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ISSN: 0953-7104 (print), 1369-1635 (electronic)

Platelets, Early Online: 1–13

! 2014 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2014.881991


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): Methodological aspects and clinical

Laı́s Fernanda Marques1, Talita Stessuk2, Isabel Cristina Cherici Camargo1, Nemi Sabeh Junior3,
Lucinéia Dos Santos1, & João Tadeu Ribeiro-Paes1
Department of Biological Sciences, University of the State of São Paulo, UNESP, Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Post Graduation in Biotechnology ICB, IPT,
I. Butantan, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, and 3On Reabilita Clinic, Assis, São Paulo, Brazil
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Abstract Keywords
The clinical use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is based on the increase in the concentration of Bone, cartilage, muscle, platelet-rich plasma,
growth factors and in the secretion of proteins which are able to maximize the healing process tendon
at the cellular level. Since PRP is an autologous biologic material, it involves a minimum risk of
immune reactions and transmission of infectious and contagious diseases, and it has been History
widely used for the recovery of musculoskeletal lesions. Despite the great potential for
applicability, the implementation of the therapeutic employment of PRP as a clinical alternative Received 29 November 2013
has become difficult, due to the lack of studies related to the standardization of the techniques Revised 27 December 2013
and/or insufficient description of the adopted procedures. Therefore, it is required establish Accepted 7 January 2014
standard criteria to be followed for obtaining a PRP of high quality, as well as a larger number Published online 10 February 2014
of studies which should establish the proper concentration of platelets for the different clinical
For personal use only.

conditions. In this context, the purpose of this review is to discuss some methodological
aspects used for achieving the PRP, as well as to discuss the bioactive properties of PRP, and to
point out its therapeutic use in different fields of regenerative medicine.

Introduction growth factors by Cohen [5] in 1962, are considered pioneer

events for the development of treatments. However, only in 1982
The cicatrization process comprehends four main stages, namely:
growth factors deriving from platelets themselves were described
clotting, inflammation, cell proliferation and repair of the matrix,
in detailed form [6, 7].
epithelialization and remodeling of the cicatricial tissue [1].
Platelets derive from megakaryocytes, and have no nucleus;
Following the injury, the platelets are stimulated to aggregate
therefore, are unable to divide themselves. From the morpho-
themselves and to secrete growth factors, cytokines and other
logical aspect, is worth observing the occurrence of a dense
homeostatic factors required for the clotting cascade which
cytoplasmic granulation. The alpha-granules store growth factors
characterize, therefore, the first stage [1, 2]. Clotting and platelet
that are responsible for the chemotaxis, proliferation, cell
degranulation lead to the inflammatory stage by means of the
differentiation and angiogenesis [8]. The dense granules carry
release of serotonin and histamine, bioactive factors which
the required bioactive factors for tissue recovery process such as
increase the capillary permeability which will allow the arrival
serotonin, dopamine, histamine, adenosine and calcium. The
of larger inflammatory cells to the place of would, such as
substances produced by the platelet granules are secreted during
leukocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, which act on the
the process of platelet activation, and they regulate the funda-
phagocytosis of the material resulting from the cellular lysis
mental aspects of the tissue repair [2].
[1, 3]. Once this stage is over, the number of anti-inflammatory
The rational for the clinical use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
cells is reduced and fibroblasts synthetize collagen, elastin and
is based on its ability to stimulate the production and, accordingly,
other components of the matrix. Residual epithelial cells or those
the increase in the concentration of growth factors and in the
which have migrated to the injured area multiply themselves and
secretion of proteins which are able to maximize the healing
form scars which are initially reddish and elevated. The scar is
process at the cellular level [2]. The use of PRP speeds the
then remodeled from a balance between the degradation by
vascularization of grafts, reduces post-surgery morbidity,
proteases and the production of extracellular matrix, besides the
improves the regeneration of different tissues, as well as reduces
reduction of fibroblasts and capillaries by means of the apoptosis
the formation of a scar, since it accelerates the maturity and
process [1]. Growth factors have been known since the 1950s,
regeneration of the epithelium of wound [9]. Furthermore, is
when Cohen and Levi-Montalcini [4], after extracting venon from
estimated that the PRP acts increasing the recruitment, prolifer-
snakes, isolated factors which could stimulate the growth of nerve
ation and differentiation of the cells involved in the tissue
fiber. The study along with the description of the epidermic
regeneration [2].
The modulation of the inflammatory process is an important
Correspondence: João Tadeu Ribeiro-Paes, MD, PhD, Department of
aspect in terms of the mechanism of action and repair of lesions
Biological Sciences, University of the State of São Paulo, UNESP, Av. mediated by PRP treatment. In the context of inflammatory
Dom Antonio, 2100, 19.806-900, Assis, São Paulo, Brazil. Tel: +55-18- lesions, PRP acts via secretion of growth factors, inflammatory
3322-5856. E-mail: mediators such as cytokines and chemokines, as well as
2 L. F. Marques et al. Platelets, Early Online: 1–13

