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I. Grammar
1. So sánh ngang bằng
Cấu trúc: As + adjective/adverb + as
not ...as/so + adjective/adverb + á
Ví dụ: I am as tall as my brother.
He cannot run so fast as his friends.
- as much/ as many còn được dùng để nói về số lượng
Ví dụ: I have not read as many books as my teacher advises me.
John does not earn as much money as his wife does.
- The same as/ the same + N as cũng được dùng để tạo thành so sánh ngang bằng Ví
dụ: Laura‘s salary is the same as mine.
Laura gets the same salary as me.
- Để so sánh số lần: Đặt các từ half/ twice/ three times trước as...............as
Ví dụ: She is twice as old as me.
They type three times as fast as he does.
- Trước so sánh ngang bằng có thể dùng các từ: exactly/just, nearly/almost, hardly
để làm rõ nghĩa hơn.
Ví dụ: I am almost as old as you.
2. So sánh hơn:
- Cấu trúc: Short adjective/adverb: Adj/adv + __er + than
Long adjective/adverb: more + adj/adv + than
Ví dụ: John is taller than Jim.
Gold is more expensive than silver.
Jane speaks French more fluently than Mary.
- Với danh từ: more + noun + than
Ví dụ: I have more books than Peter does.
- So sánh ít hơn với less + adj + than
Ví dụ: This picture is less valuable than that one.
- Với danh từ: less + noun + than (So sánh kém hơn) Ví
dụ: I have less free time than I used to.
Chú ý:
- So sánh hơn chỉ dùng để so sánh 2 đối tượng
- Trước tính từ/ trạng từ so sánh hơn có thể dùng much,far, a lot, a bit
Ví dụ: She is much more intelligent than I think.
- Khi so sánh hơn có sử dụng các từ chỉ số lượng thì cần đặt các từ này trước tính từ, trạng từ
so sánh hơn.
Ví dụ: I am 2 kg heavier than you.
I work two hours longer than you.
- Khi kết hợp so sánh cả tính từ ngắn và dài thì tính từ ngắn đứng trước. Ví
dụ: My car is faster and more comfortable than hers.

3. So sánh hơn nhất
- Cấu trúc: Short adjective/adverb: The + adj/adv + est
Long adjective/adverb: The most+ adj/adv + than
Ví dụ: Tom is the tallest in our class.
Which is the most expensive in your shop?
- So sánh hơn nhất được dùng khi có 3 đối tượng trở lên hoặc so sánh một với một tập hợp,
thường có các cụm từ in the world, in my country, in my family, etc.
- So sánh hơn nhất hay được dùng với thì hiện tại hoàn thành Ví
dụ: She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
- Có thể dùng by far, the first, the second, ... trước so sánh hơn nhất để nói rõ về sự chênh
lệch giữa đối tượng nhất với các đối tượng khác.
Ví dụ: Of the three girls, she is by far the most intelligent.
- Nếu đối tượng so sánh với chính mình một cách chung chung thì có thể bỏ “the”
Ví dụ: The stars are brightest when there is no moon.
4. So sánh kép:
- Cấu trúc: Tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn: adj/adv + er AND adj/adv+ er
Tính từ/trạng từ dài: more/less AND more/less + adj/adv
Ví dụ: The summer is coming. It gets hotter and hotter.
He is shooting more and more accurately.
The environment is less and less pure.
5. So sánh tăng tiến:
Tính từ hoặc trạng từ so sánh thường được đặt ở đầu câu có “THE” đứng trước. Ví dụ:
The shorter the line (is), the faster the service (is). (2 tính từ ngắn)
The more talented he is, the more successful he is. (2 tính từ dài)
- Có thể dùng so sánh tăng tiến với more/less + Noun
Ví dụ: The more trees we cut, the more floods we suffer.
6. Các tính từ đặc biệt
- Một số tính từ bất quy tắc khi hình thành hình thức so sánh hơn/ hơn nhất:

Tính từ/trạng từ nguyên So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất

good/well better the best
bad/badly worse the worst
many/much more the most
little less the least
far farther/further the farthest/the furthest
- Một số tính từ mang tính tuyệt đối thường không có dạng so sánh bậc nhất, hạn chế so sánh
hơn kém, nếu buộc phải dùng thì bỏ more:
+ perfect - hoàn hảo + top - cao nhất
+ unique - duy nhất + absolute - tuyệt đối
+ extreme - cực kỳ + prime - căn bản
+ supreme - tối cao + primary - chính

+ matchless - không có đối thủ + trianglular - có ba cạnh
+ full - đầy, no + wooden - bằng gỗ
+ empty - trống rỗng + yearly - hằng năm
+ square - vuông + daily - hằng ngày
+ round - tròn + monthly - hàng tháng
+ circular - tròn, vòng quanh II. Exercise. Choose the best answer for each
1. She is..........singer I‘ve ever met.
A. worse B. bad C.
the worst D. badly
2. Mary is..........responsible as Peter.
A. more B. the most C.
much D. as
3. It is..........in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily B. more noisier C.
noisier D. noisy
4. She sings..................among the singers I have
A. the most beautiful B
C. the most beautifully D
5. She is..........student in my class.
A. most hard-working B
C. the most hard-working D
6. The English test was.................than I thought
it would be.
A. the easier B. more easy C.
easiest D. easier
7. English is thought to be.....................than
A. harder B. the more hard C.
hardest D. the hardest
8. Jupiter is..........planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest B. the bigger C.
bigger D. biggest
9. She runs......................in my class.
A. the slowest B. the most
slow.....................................C. the
slowly..................................D. the
most slowly 10. My house is hers.
A. cheap than B. cheaper C.
more cheap than D. cheaper than
11. Her office is....................away than mine.
A. father B.

more far............................C. farther.................................................................................................................
D. farer 12.
Tom is...............................than David.
A. handsome
C. more handsomeD. the most
13. He did the test..........................I
A. as bad as
B. badder than....................C. more badly than D.
worse than 14. A
boat is.................................than a plane.
A. slower B. slowestC.
more slow D. more slower

15. My new sofa is.....................than the old one.
A. more comfortable B. comfortably C. more comfortabler D. comfortable
16. My sister dances..............................than me.
A. gooder B. weller C. better D. more good
17. My bedroom is.......................room in my house.
A. tidier than B. the tidiest C. most tidy D. more tidier
18. This road is..................than that road.
A. narrower B. narrow C. the most narrow D. more narrower
19. He drives..........................his brother.
A. more careful than B. more carefully
C. more carefully than D. as careful as
20. It was..................day of the year.
A. the colder B. the coldest C. coldest D. colder
21. In Viet Nam, it is normally......................in the South than in the North.
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hoter
22. The food is...................than the last time I ate it.
A. badder B. bad C. worse D. worst
23. Ho Chi Minh city is...................than Hanoi.
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. biger
24. Children often learn very...........................things around them.
A. quickly B. quicker C. quickest D. quick
25. She cannot sing....................but she can play the piano beautifully.
A. good B. best C. goodly D. well
26. Jack is now......................than he used to be.
A. happy B. happier C. happiest D. the happier
27. The tourist company was....................down the street than I had thought.
A. farther B. far C. farer D. farest
28. There is nothing.................than going swimming in hot weather.
A. gooder B. good C. better D. best
29. He tried very...............but still failed the exam.
A. hardly B. hard C. harder D. hardest
30. She came to school................and had to stand outside for 15 minutes.
A. late B. lately C. latest D. latter
III. Speaking
Topic 1
Describe a place you know that was built very long time ago
You should say:
1) where it is located
2) what it looks like
3) who often go to that place and explain
4) why it is an important place
Language structures:
Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................
The name of the place It’s called .............., It’s name is ................
Where is it located? It is located in..........................., It is situated in
What does it look like? It has ancient/modern/... architectural style, It
is surrounded by ......................
Inside, there are ...........................
Who often go there? and Why? Many local and international visitors come
here to .........................
Why is it an important place? It’s an important place because

IV. Writing
Writing topic 1. Write a letter to your friend to talk about the country that you love to visit in
the future. In your letter you should write about:
- Its location
- Reasons you want to visit that country
You should write your letter about 150 words.
You should follow the following guidelines:
 Introduce the name of the country:
The country I’d like to visit is......................,
......... is the country I’d like to visit in the future.
 Write about its position:
It is located in ..........................
It is situated in .........................(which part of continent, bordering with...................)
 Tell about its main characteristics (weather, seasons, what it is famous for, etc)
 Write about what you can do there (interesting places to visit)
 Give your reason(s) why you love this country
Writing topic 2. Write a letter to your friend to talk about your favorite film. In your letter
you should write about:
- What the film tells about
- Reason you like the film
You should write your letter about 150 words.

You may follow the following guidelines:

 Introduce the name of the film
My favourite film is....................,
......... is my favourite film.
 Talk about when you watched it
 Tell about the film (it’s story, main character(s), possible message, lesson)
 Give your reason(s) why you like the film

Writing topic 3. Write a letter to your friend to talk about your student life. In your letter you
should write about:
- What you usually do everyday
- What difficult you have in daily life
You should write your letter about 150 words.
You may follow the following guidelines:
 Talk about what you usually do every day (in the mornings, in the afternoons,
in the evenings)
 Talk about your difficulties ( I have some troubles......, My problems are )
 Your possible solutions
V. Listening
Exercise 1. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Diet and Weight Loss
This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I‘m Shirley Griffith. And
I‘m Bob Doughty.

Today, we will talk about diet and weight loss. Exercise is…(1) important if you want
to get in good shape. But experts say exercise alone is not enough if your goal is to lose
It is that time of year again. Warm …(2) weather has returned to earth‘s northern
hemisphere. Summer is a time when people of all ages feel like getting their swimwear and
going to the …(3) nearest swimming pool or seashore.

But first, there is that troublesome little thing called winter weight gain. Many of us gain
weight because of …(4) inactivity during the winter.

Some people go to extremes to lose that extra weight before going to the …(5) beach In the
weight loss industry, there is never a lack of ideas about how to lose weight. Consider the
"Sleeping Beauty diet," where you sleep your way to weight loss. You cannot eat if you are
sleeping, or so the theory goes.

Then there is the tapeworm diet. The tapeworm is said to help people lose weight by eating
the …(6) the food that is stored in their stomach. But first you have to be willing to swallow
the little creature. This may be more …(7) trouble. than many people want.

Strange, new diets, treatments and exercise programs arrive on the market every day. Each
one promises to help people lose weight and get a beach beautiful body. The weight loss …
(8)  industry takes in billions of dollars each year, and it is growing.

One research company says the weight loss business will be worth more than five hundred
eighty billion dollars worldwide by the year …(9) twenty fourteen MarketsandMarkets also
says the food and drink market represents the largest part of that growth. It is expected to
reach more than three hundred fifty five billion dollars by twenty fourteen.

There is a seemingly endless supply of ideas about how to lose weight. There are low-
carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets, diets that limit …(10) calories  and ones that let you eat
as much as you want. And, there are thousands of different kinds of diet pills and programs.
So where does one begin? Which one is best?

Experts say there is no …(11) single diet plan that works best for everyone. Many experts
agree on one thing: that to lose weight, you must use or burn off more calories than you take
in. When you eat more calories than your body needs, it stores that extra …(12) energy 
as fat.

Exercise 2. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Rock Climbing

I'm Doug Johnson. And I'm Bob Doughty with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.
Some people say the higher you climb, the harder you fall. But those people probably
would not be rock climbers. The sport, science and art of rock climbing is our …(1)
subject this week.

An estimated nine million people rock climb in the United States. Millions more take
part in the activity around the …(2)  world Some do it just for personal satisfaction.
Others compete. Rock climbing can be …(3) dangerous But there are many methods
and protective devices that can increase a climber's safety.

Climbing takes strength, control and good …(4) balance Climbers have to pull
themselves straight up the face of very high rocks or walls. So they have to be strong
enough to carry their own weight. And climbers sometimes have to hold on to rocks by
only their …(5) fingers or toes.

There are several kinds of rock climbing. …(6) Traditional rock climbing is done
outside. Climbers wear ropes and attach devices to the rocks as they climb many
hundreds of meters up. They also connect their ropes to the devices. If a climber slips, a
rope can stop him from falling.
Sport climbing is similar. However, in those cases the …(7) rotective devices are
permanently placed in the rock. There is also indoor climbing. Rock walls made of
wood or concrete have places for the climber's hands and feet.

…(8) Ice climbing is exactly as it sounds. People climb glaciers or frozen waterfalls
instead of rocks. They use special equipment for the ice.

And then there is bouldering – climbing rocks between three and …(9) seven meters
high. It is a quicker and more intense kind of climbing. Many climbers like bouldering
because they can use less equipment. Climbers often need only special shoes and chalk.
All climbers use chalk to keep their …(10) hands dry.

VI. Practice tests

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. You met your old friend on the way to school,........................you?
A. don‘t B. didn‘t C. aren‘t D. weren‘t
2. This is the...............lake I have ever seen.
A. beautiful B. most beautifully C. more beautiful D. most beautiful
3. Jane opened the door, entered the room and..............................a note on the table.
A. saw B. see C. seen D. was seeing
4. All the students.........................to bring their student card to the class.
A. can B. should C. ought D. must
5. She always wear a..........................to avoid the sunlight.
A. umbrella B. dress C. belt D. hat
6. Doctor said she should stay in bed because she has ……….
A. cold B. a diarrhea C. an allergy D. flu
7. She............................the picture since I came.
A. has painted B. painted C. was painting D. paints
8. Of the two girls, she is ….......................
A. more tall B. taller C. the tallest D. more tallest
9. The exercise is not very.................................It‘s very hard.
A. easy B. difficult C. exciting D. boring
10. At the moment, we on the beach.
A. lie B. laid C. were lying D. are lying
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad
for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his
grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him.
Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy. One
evening, a few days before John's seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom
before he went to bed. "Please, God" he shouted, "make them give me a big box of chocolates
for my birthday on Saturday". His mother was in the kitchen and she heard the small boy
shouting and went into his bedroom quickly. "Why are you shouting, John?" she asked her
son, "God can hear you when you talk quietly" "I know" answer the clever boy with a smile,
"but Grandfather's in the next room, and he can't".

Question 1: Why did his grandfather sometimes give him chocolate?

A. Because his grandfather loved candy. B. Because John was a good boy.
C. Because it was good for his health. D. Because his grandfather loved him.
Question 2: Why did his mother let John eat the chocolate he got from his grandfather?
A. To please the old man. B. To make John happy.
C. Because she didn't have to pay for it. D. Because John liked it a lot.
Question 3: What did he pray to God before his seventh birthday?
A. He asked for good luck.
B. He wanted his grandfather to give him chocolate.
C. He begged God to make him a big box of chocolate.
D. He wished for some money to buy chocolate.
Question 4: Why did he shout when he was praying?
A. So that God can hear him. B. So that his mother could hear him.
C. So that his grandfather could hear him. D. Because his grandfather was deaf.
Question 5: Which sentence is not true according to the passage?
A. John was fond of chocolate.
B. He wanted a big box of chocolate for his birthday.
C. His mother was too poor to give him a big box of chocolate.
D. While he was praying that day his grandfather was in the next room.

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
object broken food people can

move arrived famous who culture

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It‘s about 2,000
miles from the nearest city. Easter Island is (1)famous for its statues. Hundreds of these
huge, stone faces (2) can be found all over the island. Who made them? How did they (3)
move these giant pieces of rock? What happened to the people (4) who lived there? Studies
show that people first (5) arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very
advanced (6) cultere. They made many (7) object and they had their own written language.
However, the number of (8) people on the island grew and grew until it reached about 10,000
people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn‘t enough (9) food to eat. A terrible
war started and many of the statues were (10) broken. When western explorers discovered the
island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had
once lived there.
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. Jane is the most hard-working student in my class.
- Noone is more hard-working than Jane _
2. They last talked to each other two months ago.
- They haven‘t talked to each other for two months
3. Did you tell him the reason why you moved here?
- You _ ?
4. It‘s necessary for Tim to learn French before he moves there.
- Tim ought to learn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
5. Though he has some difficulties in his life, noone in his family helps him.
- Despite .
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to talk about the country that you love to visit in the future.
In your letter you should write about:
- Its location
- Reasons you want to visit that country
You should write your letter about 150 words.
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. Jane isn‘t going to study abroad next year,.......................she?
A. does B. is C. doesn‘t D. isn‘t
2. This book is................than the book I read yesterday.
A. more excited B. the most excited C. more exciting D. the most exciting
3. The world...........................a lot since computers were invented.
A. changes B. has changed C. changed D. have changed
4. You........................go out tonight. There is a big storm.
A. can B. must C. shouldn‘t D. ought to
5. Is he clever? Yes, he is very ...............................
A. handsome B. intelligent C. naughty D. polite
6. You keep going to the toilet. You‘ve got a ……….
A. flue B. a diarrhea C. a cold D. a sore throat
7. Two years ago, John..........................his country to find his relatives.
A. left B. leaves C. was leaving D. has left
8. She speaks English.............................than I expected.
A. the most fluent B. more fluently C. the most fluently D. more fluent
9. You should wear........................to protect your eyes.
A. sandals B. T-shirt C. a hat D. sunglasses
10. Water..............................at 100 degree Celsius in normal condition.
A. boils B. is boiling C. boiled D. has boiled

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated to New York City when she
was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted "to become a doctor". That was nearly
impossible for a woman in the middle of the ninetieth century. After writing many letters
seeking admission to the medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in
Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught at school and gave music lessons to earn
money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in
Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the
idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own
practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor
along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, first for women
and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding her own hospital,
she also established the first medical school for women.

Question 1: Why couldn't Elizabeth realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?

A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school.
B. She decided to further her education in Paris.
C. A serious eye infection prevented.
D. It was difficult for her to start practice in the U.S.
Question 2: What main reason almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming a doctor?
A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters.
C. She couldn't graduate from medical school. D. She couldn't establish her hospital.
Question 3: How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the
opening of her hospital?
A. 8 B. 10 C. 19 D. 36
Question 4: When Elizabeth became a doctor, she was
A. 21 years old B. 49 years old C. 28 years old D. 31 years old Question
5: All of the following are: "first" in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except:
A. She became the first female physician.
B. She was the first woman surgeon.
C. She and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children.
D. She established the first medical school for women.

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box.

Europe worked southern very coal

writing journey interested travelled wonder

In 1274, Italian explorers Marco and Niccolo Polo set out on a 24-year (1) journey in which
they travelled the famous Silk Road from Italy, through Brutal deserts and towering
mountains to eastern China. They (2) travelled over 4,000 miles in all. Marco and Niccolo
were among the (3) very first Europeans to explore the fabled empire of China. In China,
Marco Polo even (4) worked for ruler Kublai Khan. Polo detailed his experiences and
findings in China by (5) writing a book. Polo described materials and inventions never
before seen in (6) Europe. Paper, money, a printing press, porcelain, gunpowder and (7) coal
were among the products he wrote about. He also described the vast wealth of Kublai Khan,
as well as the geography of northern and (8) southern China. European rulers were very (9)
interested in the products Polo described. However, trading for them along the Silk Road was
dangerous, expensive and impractical. European rulers began to (10) wonder if there was a
sea route to the east to get the products they wanted at a reasonable price.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. They could speak English better than their friends.
- Their friends couldn‘t speak as well as they
2. Even though it rained lightly, they didn‘t dare to go out.
- In spite of light rain, they ,,,,,,,,
3. Has your sister travelled to Nha Trang?
- Your sister has travelled to Nha Trang, didn’t she ? ?
4. Everyone should know how to protect themselves in this situation.
- Everyone ought to protect themselves in this situation
5. They haven‘t spoken to each other for two weeks.
- They last spoken to each other two weeks ago .

Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to talk about your favorite film. In your letter you should write
- What the film tells about
- Reason you like the film
You should write your letter about 150 words.
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. My sister can draw....................than I do.
A. better B. weller C. the best D. more good
2. I start sneezing and itching when I am near a cat. – You‘ve got ..........
A. a diarrhea B. a cold C. an allergy D. food poisoning
3. They met an accident when they..............................along the street
A. walked B. has walked C. were walking D. are walking
4. He is the..........................man in our village.
A. richer B. richest C. the richest D. more rich
5. Are you............................about going to the party?
A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting
6. They.................an umbrella with them when they left.
A. take B. took C. bring D. brought
7. I‘m going to buy...........................to get engaged to my girlfriend.
A. a jacket B. a ring C. a scarf D. a watch
8. The children.................the club since they started to learn in this school.
A. has joined B. are joining C. joined D. have joined
9. You........................use mobile phone during the exam. It‘s prohibited.
A. should B. can C. mustn‘t D. may
10. He never says hello when he meets you,.......................he?
A. doesn‘t B. does C. isn‘t D. is

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were chimpanzees. Now,
however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.
Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways,
therefore, like a human being.
Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for
man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins can not hear
the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to
make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.
Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories
of dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.
Question 1: Which animals do people think may be the cleverest?
A. Chimpanzees B. Dolphins C. Big apes D. Mammals
Question 2: What other beings are dolphins like in many ways?
A. Fish B. Animals C. Reptiles D. Men
Question 3: What have scientists discovered about dolphins?
A. They understand simple language.
B. They can speak to one another.
C. Men can now talk to them.
D. They can teach men their languages.
Question 4: Why is a third language necessary if man wants to talk to dolphins?
A. Most men do not speak English.
B. The dolphins language is hard to learn.
C. Dolphins cannot hear men speaking.
D. Men want to talk to dolphins in secret.
Question 5: In what way are dolphins friendly to man?
A. They like interesting things about man.
B. They often follow ships.
C. They often jump on to ships.
D. They seem to like stories.

