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ASRXXX10.1177/0003122417749632American Sociological ReviewHahl et al.

American Sociological Review

The Authentic Appeal of the 2018, Vol. 83(1) 1­–33

© American Sociological
Association 2018
Lying Demagogue: Proclaiming DOI: 10.1177/0003122417749632

the Deeper Truth about Political


Oliver Hahl ,a Minjae Kim,b

and Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivanb

We develop and test a theory to address a puzzling pattern that has been discussed widely
since the 2016 U.S. presidential election and reproduced here in a post-election survey:
how can a constituency of voters find a candidate “authentically appealing” (i.e., view him
positively as authentic) even though he is a “lying demagogue” (someone who deliberately
tells lies and appeals to non-normative private prejudices)? Key to the theory are two points:
(1) “common-knowledge” lies may be understood as flagrant violations of the norm of truth-
telling; and (2) when a political system is suffering from a “crisis of legitimacy” (Lipset
1959) with respect to at least one political constituency, members of that constituency will
be motivated to see a flagrant violator of established norms as an authentic champion of its
interests. Two online vignette experiments on a simulated college election support our theory.
These results demonstrate that mere partisanship is insufficient to explain sharp differences
in how lying demagoguery is perceived, and that several oft-discussed factors—information
access, culture, language, and gender—are not necessary for explaining such differences.
Rather, for the lying demagogue to have authentic appeal, it is sufficient that one side of a
social divide regards the political system as flawed or illegitimate.

political sociology, authenticity, electoral politics, 2016 election, norms

In a representative democracy, voters and furthering their private interests or those of a

politicians enter into a principal-agent rela- particular subgroup (McGraw, Lodge, and
tionship; it is therefore rational for voters to Jones 2002). This suspicion is general to any-
select candidates, in part, based on their trust- one who is aware she will earn status and
worthiness. A straightforward implication is
that voters will prefer candidates they per- a
Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of
ceive as “authentic”—that is, candidates Business
whose claims to pursue the public good are b
MIT Sloan School of Management
backed by their short-term actions and long-
term commitments. But the very nature of Corresponding Author:
Oliver Hahl, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper
politics generally makes authenticity hard to School of Business, 5000 Forbes Avenue,
achieve (Jones 2016). Politicians are beset by Pittsburgh, PA 15213
the suspicion that they are interested only in Email:
2 American Sociological Review 83(1)

influence if she is successful; observers can completely false.2 Moreover, over the course
thus reasonably suppose the person is extrin- of the campaign, Clinton was exposed as hav-
sically, rather than intrinsically or prosocially, ing violated the norm (and arguably the law)
motivated (Hahl and Zuckerman 2014). that classified government information should
To be sure, doubts about a politician’s be secured, as well as norms of fair play asso-
authenticity may remain latent until the politi- ciated with political primaries and debates.
cian acts in ways that reveal a gap between her But if it is unsurprising that Clinton’s candi-
“front stage” presentations and “backstage” dacy was harmed by perceptions of her inau-
reality (see Goffman 1956; Hahl 2016). Per- thenticity, it is puzzling that the winning
haps the most common way for such gaps to be candidate, Donald J. Trump, was perceived by
exposed is when a candidate adjusts her mes- his supporters as appealingly authentic despite
sage to address different groups of voters or abundant evidence that (1) he was at least as
adapts her policies with the changing times sensitive to private self-interest as Clinton,
(Jones 2016). These forms of inconsistency can with no corresponding record of public ser-
raise suspicions that the candidate is an inau- vice;3 (2) he was considerably more prone to
thentic panderer. It follows that suspicions of falsehood than Clinton;4 and (3) he deliber-
inauthenticity will be even greater insofar as ately flouted many norms that had been taken-
two more extreme conditions apply: (1) the for-granted for many years and were widely
politician knowingly makes false statements, or endorsed.5 Given such a pattern of lying dem-
(2) she deliberately violates publicly-enshrined agoguery, it is unclear how a significant por-
norms. Accordingly, past research has assumed tion of the electorate found Trump to be
that politicians will lie only to the extent that authentic and voted for him partly as a result.
they do not expect to be caught (Davis and Moreover, because lying demagogues in many
Ferrantino 1996; McGraw 1998), and that any other elections, including Hong Joon-Pyo in
norm violations will be limited to staking out the 2017 Korean presidential election,6 are not
positions that are somewhat more liberal or necessarily perceived as authentic, our chal-
conservative than their constituencies (Abrams lenge is not to account for Trump’s perceived
et al. 2008; Chang, Turan, and Chow 2015; authenticity in particular, but to explain varia-
Morton, Postmes, and Jetten 2007). In short, tion in the authentic appeal of the lying dema-
we are unaware of any research that explains gogue more generally.
why voters might see a “lying demagogue”— This challenge is met only part way by
someone who deliberately makes evidently existing theory, which usefully recognizes
false statements and breaks publicly-endorsed how sharp partisan identification can cause
prescriptive norms while catering to widely- voters to forgive erstwhile disqualifying
held private prejudices—as authentic. behavior by their preferred candidates. In par-
This puzzle became particularly salient in ticular, strong partisan identification can shape
the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As might access to news and information (Benkler et al.
be expected, one of the candidates—Hillary 2017; but see Allcott and Gentzkow 2017); it
Rodham Clinton—was harmed by the percep- can cause people to interpret problematic
tion she was inauthentic.1 Not only did her actions and false statements made by their
critics claim she was motivated by personal preferred candidates in ways that are favora-
self-interest rather than the public welfare (as ble to the candidate (Berinsky 2017; Nyhan
reflected in her having amassed great wealth and Reifler 2010, 2017; Swire et al. 2017;
from her and her husband’s political careers), Westen et al. 2006); and it can cause people to
but many saw her as having deliberately lied view bad behavior in a favorable light (Valdes-
and broken basic norms. According to the olo and DeSteno 2007). Yet more recent
nonpartisan fact-checking organization Politi- research casts doubt on the extent to which
fact, 38 percent of Clinton’s campaign state- information is interpreted through a partisan
ments were partly untrue and 12 percent were lens (Nyhan et al. 2017; Wood and Porter
Hahl et al. 3

2016). Moreover, if partisans always avoid represent the interests of the “real people”
negative information about their candidate, or (Müller 2016) belies an ulterior agenda they
they always interpret damaging information in feel powerless to stop (Judis 2016). As such,
favorable terms, this cannot explain why lying a candidate who engages in lying demagogu-
demagogues sometimes do not appear to be ery can be perceived as bravely speaking a
authentically appealing to their constituencies. deep and otherwise suppressed truth. By fla-
Furthermore, if partisanship causes supporters grantly violating norms on which the estab-
to see all blemishes as beautiful, this cannot lishment insists, and thereby earning the
account for key aspects of how Americans opprobrium of this establishment, the candi-
perceived the 2016 presidential candidates. date appears highly committed to the interests
These aspects are captured in three results of her constituency (Kim 2017). By contrast,
drawn from a post-election survey, which we an earnest opposition candidate seems less
present in the Appendix: most Trump support- authentic. Although such a candidate may be
ers recognized one of his most notorious lies more likable or perceived to be more compe-
as false; Trump supporters nevertheless saw tent, it may be unclear whether he truly
him as highly authentic; and Clinton support- opposes the injustice that is said to have per-
ers did not see Clinton as authentic, but instead meated the established political system.
emphasized other positive attributes such as After developing our theory, we report on
her competence. These results are inconsistent two experiments that validate the theory. In
with a simple theory of motivated reasoning, each experiment, online participants were
whereby partisans see all of their candidate’s manipulated to see themselves as members of
blemishes as beautiful. one or another social category, each of which
As developed in the next section, we argue was represented by a candidate in a fictive col-
that a particular set of social and political lege government election. The key issue in
conditions must be in place for the lying each election was whether there should be a
demagogue to appear authentically appealing campus-wide ban on alcohol. Under some
to his constituency. In short, if that constitu- conditions, the anti-ban candidate tells the
ency feels its interests are not being served by truth in his criticism of the research that is
a political establishment that purports to rep- used to justify the ban; in others, the candidate
resent it fairly, a lying demagogue can appear lies and makes a demagogic, misogynistic
as a distinctively authentic champion of its statement. A key result is that subjects who
interests. As first noted by Lipset (1959; cf. were manipulated to see themselves as mem-
Judis 2016), such a “crisis of legitimacy” can bers of the same social category as the pro-ban
emerge under at least two conditions: (1) candidate never regarded the anti-ban candi-
when one or more social groups are experi- date as authentic. In addition, among partici-
encing what we call a “representation crisis” pants who saw themselves as members of the
because the political establishment does not anti-ban candidate’s social category, the lying
appear to govern on its behalf; and (2) when demagogue was perceived as authentic only
an incumbent group is experiencing a “power- under some conditions—when there was a
devaluation crisis” because the political “crisis of legitimacy.” We conclude by dis-
establishment is favoring new social groups cussing how mere partisan identification is
over established groups (McVeigh 1999, insufficient to explain the authentic appeal of
2009; cf. Gusfield 1986; Hofstadter 1955; the lying demagogue, and that many factors to
Lipset 1959). These scenarios broadly reflect which partisan differences in perception and
the basis for populist ideologies (Bonikowski action are ascribed—culture, information
and Gidron 2016a:1595–96) that promote a access, gender, and ideology—are not neces-
“politics of resentment” (Cramer 2016), sary, but might be complementary to social
whereby the aggrieved constituency comes to and political structure. We also relate our
believe that the establishment’s claim to results to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
4 American Sociological Review 83(1)

Theory objective fact but is in fact false; and (2) is

asserted even though the speaker knows it is
We now lay out our theory in three steps. false. A liar would then be someone who,
First, we clarify how it is logically possible because he has told lies repeatedly, has
for an individual to regard someone as authen- acquired a reputation for telling lies. As noted
tic even though the person is known to be in the introduction, it would seem illogical for
insincere—that is, to tell falsehoods deliber- anyone to trust a liar to be their agent, and this
ately. This appears inconsistent with the defi- clearly extends to the case of politicians. To
nition of authenticity whereby “someone (or be sure, lying can be unproblematic, and even
something) is authentic to the extent that s/he preferable, when the lie is a “white lie” or a
(it) is what s/he (its producer) claims (it) to “prosocial lie” (Levine and Schweitzer 2015),
be” (see Hahl, Zuckerman, and Kim 2017).7 whereby the speaker and the listener share an
This problem is resolved, however, when the understanding that a larger shared purpose is
type of lie is such that the speaker flagrantly better served by concealing or distorting the
violates the norm of upholding the difference truth. In addition, political leaders may be
between truth and falsehood (Frankfurt 2005). forgiven if a false justification for a decision
This takes us to the second step, which can later be explained as having been neces-
involves resolving the question of how it is sary to mobilize support for an action that
logically possible to regard someone as would have been unpopular if discussed
authentic even though they continually vio- openly at the time (Mearsheimer 2010). But
late publicly-held norms. This is more easily what about when a politician makes state-
resolved, because past research demonstrates ments that are known to be false at the time
that public compliance with norms often and that do not conceal any problematic
masks the suppression of widespread private truths? In short, such politicians would seem
dissent (e.g., Centola, Willer, and Macy 2005; insincere and therefore inauthentic; and this
Kuran 1995; Prentice and Miller 1993; inauthenticity would seem to disqualify them
Wedeen 1999). This gap between public com- as viable electoral choices.
pliance and private dissent creates an opening But let us now make a further conceptual
for a demagogue to claim she is conveying a distinction between two ideal-types of lies, one
deeper truth and is the authentic champion of we will call a “special-access lie” and one we
those whose voices have been muzzled by the will call a “common-knowledge lie.” Figure 1
established leadership. Finally, our theory visually represents this distinction. A special-
addresses the social and political conditions access lie is a deliberately false statement
under which the lying demagogue’s claim based on facts about which the speaker is
will have persuasive power. We argue that the thought to have special access. A good exam-
authentic appeal of the lying demagogue is ple of such a lie is Bill Clinton’s notorious
rooted in the conditions identified by Lipset false claim that he “did not have sexual rela-
(1959, 1960) as responsible for a “crisis of tions with that woman” (i.e., Monica Lewin-
legitimacy” with respect to a particular con- sky). If the liar is a political candidate, the lie
stituency. Under such conditions, the lying could pertain to her past actions, her relation-
demagogue will seem more authentic in her ships, or her future commitments. Another
claims to be champion of this constituency if good example is George H. W. Bush’s famous
she is willing to burn her bridge to accept- false campaign promise, “Read my lips: no
ability in the political establishment. new taxes.”8 Generally speaking, when politi-
cal candidates are accused of being liars, these
are the types of lies they are alleged to have
Two Kinds of Lies
told. And it is often the case that the truth or
Let us first define a lie as a statement that (1) falsehood is not revealed until after the politi-
is couched in the form of an assertion of cal campaign is over. Accordingly, a basic
Hahl et al. 5