expression of chemokine receptors. The enriched concentration of the PRP, the platelet-middle plasma (PMP) and the platelet-poor
activated platelets presents a balance of pro- and anti-inflamma- plasma (PPP) [13]. The plasma and the buffy coat are collected
tory factors well-orchestrated in order to resolve inflammation. and undergo a second centrifugation for an increase in platelet
In this sense, the PRP is capable of modulating secretion and concentration. The two superior thirds of the achieved plasma
recruitment of key inflammatory cells, such as monocytes and (corresponding to the middle- and poor-platelet plasma) are
leukocytes, in the injury site. Therefore, the therapeutic action and discarded and the remaining portion is mixed with the erythrocyte
tissue regeneration PRP-mediated process seems to result from button deposited in the bottom, which originates the PRP. In order
the control of the local inflammatory response [10, 11]. to set a standard PRP volume to be achieved, some authors have
The first clinical use described in the literature dates back to established the production of 1 ml of PRP for each 10 ml of
year 1987, when Ferrari et al. [12] described the use of autologous collected blood. Therefore, after the second centrifugation, the
PRP as an additional element for transfusion in cardiac surgeries, superior portion corresponding to the plasma is collected so that
for the purpose of avoiding the use of homologous products. the remaining plasma volume plus to the erythrocyte button
However, only in the 90’s decade PRP started to be widely used as provides 1 ml of PRP [14, 15]. Before being administrated to the
an adjuvant in different surgical procedures, mainly in the areas of patient, PRP must be activated in order that the platelets release
dentistry and orthopedics. their factors (Figure 1, Table I) and other products related to the
Thus, this article presents a brief review of the literature, regeneration process. It is usually employed calcium chloride,
emphasizing methodological aspects of PRP isolation, as well as bovine thrombin or collagen to platelet activation [2].
the main clinical applications in bone, cartilage, tendon and The use of autologous PRP has the advantage of eliminating
muscle lesions, besides aesthetic plastic and reconstructive the risk of crossed contamination, as well as the transmission of
surgery. microbial diseases or immune reactions [25]. In this regard,
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several authors are against the inclusion of bovine thrombin in

some protocols, for the activation of the platelets due to the risk of
Platelet-rich plasma
coagulopathy through the production of antibodies against
PRP consists of a volume of plasma with platelet concentrations clotting factors. Therefore, the use of autologous thrombin must
higher than the basal levels, which are achieved by means of be reconsidered. Alternatively, the use of the collagen to the
centrifugation. Generally two centrifugations are employed with detriment of thrombin providing lower clot retraction and without
set a time and speed previously defined in different experimental the reduction of growth factors [26].
protocols. After the first centrifugation, the red blood cells are The use of PRP in liquid or gel form has shown an
separated from the plasma in function of the different densities, improvement in the cicatrization process. However, the gel
and sediment in the bottom portion. Just above, between the preparation requires a longer time for the achievement of the
For personal use only.

erythrocytes and the plasma, the buffy coat is formed, followed by autologous thrombin, thus leading to a more complex and longer

Figure 1. Process for obtaining the PRP. 1 and 2: After the collection, the blood undergoes the first centrifugation process. 3 and 4: The superior phase
corresponding to the PPP, PMP, PRP and buffy coat is removed to the second centrifugation. 5 and 6: Afterwards, the two superior thirds corresponding
to the PPP and PMP are discarded and the portion corresponding to the PRP is then mixed to the erythrocyte button and the buffy coat deposited in the
tube bottom.
DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2014.881991 PRP: Methodologies and clinical applications 3
Table I. Growth factors with the sources of obtaining and respective functions.

Growth factor Source Function References

TGF-b Platelets, neutrophils, macrophages, Regulates the mitogenic effect of other growth factors, stimulates [6, 15, 16]
monocytes, natural cell killers, Th1 the proliferation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, fibro-
cells, bone extracellular matrix and blast and osteoblast mitogen, endothelial regulator and regula-
cartilaginous matrix tor of the collagen synthesis and secretion of collagenase,
stimulates angiogenesis and endothelial chemotaxy, inhibits the
proliferation of macrophages and lymphocytes
FGF Platelets, macrophages, chondrocytes, Mitogen for mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes and osteoblasts, [6, 17, 18]
osteoblasts and mesenchymal cells stimulates the growth and differentiation of chondrocytes and
PDGF a-b Platelets, macrophages/monocytes, endo- Stimulates the chemotaxy and mitosis of fibroblasts, smooth and [6, 15, 19]
thelial cells, osteoblasts and smooth glia muscle cells, regulates the secretion of collagenase and
muscle cells collagen synthesis, mitogen for mesenchymal cells and osteo-
blasts, stimulates the chemotaxy of macrophages and
Epidermic Platelets, macrophages/monocytes Stimulates mitosis of mesenchymal cells, regulates the secretion of [6, 20, 21]
growth factor collagenase, stimulates chemotaxy and angiogenesis of endo-
thelial cells
VEGF Platelets, endothelial cells Stimulates mitosis of endothelial cells, increases angiogenesis and [6, 21, 22]
permeability of the vessel
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IGF Platelets, macrophages, osteoblasts, bone Stimulates the differentiation and mitogenesis of mesenchymal [6, 23, 24]
matrix and mesenchymal cells cells and of lining cells, stimulates osteoblasts and the
production of type I collagen, osteocalcin and alkaline

preparation [26]. Another difficulty is the loss of the material bone is the second most transplanted human tissue, overcome only
which has a tendency to flow off until the gel formation is by hematopoietic tissue. It is estimated that annually 2.2 million
completed [26, 27]. The direct injection of PRP at the site of the people are subjected to grafting procedures to repair bone defects
lesion, without the need for activation, is an attractive and in orthopedics, odontology and neurosurgery [35].
palpable alternative because activation can be supposedly The use of autologous grafts is considered a gold standard
For personal use only.