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the

future politics years against businesses

library most person very write

Benjamin Franklin was one of the person (1) most Americans in history. In the early part of
his life, Franklin was a business (2) person and inventor. He ran the Pennsylvania Gazette
(newspaper) and also published Poor Richard's Almanac. Poor Richard's Almanac was
(3) very popular because it made predictions about the (4) future and had wise sayings. Ben
Franklin also invented the Franklin stove, lightning rod, bifocals (eyeglasses), and started
America's first (5) library. He is probably best known for his kite experiment which proved
electricity could be harnessed from lightning.

In the later part of his life, Franklin became interested in (6) politics. He spent many years in
England before coming back to America. In 1776, Franklin helped Thomas
Jefferson (7) write the Declaration of Independence. Two (8) years later, he went to France
and convinced the French to help America in the war (9) against England. After the war,
Franklin joined the Continental Congress and signed the Constitution. He died in 1790.
Today, Ben Franklin is honoured on the $100 dollar bill. His name is honoured on highways,
(10) school, and businesses across America.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. It‘s necessary for him to book the ticket in advance.
- He should _book the ticket in advance_
2. Does he work hard to support his large family?
- He works hard to,,,,,,,,, family, doesn’t he ? ?
3. Tim started to learn Italian when he was 8.
- Tim has learnt Italian since he was 8 _ ?
4. Although there was a storm, everyone queued outside to listen to the speech.
- Despite the storm, everyone,,,,,,,,,,
5. Jane isn‘t as beautiful as her twin.
- Jane‘s twin is _ more beautiful than Jane .

Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to talk about your student life. In your letter you should write
- What you usually do everyday
- What difficult you have in daily life
You should write your letter about 150 words.
I. Grammar
1. Present Perfect (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

Thời hiện tại hoàn thành dùng để:

(1). Diễn đạt một hành động xảy ra ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ.
John has traveled around the world. (We don't know when)
(2). Chỉ một hành động xảy ra nhiều lần trong quá khứ.
George has seen this movie three time.
(3). Một hành động bắt đầu diễn ra trong quá khứ và vẫn còn xảy ra ở hiện tại.
John has lived in that house for 20 years. (He still lives there.)
= John has lived in that house since 1984. (Giả sử hiện nay là 2004)

Động từ dạng quá khứ phân từ (verbs in past participle)

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Vinfiniti Vpast participle Vinfiniti Vpast

ve ve participle
walk walked go gone

play played make made

live lived have had

study study write written

stop stopped know known

travel travelled/ travelled meet met

2. Cách dùng SINCE và FOR:

FOR + khoảng thời gian: for three days, for ten minutes, for twenty years ...
SINCE + thời điểm bắt đầu: since 1982, since January, ...

3. Cách dùng ALREADY và YET:

Already dùng trong câu khẳng định, already có thể đứng ngay sau have và cũng có thể đứng
ở cuối câu.

We have already written our reports.

We have written our reports already.

Yet dùng trong câu phủ định, câu nghi vấn. Yet thường xuyên đứng ở cuối câu.

We haven't written our reports yet.

Have you written your reports yet?

Trong một số trường hợp ở thể phủ định, yet có thể đứng ngay sau have nhưng phải thay đổi
về mặt ngữ pháp: động từ PII trở về dạng nguyên thể có to và không dùng not.

John has yet to learn the material = John hasn't learnt the material yet.

4. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đi với thì Hiện tại hoàn thành:

· Dùng với now that... (giờ đây khi mà...)

Now that you have passed the TOEFL test successfully, you can apply for the
· Dùng với một số phó từ như till now, untill now, so far (cho đến giờ). Những cụm từ này
có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu.
So far the problem has not been resolved.
· Dùng với recently, lately (gần đây) những cụm từ này có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.
I have not seen him recently.
· Dùng với before đứng ở cuối câu.
I have seen him before.
II. Exercise. Choose the best answer for each sentence.
1. We have lived in this town (b) _ 1998
a. for b. since c. ago d. in
2. ―Let‘s go to the new movie down town‖. ―Thanks, but I (a) it already‖
a. have seen b. saw c. had seen d. ever seen
3. (a) flown in an aero plane before?
a. Have you ever b. Had you ever c. Are you d. Do you
4. Jack (d) his homework yet, so he won‘t go out with his friends
a. finish b. has finished c. doesn‘t finish d. hasn‘t finished
5. I‘ve worked here (a) six years
a. for b. since c. over d. in
6. Have you ever (b) _ the United States?
a. been in b. been to c. gone in d. gone to
7. © a UFO?
a. Did you ever see b. Do you ever see c. Have you ever seen
8. They (a) _ married for 22 years
a. have got b. have been c. was d. got
9. Robert _(b) in three important water polo games so far
a. played b. had played c. is playing d. has played
10. Nothing (d) _ in this town since I first visited it
a. changed b. was changing c. changes d. has changed
11. Because Lan (d) breakfast, she isn‘t hungry now
a. was eating b. eats c. ate d. has eaten
12. Up to now, I _ (d) a lot of information about her
a. will learn b. learnt c. would learn d. have learnt
13. She has worked as a secretary _ (a) she graduated from college
a. since b. until c. before d. while
14. I‘m a vegetarian. I (a) _ meat since I was a child
a. haven‘t eaten b. don‘t eat c. haven‘t been eating d. am not eating
15. I (d) here for ten years
a. lives b. am living c. live d. have lived
16. She‘s the most beautiful girl I ..(c)....
a. meet b. met c. have met d. would run
17. I‘m sorry, Mrs Johnson hasn‘t (d)
a. arrived just b. already arrived c. arrived already d. arrived yet
18. My cousins _ (a) seen a kangaroo
a. have never b. never have c. has never d. haven‘t never
19. I © to London five times already this week
a. went b. have gone c. have been d. was going
20. Margaret has here since February
a. being worked b. working c. been working d. been worked
21. She (b) in Hue for twenty years.
A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. will live
22. I (b) to the market with my mother yesterday.
A. go B. went C. have gone D. was going
23. How long © _ you her? – For five months.
A. do/know B. are/knowing C. have/known D. had/known
24. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it © for two hours.
A. rains B. is raining C. has rained D. rained
25. (b) you _ that film yet?
A. Do/see B. Have/seen C. Did/see D. Had/seen
26) He (a) in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived B. is living C. lived D. had lived
27) We (b) him since he married.
A. didn‘t see/got B. haven‘t seen/got C. don‘t/get D. hadn‘t seen/got
28) It © _ for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis.
A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining
29) He © to HCMC last year and I him since then.
A. moved/didn‘t see B. moves/haven‘t seen
C. moved/haven‘t seen D. moved/hadn‘t seen
30) We © what to do with the money yet.
A. not decide B. didn‘t decide C. haven‘t decided D. hadn‘t decided
III. Speaking
Topic 2
Describe the life of one of your grandparents that you much admire
You should say:
1) who he/she is
2) how old he/she is now
3) how happy his/her life is and explain
4) Why he/she has such a happy life
Language structures:
Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................
Introduce the grandparent My grandma/ grandpa is.........years old.
He/ She used to work as .....
Describe his/her daily routines and He/ She usually/ sometimes.....
how happy his/her life is
Why he/she has such a happy life He/ She is happy because...

Topic 3
Describe your household duties
You should say:
1) what you usually do at home to help your family
2) whether the house work is suitable to you (as a girl/boy)
3) whether you can complete it well
and explain 4) whether you like doing it or not
Language structures:
Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................
What you usually do at home to help At home, I usually/ sometimes...
your family
Whether the house work is suitable to The housework is suitable to me because....
Whether you can complete it well I can .... because......
I can’t.......because
Explain whether you like doing it or not I like... because....
I don’t like ... because....
Vocabulary: household chores:
do the gardening do the washing up clean the window sweep the floor
empty the rubbish bin
make the bed cook the meals help my mum/dad
wash the car/ motorbike feed the dog/ chicken
IV. Writing

Writing topic 4: Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her what you use Internet or
computers for. In your letter you should write about:
- How much time you spend on Internet/ computer everyday
- Why you use Internet/ computer everyday

You should follow the following guidelines:

 How much time you spend on Internet/computer everyday:
I always/ often spend.........hours using the Internet on my computer/ smart phone.
 What you use the Internet for:
I always/ usually/ sometimes/...........on the Internet
Useful vocabulary: play games, read ebooks/ magazines/ news, learn English, listen
to music, watch movies, search for information, chat to friends,...
 Why you use Internet/ computer everyday:
I use the Internet everyday because ....

Writing topic 5: Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about one of one of the most
unforgettable memories you have with your family.
In your letter you should write about:
- What your memory is
- Why you think it is one of the most unforgettable memories
Dear Jane,
It was great to receive your letter. I am glad that you and your family are well and
you had a nice holiday in France. I am writing this letter to tell you about one of my most
unforgettable memories with my family. We had a holiday in Da Nang for a week last
summer. We went by plane from Ha Noi to Da Nang. Da Nang is a very beautiful city. We
visited a lot of places such as some old pagodas. We ate a lot of seafood and I like the food in
Da Nang very much. We had a tour to Ba Na Hill and I was excited to travel by cable cars.
There are a lot of things to do in Ba Na. You can go sightseeing or play different types of
games. We talked and laughed a lot. People there are friendly. There were also tourists from
different countries so my sister and I could practice English with them. The weather was hot
and sunny so we spent most of the time on the beach and in the swimming pool. The trip was
unforgettable for me because I could enjoy it with my family. Da Nang was a great city and I
hope to come back to it one day. How about you? What is your most unforgettable memory?
Write to me soon and tell me about it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Writing topics 6: Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about one of one of the most
unforgettable memories you have with your close friend(s). In your letter you should write
- What your memory is
- Why you think it is one of the most unforgettable memories
Dear Jane,
It was great to receive your letter. I am glad that you and your family are well and
you had a nice holiday in France. I am writing this letter to tell you about one of my most
unforgettable memories with my close friend Hoang Anh. Hoang Anh is my pen-friend. She
lives in Da Nang. She invited me to visit her family last summer. I went by plane from Ha Noi
to Da Nang. Da Nang is a very beautiful city. We visited a lot of places. I saw some old
pagodas. We ate a lot of seafood and I like the food in Da Nang very much. We had a tour to
Ba Na Hill and I was excited to travel by cable cars. There are a lot of things to do in Ba Na.
You can go sightseeing or play different types of games. We talked and laughed a lot. People
there are friendly. There were also tourists from different countries so we could practice
English with them. The weather was hot and sunny so we spent most of the time on the beach
and in the swimming pool. The trip was unforgettable for me because I could enjoy it with my
close friend. Da Nang was a great city and I hope to come back to it one day. How about
you? What is your most unforgettable memory? Write to me soon and tell me about it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
V. Listening
Exercise 1. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Good afternoon. Many people in the western world eat the wrong (food) (1)
and they eat far too much of it. So the topic of my lecture today is (healthy)(2)
eating. I‘ll divide my talk into three parts; firstly, I‘m going to define what I mean by healthy
eating. After that, I‘ll go on to talk about why (people) (3) don‘t eat properly and then I‘ll
finish my lecture with some ideas for improving the situation.
Right. So what do I mean by ―healthy eating?‖ Well, some people might think it means
eating a lot of (meat)(4). Uhm of course, vegetarians wouldn‘t agree with this. They think
eating meat is very unhealthy. Other people think that eating a lot of cabbage is (good) (5)
for you, or a lot of salad. Well, naturally, cabbage, salad and meat can all be part of healthy
eating. But, for me, a healthy eating means (two) (6) things: one is eating a balanced diet
and the other is eating the right amount of food. In my opinion, a balanced diet means eating a
variety of foods, including meat, vegetables fruit, cereals and dairy foods. Obviously, the
amount of food we should eat is more difficult to decide. It depends a lot on how (active) (7)
we are.

Exercise 2. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Now on to my next point. Why do so many people eat badly? Well, let‘s look first at
having a balanced diet. To have a balanced diet you have to (plan) (8) your
meals in advance and then buy the right food and then take time to cook it properly. But,
these days people are so busy working that they don't have time to go ( shopping)
(9), so they end up buying fast food at the last minute. Another reason people don‘t eat well
nowadays is that it‘s actually ( cheaper) (10) to buy food already
prepared in a packet. So, people who haven‘t got much money, will buy packet food rather
than cook something (fresh) (11). And a final reason why people don‘t eat healthily and that
is that they don't know how to. In my opinion, schools don‘t do nearly enough to educate their
pupils in healthy eating (habits) (12).

VI. Practice tests

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. Would you mind (a) me some paper from the desk?
A. getting B. get C. to get D. got
2. ―When will Mr. Ba retire? He began (d) _ for the company thirty years ago.‖
A. to be worked B. to working C. will work D. to work
3. If Ba were rich, he _ © around the world.
A. should travel B. travelled C. could travel D. must travel
4. The examination will be held (a) _ June, 2007.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
5. Mary fell asleep during the party (b)..................she was tired.
A. of B. because C. while D. but
6. Wearing uniforms help poor students feel equal (d) others.
A. up B. on C. off D. to
7. The boy was greatly proud (b) his success at school.
A. on B. of C. at D. in
8.We are (b)...................in learning English.
A. interest B. interesting C. intrestingly D. interested
9. He read his article on the website last night, (b) ?
A. doesn‘t he B. didn‘t he C. did he D. hasn‘t he
10. Are all the students used © their summer vacation in the countryside?
A. to spend B. spend C. to spending D. spending
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

My name is John, and this is my story. Last year just before Christmas my family and our
cousin and uncle and aunt decided to go to Perth for holiday. We went in two cars but when
we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back. He said it was
too far, and it was terribly hot too, one day it was 480C . Even at night it was really hot.
Anyway, what we decided to do was to drive back about 160 km to a place where the train
went through. Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Peth by train. That was
fun. It was a good train.
We had a good time in Perth but we had to cut our holiday short. You see, while we were
there my grandmother (my mother‘s mother) in Melbourne died. Most of us flew back but my
Dad and my uncle came on the train with the cars and then had to drive back to Melbourne
from Port Pirie.
It was a really strange holiday because nothing went the way we planned it.

1. Why did John‘s uncle want to come back?

A. Because it was too hot B. Because it was too far
C. Because he was to tired. D. Both A and B.
2. In the end John‘s family went to Perth…………………….
A. by train B. by coach C. by car D. by plane
3. Who died when John‘s family were on holiday?
A. his mother‘s father B. his mother‘s mother
C. his father‘s mother D. his father‘s father
4. most of John‘s family came back……………………
A. by train B. by ship C. by plane D. by car
5. Who in John‘s family had to go by train and car to Melbourne?
A. his father B. his uncle
C. his parents D. his father and uncle

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the
(6)shopping (5)listen (2)too (10)because (7)with
(1)her (9)children (3)relaxes (4)dinner (8)until
Ann lives in LonDon. She is twenty-nine and works for the BBC. She interviews people on
an early morning new program called The World Today. Every weekday she get up at 3.00 in
the morning because the program starts at 6.30. She loves (her) (1) work because it is exciting
and she meets a lot of very interesting people , but she love her weekends, (too) (2). On
Friday she comes home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and she just ( relaxes)
(3) .On Friday evenings, she doesn‘t go out, but sometimes a friend comes for (dinner)
(4). He or she brings wine and they cook. Ann loves cooking.
They (listen) (5) to music or just chat.
On Saturday mornings she get up at 9.00 and she goes (shopping) (6). Then in the evenings she
sometimes goes to the theatre or the opera (with) (7) a friend-she loves opera. Then they eat in her
favorite Chinese restaurant. On Sunday morning she stays in bed late. She doesn‘t get up (until) (8)
11.00. Sometimes in the afternoon she visits her sister. She lives in the country and has two (children)
(9). She likes playing with her niece and nephew, but she leaves early (because) (10) she goes to bed at
8.00 on Sunday evenings.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. The mobile phone is more expensive than the laptop.
- The laptop is is cheaper than the mobile phone.
2. The boy has played the piano for 5 years.
- The boy started to play the piano 5 years a
3. Is your father a rich businessman?
- Your father is a rich businessman, isn’t he?
4. You should drink more water.
- You ought to drink more water
5. In spite of being ill, she went to the sport event at school.
- Although she was ill, she went to the sport event at school.
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her what you use Internet or computers for.
In your letter you should write about:
- How much time you spend on Internet/ computer everyday
- Why you use Internet/ computer everyday
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. He's not really interested in...................on the farm
A. to work B. work C. working D. work
2. Could you.......me how to use this mobile phone ?
A. say B. show C. explain D. give
3. When you phoned me, I..........my homework.
A. was doing B. did C. am doing D. have done
4. The air is polluted.............there is too much traffic.
A. because B. therefore C. however D. but
5. Can you help me find the man.............saved the girl ?
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
6. Lan didn't come to the party because she had to look...............her younger brother.
A. at B. for C. forward D. after
7. We felt........when the New Year's Eve was coming near.
A. excitement B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting
8. Tet is a festival.........occurs in late January or early February.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
9. The children have to come back before dark,.............?
A. haven't they B. do they C. don't they D. have they
10. They enjoy............computer games.
A. play B. to play C. played D. playing
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food.
They also help us to look nice.
How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the enamel covering of the
toot. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly
spreads inside to tooth. Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite ill.
How can we keep out teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He
can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to
check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have
toothache before they see a dentist.
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least
twice a day – once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden
toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish,
brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables, and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits
and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because
they stick to our teeth and cause decay.

1. When food and germs collect in a small crack, our teeth

A. become hard B. begin to decay
C. send poisons into the blood D. make us feel quite ill
2. A lot of people visit a dentist only when
A. their teeth grow properly B. they have holes in their teeth
C. they have toothache D. they have brushed their teeth
3. We ought to try to clean our teeth
A. once a day B. at least twice a day
C. between meals D. before breakfast
4. We shouldn‘t eat a lot of …………………

A. read rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. chocolate

5. Sweets are harmful because they cause …………
A. poisons B. decay C. illness D. healthy teeth

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
(6)through (8)big (7)it (9)open (10)prefer
stop stand (2)In (3)fast (5)few

Today, you can find fast food restaurants in almost every big city. In some places, you
.............................................(1) in a line and get a hamburger or a hot dog in a paper box;
……………. (2) other places, you can pick up a tray of fish, chicken, pizza or even Mexican
and Chinese food; and in some …………………….(3) food places you can even
………………(4) your car up to a window and place your order. A
……………………(5) minutes later a worker passes you your food…………………(6) the
window and you can drive away and eat
………………..(7) in your car.
In New York, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore and thousands of................................(8) cities
around the world, new fast food restaurants ………………….(9) every day. But why do
people ………………..(10) fast food restaurants to more comfortable restaurants where they
can sit quietly at a table and watch the world go by?


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. Despite the heavy storm, he managed to go to work on time.
- Although the storm was, heavy she managed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2. The boy has played the piano for 5 years.
- The boy started playing the piano 5 years ago
3. You haven‘t met that man, have you?
- Have _ you met that man ?
4. We‘d better find another repairman.
- We should find ,,,,,,,,,,
5. They started living in that castle 10 years ago.
- They have lived in that castle for 10 years .
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about one of one of the most
unforgettable memories you have with your family.
In your letter you should write about:
- What your memory is
- Why you think it is one of the most unforgettable memories
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. Tom plays soccer very well,............................?
A. does he B. didn‘t he C. did he D. doesn‘t he
2. She would come to see you if she................your address.
A. having B. had C. has D. have
3. We are looking forward to...............you.
A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing
4. I wish I could make a trip........the world.
A. in B. around C. to D. at
5. She must..........the job as soon as possible.
A. to start B. starting C. started D. start
6. He went away without.........the door.
A.........to close B. closed C. closing D. close
7. I … him three years ago.
A. will see B. see C. saw D. have seen
8..................................................................We will be there .............5 o‘clock early the
A. on-in B. at-in C. in-on D. in-at
9. Peter,......can compose many pieces of music, sings very well.
A. whom B. that C. who D. which
10. How do you feel today? – I feel...................better.
B. too B. fewer C. much D. a lots

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

Just a few years ago, this place was called Dumptown. The people living here didn‘t
think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or
recycled were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference.
And, eventually, that became a very big problem.
The garbage heap grew and began to smell. Sometimes it caught fire, and making it
hard for everyone to breathe. Dumptowners knew they had to fix it.
They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learned
to reuse things—like washing out empty jars in stead of throwing them away. And, they
learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then
made into new products.
1. The people living in Dumptown .
A. didn‘t think much about where the waste went
B. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the trash
C. didn‘t believe that recycling could make a difference
D. all are correct
2. Which of the following could replace the word ‗trash‘ in line 3?
A. garbage B. jar C. compost D. recycle
3. What were the Dumptown‘s problems? S
A. The garbage heap smelled. B. Sometimes the garbage heap caught fire.
C. It was hard for everyone to breathe. D. all are correct
4. What does the word ‗them‘ in the third paragraph refer to?
A. empty jars‘ B. the garbage heap C. Dumptowners D. the trash
5. What did they do to solve their problems?
A. They reduced the amount of waste they threw away.
B. They learnt to reuse things. C. They learnt to recycle. D. all are correct
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the
(7)of (6)cooked (9)with (8)them (1)popula
(2)from (10)like (3)came (5)too (4)ate

Everybody knows that the hamburger is very …popular..(1) American food.