Figure 1. Conceptual Distinction between Two Ideal-Types of Lies

Note: While we make a conceptual distinction between the two ideal-types of lies, there is a spectrum
between the two into which each lie fits, as visually represented in this figure.

reason why politicians tell such lies is that they ideal-typical case of this type of lie is one in
are gambling that their falsehood will never be which the speaker not only knows the state-
uncovered—perhaps because they will have ment is false, but she knows her listeners also
political influence over those who would know that she knows the statement is false; it
uncover the lie (Davis and Ferrantino 1996; is thus common knowledge that the statement
McGraw 1998). Such a politician is indirectly is false. Accordingly, the findings presented
reinforcing the norm that speakers should in the Appendix indicate that the vast major-
make true statements and avoid false ones; the ity of Trump supporters did not think his
implicit claim is that the truth is important and claim that the Chinese invented the concept
her statement is true. of climate change was true.
A common-knowledge lie is quite differ- The distinction between special-access and
ent. This is a false assertion about facts to common-knowledge lies is an analytic one;
which the speaker has no special access. many lies (e.g., Hillary Clinton’s lie that “I
Donald Trump told many special-access lies never sent nor received any email that was
during the U.S. presidential campaign and marked classified”) may fall somewhere
afterward (e.g., his claim that he had never between the polar cases. But the distinction is
done business with “the Russians”), but his useful because it clarifies what is at stake. In
lies are distinctive for including so many particular, whereas the speaker of a special-
common-knowledge lies. For instance, Trump access lie is implicitly upholding the norm of
often pointed to information that was suppos- truth-telling, the common-knowledge liar is
edly in the public domain to support his implicitly attacking this norm. Following
claims, even if it was easily demonstrable that Frankfurt (2005), such a liar is a type of
such supporting evidence did not exist (e.g., “bullshit artist”: he is publicly challenging
his claim that his election victory was “the truth as a prescriptive norm. Indeed, although
biggest electoral college win since Ronald it may be possible to signal that one is engaged
Reagan,” or his claims regarding the size of in bullshit artistry even while telling a special-
the crowd at his inauguration). As such, the access lie (perhaps the manner by which the
6 American Sociological Review 83(1)

lie is told conveys a lack of seriousness about counter-normative beliefs (generally dis-
the truth-telling norm), the challenge is much cussed as “prejudices”) that are otherwise
clearer when it is common knowledge that the suppressed. The demagogue distinguishes
statement is false. Insofar as a speaker seems himself in his willingness to bear the social
capable of distinguishing between truth and consequences of publicly saying that the
falsehood and yet utters a statement everyone emperor is naked. He may not claim to speak
knows is false, the speaker is flouting the “truth to power,” but he claims to speak a
norm of truth-telling and inviting his listeners larger truth about power—that social control
to endorse such violations. Indeed, listeners (e.g., “political correctness” as described in
are complicit in the norm violation as long as Swaim [2016]) is suppressing significant pri-
they do not challenge him—and especially if vate dissent.
they applaud him. Put differently, voters have two ways to
determine a candidate’s authenticity. One
approach is to determine authenticity on the
Demagoguery as Speaking Truth
basis of the candidate’s sincerity or prosocial-
about Power
ity: inauthentic candidates are those who tell
Our question has now been reduced to a more lies or who violate publicly-endorsed norms.
manageable one: How can someone who A second approach for determining authentic-
claims to promote the popular will be seen as ity is based on the implicit claim of the lying
authentic even though he breaks publicly- demagogue—that is, publicly-endorsed norms
held norms, including those pertaining to are imposed rather than freely chosen. The
distinguishing known truths from known lying demagogue thus claims to be an authen-
falsehoods? This question is more manage- tic champion of those who are subject to
able because past research indicates that pub- social control by the established political lead-
lic compliance with prescriptive norms often ership. Such a claim gains credence to the
masks significant dissent (e.g., Kuran 1995; extent that two conditions hold: (1) there are
Prentice and Miller 1993; Wedeen 1999). A in fact gaps between publicly-endorsed norms
minority—or even a majority under some and privately-held beliefs, thus indicating that
conditions (Centola et al. 2005)—may pri- true opinions are being suppressed; and (2) the
vately disagree with publicly-endorsed norms, politician is willing to sacrifice his acceptance
but a group’s established leadership (however by the establishment. Viewed this way, each
formal or informal) tends to determine group method of determining authenticity is consist-
membership, at least in part, based on compli- ent with previous work that shows audiences
ance with such norms. Accordingly, individu- tend to attribute authenticity to a person who
als who seek social acceptance generally have is publicly willing to “assume responsibility
an incentive to hide their deviance through for his or her actions, and makes explicit values-
public compliance and even to enforce a based choices concerning those actions and
norm they do not privately endorse (Willer, appearances rather than accepting pre-
Kuwabara, and Macy 2009; cf. Kim and programmed or socially imposed values and
Zuckerman Sivan 2017). Moreover, a com- actions” (Carroll and Wheaton 2009:261).9
mon and powerful way to signal commitment Yet the actions of each type of authentic actor
to a group—and its leadership’s legitimacy— are clearly in opposition to each other, with
is by publicly complying even though it is respect to upholding establishment norms. In
known that one does not privately endorse the fact, by the “authentic champion” logic, the
norm (Kim 2017). more dramatic the departure from the norms
This gap between publicly-endorsed norms the establishment uses to determine accepta-
and private beliefs is the basis for our defini- bility, the more credible are the lying dema-
tion of demagoguery (see, e.g., Gustainis gogue’s claims to represent those who see
1990; Mercieca 2015)—that is, an appeal to such norms as instruments of social control.
Hahl et al. 7

Figure 2. Visual Representation of “Representation Crisis”

Crises of Legitimacy Pave the appeals (for a review, see Bonikowski and
Demagogue’s Way Gidron 2016b). It occurs when established
political leaders claim to govern on behalf of
If there are two alternative ways to interpret all citizens but in fact are believed to pursue
the same facts and conclude that a political their own interests or that of an incumbent
candidate is authentic—one based on sincerity/ social category—that is, a group that has
prosociality and one based on authentic cham- enjoyed more rights or resources in the past.
pionhood—this raises the question of which It is understandable why members of other
will be chosen. The literature on motivated social categories would feel aggrieved under
reasoning (Kunda 1990) suggests this will those conditions, especially if established
depend on two factors: whether a voter’s inter- political leaders claim that the government
est is better served by one interpretation or the serves all members of society. In short, the
other; and whether that interpretation plausibly government seems illegitimate because it
fits the available evidence. More specifically, promotes democratic norms that it does not
as relates to the question at hand, we argue that in fact uphold. Figure 2 depicts this type of
these factors will vary with (1) the social cat- crisis of legitimacy. Judis (2016:72) charac-
egory with which a voter identifies; and (2) terizes this as a “dyadic” socio-political
whether the political system may be perceived dynamic because two actors are involved: a
as suffering from a “crisis of legitimacy” group who are outsiders, in that they do not
(Lipset 1959, 1960; for a review, see Mast feel they are being served by the political
2017) with respect to that social category. establishment (but who may regard them-
Lipset’s (1960:78) delineation of two char- selves as the “silent majority”), and an
acteristic types of legitimacy crisis is helpful incumbent group that controls the establish-
for fleshing out the logic and providing two ment. Two examples from U.S. history of
different contexts in which to develop and test populist movements that claimed a represen-
our theory. What we will call a representation tation crisis are (Louisiana politician) Huey
crisis occurs when “[not] all the major groups Long’s “share our wealth” challenge to
in society . . . have access to the political sys- Franklin D. Roosevelt’s early administration,
tem.” And what we will call a power-devalu- and the populist movement’s campaign for
ation crisis occurs when “the status of major “free silver” in the last decade of the nine-
conservative institutions is threatened during teenth century (Judis 2016).
[a] period of structural change.” It is clear why a representation crisis breeds
A representation crisis is straightforward conditions where the lying demagogue might
in that it is the basis for classic populist seem like an authentic champion. By
8 American Sociological Review 83(1)

Figure 3. Visual Representation of “Power-Devaluation Crisis”

implicitly arguing that publicly-endorsed and whom the incumbent group views as
norms belie significant private dissent, the being unfairly favored by the establishment.
demagogue is signaling to his constituency Research on this type of crisis began in the
that he can serve as an effective voice.10 mid-1950s with Hofstadter’s (1955) and
Moreover, the greater his willingness to antag- Lipset’s (1959) analyses of “status politics.”
onize the establishment by making himself This idea was developed further by Gusfield
persona non grata, the more credible is his (1986) in his analysis of the temperance
claim to be his constituency’s leader. His fla- movement. This literature focused on politi-
grant violation of norms (including that of cal movements that were driven by a sense of
truth-telling; see Judis 2016:72–73) makes injustice but were often focused on symbolic
him odious to the establishment, someone issues rather than material ones (e.g., the
from whom they must distance themselves legality of alcohol use) and emerged from a
lest they be tainted by scandal (Adut 2008). middle-class constituency (Ranulf 1964). The
But this very need by the establishment to common denominator was a sense that the
distance itself from the lying demagogue lends erstwhile higher-status category was losing
credibility to his claim to be an authentic status relative to groups that had formerly
champion for those who feel disenfranchised been even lower status. More recently,
by that establishment. By contrast, someone McVeigh’s (1999, 2009) analysis of the Ku
who does not flagrantly violate publicly- Klux Klan in the 1920s and the Tea Party
endorsed norms should not provoke the same after 2008 suggests that such conservative
negative reaction from the establishment and movements are driven by a mix of status,
thus seems less obviously committed to chal- economic, and political changes that sow fear
lenging it. of power-devaluation among those who pre-
The logic of power-devaluation crises ena- viously felt they were part of the establish-
bles lying demagoguery in the same basic ment. This sentiment is due not simply to the
manner as representation crises, but a distinct fact that their social category is falling in
socio-political dynamic is at work. In Judis’s power, but that upstart social categories, in
(2016) analysis, and as depicted in Figure 3, such groups’ views, are being unjustly favored
these crises involve three groups: (1) a politi- by the establishment. For example, the Ku
cal establishment; (2) an incumbent group Klux Klan of the 1920s alleged that the gov-
who sees itself as the “real people” (Müller ernment was beholden to corporate interests
2016) but has been losing power; and (3) a that were imposing unfair competition on them
group of erstwhile outsiders who are rising by inviting masses of unskilled immigrants
Hahl et al. 9

