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I love weekends

Sadybakhasova Anara Amantaevna

Teacher of English language, 200 school-gymnasium, Almaty city

Unit of a long term plan: Unit School-gymnasium: 200

2 “Daily life and shopping”
Grade 8 Teacher name: Sadybakhasova Anara Amantaevna
Number present: absent:
Lesson title I love weekends
Learning objectives(s) use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
that this lesson is talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
contributing to (link understand specific information and detail in texts on a
to the Subject growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
programme) some extended texts
Сабақтың respect differing points of view
мақсаттары recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level
of a growing range of spoken genres write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Learners’ objectives All learners will be able to recognize new vocabulary and
Оқушылардың phrases
мақсаттары Most learners will be able to say several sentences about actions
in weekends
Some learners will be able to write good essay by the given
criteria on the theme.
Assessment criteria Criteria A: Know and understand 1-3 points
Бағалау Criteria B: Use 1-3 points
критерийлері Criteria C: Analysis 1-2 points
Criteria D: Summarize 1-2 points
Success criteria Learners will recognize new words by the theme, can ask and
Табыстар answer the questions can talk about weekends
Values links Love for speaking in English
Cross-curricular links Kazakh and Russian languages
Previous learning Present tenses: Across culture: “Buying a present for a friend”
Алдыңғы тақырып
Planned Planned activities Resources
timings and methods
of teaching
I Organization moment
-At the beginning of the lesson, teacher and students greet each

n mi2
- Teacher checks students presents
-Teacher presents the theme of the lesson
- Teacher identifies lesson objectives/learning objectives and
assessment criteria of the lesson together with students
5 min
II Warm – up
Association Strategies of
Descriptors: Learners тұрғысынан
 write words that they associate with the word ойлау
“Weekend” стратегиясы
 make up sentences using words of association and the
theme of the lesson
Criteria A: Know and understand
1 point
6 min

Ш New words
Work with new words
English Kazakh Russian
alternative shop альтернативті альтернативный
дүкен магазин
chat әңгімелесу болтать
cool тамаша крутой
court корт (теннис алаңы корт
Middle 30 min

mainstream негізгі үлгісі оснавная мода

window-shopping сөрелерді қарау рассматривание
waterslide су төбешігі водная горка
attraction жұмылдыру, привлечение
mineral spring минералды бұлақ минеральный
picturesque көркем живописный
12 min

resort шипажай курорт

it’s worth it бұған лайықты это того стоит

Descriptors: Learners
 work over pronunciation
 find the translation Method “Say
 Game “I am trilingual” by numbers
How to play this game: 1st student chooses one words from the and key
list of new words and pronounces it in three languages, the 2nd words”
student repeats 1st students word and add his word in three
languages, the 3rd student does the same and so on.
Rules of game: Listen attentively and try to remember
Don’t write
Don’t interrupt each other
5 min
Don’t help others Video
The student who breaks rules, quits the game.
Criteria A: Know and understand
2 points
IV Reading
End 3 min

Work with text

1 min

I love weekends p25

Descriptors: Learners
 read the text Different
 put missing words tasks
 retell the sentences from the text using given key words Students‘
(alternative shops, internet cafe, expensive, Tompkins reflection
4 min

square park, hang out, Almaty Central Park )

Criteria B: Use
1-3 points
V Work with video material
Descriptors: Learners
 watch the video
 mark the sentences 1-6 with B (for boy) or G (for girl)
Criteria C: Analysis
1-2 points
VI Consolidation
Different tasks S/s
Descriptors: Learners
Additional information

Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are Health and safety check

you plan to give more you planning to check
support? How the
 Choose do you
task plan
that learners’ learning?D9-10 Work with slides 10 min
A 1 -3,B 4-6,C7-8,
they can do and .
Were the lesson The lesson objectives/learning objectives were realistic.
objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve All the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning
the lesson objectives/ objectives.
learning objectives? If not,

Did my planned
differentiation work well? The differentiation work was planned at the end of the
lesson when students choose some of the proposed tasks and
prepared them to the others
Where the task:
- “Complete the sentence” and “True or false” are for less
abled students
- “Back translation” and “Questions” are for more abled

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