Dettmeyer - Role of Histopathology

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Forensic Sci Med Pathol

DOI 10.1007/s12024-014-9536-9


The role of histopathology in forensic practice: an overview

R. B. Dettmeyer

Accepted: 9 January 2014

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract The role of forensic histopathology in routine autopsies; enzyme and immunohistochemical methods are
practice is to establish the cause of death in particular used even less frequently, while in situ hybridization,
cases. This is achieved on the basis of microscopic analysis molecular pathological investigations, and electron micro-
of representative cell and tissue samples taken from the scopic diagnosis are less common still. As in general
major internal organs and from abnormal findings made at pathology, microscopy investigations in forensic medicine
autopsy. A prerequisite of this is adherence to the quality serve several purposes:
standards set out for conventional histological/cytological
staining and enzyme histochemical and immunohisto- • To confirm the macroscopic autopsy diagnosis.
chemical methods. The interpretation of histological find- • To detect or exclude pathological findings.
ings is performed by taking into account macroscopic • To establish cause of death.
autopsy findings and information on previous history. • To detect cells or biological material for further
Histological analysis may prompt postmortem biochemical investigation.
and chemical–toxicological investigations. The results of Investigations are often aimed at detecting or confirming
histological analysis need to be classified by experts in the general pathological findings relevant in individual cases to
context of the available information and the need to the cause of death (arteriosclerosis, stenosing coronary
withstand the scrutiny of other experts. atherosclerosis, obturating coronary thrombus, pulmonary
emphysema, myocardial infarct, cerebral infarct, meningi-
Keywords Forensic histopathology  Histopathological tis, myocarditis, hepatitis, infections such as malaria,
time estimation  Drug-induced histopathology  pneumonia, etc.).
Postmortem histopathology In forensic medicine, evidence of vitality at the time of
an event (e.g., infliction of a wound or aspiration of foreign
material) or of the time interval since a finding was caused
Introduction (the age of: a wound, myocardial infarction, hemorrhage,
fracture, inflammatory process, cerebral contusion, etc.)
Forensic histopathology, performed primarily following can also be of relevance in an expert forensic medical
autopsy investigations, has formed an integral part of appraisal. In such cases, histopathological diagnoses serve
diagnosis ever since the inception of forensic medicine [1– to reconstruct an event and provide additional information
6]. Currently in European forensic medicine, histological helpful in the overall evaluation; microscopically detected
organ and tissue investigations are carried out or ordered retinal hemorrhage provides additional evidence of shaken-
by the authorities [7] in approximately only 50 % of all baby syndrome, a granulocytic reaction indicates that an
injury was survived, while pathological findings of varying
specificity in the liver or kidneys can be the result of
R. B. Dettmeyer (&) intoxication.
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Justus-Liebig University Giessen,
Frankfurter Str. 58, 35392 Giessen, Germany When, in addition to other investigations, histological
e-mail: investigations are consistently performed on the major

