Random Stealing House Rule

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Random Stealing House Rule

In Dragon Age: RPG and in the CRPGs a character can attempt to steal items off of another
person. In the CRPGs this is handled by the Stealing Skill while in the RPG it is handled by
the Dexterity (Legerdemain) Focus. Of course sometimes what players actually lifted will be
obvious as it will be done with the intent to get something specific (though this system can
still partially apply in these instances as well), but other times they may just want to attempt
to pickpocket a random NPC (this is most common among characters of the Rogue Class). In
the tabletop setting this can leave the GM trying to come up with these details off the cuff,
and trying to keep things feeling consistent for the context of the situation and world. In
these instances this can be a source of pace killing in a session, the GM scrambles to provide
some loot as all the players wait. The Stealing Results House Rule is directly designed to be
able to address this fallout and keep your games moving smoothly and efficiently. Some
options may still require a little additional detailing by the GM, but it helps to narrow things
down into a context befitting the Dragon Age setting.

Pickpocketing Marks
Attempting to randomly lift items from a Target Rank Complications
random NPC is fairly straight forward, and Rank Complications
happens in a series of simple phases. First, Chance to be a skilled Rogue, roll
the character needs to pick a mark (or target). Underclass 1D6 and on a 1 must face another
skilled Rogue of a similar level
Marks come in the following ranks:
Sometimes the Guards will
Underclass, Commoner, Craftsman, Noble. respond, roll 1D6 and on a 1 the
Each of these ranks presents a different Guards come to any calls, but they
potential set of complications moving must be nearby. Being caught
through the process. A character should means stolen item is confiscated
consider carefully what rank they wish to and thief is fined 10 Silver
Guards will respond for
attempt on. The complications presented Craftsman if it is not inconvenient
here are just an example to keep things to them, or if a roll of 1D3 results
simple. A GM is of course encouraged to Craftsman in a 1, but they must be nearby.
think of other complications and Being caught gets stolen item
confiscated and thief fined 20
ramifications for the process. A very good
thing to consider is the nature of the Guards will always respond to the
environment itself: crowds can make things Noble cries of the Nobles, or may have
easier but likely has a chance of Guards private Guards. Jail time if caught.
where open areas may present more challenge but less risk of being caught (as an example).
Of course you could always mix complications, using the ones presented here as a base and
adding in additional bits and bobs as you see fit based on the circumstances (and the level of
fun it can add to the ongoing game).

After a mark is selected, the thief must get a position on them or distract them using their
Dexterity (Stealth) or Communication (Deception) vs Perception (Seeing) of the target in an
opposed test, and if they pass they can move on to the next phase (if the thief passes and did
some good roleplaying with it, you can consider granting them some bonuses in the next
phase). Of course, if the target wins this test they will likely be put off by the strange
behavior of the thief and can react accordingly (should they choose not to react they will get a
+2 on the next phase). This would be a good place to introduce potential bonuses or penalties
based on the environmental conditions that were discussed previously, and where those
potential consequences could start to matter and impact the rest of the process and scene.

Next, the thief will need to decide just what Item Size Modifiers
kind of item it is they intend to nip. As this Size Modifier
is for a random theft the choice will be Small +2
handled by selecting an item size to attempt Moderate 0
for on the target, and in Dragon Age: RPG Large -2
pickpocket items come in a series of sizes:
Small, Moderate, and Large. These different sizes will apply a potential penalty or bonus to
the subsequent final phase. If the thief is going for a small item then they get a +1 on their
next test, if they choose a moderate sized item they get no bonus or penalty, and finally a
large item will produce a -1 on the final phase test. Each item size will correlate to a listing of
goods of that size which may plausibly be on the target, and each good will be assigned a
random number.

Finally, the thief makes an opposed test of Dexterity (Legerdemain) vs Perception (Seeing or
Touching) of the target (remember the modifiers based on the Item Size). In this case if the
thief succeeds they will manage to lift a single item off of the target without them noticing,
but if they fail then the target has noticed the item being removed from their person and can
react accordingly (and likely not well).