attributed to the trauma caused by the needle and/or the residual among the biomaterials employed in filling of bone cavities.
collagen, implying in the reduction of costs and the preparation However, the need for two surgical procedures, the limitation of
time [27]. tissue available, risks of infection, necrosis and re-absorption in
Generally, the therapeutic use of PRP in the past 20 years has up to 30% of patients, motivated the proposition on synthetic
demonstrated to be a safe and effective treatment; however, there biomaterials, which by turn are not biologically functional and
is some conditions that the indication must be availed with adapted to remodeling bone tissue [36, 37].
caution, as in cases of thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction The use of biological factors, such as PRP and bone
syndrome, septicemia, hypofibrinogenemia, recent fever condi- morphogenetic proteins (BMP), associated or not with graft, has
tion, anemia, cancer, skin lesions in the area of the injection, shown promising results in regard to bone reconstructions, since
use of corticosteroids (in up to 2 weeks before the procedure), or they are directly associated with the normal physiology of this
non-steroid anti-inflammatories (in up to 48 hours before tissue (Table II). Platelet growth factors such as platelet-derived
procedure) and active infections with Pseudomonas, Klebsiella growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b),
or Enterococcus [28–31]. fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial growth factor
Nevertheless, the literature has reported conflicting results (VEGF)-A and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) regulate bone
on the benefits of PRP. The number of participants in different regeneration through migration, proliferation and differentiation
studies, is usually small and the techniques used are not of osteoblasts, justifying the therapeutic use.
standardized [2, 28, 32]. Different platelet concentrations Since the 1990s, the use of the PRP in the treatment of bone
are achieved by means of different methodologies with results lesions has shown significant results. It is used as an alternative to
which are sometimes not well defined as to the improvement fibrin glue or platelet gel frequently employed in maxillofacial
of cicatrization [33]. The increase in the rotation force is known reconstructions. The therapeutic benefits that extend beyond the
to provide a higher platelet concentration; however, too high reparative power, consisting of one action faster than conventional
forces may lead to the loss of growth factors in the supernatant treatments maximized by autologous growth factors and therefore
plasma due to an early activation of the platelets and to the free from complications of immune origin [25, 38, 39].
rupture of the tubes which mean losses to therapeutic efficiency Batista et al. (2011) [40] compared the PRP action with the
of PRP [14, 34]. In general, the unsatisfactory results reported concentration of bone marrow, had better consolidation and
may be associated with the quality of the material obtained, since greater bone quantity by area in the PRP group. The superior
the platelet concentrations obtained are highly divergent among result obtained can be explained by the immediate recruitment of
the studies. Other important variables are related to the mainten- all proteins necessary to start the healing cascade, while the
ance of platelet integrity and effective activation of the material, concentrated of bone marrow demanded longer time to recruit
which often are not elucidated in the studies. these elements. Thus, it can be assumed that the monitoring for a
period of time up to 4 weeks, this group might have had similar
Clinical applications results of consolidation. However, there were no new studies that
could confirm this hypothesis.
Bone lesions
Several studies reporting the association of PRP and artificial
Bone defects may arise out of mechanical traumas, pathologies bone grafts showed improvement in the quality of healing.
and physiologic stress. Due to the high prevalence of injuries, However, when it was employed only PRP the results obtained
4 L. F. Marques et al. Platelets, Early Online: 1–13

Table II. Use of PRP in animal models with bone lesions.

Therapeutic Therapeutic
Lesion site PRP production (treated group) (control group) Outcomes References
Defects at the distal Ten milliliter of periph- PRP Femurs were alternated There was no increase in [54]
region of the eral blood of isogenic one application between the right and the inflammatory
femur mouse were collected left sides process.
Mice and centrifuged to Showed a tendency to
enact blood phase increase bone matrix
separation formation.
Bone defect (3.3 mm The blood was centri- PRP with b-tricalcium bone marrow concen- PRP promoted better [40]
in diameter) in fuged for ten minutes phosphate one trate with b-trical- consolidation than
the proximal at a speed of application cium phosphate the centrifugation of
metaphysis of 1200 rpm at room the bone marrow
rabbit’s right tibia temperature. group
PRP received 0.2 ml of
10% calcium
Critical-sized Blood with EDTA was Three groups: No PRP or coragraft PRP with bone grafts [46]
defects measuring centrifuged two PRP, coragraft, improved the quality
2 cm rabbit times: first at 150 g PRP and coragraft of healing bone
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Tibias for 20 minutes and

second at 450 g for 10
Mandibular intra- The centrifugations: at Bony cavity on the right The left side was empty Increase bone cell [47]
osseous defects 5600 rpm for 10 side filled with and used as a control proliferation
Dogs minutes autogenous PRP
At 2400 rpm for 10
The PRP was actived
with thrombin and
For personal use only.


