Cfi Pharma Consulting Webinar 1 Langkah Awal Implementasi Computerized System Valdiation (CSV)

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Under the name of PT CSV Farma Indobuana cfi pharma consulting is a professional services consulting

focusing on Computerized System Validation for pharmaceutical and medical device in Indonesia.

We put our consultant as part of your team in conducting a CSV process, CSV audit, CSV management, CSV
life-cycle and data integrity assessment and training, everything bespoke to your business requirements.

Our team with experienced in validation of several big projects such as ERP system, MES system, LIMS,

Serialization and aggregation system, BAS, IT Infrastructure , GMP equipment and instrument
Our services
Why us
•Team with excellent knowledge and understanding of business
processes in GxP environment and GMP quality management
•Broad experience and competence in applying a science and
risk-based approach to address multiple system
•In depth understanding of science and risk-based approaches
and capability to align the approaches with client’s business
•Versatile team who also deploy project management
methodologies based on GAMP
•Ability to successfully perform knowledge transfer to client
following project completion
•High level approach, all projects and assignments are delivered
with a program to ensure quality of delivery

•Manufacturing background consultant with vast knowledge of

GxP environment and QMS compliance to local and global
Our CSV Consultant

Arnold Edrick

Fajar Sidik
Langkah Awal
System Validation

07 Oct 2021
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
CDOB 2019
CPOB 2018 Aneks 7

Aplikasi hendaklah divalidasi; Infrastruktur IT Sebelum sistem komputerisasi

hendaklah dikualifikasi. digunakan, harus diuji secara
menyeluruh dan dipastikan
Penggantian operasi manual oleh sistem kemampuannya memberikan hasil
komputerisasi tidak boleh mengakibatkan yang diinginkan
penurunan kualitas produk, kendali proses atau
Pemastian Mutu. Tidak boleh terjadi peningkatan
risiko menyeluruh terhadap proses
FDA 21 CFR part 11 EudraLex volume 4 annex 11

deals with electronic records and The application should be

signatures. Part 11 mandates the validated; IT infrastructure should
requirements for electronic records and
be qualified. Where a
signatures to be accurate, reliable,
readily retrievable, and secure and to be computerised system replaces a
able to replace paper records and manual operation, there should be
handwritten signatures legally no resultant decrease in product
quality, process control or quality
assurance. There should be no
increase in the overall risk of the
ISO 13485 : 2016
ICH Good Clinical Practice E6
The organization shall document
procedures for the validation of the
A process of establishing and documenting application of computer software
that the specified requirements of a used in the quality management
computerized system can be consistently system. Such software applications
fulfilled from design until decommissioning of shall be validated prior to initial use
the system or transition to a new system. The and, as appropriate, after changes to
approach to validation should be based on a such software or its application. The
risk assessment that takes into consideration specific approach and activities
the intended use of the system and the associated with software validation
potential of the system to affect human and revalidation shall be proportionate
subject protection and reliability of trial results to the risk associated with the use of
the software.
Apa itu sistem komputerisasi
computerized system ?
Software Data Procedures

Interfaces People Equipment

Operating Environment


Apa itu computerized system validation ?
Suatu kaidah untuk mencapai dan menjamin kepatuhan terhadap GxP dan
kesesuaian penggunaan dari suatu computerized system.

Design/ Retirement/
Perencanaan Terminasi
Tujuan dari computerized system
validation ?
➢ Spesifikasi sistem sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Patient Product ➢ Menciptakan data akurat, konsisten dan
safety Quality dapat diandalkan
➢ Mengoptimalkan fungsi bisnis dengan
Data pemanfaatan teknologi
➢ Menciptakan sistem yang sustainable
Integrity ➢ Kepatuhan terhadap regulasi dan menjamin
“kesiapan inspeksi”
➢ Mencegah kegagalan software yang dapat
berdampak negatif
Finding FDA warning letter

