Ryan International Group of Institutions: Class Subject Topic: Sub Topic

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Ryan International Group of Institutions


Class VII
Subject Science
Topic : Respiration
Sub Topic: Respiration in humans
Learning Outcomes of worksheet/Assignment
On completing the worksheet/Assignment students will be able to
● Understand how respiration takes place in humans and plants

Question 1

Label different parts of the human respiratory system:




Question 2

Look at the diagram and explain how air goes in and out of the lungs
when we take in air it passes throutgh the windpipe then throutgh the bronchi and then reaches the
lungs. in the lung, each bronchus branches into smaller tubes called bronchioles. at the end of these
tubes there tiny tubes called alveolu. the air we breathe eventually reaches these air sacs. these air
sacs are surrounded by blood vessel. the oxygen present in the air we breathe in ,goes into the blood
contained in the blood vessel. the carbon daioxide present in the blood passes ot of the blood into the
air sacs , thus exchange of gases takes place in the lungs
Ryan International Group of Institutions

Question 3

Write an activity to show that heat is released during respiration

soak some bean seeds in water overnigth.

next morning drain the water and keep the
seeds moist until they starts germinatiing.
boil half of the seeds so that germination
stops in them. keep the germinating seeds
in on ethermos flask(A) and the boiled
seeds in the other thermos flask(B). put
some moist cotton wool on the mouths of
both the flasks. insert thermometers in
bothe the flasks measure the temperature
of the flasks at the bigining of the
experiment and each day for a week.
there will rise in tmperature of flask A not in.
B this shows that germinating seeds
produce heat.

Question 4

Why do mangroves have aerial roots?

root cells of plants also need oxygen to generate energy. they get this oxygen from the air trapped in
holes of the soil. . mongrove trees frowing swampy areas where water is waterloggedso that is why
they have areiel roots to breathe
Ryan International Group of Institutions

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