were inferior, probably due to the lack of connective tissue which supplemented with collagen and mechanical stimulation led to
provides adequate reparation [41, 42]. increased levels of VEGF compared to using only thrombin and
In cell culture, the use of the PRP has evidenced the potential calcium chloride [44].
of growth factors by means of the modulation of cellular Considering the homeostatic function performed by platelets,
processes. The use of homologous PRP, in osteoblasts derived it is natural to conclude that the concentrate contributes to repair
from patients with periodontitis, showed an increase in the injuries. However, the presence of different factors, sometimes
proliferative response [43]. This result was corroborated by antagonists, tends to create an imbalance unable to promote tissue
another study on osteogenic potential of PRP, showing increase in recovery. Thus, it is important to emphasize the need for more
cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in vitro, as well as detailed studies on the concentration of each growth factor
the increase in the bone formation around the acellular graft and a obtained, since it can vary between individuals, and especially
high arterial perfusion around the bone defect [44]. among the different animal species (Table II) that are widely
Although different studies indicate satisfactory results, some studied in order to validate the therapeutic properties of PRP in
researchers have reported conflicting results [25, 45]. The bone lesions.
application of PRP in combination with bone marrow concentrate
on defects of tibia and in combination with bovine cancellous
Cartilage lesions
bone critical defects in the skull increased bone healing in rabbits
[46]. When applied on mandibular bone lesions in dogs, there was The practitioners of physical activities have a high incidence of
bone regeneration of the PRP group in a shorter period of time articular cartilage lesions, while treatment remains a challenge to
compared to the control group [47]. On the other hand, the use of sports medicine due to the limited regenerative capacity of
the PRP combined with bone graft has not shown better results cartilaginous tissue [55]. Therefore, PRP has been offered as an
compared to graft alone in dogs and rats [48–50]. The conflicting alternative treatment to articular cartilage lesions of knee, hip and
results may be related to the type of methodology employed to ankle [8]. Different studies have shown the action of growth
produce the PRP, which can result in inadequate concentration of factors in stimulating the proliferation of chondrocytes, the
growth factors required for the repair of bone lesions. Although chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived
the use of calcium and thrombin for activation of PRP is from bone marrow and control of the synthesis of cartilaginous
associated with increased proliferation and migration of bone matrix [56–58].
marrow stem cells, it is known that high concentrations may Studies of migration and chondrogenic differentiation of
interfere with angiogenesis due to the impairment of migration human subchondral progenitors, cultured in the presence of
and proliferation of vascular endothelial cells and reducing the PRP, confirms the chemotaxy potential in the chondrogenic
release of VEGF [51, 52]. Another important aspect is related to migration and differentiation. PRP-stimulated cells achieve a
possibility of activated platelets compromise the osteogenic significant increase in the formation of a cartilaginous matrix, and
differentiation [53]. The search for alternative forms of platelet the analysis of gene expression shows the presence of chondro-
activation may be the key to obtain better therapeutic results of cyte, adipocyte and osteocyte-marker genes, although an evident
PRP employment. The use of tiny concentrations of thrombin differentiation of these last two cell types did not exist [59].
DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2014.881991 PRP: Methodologies and clinical applications 5

In another study of cell culture involving chondrocytes derived
from humans with osteoarthritis, at different concentrations of





platelet lyse, showed a reduction of the inflammatory effects,
including the inhibition of the nuclear factor-kB (NFkB), the
chief factor involved in osteoarthritis pathogenesis [60].
Sanchez et al. [61] were the pioneers in using PRP in the

with mild degradation of the scores at

PRP with scaffold stimulated osteochon-

Results positive at 6 months follow-up,

Increased cartilage matrix metabolism;

treatment of avulsion of knee articular cartilage in football

Statistically significantly better results

investigators postulated that may have

dral formation with cartilaginous

players. The avulsed fragment was fixed with absorbable pins and

preventative implications in OA
Healing functional and accelerated
the existent gaps between the fragment and the receiving area

matrix and type II collagen

were filled with PRP. After using a platelet concentrate obtained

Improved articular cartilage

by a single centrifugation, named by the authors as preparation

rich in growth factors (PRGF), the clinical results obtained were
very satisfactory, with the acceleration of the cure and functional

1-year follow-up

Return to activity
recovery of the lesion.

In total knee arthroscopy (TKA), several studies obtained the
reduction in the need of blood transfusions, less infectious
processes, less post-surgery complication, as well as a shorter
time in the hospital [62–64]. The direct application of PRP in
athletes with chronic patellar tendinitis, in patients with knees
joint osteoarthritis (OA) and osteochondral lesions of the talus,
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demonstrated functional improvement and pain management

Untreated lesions or PLGA

[65–67]. Spaková et al. [68], compared the efficiency of PRP
with hyaluronic acid in patients with different degrees of OA and

administered alone
(control group)
obtained more satisfactory results in the group treated with PRP,
although the two treatments have been statistically significant.

Hyaluronic acid
Regarding the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries,
application of PRP has shown significant effects from a clinical

3% PPP
standpoint, resulting in an improved biomechanical and a faster
recovery [69, 70]. However, some authors have pointed to the

absence of significant results [71–73].
For personal use only.