Korean Company - 2019 US company - 2019

Our investigator observed that laboratory equipment used In your response, you stated that your systems were “legacy
for raw material and batch release testing lacked restricted equipment” incapable of an appropriate backup. Your
access. For example, your laboratory employees have response is inadequate because your firm lacked a
unrestricted access to the high-performance liquid comprehensive assessment and retrospective review of all
chromatography (HPLC) instrument to overwrite, delete,
data generated from all computerized laboratory systems
copy, and rename raw data. In addition, audit trails are turned
used in CGMP operations.
off and therefore not available for review.
Finding FDA warning letter
Chinese Company - 2021
Australian Company - 2019 Investigator observed that the computerized
Your quality system does not adequately ensure the system and software associated with your GC
accuracy and integrity of the data to support the safety, lacked restricted access
effectiveness and quality of the drugs you manufacture.
Without complete and accurate records, you cannot assure
appropriate decisions regarding batch release, product Indian Company - 2021
stability, and other matters that are fundamental to ongoing Failure to exercise sufficient controls over
assurance of quality computerized systems to prevent unauthorized
access or changes to data and failure to have
adequate controls to prevent omission of data
Indonesian Company- 2020
Your quality system does not adequately ensure
the accuracy and integrity of data to support
the safety, effectiveness, and quality of the
drugs you manufacture.
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
What is GAMP 5 ?
Pedoman teknis untuk industri
dalam computerized systems
dengan pendekatan berbasis

Pedoman teknis untuk industri

dalam computerized systems
dengan pendekatan berbasis
History of GAMP 5

Good practice guide

1991 GAMP 1994 first 1996 1998 2001 2008

was product Released of Released of Released of Released of
initiated released GAMP 2 GAMP 3 GAMP 4 GAMP 5
(Draft broaden applying
Supplier scope to all risk based
Guide) GxP system approach

Source :
Concept of GAMP 5
Market and
Develop Produce
Medicinal Medicinal
User product Product

Product and Process Understanding

Lifecycle approach within QMS

Scaleable Life Cycle Activities
Science Based Quality Risk Management

Leverage Supplier

Deliver Maintain and

products support
Supplier Product and
and product and
service services
Product and Process understanding
Solid/ Liquid/ Injectable

OTC/ Prescription

Export / Local/ Toll

Critical Quality Attributes
Packaging design Critical Quality Parameters

Input Process Output

Tangible (RM,PM,

(Data, metadata)
Life cycle approach within QMS

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Scalable life cycle
Depends on :

➢ System impact on patient safety and

Medium Low/None
product quality with underlying High Risk
Risk Risk
foundation to data integrity

➢ System complexity and

novelty (architecture and Hardware Software
categorization) categories categories
Scalable life cycle - Hardware categories

Category 1 – Standard Category 2 – Custom built

hardware component Hardware hardware component
The manufacturer model , version Should have a Design
number and, Specification (DS), risk based
where available, serial number, of supplier audit and acceptance
pre-assembled hardware should testing including the
be recorded. interconnection of component
Scalable life cycle - Software categories
Category 1 – Infrastructure Category 3 – Non-Configured
Software/ Layered software Product
● OS ● Firmware based apps
● Database Engine ● Instruments
● Programming Language
● Automation Tester
● Middleware

Category 5 – Custom
Category 4 – Configured Application
Product ● Spreadsheet Macro
● ERP ● Custom Ladder logic
● LIMS ● Developed application

Scalable life cycle - Architecture

Stand alone Hosting/ Multi site Cloud Computing


Scalable activity for Category 3
● General master plan
● Risk Based testing
against requirement
● SOP/ training
● Fitness for intended
use summary

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Scalable activity for Category 4
● Validation master plan or
(+) additional Validation
● Initial Risk
● Supplier assessment/ audit
● Life cycle documentation
retained available on
● Risk Based testing against
design on testing
environment & operational
● SOP/ training available