(McVeigh 2009), and many of Donald aggrieved due to at least one type of legiti-
Trump’s supporters saw the Federal govern- macy crisis:
ment as illegitimate because it helped non-
whites and immigrants “jump the queue” Representation crisis: X is an outsider
through affirmative action programs (Hochs- social category and its members perceive
child 2016; see also Gest 2016; Williams the political establishment as serving
2017; Wood 2017). incumbents at the expense of the public
Such a power-devaluation crisis thus cre- welfare.
ates conditions under which a traditionalist or
right-wing lying demagogue should have Power-devaluation crisis: X is an incum-
authentic appeal. The logic is the same as in a bent social category and its members
representation crisis, but now the demagogue perceive the political establishment as
is challenging new norms rather than existing unfairly favoring an outsider category Y.
ones, and he is arguing that the establishment
is illegitimate because it has betrayed the val-
ues and interests of an incumbent group that Empirical overview: when
had previously held sway for appropriate is a lying demagogue
reasons. Again, the demagogue will seem perceived to be
more of an authentic champion insofar as her authentic?
norm-breaking induces the (new) establish-
ment to denigrate her, thus making her seem We now lay out the architecture of the two
more committed to the aggrieved constitu- experiments that test our theoretical proposi-
ency than is a candidate who does not fla- tion. Experiments are particularly suitable as
grantly break (the new) norms. an empirical method here because they allow
The upshot is that under either type of crisis us to validate our proposed mechanism and to
of legitimacy, what might seem from the out- exclude other processes (e.g., culture, media
side to be an irrational assessment, whereby exposure, gender) that may influence how
one attributes authenticity to a liar and public- candidates are perceived (see discussion
mindedness to a norm-breaker, is in fact a rea- below). In addition, by designing experiments
sonable consequence of socio-political position on simulated conditions, we can make prog-
and motivated reasoning. We argue that when ress in understanding the authentic appeal of
voters identify with an “aggrieved” social cat- the lying demagogue outside the charged
egory—that is, one whose members see them- atmosphere of the 2016 presidential election
selves as unfairly treated by the political and its aftermath.
establishment, they will be more motivated to
view demagogic falsehoods from a candidate
claiming to serve them as gestures of symbolic
protest against the dominant group. When this For Study 1 (representation crisis), conducted
happens, such voters will view the candidate in January 2017, we recruited 424 unique par-
making these statements as more authentic than ticipants through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
would people in other social categories. (MTurk) tool. For Study 2 (power-devaluation
The most general statement of our argu- crisis), conducted in April 2017, we recruited
ment may be summarized as follows: 400 unique participants. We made sure no one
who participated in Study 1 could participate
Proposition: Voters who identify with social in Study 2. Our goal was to include 50 partici-
category X will attribute greater authentic- pants for each cell (about 400 per study).
ity to a lying demagogue (relative to a can- Previous research on the use of MTurk sug-
didate who is not a lying demagogue) who gests that because of the inherent noise on this
represents X insofar as members of X feel platform, reliable results can be obtained only
10 American Sociological Review 83(1)

when each experimental condition contains at election where a campus ban on alcohol was a
least 50 observations (Bartneck et al. 2015). hotly contested issue.11 Each study sought to
Collecting too many observations might manipulate (a) whether a participant identifies
increase the likelihood of an overpowered with the incumbent or outsider category, (b)
study (i.e., results are deemed significant sta- whether there is a legitimacy crisis, and (c)
tistically, but only because of the large number whether the “anti-alcohol-ban” candidate (who
of observations), so we kept the number of is an outsider in Study 1 and an incumbent in
participants close to the minimum of 50 per Study 2) does or does not make statements that
condition suggested by previous work. contain common-knowledge lies and are dema-
MTurk has been used widely in experimen- gogic in nature.12 Figure 4 visually represents
tal research and has been found to provide a each manipulation and the overall flow of each
subject pool that is slightly more educated and experiment. The series of manipulations resulted
technologically savvy than the national aver- in eight conditions per study: 2 (incumbent/
age (Berinsky, Huber, and Lenz 2012; Buhrm- outsider) × 2 (legitimacy crisis/no crisis) × 2
ester, Kwang, and Gosling 2011). We were (anti-ban candidate is a lying demagogue/not).
looking for participants who reflected this The key difference between the two experi-
general audience, rather than an audience with ments pertains to the type of legitimacy crisis
a specific set of knowledge or attitudes. manipulated (b): in the first experiment, there is
MTurk provides access to many potential par- a representation crisis where the political estab-
ticipants who meet such criteria and is thus an lishment claims to govern on behalf of all citi-
appropriate setting to gauge how people’s zens but appears to pursue its own interest or
perceptions are formed based on realistic sce- that of an incumbent social category (as illus-
narios of which participants often have first- trated in Figure 2); in the second experiment,
hand social knowledge (Parigi, Santana, and there is a power-devaluation crisis, where the
Cook 2017). One of the downsides of MTurk, political establishment appears to favor an “out-
however, is the higher monitoring risk com- sider” upstart social category (as illustrated in
pared to university laboratory settings. In par- Figure 3).
ticular, there is a risk that some participants do Upon entering each experiment, partici-
not pay as close attention to the task as would pants were told they would take part in a sur-
participants in a lab with visible monitoring. vey that was “designed to find out how best to
This potentially limits the effect of a manipu- cooperate with college students who are run-
lation. To confirm that our participants paid ning for positions in the student government.”
close enough attention to the task, we asked They were further told they would be given
them a series of attention questions about information “about an election campaign for
information presented on a previous screen positions in the student government” and
(Mason and Suri 2012). About 10 percent of asked for “your opinions on who you would
our sample (79 of 824) got at least one attention- vote for.” We will now lay out the manipula-
check question wrong. Each time this occurred, tions. Manipulations (a) and (c) were identical
they were told the correct answer to reinforce for both experiments but the manipulation for
the information they were meant to digest. element (b)—the legitimacy crisis manipula-
The results presented here include all partici- tion—was specific to each experiment.
pants but are robust to excluding those who
got at least one question wrong. (a) Outsider/incumbent group manip-
ulation. Each experiment began with a ver-
sion of the “Klee and Kandinsky test” often
used in the minimal group paradigm to ran-
Each of the two experiments asked a study par- domly assign participants to one of two (mean-
ticipant to assess a pair of candidates who were ingless) types labeled Q2 and S2 (e.g., Hahl
supposedly competing in a college campus and Zuckerman 2014; Hahl et al. 2017;
Hahl et al. 11

Figure 4. Overview and Flow of Two Studies

Note: This diagram portrays the layout of both studies. The key difference between the two studies
is the manipulation in (b): In Study 1, the crisis of legitimacy is a “representation crisis” and the
anti-alcohol-ban candidate is from an outsider social category (Q2); in Study 2, the crisis is a “power-
devaluation crisis” and the anti-alcohol-ban candidate is from an incumbent social category (Q2). In
both studies, the anti-alcohol-ban candidate can appear either as a lying demagogue or as a “baseline”
candidate who neither lies nor makes a demagogic statement. Note that while participants are randomly
assigned to be either Q2-type or S2-type, every participant evaluates both the Q2-type candidate and the
S2-type candidate.

Ridgeway and Correll 2006; Tajfel et al. 1971; “S2-type” candidates throughout the vignette.
Yamagishi and Kiyonari 2000). To do this, Via the link to the personality type of the can-
participants were told they would first take a didate, participants were meant to see them-
test that “has been proven by numerous studies selves as being on one or another side of the
to divide the world evenly based on personality major issue in the college election: the student
type, which we will label Q2 and S2.” Partici- government’s stance for or against banning
pants were also told that “when students first alcohol on campus. In Study 1, the Q2 (incum-
enter this college, they also take a personality bent) candidate was in favor of maintaining a
type test during orientation” and “based on the ban that had been imposed earlier that year by
selections and preferences you display, the test the college in coordination with the student
will reveal whether you are a ‘Q2’ or ‘S2.’” government; the S2 (outsider) candidate was
Participants then ranked the Klee and Kandin- against the ban. In Study 2, this was reversed:
sky paintings and were told their response the Q2 (incumbent) candidate was against a
patterns indicate they are an S2 or a Q2. Partici- proposed ban, whereas the S2 (outsider) candi-
pants did not know the process was actually date expressed support for such a ban. Partici-
random. pants in each study thus learned that members
In the course of the manipulation (b) (see of their “type” were on one or another side of
below), participants found out that one of the a hotly contested political issue.
candidates was an S2 personality type and It is important to underline how this
another was a Q2 personality type, thereby manipulation creates a form of partisanship
creating a link between each study participant that is orthogonal to the partisan divide in
and one of the two candidates. Participants contemporary U.S. politics. Previous studies
were told that to protect students’ anonymity, using this experimental paradigm consistently
the candidates are referred to as “Q2-type” and show that (random) assignment to a “type”
12 American Sociological Review 83(1)

(S2 or Q2) induces stronger identification to Furthermore, participants were told about a
that type over the course of an experiment time when this particular Q2-type (incum-
(e.g., Hahl and Zuckerman 2014; Hahl et al. bent) candidate was featured in the student
2017; Ridgeway and Correll 2006; Tajfel newspaper for having ignored a student’s
et al. 1971; Yamagishi and Kiyonari 2000). request for assistance with securing financial
Of course, partisanship outside the lab carries aid. Participants learned that a reporter had
more depth than the “thin” association we followed up on the request: “The reporter
elicit here. But this thinness is an advantage: found that when the Q2-type candidate
it allows for a conservative test of the idea received the request, he ignored it because it
that membership in a social category experi- was not part of his responsibility. The issue
encing a legitimacy crisis may be sufficient was never resolved.” Finally, participants in
for individuals to perceive a standard bearer the representation crisis conditions were told
for that category as an authentic champion that individuals supporting the S2-type (out-
when he engages in lying demagoguery. sider) candidate expressed “concern that the
debate would be unfair, since the moderator
(b) Crises of legitimacy manipula- was an administrator and knew the Q2-type
tions. After participants were assigned to a candidate.”13
“personality type” (Q2 or S2), they were ran- By contrast, participants in the no repre-
domly assigned to one of two legitimacy cri- sentation crisis conditions were told that
sis conditions in each study. Each study had a other Q2-type (incumbent) students who had
different type of legitimacy crisis (Study 1: held the office of president in the past “often
representation crisis; Study 2: power-devaluation give up their own free time to represent the
crisis) and its own corresponding no crisis students and the community” and “it has been
condition. The next sections describe each estimated that someone in this role in the stu-
of the two legitimacy crisis manipulations; dent government spends more than 300 hours
it is important to remember that each par- per semester on top of school work and other
ticipant was exposed to only one of these activities.” Furthermore, in contrast to the
conditions. reporter’s story in the representation crisis
conditions, in the no representation crisis
conditions participants were told that the
Study 1: Representation Crisis
Q2-type (incumbent) candidate was featured
in a story in which he went out of his way to
This manipulation was meant to elicit the help a student who had requested help from
perception that the Q2-type (incumbent) can- the student government: “The reporter found
didate either was taking advantage of his that when the Q2-type candidate received the
position and not concerned about others (rep- request, he brought the case to a confidential
resentation crisis conditions) or was moti- meeting with the dean of the college and
vated to do his job and help others out of requested that this issue be resolved even
genuine pro-social concern (no representa- though it was not part of his responsibility.”
tion crisis conditions). To manipulate partici- Finally, participants were also told that the
pants to recognize a representation crisis, the Q2-type (incumbent) candidate was surprised
Q2-type (incumbent) candidate was described about the newspaper coverage, having neither
as having benefited personally from network initiated it nor been aware that the reporter
connections related to his position in the had known about the story.
incumbent group: “The student government Several key pieces of information did not
president often meets with college adminis- vary across conditions. In particular, partici-
trators and board members. These connec- pants in both the representation crisis and no
tions have sometimes been known to be representation crisis conditions were
helpful for a student’s future career.” informed that the S2-type candidate had never
Hahl et al. 13

