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Soft-Tissue Conditions Around Dental

Implants: A Literature Review
Guo-Hao Lin, DDS, MS* and Iman M. Madi, DMD†
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ithin the past 3 decades, our Background: The aim of this seen with the benefit of less inci-

W understanding and evolution

in implant dentistry has
shifted our attention to the soft-tissue
article is to review the current
understanding regarding periim-
plant soft-tissue conditions
dence of periimplant mucositis. In
addition, the influence of the
mucosal height and tissue pheno-
interface. Several studies1–3 have to minimize risk of periimplant mu- type on periimplant tissue health
looked at this structure throughout
cositis and periimplantitis. remains inconclusive. Although
the years and found several similarities
between teeth and implant. Adjacent to Materials and Methods: An other soft-tissue parameters,
the implant, oral epithelium has the electronic search was performed in including papillary fill and midfa-
same keratinization characteristic that 4 different databases. Articles were cial tissue level, are not yet proven
merges into nonkeratinized sulcular reviewed and summarized if the to be related to periimplantitis,
epithelium (SE).4 Apical to the SE, following criteria were met: pub- they play a crucial role to achieve
junctional epithelium (JE) adheres to lished evidence with recommenda- successful esthetics.
titanium through hemidesmosomes. tions on soft-tissue conditions Conclusion: A limited amount of
The JE along with the connective tis- around dental implants. evidence was identified to correlate
sue apical to it forms a biologic width Results: An evaluation of vari- periimplant soft-tissue parameters
around the implant similar to the ous soft-tissue parameters, including with periimplantitis. However, a
tooth.4 However, when looking at the the need of keratinized mucosa, wide band of nonmobile keratinized
connective tissue component, the fi-
periimplant mucosal height and phe- mucosa, an adequate periimplant
bers that insert in cementum in a per-
pendicular fashion are missing around notype, midfacial tissue level, and mucosal height, and a thick tissue
implants. Instead, these fibers run in papillary fill, was performed based phenotype might reduce the inci-
parallel and circumferential directions on the currently available evidence. dence of tissue inflammation and
to the implant body.4 The inner zone Comments: The need of kerati- future complications. (Implant Dent
of this connective tissue compartment nized mucosa is the parameter 2019;28:138–143)
contains less fibroblasts and blood ves- investigated the most. A trend Key Words: periimplantitis, mucosi-
sels and is densely packed with colla- favors a need of a wide band of tis, gingiva, connective tissue,
gen fibers. A display is more similar to nonmobile keratinized mucosa is evidence-based dentistry
scar tissue. When looking at JE around
implants, evidence1 has shown that the
microstructural components of the
internal basement membrane may also be different than teeth. The JE is longer Several soft-tissue parameters, that
*Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Orofacial Sciences,
in implants compared with teeth.1 The is, tissue phenotype and amount of
School of Dentistry, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA.
soft-tissue interface around implants keratinized mucosa, have been exam-
†Private Practitioner, South County Periodontics & Implant completely lacks the blood supply from ined in the literatures to warrant the
Dentistry, Mission Viejo, CA.
periodontal ligaments. Finally, in im- periimplant tissue health. Thin soft-
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Guo-Hao Lin, plants, the biologic width is established tissue phenotype can be more prone to
DDS, MS, Department of Orofacial Sciences, University
of California, San Francisco, 707 Parnassus Avenue, apical to the crest of adjacent bone in recession and black triangle defects.5
San Francisco, CA 94143, Phone: (415) 476-1731, Fax: specific clinical situations where, in Adequate keratinized mucosa has been
(415) 476-1563, E-mail:
teeth, this structure is always supracres- proposed to be important in control of
ISSN 1056-6163/19/02802-138 tal. Although these differences periimplant soft-tissue health.6 Insuffi-
Implant Dentistry
Volume 28  Number 2 seem minor, their clinical implications cient keratinized mucosa is associated
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
reserved. influencing patient-centered outcomes with higher plaque index and gingival
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000871 can be immense. index scores, as well as higher levels of

