Executive Csummary

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Executive jfcSummary jfc

I have analyzed the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd factors of Singapore and have come up with a comprehensive research report,
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd “PESTLE Analysis of Singapore.” This report provides an analysis of Singapore’s

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd economy from historical, current, and future perspectives. The report also includes
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd the suitable business industry to be launched/invested in Singapore.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

This unique report will provide reader with valuable information, insights, and tools
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd needed to identify new growth opportunities and operate their business successfully
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd in this market. This report will save hundreds of hours of reader own personal
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd research time and will significantly benefit reader in expanding their business in this
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd market. In today’s complex economy, you need every advantage that you can find.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

To make business, investment, and strategic decisions, you need timely, useful
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd information. This report fulfills this core need and is an indispensable reference
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd guide for investors, entrepreneur, and many more that operate in this market.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd
Introduction jfc

In a global economy dominated by huge industrial powers, the city-state of

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Singapore has created its competitive niche as a destination for regional
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd headquarters, branch offices and holding companies for doing business all across
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Asia.

Singapore offers foreign investors a highly skilled workforce, English-speaking business

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd environment, business-friendly legal and tax systems, immense logistics and jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd transportation capacities, and over sixty double taxation avoidance agreements,
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd among other advantages. Furthermore, the city-state consistently takes measures to
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jfcd align its policies with the international standards emanating from the World Trade
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Organization, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and
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jfcd even issue-centric organizations like the International Accounting Standards Board.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Singapore has consistently been ranked first on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Business Index, with particular strengths in “protecting investors” and “trading
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd across borders.” In fact, the city-state runs in such an efficient, business-friendly
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd manner that it has been said to run like a corporation itself; “Singapore Inc.”
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Singapore’s excellent strategic location and highly open economy make it attractive
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd for companies looking to conduct business here. Furthermore, Singapore has a stable
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd political environment, low taxes and a highly skilled workforce making it one of the
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jfcd most favorable business locations in the world.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Singapore’s economy is heavily dependent on exports, with a particular focus on

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jfcd electronics, technology and pharmaceuticals. jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd Although these sectors remain a jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd cornerstone of the economy, the recent growth of the financial services sector has
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd been more notable. Singapore has been a part of the World Trade Organisation
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd (WTO) since its inception in 1995, and has maintained low barriers to trade as part
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd of an outward looking open economy.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd
In Singapore, just as is the case anywhere else in the world, certain industries are
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd more suitable to be invested than others. Those who invest in such business
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jfcd industries will be sure to see many financial benefits coming their way. The
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd following are some of the most suitable industries to be invested in Singapore
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd today:

Financial Technology (Fintech) jfcd jfcd

Singapore has the status of being one of the world’s financial hubs. This fact holds
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd true with regard to financial technology (fintech). In recent years, the size of the
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd fintech industry in Singapore has grown tremendously. Due to the implementation
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jfcd of many incentives from the government as well as individual financial institutions,
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jfcd cashless payments have become extremely common today. The many e-wallets
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd available in Singapore facilitate such payments. Therefore, the fintech industry of
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Singapore has huge potential for profitability. jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Freelance Economy jfcd

Many people in Singapore have chosen to join the rapidly expanding freelance
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd economy. The increase in the influence of social media has done much to
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd facilitate interaction between freelance workers and their clients. This fact applies
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd regardless of the line of work in which the freelancer inhabits. Freelancers who have
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd a significant network of clients can also leverage this large client base to their
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd advantage, resulting in even more profits and revenue. jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

According to the latest set of statistics, there are approximately 200,000 freelancers
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd who work in Singapore today. Freelancers comprise approximately 9% of all

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd residents who are employed in Singapore. As Singapore’s freelance economy

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd continues to strengthen, this figure is only expected to increase significantly.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

It should be noted, however, that on occasion freelancers are sometimes not paid on
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd time. For this reason, all who intend to become freelancers in Singapore must have
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd
jfcd high levels of self-discipline and be able to manage time and money well in order
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd to ensure that they make significant profits.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Health and Fitness jfcd jfcd

The fitness industry in Singapore is among the most rapidly-evolving in the country.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Today, large, well-known gym chains are no longer the primary options of regular
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd gym-goers. This is because Singaporean gym-goers of today have become more
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd interested in different and somewhat unusual fitness options. Boutique fitness
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd businesses in particular have begun to thrive in the current Singaporean fitness
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd scene.