The potential of growth factors in cartilage repair is well

established regarding the regulation of the physiology of articular
PRP intra-articular knee injections

gelatina hydrogel microspheres

3% PRP or PRP in biodegradable
Knee arthroscopy reattached the
fragment, supplemented with
cartilage. Growth factors such as TGF-b and FGF have been
administered every 21 days

shown to stimulate the chondrogenic proliferation and biosynthe-

Intra-articular application of
sis of the extracellular matrix of articular chondrocytes in vitro,
(treated group)

allowing to presume the obtaining of clinically satisfactory results

[59, 74–76]. However, the discrepancies between the results

autologous PRP
obtained can be related to different methods of obtaining the PRP,
forms of activation and isolated application or aggregated with
Table III. Clinical studies and animal models with the use of PRP in cartilage lesions.

other elements (Table III).

The use of PRP in soluble form cannot support the biological

activity by being rapidly degraded, and employment in the gel
form does not contain high levels of growth factors, besides the
application with needles to be hampered by high viscosity.
Depending on the location and extent of the lesion it is possible to
3200 rpm at 22 C, 10 m at 1500 rpm to
minutes and a second at 3.500 rpm for
10 minutes produced a unit of 20 ml of

gation step at 3200 rpm for 10 minutes

Blood was centrifuged at 1800 rpm for 8
Two centrifugations: at 1.800 rpm for 15

Two centrifugations: at 4 C for 15 min-

separate the leukocytes and centrifu-

choose the way that best fits the needs of the patient, but it is
utes at 800 rpm and at 4 C for 15

Three centrifugations: 15 minutes at

important to note that the newly obtained PRP may have an

minutes with trisodium citrate

acidified pH (6.9–7.0) and can interfere in the functions naturally

performed by cytokines [76]. Studies have reported that the use of
PRP production

alkaline PRP (7.4) has allowed a stimulating effect on cell

minutes at 2000 rpm

proliferation due to the release of additional components [78, 79].

The general proposition that PRP stimulates chondral anabol-
Two centrifufations

ism and reduces catabolic processes may explain the improvement

of clinical symptoms. Filardo et al. (2011) [80] indicate that PRP
should act in articular homeostasis, resulting in the reduction of

hyperplasia of the synovial membrane and modulating cytokine

levels, although these mechanisms of action have not been clearly
determined. Thereby, more detailed studies related to PRP
obtainment, concentration of growth factors, gender, age and
degree of degeneration should be considered when analyzing the
changes in the joint

defects of rabbits
Articular cartilage
Rabbit model OA

results, since they may interfere with treatment. Another aspect to

3 osteoarthritis
Chondral loose

be considered is the follow-up of patients to determine whether the

Grade 1, 2 or

original structure of the joint was resumed or if the recovery was

Lesion site

only temporary, aiming to standardize the number and time



between applications in order to enable the routine use of this


therapy in clinical practice and avoid invasive surgical procedures.

6 L. F. Marques et al. Platelets, Early Online: 1–13

Muscle lesions
Muscle lesions are usually caused by direct trauma or by decom-




pensation of the eccentric load during muscle contraction, and they
are very common, especially in elite athletes [2]. In the majority of
the cases, the recommended treatments are conservative and the best

Absence of significant differences

therapies have not been clearly defined. Thus, muscular injuries

Pain relief, functional improve-

stimulation of myogenesis
represent a challenging problem for traumatology and sport

ment; to sports activities

medicine [81]. Therefore, the more clinically serious muscle injuries

Minor recovery period,

Minor recovery period

are among the most indicated for PRP treatment [82].

The background of previous lesions represents a great risk

between groups
factor of muscle injuries, probably due to the formation of scar
tissue on the trauma area. Since muscle lesions imply a high
morbidity rate within amateur and professional sports, the use of
PRP means a promising alternative since it accelerates muscle
regeneration and minimizes the occurrence of new lesions [83, 84].
The muscle regeneration process is regulated by the presence
of growth factors and cell interactions, and it features a high
concentration of cytokines found in muscles. Growth factors,
especially the IGF, improving muscle regeneration and increased
strength [85, 86]. It is also known that PRP induces the
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Arthroscopy without PRP

(control group)
proliferation of muscle cells, as well as the differentiation of

satellite cells and are active in the angiogenesis process [87].

PPP or no treatment

The first clinical study to employ growth factors in the
recovery of muscle lesions used conditioned autologous serum.
Eight professional athletes were enrolled in the study and
compared with 11 athletes with similar previously treated lesions
(control group). The treatment started 3 days after the lesions, all
of them ranked as moderate degree lesions, and it led to the

reduction of the edema and bleeding of the treated group, with
For personal use only.

full functional recovery within 2 weeks, which represented half

Four applications of 100 ml of PRP

the expected time for regeneration of these kinds of lesions [85].

Autologous conditioned serum

Application of PRP guided by
Other studies with elite athletes showed that percutaneous PRP
injections in the muscle injured area improved the functional Injection ultrasound-guided
(treated group)

recovery, and they enable the continuation of sports activities

[88]. Cugat et al. [89] used PRP in muscle lesions caused by
mechanical traumas. Aided by ultrasound equipment, the author arthroscopy
injected PRP directly into the injured area, and this way recovery

or PPP
time was reduced in half.

