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Unit of a long term plan: Unit 4 School-gymnasium: 200

“Work” Садыбахасова Анара Амантаевна,

Grade 9 Teacher name: Sadybakhassova Anara Amantaevna
Number тілі
мұғалімі absent:
Lesson title Important things in a job
Алматы қаласы, Науырызбай ауданы
Learning objectives(s) 9.C3 respect differing points of view
that this lesson is 200 мектеп
9.C7 develop – гимназия
and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
contributing to (link to writing
the Subject programme) 9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
Сабақтың мақсаттары feelings
9.L6 deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on
a limited range of unfamiliar topics
Learners’ objectives All learners will be able to recognize new vocabulary and phrases
Оқушылардың Барлық балалар жаңа сөздерді білетін болады
мақсаттары Most learners will be able to say several sentences about
professions and it’s qualities.
Балалардың көбісі мамандықтар туралы бірнеше сөйлем
айталатын болады.
Some learners will be able to write good essay by the given
criteria on the theme.
Кейбір балалар осы тақырыпқа жақсы, берілген критерийлерге
сай эссе жаза алатын болады
Assessment criteria A 1 -3, B 4-6, C7-8, D9-10
Бағалау критерийлері
Success criteria Learners will recognize new words by the theme, can ask and
Табыстар answer the questions can talk about job and it’s importance
Values links Love for speaking in English
Құндылықтар The discussion at the lesson and task will help students to choose
right profession in the future
Cross-curricular links Biology, Kazakh and Russian languages
Пәнаралық байланыс
Previous learning Present tenses; Payment/Wages
Алдыңғы тақырып

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Resources
timings activities) and methods
of teaching
I Organization moment/ Ұйымдастыру кезені
-At the beginning of the lesson, teacher and students greet each

3 min
- Teacher checks students presents
Beginning/ басы 10 min

-Teacher presents the theme of the lesson

2 min

- Teacher identifies lesson objectives/learning objective and

assessment criteria of the lesson together with students

II Home task checking/ Үй тапсырмасын тексеру Strategies of

(Speaking and using) critical
Previous lesson’s knowledge checking/ thinking
Present the previous lesson’s theme “Wages/Payment” through Сын
diagrams of the strategies “Critical thinking”: тұрғысынан
 Association ойлау
 Think way стратегиялар
5 min

 Vena ы
Descriptors/Дескрипторлар: Learners/Оқушылар
 Present their work in a group
 Give differ tasks to other students
New words
IV Glossary;
English Kazakh Russian Work Game “I’m
with trilingual
well-paid жақсы төленетін хорошо оплачиваемая new
part time жарты күндік неполная занятость words/
job жұмыс
full time job толық күндік жұмыс работа на полную ставку
pay towards алдынала төлеу платить заранее
uni fees оқуға төлеу платить за учебу
experience тәжірібе отпуск
deliver жеткізу достовлять
5 min

a gap year академиялық үзіліс академический год разрыва

loan қарыз ссуда, долг
takeaway жеткізу; алып келу доставка
Middle/ Ортасы 25 min

keen өте қызықты заинтересован
save up жинау (ақша) собирать (деньги)
Сөздікпен жұмыс Descriptors/Дескрипторлар: Learner/Оқушы
 Work over pronunciation
 Make-up sentences with new words
 I’m trilingual
Criteria B: Use
10 min

1 point
V Work with video material / Видео материалмен жұмыс
Descriptors/Дескрипторлар: Learner/Оқушы
 Watch the video
Answer to the questions
a) What about this video?
b) What qualities of character should have water slide
c) Describe person who works as basketball mascot.
d) Tell the advantages and disadvantages of these

 True or false task (6 sentences)

 Come to the board choose right answer and check each other
Criteria B: Use
1-2 points

Using of site
VI Listening (Individual work)/ Тындалым “Bilimland
Descriptors/Дескрипторлар: Learner/Оқушы kz”;
 Listen and match with picture Method
Assessment: “Matching”
Criteria C: Analysis
1 point Sheets with
4 min

VII Reading (Work in group)/ Оқу (мәтінмен жұмыс) text and task
Part-time job
Read the text translate and say by key words and numbers Method “Say
Descriptors Learners by numbers
 read the text / мәтінді оқу and key
 solve given test words”
 close the books/кітаптарды жабады
 retell the sentences from the text using given numbers and
words (25, 14, 18, 5 hours, uniform, Sundays, pay towards )
Сандарды және тірек сөздерді қолдана отырып,
мәтіндегі мәліметерді, еске түсіріп айтады

Criteria C: Analysis
VIII Consolidation/ Қортындылау
IV Reflection/ Рефлексия Students‘
At the end of the lesson, students reflect on: reflection
-what was interesting for them
- what they have learned
- what remained unclear for them and they need a help
- what they need to continue working on
3 minEnd / Соңы

1 min

Home task
 Rewrite and learn by heart new words and be ready for word
 Write essay on the theme “I want to be…” by next criteria
a) Introduction - 3 sentences
Write general information about profession
b) Main part - at least 90 words
1 min

c) Conclusion-3 sentences
Write your own opinion or critics for this theme.
Students tell how many points they have gained during the lesson.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
you plan to give more planning to check
support? Howthe
 Choose dotask
plan learners’
A learning?D10
1 -3,B 4-6,C7-8, Work with slides 10 min

they can do and .

Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
Were the lesson most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
objectives/learning lesson.
objectives realistic?
Did all the learners achieve
the lesson objectives/
learning objectives? If not,
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?

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