served nor even run for student government at risk.’” All of these statements point to
in the past, but “he had been the head of the increased concern that the college administration
biggest fraternity on campus, one that was was supporting the upstart S2-type (outsider)
well known (and notorious among college social category represented by the pro-alcohol-
administrators) for its rambunctious culture ban candidate, despite resentment by those who
and wild parties.” In addition, participants in identify with the campus traditions.
all conditions were told that this year’s stu- By contrast, participants randomly assigned
dent government election had attracted more to the no power-devaluation crisis conditions
attention than usual because it “was the first were told that the election “was the first stu-
student government election since the college dent government election since the question
adopted a policy to ban alcohol on campus.” of a campus ban on alcohol had become a
Finally, participants in all conditions learned major issue” but “the dean of students sug-
that the Q2-type candidate was in favor of gested that he did not expect a change in
maintaining the alcohol ban, whereas the school traditions around alcohol in the fore-
S2-type candidate was against the ban. seeable future.” Furthermore, participants in
these conditions were told that “an open letter
from a group of influential alumni empha-
Study 2: Power-Devaluation Crisis
sized how much they cherish the ‘college’s
proud traditions’ and they praised the college
This manipulation was meant to elicit the administration for ‘honoring those tradi-
belief among participants that the college tions.’” Finally, participants were told that
administration (i.e., establishment) was “the dean of students responded with an open
unfairly favoring the upstart S2-type (out- letter to the community saying, ‘We value our
sider) social category. Participants in both the traditions and should protect them against
power-devaluation crisis conditions and the short-term changes in popular culture.’” In
no power-devaluation crisis conditions were contrast to the power-devaluation crisis con-
first told that this election “was the first stu- ditions, the S2-type (outsider) candidate in
dent government election since the college the no power-devaluation crisis conditions
had announced that it would consider banning was not shown any favor by the college
alcohol on campus.” Participants in the power- administration (establishment). In fact, the
devaluation crisis conditions were then told establishment seemed to be on the side of the
that “as publicity over sexual assault on col- Q2-type (incumbent) social category, repre-
lege campuses increased last year, several sented by the candidate who advocated for
protests promoting the ban received attention the status quo and no alcohol ban.
in the national media, and the recently hired
dean of students responded by suggesting that (c) Lying demagogue/baseline candi-
the administration would now support a ban.” date manipulation. The final manipulation
Participants in the power-devaluation crisis in each study was used to establish whether
conditions were also told that “there was the anti-alcohol-ban candidate made a false
growing resentment among some students demagogic statement. In each study, partici-
towards the college administration for being pants were told that support for the alcohol
willing to consider an alcohol ban” and “an ban derived in part from recent “academic
open letter from a group of influential alumni research [performed] by Professors Robert
accused the administration of ‘cravenly giving Nielsen and Cynthia Jordan . . . which showed
into a group of newcomers who don’t respect that when colleges allowed alcohol on cam-
the college’s proud traditions.’” Finally, these pus, incidences [sic] of sexual assault increased
participants were told that “the new dean of significantly.” This research is fictional. This
students responded with an open letter to the manipulation was followed by a set of attention-
community saying, ‘Sometimes our traditions check questions used to reinforce the authors’
have to change when the safety of our students is names (i.e., one was male and one was
14 American Sociological Review 83(1)

female) and whether the study had been reaction to a potential alcohol ban. As noted
reviewed and approved for publication by earlier, these questions reinforce the manipu-
other scholars in the field. This information lations as well as check for attention.
formed the basis for statements made in a
debate between the two candidates during the
Participants were then informed that the After the last set of attention-check questions,
pro-alcohol-ban candidate was randomly all participants were told that they were “ran-
picked to speak first in the debate; he had domly assigned to first evaluate the S2-type
stated, “the college has obligations to protect candidate.” Participants were then asked to
its students from sexual assault . . . on cam- rate on a scale of 1 (low) to 7 (high) the
pus”; he had cited the research; and he had “S2-type candidate on measures of ” different
concluded that it therefore “makes good sense attributes, presented in randomly sorted order.
to ban alcohol on campus.” Next, participants One of these measures was authenticity. The
randomly assigned to the baseline conditions others were competence, prestige, genuine-
were told that the anti-alcohol-ban candidate ness, sincerity, considerateness, warmth, and
said, “We really don’t know if there is a link likability.
between alcohol and sexual assault. The In contrast to previous research on authen-
research that influenced this policy was not ticity (e.g., Hahl and Zuckerman 2014; Hahl
even published in a peer-reviewed journal. et al. 2017), we used a single authenticity
We can’t be so quick to rely on it, and we item, rather than a scale combining authentic-
need to allow alcohol on campus.” ity, genuineness, and sincerity to operational-
One key difference between the baseline ize the perception of authenticity. As reviewed
and lying demagogue conditions was that in earlier, one approach to determine authenticity
the former participants were informed that the is based on sincerity and prosociality; a sec-
research had indeed not yet been published in ond approach is that of the authentic cham-
a peer-reviewed journal, whereas in the latter, pion who lies while proclaiming a deeper truth
participants were told that the research had in about injustice. This theoretical rationale for
fact already been published in a peer-reviewed separating perceptions of authenticity from
journal, thus rendering the anti-alcohol-ban perceptions of sincerity is empirically vali-
candidate’s statement a common-knowledge dated in the post-election survey (see the
lie. In addition, participants in the lying dema- Appendix), where Trump’s authenticity was
gogue conditions were informed that the anti- perceived by his supporters to be significantly
alcohol-ban candidate added a demagogic, greater than his sincerity or considerateness.
misogynistic comment to the statement made Therefore, we use the single authenticity item
in the baseline conditions: “Plus, the research to measure participants’ perceptions of authen-
that influenced the policy was conducted by ticity in analysis of our experimental data. We
two professors—obviously with a radical fem- report how perceptions of authenticity are
inist agenda—who hate the idea that some- related to perceptions of considerateness after
times girls just want to be girls and a little describing the main results of both studies.
alcohol helps.”14 The lying demagogue condi- Given this experimental architecture, our
tions thus include both a common-knowledge Proposition can be translated into four specific
lie and a misogynistic statement, each of hypotheses, which are tested in Study 1 in the
which constitutes a clearly deliberate norm context of a representation crisis, and in Study
violation.15 2 in the context of a power-devaluation crisis:
After these descriptions, participants were
asked a series of attention-check questions Hypothesis 1: Where there is a crisis of legiti-
about the authorship of the articles, the dean’s macy that pertains to the social category of the
stance on the college’s traditions, and alumni anti-alcohol-ban candidate, study participants
Hahl et al. 15

who are in this social category and who view language patterns (relevant if different defini-
the lying demagogue version of the candi- tions of authenticity might be used). Finally,
date will perceive the anti-alcohol-ban can- because members of different social catego-
didate as more authentic than do otherwise ries within an experimental condition had
comparable participants who view a baseline
access to exactly the same information, this
version of the candidate (i.e., one who does
not lie or engage in demagoguery).
eliminates the possibility that differential
exposure to information is responsible for the
Hypothesis 2: Where there is no crisis of legiti- effects we observe.
macy that pertains to the social category of
the anti-alcohol-ban candidate, study partici-
pants who are in this social category and who Main Results
view the lying demagogue version of the Study 1: Representation Crisis Study
candidate will perceive the anti-alcohol-ban
candidate as less authentic than do otherwise
comparable participants who view a baseline
All four hypotheses were validated in Study
version of the candidate (i.e., one who does 1, where the anti-alcohol-ban candidate was
not lie or engage in demagoguery). an outsider and the key conditions were those
inducing a representation crisis involving the
Hypothesis 3: Study participants who are in the social category (S2) of that candidate. Figure
same category as the anti-alcohol-ban candi- 5 shows the mean values and comparisons for
date and where there is a crisis of legitimacy all conditions. In line with Hypothesis 1, par-
with respect to that category will perceive
ticipants randomly assigned to the outsider/
the lying demagogue version of this candi-
date as more authentic than will otherwise
representation crisis/lying demagogue condi-
comparable study participants in conditions tion (n = 54; mean = 5.61) attributed substan-
where there is no crisis of legitimacy with tially more authenticity (Mann-Whitney
respect to their category. z-score = 7.04; p < .001) to the anti-alcohol-
ban candidate than did participants randomly
Hypothesis 4: Where there is a crisis of legiti- assigned to the outsider/representation crisis/
macy that pertains to the social category of baseline condition (n = 53; mean = 3.68).16
the anti-alcohol-ban candidate, study partic-
That is, when there is a representation crisis
ipants who are in the same category as this
anti-alcohol-ban candidate will perceive the
involving an outsider social category, a lying
lying demagogue version of this candidate demagogue representing that category appears
as more authentic than do study participants more authentic to members of that category
who are otherwise comparable but are in the than does a candidate who refrains from lying
category of the pro-alcohol-ban candidate. and demagoguery.
By contrast, and in line with Hypothesis 2,
Before discussing the results, it is worth participants randomly assigned to the out-
noting the factors we are excluding from our sider/no crisis/lying demagogue condition
experiments, including those that some argue (n = 63; mean = 3.46) attributed substantially
were important in the 2016 U.S. presidential less authenticity (z-score = 2.98; p < .01) to
election. First, by presenting both candidates the anti-alcohol-ban candidate than did par-
as male, we set aside the possibility that ticipants randomly assigned to the outsider/
female candidates have particular challenges no crisis/baseline condition (n = 54; mean =
in being regarded as authentic (but see the 4.46). Moreover, and in line with Hypothesis
Appendix concerning Hillary Clinton’s per- 3, participants randomly assigned to the out-
ceived authenticity). In addition, random sider/representation crisis/lying demagogue
assignment to the various conditions means condition (n = 54; mean = 5.61) attributed
there should be no connection between study substantially more authenticity (z-score =
participants’ social category and their gender, 6.22; p < .001) to the anti-alcohol-ban candi-
cultural milieu, political affiliation (i.e., date than did participants randomly assigned
whether they voted for Trump or Clinton), or to the outsider/no crisis/lying demagogue
16 American Sociological Review 83(1)

Figure 5. Study 1: Perceived Authenticity of the S2-Type (Outsider) Candidate

Note: The left-most four bars represent perceptions from participants randomly assigned to S2-type
(thus associating themselves with the S2-type candidate); the right-most four bars represent the
same from participants in Q2-type (thus not associating themselves with the S2-type candidate).
The tests for Hypotheses 1 and 2 are shown graphically. The other two comparisons show that the
authenticity-enhancing effect of lying demagoguery in the crisis conditions pertains only to those who
identify themselves with the lying demagogue (i.e., S2-type), since there is no evidence that the lying
demagogue appears any more authentic than the baseline candidate. Hypothesis 3 is validated through
the comparison of results between the outsider/crisis/lying demagogue condition and the outsider/
no crisis/lying demagogue condition; Hypothesis 4 is validated through the comparison between the
outsider/crisis/lying demagogue condition and the incumbent/crisis/lying demagogue condition. Both
of those tests provide statistically significant results as well, as reported in the text.