Studies conducted by three independent teams, which were
seeking to cure the limited regenerative capacity of the rotator
cuff led to the evaluation of its repair potential in the presence of
PRP. Patients were randomized for the treatment by arthroscopy
gel with 10% sodium gluconate
One centrifugation activation with

with and without PRP. None of the assessed scores presented

One centrifugation: 3.500 rpm at
platelet concentration system
Apheresis with Leukoreduction

PRP obtained by Symphony II

statistically significant difference, and one of the studies also hints

at negative effects. However, one of the teams reported the
PRP production

using citrate dextrose

achievement of satisfactory results in small and medium-size

autologous thrombin

3 ml PRP not activated

Table IV. Use of PRP in animal models with muscle lesions.

lesions. In this way, authors suggest the use in bigger-sized

lesions, since the different methods commercially available may
lead to more efficient preparations [90–92].
10 minutes

Despite the discrepancies between the results obtained by

different research groups, the rationale for the use of PRP in
muscle lesions is substantiated by the release of growth factors
linked to acceleration of tissue recovery, once it acts in
proliferation of muscle precursors, vascularization improvement,
reduction of infectious processes and symptoms of pain, leading
to functional improvement and rapid return to sports activities. It
is known that the PRP appears to act better on the regeneration
Tibialis anterior muscles of

phase, through the action of IGF which stimulates muscle cells to

Sprague Dawley men
Rotator cuff (430 mm,

proliferate and form muscle tissue free from fibrous scar tissue
associated with relapses. Another important aspect is based on the

hypothesis that PRP can have no therapeutic effect when applied

Grade II lesions

Muscle trains

in the first 24 hours after injury [93].

Lesion site

The extensive description of conflicting results in the literature

(Table IV) makes clear the need for additional studies that should
be strictly standardized in relation to the size and location of the
DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2014.881991 PRP: Methodologies and clinical applications 7

lesion, age of the patients studied, methodology used to obtain the and within 6 months, 81% of patients felt better, and this
PRP, leukocyte and platelet count in order to obtain a product improvement reached 93% two years afterwards, without compli-
having adequate physiological concentrations of growth factors cation. Among patients treated with PRP was possible to observe
and other bioactive factors related to muscle recovery, searching a return of daily activities (99%) and of sports activities (94%).
for routine clinical application of a therapy highly effective and, at However, the authors did not consider the variation in the duration
the same time, minimally invasive. of pain and neither the age of the patients to assess outcomes
between treated and control groups. Still, the work presents a
reduced number of control patients (n ¼ 5), and 60% of these
Tendinous lesions
(n ¼ 3) were excluded from the study, becoming impossible a
Tendon is a durable and flexible tissue, anchored to the bone by statistical analysis [76].
a mineral resistant connection. However, due to the fact that this Another relevant site of tendinopathy, lesions in the rotator cuff
tissue is subject to much mechanical loading and stress, there is are among the most common disorder of shoulders and usually
great risk of tendinopathies, chronic tendons injuries, since the need surgical intervention, due to the inexistence of therapeutic
continuous effort may cause successive lesions of the collagen agents which enable the cure of the tendon. The treatment of
fibers [55]. The tissue of tendons is not very well vascularized, the 14 patients with partial thickiness rotator cuff and a background of
metabolic rate and oxigen consumption are low, so it regenerates failure in the answer to conventional treatments involving steroids,
slowly, in the variable manner and with risk of reinjury. Therefore, physiotherapy and non-steroid anti-inflammatories, were assessed
scars may impair tendons function and increase the risk of as to the possible answer to PRP. Within 8 weeks, 12 patients
repeated injuries, as well as chronic inflammation and pain [8]. involved in the study achieved significant improvement of pain,
Tendinous lesions outstand among musculoskeletal lesions, strength and muscle resistance [104].
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and impact both practitioners of intense physical activities, as A study proposed by Sánchez et al. [105], pointed out the
well as inactive people [95, 96]. It is estimated that these lesions potential of PRP in the treatment of tendinous lesions. In said
represent from 30 to 50% over all lesions related to sports [97]. study, six athletes having Achilles tendon lesions underwent the
In this context, and by taking into account the pieces of evidence conventional surgery combined with PRP (called by the author
that tendinitis is an intrinsic degenerative disorder, PRP has been as a platelet-rich fibrin matrix), and an improvement in the cure
widely used in the treatment of Achilles tendon, elbow, rotator and functional recovery were achieved, in comparison with the
cuff and patellar lesions [98]. The use of PRP as therapeutic control group.
strategy in tendon injuries has been especially considered in In another study which entailed the use of PRP in chronic
patients with chronic inflammation, over 12 months and refrac- tendinopathy of no-insertion of the tendon calcaneus, with
tory to previous treatments [99]. a background of previous and unsuccessful treatments, achieved
For personal use only.

