09 - Nuriyana Hariyanti - 3. Assignment 3 - MPSI

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Week 4 - Project Management Methodology

for Grade 5th Semester, Information System-Based Project Management,
Informatics Engineering, Banyuwangi State Polytechnic
Prepared by Mr. Alfin Hidayat,S.T.,M.T.
Name :
Class :

A. Project Management Methodology - Project Life Cycle
•1. Explain about Project Initiation

•2. Explain about Project Planning

3. Explain about Project Execution



•4. Explain about Project Monitoring and Controlling

5. Explain about Project Closing

B. Project Management Methodology - Project Process Goals

•6. Explain about Project Initiation Goals

•7. Explain about Project Planning Goals

8. Explain about Project Execution Goals



9. Explain about Project Monitoring and Controlling Goals

10. Explain about Project Closing Goals



GROUP TASK: Ideal Best Team for PKM-PI Project

1. Mission 1 - Make a Best Team

Every activity must be done with good planning and team building. Consideration in
making a team is adjusted to the talents and interests of its members even including the
personality of team members. The formation of a good team aims to increase the
competitiveness of the team in competing. Here's how to do it in team building:

1. Conduct personality tests to map team members according to their natural talents. The
personality indicator used is the MBTI test.
2. Mapping the roles of members in a team, namely:
a. Mapper and Scheduler : Map all team activities and Check the team's schedule
and activities
b. Journalist and Designer: Write all team progress in worksheet and Draws the
design of the product being worked on
c. Communicator/Leader : Reporting and Communicating with each other
d. Accountant : Financial and material management
e. Complement/Supporting Member : Junior Study program / Different Study
3. The selection mechanism of team members is left to each student in class:

And Documentations Video and Photos:

1. Video Link online and offline member selection:

2. Photos :


2. Mission 2 - Team Building

The next stage in forming a team is team building, which is a way to increase chemistry
and cooperation between team members.


At the beginning of an activity, each individual team member becomes an inseparable

part. Each individual should try to get to know the other team members by getting to know
each other.


Each team determines the team name, team leader (leader), symbols and slogans, and
puts it into practice.


One team consists of 5 students. Each team member plays a role based on the
specialization and skills needed in each team.

1. Team member faces

2. Remember all team member nicknames and roles in the team
3. Determine 5 jobs based on member skills
4. Determine the team name, slogan and team symbol that represents the team created
5. Discuss 5 rules that team members should have.

Draw by hand the Face of each member of your team:

(digambar di kertas, di foto, kemudian diupload di dalam kotak-kotak dibawah ini)

Roles : Name 1 Roles : Name 2 Roles : Name 3 Roles : Name 4 Roles : Name 5


Name NIM Class MBTI Specialization Job





Motto :

Simbol/Logo :


1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …

Documentations : (min.5 Photos)

Video Link Discussion online and/or offline :



Mission 3 - Team Work Game

The next stage is a team work game in one team. Used to form cohesiveness,
communication, and convey information received by the Leader to its members.


Building chemistry and team cohesiveness


Teams must complete the objectives within the allotted time.

Procedure 1:


1. One team consists of 6 people including the leader

2. Each team member has their own role
3. The leader (Communicator) holds a paper with a sketch of a paper airplane made by
another team.
4. Form a circle of 4 people
5. The leader is in charge of giving instructions to his team members to complete the
mission of making paper airplanes with their eyes closed
6. Team members follow leader's instructions


1. One member folds one paper

2. Followed by other team members
3. And so on, 1 member only folds the paper 1 time,
4. The paper folding movement is carried out in turns by rotating it until the shape of the
paper airplane is in accordance with the sketch brought by the leader
5. Mapper's job is to video the Teamwork process from start to finish.
6. Mapper uploads the video results online


1. Satu tim terdiri dari 6 orang termasuk leader

2. Setiap anggota tim memiliki peran masing-masing
3. Leader (Communicator) memegang kertas bergambar sketch pesawat terbang kertas
buatan tim lain.
4. Membentuk Lingkaran yang sebanyak 4 orang


5. Leader bertugas memberikan instruksi kepada anggota timnya untuk menyelesaikan

misi membuat pesawat terbang kertas dalam kondisi mata tertutup
6. Anggota tim mengikuti instruksi leader
7. Instruksi nya:
a. Satu anggota melipat satu kali kertas
b. Dilanjutkan oleh anggota tim yang lain
c. Dan seterusnya, 1 anggota hanya 1 kali melipat kertas,
d. Gerakan melipat kertas dilakukan secara bergiliran dengan memutar hingga
bentuk pesawat kertas jadi sesuai dengan sketch yang dibawa oleh leader
e. Tugas Mapper adalah memvideokan proses Teamwork dari awal hingga
f. Mapper mengupload hasil videonya secara online=


Video link process of Team Work Game Offline:

Photos :

Mission 4 -Please Fill this Form, then Submit

1. Isi Rekapitulasi Tim pada google form berikut, kemudian submit

(Fill in the Team Recapitulation in the following google form, then submit)



Banyuwangi, Oct 10th 2021

Team manager,

Alfin Hidayat,S.T.,M.T.
NIP. 199010052014041002

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