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Đối chiếu ngôn ngữ

Điểm QT = Thuyết trình (50%) + ôn thi giữa kì (50%: có thể thi vấn đáp
hoặc trên giấy)
 Có đề cương ôn tập câu hỏi từng bài, lưu ý chú ý nghe giảng và ghi chú, nếu
có thời gian, nên làm trước câu hỏi và so sánh đáp án
Điểm cuối kì: Bài test
2. Văn hóa Anh-Mỹ
Điểm QT = Group presentation (30%) + Quizzes (10%)
Điểm cuối kì: test (60%)
Final term test (60%): This is a paper-based 60-minute test that consists of 3
questions: (1) character analysis (200 words); (2) analysis of literary devices
(200 words); and (3) discussion of certain themes in a literary work/extract
(150 words)
3. Reading
Participation and homework preparation: 10% (students are called randomly
during the course to show their homework responses of the previous lessons). 
Mid-term test 30%: Time allowed 50 minutes. The test includes questions about
vocabulary (Vocabulary of the topics learnt in Handouts and/or
Making Connections 1) and two reading passages (taken from other reading
Final test. Final test includes the oral presentation (20%) and the End-term
test (40%) 
+ The oral presentation (20%): Students will work in groups of three to choose
one of the given topics to make an oral presentation which will be delivered in
weeks 14 & 15 of the semester. 
+ The end-term test (40%): Time allowed 60 minutes, includes 3 texts taken
from other reading sources about all topics that have been covered through out the

4. Cú pháp học
Mid-term test (40%): In-class paper-based test on word classes, structures of
phrases, clauses, and sentences
Homework (every week) – (10%): Assessment of students’ completion and quality
of homework tasks assigned
Writing assignment (50%): Group writing assignment on a topic of interest in
syntax that can serve the field of study
5. Phân tích ngôn ngữ
On-going assessment: 40% 
- Quizzes : 10% (individual) 
- Group presentation: 30%
Final term assessment: Individual Assignment: 60%
 Essay (1000-1200 words) 
6. Phương pháp giảng dạy
On-going assessment (50%):
+ Test (20%)
A short test of knowledge about language teaching and learning (MCQ,
True/ False, Matching, Gap fill, Short answer) in class or online at (Week 12)

+ Group presentation (30%)

Written assignment (50%)
Making a lesson plan for a 45 minute English lesson, providing a rationale
(500 words) for the lesson plan including relevant theoretical points and
decribing your learning experience in the whole process of lesson planning
in a reflection (500 words).
7. Nghe

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