Forensic Sci Med Pathol


Particularly in view of the standards of evidence in crim-

inal proceedings, it is important to note that, like other
diagnoses, histological diagnoses also need to be verifiable
by a second appraiser at any time. To this end, all sections
need to be suitable for evaluation and meet high quality
standards, including:
• The number of specimens per organ needs to be
sufficiently representative for the diagnosis made.
• Slides should include the most important microana-
tomical structures (e.g., heart: epicardium, subepicar-
dial fatty tissue and coronary artery branches,
myocardium, and endocardium; kidneys: fiber capsule,
Fig. 1 Vaginal swab taken from a 22-year-old woman: abundant renal cortex, renal medulla and papillary tip, renal
spermatozoa, mostly with sperm tails already detached following an pelvis and transitional cell epithelium, insofar as this
alleged sex offense (9400) latter has not undergone postmortem desquamation).
• The stain selected must possess the appropriate staining
properties to correctly visualize the structures to be
analyzed microscopically.
internal organs following autopsy and on abnormal mac- • For special lines of inquiry, a reliable additional stain
roscopic findings, histopathology is able to contribute to should be selected where possible.
improving cause of death statistics. In some cases, cyto- • The slide must not exhibit any artifacts that may impair
logical investigations may be necessary, for example, to its evaluability (e.g., slide artifacts, insufficient stain,
detect spermatozoa, starch granules, or Lycopodium spores, excessive formalin pigment, contamination by tissue
which can be obtained using laser microdissection fol- displaced during dissection).
lowing a suspected sex offense [8, 9] (Fig. 1). The detec- • Particularly when forming conclusions on quantity
tion of cells on objects, textile fibers in the respiratory tract (e.g., cell count per high power field), it is essential to
in the case of death by asphyxia using a soft cover [10], or ensure the correct section thickness of between 5 and
the detection of diatoms in cases where death by drowning 8 lm.
is suspected [11], can also be added to these results. • Depending on the stain used, performing positive
Thus, against this backdrop, it is hardly surprising that controls may be required (e.g., in Ziehl–Neelsen
there are a number of studies on the value of histopathol- staining to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in
ogy in forensic diagnosis, albeit with varying conclusions Prussian blue staining to detect iron, or in Congo red
[12–17]. In their 2010 study, de la Grandmaison et al. [12] staining to detect amyloid).
demonstrated that macroscopically unidentifiable findings • With immunohistochemical markers, particularly when
relevant to the cause of death could be detected histolog- positive controls are not possible, withdrawal studies
ically in approximately 40 % of cases and that the cause of should be carried out in parallel, i.e., once each without
death could be established by means of histology alone in addition of the primary and of the secondary antibodies.
8.4 % of cases. Histological findings contributed to estab- • The commonly used fixative formaldehyde is accept-
lishing cause of death in 13 % of cases, while histology able and adequate in many cases, however, the duration
yielded additional findings in 49 % of cases. Traumatic of fixation, particularly at higher concentrations of
lesions could be better documented histologically in 22 % formaldehyde, can make immunohistochemical visual-
of cases. In addition to the use of conventional histology in ization challenging or impossible due to cross-linkage
routine casework, as well as enzyme histochemistry and of the antigens to be visualized, making appropriate
immunohistochemistry in specific cases, it should be pretreatment or antigen unmasking necessary (e.g.,
pointed out that immunohistochemical methods have been boiling in a citrate buffer, pronase pretreatment, etc.).
used increasingly in recent years to answer particular • In addition, the importance of the level of experience
forensic medical questions, e.g., detection of ischemia of the person performing microscopic analysis should
markers in the myocardium and CNS, early detection of not be underestimated, although interobserver vari-
cell and/or tissue necrosis, establishing vitality, and deter- ability may be seen even between experienced histopa-
mining the age of pathological processes. thologists.

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Table 1 Occurrence of enzyme Vital ATPase Esterase Amino- Acid- Alkaline Many Many mono-
histochemical reactions [22, 23] wound peptidase phosphatase phosphatase polymorpho- nuclear cells
age (H) nuclear cells

[16 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
[8 ? ? ? ? ? ? -
[4 ? ? ? ? - - -
[2 ? ? ? - - - -
[1 ? ? - - - - -

• A final point: the investigator can only correctly Enzyme histochemical staining
interpret those microscopic findings which he/she
knows and recognizes. Despite being the subject of many studies in the past,
Adhering to the above points relating to the quality of enzyme histochemical methods have gained only scant
specimens for histopathological evaluation also serves to acceptance in routine practice. Raekallio [22], for example,
protect the appraiser from having their expert opinion investigated a variety of enzyme markers for the purposes
contested. of determining wound age (see Table 1).
As with immunohistochemical wound age determina-
tion, there are also open questions regarding the validity of
Conventional histological staining findings resulting from enzyme histochemical methods:

The vast majority of relevant findings and diagnoses can be • How representative is the result for the wound overall?
easily visualized using conventional histological staining, • How many specimens per wound need to undergo
generally hematoxylin-eosin staining. In specific cases, the microscopic analysis in order to ensure a reliable
spectrum of other conventional staining methods should be diagnosis?
additionally applied. The following applications are often • Are results reproducible depending on wound age or
helpful in forensic practice: postmortem interval?
Naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase stain (ASD) is rec-
• Prussian-blue staining (or iron staining) to detect:
ommended as an aid to determining the vitality of an injury
siderophages as an indication of older injuries,
and estimating wound age. This staining method enables
‘‘heart-failure cells’’ in the lung, or evidence that the
neutrophil granulocytes to be readily detected in both fresh
subject survived blood aspiration (in which case more
and older wounds, according to my experience, even after a
siderophages are present in the alveolar space) [18].
postmortem interval of several days.
• Grocott staining to detect fungi (fungal conidia, fungal
hyphae) in, e.g., fungal pneumonia, fungal sepsis, and
Immunohistochemical methods
fungal colonization of decubitus ulcers.
• Alcian blue staining to detect acid mucopolysaccha-
In the case of very particular lines of forensic medial
rides in the aortic wall in dissecting aortic aneurysms
inquiry, the immunohistochemical detection of specific
due to idiopathic medial necrosis (combined with
antigens can be extremely helpful to establishing a diag-
elastica staining to visualize ruptured or irregular
nosis. Examples taken from routine practice include:
elastic fibers in the aortic wall).
• Sudan III staining (lipid staining) to detect fat embo- • Anti-cytokeratin to assess the extent of amniotic fluid
lism in the lungs, the glomerular capillary loops of the aspiration, as well as to detect amniotic fluid embolism
kidneys or in the brain, as well as to grade hepatic [24].
steatosis and visualize fatty degeneration of epithelial • Anti-IgE to underpin the diagnosis of allergic anaphy-
cells in the renal tubules in the case of death by lactic shock (combined with the detection of eosinophil
hypothermia [19]. granulocytes and degranulated mast cells) [25].
• Lugol’s staining to detect vaginal epithelial cells • Detection of C5b-9(m) as an early, relatively autolysis-
[20]. resistant necrosis marker in myocardial infarction [26].
• PAS staining/Best’s carmine stain to detect glycogen- • Combinations of immunohistochemically detectable
positive cells in renal tubular epithelial cells (Arman- antigens are recommended as ischemia markers, such
ni–Ebstein cells) in the case of death in diabetic coma as myoglobin, desmin, cardiac troponin I, and C5b-
[21]. 9(m) as myocardial ischemia markers [27].

