150 bar nents; (3) with inhomogeneous matrices the small
and 25°C, 50 bar, respectively) and a glass liner of portion analyzed may not be representative of the
PTV with a 22.5-mg plug of Tenax TA as adsor- bulk sample; (4) it is easier to establish the opti-
bent to collect the volatile fraction. The first and mum conditions for SFE in an off-line mode
second fractions were recovered by solvent elu- because the analysis step is independent of the
tion, while the third fraction, which was retained extraction [33].
780 Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782

9. SFE modeling fore, it is the most time consuming part of an

extraction. If plotting ln(M/M0) against extraction
Another distinguished advantage of SFE meth- time only shows a straight line without steeply
ods is that through modeling, one can obtain falling at first, then it is believed to be due to
more useful information than it can be obtainable either (1) the low solubility of the solute in the SF
from conventional extraction methods. Modeling or (2) evaporation of solute from the surface
SFE processes can help to better understand the layers prior to extraction [3]. By using the hot-ball
extraction mechanisms and quickly optimize the model, the data acquired from a short extraction
extraction conditions. A large amount of research can be used to obtain quantitative analytical in-
has been done in this area [5,21,62,63,79]. Dis- formation [64]. For instance, using the kinetic
cussed below is one simple but practically useful extraction modeling and with pure CO2, Dean
model — the hot-ball model, which was devel- and Liu [81] predicted that the theoretical yields
oped by Bartle et al. in 1990 [80]. (M0) for deoxyschisandrin from the fruit of S.
Suppose all sample particles are in regular chinensis was 0.496% (w/w) and for paeonol from
spherical shapes and the mass of a solute initially Paeonia suffruticosa was 2.135% (w/w), and their
in the sample matrix is M0. After a given extrac- experimental yields were 0.449 and 1.960%, re-
tion time, t, the remaining mass of the solute in spectively. The experimental results were well con-
the matrix becomes M. Then as t ] tc, linear sistent with the predicted values (B10%). When
relation will appear by plotting ln(M/M0) against they used methanol modified CO2 (10% methanol)
t/tc, where tc is the characteristic time that is as the extraction fluid, they recovered 0.483% of
related to the diffusion coefficient, D, and the deoxyschisandrin and 2.346% of paeonol, this
radius of the spherical sample particle, r, by tc = again confirmed the usefulness of the kinetic ex-
r 2/p 2D. This suggests that the extraction rate can traction model. The authors also recommended
be related to two factors — the diffusivity of the an extraction time that was four times of tc be
analyte inside the matrix and the size of the used for quantitative extraction results.
sample particles.
If SFE is carried out at least as long as the
initial non-exponential period, the mass of the 10. Conclusion
extracted solute is M1, followed by extraction
over two subsequent time periods to obtain the Several years ago, Modey et al. summarized the
solute masses M2 and M3. Then the total mass of applications of SFE in different classes of natural
the solute initially in the sample can be calculated products such as carotenoids, lipid materials,
as: flavor and fragrance compounds, triterpenes and
sterols, alkaloids, mycotoxins and others [8]. In
M1 + M22
M0 = another review paper, Reverchon mainly focused
(M2 − M3) on the SFE of essential oil and related compounds
Here M0 is not only useful for mechanism [82]. This review article presents the practical as-
studies, but it is also the easiest way to estimate pects of SFE such as modifiers, sample prepara-
the efficiency of an extraction process [64]. tion, special considerations for collection,
After the M0 is calculated, plotting ln(M/M0) modeling, and as well as recent developments in
versus extraction time usually shows two portions SFE technology for the extraction and separation
on the extraction curve — an initial falling por- of active compounds from herbs and other plants.
tion and then a straight-line portion. The initial Rapid developments in SFE techniques for herbal
fall is believed to include any effects arising from and natural product studies are anticipated in the
solubility limitations, particularly the removal of future. It is hoped that this review may provide a
a solute from the outer surfaces of the particle convenient basis for the general readers who are
matrices. The straight-line portion is indicative of interested in understanding and involving in this
extraction from deeper within the matrix; there- new research area.
Q. Lang, C.M. Wai / Talanta 53 (2001) 771–782 781

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