Concomitant with the applied research, PRP has generated a significant clinical improvement, which was further confirmed
interesting results also in vitro models for the purpose of tendon by ultrasonography studies. After 18 months, all patients showed
repair. At the cellular level, tendons are formed mostly by an improvement in acute symptoms, increase in the vasculariza-
tenocytes, cells responsible for the maintenance and tissue repair. tion and in the diameter of areas previously noted as having
In this regard, in vitro studies related to the action of PRP on fibrillary interruption. The authors reported the increase of the
tenocytes have shown results of great importance and clinical PRP vascular activity to its involvement with surrounding tissues
interest. There is evidence in the literature suggesting an increased related to the tendinous cicatrization. The significant functional
in tenocytes proliferation inder action of the PRP, and this effect is improvement, the lack of complications followed by functional
dose dependent. Still, although controversial, there are results that improvement and satisfaction of patients are pointed out by the
indicate the ability of PRP to act on the expression of collagen author as encouraging initiatives for the use of said therapy [106].
(COL1 and COL3) by tenocytes in order to contribute to the quality The use of PRP in patellar tendon during the reconstruction of the
of the repair [100]. One important exception, however, must be anterior cruciate ligament, also points out the benefits of therapy,
emphasized, as in vitro models are not capable of mimicking the and it has shown significant reduction of the size of the lesions
microenvironment of chronic inflammatory tendinopathy and thus and pain during the post-surgery period [107]. Different studies
it is not possible to draw conclusions categorical, since the do not present uniformity of results and procedures, thus it is
laboratory response may be different from the clinical reality. necessary to make further randomized trials with larger numbers
Animal models, similar to the in vitro tests are not able to of patients, in order to enable a consensus or methodological
provide the identical condition to human tendinopathy. However, reference, allowing conclusions more consistent about the use of
the results indicate interesting therapeutic properties of PRP on PRP on tendon injuries. Table V presents some works using of
tendon lesions surgically induced when there is comparison with PRP in different types of tendon injuries.
control groups [100]. When PRP is used in acute tendon injuries, As seen in Table V, there are a different number or even
the repair process happens faster and the organization of conflicting parameters in regard to the preparation, quality,
fibroblasts and collagen bundles is optimized in relation to dosage and interval of injection of PRP in various clinical studies
controls without administration of PRP in equine model [101], in tendon injuries. Thus, the analysis of therapeutic results
murine [102] and cunicular [103]. However, in most of the studies becomes complex, since there may also the involvement of several
reported, there are few data and cytological investigations of the cell types such as lymphocytes and neutrophils, in accordance
PRP employed, and thus impediment of therapeutic elucidation. with the methodology used to obtain the PRP. Furthermore,
Further, the treatment is carried out in animal models in the acute inflammatory cytokines with short lifetime, released after plate-
phase in contrast, therefore, to most clinical cases. let activation, may start an acute inflammatory response in
Mishra and Pavelko [65] published the first study in human compromised tendinous fibers, causing a proliferative phase
patients using PRP in the treatment of tendinosis, or chronic synthesis of collagen, essential for tendon repair [108]. Another
tendinitis of the elbow. From the 140 evaluated patients, only flagrant methodological distinction between the different clinical
20 with a background of failure with non-surgical treatments protocols refers to the previous activation of PRP, while in other
underwent the experiment, and five were used as a control group studies the PRP is injected without previous activation.
(treated with bupivacaine). Within 8 weeks after one application Another interesting fact refers to the discrepancy of clinical
of PRP, there was an improvement in 60% of the treated patients, outcomes. Clinical responses range from significantly positive in
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Table V. Clinical studies with the use of PRP in patients with tendinopathies.

Lesion site PRP production Therapeutic (treated group) Therapeutic (control group) Outcome References
Achilles tendon, no more Whole blood and trisodium citrate cen- Six athletes, open suture surgery Six athletes, open suture The treated group showed significant [104]
than 2 weeks after trifuged at 460 g for 8 minutes. One followed by intratendineous surgery improvement, absence of complica-
rupture milliliter above the erythrocyte fraction injection of activated PRP tions and faster return to physical
activated with calcium chloride. (4 ml) activities when compared to the con-
trol group
L. F. Marques et al.

