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69 Sample Screen Printing
Business Plan Sample
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ABC Screen Printing, LLC

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+4+C5T/6+ S5AR1 7
,he Business #once't 2
,he O''ortunity 3
O'erations of the Business 4
Product and $erice Offerings 4
TH+ COPA-1 '
Mission of the #om'any 4
#om'any $tructure 5
2. &egal $tatus 5
3. Physical &ocation 5
6. Intellectual Pro'erty 5
#om'any 7istory 5
Business Ob/ecties 8
,argeted #ustomers 8
9ey Initiaties 8
#om'etition and #om'etitie "dantages :
$ize of the Maret 2;
Mareting "ctiities 22
$ales $trategy 26
CORPORAT+ A-A*++-T 7:
Management 26
Owner and President< 26
;+1 ./-A-C/AL PRO<+CT/O-S 7:
=inancial 1eeds and *se of =unds 26
 "ssum'tions 2>
?eenues 2>
#O$ 2>
@)'enses 2>
#ash =low 2A
Pro/ected Profit and &oss 2A
Pro/ected Balance $heets 24
Pro/ected #ash =low 25
Brea @en #alculation 28
$ummary of &ender ?eturn and ?is 2:
R+.+R+-C+S =>
APP+-0/C+S =7
23 Month Pro/ected P  & 32
23 Month Pro/ected Balance $heet 33
23 Month Pro/ected #ash =low 36
A Cear Pro/ected P  & 3>
A Cear Pro/ected Balance $heet 3A

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A Cear Pro/ected #ash =low 34

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 ABC Screen Printing 


+4+C5T/6+ S5AR1

The Business Concept

 "B# $creen Printing% &&# ( "B#

 "B# $creen Printing or the #om'any! s'ecializes in
'roiding +uality 'ersonalized screen 'rinting% embroidery% s'orting goods 
'romotional items. ,he #om'any% located in #I,C% $,",@% serices local
schools% businesses% goernment agencies and not-for-'rofits in $,",@.

,he #om'any sells decorated a''arel to arious

customers needing s'ecialized a''arel or 
merchandise.  "B# $creen Printing serices
local schools% businesses% goernment agencies
and not-for-'rofits.

*sing a custom order form% the customer can

choose a 'roduct% style% color% design% etc. from
a long list of su''lier boos. #urrently% the
#om'any offers 'roducts from oer 2;; different
su''liers. ,he #om'any will also sell 're-made
custom gra'hics on any a''arel.

 "B# $creen Printing 'roides free local deliery. ,he #om'any offers one of ind
'ersonalized a''arel not found in stores and it is currently the only sho' of its
ind in Benton #ounty% $,",@. "s a local business%  "B# $creen Printing stries
for com'lete customer satisfaction. Its leel of serice isnt offered anywhere else
in the area.

5ni?ue 0esigns
 " ty'ical customer of the #om'any would be local s'orts teams. Many of these
s'orts teams want something that sets them a'art from other teams. ,hey want a
design that says E this is who we are’ . ,hese ty'es of customers 'refer  "B#
$creen Printings business because the #om'any can offer them one-on-one
serice and design a logo to fit their needs. In addition ,he #om'any can fulfill
their order in under a wee in most cases.

*ni+ue designs can be 'laced on anything from a t-shirt to a teacu'.

+)cellent arket Opportunit2

 "B# $creen Printing will tae adantage of seeral factors to drie its growth.
,he maret needs someone lie "B#  "B# $creen Printing for high +uality and lower  
'rices for all businesses and indiiduals.
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 ABC Screen Printing 


,he re'ort% “Global Market Review of Active Sportswear and Athletic Footwear —
Forecasts to 2!" #2$ edition%&'  loos at whether consumers of s'orts a''arel
and athletic footwear are still actie 'artici'ants in 'erformance considering the
growing uncertainty regarding todays economy.2 ,he re'ort also ass whether 
consumers tae 'art in “soft s'orts% or whether they sim'ly 'refer to watch their 
faorite s'orts on teleision.

In the historic growth 'hase from 3;;6-3;;5% the combined maret (s'ortswear 
and athletic footwear! grew from F263.A; billion to F2>>.:2 billion% an increase of 
:.>. "ccording to the re'ort% the athletic footwear maret e)'anded almost
twice as much as the actie s'ortswear sector in terms of dollar alue.

In the current “recession 'hase% the combined maret was e)'ected to fall from
F2>>.:2 billion in 3;;5 to F2>3.26 billion in 3;;:. 7oweer% in the “recoery
'hase% from 3;;:-3;23% the combined maret for actie s'ortswear and athletic
footwear is forecast to moe from F2>3.26 billion to F2A6.A3 billion. Krowth will
accelerate each year% rising to 6.4 in 3;23. In 'articular% the maret for actie
s'ortswear will grow from FA6.85 billion to FA5.58 billion.

=rom 3;23-3;24% the combined maret is e)'ected to grow from F2A6.A3 billion
to F246.AA billion in the 'eriod after the &ondon Olym'ics. "s for the future of 
actie s'ortswear and athletic footwear after the recoery from the current
recession% the re'ort indicates that the s'orts clothing and footwear industries
are e)cellent businesses to be in.