However, people in the United States learned to make hamburgers…from (2)
Germans. The Germans got the idea from Russia.
In the thirteenth century the Tartar people from Central Asia came (3)
to Russia and parts of Europe. They ……ate..(4) something like hamburger meat, but it was
raw. This raw meat was beef, lamb, goat meat or horsemeat. Soon the Russians started to eat
raw meat, …too………(5). Germans from Hamburg liked it and they added salt, pepper, a
raw egg, and then cook ed (6) it.
Between 1830 and 1900 thousands of (7) Germans went to live in the United States.
They took the hamburger with …them…….(8). People called it hamburger steak.
In 1904 at the World‘s Fair in St. Louis ( a city on the Mississippi River) a man from
Texas sold hamburger steak in roll. Then people could eat it with (9)
their hands, like a sandwich. This was the first real hamburger… like (10) the
hamburgers we eat today.
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. Tom‘s house has a big garden.
-> There is a big garden in Tom’s house.
2. Mexico city is bigger than New York city.
-> New York city is not as big as Mexico city.
3. Nga walks to school every morning.
-> Nga goes to school on foot every day
4. Why don‘t we go out for a change?
-> Let‘s go out for a change.
5. How much does this bar of soap cost?
-> What is the price of this bar of soap.
Section 2:
Writing topics 6: Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about one of one of the most
unforgettable memories you have with your close friend(s). In your letter you should write
- What your memory is
- Why you think it is one of the most unforgettable memories
I. Grammar
 Have to/ don’t have to/ must/should
1. Chúng ta sử dụng ‘must’ khi người nói nghĩ là cần thiết hoặc quan trọng phải làm một việc gì
You must come there. (= It is important that you come there.) Chúng ta tạo thành câu phủ định,
câu hỏi và câu trả lời ngắn như sau: You mustn‘t go.
Must you go? ~ Yes, I must.
2. Chúng ta dùng ‘have to’ để nói về hành động nào đó là cần thiết vì đó là quy định hoặc đó là luật, hoặc
vì ai đó buộc chúng ta phải làm điều đó.
Doctors sometimes have to work on Sunday. (It is in the rules of their work.)
Chúng ta đặt câu phủ định, câu hỏi và câu trả lời ngắn với dạng ‘do’
Teachers don‘t have to work on Sunday.
Do you have to work today? ~ No, I don‘t.
3. Câu khẳng định
Trong câu khẳng định, chúng ta có thể thường dùng ‘ must’ và ―’have to’ với chút khác nhau
về nghĩa vì nhiều thứ được xem là quan trọng với cả hai l do: bởi vì chúng ta nghĩ vậy và
bởi vì đó là quy định.
You must study hard in order to pass the exam. (or … you have to study … ).
4. câu phủ định
Lưu sự khác nhau về nghĩa giữa ―mustn‘t‖ và ―don‘t have to
a/ Trong câu phủ định, chúng ta thường dùng ―mustn‘t‖ đề cập đến việc làm cái gì đó là sai
quy định hoặc phạm luật:
You mustn‘t smoke on buses.
(Smoking is against the rules.)
In football, you mustn‘t touch the ball with your hands.
(Touching the ball is against the rules.)
b/ Chúng ta dùng ―don‘t have to‖ để nói rằng mọi người không bị bắt buộc phải làm điều
gì đó:
In Britain, people don‘t have to carry a passport with them. (=
People are not obliged to carry one.)
Nowadays, in Vietnam, pupils do not have to learn Russian at school. (=
They are not obliged to learn it.)
5. Câu hỏi
Trong các câu hỏi, chúng ta thường sử dụng ―do/does….. have to‖ (không phải―must‖) để hỏi liệu
điều gì đó có bắt buộc hay quan trọng không: Does Mike have to get up early tomorrow?
Do we have to wait here?
 Ought to/ Should

- Cũng giống như ―must‖ và ―have to‖, ―ought to‖ và ―should‖ về cơ bản là có nghĩa giống nhau,
chúng đều có nghĩa là ―nên‖. Thực ra thì ―should‖ lại được dùng khá rộng rãi hơn ―ought
- Cả ―should‖ và ―ought to‖ đều nói về những nghĩa vụ, bổn phận và các lời khuyên. Mặc
dù vậy thì khi so sánh với ―must/ have to‖ ta thấy có một sự tương phản về ngữ nghĩa,
―should/ ought to‖ mang tính nghĩa vụ ít đáng kể hơn nhiều.
―I must go to a doctor‖ > ―I have to go to a doctor‖ > ―I should go to a doctor‖

 Lời khuyên

- Khi luyện tập sử dụng ―must/have to‖ cũng ―should/ought to‖ bạn nên đặt chúng trong một
ngữ cảnh cụ thể. Đôi khi, chỉ là một ngữ cảnh đơn giản nhưng lại sinh ra nhiều cách sử
dụng khác nhau của động từ khiếm khuyết (tương tự như ví dụ về việc bạn không thể tham
dự tiệc sinh nhật của người yêu vì phải đi mua sắm với mẹ)
- Bạn có thể nghĩ về việc học tiếng Anh của mình, những điều gì là bạn phải bắt buộc thực
hiện, ví dụ hoàn thành đầy đủ bài tập về nhà, hãy dùng ―must‖ với những câu loại này.
Ex: I must do all my homework.
- Ngoài ra những yêu cầu khác mà bạn tự đặt ra cho bản thân như mỗi ngày đọc thêm một
một câu chuyện bằng tiếng Anh, hãy dùng ―have to‖.
Ex: Everyday, I have to read a short story in English.
- Và về các lời khuyên mà thầy cô, bạn bè, anh chị, cha mẹ dành cho bạn, hãy chuyển tất cả
chúng về tiếng Anh và nhớ sử dụng động từ ―should‖ hay ―ought to‖ nhé.
Ex: I should learn another language before I graduate high school (Tôi
nên học một ngôn ngữ khác trước khi tôi tốt nghiệp trung học)

 Must vs. Have to; Mustn't vs. Don't have to

Must + Inf: Diễn tả lời khuyên ở cấp cao nhất (...) Have to + Inf: Chỉ sự bắt buộc phải làm,
nếu không sẽ phải trả giá (...) Mustn't + Inf: Cấm đoán ai làm gì Don't have to + Inf: Chỉ việc
mà ai đó không nhất thiết phải làm

MUST + Inf
- Must + Inf để chỉ việc mà người nói đã chắc chắn là đúng. Họ đưa ra suy luận logic dựa
trên những dẫn chứng hoặc l do rõ ràng.
Ví dụ:
You must be worried that she is so late coming home.
Chắc anh lo lắm vì cô ấy về nhà trễ thế.
It must be nice to live in Florida. Sống
ở Florida hẳn là tuyệt lắm.
- Must + Inf còn có thể dùng nhấn mạnh một lời khuyên ở cấp độ cao nhất và bản thân
người nói nghĩ rằng việc đó là cần thiết.
Ví dụ:
I must go to bed earlier.
Tôi phải đi ngủ sớm hơn thôi.
Tuy nhiên, "must" không có dạng quá khứ, nên khi nhấn mạnh lời khuyên... trong quá khứ ta
dùng "had to".

- Have to + Inf được dùng để chỉ việc mà ai đó bắt buộc phải làm. Nếu họ không làm, họ sẽ
phải trả giá.
Ví dụ:
I have to arrive at work at 9 sharp. My boss is very strict.
Tôi phải đến chỗ làm lúc 9 giờ đúng. Sếp của tôi rất là nghiêm. (Vì sếp quá nghiêm nên
tôi phải đến công ty đúng 9h chứ không được trễ hơn.)
We have to give him our answer today or lose out on the contract.
Chúng ta phải đưa ra câu trả lời của mình cho ông ấy trong ngày hôm nay nếu không sẽ bị
mất hợp đồng này. (Người nói buộc phải có câu trả lời trong ngày hôm nay mà không được
phép trì hoãn).
You have to pass your exams or the university will not accept you.
Hoặc là bạn phải đậu kì thi hoặc là trường đại học sẽ không nhận bạn vào học. (Bạn chỉ có
một con đường là phải đậu những kì thi nếu muốn được vào học đại học.)
- Trong tiếng Anh của người Anh, "have got to + Inf" thường được dùng thay cho "have
to + Inf".
Ví dụ:
I've got to take this book back to the library or I'll get a fine.
Tôi phải mang trả lại cuốn sách này cho thư viện nếu không tôi sẽ bị phạt.
Khi Must và Have to ở dạng kh ng nh thì sự khác biệt là rất nhỏ và khó để nhận ra. Nhưng,
khi chuyển sang dạng ph nh thì sự khác biệt trở nên rõ ràng.
* Must not/Mustn't do sth: Cấm không được làm gì.

Ví dụ:
I mustn't eat chocolate. It's bad for me.
Tôi không được phép ăn sô-cô-la. Nó không tốt cho sức khỏe của tôi. They
mustn't see us talking or they'll suspect something.
Không được để họ thấy chúng ta nói chuyện nếu không họ sẽ nghi ngờ.
* Don't have to + Inf (hay "Haven't got to + Inf" - theo tiếng Anh của người Anh): để nói
đến việc mà một người không cần phải làm nếu không muốn.
Ví dụ:
I don't have to listen to this. I'm leaving.
Tôi không cần phải nghe việc này. Tôi đi đây.
You haven’t to come if you don't want to.
Bạn không cần đến nếu không muốn.
II. Exercise. Choose the best answer for each sentence.
1. Tom to clean up his room. It's a mess.
A. Has B. have got C. got D. must
2. You told Mark. You knew it was a secret.
A. might have B. should have C. shouldn't have D. couldn't have
3. They built this temple 3,000 years ago. This must a great civilization.
A. not have been B. was C. have been D. has been
4. Children under five years old _ swim without an adult.
A. are supposed to B. don't have to C. have to D. must not
5.You eat more vegetables. They are healthy for you.
A. may B. might C. would D. should
6. You _ smoke near children.
A. couldn't B. shouldn't C. must D. may
7. The passengers _ wear their seat belts at all times.
A. May B. must C. can D. could
8. The boys wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have class at 8:00 am.
A. could B. would C. must D. can't
9. I have more cheese on my sandwich?
A. Must B. Could C. Have to D. Would
10. You _ eat more vegetables. They are healthy for you.
A. may B. might C. would D. should
11. I like to buy the same television for my house.
A. could B. may C. should D. would
12. The rock band _ play very well last year. Now they are much better.
A. couldn't B. wouldn't C. shouldn't D. can't

13. Tom watches all the Liverpool games. He be one of their biggest fans.
A. should have B. must C. has got D. couldn't
14. Studentsleave the classroom before the ring bells.
A. must B. should C. shouldn‘t D. can‘t
15. She looks pretty sick. I think she _ go to a doctor.
A. can B. should C. shouldn‘t D. mustn‘t
16. You've been driving all day. You _ be exhausted!
A. should B. shouldn‘t C. mustn‘t D. must
17. You _ _ smoke so much. It's bad for your health.
A. shouldn't B. can't C.can D. should
18. Hey I'm lost. _ you help me?
A. Shouldn‘t B. Must C. Should D. Can
19. You have such a beautiful voice. You sing for us!
A. can‘t B. shouldn‘t C. should D. can
20. That looks very expensive. It have cost a fortune!
A. must B. should C. mustn‘t D. shouldn‘t
21. I believe that you failed your test!
A. can't B. shouldn't C.could have D. should
22. I'm on my way. I _ be there in about 10 minutes.
A. can B.could C.couldn‘t D. should
23. I afford that.
A. shouldn't B. should C. can't D. must
24. Your father stop smoking.
A. can B. should C. must D. would
25. you pass my pencil to me?
A. can B. should C. must D. mustn‘t
26. You talk aloud in the library.
A. can 27.
B. shouldn‘t C. couldn‘t D.mustn‘t
A. can 28.
A. can 29. You smoke cigarette in hospital.
A. can B. should C. could D. mustn‘t
We visit our grandparents more often.
B. should C. could D. must
You touch burning items.
B. shouldn‘t C. can‘t D. mustn‘t
30. You _ _ drive too fast in the city.
A. must B. mustn‘t C. shouldn‘t D. couldn‘t
III. Speaking
Topic 4: Describe your favorite style of dressing
You should say:

1) what kind of wear you like (names of the clothes)

2) on what occasion you often wear them
3) how you feel wearing them
and explain 4) why you think they are suitable to you

Good morning teacher! I’m

happy to be here today.
I'm going to describe my favorite style of dressing. …………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… That’s
something I would like to share about my favorite style of dresssing. Thank you for
your listening.
Language structures:
1- State your preference: My favorite style of clothing is…
2- Briefly define it so people will get an idea about your favorite style.
3- State your first reason why you like it.. Give a small example if possible..
4- State your second reason if you still have time… But you‘d better state your second
reason.. and example..
5- Come with a conclusion, always do it with a conjunction.. For these reasons…

Note: Try to use conjunctions whenever possible; such as:

– My favorite style of clothing is vintage for two reasons…

– First of all, … For example,…
– Secondly,…. For instance,…
– For these reasons,…

Topic 5: Describe one of your memorable birthday party

You should say:

1. when the party was and how old you were that time
2. who organized it (if not you yourself did it)
3. who came to your party
4. what you did together during the time of the party
and explain how you felt after all
Good morning teacher!
I’m happy to be here today.
I'm going to describe my memorable birthday party. …………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… That’s
something I would like to share about my memorable birthday party. Thank you for
your listening.

Language structures:

1. when the party was and how old you were that time
2. who organized it (if not you yourself did it)
I was born in the month of March and I observe the day annually as my birthday.
Often some events are arranged marking the day at my home. Last year, my 20th
birthday was arranged at my college and my friends organised the surprising party.
3. who came to your party
It was really unexpected and the way they celebrated the day was memorable
indeed. None of them made me feel that it was my birthday. They tricked me
in different manners before the celebration and behaved that they knew nothing
about the day. Besides, some of my teachers have also wished me on the day
and it happened only for my friends.
4. what you did together during the time of the party
My birthday was celebrated inside the classroom and thus the entire class was
present there. All of my friends participated in the preparation for the party. Some
of them were involved in decorating the classroom and the rest others were busy
in planning to make me a fool on the day. The entire classroom was decorated
finely and especially the seat where I usually sit was decorated in a special
5. and explain how you felt after all
The birthday celebration was entirely different from the other birthdays.
IV. Writing
1. Writing topic 7.
Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about a family that you wish to have
in the future. In your letter you should write about:
- Members in your family
Reasons why you want to have such a family You
should write your letter about 150 words.
I was so glad when I got your letter last week. How are you these days? Are your
parents all fine and happy? Today, I‘m writing to tell you about a family that I wish to
have in the future.
My family in the future should have…....................members.
I want to have a...........husband/ wife, who
I want to have …………. boys and.............................girls.
I want us to do………………………………
I would like have a ………………. house with.........................., and we can live
happily together forever.
That‘s something I want to share with you about a family that I wish to have in the
future. In your next letter, please tell me about yours. Write to me soon. I‘m looking
forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Writing topic 8.
Write a letter to your friend to give him/ her some advices to keep fit and good
health. In your letter you should write about:
- What food your friend should eat everyday
- What exercises your friend should do everyday

You should write your letter about 150 words.

Sample answer:
I was so glad when I got your letter last week. How are you these days? Are your parents all
fine and happy? Today, I‘m writing to give you some advices to keep fit and good health.
Firstly, you should…………………….
Secondly, you can………………..
In addition, you shouldn‘t………………
+ do morning exercises or play sport as ride bicycle in fresh air. Riding bicycle helps to
reduces polluted environment too.
+ have a good diet, eat enough the nutriment. Always have breakfast ( The nutrionist
proves that breakfast is the most important meal per day). You should have meal in time.
+ breathe fresh air, away from polluted areas.
+ have sufficient sleep, at least 6 hours per day, not stay at late. I deal sleeping is about
+ shouldn't work too hard
+ keep yourself and your home, especially your room clean, tidy.
+ see the doctor regularly periodic examine.
That‘s some advices to keep fit and good health. In your next letter, please tell me
about yours. Write to me soon. I‘m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

Writing topic 9.

Write a letter to your friend to give him/ her some advices to learn English well. In your
letter you should write about:
What exercises/ task your friend should do everyday
How much time your friend should spend on English everyday You
should write your letter about 150 words.

I was so glad when I got your letter last week. How are you these days? Are your
parents all fine and happy? Today, I‘m writing to give you some advices to learn
English well.
Firstly, you should…………………….
Secondly, you can………………..
In addition, you shouldn‘t………………
That‘s some advices to learn English well. In your next letter, please tell me about yours.
Write to me soon. I‘m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

Language structures:
+ Speak as often and as much as possible!
+ Don‘t translate from your own language into English, it will slow you down.
+ It‘s also good to watch TV shows, or movies in English.
+ When listening to something more than once; first, try to catch the general meaning, then,
listen a second time for more in-depth information.
+ Have a dictionary with you (English/English is best.) to look up new words and then write
them down in a notebook.
+Try keeping a diary; write something in English in it every day, even if it‘s very simple.
Start with small sentences and make them longer. Again, the internet is a great way to help.
+ Try to make friends online, visit chat rooms, forums, or post comments on blogs. These
are all useful tools for you to learn well from.
+ Set yourself a goal and keep it in mind, it will motivate you to learn.

V. Listening

Exercise 1. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
My usual day

My name is Katy Williamson and I‘m a student at Southgate (1) university I‘m
the captain of the university women‘s football (2) team Women‘s football is becoming more
and more popular and the team is really busy playing (3) matches all over the
I get up at 6 am and at 6:30 I go to the gym. I always (4) walk. I usually spend about an hour
there and I walk back to the university and I have a huge (5) breakfast in the students
canteen at about a quarter past (6) eight I meet all my friends there, so breakfast sometimes
(7) takes a long time. Lectures
are from 10 o‘clock until about 1. I‘m (8) studying biology so I spend quite a lot
of time in the laboratories. I usually have lunch in the canteen but I sometimes go to a (9) cafe
over the road. After lunch I usually study in the (10) library There‘s sometimes football
practice between 5 and 6, so I have to work hard to finish all my (11) work before then. We
play matches against other university (12) women teams on Friday afternoons, so I have to
make sure I‘m always free then. Then I have my evening (13) meal usually in the
canteen because it‘s cheaper there.
In the evenings I like watching TV – I‘m usually too tired to do anything else. And I go to bed
really early, about (14) ten. When I leave university next year, I want to be a nurse, but I‘ll
continue playing football as a (15) hobby because I love it.
Exercise 2. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
My first day at work
When I was about (1) 18/eighteen, I started a new job in the kitchen of a restaurant.

I liked (2) cooking and I wanted to be a chef so I was really pleased to have this

job. In fact on the first (3) morning I woke up very early and I went to the restaurant at

about 7:30. I just didn‘t want to (4) wait any longer. I wanted to be in that (5) kitchen !

Luckily, the restaurant was open. The chef met me and showed me (6) what to do. But at

about nine o‘clock the (7) chef felt ill and went home. It was a terrible day, I was the only

one in the kitchen and the (8) restaurant was very busy. The waiters came to the kitchen

and ordered the food for the (9) customers and I made it. The waiters helped me to find

things. Twice I made a mistake and the customers got the wrong food. But it wasn‘t a

problem – in fact both of the customers (10) ate the food and then came to the kitchen to

say the food was really delicious. And the waiters got a big tip.

VI. Practice tests

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. My English teacher often.....me twice a week.
A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. teaching
2.I like English and my brothers.......Art.
A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking
3. Quiet, please! I...................a novel.
A. read B. reading C. am reading D. reading
4. I..............dinner for my family yesterday.
A. prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. is preparing
5. Nam....................a computer when he was a little boy.
A. have B. had C. are having D. were having
6. Hiep…..........his homework when his old friendss came.
A. do B. doing C. was doing D. were doing
7.did you get in your house last night? – I have a spare key of my house.
A. What B. when C. How D. why
8. Hanh was born..................................Spring.
A. from B. in C. at D. on
9. Lan….........................to a foreigner confidently.
A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says
10. I go for a…......................................every morning.
A. jogging B. walking C. walk D. walks

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother.
David's father gives him $5.00 a week pocket money and David puts $2.00 a week into his
bank account. After three months David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes to the
shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift.

Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to
himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00." He buys the brooch
and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is
very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother's
face a spider. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees
a spider.