● Fitness for intended use

Source GAMP5 ● RTM
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Scalable activity for Category 5
● Validation master plan and
required Validation Plan
● Initial Risk
● Supplier assessment/ audit
● Possession of Life cycle FS, CS,
DS, Use case, Vendor test
summary and released to
● Risk Based testing against
design on testing environment
& operational
● SOP/ training available
● Fitness for intended use

Source GAMP5 ● Design and source code review
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Science based risk management

Purpose is to focusing effort in validation to the critical aspects

Detail in the next section
Leveraging Supplier Involvement
Regulated companies regularly involve suppliers as they have the system
knowledge and experience. Company
GAMP 5 suggests regulated companies need to maximize that involvement to has the
“determine how best to use supplier documentation, including existing test responsibility
documentation, to avoid wasteful effort and duplication

Documentation should be assessed for suitability, accuracy, and completeness.

There should be flexibility regarding acceptable format, structure and documentation
practices.” Suppliers can be used to assist companies with:
- Gathering requirements
- Creation of functional and other specifications
- Testing

- Support & Maintenance

Supplier Good Practice
❖ Establish QMS

❖ Establish Requirements
❖ Quality Planning
❖ Assessment of the sub-suppliers
❖ Produce Specification
❖ Perform Design Review
❖ Software Production/ Configuration
❖ Perform Testing
❖ Commercial Release of the system
❖ Provide User Documentation and Training
❖ Support and Maintain System in operation
❖ System Replacement and Retirement
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
Requirement analysis & system
development - Start with planning

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
User Requirement Specification /
Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Pengguna
CPOB 2018

Uraian dari fungsi sistem komputerisasi 1. Write in complete and
yang diperlukan dan didasarkan pada simple sentence no need
penilaian risiko terdokumentasi dan to be fancy.
dampak terhadap CPOB dan dapat 2. Define What shall be done
ditelusuri sepanjang siklus hidup not HOW it will be done
Requirement analysis & system
development - Exercise time (drawing)
❖ Draw 2 (two) lines in parallel

❖ On the one end of parallel lines, draw line at

right angle to them The first participants give
correct result will be
❖ On the other end draw an inverted ‘V” awarded with OVO from
❖ On one side of the ‘V’ draw parallel line

❖ At the last parallel line draw a horizontal line

connecting the end of the line
❖ Draw a cross in the between first 2 parallel line

❖ Surround the cross with a square

Requirement analysis & system
development - Exercise time (drawing)
❖ Draw 2 (two) lines in parallel

❖ On the on end of parallel lines, draw line at

right angle to them
❖ On the other end draw an inverted ‘V”

❖ On one side of the ‘V’ draw parallel line

❖ At the last parallel line draw a horizontal line

connecting the end of the line
❖ Draw a cross in the between first 2 parallel line

❖ Surround the cross with a square

The point is Good User Requirements is
Unambiguous = avoid adverbs frequently, normally; use quantitative approach

Correct = according to the purpose of the system

Traceable = use unique name, code or identifier to ensure it ready for cited on other document
Testable = avoid using “user friendly” “comply to CSV methodology” “comply to ALCOA Data
Understandable = avoid buzzword or abbreviation, use consistent terminology, no need to be
Non-conflicting with other requirements
What is inside your requirement ?

User and
control electronic
security signature
Data life
Interface environme
System Development
Functional Specification Configuration/ Design Specification

● Is the breakdown of each requirement ● A technical expansion of functional

of how the system will perform to specification
fulfill the requirements ● Tools used for configuration,
● Usually defined by use case or parameters, limitation etc
relationship diagram ● Defined the infrastructures,
● Give initial information of the concept software, interface method uses to
from developer fulfill the requirements
● Need to be reviewed by regulated ● Also provide drawing of network
company topology diagram or system

Matrix should
also provide
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
Manajemen risiko dalam CSV - Principle
of QRM
Quality Risk Management