Tech start-ups have also been working with the Singaporean health and fitness
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd industry, and such collaborations have boosted the reputation and profitability of
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd both Singapore’s tech and fitness industries. Such start-ups have understood the
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd change in tastes of the modern Singaporean gym-goer. They have created programs
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd which enable their users to sample a variety of fitness activities which span many
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd different disciplines. jfcd

Medical Industry jfcd

Singapore’s medical industry is held in high regard all over the world. According to
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd the official Health Care Rankings, the country’s medical system is ranked sixth in the
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jfcd world and first in Asia. The Singaporean government has been attempting to boost
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jfcd this reputation by increasing its expenditure on healthcare. The increased level of
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd expenditure jfcd will jfcd be jfcd channeled jfcd towards jfcdgeneral jfcd and jfcd community jfcd hospitals,
jfcd polyclinics, eldercare centers, and nursing homes. For this reason, the demand for
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd people who work in the healthcare and medical industry is expected to increase.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

The manufacturing of medical products is expected to grow exponentially in order to

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jfcd support the country’s healthcare industry. For this reason, the industry requires the
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd input of researchers and engineers who will be able to design equipment which will
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd be used by the healthcare professionals of Singapore.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd
Recommendation jfc

Although Singapore is a secure investment haven with stable economics and low risk,
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd it comes with it the higher cost of investment. The combination of limited land,
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd funneled labour and imported resources brings up the cost of business in Singapore
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd by a significant margin, and has to be contemplated by any business owner before
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd vesting any capital. Opportunity for a supernormal return in Singapore is mitigated
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd by the high start-up costs incurred. Low risk, low return.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

As a retail market by itself, the population numbers in Singapore are definitely

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd insufficient to sustain a fast-growing corporation. But to use Singapore as a nexus to

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd reach out to the South-East Asian market is a much more plausible strategy to
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd consider.

Conclusion jfc

After analyzing all these factors, It is clear that Singapore is a remarkable country.
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd It houses talented and motivated people. It also provides great business
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd opportunities. I can conclude that its business success in both domestic and jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd international platforms is highly benefited by government policies. Its enterprise

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd friendly approach boosts business as well. Singapore’s continuing development has
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd made it a major competitor in the international market. The compulsory primary
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd education and hardworking citizen are contributing factors.

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

BBC jfcd (2018) jfcd Singapore jfcd country jfcd profile, jfcd available jfcd at:
jfchttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15961759 jfc

Bock, H. (2019) Singapore is most beautiful city in Asia, 11th most beautiful in the
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd world, jfcd available jfcd at: jfchttps://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/singapore-is-most-

beautiful-city-in-asia-11th-most-beautiful-in-the-world jfc

EDB Singapore (2018) Singapore flexes its standing as Asia’s technology capital,
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd available jfcd at: jfcd https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/news-and-


Human jfcd Rights jfcd Watch jfcd (2019) jfcd Singapore, jfcd available jfcd at:
jfchttps://www.hrw.org/asia/singapore jfc

Pines, L. (2019) Singapore’s Top 5 Exports & Imports: Why It’s The World’s 14th
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd Largest Export Economy, available at: jfchttps://commodity.com/singapore/ jfc

jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

Plecher, H. (2019) Singapore: Unemployment rate from 1998 to 2018, available at:
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd https://www.statista.com/statistics/378643/unemployment-rate-in-singapore/ jfc

Quek, C. (2019) Commentary: The future is tech but where is Singapore’s engineering
jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd jfcd

jfcd and jfcd IT jfcd talent? jfcd Available jfcd at:

talent-scheme-foreign-it-enginneering-11870930 jfc

US jfcd News jfcd (2018) jfcd Overview jfcd of jfcd Singapore, jfcd available jfcd at:
jfchttps://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/singapore jfc

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