1. What does David want to buy his Mother?

A. a special birthday present B. a Christmas present C. a spider ring D.
a treekaty

2. How much money does David take to the mall?

A. $20.00 B. $5.00 C. $17.00 D. $2.00

3. What does David do with the present when he takes it home?

A. He gives it to his mother C. He is very excited

B. He wraps it D. He places it in the tree

4. Why does David buy a spider brooch?

A. Spiders are his favourite pet C. He wants to scare his mother

B. He loves Christmas D. His mother loves jewelry

5. How does his mother feel when she opens the present?

A. She is sad B. She is excited C. She is happy D. She is frightened

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box

aregood blond going relax

greenwearing trees sun flower

These are Andrew and Melissa. They are very (1) ...good. friends and today they
are going on a picnic in their favourite place: Suffold‘s Park. They are
(2) wearing.... some comfortable clothes: Andrew is wearing some blue and orange
trousers and a purple cardigan. His shoes (3) ... are.. green and his backpack is red.
Melissa loves tracksuits! She‘s wearing a yellow tracksuit with some sky blue trainers.
Her backpack is pink. They are very different! Melisa is red-haired and Andrew is (4)

This park is amazing! There are two beautiful (5)trees . The

branches are brown and the leaves are purple. The grass in the park is light (6)
....green.. Can you see that wonderful yellow (7)sun in the sky? There are
many animals in the park. I can see a brown hedgehog, a purple butterfly and a yellow
bee and there is a green worm too! And can you see those beautiful flowers? The flowers
on the right are orange and the (8) flower on the left is
pink. We love (9) going on a picnic to Suffold‘s Park! It‘s the time for us
to (10) ... relax.
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
- The red car is more expensive than the black car.
2. I haven‘t seen him for 8 days.
The last time I saw him was 8 day.
3. Did he still go to the hospital last week?
- He went to the hospital last week, didn’t he _?
4. I‘m sure she will win this game.
– She must win the game _
5. Although it rained, they went out for a walk.
- Despite the fact that rained, they went out for a walk .
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about a family that you wish to have
in the future. In your letter you should write about:
- Members in your family
Reasons why you want to have such a family You
should write your letter about 150 words.
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. She never ………mountains during the winter.

A. climbing B. not climbs C. climbs D. doesn‘t

2. They often....................................skiing together.

A. going B. not go C. goes D. go

3. She is..............to music at the moment.

A. listening B. hears C. hearing D. listens

4. Nam........................all the meals for my family yesterday.
A. prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. is preparing
5. We......................for a picnic in the park last week.
A. went B. go C. are going D. were going
6. John.....................a party when the police came in.
A. have B. having C. was having D. were having
7.will you get married to her? – Maybe next year.
A. What B. When C. How D. Why
8. Nam is really good...................................playing football.
A. from B. in C. at D. on
9. Lan is able to.................................3 languages fluently.
A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
10. I will look..........................................the baby really well when you are not at home.
A. up B. through C. after D. for

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

David Hempleman Adams is an explorer and adventurer. In April 1984, he walked
through Northern Canada to the North Pole. He walked 400 kilometers in 22 days. He was 27
years old when he did it. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole by himself.
Other people travelled to the North Pole before David but they had a sled and a dog team.
David didn't have a dog team. David was a brave man to go on this adventure on his own. He
was also a lucky man because the bear and the icy water didn't kill him.

1: Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. David drove to the North Pole.

B. No one travelled to the North Pole before David.

C. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole alone.

D. It was very cold in the North Pole.

2: David travelled to the North Pole with ..................................................

A. a group of peopleB. a dog team C. another person D. nobody

3: Which of the following is NOT true?

A. He was killed by the bear. C. He walked 400 kilometers.

B. He walked to the North Pole alone. D. He was 27 years old when he travelled to the
North Pole.
4: The word “sled” means .

A. a person B. a vehicle C. a dog D. food

5: Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. A Lucky Man B. A Walk to the North Pole C. Without a Dog Team D. Icy

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the

over author very it worked

years in died job daughter

J.K. Rowling is the (1) author of the Harry Potter books. J.K.'s name is Joanne
Kathleen. She was born (2) in 1965 in a small town near Bristol, England. Joanne lived with
her parents and her sister. The Rowling family was not rich. Joanne did not go to special
schools. She was a quiet child. She loved to read and write stories. Joanne went to Exeter
University, and she finished in 1987. She (3) worked in different offices. In her free time,
she wrote more stories.

In 1990, Joannes mother (4) dies . Joanne was sad, and she wanted to leave England.
She saw a job in the newspaper for an English teacher. The job was in Portugal. She had an
interview, and she got the (5) job . In Portugal, Joanne married a Portuguese man. The next
year, Joanne had a (6) daughter, but she was not happy in her marriage. She left Portugal
with her daughter and went to live in Edinburgh, Scotland, near her sister.

After five (7) years, Joanne finished writing the first Harry Potter book. She sent it to
many book publishers. They all said that they didn't like (8) it
Finally, a publisher liked it, but the publisher said, "This is a children's book. Adults won't
read it. You won't make a lot of money." In 1997, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was
in the bookstores. J.K. Rowling was (9) very happy. Her dream to publish her book came
true. The book was famous all (10) over the world.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. This film is more interesting than that one.
- That film is not as interesting as this film
2. We began eating when it started to rain.
- We have eaten since it started to rain
3. Have you travelled to Da Nang?
- You _ have travelled to Dang Nang, haven’t you ?
4. You should know how to protect yourself in dangerous situations.
- You ought to know how to protect yourself in dangerous situations
5. Although he worked very hard, he didn‘t have enough money to buy his own house.
- Despite. The fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t have enough money to buy his own house

Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to give him/ her some advices to keep fit and good
health. In your letter you should write about:
- What food your friend should eat everyday
- What exercises your friend should do everyday

You should write your letter about 150 words.

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. He......................TV news every day.

A. watched B. watches C. watch D. watching

2. Lan rarely.........................out with her friends in her free time.

A. went B. going C. goes D. go

3. Hurry up! The train.................I don‘t want to miss it

A. has come B. came C. is coming D. comes

4. We........................to each other one week ago.
A. talk B. talking C. talks D. didn‘t talk
5. I...................a terrible accident when I was 10 years old.
A. had B. have C. are having D. were having
6. She…..........a bath when the front door opened.
A. have B. having C. was having D. were having
7. ……did you go last summer? – I went to Spain to visit my friends..
A. What B. Where C. How D. Why
8. The train went from the city airport......................................New York.
A. to B. from C. at D. on
9. He….........................me to study hard for my exam.
A. spoke B. talked C. told D. said
10. She is much............................................than her sister.
A. more happy B. happy C. as happily D. happier

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

Hot dog eating champion retains title after tiebreaker

For the second year in a row, American competitive eater Joey Chestnut defeated his
Japanese rival Takeru Kobayashi at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York
City, after a tie forced a five-hot-dog eat-off to be held. After ten minutes of hot dog eating,
two shorter than in previous years, Chestnut and Kobayashi were tied at 59 frankfurters. But
after the rare tiebreaker, 24-year-old Chestnut emerged as the winner, claiming a $10,000
prize and a mustard-yellow belt. "It was crazy," he said. "I'm just a normal guy eating hot
dogs on the Fourth. You can't overcomplicate it."Kobayashi, whose loss last year shattered a
six-year winning streak, said that a sore jaw and a tooth problem may have altered his
performance. "If I put one more mouthful in, I could have won", the 30-year-old Nagano
native said through a translator. "I lost because I wasn't quick enough in the rematch."
This year, the 22 competitors were under a 10-minute time limit, unlike the 12
minutes used for previous contests. The reason for this, according to Nathan's, was the
discovery of a document from 1916, which revealed that the original competition was 10
minutes long. Thousands gathered at Coney Island to watch the annual event, which has
become one of the more colorful traditions of America's Independence Day.
31. Who won the contest last year?

A. Takeru Kobayashi B. Joey Chestnut

C. First there was a tie, then Chestnut won D. The text does not say
32. Who came second last year?

A. Takeru Kobayashi B. Joey Chestnut

C. Somebody else D. The text does not say

33. How long was the competition this year?

A. 10 minutes B. 12 minutes

C. More than 10 minutes D. The text does not say

34. How long was the competition last year?

A. 8 minutes B. 10 minutes

C. 12 minutes D. 14 minutes

35. How many hot dogs did Joey Chestnut eat in the whole of the final?

A. 59 B. 64

C. Between 59 and 64 D. The text does not say

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
as twenty acting doctors She

camewasfamous thein
Joan Chen is (1) famous......................both in China, where she grew up, and in
(2) the United States, where she now lives. How did Joan become a
famous actress (3)in...............................both countries?

It‘s an interesting story. She (4)....................................was born in Shanghai in 1961.

When she was 14, some people from the studio (5)came.............................to her school and
choose her to study at the studio. (6).....................................she was happy about this chance,
but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however, she discovered that
she really liked (7)...........................................acting . At the age of 18, she won the Golden
Rooster, China‘s top film award.

In the late 1970s, Joan‘s parents, who were (8) doctors......................., moved to the
United States. Joan joined them when she was (9).......................................twenty and went to
college there. Her parents hope she would study medicine. Instead she majored in films
and later she looked for work (10)as ..........................................an actress.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. My grandmother is older than every one in my family.
- My grandmother is the oldest in my family
2. Tom hasn‘t had his hair cut for over three months.
– It is over three months since Tom had his hair cut
3. Are you worried?
– You_________________________________are woeeied, aren’t you ?
4. Although it rained, he went to school with his friends.
- Despite the rain, he ,,,,,,,
5. It‘s necessary for me to learn hard before my exam.
- I ought _______________________________________to learn hard ,,,,,,,,

Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to give him/ her some advices to learn English well. In your
letter you should write about:
What exercises/ task your friend should do everyday
How much time your friend should spend on English everyday You
should write your letter about 150 words.
I. Grammar
1. Past perfect
Cấu trúc:

Khẳng định Phủ định Nghi vấn

Had + S + past participle +
S + had + past participle + S + had + not (hadn‘t) + past (O)?
(O) participle +(O) Yes, S + had No,
S + hadn‘t
Had you thought before I
They had finished before I They hadn‘t eaten before asked the question?
arrived. he finished the job. Yes, I had
No, I hadn‘t

Cách dùng:
- Khi hai hành động cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ, ta dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành cho hành
động xảy ra trước và quá khứ đơn cho hành động xảy ra sau.
Ví dụ:
I met them after they had divorced each other.
Lan said she had been chosen as a beauty queen two years before
- Thì quá khứ hoàn thành diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và đã hoàn tất trước một thời điểm
trong quá khứ, hoặc trước một hành động khác cũng đã kết thúc trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
We had had lunch when she arrived.
They had left when I came.
- Khi th quá khứ hoàn thành thường được dùng kết hợp với thì quá khứ đơn, ta thường dùng
kèm với các giới từ và liên từ như: by (có nghĩa như before), before, after, when, till, untill, as
soon as, no sooner…than
Ví dụ:
No sooner had he returned from a long journey than he was ordered to pack his bags.
Yesterday, I went out after I had finished my homework.
- Hành động xảy ra như là điều kiện tiên quyết cho hành động khác Ví
I had prepared for the exams and was ready to do well.
Tom had lost twenty pounds and could begin anew
- Trong câu điều kiện loại 3 để diễn tả điều kiện không có thực. Ví
She would have come to the party if she had been invited.
- Hành động xảy ra trong 1 khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ, trước 1 mốc thời gian khác.
Ví dụ:
Jane had studied in England before she did her master‘s at Harvard.
Trạng từ nhận biết:
- until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after, for, as soon as, by....
- before, after, when by, by the time, by the end of + time in the past … Ví
When I got up this morning, my father had already left
By the time I met you, I had worked in that company for five years
2. Conjunctions:
when, while, as soon as, after, before, as, until, so, but, although Liên
từ được dùng để nối các câu đơn thành câu ghép.
Ví dụ:
Tom was talking to me while he was cooking the meal. As
soon as I arrived home. Tom was cooking the meal.
3. so, such (a), so many, so much
- so + adj/adv
I was so scared
- such + adj + plural/ uncountable noun The
Smiths are such friendly neighbours.
- such a + adj + singular noun
She‘s such a nice person
Cách dùng: so, such được dùng để nhấn mạnh

II. Exercise. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

1. I was sure that I the woman before.
A. seen B. had seen C. have seen D. has see
2. Tim wanted to know what to his backpack.
A. have happened B. happened C. had happened D. happens
3. Marcia _ by the time we got there.
A. left B. leaves C. have left D. had left
4. I realized that I the wrong book from the library.
A. had taken B. took C. have take D. take
5. Melissa ate the cake that I .
A. baked B. have bake C. bake D. had baked
6. The teacher asked why I class early.
A. have left B. left C. had left D. leave
7. What did Andrew say that he with my Cd?
A. had done B. did C. have done D. has done
8. At the party Susan _ some cake.
A. have ate B. have eaten C. has ate D. had eaten
9. The teacher corrected the composition I .
A. have wrote B. have written C. had written D. has written
10. The last time I was there it a very good restaurant.
A. had been B. have been C. been D. be
11. Sam washed the car after he it with gas.
A. had filled B. have filled C. fills D. filled
12. Frank left the table after he eating.
A. finishes B. have finished C. finish D. had finished
13. By the time my wife came home, I the laundry
A. do B. had done C. did D. have done
14. I went to work after I dog.
A. had walked B. walks C. have walked D. walks
15. Susan was late. By the time she got to school the class already.
A. have started B. starts C. was starting D. had started
16. We watched TV after our daughter _ to bed.
A. had gone B. go C. have went D. goes
17. We that car for ten years before we sold it.
A. have B. did have C. had D. had had
18. By the time Maria finished her report, she working on the computer for
over three hours.
A. be B. has C. had been D. have been
19. She Victoria once in 1993 before she moved there in 1996.
A. visit B. have visited C. had visited D. visits
20. Ming as a carpenter before he was laid off.
A. works B. have worked C. work D. had worked
21. I went to bed after I the news on television.
A. had watched B. watch C. have watched D. watch
22. Before he moved to Calgary, Charles _ in Saskatoon.
A. lives B. have lived C. had lived D. live
23. been to Disneyland before your trip this year?
A. Have you ever B. You had C. Had ever you D. Had you ever
24. Paul _ at Lake Louise every winter until 1999.
A. skis B. have skied C. had skied D. ski
25. He said he everywhere for his keys
A. had looked B. have looked C. had look D. look
26. The insurance company answered the letter that I .
A. write B. have written C. had written D. have wrote
27. The bus by the time we got to the bus stop.
A. have left B. leaves C. has left D. had left
28. I for a long time before I wrote the TOEFL exam.
A. study B. had studied C. had study D. have studied
29. Garry said that he _ his lunch.
A. had eaten B. have eaten C. eat D. eats
30. I an elk before I went to Jasper.
A. never seen B. had never seen C. never have seen D. never saw

III. Speaking
Topic 6

Describe one of your favourite websites

You should say:
what web page you use most often
what you use it for
in what ways it is good/bad to you
and explain: what you are doing to make best use of it
Sample answer:
Good morning teacher!
I‘m happy to be here today to talk about my favourite website.

It is www.google.com website that I find very useful for me. Google.com is the most
visited website in the world as well as the best search engine currently. It helps people to
search for any information they want. It searches websites, video, news, image, and
information for the search keywords. The results are relevant and quickly.
It helps me to find any information that I need for my studying, especially in learning
English. I also use it to find songs, films or video for my entertaining. However, it wastes my
time sometimes.
For more than a decade, I have been using this website for searching things I want. It
can find search results virtually for anything someone searches. For me, this website is a great
place to find information, references, academic books, story, news, websites and anything I
wanted to know and find. This website is the gateway to other websites for me.
Language structures:
Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................
what web page you use most often It’s ............../ Its name is ................
what you use it for It’s used for searching...
in what ways it is good/bad to you It helps me to ............... However, it also......
and explain: what you are doing to make I have been using this website for searching
best use of it ...............

IV. Writing
Writing topic 10 (GHP). Write a letter to your friend to give him/ her some advices how
to make friends in new place. In your letter you should write about:

- What people should say in the first meeting.

- What proper attitude people should have. You
should write your letter about 150 words.

You should follow the following guidelines:

Dear John,
I am very happy when I know that you are fine and happy in new place. Today, I am
writing this letter to you to give you some advices in making friends .
It’s very common for students to have problems in making friends. Finding a good
friend is not easy. I think you should find someone who is …
I hope this advice helps you. Please write to me again if you need more help. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards/love/lots of love,
V. Listening

Exercise 1. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
My usual day
My mane is Dan Jones and I‘m a (1)…third… year student at Southgate University. My days
are really (2)…busy…… because my hobby is tennis and I play in national matches, so I have
to (3) proctise a lot.
My day (4) begins at 6 a.m. I get up and go straight to the gym before (5) breakfast I always
go there by bicycle because the fresh air wakes me up. After an (6) hour or so I come back to
the university and then I have a huge
breakfast at about eight (7)…thirty . Oh, I always have shower of course before
breakfast or nobody would (8) sit next to me! From 9:30 until 1:00, I go to lectures. My (9)
…subject is geography.
Then all the students have (10)learek together in the canteen at 1 o‘clock. I usually study in
my room after lunch – that is, except for one (11)afternoon a week when we play matches,
sometimes against another university. They‘re always on (12) wednesday afternoons.
In the evenings I like spending (13) time with my friends – we sometimes go
to the cinema or to a disco. When I (14) leave university next year, I want to travel (15)
arund...................................the world.

Exercise 1. Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
My first day at work
On my first day as a taxi (1)…………….. , my first passenger was a woman who
wanted to go to the (2)…................................She was in a hurry because she needed to be
at the airport at 10:30 to check in. she had lots of (3)……………. with her. Anyway, she got
in the car and put the bags in the boot and we set off. I drove fast and we were (4)…
................................because there was no traffic jams.
We got to the airport at exactly ten (5)………….. Her flight was to New York where
her (6)…………… lived and it left at 12:20. She got out of the car and (7)………….. to look
for her purse. Then she looked across at the airport. She suddenly looked very annoyed. She
took her (8)…………….. out of her bag and showed it to me. I realized the mistake. She
didn‘t tell me which airport to go to, so this was the International Airport. Her flight (9)
…………….. from the City Airport – about an hour away. She refused to (10)
………………… me anything so it wasn‘t a very good start for me.

VI. Practice tests


Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. You..................buy any sugar. There‘s plenty.
A. should B. needn‘t C. mustn‘t D. couldn‘t
2. Ho Chi Minh city is much.....................than Hanoi capital.
A. more large B. larger C. largest D. the largest
3. Bill a new house.
A. have just bought B. have just buy C. has just bought D. has just but
4. You were pleased when you heard the result,........................?
A. didn‘t you B. weren‘t you C. wasn‘t it D. didn‘t it
5. I wouldn‘t sleep well if..........................in bed for half an hour.
A. I‘m not reading B. I don‘t read C. I didn‘t read D. I
wasn‘t reading
6. That house _ painted green for ten years.
A. have be B. have been C. has be D. has been
7. She is the….....................member of the family.
A. taller B. tallest C. tall D. more tall
8. Try to speak English quickly. Don‘t stop and think about every word.
A. slowly B. poorly C. fast D. well
9. You have a bit of a................Now, let me see your throat.
A. fever B. coughing C. problem D. hurt
10. You told us a very.................story.
A. To interest B. interesting C. interest D. interested

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food.
They also help us to look nice.
How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the enamel cornering of
the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay
slowly spreads inside the tooth. Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite
How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year he
can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to
check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have
toothache before they see a dentist.
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least
twice a day – once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden
toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish,
brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and
cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they
stick to our teeth and cause decay.
1. Good teeth help us to………..
A. be nice B. have good eyesight C. chew our food D. be important
2. A lot of people visit a dentist only when…………..
A. their teeth grow properly C. they have toothache
B. they have holes in their teeth D. they brushed their teeth
3. We ought to try to clean our teeth………
A. once a day B. between meals C. at least twice a day D. before breakfast
4. We shouldn‘t eat a lot of ………..
A. red rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. chocolate
5. Sweets are harmful because they make our teeth…………..
A. black B. ache C. bad D. cracked

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box

and an is very are

in do to my I

My Day
I wake up at half past seven and quickly wash and have breakfast. I go (1)…
TO…….school by bike. Lessons start at nine o‘clock. There (2) ARE………thirty pupils in
my class – fifteen boys and fifteen girls. We have five lessons (3)IN......................the
morning and three in the afternoon. My favourite lesson is geography (4)…AND.............I
also like English and biology. I (5)DO.............not like maths. I have lunch at school and
school food is (6)…VERY………..nice. After lunch we play for half (7)…AN.......hour
before it (8)…IS............time for class again. School finishes at four o‘clock. After
school (9)I...................often go to a friend‘s house. In the evening I do
(10)…MY.....homework and then watch television or read.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. She started playing the piano 5 years ago.
--> She has.....PLAYED THE PIANO 5 YEARS................................................
2. Did he go home late yesterday?
3. You should work harder to pass the exams.
--> You ought ..TO WOEK HARDER TO PASS THE EXAMS...................
4. My salary is high to pass the exams.
--> My salary isn‘t...LOW TO,, pass the exams
5.Although he is very rich, he buys second-hand clothes.
--> In spite of BEING RICH, he buys second-hand clothes.


Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. If I …… get a pole, I‘ll go fishing
A. can B. could C. may D. might
2. She sings..................among the singers I have known.
A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful
C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully
3. Marcia _ by the time we got there.
A. left B. leaves C. have left D. had left
4. How long..............in London?
A. you been B. have you been C. you have been D. were you
5. It. all day.
A. rained B. rains C. has been raining D. was raining
6. We can‘t go along here because the road is---------------------.
A. been repaired B. being repaired C. repaired D. repairing
7. It‘s the day before an exam. I am ...........
A. homesick B. nervous C. angry D. stressed
8. George is-------------------Lisa.
A. marry with B. marry to C. married with D. married
9. Can you help me look….....................my glasses. I can‘t find them anywhere.
A. in B. for C. on D. under
10. I‘m trying to......................up smoking – it‘s really hard!
A. gave B. given C. give D. giving.
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

My parents divorced, and my mother came to England to make a new start. I was 19.
For me, it was an enormous shock. When you are in Colombia, you think everything in
Europe is wonderful. I arrived in September, the weather was awful and the skies were grey.
London wasn‘t nearly as exciting as I thought. I spent a year studying English, then fell in
love. The marriage didn‘t work, but I had two children, Jenifer and Julian.
I bought this restaurant. It‘s becoming more and more popular, especially with
Europeans. I love my work. It‘s the most interesting job in the world. I‘m not just serving
food; I‘m giving people an experience of my culture. I‘m so thankful now that I came here.
There are more opportunities I go to Colombia every year, but when I‘m there, I miss
England. I really love being here.
1. How old was she when her mother came to England?
A. nineteen B. ninety C. eighteen D. twenty
2. How was the weather like when she came to England?
A. sunny . B. awful.
C. cloudy. D. perfect.
3. How many children does she have?
A. one B. three C. two D. nine
4. Why does she love her job?
A. because she‘s giving people an experience of her culture
B. because she earned a lot of money
C. because she is not just serving food
D. because it‘s the most interesting job in the world
5. How often does she go to Colombia?
A. every week B. every day C. once a year D.
every month
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the

for met climbed written a

in between several won is

James Tine (1)… is ………. 60 years old and as active as ever. He‘s (2)… a
journalist, and he‘s worked for the New York Daily (3) for 22 years. He‘s traveled widely in Africa, China,
and the Middle East. As a foreign correspondent he‘s met many famous world leaders, including Bill
Clinton and Nelson Mandela. He‘s a friend of the US President- they‘ve (4) play golf together on
many occasions and
James has always (5) won!
His passion is travel. He‘s (6 climbed .Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, he‘s crossed
the Sahara Desert on a camel, and he‘s seen the Northern Lights in Iceland. He‘s (7) written
number of his books about his travel and he‘s won (8) several prizes.
His story of a train journey (9) between Berlin and Beijing ―Alone again‖ won an award
(10)in 2006.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. If it doesn‘t rain, I‘ll go swimming
–> Unless …IT RAINS, … I‘ll go swimming ……………………………………………
2. We spent 5 hours getting to London.
–> It took …us 5 hours to get to London………………………………………………..
3. They last visited me five years ago.
–> They haven‘t……visited me for five years………………………………………..
4. My parents built this house in 1971.
–> This house ..…was built by my parents in 1971…………………………………………..
5. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
–> They had such………a fierce dog that nobody would visit them.……

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. If they had enough time, they...................visit her.
A. will B. can C. must D. would
2. My parents.............me because I went home late yesterday.
A. punished B. has punished
C. have just punished D. just have punished
3. An international conference..................in Hanoi next week.
A. will held B. will be hold C is going to hold D. will be held
4. The day of the meeting..........................again.
A. will change B. will be changed
C. will has to be changed D. will have to change
5. Melissa ate the cake that I .
A. baked B. have bake C. bake D. had baked
6. I.................for her for over 3 hours.
A. wait B. waited C. have been waited D. has waited
7. You‘ve got your exam results. You‘ve failed. You are......
A. angry B. jealous C. scared D. upset
8. What would you do if you …… a million pounds?
A. won B. win C. will win D. had won
9. Jean should seriously consider....................an actress. She is a very talented performer.
A. to become B. become C. becoming D. will become
10. The larger the city,..........................the crime rate.
A. highest B. higher C. the highest D. the higher
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century.
He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of fourteen. Several years
later he spent one year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York. For a
few years after that he roamed the world and writing some poetry. He returned to the United
States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for
undergraduate poetry. After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia with the
help of a Guggenhein fellowship.
His novels include Not Without Laughter (1930) and the Big Sea (1940). He wrote an
autobiography in 1956 and also published several collections of poetry. The collections
include The Weary Blues (1926), The Dream Keeper (1932), Shakespeare in Harlem (1942),
Fields of Wonder (1947), One Way Ticket (1947), and Selected Poems (1959). A man of
many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist. As an older man in the
1960s he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans
to popularize black writers. Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American
literary history, and he is seen as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the
period when a neighborhood that was predominantly black produced a flood of great
literature, music, and other art forms depicting daily city life for African-Americans.
1. What is Langston‘s job?
A. a teacher B. a worker
C. a writer D. a guide
2. How old was he when he moved to Cleveland?
A. 14 B. 15 C. 14 years ago D. 40
3. In which university did he graduate in 1928?
A. Witter Bynner B. Columbia University C. Guggenhein D. Lincoln
4. Which one is his novel?
A. the Selected Poems B. the Big Sea
C. the Weary Blues D. the Dream Keeper
5. What did he do in the 1960s?
A. writing novels B. writing poems
C. collecting poems D. publishing several collections of poetry

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
15 on a as no
at for is to many

If you are lucky enough to have money, says the report, the best thing to do with it is
to go (1) on holiday with people you love or have life- changing experiences, such (2) as
walking the Himalayas or diving in the Red Sea. The memory of these experiences stays with
you forever. If you buy (3) a new car
or a designer handbag, you are excited for a very short time, and then it is (4) no longer
exciting. Think of the millionaire wife who buys her husband a new 250,000 $ Rolls- Roll
Phantom (5) for his birthday. He already has (6) 15 cars. What is he going (7) to do with the
sixteenth? How (8) many cars can he drive (9) at the same time?
The problem is that we think that money brings happiness. But we need to remember
that what makes us really happy is friends and family. As John Lemon said,
―All you need (10) is love‖
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. I would like to buy this car but I don‘t have money.
- If I had money, I would like to buy this car
2. They were bought a new flat by my parents.
- My parents bought them a new flat
3. The road isn't wide enough for us to drive down.
- The road is too narrow for us to drive down
4. Nam often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field.
-It often takes Nam 15 minutes to lead the buffalo to the field
5. I last saw him 3 months ago.
- I haven‘t seen him for 3 months
I. Grammar: Passive voice (C u b ng):
- Câu bị động được sử dụng khi bản thân chủ thể không tự thực hiện được hành động.
Ex Active: They will sell their house next year.
Passive: Their house will be sold by them next year.
S be + VpII by + O
 Công thức:

1. Quy tắc và cách chuyển sang câu bị động

- Xác định S, V và thì của câu chủ động.
- Lấy ―O‖ trong câu chủ động làm ―S‖ của câu bị động.
- Lấy ―S‖ trong câu chủ động làm ―O‖ và đặt sau ―By‖ trong câu bị động.
- Biến đổi ―V‖chính trong câu chủ động thành PP2(Past Participle) trong câu bị động và
thêm ―To be‖ vào trước PP2trong câu bị động (Động từ ―to be‖ sẽ chia theo thì và
theo chủ ngữ).
- Trong câu bị động ―by + O‖luôn đứng sau adverbs of place(trạng từ chỉ nơi
chốn) và đứng trước adverbs of time (trạng từ chỉ thời gian).
- Trong câu bị động, có thể bỏ: by people, by us, by them, by someone, by him, by
her…nếu chỉ đối tượng không xác định.

2 . Câu chủ động có 2 tân ngữ

Đối với câu chủ động có 2 tân ngữ (trong đó thường có 1 tân ngữ chỉ người
và 1 tân ngữ chỉ vật) như give, show, tell, ask, teach, send …… muốn nhấn mạnh vào
tân ngữ nào ta đưa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ của câu bị động. Ex: I gave him a
→ He was given a book (by me) Or A book was given to him (by me).
4. Động từ trong câu chủ động có giới từ đi kèm
Chúng ta không thể tách giới từ khỏi V mà nó đi cùng. Ta đặt giới từ đó ngay sau V
trong câu bị động.
Ex: - Someone broke into our house . → Our house was broken into.
- The boys usually picks her up. → She is usually picked up by the boys.
5. Cấu trúc câu bị động với các thì trong tiếng anh

Tense (các thì) Active (chủ động) Passive (bị động)

1. Present S + V(s/es) + O S+ is/am/are + VpII + (by + O)

simple ( Hiện
tại ơn) Ex: Mary studies English Ex: English is studied by Mary
every day everyday.

2. Present S + is/am/are + V-ing + O S + is/am/are + being + VpII + (by + O)

continuous tense
( Hiện tại tiếp Ex: He is planting some trees Ex: Some trees are being planted (by
diễn) now. him) now.

3. Past simple ( S + VpII /Ved + O S + was/were + VpII + (by + O)

Quá khứ)
Ex: She wrote a letter Ex: A letter was written (by her) yesterday.

4. Past S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were +being + VpII + (by + O)

tense (Quá khứ Ex: They were buying a car at 9 Ex: A car was being bought at 9 am
tiếp diễn) am yesterday. yesterday.

5. Present S + have/ has + VpII + O S + have/ has + been + VpII + (by + O)

perfect ( Hiện
tại hoàn thành) Ex: My parents have given me a Ex: A new bike has been given to me by
new bike on my birthday. my parents on my birthday.

6. Present S + have/ has + been + V-ing S + have/ has + been + being

perfect +O +VpII+(by + O)
(Hiện tại hoàn Ex: John has been repairing this Ex: This car has been being repaired by
thành tiếp diễn) car for 2 hours. John for 2 hours.
7. Past perfect S + had + VpII + O S + had + been + VpII + (by O)
(Quá khứ hoàn
thành) Ex: He had finished his report Ex: His report had been finished before 10
before 10 p.m yesterday. p.m yesterday.

8. Past perfect S + had + been + V-ing + O S + had + been + being + VpII + (by + O)
(Quá khứ hoàn Ex: The essay had been being typed for 3
thành tiếp diễn) Ex: I had been typing the essay hours before you came yesterday.
for 3 hours before you came

9. Future simple S + will + V(nguyên thể) + O S + will + be + VpII + (by O)

(T ơng lai ơn)
Ex: She will do a lot of things Ex: A lot of things will be done tomorrow

10. Future S + will + be +V-ing + O S + will + be + being + VpII + (by O)

ơng lai tiếp diễn) Ex: She will be taking care of her Ex: Her children will be being taken
children at this time tomorrow care of at this time tomorrow.

11. Future S + will + have + VpII + O S + will + have + been + VpII + (by O)
perfect(T ơng
lai hoàn thành) Ex: She will have finished her Ex: Her studying will have been finished
studying by the end of this year. by the end of this year.

12. Future S + will + have + been + V- S + will + have +been + being + VpII
perfect ing + O + (by O)
(T ơng lai Ex: I will have been teaching Ex: English will have been being taught by
hoàn thành English for 5 years by next me for 5 years by next week.
tiếp diễn) week.

13. Model S + model verb + V(bare- S + model verb + be+ VpII + (by O)
verbs ( Đ ng từ infinitive) + O
khuyết thiếu: Ex: The guitar could be played by Mai
can, could, Ex: She could play the guitar when she was 8 years
should, ought when she was 8 years
to, must,
have/has to,
II. Exercise. Choose the best answer for each sentence.
1. The letter by Tom now.
A. was written B.is being written C.has been written D. will be written
2. English by everyone.
A. is understood B.has been understood
C.was understood D. are understood
3. This issue by the employees during the meeting last week.
A. has been brought up B.is brought up
C.was brought up D. hadbeen brought up
4. His house by the fire since 2007.
A. has been destroyed B.was being destroyed
C.is destroyed D. have been destroyed
5. The photos in a London studio last week.
A. have been B. was taken C. have taken D. were taken
6. When the boy _ the car, he was badly injured.
A. hit B. was. C. was hit by D. is hit by
7. The Many mistakes made.
A. have just been B. has been just C. to be D. is just
8. What will happen if the air _?
A. has B. is polluted C. be polluted . D. was polluted.
9. Most forests in other climatic are as by human beings.
A. have already been affected . B . have already affected
C. have already been affecting D. had already been affected

10. The parcel _ to him before his birthday.

A. will be sented B. will been sent C. will be sent D. will be send
11. Is the new computer system _ next month?
A. been installed B. being installed
C. being installed by people D. be installed
12. to you yet?
A. Have the book being given back B. Have the book been gave back
C. Have the book been give back D. Have the books been given back

13. The car by my father yesterday.

A) was washed B) were washed C) has been washed D)
14. My wedding ring _ _ of yellow and white gold.
A is made B. is making C. made D. maked
15. References in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used C. didn‘t used D. are not used
16. Mary _ in Boston.
A. are born B were born C. was born D. born
17. My mother is going this house.
A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell
18.There‘s somebody behind us . I think we are ................
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following
19. Have you____________________by a dog?
A. bite B. ever been bit C. ever been bitten D. bit
20. The room is being at the moment.
A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean
21. The road to our village____________________widened next year.
A. is B. will C. can D. will be
22. Nobody_ in the accident , were they?
A. injure B. were injured C. was injured D. were injured
23. That book _ by a famous author.
A. wrote B. was written C. is writing D. has written
24. We can‘t go along here because the road _ .
A. is repairing B. is repaired
C. is being repaired D. repaires
25. The road to our village____________________widened next year.
A. is B. will C. can D. will be
26. The room is being at the moment.
A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean
27. There‘s somebody behind us . I think we are ................
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D.
28. I to apply for this job by my parents.
A. was encouraged B. encouraged
C. be encouraged D. were encouraged
29. Old men with respect by children.
A. should treat B. should have been treated
C. should be treated D. should treating
30. Tom _ the director by Mr. Brown tomorrow.

A. is appointed B. was appointed

C. will appoint D. will be appointed

III. Speaking
Topic 7

Describe the life of a rich family that you know

You should say:

1) who the family are and where they are living

2) what they do to earn their livings
3) how rich they are
and explain 4) in what ways you think they are enjoying their lives

Language structures:
 The name of the family:
- I would like to talk about the..........................family
- I am going to talk about ..........................
 The place they are living:
- They are living in ....................
 How rich they are?
- He/she makes money by...............
- He/she earns much money from.................
 Enjoying their lives:
- Involving in .............(charity. )
- Devoting ... to......
- Putting his/her family first.

IV. Writing
Writing topic 1: Write a letter to your friend to talk about your last birthday party.
In your letter you should write about:
- Where you had your birthday party
- Who you invited to your birthday party
- What you did at the party

You should write your letter about 150 words.

You should follow the following guidelines:

 When/ Where was your birthday party?
- My birthday party was on..... in....
- My birthday party happened .... in....
 Who took part in the party?
- There were about.......... people including.................(my friends, my relatives
and some neihgbours)
 What did you do?
+ Before the party:
- Decorating...............with colourful balloon and ribbons
- Helping ......................... make delicious dishes such as..............( pizza, birthday
cake, drinks....)
+ During the party:

- Singing Happy birthday song song

- Enjoying the food and drinks
- Playing some games namely...........................(hide-and-seek or bag jumping)
- Dancing to the music and sang together.
+ At the end of the party:

- Taking a lot of photos

- Opening my presents.

Writing topic 2: Write a letter to your friend to talk about your favorite sport.
In your letter you should write about:
- What your favorite sport is
- Why you like that sport

You should write your letter about 150 words.

You should follow the following guidelines:

 The name of favorite sport

- My favorite sport is ...............
- The sport I like best is ......................
 The reason why this sport is popular :
- Firstly.......
- Secondly.......
- Finally.......
 The reason why you like it
- Firstly.......
- Secondly.......
- Finally.......
Writing topic 3: Write a letter to your friend to describe your place of birth. In your letter
you should write about:
- Where it is
- What landscape(s) it has

You should write your letter about 150 words.

You should follow the following guidelines:

 The place of birth

- I was born in .........................
 Write about its position:
- It is located in ..........................
- It is situated in .........................(which part of continent, bordering with
 Tell about its main characteristics (weather, seasons, what it is famous for, etc)
 Tell about the people ( job, charactieristic)

V. Listening

Exercise 1: Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.

This is the VOA Special English EDUCATION REPORT.
This week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss the first steps for students
interested in higher education in the United States.
One place to go for advive (1) and information about American
colleges and universities is an EducationUSAcenter. More than four hundred of these
educational advising centers are located around the world. The advisers at
EducationUSAcenters do not charge any money for their services (2) . They help
students find schools and get information about financial aid, admissions tests and visa
requirements. The centers are supported by the State Department. You can find the nearest
one on the State Department's Web site for international students. The address is
educationusa.state.gov. Again, it's educationusa.state.gov.
Another place to get information (3) is at an educational fair.
Representatives of American colleges and universities present information and answer
questions from students and their parents. The Institute of International Education has been
organizing (4) United States Higher Education Fairs in Asia since nineteen
eighty-two. Last year, more than fourteen thousand students attended (5) these
fairs in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. The next higher education
fairs in Asia are in October. For example, more than seventy colleges and universities will
have (6) representatives in Hong Kong on October
eleventh. Other organizations hold similar events in other parts of the world. Information
about educational fairs in your country can be found (7) at the
same Web site, educationusa.state.gov.

One important piece of advice -- give yourself plenty of time (8) to

plan your studies in the United States. Educational advisers say you should begin
planning at least two years before you want to start classes. If you have a
question (9)for our series on American higher education, send it
to special@voanews.com. Or use the Contact Us link at voaspecialenglish.com. Make sure to
tell us who and where you are. We might answer your question on our
program (10) in the weeks ahead.
And that's the VOA Special English EDUCATION REPORT, written by Nancy
Steinbach. Transcripts and MP3s of our Foreign Student Series, and a link to the
EducationUSA Web site, are at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.
Exercise 2: Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.


I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
There is something hard to resist about cherries. The small red fruit is a popular
seasonal food around the world. In northern areas,.......................................(1) trees are just
beginning to produce flowers.The cherry is a member of the same family of plants as the
rose. It is closely related to the plum. Like cherry trees, plum trees also
..............................(2) in early spring. Cherries are thought to be native to western Asia.
There are two major kinds of cherries harvested in the world: sweet and sour.
Sour cherries are not eaten fresh because they....................................(3) little
sugar. Instead, they are processed to make prepared foods like jellies and pies and to make
alcoholic drinks. The United States is a major producer of sour
cherries. Among the states, Michigan is the top producer. Russia, Poland and Turkey are
other important cherry-producing nations.
Sweet cherries contain much more sugar than their sour relatives and are usually
eaten fresh. Washington state is the.............................................(4) American producer,
followed by California and Oregon. The United States, Iran and Turkey are major producers
of sweet cherries. In the United States, production fell by twenty percent last year after a
record...........................................................(5) in two thousand four.Fresh cherries do not
store well. They must reach market as soon as possible. So they cost more than many other
kinds of fresh fruit.
...........................(6) produce different kinds of cherries through the process of grafting.
They take cuttings from existing trees and join them to related trees, known
as root stock. The cuttings, called scions [SY-uhnz], grow into the root stock, so the two
kinds of trees grow as one. Cherry trees are also..............................................(7) for their
springtime blossoms. Cherry blossoms are popular in many parts of Asia and Europe.
But Washington, D.C., has some of the most famous cherry trees in the
world. Japan gave the United States three thousand cherry trees in nineteen twelve as a gift
of..........................(8). There were twelve different kinds of cherry trees, but
most were a kind called Yoshino. Years later Japan gave another.......................................(9)
of three thousand eight hundred trees. In the early nineteen eighties, the United States provided
Japan with cuttings from the Yoshino trees in Washington. These cuttings
.........................(10) replace Japanese trees lost in a flood.
This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by Mario Ritter.
Read and listen to our reports at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.
VI. Practice tests
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. I want to buy a new dress which is..............................................than that one.
A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. more cheap

2. My son was interested..........................collecting stamps when he was 8.

A. to B. up C. in D. with
3. I....................................these picture books at the bookstore since yesterday.
A. bought B. has bought C. buy D.have bought
4. Rice.................................in many parts of Asia.

A. are grown B. is grown C. has grown D.have grown

5. They came back home after they....................................their work.
A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. is finishing
6. She..........................................for 2 hours and she is very tired now.

A. is cycling B. has been cycling C. was cycling D. will be cycling

7. If she sold her car, she….............................................much money.
A. gets B. will get C. would get D. would have
8. Mary often fells...............................before the exam.
A. nervous B. lonely C. upset D. proud
9. She had burned the food......................we went out to eat.
A. but B. so that C. so D. after
10. Tom with his close friend, Macro …………………….. a bus to the party last night.
A. catch B. caught C. catches D. has caught

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

It is estimated that about 200 milion people who use the Internet computer network
around the world. The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work.
The Internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in many part of
the world for the cost of a local telephone call. E.mail allows users to send documents,
pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. People can
use the Internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use the Internet for
education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e.mail or
talk their problems through ― on line‖ rather than attend a class.