Identify Risk

Product and Process


Evaluate Review
Risk Patient Product Risk
safety Quality


Control Risk
Manajemen risiko dalam CSV - to each

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant
GxP Computerized Systems

R1 Initial Risk Assessment R5 Risk based during planning for operational

R2 Risk based decision during planning R6 FRA to change control

R3 Functional Risk Assessment (FRA) R7 Risk based decision during retirement


R4 Risk based decision during test

Manajemen risiko dalam CSV - 5 Step

Risk that have been identified

can be mitigated by:
● Elimination by design
● Reduction to suitable level
● Verification to
demonstrate risk are
managed and accepted
Initial Risk Assessment

What are the overall risk of the business by Is it considered to be GxP system ?
implementing the system ?

What is the overall impact to the system ? What Is the complexity and novelty of the
system ?

Need further risk assessment of the

supplier, what level of planning and testing
should be approached ?
Functional Risk Assessment

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Example of Risk Approach
Data and system setting may be
Severity Probability Detectabilit
loss during process and the (High) (Low) y (Medium) Overall
validity data in the system may be Risk
rendered and unretrievable Medium

Identify Control

● Available backup server, hardware

design (IQ)
● Standard Software for backup
installed and ensure to function
properly (OQ)
● Manual backup provided on the

software for contingency plan (OQ)

Example of Risk Approach
Environment monitoring system
Severity Probability Detectabilit
may select incorrect data set (High) (High) y (Medium) Overall
calculation of MKT Risk High
Based on supplier assessment =
this is the first custom software
ever produces
Identify Control

● Verify the programming of calculation in the

code (IQ)
● Compare the calculation of 1 week monitoring
data sets data sets to the MKT result (OQ)
● (Increment of data) Compare the the

calculation of 1 month (week 1 to week 4) (OQ)

❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
Objective of testing
Identify defects (bugs) so they can be removed or corrected before operational use

Preventing failures that might affect patient safety, product quality and data integrity

Providing documented evidence that system performed as intended

Demonstration system meet URS

Output of Test Test Test

testing protocol evidence Report
Terminology in testing
Term Descrition GAMP 5

Design That the proposed design is Design review - Traceability

Qualification (DQ) suitable for intended purpose

Installation A System installed according Verification of software,

Qualification (IQ) written and pre-approved design hardware, other documentation
is correct

Operational A system operates according to Verification of the system

Qualification (OQ) specification and written against specification to
operation ranges demonstrate correct function

Performance System is capable performing Verification of the system

Qualification (PQ) within the scope of business fitness for intended use in

process in actual operating operating environment

Design Review (DQ)
Configuration/ Design Protocol documentation for
URS Document “001X.01”
Specification Document system “001X.01”

FS - 001 - CS - 001 -
OQ - 001 IQ - 001
URS ID: Monthly Software &
Automatic Software tools
DI001 - Data backup Data Design for
backup for backup
automation to internal backup periodic
result and and network
backup server IP. 111.111.111 periodic for backup &
restore structure
using “tools” parameter
Installation Qualification (IQ)
User Technical Guide Drawing (P&ID) Electric

Embedded System Logbook availability

Software list & version IT Infrastructure

Hardware list SOP Certification

Operational Qualification (OQ)
Power failure test Critical calculation and transaction

System access and security features Interface and data transfer within/
between system

Audit trail Backup and restore

Manual data entry, input validation Archival and retrieval

Electronic Signatures Measurement sensor validation

Alarms & error message Load performance test, Non functional


Performance Qualification (PQ)
For typical simple
Critical data migration for operational
system PQ may not
required based on risk !
Critical master data verification

End to end business process as requirement

Test Environment

Development Testing Operational

Environment Environment Environment
Relation chart of functional risk
assessment to testing Negative
More Robust
High Risk Test

Risk Standard
Assessment Testing

Medium Risk


Low Risk
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
Concept & Project
Retirement phase
● Supplier
● Data
● Feasibility
● Data
● Planning
● Requirement
● Data
● Risk assessment
● Testing
● Decommissio
● Reporting and
ning plan

Source GAMP5
A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
Open discussion ?

