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1 .

Aims to define overall software requirements for “STUDENT
PORTAL”. Requirement are defined exhaustively and accurately. Final
product will be having only features/functionalities mentioned in this
document and assumptions for any additional functionality/feature
should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing this

1.1 . Purpose
Document describe capability provide by software. Also
states required constraints by which system will abide.

1.2 . Scope
The product “STUDENT PORTAL” will be an MIS and
reporting applicaton will be used for the general help providing
question papers, results and all general task frequently used by the
students of BPIT. The product will be managed by the Admininstrator.

1.3 . Defination, Acronyms &

BPIT :- Bhagwan Parsuram Institute of Technology
B. Tech :- Bechlor of Technology
P.A :- Portal Admininstrator
1.4 . Reference
 Website of BPIT for collection of facilities
 IEEE recommended practice for SRS.

1.5 . Overview
Rest part of SRS describes various system requirements,
interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.

2 The Overall Description

Students generally look for notices, go for gooogle search, view
question papers, apply for scholarship and many more.
The students “STUDENT PORTAL” will have capability to
handle all these tasks on a single plate from managed by and

2.1Product Perspective
1) System Interface
2) User Interface
a) Login Screen
b) News & Notice Display
c) Google Search
d) Queries Handling
e) View a question paper
f) Add Paper Button
g) View Result of Exam.
h) Apply for Scholarship
3) Hardware Interface
a) Screen Resolution
b) Suppor Printer
c) Internet Connection
4) Software Interface
a) Any window based OS
b) Acrobate PDF reader
c) Crystal Notice Version for Notice generation
d) Ms Access of any Ms Office for DBMS
e) Image viewer for viewing Question Paper
5) Communication Handling
Queries handling By Admininstrator.
6) Memory Contraints
At least 64 MB RAM and 2GB space on Hard Disk.
7) Operations
Product will not cover any automated housekeeping
aspects however System provide a clear button to delete
all notices and news.
8) Site adaption requirements
Terminals at students will have to support the hardware
and software interface specified in above section.

2.2 Product Functions

System will allow members and nonmembers students
both. But the member account will be arranged by
administrator. Major Functions:
1) Logic Facility
2) User Account Maintenance (By Admin)
3) Clear all News/Notices (By Admin)
4) View & Add question paper
5) View Results of Examinations
6) Google Search Via Internet
7) Scholarship applications

2.3User Characteristics
1) Educational Level: At least high schooling passed
with comfortably of English Language.
2) Experience: Well informed about the basic facilities
events, tasks information within important for
3) Technical Enterprise: Comfort with general purpose

2.4 Constraints
1) Since DBMS is used in Ms Access 2000, Which is
not a powerful DBMS, it will not be able to handle a
very large number of News/Notices or results.
2) System will slow on the huge no. of queries unreplied
or non deletion of News/Notices or Results will a
particular limit of time.
3) Database auditing will also not be provided.
4) Users of BPIT will have to implement a secuirity
policy to safeguard the updation or contacting with

2.5 Assumptions & Dependencies

No accounts cannot have same ID. Subjects types
(elective core lab, team paper and dissertation) for the
question paper do not change. The no of examination
(Types) for results and question paper do not change.
2.6 Approtioning of Requirements
Not Required.

3 Specific Requirements
This section contains the software requirements to a level of
detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system.

3.1 External Interface Requirements

 Login Screen
o ID Length
o Password Length
o Role
 Google Search
o Key length
 Scholarship
o Categories
 Question Paper
o Type
o Years
o Subjects
 Queries
o Length
 Result

3.2 System Features

1) Question Paper:
a. Information
b. Validity checks
c. Sequencing information
d. Error handling
2) Results:
a. Description
b. Validity checks
c. Sequencing information
d. Error handling
3) Query :
Maintained with Subject and content.
4) Scholarship Application
o Description
o Validity Checks
o Sequencing Information
o Error Handling
5) User Account – Information Maintenance
o Description
o Validity Checks
o Sequencing Information
o Error Handling

3.3Performance Requirements

3.4 Design Constraints


3.5 Software System Attributes

1) Security The application is password
protected and also the anti hacking
utility is installed in the software as
it is required to be connected with
2) Maintability : Application will be designed
in a maintainable manner. It will be easy
to incorporate new requirements in the
individual modules.
3) Portability : The application will be
easily portable on any window based
system that has MS Access.

3.6 Logical Database Requirements

1) Subject Info
2) Student Info
3) Scholarship Info
4) User Account Info
5) Result Info

3.7Other Requirements

4 Change Management Process

Used to Identify log evaluate and update the system by
asking the developer or the user manual.

5 Document Approval
SRS is approved by the following :
Approver’s Name :-
Date:- Signature
6 System Information
o Table of contents
o Index
o Appendices

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