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Adam’s Talk Show- How to be Productive in Online Class?

Meeting Outline

1.0 Time Management

1.1 Procrastination
1.2 Different Types of Time Management
2.0 Note-Taking
2.1 Types of Note-Taking
2.2 Note-Taking Tips
3.0 Mental Health
3.1 Causes and Symptoms of Stress
3.2 Stress Management

1.0 Time Management

Procrastination Problems and Solutions

Steven Covey’s Four Quadrants

> Prioritize importance over urgency

Time Blocking Pomodoro Technique

- Time Blocking - Day Theming - Work 25 Mins, Rest 5 Mins
- Task Batching - Time Boxing - Take longer rests after 4 sessions

2.0 Note-Taking
Types of Note-Taking
Mind Map QnA Flash Card
Cornell Notes Charting Form Outlining Form
Improving Your Note-Taking
Image, Colour, Dimension, Variating Size, Spacing, Arrows, Codes, Keywords

3.0 Mental Health

Organizational Factors Individual Factors
1. Task Demands 1. Family Problems
2. Role Demands 2. Personality
3. Interpersonal Demands
Physiological Symptoms Psychological Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms
- Headache - Anxiety - Low productivity/ turnover
- High Blood Pressure - Depression - Changes in sleep time and
eating habits

→ Managing stress using individual and organizational approaches

Field 1- Time Management Definition: To delay an intended
course of action despite expecting to
1.1 Procrastination
be worse off for the delay.
Why do you procrastinate?
Reason 1: Not being sure of how to do the task at hand.
Solution 1: Look for ways to develop your skills in the areas where you feel unsure
of your ability to be successful.

Reason 2: You lack motivation to this boring task.

Solution 2: Just do it, do not always expect interesting task, relate the task at hand
with your long-term goal.

Reason 3: You prefer to not do the task because you scared that you won’t do it well.
Solution 3: Set realistic standards for yourself

Steven Covey’s Four Quadrants of time management

Quadrant 1: Quadrant 2:
Urgent and Important Not Urgent yet Important
This is the Quadrant of Urgency, This is the Quadrant of Quality,
You need to resolve matters from this You will make your life more enjoyable
quadrant immediately. We will get with matters in this quadrant by
through a lot of work in this quadrant, spending time in non-productive areas
but we will never improve our life from like planning, prevention and
this quadrant, and we should spend as preparation. By working effectively, it
little time as possible. means you’ll be able to work more
effectively and with a clearer head.
Quadrant 3: Quadrant 4:
Urgent but Not Important Not Urgent and Not Important
This is the Quadrant of Distraction, This is the Quadrant of Waste.
You do not need to deal with issues These are activities that you will enter
from here. These could include useless by accident and it will waste your time.
meetings, not important messages from Examples of this are checking social
friends etc. These tasks tend to hijack media and scrolling through your
your time away from the important Christmas catalogue emails. Our brains
matters of your day. love spending time here because it’s
easy and doesn’t require mental
1.2 Different Types of Time Management
Time Blocking Technique
-Time blocking is a time management method that asks you to divide your day into
blocks of time

Method What is it? Example

Time Blocking Dividing the day into blocks of time "I will write every day
with each block dedicated to from 9am to 11am."
accomplishing a specific task.
Task Batching Task batching is the practice of "I will answer all of my
grouping similar tasks together and emails at 3pm."
working on them steadily until
they’re done
Day Theming Day theming is essentially just a Monday- content
more advanced version of task creation.
batching. Tuesday- content
Wednesday- research and
Time Boxing Timeboxing is a simple time "I will write 1,000 words
management technique that between 9am and 11am
involves allotting a fixed, maximum tomorrow."
unit of time for an activity in
advance, and then complete the
activity within that time frame.

Pomodoro Technique
Try the Pomodoro Technique if you...
-Find little distractions often derail the whole
-Consistently work past the point of optimal
-Have lots of open-ended work
-Are overly optimistic when it comes to how
much you can get done in a day
-Enjoy gamified goal-setting
Field 2- Note-taking

2.1 Types of Notes

There are many examples of notes–taking:

• Image form/mind –map
• QnA
• Flashcard
• Cornell notes
• Charting form
• Outlining form

1) Image form/mind –map

Mapping is a graphic representation of the content of a

lecturer/teacher. It is a method that maximizes active
participation, affords immediate knowledge, and
emphasizes critical thinking.
-This format helps you to visually track your lecture
regardless of conditions. It is also easy to edit your notes
by adding numbers, marks, and colour coding.
- Spending a lot of time on art instead of studying.
Suitable Areas:
1. Mathematics
2. Moral Education