How much validation is sufficient?

What are the minimum deliverables ?

How much detail do we need to provide ?

Who determines how much is enough ?

How much validation is sufficient ?

Validation starts with requirements Product and process understanding

Requirement easily understood by user and Involvement of all related personnel

supplier, testable and measurable
How the requirement achieved should be ● Project leader
described in functionality and coumented ● System owner
● Process owner
All of the above document is traceable ● IT representative
forward and backward ● Department Manager
● Qualified Person

● Supplier representative
How much validation is enough ?

Effective Supplier relationship Risk based approach

Supplier assessment of capability and their Risk assessment should be perform on life
product knowledge cycle of computerized system

Developed Service Level Agreement No risk method is wrong as long is based on

scientific and the focus is for patient safety
Long-term and sustainability assessment and product quality with underlying
of supplier and product foundation of data integrity

Validation packages from supplier may be Focus on higher risk and the validation will

considered be optimized
How much validation is enough ?

Standardization Knowledge Management

Use template of document that easily Continuous improvement and review of

understood if possible use application for validation process
possibility in autofill
Proactive in software assurance and
Look for standard software and readily preventing defect of solved minor bugs
available application because as the during operation as soon as possible
technology advanced more software is fit
to use Understand which was correct which was
possible by updating to regulation, seminar
Focus on long term sustainability not short and guidance document

term cost saving

❖ Mengapa Computerized System Validation (CSV) ?

❖ Pengenalan terhadap GAMP

❖ Requirement Analysis & System Development

❖ Manajemen risiko dalam CSV

❖ Pengujian dalam ruang lingkup CSV

❖ CSV adalah sebuah siklus

❖ Sejauh apa CSV yang dikatakan cukup ?

❖ Langkah awal Implementasi CSV berdasarkan


best practice
We can start the validation from here .
Engage Start building Appoint 1
Understand the
management team within champion for CSV
support company & Data Integrity

Establish Apply firstly on

List all computer Start Planning
simple SOP to FRA to Testing and
system available or Remediation
follow Reporting

Update SOP for Program an internal Update to

CSV life cycle audit for CSV and current
approach Data Integrity regulation
Engage Start building Appoint 1
Understand the
management team within champion for CSV
support company & Data Integrity

● The champion should be on the

You know that the organization
project for implementation any
understand the value by:
system as a guidance
● Organization planning the long term
● If you have ongoing project for any
program and CSV is part of it
system, put CSV on the project
● Your company start pushing their
timeline, consider the resource goes
talent to follow training related to
into CSV
Computerized System Validation,
● Team generalized as process owner,
Data Integrity, etc
system owner, QA
● Start GAP assessment on CPOB
aneks 7
GAP Assessment to CPOB Aneks 7
Bagian No Deskripsi Ada pada SOP? Sudah dilakukan? SOP Aktual CAPA/P

Prinsip - Aplikasi hendaklah divalidasi; - Tidak - Tidak Pembu Kualifik

Infrastruktur IT hendaklah atan asi
dikualifikasi. SOP infrastr
Penggantian operasi manual terkait uktur
oleh sistem komputerisasi validasi Melaku
tidak boleh untuk kan
mengakibatkan penurunan memas validasi
kualitas produk, kendali tikan pada
proses atau Pemastian tidak seluruh
Mutu. Tidak boleh terjadi ada sistem
peningkatan risiko risiko sesuai
menyeluruh terhadap proses VMP
GAP Assessment to CPOB Aneks 7
Bagian No Deskripsi Ada pada SOP? Sudah dilakukan? SOP Aktual Next CAPA/PIC

