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Daftar presentasi mahasiswa

Session Presenter
6 Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics VINCENT WILLIAM
 What is Social Responsibility? • Green Novia sanjaya
Management and Sustainability • Managers
and Ethical Behavior • Encouraging Ethical
Behavior • Social Responsibility and Ethical
Issues in Today’s World
7 Managing Change and Innovation Hansel Santosa
The Change Process • Types of CHRISTABELLE
Organizational Change • Managing CLARISSA TANOTO
Resistance to Change • Contemporary Issues
in Managing Change • Stimulating Innovation
8 Managing Strategy JOSHUA EKA PUTRA
Strategic Management • The Strategic SUMITRO
Management Process • Corporate Strategies • EDGAR MAHENDRA
Competitive Strategies • Current Strategies PRATAMA SUSILO
Management Issues
9 Designing Organizational Structure- Basic and VALENT R. P. ABD KARIM
Adaptive Designs LASAHIDO
Designing Organizational Structure • DIANA NATHALIE
Mechanistic and Organic Structures •
Contingency Factors Affecting Structural
Choice • Traditional Organizational Designs •
Contemporary Organizational Designs •
Organizing for Collaboration • Flexible Work
Arrangements • Contingent Workforce •
Today’s Organizational Design Challenges
10 Creating and Managing Team ARTHUR WESLEY
Groups and Group Development • Work
Group Performance and Satisfaction •
Turning Groups into Effective Teams •
Current Challenges in Managing Teams
Managing Communication Davin Triyono Wijaya
The Nature and Function of Communication •
Methods of Interpersonal Communication •
Effective Interpersonal Communication •
Organizational Communication • Information
Technology and Communication
12 Motivating Employees SAMUEL REYNARD
What is Motivation? • Early Theories of SIAGIAN
Motivation • Contemporary Theories of WILLIAM BENJAMIN
Motivation • Current Issues in Motivation SUSANTO
13 Being an Effective Leader NAUFALDI ATHALLAH
 Who are Leaders and What is Leadership? • SEPTIANUS MULIAWAN
Early Leadership Theories • Contingency
Theories of Leadership • Contemporary Views
of Leadership • Leadership Issues in The
Twenty First Century
14 Monitoring and Controlling NAURA AULIA
Shofa Salsabila
 What is Controlling and Why is It Important? •
The Control Process • Controlling for
Organizational and Employee Performance •
Tools for measuring Organizational
Performance • Contemporary Issues in
15 Taking Risks and Making Profits within the Hattami Azhar Adib
Dynamic Business Environment Fincent Cruisetio
Entrepreneurship and Wealth Building •
Entrepreneurship Versus Working for Others •
The Business Environment • Making Ethical
Decisions : Ethics Begins with You • Reaching
Beyond Our Borders : Connecting Companies
with Global Freelancers • Adapting to Change
• The Evolution of U.S. Business
16 Understanding Economics and How It Affects YOBELLIA ELSHADAI
Business WARSITO
How Economic Conditions Affect Business •
Understanding Free Market Capitalism •
Understanding Socialism • The Trend Toward
Mixed Economies • Understanding the U.S.
Economic System
17 How to Form a Business MARCELLA MONALISA
 Basic Forms of Business Ownership • MUHAMMAD RIZAL
Sole Proprietorships • Partnerships • KURNIAWAN
Corporations • Corporate Expansion:
Mergers and Acquisitions •
Main Material File

18 Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small MUHAMMAD ISSYAM

The Age of The Entrepreneur • The Job- WIJAYA
Creating Power of Entrepreneurs in The
United States • Why People Take the
Entrepreneurial Challenge • Getting Started in
Small Business • Learning about Small-
Business • Managing a Small Business •
Going Global: Small Business Prospects
19 Human Resources Management KIRSTEN
Working with People is Just the Beginning • IRENE ELFRIDA
Laws Affecting Human Resource SUTRISNO
Management • Determining a Firm’s Human
Resource Needs • Recruiting Employees from
a Diverse Populations • Selecting Employees
Who Will Be Productive • Training and
Developing Employees for Optimum
Performance • Appraising Employee
Performance Optimum Results •
Compensating Employees • Scheduling
Employees to Meet Organizational and
Employee Needs • Moving Employees Up,
Over and Out
20 Developing and Pricing Goods and Services Verrenly Jones
 Product Development and the Total Product Michael Jefferson
Offer • Product Differentiation • Packaging
Changes the Product • Branding and Brand
Equity • The New Product Development
Process • The Product Life Cycle •
Competitive Pricing • Non price Competition
21 Distributing Products and Using Effective ARDHIA DEVITHA
Promotions NARESWARI
The Emergency of Marketing Intermediaries • MUHAMAD RAYHAN
The Utilities Created by Intermediaries •
Wholesale Intermediaries • Retail
Intermediaries • Non store Retailing • Building
Cooperation in Channel Systems • Logistics:
Getting Goods to Consumers Efficiently •
What All This Means to You Relationships •
Sales • Promotions and the Promotion Mix •
Advertising: Informing, Persuading and
Reminding • Personal Selling: Providing
Personal Attention • Public Relations: Building
Relationship • Sales Promotion • Word of
Mouth and Other Promotional Tools •
Managing the Promotion Mix: Putting It All
22 Financial Management SALSABILAH
The Role of Finance and Finance Managers •
Financial Planning • The Needs for Operating
Funds • Obtaining Short-Term Financing •
Obtaining Long-Term Financing
23 Using Securities Markets for Financing and
Investing Opportunities
The Function of Securities Markets • Stock
Exchanges • How Business Raise Capital by
Selling Stock • Hoe Business Raise Capital by
Issuing Bonds • How Investors Buy Securities
• Investing in Stocks • Investing in Bonds •
Investing in Mutual Stock Market Indicators
Main Material File

24 Using Technology to Manage Information

The Role of Information Technology • Types
of Information • The Heart of Knowledge
Management • Virtual Networking and Cloud
Computing • Effects of Information
Technology on Management • Technology
and You

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