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Fig. 2 Compartment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis following intra- Fig. 3 Inclusions typical for cytomegaly in the epithelium of the
venous drug use and immunohistochemical detection of myoglobin in parotid gland detectable using conventional histology; a 4-month-old
the renal tubules of a 32-year-old deceased male (long-term i.v. drug deceased male infant with suspected sudden infant death syndrome
use) (anti-myosin 9200) (H&E 9400)

• Anti-myoglobin to detect rhabdomyolysis including Histopathological findings in specific forensic medical

visualization of myoglobin cylinders in the renal case groups and investigations
tubules [28] (Fig. 2).
• b-APP to identify diffuse axonal injury (DAI), e.g., Dealing with often sudden, violent, and non-violent deaths
following shaken-baby syndrome or in drug-related is at the forefront of routine forensic practice. To this can
deaths [29]. be added fatalities where the background is unknown or in
which a malpractice claim is brought against the treating
Antibodies against defined pathogens (viruses, bacteria,
physician. In this context, it is possible to define case
fungi) for use in immunohistochemical investigations are
groups that are dealt with either exclusively or primarily by
only available to a limited extent. According to my experi-
forensic medicine:
ence (with molecular-pathological controls on pathogenic
RNA), an immunohistochemical antibody against enterovi- • Homicide by various means (shooting, stabbing,
ruses failed to produce reproducible results. In contrast, an drowning, beating to death, poisoning, etc.).
immunohistochemical antibody against cytomegaloviruses • Deaths associated with the consumption of alcohol,
proved to be highly reliable, as confirmed by a control using including the consumption of supposed alcohol substi-
in situ hybridization [30]. However, epithelial cell inclusion tutes, such as ethylene glycol [35–38] or the consump-
bodies typical of cytomegaly can also be diagnosed using tion of impure drinks with, for example, an excessively
conventional histology (Fig. 3), e.g., in the parotid gland in high methanol content.
cases of suspected sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A • Fatalities following the use of drugs other than alcohol
multitude of detection methods ranging from conventional (heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, prescription medica-
staining to immunohistochemical methods are discussed in tion abuse, in particular psychotropic drugs, as well as,
the literature for complex inflammatory processes and reac- for example, anabolic steroids, etc.).
tions of the organism, extending to shock. The decision • Fatalities due to the effects of heat and fire, as well as
regarding the number of investigations needs to be made on a hypothermia.
case-by-case basis. Where immunohistochemical methods • Intoxications in the context of suicide or accidental
are used, pretreatment for the purposes of antigen unmasking intoxication, e.g., following the consumption of poi-
in paraffin-embedded tissue specimens may be useful. The sonous mushrooms (Fig. 4).
spectrum of methods for antigen unmasking ranges from • Sudden unexplained death in neonates and infants
proteolytic autodigestion (trypsin, pronase, pepsin, etc.), (SIDS).
heating in a citrate buffer/aluminum chloride, and wet-auto- • In general, sudden fatalities of unexplained (often
claving, to heating in a urea solution [19–34]. Table 2 shows natural) cause (sudden death during sports, etc.).
a selection of other immunohistochemical primary antibodies • Other cases of sudden death, e.g., by electric shock and
used for diagnostic purposes in daily forensic practice. lightning strike.