Achilles tendon, chronic Whole blood (54 ml) and citrate centri- Twenty seven patients randomized, Twenty seven patients ran- There was no significant difference [109]
tendinopathy fuged for 15 minutes, non-activated intratendineous injection of domized, intratendi- between the groups with respect to
PRP non-activated PRP (4 ml) neous injection of saline pain relief and return to physical
(4 ml) activities
Achilles tendon, chronic Whole blood processed in accordance Ten patients, intratendineous – Minimal functional improvement without [110]
tendinopathy with the kit adopted for obtaining the injection of non-activated PRP changing the magnetic resonance
non-activated PRP (6 ml) imaging
Achilles tendon, chronic Whole blood processed in accordance Fourteen patients, intratendineous – Functional improvement, pain reduction, [106]
tendinopathy with the kit adopted for obtaining the injection of non-activated PRP positive change to examination by
non-activated PRP (3 ml) Doppler ultrasonography
Rotator cuff Whole blood (54 ml) and citrate dextrose Twenty six patients submitted to Twenty seven patients sub- Pain reduction and significant functional [111]
solution (6 ml) centrifuged for 15 arthroscopy, intratendineous mitted to arthroscopy improvement in short-term treated
minutes at 3200 rpm. PPP centrifuged injection of activated PRP group. In long term (46 months) there
for 2 minutes at 2000 rpm. PRP (6 ml) was no difference between groups.
activated with autologous thrombin. There was no difference in magnetic
resonance imaging.
Rotator cuff Whole blood (9 ml) and trisodium citrate Forty three patients, application of Forty five patients, There was no significant difference [90]
centrifuged for 6 minutes at 1100 rpm. PRP clot during arthroscopy arthroscopy between the groups in relation to
The plasma was centrifuged for 25 Constant Shoulder Score or changes in
minutes at 4500g. PRP activated with magnetic resonance imaging.
calcium chloride.
Rotator cuff Whole blood (9 ml) centrifuged in two Forty patients, application of PRP Thirty nine patients, arth- There was no significant difference in [92]
steps. PRP activated with calcium clot associated with suture roscopy (suture surgery) improvement between the groups
chloride during arthroscopy
Rotator cuff Whole blood (54 ml) and citrate (6 ml) Twenty patients, intratendineous Twenty patients, intratendi- There was no significant difference in [112]
centrifuged for 15 minutes at injection of PRP (5 ml) neous injection of saline pain reduction, functional improve-
3200 rpm, 6 ml of non-activated PRP (5 ml) ment and quality of life between
Elbow, epicondylitis Whole blood (55 ml) and sodium citrate Fifteen patients, intratendineous Five patients, intratendi- Constant and significant improvement in [76]
processed in accordance with the kit injection of PRP (2–3 ml) neous injection of bupi- pain in the treated group compared
adopted for obtaining the non-activated vacaine (2–3 ml) with the control group
Elbow, epicondylitis Whole blood (27 ml) and sodium citrate Fifty patients, intratendineous Forty nine patients, intra- Reduction of pain and significant func- [113]
(3 ml) processed according to the kit injection of 1 ml of corticoster- tendineous injection of tional improvement in the treated
adopted for obtaining non-activated oids and bupivacaine 1 ml of corticosteroids group compared to the control
PRP and bupivacaine
Elbow, epicondylitis Whole blood (510 ml) and sodium citrate Eighty patients, two intratendi- Seventy patients, two intra- Similar functional improvement in treated [114]
centrifuged for 15 minutes at 2000g. neous injections of PRP (1.5 ml) tendineous injections of and control groups
Non-activated PRP (1.5 ml) obtained with an interval of 1 month blood (1.5 ml) with an
from the buffy coat. interval of 1 month
Platelets, Early Online: 1–13
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Elbow, epicondylitis Whole blood and anticoagulant centri- Fourteen patients, intratendineous Fourteen patients, intraten- Significant pain reduction in the short- [115]
fuged for 15 minutes at 3200 rpm, non- injections of PRP (3 ml) dineous injections of term treated group. In long term (43
activated PRP blood (3 ml) months), there was no difference
between groups
Elbow, epicondylitis Whole blood (30 ml) and ACD-A anti- For 116 patients, intratendineous For 114 patients, intraten- Functional improvement and reduction of [116]
coagulant centrifuged for 15 minutes at injections of PRP (2–3 ml) dineous injections of pain superior in the treated group.
3200 rpm, non-activated PRP bupivacaine (2–3 ml) Significant differences in favor of the
treated group in alternating periods.
Knee, patellar tendinopathy Whole blood (27 ml) and citrate dextrose Eight patients (6 athletes), intra- – Functional improvement and positive [117]
DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2014.881991

solution (3 ml) processed in accord- tendineous injection of PRP change in the magnetic resonance
ance with the kit adopted for obtaining (3 ml) imaging. Total return to sports 12
the non-activated PRP weeks after injection.
Knee, patellar tendinosis Whole blood (150 ml) and sodium citrate Twenty athletes, 3 intratendineous – Significant reduction of pain and stiff- [65]
(21 ml), centrifuged for 15 minutes at injections of PRP (5 ml) every ness, functional improvement and
1800 rpm. Plasma centrifuged for 10 15 days return to activities at 6 months after
minutes at 3500 rpm. Non-activated treatment
PRP (20 ml).
Knee, patellar tendinopathy Whole blood (150 ml) and sodium citrate Fifteen athletes, 3 intratendineous Sixteen patients, physio- Functional improvement, significant [118]
(21 ml), centrifuged for 15 minutes at injections of PRP (5 ml) every therapy treatment reduction of pain compared to the
1800 rpm. Plasma centrifuged for 10 15 days control group in the short term.
minutes at 3500 rpm. Non-activated Increased improvement in 6 months
PRP (20 ml). when physiotherapy was inserted in the
PRP group.
Knee, patellar tendinosis Whole blood (450 ml) fractionated in Twelve patients, reconstruction of Fifteen patients, recon- Functional improvement and reduction of [107]
portion erythrocyte and PPP, PRP the anterior cruciate ligament struction of the anterior pain higher in the group treated (short
activated with autologous thrombin with implant of PRP gel (20– cruciate ligament term). No significant difference in the
and calcium chloride. 40 ml) long term (6 months) between groups
Knee, patellar tendinopathy Whole blood (150 ml) centrifuged for 6 Forty three patients, 3 intratendi- – Stability of functional improvement, pain [119]
minutes at 1480 rpm. Plasma centri- neous injections of PRP (5 ml) reduction, return to activities, patient
fuged for 15 minutes at 3400 rpm, every 15 days satisfaction
generating 20 ml of PRP, PRP activa-
tion of calcium chloride.
PRP: Methodologies and clinical applications
10 L. F. Marques et al. Platelets, Early Online: 1–13

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