condition (n = 63; mean = 3.46). These results representation crisis/lying demagogue condi-
confirm that the authenticity-enhancing effect tion (n = 52; mean = 4.06). Thus, a legitimacy
of lying demagoguery is present only when a crisis is necessary but not sufficient for the
legitimacy crisis provides motivation for lying demagogue to be perceived as authen-
members of an aggrieved outsider social cat- tic; the perceiver must also be a member of
egory to respond to the appeal of a lying the outsider social category that the lying
demagogue. Otherwise, the lying demagogue demagogue represents.
appears less authentic than a candidate who
tells the truth and refrains from demagoguery,
Study 2: Power-Devaluation Crisis
even to the candidate’s natural constituency.
Finally, and in line with Hypothesis 4,
participants randomly assigned to the out- All four hypotheses were also validated in
sider/representation crisis/lying demagogue Study 2, where the anti-alcohol-ban candidate
condition (n = 54; mean = 5.61) attributed was a political incumbent and the key condi-
more authenticity (z-score = 2.98; p < .01) to tions were those inducing a power-devaluation
the anti-alcohol-ban candidate than did par- crisis involving the social category (Q2) of
ticipants randomly assigned to the incumbent/ that candidate. Figure 6 shows the mean
Hahl et al. 17

Figure 6. Study 2: Perceived Authenticity of the Q2-Type (Incumbent) Candidate

Note: The left-most four bars represent perceptions from participants randomly assigned to Q2-type
(thus associating themselves with the Q2-type candidate); the right-most four bars represent the same
from participants in S2-type (thus not associating themselves with the Q2-type candidate). The tests
for Hypotheses 1 and 2 are shown graphically. The other two comparisons show that the authenticity-
enhancing effect of lying demagoguery in the crisis conditions pertains only to those who identify
themselves with the lying demagogue (i.e., Q2-type), since the lying demagogue does not appear any
more authentic than the baseline candidate (in fact, significantly less authentic, as shown). Hypothesis
3 is validated through the comparison of results between the incumbent/crisis/lying demagogue
condition and the incumbent/no crisis/lying demagogue condition; Hypothesis 4 is validated through
the comparison between the incumbent/crisis/lying demagogue condition and the outsider/crisis/lying
demagogue condition. Both of those tests provide statistically significant results as well, as reported in
the text.

values and comparisons for all conditions. In 53; mean = 3.68) attributed less authenticity
line with Hypothesis 1, participants randomly (z-score = 3.13; p < .01) to the anti-alcohol-
assigned to the incumbent/power-devaluation ban candidate than did participants who were
crisis/lying demagogue condition (n = 54; randomly assigned to the incumbent/no crisis/
mean = 5.22) saw the anti-alcohol-ban candi- baseline condition (n = 50; mean = 4.72).
date as more authentic (z-score = 2.06; p < Moreover, and in line with Hypothesis 3, par-
.05) than did participants who were randomly ticipants randomly assigned to the incumbent/
assigned to the incumbent/power-devaluation power-devaluation crisis/lying demagogue
crisis/baseline condition (n = 52; mean = condition (n = 54; mean = 5.22) attributed
4.71). Thus, when there is a power-devaluation more authenticity (z-score = 4.50; p < .001) to
crisis involving an incumbent social category, the anti-alcohol-ban candidate than did par-
a lying demagogue representing that category ticipants randomly assigned to the incumbent/
appears more authentic to members of that no crisis/lying demagogue condition (n = 53;
category than does a candidate who refrains mean = 3.68). These results reinforce the con-
from lying or demagoguery. clusion that the authenticity-enhancing effect
By contrast, and in line with Hypothesis 2, of lying demagoguery is present only when a
participants randomly assigned to the incum- legitimacy crisis provides motivation for
bent/no crisis/lying demagogue condition (n = members of an aggrieved incumbent social
18 American Sociological Review 83(1)

category to respond to the appeal of a lying insufficient for voters to find a lying dema-
demagogue. Otherwise, the lying demagogue gogue authentic. Furthermore, the lying dema-
appears less authentic than a candidate who gogue is viewed as more authentic in the midst
tells the truth and refrains from demagoguery, of this crisis than he would appear absent a
even to the candidate’s natural constituency. crisis. Finally, voters who are not constituents
Finally, and in line with Hypothesis 4, par- of the lying demagogue never attribute more
ticipants in the incumbent/power-devaluation authenticity to such a candidate compared to a
crisis/lying demagogue condition (n = 54; baseline candidate. Such voters do not have the
mean = 5.22) attributed more authenticity necessary motivation to hear the lying dema-
(z-score = 3.99; p < .001) to the anti-alcohol- gogue’s implicit message.
ban candidate than did participants in the
outsider/power-devaluation crisis/lying dem-
agogue condition (n = 47; mean = 3.78). Robustness Checks
Thus, we again see that a legitimacy crisis is Before concluding, we check the robustness
necessary but not sufficient for the lying of our results. One possible concern is that
demagogue to be perceived as authentic; the perceptions of authenticity are unrelated to
perceiver must also be a member of the electoral support. Our theory does not have
incumbent social category that the lying dem- clear implications for overall support because
agogue represents. (1) such support should be determined by
other perceptions of the candidate (e.g., their
competence and prosociality) in addition to
Discussion of Main Results
their perceived authenticity; and (2) study
These studies validate our theory as to why participants may have identified with the
and when a lying demagogue would be seen as social categories represented by the candi-
more authentic than someone who neither lies dates, but they were only asked to observe the
nor engages in demagoguery. In each study, election and not role play as if they were to
two conditions are jointly necessary for a lying vote in it. Nonetheless, it is instructive to com-
demagogue to seem authentic to a set of vot- pare the similarity of distributions in Figures 5
ers: there must be a crisis of legitimacy, and and 6 to that displayed in Figure 7, which
these voters must be members of the aggrieved shows variation by condition in mean answers
social category. In the context of a legitimacy to a seven-point item, “How enthusiastically
crisis, aggrieved voters are motivated to inter- do you think those who want to allow alcohol
pret the act of lying demagoguery as a sym- on campus will support the S2-type (for Study
bolic challenge to the seemingly illegitimate 1) / Q2-type (for Study 2) candidate?” Over-
establishment. The candidate demonstrates he all, especially in Study 1, participants expected
is an authentic champion by flouting norms that greater authenticity would be consistent
this establishment holds dear. We have shown with greater support. Note that in both studies,
evidence of this effect in the two types of the lying demagogue is expected to win his
legitimacy crises first noted by Lipset (1959, natural constituency when there is a legiti-
1960; cf. Judis 2016): a representation crisis macy crisis, but not when there is no crisis.
and a power-devaluation crisis. In each case, We now briefly consider two additional
the lying demagogue candidate is viewed as issues: (I) whether our experimental manipula-
more authentic than a baseline candidate. This tion was sufficiently strong that it operated
relationship is reversed when there is no legiti- independent of study participants’ gender and
macy crisis: the candidate’s natural constitu- political identities; and (II) whether the authen-
ents attribute less authenticity to the lying tic appeal of the lying demagogue is confined
demagogue than to the baseline candidate in to authentic championhood, as we argued, or if
the absence of a legitimacy crisis. This demon- it reflects a general tendency for aggrieved vot-
strates that mere partisan identification is ers to view their candidate in a positive light.
Hahl et al. 19

Figure 7. Summary of Results on “Support”

Note: These results are based on all participants’ responses to a seven-point item, “How enthusiastically
do you think those who want to allow alcohol on campus will support the S2-type (for Study 1) / Q2-
type (for Study 2) candidate?” The patterns for results on support are nearly identical to those shown
on perceptions of authenticity. Study 2 is less consistent with the authenticity results than Study 1, but
in all cases, when the lying demagogue candidate is in a legitimacy crisis, his support is higher than his
baseline alternative. This is not the case when the legitimacy crisis is absent.
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.

Robustness Check I: The Irrelevance

of Gender and Trump/Clinton the case in our experiments. With regard to
Support how study participants voted in the 2016
presidential election, one might suppose that
There are good reasons to suppose that the the politically charged atmosphere of this
results of our experiments may vary depend- election and its aftermath would have a sig-
ing on study participants’ gender and whether nificant effect on how study participants
they voted for Trump or Clinton in the 2016 responded to the lying demagogue (relative to
election. With regard to gender, one might the baseline opposition candidate). In particu-
hypothesize that women should be less likely lar, insofar as the lying demagogue character
to perceive a lying demagogue as authentic most resembles Trump, and insofar as Trump
(when they are in the aggrieved social cate- voters are more likely to see themselves as
gory in a legitimacy crisis), insofar as the members of an aggrieved social category suf-
lying demagogue’s demagoguery included fering from a crisis of legitimacy, this would
misogynistic statements or actions—as was seem to imply that Trump supporters should
Figure 8. Study 1 Perceived Authenticity of the Anti-Alcohol-Ban Candidate by Subsample
Note: The same pattern of results appears for both men and women, and for both Trump supporters and Clinton supporters. All
but two hypotheses (Hypothesis 2 for female subjects and Clinton voters) are supported within each subsample, although each
subsample is fewer than 30 subjects. The results reported here are from Study 1; the results from Study 2 are substantively similar.
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.
Hahl et al. 21

be more likely to perceive the lying dema- post-election survey reported in the Appendix
gogue as authentic. Popular culture and the show just such perceptions of Trump from
media have also posited that Trump supporters Trump supporters. If Trump supporters were
might have backed him out of a predilection inclined to see their candidate in a positive
for a more authoritarian style (Vance 2016; light no matter what he did, they would per-
Williams 2017), perhaps due to differences in ceive him not only as authentic but also as
culture or socialization. Observing differences considerate. To see whether there is a similar
across Trump and Clinton supporters in our empirical pattern in our experimental set-
study will help test this alternative. tings, we ran the same tests we ran earlier to
In fact, however, as Figure 8 shows, the validate our hypotheses, but instead of evalu-
same pattern of results appears for both men ating authenticity, we evaluated participants’
and women, and for both Trump supporters attributions of considerateness (i.e., an aver-
and Clinton supporters.17 This suggests that age of attributions of “considerateness,” “lik-
the motivation to see a lying demagogue as an ability,” and “warmth” [Hahl and Zuckerman
authentic champion overrides erstwhile ten- 2014]). For the sake of brevity, we will report
dencies for women to penalize men for mak- only results from Study 1; results from Study
ing misogynistic statements.18 We also find 2 are substantively the same.
that Clinton supporters and Trump supporters In most comparisons, when the lying dem-
are essentially no different in their susceptibil- agogue is deemed less authentic than another
ity to the authentic appeal of the lying dema- candidate, he is also deemed less considerate.
gogue: had Clinton supporters been members This is no surprise. The key test would be to
of an aggrieved social category in a crisis of compare attributions of considerateness for
legitimacy, they too would apparently have participants randomly assigned to the (Study
responded as Trump supporters did. There- 1 conditions) outsider/representation crisis/
fore, our results are not driven by differences lying demagogue condition with perceptions
in participants’ gender or political identities. from participants randomly assigned to the
outsider/representation crisis/baseline condi-
tion. Recall that the same comparison for
Robustness Check II: The Lying
authenticity showed higher perceived authen-
Demagogue as an Authentic Jerk
ticity in the former condition than in the latter
Whereas some research sees partisans as rein- (Hypothesis 1). By contrast, participants in
terpreting all their candidate’s flaws in a posi- the outsider/representation crisis/lying dema-
tive light (e.g., Valdesolo and DeSteno 2007; gogue condition (n = 54; mean = 3.07) saw
Westen et al. 2006), we suggest instead that the S2-type (outsider) candidate as less con-
motivated reasoning is significantly con- siderate (z-score = 1.98; p < .05) than did
strained by observable facts. The lying dema- participants randomly assigned to the out-
gogue is perceived as an authentic champion sider/representation crisis/baseline condition
by his aggrieved constituency not because (n = 52; mean = 3.36).
they appreciate all aspects of his behavior, but These results suggest a highly nuanced
because it is in fact quite plausible to see his relationship between political grievance and
behavior as an instance of bravely speaking response to lying demagoguery. In short,
truth about power. His behavior is directly aggrieved constituencies are motivated to
inconsistent, however, with such valued attri- interpret the lying demagogue as an authentic
butes as sincerity and likability. Thus, our champion because this is a reasonable inter-
theory implies that even when constituencies pretation of his actions, and not because they
perceive a lying demagogue as authentic, they attribute positive attributes to him across the
recognize his behavior as insincere and per- board. Indeed, they reasonably tend to see
haps even inconsiderate, thus accepting him him as less considerate, but they accept this as
as an “authentic jerk.” Findings from the a worthwhile tradeoff in the context of a
22 American Sociological Review 83(1)