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Table 2 A selection of immunohistochemical primary antibodies and their uses in forensic investigation
Antibodies Target structure/localization Problem

Adhesion molecule, e.g., ICAM-1, VCAM-1 Surface membranes, especially on endothelial Activation of leukocyte invasion with
cells for cell–cell interaction inflammatory processes
Chromogranin A Enterochromaffin cells, neuroendocrine Pheochromocytoma
LCA (CD45) Pan-leukocyte marker (leukocyte common Inflammatory processes
Collagens Basal membrane component Intact basal membranes
Laminin Basal membrane component Intact basal membranes
CD3 T-lymphocytes Viral infections
CD45R0 Activated T-lymphocytes Viral infections
Anti-IgM Immunoglobulin type IgM Immunoglobulin deposit in glomerulus loops
with heroin-associated nephropathy
Anti-IgG Immunoglobulin type IgG Immunoglobulin deposit in glomerulus loops
with heroin-associated nephropathy
Anti-fibronectin Fibronectin Early myocardial necrosis
Anti-C5b-9(m) complement Complement factor C5b-9(m) Early necrosis marker, e.g., in myocardial
Anti-fibrinogen Fibrinogen Early necrosis marker, e.g., in myocardial
CD68 Macrophages Cellular removal reaction in wound age
Desmin Smoothly and horizontally striped muscle Absent in the case of myocardial necrosis
cells, myocardial structure protein
Tenascins Extracellular matrix glycoproteins Repair processes around healing lesions,
including myocardial necrosis
Cytokines: generic term for peptide mediators In some cases, many somatic cells, among For example: increased expression in
with a biological effect on cells, especially others vascular endothelial cells, different inflammatory processes, activation factors
interleukins, interferons, chemokines, TNF- types of leukocytes, including for natural killer cells etc.; thus, TNF-a is
a, TGF-b, colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) T-lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, produced primarily by monocytes/
T-helper cells, stroma cells, etc. macrophages
Heat shock proteins (HSP) Different proteins which help other proteins Increased expression following cellular stress
maintain their secondary structure; this caused by heat, radiation, toxins, etc.
means protecting cellular proteins from
Vimentin Intermediate filament of mesenchymal cells Wound healing in skin lesions
(e.g., fibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth
muscle cells)
Selectins (E-, P-, and L-selectin) E-selectin in plasma membranes of Pro-inflammatory marker, in inflammatory
endothelial cells, P-selectin in endothelial processes
cells and thrombocytes, L-selectin is made
by all leukocytes: surface molecules to
organize leukocyte invasion: rolling,
trapping, diapedesis
There are numerous other antibodies that have not been checked for suitability in a forensic context, but which are used in individual forensic
studies for defined problems

• Protracted death following serious injury (traffic acci- forensic medical groups, while bearing the validity of
dents, other severe trauma, late effects such as embo- evidence in criminal proceedings in mind! In this context,
lism, sepsis, hemorrhage, etc.). the spectrum of histological, enzyme histochemical,
• Fatalities involving allegations that medical malprac- immunohistochemical, and other microscopy investiga-
tice led to a patient’s death. tions can often yield diagnoses crucial to establishing cause
The importance of histological investigations needs to be of death, chronology of disease processes, wound vitality,
seen against the backdrop of these relatively specific intoxication, and postmortem intervals of varying length.

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Determining the age of a thrombus

