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Tahun Ajaran: 2019/2020-Genap
Faklutas/Prodi: Sastra Inggris/FBS
Kelas: R.01
Dosen: Nor Islafatun, M.Hum.
Waktu: 90 menit

Answer sheet

NAME: Gilang Rafliansyah

NIM: 19-017


1. words of understanding of "cross-cultural understanding", means that

understanding foreign cultures is very interesting where we can learn various kinds
of cultures that are foreign to us. Why understanding in culture is so important, so it
must be emphasized. The reason for understanding in culture is very important
because, when studying foreign cultures we must understand the background of
what the culture is learning is formed then we can understand any important points
in the culture
2. Culture refers to the cumulative storage of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values,
attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religions, ideas about time, roles, spatial
relationships, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions
obtained by a group of people on the journey from generation after generation
through the struggle of individuals and groups. why does culture have to be taught
and transmitted to the next generation? . the answer is so that future generations do
not forget their original culture and if possible spread their culture to others.
3. the second stage of the cultural shock mentioned by Oberg is where this second stage
we will be surprised by foreign culture which then we ourselves determine whether
we are able to follow the flow of culture and adapt or we will reject foreign cultures
and leave the place of foreign culture before experiencing Nervous Breakdown. why
the second stage of cultural shock is arguably the most difficult stage, the real answer
lies in whether we are able to go with the flow of foreign cultures and adapt or will
reject and leave before we are stressed and experience a Nervous Breakdown
4. in posters that offer how to get a foreign partner / foreigner, in cultural view intends
so that we can understand the culture of strangers in getting a soul mate / life
partner and understand what challenges we must overcome in order to succeed.
5. Did the cultural understanding lesson that I learned all this time change my view of
seeing cultural differences? . to be honest The cultural understanding lesson changed
a lot in my view of cultural differences where the most important point is not to
underestimate foreign cultures but must study them seriously so that we can avoid
Nervous Breakdown. my response to people who easily judge differences or use
their standards in seeing foreign cultures is one word from me for these people
"IDIOT !!!!!", they may judge easily the differences and denigrate foreign cultures
with their standards but in fact they will be very sorry if in the future they have to
come to the area where they used to demean the area's culture and feel pressured by

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