legitimacy crisis. More generally, although The second point has even more far-reaching
authenticity is typically regarded as a positive implications. Considerable prior research sug-
moral attribute (Carroll and Wheaton 2009; gests that an actor will appear less authentic
Hahl 2016), and it often goes hand-in-hand when she seems driven by extrinsic rather
with perceptions of considerateness (Hahl than intrinsic motives (Hahl 2016; Hahl and
and Zuckerman 2014), in the case of the lying Zuckerman 2014; Hahl et al. 2017; Sagiv
demagogue these two moral attributes may be 2014). But as we noted in the introduction, it
negatively correlated, thus leading to a more is hard to understand how any politician—let
ambiguous moral status overall. alone a lying demagogue—could ever seem
authentic if that were true. How can a politi-
cian shed the suspicion she is pursuing elec-
Discussion tive office to gain status, power, and perhaps
We now put our theory and results in a riches as well? Indeed, politicians are not
broader context by considering (1) the impli- alone in this quandary: some capitalists (e.g.,
cations for research on attributions of authen- purveyors of get-rich-quick-schemes) are
ticity; (2) general implications for explaining regarded as authentic by their audience even
stark partisan differences in the perception of though they are quite open about their pursuit
political candidates; and (3) how our analysis of extrinsic rewards. Our theory helps resolve
relates to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. such puzzles. The key is that authenticity—an
assessment of whether someone is indeed
what she claims to be—is evaluated with
Implications for Attributions of
respect to a particular claim. Politicians seem
less authentic to the extent that they claim not
Cultural, economic, and organizational soci- to be extrinsically motivated, yet they appear
ologists have recently paid considerable to enjoy greater power, status, or wealth as a
attention to how and why authenticity is result of their political career. By contrast, a
demanded of various actors, and how that politician who makes no such claim does not
demand is met (Carroll and Wheaton 2009; risk his authenticity. Similarly, the insecurity
Grazian 2005; Hahl 2016; Hahl and Zucker- that many professionals and managers feel in
man 2014; Hahl et al. 2017; Lehman, Kovács, today’s culture derives from the fact that they
and Carroll 2014). We have already noted an implicitly claim to work for intrinsic and
important contribution to this literature—the prosocial motives rather than extrinsic rewards
idea that authenticity can be attained even (see Hahl et al. 2017). It is only with this gen-
through actions that are perceived as morally eral insight that we can understand how some-
problematic (due to a perceived lack of sin- one can be regarded as insincere yet authentic.
cerity or prosociality). More generally, this As we discussed, this makes sense only if the
article reinforces two key points regarding the audience perceives the speaker to be using a
logic underlying perceptions of authenticity: false statement to make a larger implicit
(1) such perceptions pertain to a particular claim—in this case, about how publicly-
claim, which may not be the explicit claim endorsed norms (the most general of which is
that is made; and (2) these perceptions are truth-telling) are imposed on the aggrieved
highly audience-specific. The latter point audience that is the target for the claim.
comes out quite clearly in our analyses: per-
ceptions of authenticity vary substantially
Partisan Differences in Perception:
based on the social category with which the
Which Mechanisms Are Sufficient
subject identified. We know of no prior result
and Which Are Necessary?
in the literature that demonstrates differences
across audiences in their attributions of Let us now turn to the specific question we
authenticity to the very same performance. address in this article—how and why
Hahl et al. 23

a constituency of voters can view a lying Second, our analysis suggests that many
demagogue as authentic. Little research has purportedly important factors in explaining
been conducted specifically on this question. partisan differences can be ruled out as neces-
Nevertheless, the topic is clearly related to the sary for explaining such differences. In refer-
larger question of what might account for the ence to the 2016 U.S. presidential election,
stark differences in how supporters of differ- observers and scholars have cited (1) cultural
ent political candidates/parties interpret candi- differences, (2) differences in information
dates’ statements and actions. Our article has access, and (3) candidates’ gender.19 Each fac-
two sets of implications for such research—it tor is plausibly important for explaining parti-
illuminates both what is sufficient for explain- san differences in the case of the 2016 election
ing such differences and what is necessary. and more generally. For instance, Vance (2016)
First, whereas past research suggests that and Williams (2017) point to stark cultural
differences in partisan identification can lead divides between the Trump and Clinton con-
voters to interpret problematic actions and stituencies, which reflect long-standing socio-
false statements by their preferred candidates logical research on cultural differences between
in ways favorable to that candidate (Berinsky (white) working-class and upper-middle-class
2017; Nyhan and Reifler 2010, 2017; Swire Americans (especially Lamont and Molnár
et al. 2017; Westen et al. 2006), and it can 2002; Lareau 2003). In particular, Trump’s
cause people to view candidates’ bad behavior attacks on the snobbery of the upper-middle-
in a favorable light (Valdesolo and DeSteno class cultural elite (a theme of Republican
2007), we have shown that such partisan iden- attacks at least since Nixon) seem specifically
tification is insufficient to explain the authen- designed with such cultural divides in mind. In
tic appeal of the lying demagogue (for recent addition, it has become common wisdom
research that shows limits to the extent to (backed by some research [Benkler et al. 2017;
which partisanship shapes one’s views, see but see Allcott and Gentzkow 2017]) that
Nyhan et al. 2017; Wood and Porter 2016). On Americans now receive their political news
the one hand, our studies support such from highly polarized sources; to the extent
research: study participants who were not this is true, it surely increases the tendency for
from the social category of the lying dema- partisan differences in responses to political
gogue never perceived him as authentic. But candidates. Finally, insofar as one might wish
we also show that unless there is a crisis of to understand why Trump was seen as authen-
legitimacy, members of the lying demagogue’s tic and Clinton as inauthentic, it seems plausi-
category do not perceive him as authentic. ble that this is related to the tendency (by
Moreover, even when there is a legitimacy Americans at least) to see competent women
crisis, constituents of the lying demagogue do as cold and inauthentic (Ridgeway 2011; cf.
not perceive him to be considerate. Thus, the Hahl and Zuckerman 2014). But our analyses
partisan lens by which the same political facts show that none of these factors are necessary
acquire starkly different political interpreta- to produce sharp partisan differences in inter-
tions is a highly specific form of motivated preting the same political facts, and in particu-
reasoning, one that is constrained to be a rea- lar to produce differences in responses to a
sonable interpretation of available informa- lying demagogue.
tion. More specifically, strong partisanship To be sure, this does not mean that culture,
may often be insufficient to generate such information access, or a candidate’s gender
differences; a legitimacy crisis may also be are unimportant. Quite possibly, each of these
necessary. A legitimacy crisis may encourage factors might reinforce the factor we establish
partisans to see the lying demagogue as pro- here as sufficient—belonging to an aggrieved
claiming a suppressed truth, but it does not social category in a crisis of legitimacy. Dif-
blind them to the fact that he is acting like a ferences in culture, the use of different infor-
“jerk” or that he may not be competent. mation sources, and perhaps the use of gender
24 American Sociological Review 83(1)

stereotypes might be shaped by whether one takes [Trump] literally, but not seriously; his
is experiencing a legitimacy crisis. In particu- supporters take him seriously, but not liter-
lar, values such as warmth and loyalty might ally.” In addition to providing supporting
have particular appeal when one sees the elite evidence for this insight, our article contrib-
as serving itself at the expense of the popu- utes to public debates by sharpening the logic
lace (cf. Haidt 2012; Lamont and Molnár that underlies Zito’s observation and by tak-
2002). It seems natural to gravitate toward ing it out of the charged atmosphere of the
media sources that describe the world in election to an experimental setting where we
terms of the legitimacy crisis that one per- demonstrate the mechanisms that turn on and
ceives. Thus, although we have established off the tendency to perceive lying demagogu-
that such factors as culture, information ery as symbolic protest. Put differently, to
access, and candidate gender are unnecessary recognize that Trump supporters viewed his
for explaining sharp partisan differences in lying demagoguery as symbolic protest is not
responding to the same political facts, future to explain why they did so. Moreover, one
research is necessary to tease out how these might think this perception was due to parti-
important factors relate to the one we have sans’ basic tendency to view their candidate’s
validated here—membership in an aggrieved blemishes as beautiful; or it might be due to
social category in a legitimacy crisis. any of the factors just discussed—culture,
information access, or gender stereotyping.
Our theory and evidence show that mere par-
Relationship to the 2016 U.S.
tisanship is insufficient to produce this effect
Presidential Election
and such factors are unnecessary for explain-
This article was animated by a puzzle that ing it. What is sufficient is that one be a mem-
emerged from the 2016 presidential election: ber of an aggrieved social category in a
How could a candidate who repeatedly told legitimacy crisis.
lies and flagrantly broke norms be viewed as Moreover, our theory fits key facts of the
authentic by his supporters? One possibility is 2016 U.S. presidential election. In particular,
that his supporters thought his false state- much recent scholarship suggests that the
ments were true. Accordingly, Swire and col- U.S. political system was suffering from a
leagues (2017) demonstrate that Trump’s legitimacy crisis with regard to certain con-
supporters were more likely to believe false stituencies, and perhaps most notably the
statements by Trump, and to be resistant to white working class (see Morgan and Lee
correction by neutral sources. But although 2017; cf. Skocpol and Williamson [2013] on
our post-election survey (see Appendix) pro- the Tea Party movement). Arguably, this
vides additional support for this effect, it also legitimacy crisis had aspects of both a repre-
demonstrates that most Trump supporters sentation crisis and a power-devaluation cri-
recognized one of his most notorious lies as sis. The latter theme appeared in the Trump
false, and that the key difference between campaign’s slogan to “Make America Great
Trump voters’ and Clinton voters’ perceptions Again,” in Trump’s attacks against immi-
of this lie was that the former viewed it as a grants, in the campaign’s resonance with
form of symbolic protest. Moreover, Trump white working-class voters who saw the Fed-
voters’ tendency to perceive this symbolic eral government as biased in favor of people
protest was significantly correlated with their of color (Hochschild and Hout 2017), and in
tendency to see him as authentic and to be the argument that norms of “political correct-
enthusiastic in their support for him. ness” that favor new social categories had
The idea that Trump’s lies were a form of been foisted upon the country (Hochschild
symbolic protest achieved significant cur- 2016; McElwee and McDaniel 2017; Wil-
rency in the media by October 2016 due to an liams 2017; cf. Bonikowski and DiMaggio
article by Salena Zito of The Atlantic. She 2016; Willer, Feinberg, and Wetts 2016). The
summarized the idea as follows: “The press themes of a representation crisis were also
Hahl et al. 25