or thromboembolism

It may be of interest to determine the age of a thrombus or

thromboembolus in the case of a two-staged onset of symp-
toms reported in the medical history or for comparison with a
given time of a traumatic effect. Primary orientation is taken
here from signs of thrombus organization, starting from the
vascular wall. Orienting statements on the age of a thrombus
are often possible using conventional histological staining,
i.e., fresh, recent but no longer fresh, somewhat older (days–
weeks), and old (largely organized). Where possible, several
specimens are needed from the region of the vascular wall to
Fig. 4 A 46-year-old deceased male: significant cell and nuclear
which the thrombus adheres. Alongside other histological
polymorphism in gastric mucosa epithelial cells following death cap criteria, the first step is to check for continuity of the basal
intoxication (H&E 9400) membrane, fibroblast and fibrocyte invasion, and the
appearance of siderophages, as well as looking for branched
capillary blood vessels [40]. Other histological criteria can
include the detection of a fine fibrin fiber network at the
However, autolysis and putrefaction are limiting factors
center of the thrombus or thromboembolus and the suscep-
that need to be considered in forensic practice and also in
tibility of the cell nuclei of enclosed leukocytes to staining.
histopathological diagnosis; also of relevance is the ques-
tion of whether histological findings on exhumation fol-
Determining the age of myocardial infarction
lowing a postmortem interval of several weeks or in some
cases years can still be evaluated. Table 3 lists a selection
Literature data on the histopathological determination of
of histological findings that can still be made following
myocardial infarct age vary [41]. Thus, taking specimens from
lengthy postmortem intervals.
the peripheral region of the infarct, as well as from its center, is
However, the quality of histopathological diagnosis also
always advised. Electron microscopic changes have been
depends on the quality of information on previous history
described in the early phase of myocardial infarction (up to
(type of injury, circumstances of death, drug and medica-
60 min), while immunohistochemical findings of myoglobin
tion use, etc.). Certain grades and classifications can be
loss and fibrinogen detection have been described in animal
helpful when formulating a forensic medical expert opin-
models [42]. Contraction band necrosis in chromotrope anilin
ion, if additional information is available at the same time.
blue staining (CAB) as an expression of collapse of the myo-
fibril apparatus has also been described [43]; where this is the
Quantifying pulmonary fat embolism case, hemorrhagic demarcation of the infarct area may have
already been visible macroscopically. Homogeneous eosino-
Pulmonary fat and bone marrow embolisms are seen fol- philic areas in cardiomyocytes appear from around 2–3 h [5].
lowing, for example, traffic accident-related trauma Unequivocal immunohistochemical findings with early
(increasingly so after longer survival times), as well as in necrosis markers such as C5b-9(m) and fibrinogen in the case of
the setting of surgical procedures such as total endopros- simultaneous desmin and myoglobin loss can be expected from
thesis following femoral neck fracture, usually in elderly a myocardial infarct age of 4–5 h. Using light microscopy, the
individuals. In some cases, fat and bone marrow embolisms necrotic zone in the infarct region then becomes increasingly
may be the immediate cause of death if extensive embo- distinct with darkened cell nuclei and patent granular degra-
lism can be established histologically, combined with signs dation of myocardial cells; this is also seen at the infarct center
of acute right heart failure or existing cardiac damage for up to 9 h. Parallel to this, cellular infiltration by leukocytes
found at autopsy. The classification according to Falzi begins at the margins and may also be detected in the central
et al., modified from Janssen, can be helpful here [1, 19] sections of the myocardial infarct after around 24 h, where a
(Table 4). In all cases of proven pulmonary fat embolism, dense leukocyte infiltrate may form over subsequent days
particularly when a victim is known to have survived for a (increasing the risk of cardiac wall rupture). Well-differentiated
short period of time, it is necessary to check whether fat granulation tissue as an expression of infarct organization is
embolism to the brain and capillary loops of the renal seen after approximately 2–3 weeks, with branched capillary
glomerulus can be detected, particularly in the case of blood vessels, fibrocytes, fibroblasts, lymphocytes, macro-
antemortem kidney failure. phages, possibly siderophages and scant granulocytes. Later,

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Table 3 Detectability of histological findings according to post- Table 3 continued

mortem intervals taken from a selection of data in the literature (for
further examples and related literature references see [39]) Finding Approximate
postmortem period
Finding Approximate
postmortem period Fatty degeneration of the liver 3 months
10 years
Electrical burn 3 weeks
Fatty liver hepatitis 2 weeks
Peritonitis, sepsis, septicopyemia 17 days/42 days
Septic spleen 8 days
Polynuclear alveolar cells 15 days
16 days
Early cell infiltration 65 days
Amniotic fluid components 4.5 months
Chronic meningitis 52 days
Reticulum cell sarcoma 16 months
Coronary thrombosis and myocardial 90 days
fibrosis Expanded lung tissue in a newborn caused 4.5 months
by breathing
Bronchopneumonia 133 days/95 days
Interstitial lung fibrosis 223 days
Immunohistochemical finding with 392 days
myeloperoxidase Keratinizing squamous cell lung cancer 43 days
19 months
Brain metastasis of small-cell bronchial 73 days
Brain metastasis of lung cancer 44 days cancer
Liver metastasis of a hemangiosarcoma 27 days Immunohistochemical evidence of Negative from 14 days
Ganglion and glial cells 114 days glucagon postmortem
1,212 days Immunohistochemical evidence of Negative from 13 days
Positive evidence of iron in the tissue 1–2 years calcitonin postmortem
Fat embolism 8–10 days
(experimental data)
Table 4 Classification of pulmonary fat embolism (evaluation at
4–8 weeks
1009 magnification)
4.5 months
Coronary thrombosis 8 months Extent of Form of fat Localization of fat embolism
embolism embolism
3.5 months
3.9 months I: Mild fat Teardrop-like Scattered, but at 25-fold
96 days embolism magnification in every field of
Acute myocardial infarction detected 11 days
immunohistochemically with necrosis II: Distinct Lake- or sausage- Multiple fat emboli,
6 weeks fat shaped disseminated in every field of
marker C5b-9(m) and NP57 (indicates
12 months embolism vision
neutrophil leukocytes)
63 days, 487 days III: Massive Fat emboli with Visible in huge numbers in all
128 days fat antler-like regions, no field of vision
embolism configuration without fat emboli
Liver fibrosis 4.5 months
0: No fat Punctiform where Possibly visible in isolation,
Shock liver 6 months
embolism relevant never in all fields of vision
Glomerulonephritis 3.2 months
Cervical artery dissection 20 months
Former cerebral contusion 3.5 weeks scar tissue develops (2–3 months), which exhibits decreased
Tracheitis 2 weeks cellularity and which, in some cases (usually after years) may
Epicarditis 3.75 months calcify. Although the timeline of myocardial infarction appears
Myocardial fibrosis or scarring 2.5 years well-differentiated, somewhat less precise descriptions tend to
2 years be chosen in forensic practice: fresh, no longer completely
Pulmonary amyloid bodies 3.5 years fresh, several days, weeks, months. Time data of this kind
Pneumonia 3.75 months should be compared with macroscopic findings in the heart and
Immunohistochemical detection of 1.1 year in the previous medical history (for comprehensive details, see
neutrophil granulocytes with NP57 24 months [44]).
Tuberculosis 1.5 months
10 months Grading hepatic steatosis and/or liver fibrosis
Pulmonary fat embolism 4.5 months and cirrhosis
1–2 months
1.2 months
Chronic alcohol abuse can result in increasing hepatic
steatosis together with progressive liver fibrosis and liver

