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Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Student Name: Click here to enter text.

Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit):
Pre-Lab Questions:
”1. List the functions of the skeletal system.”
The skeletal system protects, support the body,enable movement, it creates blood cells, and
stores nutrients. ”
2. What material contributes the greatest to the compressive strength of bone? ”
Calcium carbonate contributes the most to the compressive strength of bone.”
3. Briefly describe the process of bone remodeling. ”
Remolding involves the repeated process of replacing old bone with new ones throughout an
organisms lifespan. Osteoblasts, and osteoclasts are the living bone cells involed in remolding of new
bone. The process starts with the resting phase, then bone resorption takes place, which then leads
to bone transitions and the last phase is bone formation.
Experiment 1: Classification of Bones

Table 6: Classification of Bones

Bone Name Classification by Shape Classification by Location

Femur bone Long bone Appendicular Skeleton

Vertebrae Irregular bone Axial skeleton
Ribs flat bone Axial skeleton
Ulna Long bone Appendicular Skeleton
Knee Cap (patella) Sesamoid bone Appendicular Skeleton
Fibula Long bone Appendicular Skeleton
Tarsals/Carpals Short Bone Appendicular Skeleton
Humerous Long bone Appendicular Skeleton
Radius Long bone Appendicular Skeleton
Strenum Flat bone Axial skeleton

Post-Lab Questions
”1. Why is it important to classify bones? ”
Classify bones helps us to know the exact which part of the body a certain bone is located and
it’s functions. This insight is importanat because it can help us provide swift treatment to an
injuired bone. ”
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

2. Aside from length, what are some other common characteristics of a long bone? Are long
bones typically associated with the axial or appendicular skeleton? ”
long bones are are part of the appendicular skeleton. Long bones widen towards the end of
the bones which have spongy ends called epiphysis and they have cortical shaft called the
diaphysis .”
3. Compare flat bones and long bones. How are they different? How are they the same? ”
Long bones are taller than flat bones. Flat bones are curved while long bones are not curved. Long
bones in adults contain yellow marrow while flat bones contain red marrow. The only similarity
between long bone and flat bone is that they help provide structure support for the body.

Experiment 2: Digital Slide Image Examination—Bone

Post-Lab Questions
”1. Label the arrows in the following digital slide images: ”
”Cortical Bone: ”
A- Interstitial Lamellae
B- Haversian Systems
C- Concentric Lamellae
D- _Haversian Canals
”Trabecular Bone: ”
A- Trabeculae in spongy bone
B- Marrow Cavity
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

”2. Compare and contrast cortical and trabecular bone. ”

The cortical and trabecular bones both give the body structure and support. The trabecular
has more surface area compared to the cortical bone. The trabecular bone also has more
more water concentration than the cortical bone.
”3. What is the purpose of cortical bone? What is the purpose of trabecular bone? ”
Cortical bone helps to give bones their strength and stability, it provides a dense covering for
the internal cavity of bone which also gives bone its smooth, firm appearance. Trabecular
bone also provides strength and stability to the bones, but it has a spongy appearence and it
is mostly found at the end of the long bones at the epiphyses.
”4. What are trabeculae? What is their function? ”
Trabeculae are spongy bones that help to transfer the impact of weight on the bones away
from the joints and towards the cortical bones.
”5. What are haversian systems? What is their function? ”
Haversian systems are a number of tiny tunnels inside cortical bones. They provide a home
for nerve fibers which help bones to get oxygen and nutrience.
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Experiment 3: Virtual Model – The Axial Skeleton

Insert screenshot of the coccyx:

Insert screenshot of the sternum:

Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Insert screenshot of the occipital condyle:

Insert screenshot of the parietal bone:

Post-Lab Questions
”1. What features are located medial to the cranium and the mandible? Identify the category
here. How many individual items are included in this category? Hint: The answer is not a bone.
The nose, teeth, tongue, lips, chin, hard and soft palate. Are found towards the midline
between the cranium which contains the brain and the mandible which contains the jaw.
”2. Why aren’t teeth considered bones? ”
Bone can regenerate itself while teeth can not repair its self when it breaks. Teeth are made
up of specialized cells and calcium. They also have nerves and blood vessels to supply the
required nutrients to teeth.
”3. Identify the two major bones which compose the head. ”
The cranium and the mandible make up the head.
”4. To what bone does the right scapula attach? ”
It is connected to the right clavicle/ collar bone of the right humerus, which is connected to
the upper portion of the right arm.
”5. Is the left clavicle superior or inferior to the right scapula? ”
The left clavicle is superior to the right scapula.

Experiment 4: Physical Skeleton – The Axial Skeleton

Table 12: Cervical Vertebrae Observations

Vertebral Feature Observations

Size of cervical vertebrae in comparison The cervical vertebra is composed of 7 vertebral

Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Vertebral Feature Observations

bones that are compact and smaller in size compared

to those of the thoracic and lumbar
to the widely spead, bigger vertebral bones of the
thoracic and lumbar regions.

