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Merry Aubrey Z. Malaborbor Prof.

sonia abustan

A. Choose the correct answer

A. Content B. Process C. Product

D. Validity E. Balance F. Articulation
G. Sequence. H. Integration I. Continuity
J. Learning Outcomes

B 1. Curriculum a way doing.

D 2. Authenticity of the content.
A 3. Curriculum as the subject matter
E 4. Fair distribution of the content across the subjects
C 5. Curriculum as the outcome of learning
F 6. Seamless flow of content vertically or horizontally in

the curriculum
J 7. Evidence of successful teaching
I 8. Enduring and perennial content, from past to future
H 9. Allowing the transfer of content toother fields.
G 10. Arranging of contents from easy to difficult
B. Answers the following in not less than five
sentences. ( 15)

1.After learning from this lesson, how would you prepare

yourself to become a teacher, using three approaches to
As a future teacher, I am confident that the strategies,
methods, and approaches presented will assist me in making
the learning processes that I will be adopting in the
classroom more user-friendly for the kids, which will, of
course, be beneficial to me. Why? Because the three
curricular methods are at the heart of the Bridges program,
they all lead to a complete accreditation. It is the platform
for educators to learn and enhance the abilities they will
need to successfully educate kids in the associated school
systems. In which I will instill in my mind the importance of
these contributing variables in order to alleviate the anxiety
and challenges that I will face in my future vocation.

That is why, I will study and practice so that, my pupils will

internalizing these concepts because they are all relevant in
real world applications and I should teach my students the
lessons they need to integrate and grasp at any particular
time. As a teacher, I believe that you should plan ahead of
time and put your plans into action. I am in charge of
analyzing, planning, and implementing the curriculum. And,
notwithstanding advances, the teacher has the ability to
transform a curriculum into an engaging style of instruction
that adds to meaningful learning for the pupils. And, as a
teacher, I am willing to work with our implementation.
B. Answers the following in not less than five
sentences. ( 15)

2.Describe the model of curriculum development which you

understand well.

Core Curriculum Design is a concept I'm connected with.

Why? reason A term core curriculum pertains important
subjects in the core curriculum or even other education
system which all learners must complete. A core curriculum
teaches pupils common understanding, or educational, which
is deemed essential for all students. As a result, the
educational approach is the component of a curriculum that
educates every students the knowledge, abilities, and
behaviors they ought to demonstrate competence in society.
I'm aware that the content is organized under cross-
disciplinary issues.

The primary technique of learning in this approach is problem-

solving employing overall appropriate object of study grouped
into blocks of time; when feasible, 2 - 3 sessions underneath the
supervision of a core instructor will be used. One of the most
important aspects of curriculum development is the selection of
material and learning activities. This is primarily related to the
growth of information, which has rendered the purity of
programs of study obsolete. Whenever knowledge and expertise
grows, more subjects must be added or new priorities must be
assigned to existing offers to create idea of the different
knowledge and concepts.
B. Answers the following in not less than five
sentences. ( 15)

3. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very

important as a teacher? Why?

The most significant component of the curriculum process

is curriculum implementation; rather than planning, teaching
procedure, or curriculum creation, it will be the emphasis for
proving that we are successful in facilitating our learners. This
phase consists of the written curriculum, where it will
eventually be taught. Learners will be able to give
recommendations on instructional, curricula, asset utilization,
assessments, or any other area of teaching and learning
process as desired when the curriculum is applied.

Moreover, it demonstrates how the instructor translates the

planned or formally designed course of study into syllabuses,
schemes of work, and lessons to be presented to pupils.
Knowing the most important aspect of curriculum creation
brings about the predicted adjustments. A process that entails
assisting the learner in gaining skills or knowledge. It is
critical to remember that curriculum implementation is
impossible without the participation of the learner.
Implementation occurs as the learner gains the desired
experiences, information, abilities, concepts, and attitudes
that will enable him or her to perform effectively within
societal structure.
D. Explain the following: (25)
1. Explain the linear curriculum development models
The curriculum model is a logical, step-by-step curriculum method that
starts with curriculum objectives and serves as a framework for
educators to systematically and openly plan in the reasons for using
certain learning, assessment, and evaluation methodologies in the
classroom. It is widely viewed as a useful and helpful foundation for
effective instructors. This one is based upon several researchers'
consistent and clear knowledge of the concept of curriculum as a subject
of research. Which there can be seen to be a dynamic process that can
start to any curriculum component and could be completed in any

2. Identify the possible strengths and weaknesses of each

model when applied to the Philippine context.