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

cirrhosis. In the case of detectable hepatic steatosis and findings, in shock fatalities have been described primarily
inflammation with hepatocellular single-cell necrosis, one for septic shock [47–49].
can assume, following exclusion of viral hepatitis and the
effects of toxins other than alcohol, that alcohol con- Interpreting findings of varying characteristicness
sumption was continued until relatively shortly before
death, whereas hepatic steatosis is considered to be largely Occasionally in routine forensic diagnosis, one sees path-
reversible following prolonged abstention from alcohol. ological findings for which no precise cause can be iden-
The degree of alcoholic and non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis tified. Thus, hepatic steatosis displaying fine vacuolation in
can be estimated using microscopy methods (mild, mod- a case of suspected sudden infant death should also prompt
erate, severe), whereby some investigators give the extent consideration of MCAD syndrome. Fine or coarse hepa-
of fatty degeneration of liver cells as a percentage [45]. By tocyte vacuolation negative for Sudan-III staining, how-
changing from the overview magnification to a stronger ever, may be the result of chronic intoxication and has been
magnification, smaller fat vacuoles in hepatocyte cyto- observed, for instance, in a case of chronic intoxication
plasm often also become visible, thereby significantly with colchicine and beta-blockers (metoprolol). More dis-
affecting the grade of hepatic steatosis. Thus, it is not crete findings in the liver of single-cell necrosis or mild
surprising that considerable interobserver variability may inflammatory responses accompanied by activated Kupffer
be seen in the grading of hepatic steatosis in certain cases. cells can indicate non-specific drug-induced hepatitis.
The same is true of fibrosis grading. However, it is Characteristic findings may be detected in ethylene glycol
accepted that connected fibrous strands arising from the intoxication (crystalline deposits, e.g., in the renal tubules),
portal fields and pseudolobuli formation indicate liver cir- while extensive liver necrosis is seen in mushroom poi-
rhosis. Depending on the degree of activity of the process soning (in which case, the gastric contents should be
and the size of pseudolobuli, liver function may still be investigated microscopically, e.g., using Grocott staining).
adequate. Only in advanced cases are broad fibrous zones No studies on the microscopic identification of gastric
with bile duct proliferation and a concomitant inflamma- contents, including information on the composition of the
tory response seen, often accompanied by fatty degenera- final meal of a deceased individual, have been published in
tion of the remaining hepatocytes in the pseudolobuli. recent years. Table 5 provides data on relatively common
Retained bile pigment is often the easiest to visualize using and largely characteristic histopathological findings in
Prussian blue staining. In forensic practice, liver cirrhosis forensic practice.
is a macroscopic diagnosis, while histopathological meth- The examples given in Table 5 demonstrate histopa-
ods can help to underpin the suspicion of recent alcohol thological findings that, in the context of an expert opinion,
consumption, exclude hepatocellular or cholangiocellular need to be classified against the backdrop of further
liver cancer, and form conclusions relating to disease information or findings, but which may also in themselves
activity. Alcoholic pancreatitis and alcoholic cardiomyop- prompt investigation. Common findings in general
athy [46] are topics in the further morphologic effects of pathology (myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, acute
alcohol consumption. bronchial pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, its characteristic
phases, etc.) are not discussed here in detail.
Diagnosing shock of varying etiology

