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Kelas 8

1. A: Would you like a lemonade?

B: ……………………………………….. Anna: Hi Jane, you look so pale. Are you okay?

The proper respond from B should be Jane: Hi Anna, I’m not okay. I have stomach pain. I’m
a. Yes, please. looking for some medicine.
b. I don’t like lemonade. Anna: (7) …………….. to get some medicine.
c. Would you like a coffee? Jane: (8) …………. . Thanks a lot Anna.
d. Lemonade is not my favorite. Anna: You’re welcome. (9) …………………..? Maybe take
e. Thank you. you to the emergency?
Jane: No thanks, (10) ……………….

2. Hello, may I ……….. you?

7. The right answer is…
a. let
b. need a. Let me help you
c. help b. I don’t want you
d. get c. I don’t think I can help you
e. excuse d. Tell me how
e. Where

3. Below are expressions of offering help, except…

8. The right answer is…
a. Would you like some help?
b. Can I give you a hand a. No, I don’t need it.
c. Do you need any help? b. I can do it myself.
d. May I offer my assistance? c. Yes, please.
e. Could you help me please? d. Please help me.
e. Maybe not.

4. Usually a shopkeeper say ………… when they want help

customer. 9. The right answer is…

a. “Are you busy? I need some help” a. Would you like a cup of tea?
b. “Is there anything I can help you with?” b. Is there anything else I can do for you?
c. “Excuse me, do you work here?” c. No problem
d. “Do you want to buy our product or not?” d. Of course
e. “No thanks, I can do it myself” e. Get well soon

5. Informal way to offer something is…. 10. The right answer is…

a. Would you like a piece of cake? a. Yes, please.

b. May I offer you a cup of hot tea? b. I need it so much.
c. Can I get you some fresh fruits? c. Definitely!
d. Are you up for some chips? d. I want to go home
e. Would you like me to get you some cokes? e. I can manage it myself.

6. How do you say when you want to refuse a help from


a. Thanks a lot for your help. I’m so grateful.

b. Yes, sure.
c. I’m sorry, but I’d rather to do it on my own. Thank you.
d. Sure I will do you a favor.
e. No problem.

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