1. The Internet allows people _.

A. to stay at home and rest B. not to work

C. to travel to work D. to work at home

2. To a business, the Internet is to communicate with customers.

A. a cheap way B. a very expensive way

C. an inconvenient way D. a difficult way

3. E. mail can be use to send .

A. documents B. information

C. data D. all are correct

4. It takes _ to do the shopping on the Internet.

A. a lot of time B. a little time

C. less time D. more time

5. To use the Internet for education is .

A. impossible B. possible

C. inconvenient D. difficult
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the

burning waste invisible however recycle

able garbage where kill collected

Garbage is what someone leaves behind that they do not want to use anymore. It can
also be called (1)…………… or rubbish. A definition of .....................(2) is anything left
behind at a place (3)………….you used to be, but are not anymore. In modern home and
businesses, (4)…......................................................, garbage is normally separated and put
where it can be (5)………….and taken to a place designed to hold, burn, or (6)…

Smoke is a cloud of very small, solid parts. It is made when (7)…..............something.

Smoke is can be bad because if it goes into the lungs of a person, it can
.....................(8)them. Most people think that they are always (9)…........…..to see smoke, but
it can also be(10)…...................................(a thing that a person is not able to see).


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1.Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years.
-> French ........................................................................................
2. I have left to Ho Chi Minh city since last year.
-> I left …………………………………………………………............……
3. It took her 2 days to complete this document.
-> She ……………………………………………………………….............….
4. Jane is very sad because her friends can not take part in her birthday party this
→ If ..........................................................................................................
5. The food was so hot that it turned her tongue.
-> It was ...................................................................................................
Section 2: Write a letter to your friend to talk about your last birthday party. In your letter
you should write about:
- Where you had your birthday party
- Who you invited to your birthday party
- What you did at the party

You should write your letter about 150 words.

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1...................................................................................The food in this restaurant is than that in the
Chinese restaurant.
A. the most expensive B. as expensive C. expensiver D.more expensive
2. They have just..............................some rooms for their summer holiday in Sydney.
A. renting B. rent C. rented D. rents
3. If I had enough money,I……abroad to improve my English.
A.will go B.would go C.should go D.should have go to
4. Last night, Peter...........................to the supermarket before he went home.
A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. goes
5. The street is full of water because it..........................for 3 hours.
A. rained B. has been raining C. had rained D. rains
6. She had burned the food.............we went out to eat.
A. but B. so that C. so D. after
7. My parents are.....................of my studying results.
A. proud B. happy C. delighted D. lonely
8. I and my relatives....................................to Phu Quoc island last summer.
A. go B. have gone C. went D. had

9. Most forests in other climatic areas.............................by human beings.

A. have already been affected B. have already affected
C. have already been affecting D. had already been affected
10. When you go, keep.............touch with me
A. in B. to C. up D. out
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
Christmas .

Two popular traditions at Christmas are : decorating the home and singing the
Christmas carols. The home is the center of the Christmas celebration.Inside, an evergreen
tree is usually placed in the corner of the Living room.Children and their parents wrap string
of colorful lights around the tree, they hang ornaments on the branches . A star or angle often
crowns the top. Careful- wrapped gifts are placed beneath. Outside, families often string lights
around the windows and wind light around trees and shrubs in the front yard. As the families
decorate their homes, they often put on Christmas record. Almost every family has at least
one favorite album or
compact disc. School children of all ages perform Christmas concerts for their parents and
communities. On Christmas‘ Eve, family members gather around Christmas tree to sing
traditional songs Such as Jingle bells and Silent night and then give presents to each other.

1. What are the popular traditions at Christmas?

A. Decorating the home. B. Singing Christmas carols.

C. Eating Christmas pudding. D a and b are correct.

2. Where is the evergreen put ?

A. In the middle of the livingroom. C. In the middle of the

B.In the corner of the livingroom. D. In the corner of the


3. How do they decorate the Christmas tree?

A. They wrap string of colorful lights around the tree. C.They crown a star on
the top.

B. They hang ornaments on branches D. a,b and c are correct.

4. What do the family members often do on Christmas’ Eve ?

A. They gather around Christmas tree.

B. They sing traditional songs.

C. They gather around the tree,sing traditional song and get presents

D. They give presents to each other.

5. What do they do as they decorate their home ?

A. They sing traditional songs. C. They eat Christmas pudding.

B. They put on Christmas record. D. a , b and c are correct.

Section 3: Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the
demand sells product factoriesdeveloping

organization in offices shareholders operation

Founded in 1970, Airbus............................................(1) its planes to more than 180
airlines world wide. Based in Toulouse, France, it is a truly international……………………..
(2), employing around 40.000 people of over 30 different nationalities. Its …………………..
(3) are two leading European aerospace companies: the European Aeronautic Defence and
Space Company (EADS) (80%) and BAE Systems of the United Kingdom (20%).

Airbus's ………………….(4) line is divided into three aircraft families - the A320
Family (A318/A319/A320/A321) with 107 - 185 seats, the A300/A310 Family with 220-266
seats, and the A330/ A340 Family with 253 - 380 seats. In response to market
…………………………(5) for very high capacity aircraft, Airbus is also
.............................(6) the A3XX Family, staring with 555 seats. In 30 years of
.....................................................(7) , Airbus has received orders for some 4000 aircraft.

Airbus has ……………………………(8) all over Europe, subsidiaries in the United

States and China, regional …………………………….(9) in Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, New
Delhi, Moscow, Brussels and Dubai, spare parts centres
......................... (10) Hamburg, Frankfurt, Washington, Beijing and Singapore, and training
centres in Toulouse, Maimi and Beijing.


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. These boxes were handed to the customer by the shop assistant
-> The shop assistant .............................................................................................
2. The football match was so exciting that all the fun shouted loundly.
-> It was .................................................................................................................
3. I last saw him when I was a student.
-> I have not ...........................................................................................................
4. It took him a year to get IELTS certificate.
-> He spent ............................................................................................................
5. I didn‘t eat lunch, I feel hungry now.
–> If I…………………….............................................................…………….
Section 2: Write a letter to your friend to talk about your favorite sport. In your letter
you should write about:
- What your favorite sport is
- Why you like that sport

You should write your letter about 150 words.

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
1. The room is being......................at the moment.
A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean
2. The pupils in the past is not.................................................as the ones at present.
A. as busy B. the busiest C. more busy D. busier
3. The secretary.......................................appointment at the head office already.
A. made B. has made C. makes D. will
4. When I came to the stadium, the match ………………………………….

A. started B. had started C. has started D. starts

5. I write letters....................my right hand.

A. in B. by C. with D. at
6. She looks very exhausted because she.........................................all night.
A. worked B. has worked C. has been working D. had worked

7. Mary is not only beautiful......................intelligent.

A. but also B. but C. however D. yet
8. If it...............................tonight , we would go on our journey.

A. doesn‘t rain B. didn‘t rain C. hadn‘t rained D. rain

9. My grandmother..................me about an interesting story last week.
A. was telling B. would tell C. had told D. told
10. I am.....................because I have been running.
A. tired B. sad C. upset D. lonely

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers.

One of the main sources for the spreading of news and events throughout the world
is the newspaper.

The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of political, social economic and
entertainment happenings, among other things .Generally, there are three types of
newspapers: daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, and special-interest newspapers. Daily
newspapers publish at least one edition every weekday. Most dailies also have a weekend
edition. Daily newspapers often have sections for news, sports, arts and entertainment,
business and classified advertising. Weekly newspapers print once a week and cover news of
interest to readers in a smaller area than that of a daily paper. They focus on local happenings
rather than national or international events. Special- interest newspapers may publish daily,
weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. They
generally disseminate news of interest to a particular group of readers or feature news about
a specific topic.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, we can now get access to electronic
newspapers. To some extent, e-newspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most
readers in the world.

1.The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of…

A. political and social happenings C. other different events

B. economic and entertainment happenings D. all A, B and C

2. Three types of newspapers are…

A. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and special-interest newspapers.

B. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers , yearly newspapers .

C. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and monthly newspapers.

D. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers and special-interest newspapers.

3. Most daily newspapers publish…

A. only one edition every weekday .

B. one edition every weekend .

C. at least once every weekday and once at weekend.

D. one different edition for one different section

4. Weekly newspapers usually focus on…

A. local happenings C. international happenings

B. national happenings D. local and international happenings

5. We can easily get access to electronic newspapers because they are…

A. modern, up-to-date but expensive

B. cheap, up-to-date and convenient worldwide

C. quick, cheap and convenient

D. modern, quick and up-to-date

Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the
speech events to bring designed from

addition sit more important viewers

Television is one of man‘s most (1)..................means of communication.

It brings events and sounds (2)...............around the world into millions of homes .A
person with a television set can................................................(3) in his house and watch the
president making a (3)..............or visit a foreign country , He can see a war being fought and
watch statesmen try (4) ...............about peace . Through television, home viewers can see and
learn about people, places, and things all over the world. TV even takes its (5)..................out
of this world. It brings them coverage of America‘s astronauts as the astronauts explore outer

In (6)...................to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of
programs that are (7)...................to entertain. In fact, TV provides (8).
.....................entertainment programs than any other kind. The programs include action-
packed dramas, light comedies , sporting...............................(10) and motion pictures .


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. Students are not making many noises in the class.
->Many noisies .......................................................................................................
2. John spent three months getting a driving lience.
-> It ..........................................................................................................................
3. She started joining in the election campaign one month ago.
-> She has…………………………………………………………………....................….
4. This car is so expensive that I can‘t afford to buy it.
-> It is such …………………………………………………………………….................
5. Your motorbike won‘t start, I suggest kicking it.
--> If you…………………………………………………...........................…....………..
Section 2: Write a letter to your friend to describe your place of birth. In your letter you
should write about:
- Where it is
- What landscape(s) it has
You should write your letter about 150 words.
Unit 11
I. Grammar: Present perfect continuous tense
1. Công thức
a. Khẳng định:
S + have/ has + been + V-ing + O
Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ
Have/ has: trợ động từ Been:
Phân từ II của ―to be‖ V-ing:
Động từ thêm ―-ing‖
- S = I/ We/ You/ They + have
- S = He/ She/ It + has
Ví dụ:
- It has been raining for 2 days.
- They have been working for this company for 10 years.
b. Phủ định:
S + haven’t/ hasn’t + been + V-ing + O
Câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm ―not‖ ngay sau trợ động từ ―have/ has‖. CHÚ
- haven‘t = have not
- hasn‘t = has not
Ví dụ:
- I haven’t been studying English for 5 years.
- She hasn’t been watching films since last year.
c. Câu hỏi:
Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing + O?
Trả lời: Yes, I/ we/ you/ they + have. – Yes, he/ she / it + has.
No, I/ we/ you/ they + haven‘t. – No, he/ she/ it + hasn‘t.
Câu hỏi ta chỉ cần đảo trợ động từ ―have/has‖ lên trước chủ ngữ‖.
Ví dụ:
- Have you been standing in the rain for more than 2 hours?
Yes, I have./ No, I haven‘t.
- Has he been typing the report since this morning?
Yes, he has./ No, he hasn‘t.
2. Cách dùng
a. Dùng để diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ diễn ra liên tục và kéo dài đến hiện
tại. Nhấn mạnh vào tính chất ―liên tục‖ của hành động.
Ví dụ:
- I have been typing this letter for 2 hours.
b. Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra, vừa mới kết thúc nhưng kết quả của hành động
vẫn có thể nhìn thấy được ở hiện tại.
Ví dụ:
- I am very tired now because I have been working hard for 12 hours
3. Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian/ Dấu hiệu nhận biết
- Since + mốc thời gian
Ví du: She has been working since the early morning.
- For + khoảng thời gian
Ví dụ: They have been listening to the radio for 3 hours.
- All + thời gian (all the morning, all the afternoon, all day, …) Ví
dụ: They have been working in the field all the morning.
- All week, for days, lately, recently, over the last few months
+ They haven't been working all week. They're on strike.
+ He hasn't been talking to me for weeks.
+ We've been working hard on it for ages.
+ I've been looking at other options recently.
+ Have you been exercising lately?
4. Các chú ý
- Phân biệt thì hiện tại hoàn thành với thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Giống nhau:
- Cả thì hiện tại hoàn thành và thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn đều diễn tả một hành
động bắt đầu xảy ra ở quá khư nhưng còn tiếp tục ở hiện tại.
Khác nhau:
1. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh kết quả của hành động
2. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của một hành động trong một
khoảng thời gian nào đó.
Ex: I've learned all the vocabularies all afternoon.(Chỉ ra kết quả của hành động)
I've been learning all the vocabularies all afternoon (Nhấn mạnh tính liên tục)
3. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh về số lượng
Ex: Tina has typed 14 pages since 2 o‘clock.
I have run 450 miles for 15 mintues.
4. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh về khoảng thời gian
Ex: Tina has been typing since 2 o'clock. I
have been running for 15 minutes
5. Các động từ vừa được dùng ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành, vừa được dùng ở thì hiện tại hoàn
thành tiếp diễn mà không đổi nghĩa: Live, Work, Learn, Study, lie, Sleep, Teach, Stand, Sit,
Ex: He has worked at this company for 10 years He
has been working at this company for 10 years. I have
lived in New York since 2002
I have been living in New York since 2002
II. Exercises
Choose the correct answer in each question.
1. Paul ….. in God since he was a child.
A. Believed B. Has believed C. Has been believing D. Have been believing

2. I ….. the book, you can have it back.

A. Reading B. Have been reading C. Has been reading D. Have read

3. Why are your hands so dirty? - I …… my bike.

A. Repaired B. Have repaired C. Have been repairing D. Has been reparing
4. We …… around Scotland for 8 days.
A. Traveled B. Have traveled C. Have been travelling D. Has been travelling
5. Sandy ………dinner four times this week.
A. Cooks B. Has cooked C. Has been cooking D. Have cooked
6. Steve ……… for 6 hours. In 2 hours he's going to reach Vermont.
A. drives B. has driven C. has been driving D. drove

7. I…...............................to contact him but to no avail.

A. is trying B. have been trying C. tried D. has tried

8. The ballon........................100 meters above us for 2 hours. Why can't they land at
A. soars B. has soared C. has been soaring D. soared

9. Who............................my chocolate bar? Soon I will have none left.

A. has been eating B. eats C. has eaten D. will eat
10. She....................up her office, hasn't she?
A. was tidying B. was tidied C. has been tidying D. is tidying 11.
He...............five letters since this morning
A. Has been writing B. Have written C. Writes D. Wrote
12. I……… ―Chicken soup for the soul‖ but I haven‘t finished it yet.
A. read B. am reading C. have been reading D. was reading
13. Don‘t disturb her, she has n‘t finished her homework. She......................for 2 hours.

A. has studied B. is studying C. has been studying D. studied

14. She will find another job next month. She (teach)…English in this
centre for 5 year.

A. has been teaching B. has taught C. taught D. is teaching

15. She is so tired. She (arrange)…the seats for all the people.
A. is arrangingB. arrangedC. has been arrangingD. has arranged
16. She is sleeping. She (sleep)…since you went out.

A. sleeps B. slept C. has slept D. has been sleeping

17. The rain has just stopped, I (not go)…to the market yet because of the

A. didn‘t go B. haven‘t gone C. hasn‘t gone D. am not going

18. I…in this company for 2 years. During that time, I have already met a lot
of English people.

A. have been working B. worked C. has worked D. is working

19. He.......................his letter all the morning
A. has been writing B. has wrote C. is writing wrote
20. Jane is getting fatter because she..............................too much
A. eats B. has been eating C. has eaten D is eating
21. My mother........................potatos all the morning
A. peel B. is peeling C. has been peeling D. was peeling
22. How long..........................the computer?
A. did you use B. have you been using C. have you used D. are you using
23. Charles...........................with Mike for years
A. is living B. has lived C. has been living D. lived
24. Where are my glasses? I..............................for it for hours
A. looked B. have looked C. have been looking D. am looking
25. It......................for 6 hours
A. has been raining B. rained C. has rained D. is raining
26. Cathy....................a course of cooking since March
A. is attending B. has attended C. has been attending D. attended
27. She looks very exhausted because she.....................all night
A. worked B. has been working C. has worked D. is working
28. He...................on the phone for hours
A. is talking B. talked C. has talked D. has been talking
29. We......................for her for 30 minutes.
A. are waiting B. waited C. have waited D. have been waiting
30. They......................in the field all the morning.
A. have been working B. worked C. have worked D. are working
III. Speaking:
Topic 8: Describe a kind of sport you like to play
You should say:
1. what the sport is
2. how often and with whom you play it
3. whether you can play it well or not and explain
4. how good the sport is to you
Language structures:

Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................

What is the sport? It’s …………….
How often do you play it? I play it once a week/twice a week/
With whom do you play it? I play with my classmates/ my friends/ my
brother/ my father/……..
Whether you can play it well or not I am rather good at playing………..
How good the sport is It is wonderful/good/great to play………

Topic 9: Describe a normal day in your life

You should say:
1) what you do in the morning (getting up, doing exercises, having breakfast,
going to classes/work, etc.)
2) what you do in the afternoon (having lunch, taking a snap, …)
3) what you do in the evening (going back home, playing sports, having dinner,…) and
explain 4) to what extent(s) you think your life is interesting/ boring.
Language structures:

Introduce the topic I’m going to talk about ...................

What do you do in the morning? After getting up, I brush my teeth, wash my
face, have breakfast and walk to school…….
What do you do in the afternoon? I have lunch with my family, take a nap, do
my homework…..
What do you do in the evening? I have a wonderful dinner, share and talk
during the meal…………..
Your life is interesting or boring? My normal day is quite boring because all
these activities are repeated
IV. Writing
Writing topic 4: You have some foreign friends who have a plan to visit Vietnam next
summer. Write a letter to your friends to introduce them some famous landscapes of Vietnam.
In your letter you should write about:
- Where some famous landscapes are
- What make these landscape(s) famous
You should write your letter about 150 words.
You may follow the following guidelines:
- Introduce some famous landscapes: There are many famous landscapes in Vietnam such
as Ha Long Bay, Nha Trang beach, BaNa hill and ect but I recommend you should visit
Nha Trang beach.
- Tell about where these landscapes are: Nha Trang beach is situated in the southern part
of Vietnam.
- What make these landscapes famous. Nha Trang is well-known for clean and clear
beach, interesting leisure activities, delicious sea food…..
Writing topic 5: Write a letter to your friend to describe your best friend. In your letter you
should write about:
- Describe his/ her appearance
- Describe his/ her characters
You should write your letter about 150 words.
You may follow the following guidelines:
+ Suggested structures
+ S + tobe +.........years old: Ai bao nhiêu tuổi
Ex: My friend is 21 years old
+S + tobe (a/an) +N (job): Ai làm nghề g Ex:
She is a student
+S + tobe + adj (appearances): Ai trông nh thế nào Ex:
My friend is tall and thin
+ S + have/has got + N: Ai c .....
Ex: she has got black hair and brown eyes
+ S +tobe +adj (characteristics): Ai tính cách nh thế nào
Ex: My friend is helpful and friendly
+ S + tobe + short adj + er than +S2
Ex: she is taller than me
+S + tobe + more + long adj + than + S2
Ex: she is more beautiful than her sister
-S + like(s) + Ving something: Ai thích làm g Ex:
she likes doing gardening in his free time
-Someone’s hobby is.........................Sở thích là
Ex: Her hobby is going fishing at the weekends
+ Suggested new words
Blond/black hair: T c vàng/ en Brown/blue/black eyes: Mắt màu n u/xanh/ en
- Adj for describing personalities:
Friendly: th n thiện helpful/kind: tốt bụng
Funny: vui tính intelligent: thông minh
Careful: cẩn thận great: tuyệt v i
Clever: thông minh lazy: l i
Brave: dũng cảm polite: l ch sự
Serious: nghiêm túc shy: xấu hổ
Hard-working: chăm chỉ
- Adj for describing appearances
Tall/ short/ big/ small: cao/thấp/to/nhỏ Good-looking: a nh n
Handsome: ẹp trai Beautiful: xinh ẹp
old/ young: già/trẻ Admire: ng ỡng m
Love: Yêu/ thích To be fond of someone: tự hào về ai

Writing topic 6: Write a letter to your friend to describe one of the famous beaches that
you have visited or known. In your letter, you should write about:
- Where it is
- What landscape(s) it has
You should write your letter about 150 words.
You may follow the following guidelines:
- Introduce the famous beach: It is …………./the famous beach that I have visited is……
- Where it is? It is located in……../ it is situated in…………….
- Introduce what landscape has: It is known as the famous entertainment center of Vietnam,
with series of complexes such as Vinpearl Land, Tri Nguyen Aquarium, Hon Tam Resort….