Histopathological findings can document a shock reaction Discussion

of the organism, without permitting any conclusions to be
drawn on the cause of shock. Worthy of note here are, for In forensic medicine, as in related fields, quality issues
example, centrilobular necrosis in the liver, so-called concerning the processing and staining of tissue specimens
hyaline membrane formation in the lungs (possibly already need to be considered. Some countries already have
showing signs of organization), and megakaryocyte accreditation requirements for work carried out in histo-
emboli. Abundant eosinophil granulocytes and degranu- logical laboratories, which also cover the use of immuno-
lated mast cells point to anaphylactic shock, while the histochemical methods. In addition to the issue of quality
absence of congestion in internal organs points to hemor- in specimens for microscopic analysis, the question of
rhagic-hypovolemic shock. Activation of the lymphatic reliability of histopathological diagnoses in forensic rou-
organs, particularly when bacterial pathogens are con- tine in view of the strict standards of evidence, particularly
comitantly detected, is suggestive of septic shock, as are in criminal proceedings, needs to be considered. A crucial
extensive fibrinous pleuritis or peritonitis. Isolated fibrin- aspect here is the number of specimens to be analyzed for
ous pericarditis is sometimes seen in the setting of uremic the purposes of establishing or excluding a diagnosis. Thus,
shock. Other findings, including immunohistochemical Rasten-Almqvist et al. [62] recommend that six specimens

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

Table 5 A selection of histopathological findings of particular relevance in forensic practice and in the determination of sudden unexpected
Finding Forensic relevance

Peliosis hepatis [50] Uncharacteristic but common in long-term intravenous drug use
Focal nodular hyperplasia Common following use of steroids, contraceptive agents, and
anabolic drugs
Vacuolization of the respiratory epithelium and elongation of basally Heat inhalation injury, sometimes with detection of soot particles on
located nuclei [51] the respiratory epithelium
School of fish-like pattern of nuclear elongation in basal cell layers of the Electrical marks, possibly with metallization
epidermis, possibly at the margins of areactive detachment of the
epidermis and homogenization in the superficial corium [52]
Multiple granulomas located in the perivascular region of the lungs with ‘‘Junkie pneumopathy’’ (pulmonary granulomatosis) following
multinucleated giant cells [53] long-term i.v. drug use
Substantial hemosiderin deposition in the liver ‘‘Transfusions siderosis’’; an iron metabolism disorder
(hemochromatosis) should be considered in the differential
Decidual stromal reaction and Arias–Stella reaction in endometrial Evidence of previous pregnancy
PAS-positive Armanni–Ebstein cells in the renal tubules, also readily Suspected diabetic coma
detected using Best’s carmine stain [21]
Birefringent crystalline deposits in the renal tubules, stained black with Suspected intoxication with ethylene glycol and oxalosis
von Kossa stain [54] (birefringent oxalate crystals)
Immunohistochemical detection of myoglobin in the renal tubules Suspected muscle injury and rhabdomyolysis
Extremely narrow, elongated alveolar walls due to pulmonary emphysema Suspected emphysema aquosum
with bloodless interalveolar capillaries
Fine particles of blackish-gray material at the margins of destroyed tissue Suspected gunshot residue following gunshot wound
Abundant eosinophil granulocytes and (degranulated) mast cells Suspected allergic-anaphylactic shock
Yellowish pigment in the hepatic sinuses Suspected intravenous use of methadone following colorant
addition (soluble colorant with yellow quinoline)
Epithelioid-cell granulomatosis of the liver Suspected drug-induced hepatitis
Focal, relatively well-demarcated lympho-monocytic inflammatory Suspected drug-induced myocarditis (following use of e.g.,
necrosis advancing toward the myocardium [55, 56] clozapine, diclofenac, or other medications?)
Enlarged and hyperchromatic cell nuclei in the epithelium of the intestinal Suspected colchicine intoxication
mucosa with mitoses [57–59]
Detection of fungal conidia and fungal hyphae in gastric contents Status following mushroom consumption, suspected mushroom
Multiple lung granulomas with foreign body-type multinucleated giant Status following survived aspiration of foreign material (chyme)
cells, not located in the perivascular space and foreign body-induced absorption
Subepidermal blister formation with striated hemorrhage Suspected drug-induced skin reaction (toxic epidermal necrolysis or
Lyell’s syndrome, also referred to as burned skin syndrome)
Acute extensive diffuse liver tissue necrosis [60] Suspected intoxication (e.g., amanita poisoning, propane gas
Accumulation of immunohistochemical IgE-positive cells in the bronchial Suspected acute allergic asthma
Abundant starch granules, stained deep blue with Lugol’s solution [20] Starch granules in a vaginal swab following vaginal intercourse
using a condom
Retinal hemorrhage [61] Shaken-baby syndrome
Diffuse lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid tissue with inflammatory cells Suspected Hashimoto thyroiditis
between the follicular epithelium and thyroid colloid depletion
Colloid-depleted thyroid follicle and high follicular epithelium with a Suspected hyperthyroidism due to Grave’s disease
papillary structure and abundant intra-colloidal absorption vacuoles
Irregular or whirlpool/storiform pattern of cardiac muscle fibers, possibly Suspected or detected (genetic) cardiomyopathy
accompanied by marked vascular wall and endothelial cell abnormalities