Ralph Tyler model- ends-means model

The rational model's logical, sequential structure provides a
good foundation for planning and developing courses. A
explanation for the Tyler rationale's effectiveness is its very
logic; by emphasizing the relevance and usefulness of
objectives, this model compels curriculum authors to think
carefully concerning their assignment and formulate clear and
thorough objectives.
The goals model has faults in terms of a reality of curriculum
development, which is rarely a set or linear process. Other flaw
in the reasoning model is how it ignores the dynamic nature of
learning and teaching.
hilda taba model; grassroots approach
The model give teachers a larger role by allowing them not only
curriculum practitioners but also curriculum developers. Teachers are
aware of the requirements of their pupils, thus they will be the ones who
construct the curriculum. Curriculum is viewed as a "learning strategy"
The relevance of targets in establishing a sense of purpose for selecting
what to include, eliminate, and stress in a curriculum.
The Taba model is a difficult educational approach to learn, making it
impossible for students from a variety backgrounds. This form of
instruction is more difficult to implement across the curriculum.
Furthermore, this inductive technique may also not appealing to
curriculum architects who like to evaluate the larger picture of the
curriculum before delving into particular.

galen saylor and william alexander curriculum model

The concept recommended that interpretation should be thorough and
use a range of evaluation approaches. The whole educational program of
the school and the curriculum plan, the quality of instruction, and the
accomplishment of pupils should all be evaluated.
Since curriculum preparation should not take that long, situational
analysis became a problem simultaneously time, because investigating
and determining the aspects that could impact the curriculum may take
time. Furthermore, since it is situational, there are just too many things
to consider.

standards-based curriculum development model

Standards-based education directs planning and instruction and assists
teachers in remaining focused on the learning objective. Teachers know
about what things have been taught in past years as well as what will be
taught in future years. They are free to focus on the few skills and ideas
covered in their grade-level requirements.
Each pupil should have his or her own set of expectations. Those who are
disconnected from kids, such as businesses and politicians, will continue
to be unreasonable, and educational procedures would be limited to bean
3. Review the cyclical curriculum development models.
This model depicts a cyclic and developing quickly, indicating that
curriculum design should constantly be through one stage to the next;
it will be in motion and have never stop. Wheeler's model is considered
dynamic and instead of static, as it includes the curriculum designer
and teacher inside a series of continual decision-making procedures
regarding a wide variety of criteria. Because of its broad application,
Wheeler advises that this technique be employed in all curriculum
creation at any level. This paradigm has various advantages.

4.Review the dynamic curriculum development models. Identify

the possible strengths and weaknesses of each model when
applied to the Philippine context.

Ralph Tyler model- ends-means model

This model strongly advocates for a student-centered approach to
learning. Overall, Tyler's model is intended to assess the extent to
which pre-defined objectives and goals have been met; nonetheless,
there were some reservations about the approach.
The flaw with the rationale model is that it ignores the
unpredictability of education - learning. Whereas the model specifies
precise goals to be met, learning happens beyond these goals owing to
circumstances that cannot be predicted.
hilda taba model; grassroots approach
The emphasis is on open-ended questions rather than right/wrong
answers. The open-ended set of questions necessitates greater
conceptual understanding from the pupils, further testing them.
Classroom conversations become more relevant as a result of this style
of inquiry, and measuring student learning gets simpler.
Taba's inductive technique don't always resonate to curriculum
designers who do want to evaluate the program's larger broad
components before entering into specifics. Some organizers may decide
to use a deductive approach, beginning with the broad sense of
philosophy, purposes, and goals—and working their way down to the
precise objectives and teaching style.
galen saylor and william alexander curriculum model
The procedure of this technique enables curriculum designers to decide
whether or not school's goals and learning goals were reached. This
model augmented a model of curriculum strategic planning with
companion models depicting the parts of the curriculum system, the
establishing educational institutions' aims and objectives, and
curriculum evaluation became main topics.
The concern of these approaches is to fulfill educational aims through
curricular structure. Africa can create a framework that is adaptable to
her many racial, religious, social, economic, political, and physiological
standards-based curriculum development model
Standards-based education informs planned and instruction and assists
teachers in remaining focused on the learning objective. Educators
recognize about what things have been taught in recent years and what
will be studied in coming future. Students are encouraged to focus on
specific variety of skills and ideas covered by their grade-level
standards. Well-written standards address not only what students will
be able to do and know, but also when in their schooling they should also
have mastered the skill or idea. Learners can establish their own
objectives and monitor their personal progress.
Every pupil ought to have his as well as her own level of expectation.
Anyone that is disconnected from pupils, including such business
leaders and politicians, may remain to be unreasonable, and educational
methods would be degraded to bean counting. Students miss out from
the enjoyment and inspiration that comes from just addressing the
problem when they pursue accomplishment predicated on a rigorous
specific goal. Students who merely work towards points fail to see that
"knowledge matters and that "active information processing is the only
dependable approach to gain understanding.

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