Umum 2. Hendaklah diciptakan kerja Tidak Ya Belum Pada

Perso sama yang erat antara ada project
nel semua personel terkait tanggu di LIMS
seperti Pemilik Proses, ng XXX
Pemilik Sistem, Personil jawab sudah
Berwenang dan IT. Semua dan dilakuk
personel hendaklah memiliki hubung an
kualifikasi yang tepat, tingkat an kerja pemba
akses dan ada gian
tanggung jawab yang SOP QA, QC,
ditetapkan untuk IT
melaksanakan tugas mereka.
simple SOP to

Judul SOP: Validasi Sistem Terkomputerisasi versi 1

1. Tanggung Jawab Personil dan Fungsinya dalam Organisasi

2. Isi (berupa alur kerja)
● Konsep scalability V-model dari GAMP 5 dalam SOP
● Cara mendaftarkan sistem dalam inventaris sistem terkomputerisasi (+lampiran
● Cara membuat VMP/VP untuk sistem komputer (+lampiran contohnya)
● Cara membuat URS dan
● Cara melakukan kajian risiko fungsional dan kriterianya (+lampiran contohnya)
● Cara membuat protokol uji (IQ,OQ,PQ) dan relasinya dengan kualifikasi
(+lampiran contohnya)
● Cara membuat matriks ketertelusuran (+lampiran contohnya)

● Manajemen Perubahan & Penanganan Deviasi

List all computer Start Planning
system available or Remediation

No Identitas Nama Kode Kategori ER/ES Status

sistem software/ sistem software Validasi

Dibuatkan prioritas untuk validasi berdasarkan kajian risiko untuk FRA pada SOP

Apply firstly on
VMP FRA to Testing and

Update SOP for
Establish simple
CSV life cycle
SOP to follow

Judul SOP: Validasi Sistem Terkomputerisasi versi 2

1. Tanggung Jawab Personil dan Fungsinya dalam Organisasi tambahkan Vendor

(Internal team maupun external team) dan sistem administrator
2. Tambahkan Isi
● Initial risk assessment (Gxp Assessment, ERES assessment)
● Supplier audit/ assessment dan tingkat perjanjian kerjasama
● Pembuatan FS/DS
● Manajemen Perubahan & Penanganan Deviasi Selama Project
● Manajemen akses pada sistem
● Kewajiban melakukan backup-restore, archive-retrieve berdasarkan risiko pada
tiap sistem
● Manajemen audit trail

● Periodic Review/ performance monitoring

● Business Continuity plan
● Decommissioning sistem komputer
Program an internal Update to
audit for CSV and current
Data Integrity regulation

● Update GAP Buat modul

assessment CPOB kompetensi untuk
aneks 7 alur proses CSV
● Lanjutkan ke 21 CFR part dan lakukan suksesi
11, Data Integrity
(ALCOA+) dan
tanamkan quality
culture data integrity
kepada shop floor
Q & A
PT CSV Farma Indobuana
Jl. Bhineka Permai Blok T No. 4
Mekarsari, Cimanggis, Kota
Depok, Jawa Barat

T: +62 812 1045 2982 /

+62 813 8258 9383

E: /

● ISPE GAMP 5 A Risk Based Approach to
Compliant GxP Computerized System W:
● ISPE Indonesia Data Integrity Event
Thank you and be well
Our next webinar See you soon
❖ Workshop for risk based approach in Computerized
System Validation
❖ Data integrity in Gxp Environment

❖ Electronic Record and Electronic Signature an

understanding of 21 cfr part 11 requirement
❖ IT Infrastructure and its compliance

❖ Pharma 4.0 with system integrator

❖ Data Integrity by Design a foundation for critical thinking

❖ ERP for Pharmaceutical Company

❖ Computer Software Assurance (CSA) risk based


approach for CSV based critical thinking

❖ Laboratory Data Integrity and Spreadsheet Validation

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