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

should be taken for the histological analysis of the heart, hyperplasia in a relatively young, muscular man should prompt
whereas according to my own experience [63], taking eight consideration of anabolic steroid misuse, without each indi-
myocardial specimens from defined locations is advised for vidual (histo-) pathological finding being conclusive alone; in
the purposes of conclusively excluding myocarditis (see such cases, previous medical history and toxicological findings
also [64]). In the case of equivocal microscopic findings, should be included in an expert opinion. Other questions posed
analyzing additional specimens and/or producing addi- in forensic medicine relate to sudden unexpected death in
tional tissue sections from already selected tissue speci- patients with pre-existing diseases such as trisomy 21 or Marfan
mens is recommended. In terms of ensuring that syndrome [68], among other case groups. Lastly, detecting and
histological findings are representative, taking fine-needle determining the age of neurological lesions or cerebral injuries
biopsies alone (e.g., in the context of radiological diagno- can be helpful when formulating an expert opinion [69–72], as
sis) in cases where no autopsy is performed, is under no can determining the (approximate) age of skin wounds [73–76],
circumstances sufficient to either reliably confirm or subdural hematomas, and fractures [77].
exclude relevant findings. Although histopathological investigations alone are often
Dispensing with histological investigations can some- not able to establish cause of death, they can provide addi-
times lead to allegations of failure to duly exclude com- tional information crucial to the interpretation of findings as a
peting causes of death. In other cases, the decision to whole, for example, in overwhelming postsplenectomy
dispense with additional histological findings needs to be infection syndrome or to confirm inhalation of volatile toxic
supported in the expert opinion. Naturally, histopatholo- substances [78]. Particular experience in microscopy is
gical findings are of less relevance when establishing cause required to diagnose neuropathological lesions of forensic
of death in cases of obvious homicide (fatal gunshot relevance, e.g., the detection of hypoxic cerebral tissue injury
wound, death due to stab wounds, death due to ligature or using immunohistochemical methods [7, 79]. The spectrum
manual strangulation, and obvious suicide). In this context, of primarily forensic histopathological diagnostic methods
their relevance lies in determining vitality and the length of discussed here is not exhaustive; for forensic appraisals in
time a victim survived their injuries, as well as in particular, other conventional histological and, more partic-
answering questions about previous history, e.g., additional ularly, immunohistochemical studies are required to gain new
alcohol-related liver damage, histopathological signs of information and ensure the reliability of forensic expert
drug use, and pre-existing diseases, such as malignant opinions by histological means in specific cases.
cancer as a motive for suicide, etc.
Ultimately, it is up to the individual expert to decide the
extent of diagnostic measures he/she deems necessary to for- Key points
mulate an expert opinion and is prepared to support vis-a-vis the
public prosecutor’s office and court. In the case of homicides 1. Forensic histopathology is an integral part of diagnosis
where cause of death is clear, it may be reasonable to dispense and has been since the inception of forensic medicine.
with microscopic investigations; on the other hand, histological 2. In forensic medicine, histopathological evidence of
investigations are mandatory when dealing with medical mal- vitality at the time of an event (e.g., infliction of a
practice claims and pre-existing disease and possible known wound or aspiration of foreign material) is of impor-
multimorbidity in the deceased. If cause of death cannot be tance as is histopathological determination of the time
established macroscopically, histological diagnosis needs to be interval since a finding was caused (e.g., determining
considered alongside toxicological investigations. Indeed, the age of myocardial infarction or a thrombus).
there are cases of a supposedly unequivocal diagnosis that need 3. Histopathological investigations can give further infor-
to be revised following microscopic investigations; examples mation about toxin-induced changes in several organs,
include the macroscopic diagnosis of meningitis that proves to e.g., alcoholic liver cirrhosis or a so called ‘‘junkie
be meningeal lymphoma, or supposed lethal coronary sclerosis pneumopathy.’’
that turns out on histology to be cardiovascular amyloidosis. 4. For forensic purposes, gradings and classifications are
Other examples similarly serve to underpin the value of autopsy helpful, e.g., grading of a steatototic hepatis and
and histological investigations, such as sudden death due to quantifying pulmonary fat embolism.
undiagnosed malaria [65] or undiagnosed pheochromocytoma.
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mononucleosis [66] or cardiac sarcoidosis [67], can only be
explained with the help of histological diagnosis. However, it is References
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