The Spoils
Assuming that the thief passed the tests and lifted an item off their target the player can make
a roll on one of the charts accordingly. This framework can of course be modified by a GM to
better fit their story and specific needs, but it at least gives us that framework from which to
expand upon. An obvious correlation to make is that with greater risks come greater
potential rewards, and the lists presented have been designed around that idea. This is not to
say there has not been value added to each particular type of mark or size of item, but it is an
additional tactical aspect that players should keep in mind while approaching their dirty

This list should not be considered an exhaustive one either, but one that can provide a quick
potential range of variety in the heat of the moment during a session. Some of these options
will still require a little creative work on the part of the GM (this is not taking away your job
of adding the spice, just trying to encourage and assist it). Players frequently will go in
directions we did not plan for as GMs, so it can alleviate some of these stresses of this to have
helpful details at the table when in a pinch.

Picked Pockets Loot

3D6 Underclass Commoner Craftsman Noble
Small Items
3 Map, Nearby Cave Coins, DD* False Gold Coins, DD* Gold Letter, Secret Meeting
4-5 DD* Thistle Burrs Letter, Secret Meeting Parchment Letter, Scandalous
6-7 Smoke Bomb Map, The Area Letter, Secret Meeting Coins, 3D6 Silver
8 Letter, Love Coins, 2D6 Copper Ring, Random Magic Ring, Silver
9 Dice, Bone Letter, Private Map, The Area Coins, 2D6 Gold
10 Coins, DD* Copper Coins, DD* Silver Ring, Silver Ring, Gold
11 Thimble Ring, Iron Coins, 2D6 Silver Ring, Jeweled
12 DD* Shelled Nuts Map, Nearby Cave Coins, 3D6 Copper Map, Treasure
13 Letter, Secret Meeting Dice, Wooden Letter, Private Letter, Private
14-15 Map, Fake Treasure Letter, Love Ring, Iron Letter, Corrupt Guards
16-17 Parchment Parchment Letter, Scandalous Letter, Love
18 Coins, DD* Unknown Letter, Scandalous Letter, Random Recipe Letter, Ransom
Moderate Items
3 Vial, Novice Poison Figurine, Demonic Vial, Random Poison Vial, Journeyman Poison
4-5 Key, Large Iron Deck of Cards Rune Stone, Blank Necklace, Gold
6-7 Necklace, Rawhide Vial, Spices Vial, Empty Key, Ornate Iron
8 Vial, Spices Necklace, Silver Vial, Spices Holy Symbol, Gold
9 Figurine, Iron Vial, Stinker Holy Symbol, Gold Vial, Perfume
10 Keys, Set of DD* Holy Symbol, Silver Pouch, 10 + DD* Silver Pouch, 50 + DD* Silver
11 Rodent Skull Figurine, Iron Holy Symbol, Silver Pouch, 5 + DD* Gold
12 Vial, Empty Pouch, 5 + DD* Silver Key, Strange Iron Holy Symbol, Silver
13 Holy Symbol, Stone Pouch, 20 + DD* Copper Necklace, Silver Figurine, Silver
14-15 Pouch, DD* Rocks Necklace, Rawhide Vial, Perfume Keys, Set of DD*
16-17 Figurine, Demonic Pouch, 2D6 Marbles Key, Ornate Iron Key, Strange Iron
18 Pouch, 5 + DD* Copper Vial, Novice Poison Rune Stone, Random Figurine, Demonic
Large Items
3 Small Mirror Spyglass, Leather Flask, Random Potion Spyglass, Collapsing
4-5 Snuff Box, DD* Uses Book, Holy Book, Business Ledger Book, Holy
6-7 Book, Personal Diary Bread, Chunk Precious Stone (3D6 Gold) Book, Personal Diary
8 Apple Flask, Empty Broach, Silver Flask, Fine Wine
9 Tinder Box, DD* Uses Small Dagger Book, Holy Broach, Silver
10 DD* Stones Snuff Box, DD* Uses Flask, Fine Wine Flask, Antivan Wine
11 Book, Holy Book, Personal Diary Small Dagger Snuff Box, DD* Uses
12 Small Dagger Apple Snuff Box, DD* Uses Flask, Empty
13 Flask, Cheap Wine Flask, Cheap Wine Spyglass, Collapsing Precious Stone (3D6 Gold)
14-15 Broach, Iron Broach, Silver Book, Personal Diary Small Dagger
16-17 Pear Small Wooden Flute Flask, Empty Broach, Gold
18 Bread, Chunk Flask, Novice Potion Magical Small Dagger Flask, Journeyman Potion
DD* = Result of the Dragon Die on the roll for determining the loot acquired

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