The shape of the vertebral foramen is a nice circular

Shape of the vertebral foramen
arch that allow the spinal cord to pass through

The spinous process of c3 to c6 vertebrae are split

Spinous process of the C3 – C6
into two equal portions known as the bifid spinous

The spinous process of c7 vertebrae is circular in

Spinous process of the C7 vertebra shape, it is not split into two equal portions. It is
known as the nonbifid rounded spinous processes.

Table 13: Thoracic Vertebrae Observations

Vertebral Feature Observations

The thoracic vertebrae looks small starting

from T1 to T3 it is small in size and probably
weighs less too. From T4 to T8 it appears to
Size and weight of the thoracic vertebrae in
increase to a bigger size and the weight
comparison to those of the cervical and lumbar
probably increases too because the vertebrae
at the rib cage rigion has more weight to carry.
From T8 to T12 it starts decreasing in size

The vertebral body appears to be heart

Shape of the vertebral body
shaped and it curves inwardly

The spinous process appears to be projecting

Appearance and projection direction of the
downwards and outward, almost like it is
spinous process
hovering over the next vertebrae.
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Table 14: Lumbar Vertebrae Observations

Vertebral Feature Observations

Size of the lumbar vertebrae in

The lumber vertebrae appears to be wider in size and
comparison to those of the
cervical and thoracic region
denser in weight than the cervical and thoracic vertebrals.

The vertebral body appears to be a kidney shape and it

Shape of the vertebral body
curves outwards.

The spinous process appears to be are projecting

Appearance and projection
posteriorly, and it is curved downwards over the next
direction of the spinous process

Table 15: Rib Feature Observations

Rib Feature Observations

Length of ribs 1 – 7 (do they ribs 1 is the shortest in length and as it get to rib 7 it
increase or decrease in length?) increases in length.

Length of ribs 8 – 12 (do they

Ribs 8-12 decrease in lenghth compared to ribs 1-7.
increase or decrease in length?)

Articulation of the ribs and thoracic All the ribs articulates with a thoracic vertebrae
vertebrae (notice the specific rib posteriorly. Thoracic vertebrae 1 is paired with rib 1,
and vertebra that articulate) Thoracic vertebrae 2 is paired with rib 2 and so on.

Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are the three components of the axial skeleton? Describe the function of each. ”
The skull protects the brain, supports the ears and eyes. The vertebral column protects the
spinal cord and internal organs, it also supports the trunk . The ribs protect the lungs and the
heart. Those are the three components of the axial skeleton.
”2. On the skull below, fill in the blanks with the correct bone names. ”
A- Sphenoid (orbital)
B- Zygomatic
C- Mandible
D- Frontal lobe
E- Upraorbital foramen
F- Vomer/Ethmoid
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

”3. For the following bones, state whether they are cranial or facial bones and give their
location. ”

Bone Facial or Cranial Location

Temporal Bones Cranial Skull

Mandible Facial Skull

Vomer Facial Nasal cavity

Zygomatic Bones Facial Cheek

Parietal Bones Cranial Skull

Ethmoid Bone Cranial Skull

Sphenoid Bone Cranial Skull

Lacrimal Bones Facial Eye socket

”4. What are the three regions of the vertebral column? Describe the general shape and size of
the vertebrae in each region. ”
The cervical vertebrae bones have a circular shape with an arch and they are the smallest
bones. The thoracic vertebrae bones are shaped in an inward curve and they start out small
and increase in size to a medium size and then they decrese back down to a small size to
wards the end. The lumbar vertebrae bones have a slight curved shape and they are large in
”5. What are the atlas and axis? What are their functions? ”
The First cervical bone of the neck is called the atlas while the second cervical bone of the
neck is called the axis. The axis supports the atlas and they work together to help turn the
head from side to side. The atlas connects to the skull and spine and it help with moving the
head in an up and down motion.
”6. On the vertebra below, fill in the blanks with the correct vertebral structure. ”
A- lamina
B- centrum
C- spinous process
D- transverse process
E- vertebral foramen
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

7. What is the purpose of the thoracic cage? ”

The thoracic cage helps to protect the lungs and heart.”
8. Describe the three components of the sternum. ”
The top portion of the sternum called the manubriumconnects it to the first pair of ribs and
the clavicles. The middle portion of the sternum is the longest portion and it is connected to
the second ribs. The end portion of the sternum called the xiphiod process connects to the
9. Describe the difference between true ribs, false ribs and floating ribs. ”
The first 7 ribs are considered true ribs, and they are connected directly to the sternum.
Ribs 8,9, and 10 are considered false ribs because they are not directly connected to the
sternum, they are connected through cartilage instead. Ribs 11 and 12 are considered floating
ribs because they are not connected to the sternum at all.
Experiment 5: Virtual Model – The Appendicular Skeleton