V. Listening
Exercise 11: Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Trump Bans Transgender People from US Military

President Donald Trump is banning transgender people from serving in the United States
The president (1).........................the announcement Wednesday on Twitter. He wrote that
he discussed the issue with generals and military experts. He said he then decided that the
government, in his words, ―will not accept or (2).........................transgender individuals to
serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.‖
―Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be
burdened with the tremendous medical (3)…......................and disruption that transgender in
the military would entail,” he wrote.
Navy Capt. Jeff Davis is a spokesman (4)…......................the U.S. Defense Department. He
declined to say whether transgender people already serving in the (5)…........................would
be removed. He also declined to say whether Trump‘s tweets mean a change in policy. Davis
told the Associated Press, ―Call the White House.‖
The AP reported that about (6)…………. military service members are in the process of
changing gender. Trump‘s announcement did not say what would (7)…...............................to
these service members.
The U.S. Department of Defense has not released the number of transgender people currently
serving in the military. But a RAND Corporation study says that between 1,300 to nearly
7,000 (8)….................................................people are currently active in the services.
Transgender people have been able to serve openly in the military since last year. That was
when former Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the ban. The new (9)…………….. was to
go into effect fully on July 1. However, in June Defense Secretary James Mattis said the
department would delay Carter's order in order to examine its possible effect.
Matt Thorn is head of OutServe-SLDN, an organization representing the
LGBT population in the military. He said thousands of transgender people have served in the
U.S. military (10)….........................................any issues.
Victoria Rodriguez-Roldan, director of the Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project,
said Trump‘s decision ―is harming lives for the sake of political gains.‖ Exercise 12:
Listen and fill in each blank with a word or a number you hear.
Trump Administration Expected to Cancel Start-up Visa Program
President Donald Trump‘s administration is postponing a program that provides visas for
foreign entrepreneurs to launch companies in the United States. It (1)….............................to
review whether or not to cancel the program.
The program, known as ―start-up visa,‖ was announced last year by then-President Barack
Obama. It was designed to give entrepreneurs (2)…....................................to live in the U.S.
for 30 months to start their companies.
The program would give a (3)….....................to non-U.S. citizens who make $250,000 in
investments or win $100,000 in government grants to support their proposals. These visas
could be renewed. Leaders in
the (4)…………. industry had asked the Trump administration to put the program in place.
They believe it is a way for immigrants to (5)… to the U.S. to
start new companies and create more jobs. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had
estimated that almost 3,000 entrepreneurs would be eligible for such visas (6)… year.
The program was to have taken effect next week. But DHS has published a notice delaying
the start of the program until (7)......................................14, 2018.
The notice says DHS plans to cancel the program, but is asking for reaction from the public
before it makes a final decision.
Steve Case is an entrepreneur who founded the tech company AOL. He said delaying the start-up
visa program is a ―(8)………… mistake.‖ Case wrote on Twitter:
―Immigrant entrepreneurs are job makers, not job takers.‖
Bobby Franklin is the president of the National Venture Capital Association, an organization for
start-up investors. He called the administration‘s decision ―extremely disappointing.‖ At a time
when countries (9)………… the world are doing all they can to attract and retain talented
individuals‖ he said, ―the Trump administration is signaling its intent to do the exact
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a department of DHS, said it delayed the rule to
meet the requirements of one of President Trump‘s executive (10)……………
that limited the ability of federal officials to permit foreign nationals to remain in the United
I‘m Pete Musto.
VI. Practice tests:
Test 16
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. Of the four dresses, which is.................................expensive?
A. the best B. the most C. the more D. the greater
2. She..................the ocean before she moved to Vancouver.
A. had never seen B. never seen C. have never seen D. had never saw
3...................................in England?
A) Did you ever worked B) Have you ever worked
C) Worked you D) Didn't you have worked
4. I….................for him for 30 minutes and he still hasn't arrived.
A. have been waiting B. has waited C. waited D. is waiting
5. A number of (duck) …….(go)........................through here, yesterday
A. duck/go B. ducks/go C. ducks/went D. duck/went
6. This house........................in 1970 by my grandfather.
A. Built B. Was built C. Was build D. Has built

7. John would be taking a great risk if he..............his money in that business.

A. would invest B. invested C. had invested D.
8. He got wet….........he forgot his umbrella.
A. because of B. because C. but D. and
9. Don't worry...............the money! I'll lend you.
A. about B. with C. to D. for
10. You‘ve got your exam results. You‘ve failed. You are……………..
A. angry B. nervous C. worried D. upset
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
Meaning of life – butterfly
A long time ago, there was a young man who wanted to find the meaning of life. He traveled
from the sea to the mountain to do that.
One day, he saw a butterfly trying to move its new wings. The new wings were weak, so it
was very hard for the butterfly to move them. Nearby, another butterfly was trying to get out
of its cocoon. Wanting to help, he broke the cocoon and the new butterfly easily got out.
The new butterfly tried to open its wings but could not, and then it became quiet, and silent in
death. The young man felt so sad. The butterfly could have got out of its cocoon, opened its
wings and flew high into the sky if he had not helped it. It should not have died in that way!
What can we learn from the young man‘s story? Let others do their work by themselves. No
one should do for another what that person can do alone. Sometimes, our help is not necessary
and it even may destroy everything. That is the rule of life.
1. What did the young man want to find?
A. The sea
B. The mountain
C. The meaning of life
D. A butterfly
2. According to paragraph 2, why couldn’t the butterfly open its wings?
A. Because of the young man's help
B. Because of its wing injuries
C. Because of its small wings
D. Because of the rain
3. According to paragraph 3, what can we learn from the young man’s story?
A. You should help a butterfly
B. You shouldn't help anyone
C. Let others do their work by themselves
D. Help only destroys everything
4. What is the rule of life?
A. Travel to learn
B. Butterflies need wings to move
C. Try to help everyone you meet
D. Let others do their work by themselves
5. What is the story about?
A. A lesson that a young man learned from his trip
B. A butterfly's story
C. A young man's story
D. A kind person
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the
Improve throughout help written enrich
In but for into ancestors

Books are (1) _ to provide knowledge and good books (2) the
mind. By putting ourselves under the influence of superior mind, we (3) our
mental powers. At good books, we learn that people everywhere are the same, in all ages, and
in all places. This knowledge improves our love into others and helps us to live (4)
peace with them. We also recognize that the world was made not only
for man alone (5) for every creature that can feel hunger and thirst, warmth and
Though it may be possible (6) us to travel (7) the world and
see the things happening today, it is not possible for us to see the things that happened in the
past. But good books (8) us to see not only into the most remote

regions of the world today, but also (9) _ the world in which our (10)
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. I don‘t have money so I can‘t buy this house.
 If I…………………………………………………………………………………
2. I last saw him when I was a student
 I haven‘t ……………………………………………………………………
3. My father waters these flowers everyday.
 These flowers………………………………………………………………..
4. This programme is so boring that everyone falls asleep.
 It is such………………………………………………………………………..
5. It takes me 10 minutes to walk to school.
 I spend 10 ……………………………………………………………………
Section 2:
You have some foreign friends who have a plan to visit Vietnam next summer. Write a letter
to your friends to introduce them some famous landscapes of Vietnam. In your letter you
should write about:
- Where some famous landscapes are
- What make these landscape(s) famous
You should write your letter about 150 words.

Test 17
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. You must explain your problems …………....
A. as clear as you can B. as clearly as you can
C. as clear than you are D. as clearly as you are
2. The teacher.........................out when I arrived in the classroom.
A. goes B. have gone C. has gone D. had gone
3. He's the most difficult housemate …………….
A) I never dealt with. B) I never had to deal with.
C) I've ever had to deal with. D) I've never had to deal with
4. She….........................to her regularly for a couple of years
A. wrote B. has written C. has been writing D. is writing
5. I.................a student in Moloxop School in 1998.
A. was B. were C. be D. to be
6. The robber......................by the police.
A. Have arrested B. Have been arrested C. Was arrested D.Had arrested
7. If I.................., I would express my feelings.
A. were asked B. would ask C. had been asked D. asked
8. He stops working.......................................heavy raining.
A. in spite of B. although C. despite D. because of
9. Are you successful.......................your experiment?
A. on B. in C. at D. to
10. Your boyfriend is getting very close to another girl. You are………
A. stressed B. homesick C. scared D. jealous
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
Let‘s come back to the young man and his journey. He was trying his best to reach the
mountain top where he thought wisdom was. After climbing for hours he was so tired. He sat
down in the shadow of a cliff, and the wind whipped around the rocks in warning ―No
giving up!‖ it whispered ―Get up, and fulfill your promise. Get up!‖ The young man stood up
and went on his way. Suddenly the young man was looking
into a lovely meadow. The smell of flowers and sweet music seemed to fill the air, and the
young man was drawn in
There were people laughing and dancing, and eating good food. And the young man
wanted to join their fun. He picked some flowers near there and was going to join them.
Then a large sunflower spoke gently to him, ―Don't lose your focus on what you are
supposed to do just for the beauty of this moment. Do not let the laughter of the party

change your vision. Do not allow this temptation to change your path‖. The young man
listened to the flower.
He looked longingly to the people who were playing, and he turned to follow the path to the
top of the mountain.
From the sunflower he learnt not to give into temptation, for it would destroy all of his
He learned to recognize the things that would tempt him from the purpose of his work.
Although there are times for fun, one must complete one‘s work first.
1. According to paragraph 1, where did the young man think wisdom was?
A. On the mountain top
B. In the shadow of a cliff
C. In the wind
D. In the meadow
2. According to paragraph 2, what made the young man drawn in?
A. The sunflower
B. The fun of a party
C. A beautiful meadow
D. Someone's song
3. He didn’t join with the people because (of)
A. the sunflower's advice
B. he didn't like them
C. the people didn't allow him to join
D. the party ended
4. Giving into temptation can ......................
A. help you succeed
B. let you down
C. prevent you from your ambition
D. make your way
5. Which is the best title for this text?
A. Sunflowers
B. A young man's journey
C. A lesson from a sunflower
D. The young man and the sunflower
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
lose gave up silly Since everywhere
than so for careful forward

I think bicycles are great! In fact, I‘ve been riding a bicycle safely (1)………………
many years, but recently I had a (2)………………accident. It happened about two weeks ago.
I went off the road and hit a tree and broke my arm. (3)………………then I haven‘t been able
to ride. (4)….................................................................................................I will have to take
a bus when I go to work. I‘m not looking (5)...............................to this, as I really hate it.
Actually, I (6)………………buses about five years ago when I started cycling (7)… Since
that time I have very rarely been ill, and I am much slimmer
(8)……………… I was. If you have been trying to (9)………………weight for ages, why not
try cycling? You might end up with a broken arm like me, but that kind of thing doesn‘t
happen very often. At least, not if you are (10) ……………….


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. I can‘t read this book because I don‘t have my glasses here.
 If I………………………………………………………
2. The last time I saw her was in July.
 I haven‘t seen……………………………………………………..
3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
 The dinner is………………………………………………………
4. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
 They had such……………………………………………………
5. We spent 5 hours getting to London.
 It took …………………………………………………..…………
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to describe your best friend. In your letter you should write
- Describe his/ her appearance
- Describe his/ her characters
You should write your letter about 150 words
Test 18
Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each
1. China is the country with…...............................population.
A. the larger B. the more large C. the largest D. the most large
2. I…..............my document before the power went out in the computer lab.
A. had save B. have saved C. had saved D. saved
3. That's the best speech……………..
A) I never heard B) I didn't hear C) I used to hear D) I've ever
4. He…............me all week for an answer.
A. has been phoning B. has phoned C. phoned D. is
5. I…..................French when I was a child.
A. studies B. study C. studied D. were study
6. The students.....................to submit their reports by the end of this week.
A. Have asked B. Are asked C. Has asked D. Are asking
7. Will you be angry if I......................your pocket dictionary?
A. stole B. have stolen C. were to steal D. steal
8. They have a lot of difficulties in their life...............................their poverty.
A. in spite of B. although C. because D. because of
9. I'm capable.......................speaking two languages.
A. of B. with C. for D. to
10. You live far from your house. You miss everyone. You are…….
A. lonely B. delighted C. homesick D. happy
Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers
Today we will continue with the story of the young man who wanted to find the meaning of
life. After the experience he gained from the butterfly‘s story, what other lessons will he
When he was on his journey, it began to rain. As the rain got heavier and heavier, he had to
find a cave for shelter. In the small cave he watched the harsh, cold wind blowing outside and
the lightening lit the hillside with its brightness.
Nearby there was a great, solid oak tree and also a small willow tree fighting with the violent
wind. The oak tree spoke proudly ―I‘m strong, and brave. I've never been afraid of anyone or
anything.‖ Suddenly, the violent wind blew, and the oak tree was broken in only a few
The young man heard the fallen oak say: ―I‘m strong, rigid, solid and now broken.‖ The
willow said, ―I‘m flexible. I‘m a toy to the wind. I bend.‖ As the willow tree bend and swayed,
bowing low to the ground, it survived.
When the storm became quiet, the young man got out of the cave. He has just got his second
lesson of his trip: ―Learn to bend, and move like the willow in the current; for then you can
watch great things and learn from them without breaking.‖
1. What does the word shelter in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. The cave B. The rain C. The sunlight D. The brightness
2. What does the word brave in paragraph 3 mean?
A. Violent B. Harsh C. Flexible D. Courageous
3. According to paragraph 3, what happened to the oak tree after the wind blew?
A. It was still strong and solid
B. It still survived
C. It was broken
D. It was fighting bravely
4. Why did the willow tree survive?
A. It bent and swayed; bowing low to the ground
B. It did as the oak tree did
C. The wind was not strong and harsh
D. It was protected by the oak tree
5. What is the story about?
A. A lesson that a young man learned from his trip
B. An oak tree's story
C. A willow tree's story
D. A storm's story
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
at decisions mathematician to have asks came
happy was is

Endre is a (1)……… at Rutgers University, New Jersey. He (2)… from

Budapest thirteen years ago. 'I had an opportunity (3)…….come here for two years.' After a
year, his wife came to join him, and since then they (4)…… had a daughter, so they decided
to stay.
'At first it (5)…….. very strange. Everything is so big here,' he says. 'I started to feel (6)…….
when l bought a car. Now I go everywhere by car. in Hungary, we only use the car (7)…….
weekends, but here your car is part of your life. Nobody walks anywhere.'
How does he find the people? Very friendly. The first question everybody (8)…… you is
"Where are you from?" People talk to you here, they start conversations. I like the fact that
there are people from all over the world.'
What about the way of life? The thing I like best (9)…… the independence. Nobody tells me
what to do. Here you can do what you want, so you learn to make (10)…….
for yourself. I feel in control.'
Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
1. If I study English well, I will get scholarship in this semester.
 Unless
2. The last time I played football was in 1990.
 I haven‘t……………………………………………………..
3. The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer.
 These boxes were ………………………………………………………
4. It is so hot that I can‘t sleep well.
 It is such………………………………………………………………………..
5. Nam often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field.
 It often takes…………………………………………………..
Section 2:
Write a letter to your friend to describe one of the famous beaches that you have
visited or known. In your letter you should write about:
- Where it is
- What landscape(s) it has
You should write your letter about 150 words.
Unit 12
1. Câu điều kiện loại 1:

1.1. Cấu trúc: + If + S + V (HTĐ), S + Will + V (infinitive) Ex:

+ If I work hard, I will pass the exam
-If you don‘t hurry up, you will be late
-If she doesn‘t get up early, she will miss the bus
- If you are late, I won‘t wait for you
? What will you do if you don‘t go to university?
? Will you go to university if you pass your exam? Yes, I
will/ No, I won‘t
1.2. Cách dùng:
a. Diễn tả một giả thiết có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai Ex:
If it‘s sunny, I will go for a picnic
You will get wet if you don‘t take an umbrella
b. Diễn tả thói quen
Ex: Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time
c. Diễn tả mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu:
Ex: If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me
Please call me if you hear from Ann
2. Câu điều kiện loại 2:
2.1. Cấu trúc: + If + S + V (QKĐ), S + Would (‗d) + V (infinitive) Ex:
+ If I had more money, I would buy a new computer
- If I didn‘t like you, I wouldn‘t talk to you

? What would you do if you had a year off ?

? Would you travel round the world if you had the money?
=> Yes, I would/ No, I wouldn‘t

2.2. Cách dùng:

a.Diễn tả một giả thiết không có thật ở hiện tại
Ex: If I were a president, I‘d stop all war

3. Các chú ý về câu đk loại 1 và loại 2:

a. Trong cả 2 loại câu điều kiện, mệnh đề điều kiện (if) có thể đúng đầu hoặc đứng sau, nếu
đứng sau thì bỏ dấu phẩy
Ex: If I work hard, I will pass the exam
You will get wet if you don‘t take an umbrella If I
had more time, I‘d help
I‘d help if I had more time
b. Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, có thể thay if bằng when khi người nói nhìn thấy kết quả chắc
chắn sẽ xảy ra của hành động
Ex: When I get home, I will have a shower ( NOT If I get home)
c. Trong câu điều kiện loại 2, nếu dùng động từ tobe thì thường dùng were cho tất cả các chủ
ngữ (số ít và số nhiều)
Ex: If he were taller, he‘d be a policeman
d. Trong mệnh đề điều kiện (if) ở dạng phủ định có thể thay If not bằng Unless
(nếu...không, trừ phi) (If not = Unless)
Ex: If you don‘t study hard, you‘ll fail in the exam
=> Unless you study hard, you‘ll fail in the exam If
she doesn‘t water these trees,they will die
=> Unless she waters these trees, they will die

3. Might: có thể/có lẽ
Cấu trúc: + S + might + V (infinitive)
Cách sử dụng: Might dùng dể diễn tả một sự việc, kết quả có thể xảy ra trong tương lại
Ex: He might go out for a meal tonight

4. Các chú ý về Might:

a. Câu khẳng định với Might có thể diễn tả bằng Perhaps + will
Ex: Perhaps it‘ll rain tomorrow = It might rain tomorrow
b.Câu phủ định với might not thường được diễn tả dưới dạng câu I don’t think.................will
Ex: I don‘t think it will rain tomorrow
c. Câu hỏi Might you....? thường được diễn tả dưới dạng câu Do you think.................+will?
Ex: Do you think they will come to our party? – Câu trả lời- It might
d. Might # if: Đều dùng diễn tả một khả năng sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng dùng will
khi chúng ta chắc chắn sự việc hoặc kết quả, Might thì ngược lại Ex:
England will win the match (I am sure they win)
England might win the match (It‘s possible, but I‘m not sure)

II. Exercises- Unit 12

A. Câu điều kiện loại 1:

1.If I (study) , I (pass)________________the exams.

A. Studies/passed B.study/pass C.study/will pass D.study/would pass

2.If the sun (shine)_______________, we (walk) to the town.

A. shines/walks B. will shines/walks C. shine/walk D. shines/will walk

3. If he (have) a temperature, he (see) the doctor

A. have/see B.will have/see C.have/will see D.has/will see

4. If you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) dinner tonight

A. wash/will cook B. will wash/cook C. wash/cooks D. washes/cook

5. If my friends (come) , I (be) _ very happy

A. come/is B.comes/am C.come/will be D.coming/are

6. If she (earn) a lot of money, she (fly)_________________to New York

A. earnes/flies B.earns/will fly C.earn/fly D.earns/fly

7. If we (travel) to London, we (visit) the museums

A. travel/will visit B.will travel/visit C.traveled/will visit


8. If you that, you an electric shock

A. touch /will get B. touch /would get C. touch /would get D.touches/gets
9. If Rita (forget) her homework, the teacher (give) her a
low mark.

A. forgets/will give B.would forget/give C.forget/give D.forgets/


10. If they (go) to the disco, they (listen) to loud


A. go/would listen B.went/would listen C.go/will listen D.go/listen

11. If you (wait) a minute, I (ask) my parents

A. wait/will ask B. waits/ask C. wait/would ask D. waits/will ask

12. If I (study) , I (pass) the exams.

A. study/will pass B. study/pass C. studies/passes D. study/would


13. If the sun (shine) _ , we (walk) _ to the town

A. shines/will walk B.shine/walk C. shines/would walk D. shine/walks

14. If he (have) a temperature, he (see) the doctor.

A. have/see B.will have/see C.have/will see D.has/will see

15. If my friends (come) , I (be) very happy.

A. come/is B.comes/will be C.comes/am D.coming/are

16. You (win / not) the game if you (know / not) the rules.

A. won‘t win/didn‘t know B. won‘t win/don‘t know

C. won‘t win/know D. nots win/didn‘t know

17. If it (rain) , the children (not go) for a walk.

A. rains/won‘t go B.will rain/don‘t go C.rains/don‘t go D. rain/don‘t


18. If they (not hurry) _ , they (not catch) the train

A. don‘t hurry/will not catch B. not hurry/will not catch

C. not hurry/don‘t catch D. don‘t hurry/do not catch

19. If we meet at 9:30, we (to have) plenty of time

A. will have B.would have C.have D.has

20. If you_ (to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.

A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swam

21. The door will unlock if you (to press) the green button.

A. press B.presses C. pressing D. presses

22. You (to cross) the Channel if you (to fly) from Paris to

A. cross/fly B.will cross/fly C.cross/fly D. crosses/flies

23. If you_ (to press) CTRL + s, you .(to save) the file.

A. press/will save B.wil press/will save C.press/save D.presses/saves

24. If you (eat) too much junk food, you (not lose)

A. eat/won‘t lose B.eatting/not lose C. eats/won‘t lose D. eat/wouldn‘t


25. If you (wash) _ the dishes, I (cook) _dinner tonight

A. wash/will cook B. washes/cook C. washing/cook D. washes/cooks

26. If my dad (have) _time next week, we (paint) my room.

A.has/will paint B. have/would paint C. had/will paint D. haves/will


27. You (learn) a lot about American history if you (visit)

the exhibition

A. learn/will visit B. will learn/visit C.learning/visiting D.learns/will


28. If the weather (be / not) too bad tomorrow, we (play)


A.is not/ would play B. is not/ will play C. is not/play D. not/ would play

29. We (get / not) _ there on time if we (catch / not) the bus.

A.won‘t get/not catch B. won‘t get/don‘t catch

C. won‘t get/didn‘t catch D. won‘t get/wouldn‘t catch

30. If she (need) a computer, her brother (give) her his


A.needs/gives B.needs/give C. needs/will give D. needs/give

B. Câu điều kiện loại 2:

1. If I taller, I be in the first team at rugby A.were/

would B. is not/ would not C. were/will D. was/ would

2. If I (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner.

A.come/ would B. came/ would prepare C. came/prepared D. came/


3. If we (to live) in Rome, Francesco (to visit)


A.live/ visit B. live/ visits C. lived/ will visit D. lived/ would visit

4. If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey

A.are/ will play B. was/ would play C. were/would play D. are/play

5. If he (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him to my birthday


A.is/ would invite B. were/ would invite C. was/ would invite D. are/ would

6. If Susan (to study) harder, she (to be) better at


A.studied/ is B. study/ would be C. studied/ would be D. studied/ was

7. If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new


A.didn‘t have/ would buy B. had/ would buy C. have/ would buy D.
8. If you (to do) _ a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra

A.did/ would earn B. is/ will play C. is not/play D. not/ would play

9. If Michael (to get) _ more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for

A.get/ will ask B. got/ would ask C. getting/asks D. not/ would play

10. If we (to hurry) , we (to catch) _ the bus.

A.hurry/ will catch B. hurried/ would catch C. hurries/ catch D. hurry/ catch

11. If it (to rain) , Nina (to take) an umbrella with

A.rains/ takes B. rained/ would take C.rained/took D. rained/ would take

12. If Oliver (to find) money, he (not/to keep) it.

A.found/ would not keep B. finds/ keeps C. finds/ will keep D. found/ kept

13. If they (not/to wear) _ pullovers in the mountains, it (to be)

too cold during the night.

