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Pagsanjan, Jawn L-yeoj E.


COSH 12 SAM10-123 M2-Assignment 2

What's your love language?

1. What is the result of your test? What is your main love language and secondary love

According to the result of the quiz I’ve taken, my main love language is Physical touch and my
secondary love language is act of service.

2. What’s your insight about it? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

I agree with the result of my love language. When I’m with my partner I prefer to have non-
sexual intimacy with her than going on a date outside. Maybe because of limited time we have
with each other that’s why I never go out with my friends when I’m with her. We prefer just
spending time together in our house. When we are outside, I enjoy holding her hands or
assisting her because I want to make her feel that she’s secured.

3. If your significant other will not express his/her love based on your main love language, what
would you do? How will you deal with it?

I’m lucky to have the same love language with my partner. But if ever that she can’t provide or
express the affection based on my love language, I will always accept it. I will communicate to
her my own feelings about my love language so she can have the idea of what I want and
what way I will feel loved. I believe that communication is the best way to understand and
accept each other.

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