Insert screenshot of the radius:

Insert screenshot of the scapula:

Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Insert screenshot of the tarsus:

Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Insert screenshot of the patella:

Post-Lab Questions

”1. How many left metatarsals are there? ”

There are 5 metatarsals.”
2. Is the right fibula inferior or superior to the patella? ”
The right Fibula is inferior to the patella.
”3. Are the ossa digitorum or the ossa metatarsalia more medial? ”
The Ossa metatarsalia is more medial.
”4. Which two bones attach to the patella? ”
The Fabula and Tibia are connected to the patella.
”5. Identify the three bones which comprise the leg. ”
Fabula and Tibia make up the leg.
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Experiment 6: Physical Skeleton – The Appendicular Skeleton

Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are the four parts of the upper extremity and the four parts of lower extremity of the
appendicular skeleton?”
The four parts that make up the upper portion of the appeniculsar skeleton are the
humerus/arm, the forearms/ ulna and radius bones, the wrist, and hands. The four parts that
make up the lower portion of the appeniculsar skeleton are the thighs/ fumur bone, the
legs/patella, tibia, fabula and feet.
”2. Compare and contrast the size and function of the upper and lower extremities of the
appendicular skeleton. ”
The upper extremities are smaller in size and they help the body do fine motor skills and grab
things. The lower extremities is bigger and they help the body move/locomotion and it also
bears the weight of the body.
”3. What are the three fused bones that make up the coxae of the pelvic girdle? What is their
location in relationship to one another? ”
The illium, ischium, and the pubis. The Illium is the hip bone that is found superior to the
ischium and pubis bones. The ischium bone is found inferior to the Illium and pubis bones.
The pubis is bone is found inferior to the Illium bone and superior to the ischium bone.

Experiment 7: Articulations
Post-Lab Questions
”1. What two ways can joints be classified? What are the three classifications of each type? ”
Joints can be classified by their function or the type of material their structure is made of.
Joints can be made of fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial. Joints can either have synarthroses,
amphiarthroses, or diarthroses movements.
”2. Fibrous joints are either sutures or syndesmoses. What is the difference between the two?
Give examples of each type. ”
A stature is a strong joint that connects two element but the joint is not able to move at all ,
like a skull. Syndesmoses joints are fibrous and they are connected by ligaments, like in the
”3. A symphysis and synchondroses are two classifications of what type of joint? What are the
differences between the two classifications? ”
symphyses and synchondroses are classified as cartilaginous joints. The difference between
them is that synchondrosis bones are connected by hyaline cartiage, while symphyses bones
are connected by fibrocartilage. Symphyses joints are found in the vertebrae and
synchondroses are found in the epiphyseal plates of growning bones.
”4. What allows synovial joints to be diarthrotic? ”
synovial joint have capsule which makes them diarthrotic.
”5. For the following, match the correct synovial joint to the movement it produces. ”
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

”Pivot Joint” ”Gliding Joint”

”Ball and Socket Joint” ”Condyloid Joint”
”Saddle Joint” ”Hinge Joint”

Joint Articulating Bones Type of Synovial Joint Movement

Flexion and
Elbow Humerus and ulna Hinge joint extension in one

Flexion and
Knee Patella, femur tibia Hinge joint extension in one

Pelvic bone and All movement except

Hip Ball-and-socket joint
femur gliding

Dorsiflexion and
Ankle Tibia and fibula Hinge joint

Allows for flexion,

Radius and carpal
Wrist Condyloid joint extension,
abduction, adduction

Experiment 11: Skeletal System of the Fetal Pig

Table 31: Skeletal Region Observations

Skeletal Region Observations

The Axial skeleton of the pig is similar to that of humans in that it

Axial Skeleton
contain the spinal cord, pelvis and rib cage.

The appendicular skeleton of the pig is similar to that of humans in

Appendicular Skeleton that it contain 4 appendages that almost has the same lenghth as
that of humans.

The joints of the pig is similar to that of humans in that it has hinge
joints as well as ball and socket joints.
Lab 6 The Skeletal System BIO201L

Post-Lab Questions
”1. What are some of the similarities and differences you noticed between the human skeletal
system and the palpation of the fetal pig skeletal system? ”
The pig as more limbs than humans do. The pig’s skull is quite small compareed to the
human skull. The Axial skeleton of the pig is similar to that of humans in that it contain the
spinal cord, pelvis and rib cage. The appendicular skeleton of the pig is similar to that of
humans in that it contain 4 appendages that almost has the same lenghth as that of humans.
The joints of the pig is similar to that of humans in that it has hinge joints as well as ball and
socket joints.

”Insert photo of pig in dissection tray with your name and access code clearly visible in the
background: ”

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