2) Q n A
Q n A is a method of forming a question and answer together for revision, whether
the question is from yourself, chronological subjects most general information
lecture/teacher-teacher or textbook question it helps a student a lot.
- Encouraging one’s asking questions frequently
- Improve one’s critical thinking skills (HOTS)
- Predict the exam questions style
Suitable Area:
1. Commerce Subjects
2. Science Subjects

< If you are making flashcards to study, you can use

applications like Anki

Flashcard is a method of making a card and jotting down some important points, and
the ease of taking it everywhere you go.
1) Very convince for reference
2) Recap all the points in short terms
3) Easily bringing it to everywhere
1) Cannot improve memory in long terms
2) Limited space of writing for an important point your teacher has said.
Suitable Area:
1. Design and Technology
2. Geography
3. Physics & Chemistry

5)Cornell notes

The Cornell method that to record information in systematic and well-organised ways
Advantages: Organized and systematic for recording and reviewing notes. Easy
format for pulling out major concepts and ideas. Simple and efficient. Saves time and
effort. "Do-it-right-in-the-first-place system."
Suitable Area:
1. Intensive subjects such as Additional Mathematics and Biology
2. Religious subjects such as Bible Knowledge and Tasawuur Islam
3. Factual subjects such as History
4. Technical subjects such as Accounting and Computer Science
6)Charting form

It is best if you are doing subjects that are chronological, you may set up your paper
by drawing columns and labelling appropriate headings in a table.
-Helps you track conversation and dialogues where you would normally be confused
and lose out on relevant content.
-Reduces the amount of writing necessary.
-Provides an easy review mechanism for both memorizations of facts and study of
comparisons and relationships.
-You must be able to understand what’s happening in the story.
Suitable Area:
1. History
2. Literature

7) Outlining form
Dash or indented outlining is usually best except for
some science classes such as physics or math.
• The information which is most general begins
at the left with each more specific group of
facts indented with spaces to the right.
Outlining records content as well as relationships. It
also reduces editing and is easy to review by turning
main points into questions.
This system may not show relationships by sequence when needed. It doesn’t lend to
the diversity of a review attached for maximum learning and question application.
Can’t determine major/minor points from the numbered sequence. Difficult to
edit without having to rewrite by clustering points that are related. Difficult to review
unless editing cleans up relationships.
Suitable Area:
1. Biology
2. Chemistry
2.2 Note Writing Techniques

• Effective memory aid

• Enhance memory and creativity
• Attractive

• Easily to remember and communicated
• A most important element in a notes
• Better being drawn or written in 3 dimensions

Variating size of printing, line & image

• The best way of indicating the relative
importance of items in a hierarchy
• Increasing the probability of recall

Use appropriate spacing

• Leaving the right amount of space around
each item in your notes order and structure

Organized spacing
• Increase the clarity of an image
• Help in use hierarchy of categorization

Use arrows to make a connection

• Arrows automatically guide your eye to connect one part of the notes
• Uni-direction, multiple headed, varied in size or dimension

• Enable you to make an instant connection between different parts of your
mind map
• Ticks, crosses, circles, triangles, underlings
• Save a lot of times

• Easy to understand
Field 3- Mental Health

3.1 Stress

Stress: Pressures people feel in life /
a feeling of emotional strain and
2 types of stress:
- Eustress (+ve)
- Distress (-ve)


Organizational Factors
Individual Factors

Consequences of Stress

Physiological symptoms Psychological symptoms Behavioural symptoms

(physically) (mentally)
- Headaches - Anxiety - Low productivity
- High blood pressure - Depression - High absenteeism
- Heart disease - Decrease in job satisfaction -High turnover (the rate at
which employees leave a
workforce and are replaced)

Managing Stress
- Stress is a part of our life; a normal response to emotional, intellectual or physical
demands. Stress keeps us alert, motivated and ready to avoid danger.
- Too much stress will increase the risk of illness (anxiety, hypertension, depression,
heart diseases)
Individual Approaches Organizational Approaches
1. Implementing proper time 1. Ensure appropriate post selection
management techniques 2. Provide training
2. Increasing physical exercise 3. Setting realistic goals
3. Providing relaxation training 4. Redesign tasks
4. Expanding social networks 5. Improve communication among
5. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet members
6. Getting enough rest and sleep 6. Allow appropriate leisure time
7. Making time for hobbies and interests 7. Identifying and eliminating triggers
8. Avoiding alcohol and drug and stressors
consumption, reduce caffeine intake 8. Implementing a supporting
9. Learning to express oneself while not organisational culture
being overly aggressive
10. Seeking advice from an expert

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