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The head waiter is chopping some food

B. Several dishes are being presented for dinners.
C. One man is holding a large hat
D. portion of food is being prepared

2. A. The women are … the contents of the flugs

B. One woman is drawing a diagram on the board.
C. Some safety goggles are being inspected for use
D. The laboratory equipment are being lifted onto the bench
3. A. Tools have been left on the top of the counter
B. ………..displayed for sale.
C. Some plates have been stacked on the table
Be stacked , be piled up.
Notice stacked on the bulletin board
4. A. The demonstrators are staging the protest
B. A vendor is serving a customer
C. Goods are being unloaded from the store.
Be loaded onto the truck.
Be unloaded from the truck.
D. Food samples are given to a large crowd.
5. A. He’s checking the time of the appliances.
B. A hole of cores’s on the counter
C. The instrument panel is being disconnected.
D. Wire is being connected with the screw driver.

6. A. Boys are suspended from the side of the boat

B. The….. are sailing under a low bridge.
C. Being. The float is being mowed into the river bank.
D. Sailors are waiting near the water

7. C, B
A. The passengers are taking their seat on the train.
B. The women are placing a cushion on the wheelchair.
Place, place an order
C. Some bags have been placed on the ground
Being searched by the inspector.

8. A. A fire truck is heading toward the scene of the accident.

B. Technicians are carrying the safety test
C. The rescue workers are …appareling the vehicles.
D. The fire fighters are wearing the breathing apparatus

9. A. D
A. The exercise machines have been arranged ready for use.
B. Some athletes are keeping fit in a gym.
C. Equipment have been piled against the wall.

10. A. The passengers are disembarking from the aircraft.

= go off.
B. The seating arrangement is being monitored.
C. Some overhead compartments have been left open.
D. Audiences

11. Where can I take the train to San…?
A. Every 12 minutes. ..> how often
B. To San …
C. At gate 24.

12. Has the parcel been shipped today?

A. 3 times a day.
B. No, not yet.
C. A delivery person.

13. Who will make the first speech at the conference.? + tên riêng
+ Vị trí công việc
A. Johlson’s present is very nice.
B. There are no assignments.
C. Mr. Wang is starting.

14. Why……. Display.

Where do I have to put this plate?

A. Yes,
B. Y can put it over the kitchen counter.
C. He’s at the restaurant.

15. Does the bill include the federal sale tax?

A. Yes, put your phone number.

B. Yes, it has some tax included.

C. sale, no, it’s no on sale

16. When is the next flight to …..?

A. certainly not.

B. It is much more expensive.

C. One hour from now.

17. Can you give me a hand with the homework or should y go home right now? A or B


Either is fine


It hasn’t been decided.

A. I can help till about 3 PM.

B. Yes, I have some of my own.
C. I left it in the classroom

18. M…. is going to keep her part time work, isn’t she?

A. I broke up with her.

B. Come a little earlier if y can.

C. Yes, she likes working.

19. what makes you take so long?

It takes sb ? time to do st.

A. The bread is specially delicious here.

B. We can cut a slide of tuna.
C. I got a long distance call from my mother in law.

20. If I remember correctly, they’ve met before, haven’t they?

A. met, he met in a laboratory.

B. I don’t have another appointment until 2.

C. They went to the same university.

21. Why did the art gallery delay the art presentation?
A. It is my second time visiting here.

B. The elevator is out of order.

C. I’ll send my work until ..

22. Is it too hot in here or is it alright the way it is

A. Let’s give a call.

B. I’m Ok, thank you.

C. It’s too ….

23. When will Jasson come to the bus-top?

A. I will contact him later today.

B. No, ….

C. Last Tuesday was a memorial day.

24. Do you mind sitting over there?

A. Of course, Not.

B. No, I like here. Yes,

C. No, that’s not mine.

25. There’s going to be a shower this afternoon, isn’t there?

A. at the headquarter, I guess.

B. Yes, I’m taking a day off, anyway.

C. No, my Mom is coming this Friday.

26. What was your inquiry, Mr. King?

A. I wanted to figure out this math equation.

B. Mr. King, I have no spare time talking to Mr. King.

C. Yes,

Question , inquiry
27. Did your team win the last season?

A. Thanks a lot, we’ve been working hard.

B. That’s exact what people called.

C. The season was postponed temporarily.

28. I really liked watching this movie, didn’t y?

A. would be better for me

B. I will get my paycheck tomorrow.

C. Oh, the actress was amazing.

29. I heard somebody in the firm can help me solve this matter.

A. You should talk to my department manager.

B. Newspaper.

C. Yes, we can construct the commercial site.

30. what sort of transportation do y use to get to work?

A. Yes,

B. I’m used to doing it , be used to Ving = get used to Ving:

C. On foot by + , on foot.

31. Don’t you want to read the Recipe first?

A. On March the 20th

B. I’ve made the dish so many times.


32. Can Y tell me where I can find French written books?

A. Yes, she’s such an excellent writer.

B. At 8 PM, I guess.

C. There is one book store down town.

33. Who should I call, concerning the…. Suit.

A. No,

B. I’m on vacation until next Monday.

C. You’d to talk to Mr. Hong first.

34. Did you reserve seat in advance?

Reserve the table

Reserve the hotel

Reserve the seat.

A. We had such a good time.

B. Yes, I did it last week.
C. Headquarter.

35. Don’t you have to register for the next semester?

A. We just sold one.

B. The cash register.

C. No I can do it until next Monday.

36. Do y want to receive a booklet for a while?

A. I’m sorry but I can’t.

B. It’s very kind of you.

C. I received the packet this morning.

37. Isn’t she still beautiful at the age of 73?

A. Yes, it’s one of the most expensive areas.

B. Yes, I can do it.

C. Yes, she’s such adour……

38. Will y have your homework done by 4 or will it be late?

Have st done = get st done.

A. It’s just 1 o’clock this mornig.

B. I will did the work done by 4.

Took a leave.

39. Do y know how much money y earn today?


B. Keep the exact change please.

C. It hasn’t been counted yet.

40. Has anybody applied for the assistant job?

A> Ms. Welson said she did


No, It’s pretty cheap.

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