A.didn‘t wear/ would be B. worn/ will be C. don‘t wear/is D. wear/ would be

14. If Tony (to know) _ her phone number, he (not/to give) _ it to


A.knew/ would not give B. knew/ would not give C. knows/not give D.
know/ would not give

15. If we (not/to visit) this museum, we (not/to write) a good


A.did not visit/ wrote B. did not visit/ wouldn‘t write C. not visit/not write
D. not visit/wouldn‘t write

16. If Jeff (not/to like) Jessica, he (not/to buy) _ her an ice-


A.didn‘t like/ would not buy B. doesn‘t like/ wouldn‘t buy C. not likes/
wouldn‘t buy D. doesn‘t like/ will buy
17. If I (to be) you, I (not/to go) to Eric's party.
A.was/ didn‘t go B. were/ wouldn‘t go C. am/not go D. am/ will go

18. If you (to drop) this bottle, it (not/to


A.dropped/ will not break B. dropped/ wouldn‘t break C. drops/didn‘t break

D. drop/not break

19. If she (not/to bully) her classmates, she (to have) more

A.did not bully/will have B. didn‘t bully/would have C.doesn‘t bully/would

have D. didn‘t bully/ would have

20. If he (not/to print) the document, I (not/to correct) it

A.didn‘t print/ would not correct B. not print/didn‘t correct C. doesn‘t

print/don‘t correct D.doesn‘t print/ would not correct

21. If you (to help) your grandma, I (to do) the shopping.

A.helped/ would do B.help/do C.help/doing D.helped/ will do

22. Andrew _ (to water) the flowers if he _.(to stay) at home.

A.would water/ stayed B.waters/stay C. waters/stayed D.waters/stay

23. If she (to have) 5 pounds more, she (to buy) herself this T-

A.had/ bought B. has/ buys C. had/would buy D.have/ buy

24. If they (to offer) me the job, I (to take) it.

A.offer/ would take B.offered/ took C. offered/would take D.offered/takes

25. You (to have) summer holidays from June till August if you
(to live) in the USA.

A.have/ lives B. have/live C. had/would live D. have/ lived

26. We (to sell) the bike for 20 Euros if Ron (to repair) it.

A.sold/ would repair B. sell/repair C. sold/repaired D. sells/ repairs

27. If you (to use) a pencil, the drawing _ (to be) perfect.
A.used/ would be B.use/ is C. use/will be D. used/ will be

28. The children _ (to be) happy if he (to teach) them English.
A.would be/taught B. are/teaches C. are/taught D.are/ teaches

29. If Ireen (to visit) us, we (to go) out tonight.

A.visited/ would go B. is not/ will play C. is not/play D. not/ would play

30. They .(to come) again if he (to plan) a second stay.

A.come/ planned B. came/ would plan C.would come/planned D. come/ plans

C. Might
Rewrite the sentences using Might
1. Perhaps it‘s rain tomorrow
=>It might
2. Perhaps we‘ll go to Vietnam on holiday
=>We might
3. Perhaps I‘ll go out tonight
4.Perhaps Jane will invite me to her party
5.Perhaps I‘ll get some money for my birthday
6. Perhaps I‘ll find a job near my house
7.Perhaps I‘ll study languages at a university in England
8.Perhaps I‘ll see him on Sunday afternoon
9.Perhaps I‘ll buy her some make-up
10. Perhaps I‘ll go to work for my father
11. Might he meet his gilfriend in the park?
=>Do you think he will ?
12.Might they go to a shopping centre?
=>Do you think they _ ?
13. Might they go to the pub?
=>Do you think ?
14. They might not go to the our door pool
=>I don‘t think _?
15. She might not go travelling with her boyfriend
=>I don‘t think she will
16. He might not get a job in a bar
=>I don‘t think he _
17.She might not do a course in computer programming
=>I don‘t think
18.I might not buy her a T-shirt for her birthday
=>I don‘t think
III. Speaking-Unit 12

Topic 10- TA2

Describe how you eat and drink to be healthy
You should say:

1) how many meals you have a day

2) what you often eat for each meal
3) how much water you drink a day
And explain 4) why you think you are/ aren‘t living healthily

Suggested words and structures:

Good morning/.......................................................................
My full name is.......................................................................
Today I am very happy about..................................................
That is something about
Thanks for listening
IV. Writing-Unit 12
Topic 7 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell about an accident or a time when
you hurt yourself. In your letter, you should write about:
- Where and when your accident happened
- What you did to get better after that accident
You should write your letter about 150 words.


Hưng Yen, 10th March 2017

Dear ...,



Topic 8 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell about the trip or picnic you have
ever had. In your letter, you should write about:
- Where and when you had the trip
- What you did on the trip
You should write your letter about 150 words.

Hưng Yen, 10th March 2017
Dear ...,




Topic 9 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell him or her about one of the good
memories you had in your childhood. In your letter, you should write about:
- Where and when you had memory
- What makes that memory special to you You
should write your letter about 150 words.

Hưng Yen, 10th March 2017
Dear ...,




Topic 10 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about your plan after
graduation. In your letter you should write about:
- What job you want to have after studying in the university
- Why you want to have that job
You should write your letter about 150 words.

Hưng Yen, 10th March 2017
Dear ...,




V. Listening-Unit 12

Listening NO 13:

Swim classes begin soon

Summer is almost here, which means it is time to sign your kids up for swim classes
again at the Community Pool. Classes begin on (1) May 1, and will
continue throughout the summer. Fifteen swim classes are being offered. Each class lasts (2)
hours. A new class starts each week of the summer. Each class costs
$20. The pool is big enough for six students per class.

Classes will increase in (3) each week. The first week is for children up to
six years old. The last week is for advanced swimmers who want to (4) their
race and endurance skills.

Students can sign up for as many classes as they like, but they must pass the skills level
(5) For example, students who sign up for Level 4 (Stroke Readiness) must
show their certificate for completing Level 3 or must demonstrate the front crawl and
backstroke. Children cannot sign up for a level they are not ready for. (6) who
have never attended Community Pool classes must show up April 29 or 30 for a swim skills
evaluation. Instructors will rate the students and assign them to a particular skill (7)_ .

Swim classes are fun for all. Children learn new skills and make new friends. Parents get
to meet other parents in the community. Swimming, like bicycling, is a (8) and valuable
skill that, once learned, is never forgotten.

"It's a joy to teach young children," said Ginger, the lead instructor for swimming (9)
"More than half of them are terrified when we put them into the water the first
time. Two months later they're begging their parents to go to the (10) _
every day."
V. Listening-Unit 12

Listening NO 14:

How to learn English

We get many comments and (1) etrails from our friends online who use this course to
learn English. In the video this week, we answer some of your comments.
Asif writes that he spends lots of time on different websites to practice English. But he doesn't
know how to be a regular on VOA. He says "Please can you help me to be regular?"
The important thing in learning a (2) larguage _is to practice it regularly. Decide on a
time every day when you can listen to English and practice speaking. You can set an alarm on
your (3) phone to remind you.
Another learner, Muneer, writes: The most important things here for me are the pronunciation
and speaking parts.
Muneer, you learned that you can play the Speaking Practice video and repeat each new word.
Do you record yourself on your phone or (4)_ computer _? When you do, you
can listen to see if what you say matches the native speaker's words. After you watch the
Pronunciation Practice video do you use the new expressions in your conversations with (5)
friends ?You should!
Ederson in Brazil writes, "The course is excellent! I have done all activities and can easily
read texts in English. However, I still find it very (6)_ diffiouls to talk in
Ederson, you should find a friend nearby who is also studying English. Get together
for (7)coffce on a regular basis to talk in English. Try watching an episode of Let's
Learn English and then act out the conversation with your friend. The words to each
video are on the web page, so you can read them aloud (8) easily Make your
learning of English fun and you will be able to keep up a regular practice schedule.
One way to study every day is to get our podcasts and daily emails.
For the Learning English podcast, click the link on the web page to go to the Learning English
Broadcast and click on "View in iTunes." Then, click on "Subscribe." Then when you connect
your phone or iPod to the computer, choose to automatically (9) update the
podcast. Now you can listen when you are out of the house, walking, riding on a bus or train,
or running. Listening while your body is (10) active helps
your brain work well
We hope you return every week to Let's Learn English for a new lesson. I'm
Jill Robbins.
Practice test 19
Part I: Reading

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best completes each
1.She is much than I think
A. more intelligent B.intelligent C. as intelligent D. too intelligent
2. Do you know who is the student in the class?
A.most hard-working B.more hard-workingC.as hard-working D.hard-working

3. You are so messy! Why can‘t you keep your room ?

A.happy B.intelligent C.expensive D.tidy
4. He hasn‘t changed jobs over 20 years
A. for B.since C.ago D. lately
5. Next yrear is my parents‘ 25th wedding anniversary. They for 25 years
A.will have been maried B.will be C.were married D.had been married
6. I i them to our party 2 days ago but they decided not to come
A.invite B.invited C.have invited D.will
7.The baby looks just like her mother, ?
A.does she B. doesn‘t she C.is she D.will she
8.I am sure you be very fit and strong to go climbing
A.don‘t have to B.have to C.can‘t D.had to
9.I think you should wear for a job interview
A.pyjamas B. a shirt and tie C.a cap D.a blouse
10. A. I can‘t stop coughing and blowing my nose
B. I think you have got
A. a cold B.a sore throat C.food poisoning

Section 2: Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy.
They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings, however, its song usually mean
much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing.
They sing to give information. Their songs are their languages.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing well they want to attract
a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of a tree, is
his home. He does not want strangers coming near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird can not sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information.
Some birds dance, spread out their tails or made other signs. One bird has a most unusual way
of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

1.Why do people usually sing?

A.They like birds. B.They feel happy.

C.They want to tell a story. D.They like studying music.

2.What is one of the chief reasons why birds sing

A.They are happy. B.They are in a good temper.

C.They want to tell something. D.They can sing many songs.

3.Which birds sing the most beautiful songs?

A.Birds in a good temper. B.Cock birds.

C Hen birds. D.Female birds which attract male birds.

4.What warning does a bird sometimes sing?

A.A warning to keep away. B.A warning to come quickly.

C.A warning about the approach of people. D.A warning to stop singing.

5.What do most birds usually do if they can not sing well?

A.Warn other birds to go away. B.Give their information in another way.

C.Find a wife. D.Fly high in the sky.

Section 3: Read the text and choose the best correct answer

At problem want father interesting travelling

programming have get computers

I am not very good (1) _ decisions. I don‘t really know what I (2) _
to do. I might go to work for my (3)_ __. He has got a shop, but that‘s not very (4)
. Or I might go (5) with my friend James. The (6)
is that I don‘t (7) much money. So I might (8) _ a job in a bar or a
shop and save some. I am quite good with (9) , so I might do a course in computer (10)

Part II: Writing

Section 1: Fill (Complete/rewrite) each of the following sentences in such a way that it
means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it:
1.Her work is good. My work is good
=> Her work mine
2. She started playing the piano 3 years ago
=> She has
3. Perhaps Tom has got a bicycle
=> Tom _?
4.You should take some aspirin after having meal
=>You ought _
5.Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well
=> In spite of
Section 2: Write a letter to your friend to tell about an accident or a time when you hurt
yourself. In your letter you should write about:
- Where and when your accident happened
- What you did to get better after that accident
You should write your letter about 150 words.
-------------THE END-------------
Practice test 20
Part I: Reading

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best completes each
1.This restaurant is much _ than that one
A.the bad B.better C.good D.the worst
2. Your brother is person I know
A.more handsome B.intelligent B.the most intelligent
3. A.―Juck is such an intelligent boy!‖
B.Mm.He is very for a ten-year-old‖
A.wealthy B.stupid C.clever D.tiny
4. How long have you _for the New York Daily
A. worked B.work C.working D.works
5. We are late. I expect the film will have started by the time we get to the cinema
A. will have started B.will started C.started D.start
6. Do you remember what time he _home yesterday?
A. left B.leave C.leaving D.leaves
7. That car isn‘t too expensive, ?
A.is it B.does it C.was it D.did it
8.You explain how you feel to your coach and your mother
A.shouldn‘t B.should C.can‘t D.can
9. I have a party tonight so I think I should wear
A.a dress B.shorts C.a blouse D.a jacket
10.A. I keep being sick, and we have got terrible diarrhoea
B. I think you have got _
A.food poisoning B.a cold C.a sore throat D.flu
Section 2: Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box
Isn't it amazing how much time we spend speaking about food? Have you ever eaten
…? "What did you have for lunch?" and so on. And yet when you travel from one country to
another, find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what
they eat is normal and that what other people eat is strange or silly. In most parts of Asia, for
example no meal is complete without rice. In England, people eat potatoes everyday. In the
Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating, like so many things we do,
becomes a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink tea and coffee four or
five times everyday, Australians drink a large amount of beer and the French drink wine

The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is
thought to be delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. New
Zealand eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese don't like to eat sheep meat
because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish.

So it seems that although eating is a topic that we can talk about for hours, there is very little
common sense in what we say about it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have
always eaten, and there is very little we can change our eating habits.

1.In most parts of Asia people chiefly eat .

A.meat B.rice C.beefsteak D.Potatoes

2.Americans like to drink .

A.coca and beer B.tea and coffee

C.orange juice and coffee D milk and chocolate

3.The French prefer to drink .

A.beer B.wine C.tea D. Coffee

4.In what part of the world is snake considered a great delicacy

A.In Italy B.In Germany C.In Australia D.In Hong Kong
5.The Japanese eat _ .
A.sheep meat B.snakes C.raw fish D.horse meat
Section 3: Read the text and choose the best correct answer

different doctor films look size

like clothes older messy interested

I am very (1) my mum. We are (2) in the same kind of things,

and we can talk forever. We like the same (3) and the same books. I (4)
like my mum, too. We have the same hair, the same eyes. And she is the same
(5) as me, so I can wear her (6) . My sister‘s a bit (7)
than me. Her name is Lena. We are quit (8) . She is very tidy, and
I am (9) _. She is much tidier than me. And she is very ambitious. She wants
to be a (10)_ . I am a lot lazier. I don‘t know what I want to do

Part II: Writing

Section 1: Fill (Complete/rewrite) each of the following sentences in such a way that it
means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it:
1. Turkey is hot than England
=>England isn‘t Turkey
2.The last time I saw her at school was 3 days ago
=>I haven‘t _ _
3. Perhaps Tom has got a big house
=> Tom _?
4.You should wear a uniform when you are at school
=>You ought
5.My mother told me to go to school although I was sick
=>In spite of
Section 2: Topic 8 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell about the trip or picnic you
have ever had In your letter you should write about:
- Where and when you had the trip
- What you did on the trip
You should write your letter about 150 words.

-------------THE END-------------
Practice test 21
Part I: Reading

Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best completes each
1. Matt is than his parents
A.rich B.richer C.richest D.too rich
2. She bought bag in the shop
A.the cheap B.the cheapest C.more cheap D.cheap
3. A.Dave and Mary‘s flat is small, isn‘t it?
B.Mm. It‘s _. I don‘t know how they live there‖
A.tiny B.big C.large D.huge
4.I haven‘t spoken to Harry months
A.since B.for C.ago D.too
5. I came to Britain 3 years ago. And next Monday it will be exactly 3 years since he
arrived. So next Monday he here exactly 3 years
A.will be B. will have been C.would be D.is
6. The police me on my way home last night
A.stopped B.stoped C.stops D.will stop
7. We _such a good holiday, didn‘t we?
A.have B.had C.having D.will have
8.Sometime I have to work at the hospital at the weekend
A. should B.have to C.had to D.can
9.For a beach holiday, you should bring sandals, sunglasses and
A. bikini B.jeans C.a T-shirt D.a suit
10. A.My gland are swollen, and it hurt when I swallon
B. I think you have got . You should go to the doctor. A.diarrhoea
B. a sore throat C.an allergy D.a twisted ankle
Section 2: Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from
the box

The umbrella is a very ordinary object. It keeps the rain and the sun of people. Most
umbrellas fold up, so it is easy to carry them. However, the umbrella did not begin life as an
ordinary object. It was a sign of royalty or importance. Some African tribes still use umbrellas
in this way today. Someone caries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important
Umbrellas are very old. The Chinese had them in the eleventh century BC. From there they
traveled to India, Persia, and Egypt. In Greece and Rome, men would not use them. They
believed umbrellas were only for women. When the Spanish explorers went to Mexico, they
saw the Aztec kings using umbrellas. English explorers saw Native American princes
carrying umbrellas on the east coast of North America. It seems that people in different part
of the world invented umbrellas at different times. England was probably the first country in
Europe where ordinary people used umbrellas against the rain. England had rainy climate,
and umbrellas are very useful there.
1.Today people use umbrellas for _

A.The rain B.the sun C.a sign of a great person D.a,b and c

2. A great person walks _ someone with an umbrella.

A.beside B.before C.in front of D.in back of
3. India and Persia learned about umbrellas from
A.Aztecs B.Egypt C.China D.Spanish explorers
4. Most groups of pe pie had some kind of
A.coal B.royalty C.ink D.mail
5. Native Americans _

A.learned about umbrellas from English and Spanish explores B.invented umbrellas
C.got umbrellas D.taught Egyptians about umbrellas
Section 3: Read the text and choose the best correct answer

problem good lazy job useless

hasn‘t clothes smart shower apply

He is not much (1) at anything. He hasn‘t had a (2) since he left

school so he (3) got any money so he can‘t buy any new (4) . He
never looks (5) . And he doesn‘t know what kind of job he wants. He is not
ambitious at all so he doesn‘t (6) _ for many jobs. I think the (7) is
that he is (8) _. He doesn‘t get up till midday. And he doesn‘t shave, and doesn‘t
even (9) often. He doesn‘t look good. Maybe that‘s why he hasn‘t got a
girlfriend. He is (10) .

Part II: Writing

Section 1: Fill (Complete/rewrite) each of the following sentences in such a way that it
means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it:
1. Jill is more intelligent than Bill
=> Bill Jill
2. I started going to the gym two weeks ago
=>I have
3. Perhaps Tom has got a car
=> Tom _?
4.You shouldn‘t walk under the rain
=>You ought
5. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time
=> In spite of
Section 2: Topic 9 (KTHP): Write a letter to your friend to tell him or her about one of the
good memories you had in your childhood. In your letter you should write about:
- Where and when you had memory
- What makes that memory special to you You
should write your letter about 150 words.
-------------THE END--------
PART 1 question 1-5
You will hear 5 short conversation. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each
1. How does Jack go to school?

2. What did Sally do at the weekend?

3. Which book does Mary want to find?

4. What can Peter see from his window?

5. What does Jane want to go?

Breakfast is very rushed at our house. My brothers and (1)………. and I have toast or cereal. We also have orange
juice. On weekends my mother makes bacon and eggs for us. My (2)………. just has a cup of coffee for breakfast. 
My mother packs a lunch for all of us. We (3)………. have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or
milk. My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast beef and ham. My brother always wants peanut butter and jam
sandwiches. My (4)………. sometimes packs a treat for us. Today we had cookies with our lunch. 
At supper time, the family sits around the (5)………. and talks about what they did all day.  My mother makes good
suppers. We sometimes have spaghetti. My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often. She
makes many different dishes out of (6)……….. She makes soups or stews. She also makes casseroles. My brothers and
sisters and I have milk with our dinner. Sometimes we have (7)………. before our dinner. I set the table for my
mother. I put out the forks, the knives and spoons. I also put out glasses and fill them full of milk or (8)……….. 
For dessert, we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie. My mother said that it is better to have (9)……….because it is
better for you. Tonight I ate a peach for dessert. My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas. After
supper, my mother always has a cup of (10)……….with sugar and cream in it. After dinner, I help my mother with the
dishes. Usually she washes the dishes, and I will dry them.

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