quite strong, as reflected in the Trump cam- be authentically appealing, and they may con-
paign’s call to “drain the swamp,” and the tinue to support him once in office as a means
attacks on Hillary Clinton for being corrupt of demonstrating loyalty to one another.
and careless with U.S. interests and for being
distant from “real Americans.”
We should note why Donald Trump seems
to have been particularly well-suited to play Our experimental analyses provide clear sup-
the part of authentic champion via lying dem- port for our proposed resolution of the puzzle
agoguery. As Bonikowski and Gidron (2016a) of how a lying demagogue may be viewed as
show, populism is the style of the political more authentic than a candidate who neither
outsider. We argued that a key reason why it lies nor flagrantly violates publicly-endorsed
seems plausible that the lying demagogue is norms. In short, our theory revolves around
bravely speaking truth about power is that his two ideas: (1) a political candidate can
flagrant norm violation makes him persona achieve a perception of authenticity in two
non grata among the establishment. In ways—via sincerity and via authentic cham-
Trump’s case, he had already been an outcast pionhood; and (2) members of aggrieved
for many years among the cultural elite (see social categories in a crisis of legitimacy will
Kruse 2017). Indeed, an off-cited motivation be motivated to see the lying demagogue as
for his presidential campaign was to counter an authentic champion. Our results provide
his humiliation at the hands of Barack Obama strong support for these ideas. Indeed, it is
at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ worth highlighting that the subtle experimen-
Dinner,20 which made it abundantly clear how tal manipulations we introduced were suffi-
detested he was in the elite establishment. But cient to turn on and off these mechanisms.
insofar as Trump had no chance of being Finally, the fact that we were able to repro-
acceptable in elite eyes, this made him even duce largely the same pattern of results in two
more credible as an authentic champion of his different types of legitimacy crises adds fur-
supporters—mainly Americans who also felt ther credence to our results.
disrespected by cultural elites. And it likely
made his lying demagoguery even more cred-
ible. If the key to the authentic appeal of the Appendix: Post-Election
lying demagogue is that he is signaling a Survey On Perception Of
willingness to be regarded as a pariah by the Trump’s False Statements
establishment, Trump was certainly a credible
pariah. In this sense, his statements reminded Study design. The post-election survey was
his voters that he is a pariah just like them.21 conducted on November 16th, 2017, eight
Finally, while our theory and results pro- days after the U.S. presidential election, on
vide a sufficient explanation for the authentic Amazon Mechanical Turk. Participants, who
appeal of the lying demagogue, we do not were restricted to U.S. IP addresses, were told
exclude the possibility of other advantages that the purpose of the survey was “to assess
that lying demagoguery may have for a politi- what kinds of impressions voters form about
cian. In particular, a political leader may tell presidential candidates.” In reality, the study
obvious lies to test his followers and thereby was designed to assess whether (1) it is pos-
escalate their commitment to him. This is the sible for voters to view a candidate—Donald
logic that Orwell (1949) made famous in his Trump, in particular—as authentic despite
analysis of totalitarianism, and it has been recognizing that he deliberately told a dema-
documented in modern authoritarian regimes gogic lie; and (2) whether his supporters justi-
(e.g., Wedeen 1999). Post-election, this logic fied this behavior as a form of symbolic
may be salient for Trump as well (Yglesias protest. Alternatively, Trump’s supporters
2017). Indeed, Trump supporters may have might view him as authentic because they do
found his lying demagoguery as a candidate to not see his demagogic lies as such. To rule in
26 American Sociological Review 83(1)

the mechanism we propose through this sur- questions on seven-point Likert scales. All
vey, we would need to show that (1) Trump participants were asked two questions: (1)
supporters accept that his statements are dem- their level of belief that Trump’s statement
agogic falsehoods, (2) they are more likely was factually true or false; and (2) their level
than Clinton supporters to view this as sym- of agreement that Trump meant the statement
bolic protest, and (3) people who view the literally. The sample was randomly split in
demagogic falsehood as symbolic protest are half for the third question, which pertained to
also more likely (than those who do not) to see Trump’s motive for making the statement.
Trump as authentic. Half the sample was asked to rate their level of
agreement that “this was his way of sending a
Recruitment. We recruited 402 U.S.- message that he is opposed to the elite estab-
based study participants through Amazon’s lishment”; the other half of the sample was
Mechanical Turk tool. We used a quota pro- asked to rate their level of agreement that “this
cess to recruit similar numbers of Clinton and was his way of achieving popularity or power.”
Trump supporters and ended up with 186 Participants were then asked a series of ques-
participants who reported that they voted for tions about the two candidates’ characteristics
Trump, 177 who voted for Clinton, and 39 (e.g., authenticity, competence, likability).
who voted for other candidates. We had 192 Participants were also asked how enthusiastic
male participants and 205 female participants they were about each candidate before the
(five did not report gender). This survey is election.
based on an unrepresentative sample of the
U.S. population and of Trump voters in par- Main results. Three main results from the
ticular. Nonetheless, it affords a view into the survey inform our understanding of the under-
inner logic of some voters’ thinking, which is lying logic of Trump voters’ thinking. First, the
sufficient to rule in the possibility of our Trump voters among the survey participants
proposed mechanism as a reason for Trump viewed Trump as highly authentic, a perception
supporters to see him as authentic. that was significantly correlated with their
enthusiasm for him. In particular, among Trump
Survey procedure. After explaining the voters, 61.8 percent rated Trump as highly
purported goal of the survey and collecting authentic, and only 5.9 percent saw Trump as
political and demographic information, par- highly inauthentic; the level of enthusiasm for
ticipants were shown the following statement, Trump was significantly higher for the former
which Trump posted on his Twitter account on (mean for Trump voters who saw Trump as
November 6th, 2012, and which was men- highly authentic = 3.51 versus mean for Trump
tioned multiple times by the media during his voters who saw Trump as highly inauthentic =
presidential campaign: “The concept of global 4.91; t = 2.26; p < .05; DF = 122).22 Moreover,
warming was created by and for the Chinese not only did Trump voters perceive Trump to
in order to make U.S. manufacturing non- be more authentic than Clinton (M for Trump =
competitive.” We chose this statement because 2.48 versus M for Clinton = 5.15; t = 15.74;
it is demagogic in that it violates the publicly- p < .001; DF = 370), but Trump voters’ percep-
endorsed norm of not making unsubstantiated tion of Trump’s authenticity was higher than
accusations against another country while Clinton voters’ perception of Clinton’s authen-
appealing to xenophobic beliefs about China ticity (M for Trump voters on Trump = 2.48
that many Americans may harbor. Further- versus M for Clinton voters on Clinton = 3.68;
more, it was publicized as untrue by the t = 7.02; p < .001; DF = 361).23 We find no
media. We presented the statement as a false- simple relationship between perceptions of a
hood to participants, who were told that “[t]his candidate’s authenticity and support for that
statement has definitively been demonstrated candidate. At least among these survey respon-
to be factually untrue.” Then, after an atten- dents, Trump voters’ high rating of his authen-
tion-check, participants were asked three ticity is distinctive.
Hahl et al. 27

The second main result is that the principal addition, Trump’s perceived authenticity was
way these Trump voters reconciled Trump’s also significantly higher than his perceived
lying demagoguery with his perceived authen- warmth among Trump voters (M for authen-
ticity was by recognizing the demagogic lie as ticity = 2.48 versus M for warmth = 3.41; t =
a lie but justifying it as symbolic protest. To be 5.98; p < .001; DF = 370). This reflects the
sure, Trump voters were significantly more observation that Trump’s supporters appreci-
likely than Clinton voters to rate the false ated him as an “authentic jerk” (Zogby 2016).
demagogic statement as true: 68.8 percent of This is in line with how study participants
these Trump voters saw the statement as highly who were in the same social category as the
false, compared to 95.5 percent of Clinton vot- lying demagogue perceived the lying dema-
ers (M for Trump voters = 5.90 versus M for gogue when there was a legitimacy crisis.
Clinton voters = 6.80; t = 6.80; p < .001; DF = Finally, and again in line with the experi-
361). But 68.8 percent of survey participants mental results, we did not find evidence that
who supported Trump rated the statement as perceptions of Trump’s authenticity vary by
highly false, and only 5.34 percent of Trump gender. Women saw him as less authentic (M =
voters saw the statement as highly true.24 4.00) than did men (M = 4.28), although not
By contrast, Trump supporters were sig- significantly so (t = 1.27; p = .21; DF = 395).
nificantly more likely to justify the lie as a Nor were women different from men in percep-
form of symbolic protest. In particular, a sig- tions of Trump’s competence (M for women =
nificantly higher fraction of Trump voters 4.11 versus M for men = 4.11; t = .18; p = .86;
agreed that Trump did not literally mean the DF = 395). Note, however, that there were gen-
Chinese created the concept of global warm- der differences in perceptions of Clinton. Men
ing than rated the statement as true (M = 3.91 saw Clinton as marginally less authentic (M for
versus M = 5.90; t = 11.63; p < .001; DF = women = 4.68 versus M for men = 4.32; t =
370).25 Trump voters were also much more 1.93; p < .06; DF = 395), an effect driven by
likely to think the statement “was his way of Clinton voters (M for women = 3.95 versus M
challenging the elite establishment” than to for men = 3.43; t = 2.02; p < .05; DF = 395).
see the statement as true (M = 3.67 versus M = Men also saw Clinton as less competent than
5.90; t = 10.35; p < .001; DF = 370).26 Finally, did women (M for women = 3.67 versus M for
Trump voters were more likely to see Trump men = 3.08; t = 2.83; p < .01; DF = 395).
as authentic the less they took the statement
literally (corr. = .22; t = 3.02; p < .01; DF = Discussion. The post-election survey
184). Trump voters were also more likely to results provide useful external validity for key
see Trump as authentic the more they saw the experimental results presented in the article. In
statement as a challenge to elites (corr. = .36; short, we see that support for a lying dema-
t = 3.61; p < .001; DF = 89).27 gogue is not simply a desire to ascribe positive
The final main result dovetails with key characteristics to a preferred candidate. These
experimental results from the article: whereas Trump voters could have viewed him as warm
in past research, perceptions of authenticity and sincere, but they did not. They also could
are accompanied by perceptions of sincerity have chosen to justify his lie by insisting that it
and warmth (Hahl and Zuckerman 2014; was true. Instead, they justified it as a form of
Hahl et al. 2017), this was not the case here. symbolic protest, viewing him as increasingly
In particular, among Trump voters, Trump’s authentic the more they did so. Finally, Trump
perceived authenticity was significantly supporters in our sample were more enthusias-
higher than his perceived sincerity (M for tic in their support of him to the extent that
authenticity = 2.48 versus M for sincerity = they used this justification. Were we to only
2.87; t = 2.52; p = .01; DF = 370), a result have these results, however, we would be left
consistent with the interpretation that Trump with the puzzle of what prompted Trump vot-
supporters recognized that he was lying but ers to use such motivated reasoning. Our the-
viewed him as authentic nonetheless. In ory suggests that they believed the political
28 American Sociological Review 83(1)