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

recession and attachment loss around the heterogeneity of the study designs. loss and tissue recession. In the labio-
implants. In addition, the mucosal An illustration to define the investigated palatal or buccolingual dimension, the
height between the bone crest and the soft-tissue parameters around dental implant/abutment interface should be
periimplant soft-tissue margin has been implants is presented as Figure 1. placed within the bony housing with
associated with the periimplant health at least 2-mm buccal plate present11 to
and marginal bone loss.7 This is impor- RESULTS withstand the physiologic bone remod-
tant during the early healing stage since eling. An implant placed not within bo-
the establishment of biologic width Periimplant Tissue Complexity ny housing may result in bone and/or
around implant could take place in the The periimplant attachment appa- soft-tissue dehiscence, periimplant
expense of marginal bone level. There- ratus has some important distinctions pockets, tissue inflammation, exudates,
fore, to provide a comprehensive under- from that at teeth. Similar to teeth, the and esthetic complications. In addi-
standing of periimplant soft-tissue epithelial “attachment” consists of tion, the implant-tooth distance and
considerations, the purpose of this arti- hemidesmosomes; however, since there the interimplant distance should be at
cle is to summarize the currently avail- are no Sharpey’s fibers and cementum, least 1.5 and 3.0 mm away, respec-
able literature related to soft-tissue connective tissue fibers run parallel to tively, to retain the bone crest level12
parameters associated with periimplant the implant surface, rather than a direct and access for hygiene. These guide-
mucositis and periimplantitis. fibrous insertion as with teeth. This lack lines for implant placement should be
MATERIALS AND METHODS of a physical barrier could render im- followed to establish healthy periim-
plants more susceptible to pathogenic plant soft-tissue framework; otherwise,
Patient, Intervention, Comparison, challenge and ultimately result in peri- the occurrence of complications is
Outcome (PICO) Question
implantitis. Because of this weak seal, inevitable.
• P: Healthy patient with dental periimplant tissues show slightly
greater probe penetration at all disease Need of Nonmobile Keratinized Mucosa
implant placement
states than periodontal tissues, particu- The significance of a wide band of
• I: Implant placement with an assess-
larly in periimplantitis when the probe nonmobile keratinized tissue around den-
ment of soft-tissue parameters
can reach as close as 0.25 mm to bone.8 tal implants has been widely investigated.
• C: The difference (influence) of
This could contribute to spontaneous At least 7 systematic reviews6,13–18 were
soft-tissue conditions on implant
continuous progression of bone loss in published in scientific journals in the last
periimplantitis cases without a “self- decade. Although an inconsistency is
• O: The risk of developing periim-
limiting” protective process seen in pe- seen among the published reviews, most
plant mucositis and periimplantitis
riodontitis.9 Recent evidence has of the reviews6,13–15,17 (5 of 7) concluded
Screening Process shown that certain implant surfaces that an adequate zone of keratinized
An electronic and manual search in might elicit a biologic response to mucosa is associated with less plaque
dental literature up to March 2018 were inhibit down-growth of epithelium and accumulation, tissue inflammation,
performed by 2 independent reviewers induce a true connective tissue attach- recession, and loss of attachment.
(I.M.M. and G.-H.L.) in 4 databases, ment to the implant surface10; however, Therefore, a lack of nonmobile kerati-
including PubMed, EMBASE, Web of more evidence is needed to warrant this nized mucosa might be directly linked
Science, and Cochrane Central Register concept. to a poor condition of periimplant soft-
of Controlled Trials. The search terms tissue health and the development of peri-
used were a combination of keywords, Ideal Implant Position implant mucositis. However, research
including but not limited to “dental im- A malpositioned implant incurs investigating the relationship between
plants,” “periimplant,” “mucosa,” and periimplant hard- and soft-tissue loss, periimplant bone level changes and the
“gingiva.” The screening in such data- resulting in tissue inflammation, amount of keratinized mucosa is scarce.
bases were limited to “clinical studies” esthetic failure, or even implant loss. Future studies are still needed to warrant
AND “humans.” In addition, a search Therefore, it is crucial to place an the risk of periimplantitis development if
for references in the review articles implant in an ideal 3-dimensional posi- insufficient keratinized mucosa is present
was performed. Finally, a hand search tion to minimize future biologic or around dental implants.
(January 2018–March 2018) was per- mechanical complications. It has been
formed in implant-related peer- suggested that an implant should be Need of Mucosal Height
reviewed journals. placed 3 mm apical to the planned A connective tissue cuff and a JE
gingival zenith.11 An implant placed attachment consist the periimplant seal
Eligibility Criteria and Data Analyses too deep away from crestal bone will coronal to bone crest. The biologic
Articles were reviewed and sum- result in large amount of bone remodel- width around a dental implant is
marized (Table 1) if the following cri- ing and increase the difficulty for main- approximately 3 mm.2,3 If the periim-
teria were met: published evidence with tenance. On the contrary, an implant plant mucosal height is insufficient to
recommendations on soft-tissue condi- placed too shallow will trigger crestal establish this physiologic dimension,
tions around dental implants. A descrip- bone remodeling to establish periim- bone resorption will occur to allow for
tive review was performed because of plant biologic width, resulting in bone formation of a stable soft-tissue