The 0ecorated Apparel arket

 "ccording to arious industry re'orts% the decorated a''arel is anywhere

between F8 billion and F>; billion industry% and is 'redicted to grow L at a brisk 
 pace(  oer the ne)t decade. 3

Jennifer #o)% 'resident of the 1ational 1etwor of @mbroidery Professionals% in

9ent% Ohio% says that it was a F> billion industry in the early 2::;s and is
e)'ected to double in size about eery ten years.

,he decorated a''arel industry includes screen-'rinters and embroiderers. #o)

e)'lains. L)ut we have no industr* statistics on the percentage of the +arket 
that,s due solel* to e+broiderers %L she says. L-f - had to guess& - would esti+ate
that e+broider* is about one.third of that /0 billion +arket  . ,hat means that
about FA.6 billion is attributed to screen 'rinting.

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 ABC Screen Printing 


orforce< "ccording to $,",@ *niersityHs $tats $,",@ website% a third of 

Benton #ountyHs local worforce commutes out of the county. ,hese are
educated% stable% desirable worers who would a''reciate a chance to wor
closer to home.

Local 8ork$orce Count2D

>%5;; ?esident worforce

A.2 *nem'loyment rate

84.6 H#S# diplo%a or higher

26.; B#A# degree or higher

A:.4 &ie in married households

5;.4 Own their own homes

,he area worforce located within a 6;-mile radius includes a big 'ool of worers
with great /obs sills located in #I,C and est #I,C. Because of Purdue
*niersity% there is a large base of college-educated worers. #urrently the
number of commuters out of the county is 'artially balanced by commuters into
the county% who account for 2A of the local worforce.

Area 8ork$orce :>%ile RadiusD

:6%:84 ,otal worforce

>.3 *nem'loyment rate

85.3 H#S# diplo%a or higher

66.3 B#A# degree or higher

,here is a large o''ortunity to build a dominant and res'ected business in this

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maret s'ace.

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 ABC Screen Printing 


and e)cellence. e will treat each customer with res'ect and we will be nown
for our outstanding customer serice.

Co%pan2 Structure
2. &egal $tatus
 "B# $creen Printing is a &imited &iability #or'oration 
This document is...
organized in the state of $,",@ in 3;;8. ,he #om'any is
owned by Mr. John Doe (2;;!.

3. Physical &ocation
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,he #om'any will o'erate out of a new building at the owners
 Not useful
'ro'erty. ,he #om'any will build suitable business s'ace to
What is Scribd? su''ort its o'erations. It will 'roide easy access to
customersem'loyees with am'le free 'aring.

,he #om'anys site will be the only one lie it in Benton
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 7ow much monthly reenue is needed to achiee brea eenG


Business ObFectives
,he #om'any is 'lanning on strong growth in the ne)t twele months. It 'lans on
achieing the following ob/ecties<

 Obtain contracts with new customers

 Krow twele month reenue to FA;%;;;

In succeeding years% "B#
 "B# $creen Printing will continue to grow its business and
will achiee these ob/ecties<

 Krow the annual number of new customers each year 

 Deelo' a re'utation that will e)ceed com'etitors in eery
  "chiee e)cellent customer loyalty by 'lacing strong
em'hasis in the areas of outstanding serice and su''ort
  "ttain F2:8%;;; in annual sales in Cear A

Targeted Custo%ers

 "B# $creen Printing has identified a clear and substantial target maret.
,argeted customers will include<

 $chools
 Businesses
 #hurch grou's
 Koernment
 Organizations
 Indiiduals aged A to :A

,he #om'any will target these ty'es of customers within the #entral $,",@

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 ABC Screen Printing 


;e2 /nitiatives
 "B# $creen Printing has deelo'ed the following ey initiaties to achiee its
growth goals<

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@)'and its mareting efforts to reach its target audience
@stablish an aggressie sales 'rogram to identify and secure
new customers

 Useful
Proide the best serices at the most com'etitie 'ricing
Proide a satisfying e)'erience for eery customer   Not useful
What is Scribd? ith the 'ro'er financing and adherence to this business 'lans ob/ecties% the
#om'any beliees it can com'lete these initiaties and achiee success.

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 ABC Screen Printing 


,he #om'any beliees that it can com'ete effectiely in this maret. $eeral
factors driing its com'etitie adantage include<

 7ighest +uality
 =ree deliery
 One on one customer serice
 Q;; satisfaction guarantee
 #om'etitie 'rices

Sie o$ the arket

 "B# $creen Printing is focused on obtaining customers in the #entral $,",@
geogra'hic area. ,his area is large enough to su''ort the #om'anys business

Population B2 STAT+ Count2

-u%ber o$ Schools b2 Count2

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 "B# $creen Printing will buy lists of names that match its
targeted customer 'rofile. It will send direct mail 'ieces
('ostcards% letters% etc.! to these names to attract them as
customers. ,he #om'any will use commercially aailable list
broers to obtain the names.

 Print advertising
,he #om'any will tae out ads in local 'ublications that are
matched to its targeted audiences.

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