system was treating their social category unfairly, POW (and current U.S. Senator) John McCain of
having been a poor airman. Trump also publicly
either because the establishment was self-serv-
impugned the impartiality of a Federal judge due
ing (representation crisis) or because the estab- to his Mexican heritage, violating the norm that all
lishment was illegitimately favoring upstart U.S. citizens—and certainly judges—are presumed
social categories (power-devaluation crisis). Our equally committed to upholding the law regardless
experimental results validate the conjecture that of their racial, ethnic, or religious origins. Finally,
Trump began his political career by assuming lead-
the authentic appeal of a lying demagogue is
ership of the “birther” movement, which alleged
indeed enabled by such conditions. against all evidence that President Obama was not
born in the United States—an allegation Trump
eventually dropped without explanation while sug-
Acknowledgments gesting falsely that Clinton’s 2008 campaign had
Thanks to Bart Bonikowski, Daphne Demetry, Bob Free- originated the allegation.
land, Simon Friis, Roman Galperin, Brayden King, Mark  6. Hong’s norm violations were also countless. For
Mizruchi, Brendan Nyhan, Mike Sauder, and audiences instance, he proudly stated in his autobiography that
at the University of Maryland Smith School of Business, he conspired to rape his female college classmate,
the Hebrew University Department of Sociology, the and he stood by the statement during the campaign,
Economic Sociology Working Group at MIT Sloan, and which was largely treated with dismay even by his
the MIT-Harvard Economic Sociology Seminar for their conservative base (Choe and Goldman 2017).
very valuable input. The usual disclaimer applies.   7. Following Hahl and colleagues (2017), we maintain
that this definition underlies lay uses of the term
“authenticity” by Americans (we also believe it uni-
Notes fies various treatments by scholars). This assump-
  1. The post-election survey described in the Appendix tion is indirectly tested in our studies via predictive
provides some support for the widespread observa- validity. Insofar as our experimental studies suc-
tion (e.g., Nyhan 2015) that Clinton had an authen- cessfully manipulate perceptions of authenticity in
ticity problem. line with our theory, this implies that respondents
  2. Perhaps the most notorious falsehood in Clinton’s overlap in how they use the term. We appreciate the
career was her 2008 statement that, in 1996 in her help of Omar Lizardo in helping to clarify the con-
capacity as First Lady of the United States, she ceptual issues here.
landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire” (see Kessler   8. Arguably, this is not a lie because he did not intend
2016). to raise taxes at the time he made the pledge (the
  3. Trump himself admitted that in the past he had been 1988 presidential campaign). We would contend,
“greedy . . . I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. however, that the premise of a blanket pledge like
But now I want to be greedy for the United States” this is that one knows oneself so well that one can
(Golshan 2016). Beyond appearing to care about commit to not violating the pledge under any cir-
his personal fortune, he was widely seen as extraor- cumstances.
dinarily sensitive to criticism, engaging in pub-  9. Carroll and Wheaton (2009) call this “moral”
lic feuds with various critics, such as the reporter authenticity (see also Hahl 2016). Of course, the
Megyn Kelly. lying demagogue is not moral, as defined by estab-
  4. As of February 19, 2017, including Trump’s time as lishment norms, but the very “immoral” actions that
candidate and his first month as president, Politifact make him a lying demagogue can (under certain
rated 33 percent of his statements as “half true” or circumstances) fit the moral authenticity defini-
“mostly false” and 50 percent as “false” or “pants tion—and thus help establish his standing as a true
on fire.” representative of the suppressed people he claims
  5. Trump’s norm violations were so numerous they are to serve. In our analyses, we show how even mem-
hard to catalogue. Some, such as name calling (e.g., bers of his own party see the lying demagogue as an
“Lying Ted” [for his primary opponent Senator Ted “authentic jerk.”
Cruz] and “Little Marco” [for his primary opponent 10. See Donald J. Trump’s “I am your voice!”
Senator Marco Rubio]), were so routine that the appeal to voters, issued at the 2016 Republican
deviance became normalized (cf. Vaughan 1996). National Convention (
Moreover, while Clinton labored to signal her com- watch?v=BEuboZ98TxE).
mitment to the norms she violated (by apologizing 11. This is in fact a quite common debate on college
for past failures or suggesting the violations were campuses in recent years (Duncan 2015), and our
unintended), Trump often defended his norm viola- design is reflective of real-world examples where
tions as justified. For example, it is a basic norm there are often coherent principles for both sides.
of any nation-state that prisoners of war are to be Otherwise (i.e., if there is only one reasonable side
treated with reverence, but Trump accused former of argument), subjects may think that the candidate
Hahl et al. 29

is simply not very capable (Phillips, Turco, and and less competent (among both Clinton and Trump
Zuckerman 2013). voters) than did women.
12. We lay out the exact wording used in each manipu- 19. Another possibility is that each candidate’s con-
lation in an online supplement. stituencies had different personalities, with some
13. To test whether we generated a representation evidence suggesting that Trump supporters scored
crisis as planned, we ran a series of Wilcoxon- high on measures of authoritarianism (e.g., Petti-
Mann-Whitney signed-rank tests comparing the grew 2017). Our results cast serious doubt on the
authenticity ratings of the Q2-type incumbent can- causal direction of such results, suggesting they are
didate in the representation crisis conditions with the result of location in socio-political space rather
the ratings of the Q2-type candidate in the no rep- than the cause.
resentation crisis conditions, all else being equal. 20. See
Insofar as a representation crisis elicits a sense that X6zs4.
members of the S2-type (outsider) category are not 21. Another enabling factor may be Trump’s paradoxi-
fairly represented, the Q2-type (incumbent) candi- cal tendency to tell the truth when most politicians
date should consistently appear less authentic in the would tell a “prosocial lie” (Levine and Schweitzer
representation crisis conditions than in the no repre- 2015; cf. Mearsheimer 2010). In particular, since
sentation crisis conditions. Results confirm that the his inauguration, on several occasions Trump has
manipulation worked as intended (mean authenticity revealed information that was presumably either
of Q2-type [incumbent] candidate in the representa- injurious to the public welfare (e.g., revealing clas-
tion crisis conditions = 3.59 versus mean authentic- sified information to the Russian foreign minister
ity of Q2-type [incumbent] candidate in the no crisis [Rosenberg and Schmitt 2017]) or to himself (e.g.,
conditions = 5.41; W = 8651.5; z-score = 11.54; p < by informing an interviewer that he had fired Attor-
.001). Results are substantively the same even if we ney General James Comey because of “this Russia
restrict analyses to participants who were randomly thing” [Baker and Shear 2017]). Ironically, tell-
assigned to the Q2-type (thus creating identification ing the truth under such circumstances may make
with the incumbent candidate). This is additional Trump seem more authentic when he is telling
evidence that identification with the candidate alone common-knowledge lies. This tendency was also
does not necessarily lead voters to view all of a can- in evidence when Trump was a candidate, such as
didate’s blemishes as beautiful. when Trump admitted to holding grudges—some-
14. The authors regret having to repeat such a misogy- thing that most people deny (see Jacobs and Hahn
nistic statement, and certainly do not endorse it. 2015).
15. In Study 1, we also assigned subjects to “intermedi- 22. We define “highly authentic” as when participants
ate” conditions in which the candidate either only gave a 1 or a 2 on a seven-point scale (e.g., 1 = very
lied or only used the demagogic or inflammatory authentic to 7 = very inauthentic). Conversely, by
statement. We only present results from the full “highly inauthentic,” we mean participants gave a 6
lying demagogue (both lying and demagogic) and or 7 on the same scale. We use the same definition
baseline (neither lying nor demagogic) conditions. for the term “highly” for all other items.
Results from the intermediate conditions show that 23. Among Clinton voters, 29.94 percent saw Clinton
either lying or making demagogic statements elicit as highly authentic, and 17.51 percent saw her as
increased perceptions of authenticity in the rep- highly inauthentic.
resentation crisis as predicted by the Hypotheses. 24. Among Clinton voters, .56 percent saw the state-
Note, though, that this effect is weaker in these ment as highly true.
intermediate conditions than if the candidate used 25. Unsurprisingly, Trump voters (M = 3.91) were
both lying and demagogic statements in his speech. much more likely than Clinton voters (M = 5.88) to
Because of this, for Study 2 we excluded the inter- agree that “he did not literally mean” the statement
mediate conditions. (t = 11.67; p < .001; DF = 361).
16. Because t-test assumes equal variance between two 26. Trump voters (M = 3.67) were also more likely than
populations of comparisons, which we cannot neces- Clinton voters (M = 5.37) to agree that “[the state-
sarily assume in our samples, we use the Mann-Whit- ment] was his way of sending a message that he is
ney test that does not necessitate that assumption opposed to the ‘elite’ establishment” (t = 6.30; p <
(Fay and Proschan 2000; Wilcoxon 1945). .001; DF = 179).
17. Figure 8 reports results from Study 1 only. Results 27. There was no statistically significant tendency for
from Study 2 are substantively similar. Trump voters to see Trump as more authentic the
18. Note that, as reported in the Appendix, we also less they saw his statement as motivated by “power
found no evidence in the post-election survey and popularity” (corr. = –.10; t = .99; p = .32; DF =
for a gender difference in perceptions of Donald 93). This reflects the fact that they saw no neces-
Trump’s authenticity. Yet, men did see Clinton as sary contradiction between his pursuit of power and
less authentic (significant among Clinton voters) popularity and his pursuit of their interests.
30 American Sociological Review 83(1)

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Social Psychology Quarterly 63(2):116–32. relates to his broader research agenda of (a) how actors
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Vox. May 30 ( authenticity (see his 2017 article in American Sociological
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Zito, Salena. 2016. “Taking Trump Seriously, Not Lit- when and why audience assessment of commitment leads
erally.” The Atlantic, September 23 (https://www to perpetuation of norms (or a lack thereof; see his 2017 article in Sociological Science with Ezra Zuckerman). He
makes-his-case-in-pittsburgh/501335/). also studies when actors are motivated to relay information
Zogby, John. 2016. “Clinton, Trump and the Battle for via their social ties (see his 2017 article in Social Science
Authenticity.” Forbes. Retrieved April 10, 2017 Research with Roberto Fernandez).
clinton-trump-and-the-battle-for-authenticity/). Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivan is Deputy Dean and the
Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Strategy and Entre-
Oliver Hahl is Assistant Professor of Organization The- preneurship at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He
ory and Strategy and Frank A. and Helen E. Frisch Devel- is also cofounder of MIT Sloan’s PhD Program in Eco-
opment Professor of Business at Carnegie Mellon nomic Sociology. This article is the latest in a joint
University’s Tepper School of Business. This article is stream of work with Oliver Hahl and Minjae Kim
part of a stream of work related to shifts in demand for (described in their biographical statements). To be clear,
authenticity (see 2016 article in Organization Science and however, this research agenda did not include any plans
2017 article in American Sociological Review with Ezra to write an article like the current one until we were
Zuckerman and Minjae Kim) and the relationship between shocked into confronting the puzzle of the “authentic
status and authenticity (see 2014 article in American Jour- appeal of the lying demagogue” on November 8, 2016.
nal of Sociology with Ezra Zuckerman). This is part of a
broader research agenda on how audience perceptions of
motives influence valuation in markets.

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