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Table 1. Current Evidence of Periimplant Soft-Tissue Conditions on Implant Outcomes
Parameter Authors/Year Type of Study Meta-analysis Conclusion
Nonmobile keratinized Wennstrom and Derks,18 Review No If proper plaque control is performed, the presence of keratinized
mucosa 2012 mucosa around implants may not be of importance.
Lin et al,6 2013 Review Yes A lack of adequate keratinized mucosa around dental implants is
associated with more plaque accumulation, tissue inflammation,
recession, and attachment loss.
Brito et al,13 2014 Review No The presence of keratinized mucosa results in less mucosal
inflammation, less plaque accumulation, increased stability of the
periimplant area, and prevention of mucosal recession.
Chiu et al,14 2015 Review No Conflicting results were identified in the current literature. Individual
consideration of treatment strategies for the patient with minimal
keratinized mucosa is recommended.
Pranskunas et al,17 2016 Review No The presence of an appropriate amount of keratinized mucosa is
required due to an effect of decreasing gingival index, plaque index,
pocket depth, and bleeding on probing.
Gobbato et al,15 2017 Review Yes Lack of keratinized mucosa is statistically significantly associated with
increased plaque index and bleeding index.
Moraschini et al,16 2017 Review No Current systematic reviews and meta-analyses have structural and
methodological variability and none obtain the maximum score on
quality analyses. A potentially positive association between
keratinized mucosal width and periimplant health exists.
Mucosal height Suarez Lopez del Amo Review Yes Implants placed in sites with mucosal height of less than 2 mm have
et al,7 2016 significantly more marginal bone loss compared with sites with
mucosal height of 2 mm or more during the first 12 months of healing.
Akcali et al,19 2017 Review No Currently there is insufficient evidence to warrant the clinical outcome in
terms of bone-level changes between implants placed in sites with
initial mucosal height ,2 mm and those with $2 mm.
Tissue phenotype Fu et al,22 2010 Cadaver study Not applicable A correlation exists between soft-tissue phenotype and labial bone
thickness in cadavers’ anterior maxillary region.
Cook et al,20 2011 Human clinical study Not applicable Thick soft-tissue phenotype in maxillary anterior region of human
subjects shows thicker labial bone thickness apical to the
cementoenamel junction.
Frost et al,21 2015 Human clinical study Not applicable There is a trend that thin phenotype is associated with thin labial plate.
However, this trend does not reach statistical significance.


the risk for bacterial adhesion increases.

Therefore, clinicians should evaluate
these risk indicators before surgical
execution to minimize the risk of tissue
recession. Soft-tissue graft or bone aug-
mentation is often performed to com-
pensate the limited amount of tissue
quantity and/or quality during the treat-
ment phase.

Papillary Fill
Although interproximal papillary
fill is not associated with periimplanti-
tis, it still dictates a successful treatment
outcome since esthetics can be compro-
mised without papillary fill. The papil-
lary fill is determined by the vertical
distance between the contact point of
the crowns to the interproximal bone
crest.24 This vertical distance has to be
within 5 mm between 2 natural teeth,
within 4.5 mm between an implant
and a natural tooth, and within 3.5 mm
between 2 adjacent implants, to
warrant a predictable papillary fill.24 It
has been reported that delayed restora-
tion resulted in more initial papillary
Fig. 1. An illustration to define the width of keratinized mucosa (from periimplant tissue margin
loss than immediate restoration; how-
to mucogingival junction), mucosal height (from tissue margin to alveolar bone crest), and ever, this difference is not statistically
tissue phenotype around dental implants. Figure 1 was created by G. -H. Lin. significant, and a comparable height of
papillary fill is seen after 1 year of
attachment.2 It has been shown that analyzed the correlation between tissue
reducing the connective tissue height phenotype and buccal bone thickness. Critical and Subcritical Contours for
around dental implants resulted in All 3 articles reported that a thicker labial Soft-Tissue Compensation
crestal bone loss.2 Two systematic re- tissue phenotype is associated with a Critical and subcritical contours are
views7,19 were identified analyzing the thicker buccal plate. This finding pro- subgingival zones of an implant restora-
need of mucosal height. Interestingly, vides clinicians an alert that a thin buccal tion. Periimplant tissue support could be
one7 concluded that implants placed plate might be present when a patient is facilitated with an ideal design of these
with a larger periimplant mucosal with thin gingival phenotype at the treat- zones based on the implant position.26
height have less radiographic bone loss; ment plan phase. Further surgical proce- The critical contour is defined as an area
however, the other one19 concluded that dures, that is, bone augmentation, before extending from the periimplant tissue
insufficient evidence is present to war- or during implant placement might be margin to 1.0- to 1.5-mm subgingival
rant the need of mucosal height. This necessary to create sufficient bone qual- level. The subcritical contour is an area
difference could be explained by vari- ity and quantity. located immediately coronal to the
ous type of implants used (bone level vs implant platform and extends to the crit-
soft-tissue level), surgical techniques, Midfacial Tissue Level ical contour of a restoration. Because the
prosthetic designs, and patients’ sys- The periimplant midfacial tissue critical contour represents the emer-
temic conditions.19 Therefore, the need level is greatly influenced by the gence profile of a restoration, it should
of mucosal height remains controver- implant shoulder location.23 A buccally mimic the contour of a natural tooth and
sial, and it is suggested to place im- positioned implant will increase the provides support for a final esthetic out-
plants based on the manufacturer’s chance of esthetic failure due to unpre- come. The subcritical contour serves as a
recommendations to establish the ideal dictable bone and soft-tissue remodel- “running room” between the platform
periimplant soft-tissue framework. ing. In addition, a thin tissue phenotype and the emergence profile. It should be
and a bony dehiscence might further biologically acceptable without imping-
Periimplant Tissue Phenotype predispose an implant to facial tissue ing on the osseous crest to prevent future
Although no systematic review was recession. When the rough surface of tissue recession or loss of papillary
identified, 3 human studies20–22 the implant is exposed to the oral cavity, height.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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