Social Media Usage and Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM Students in Specialize Subjects "

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Social Media Usage and 

Performance of Grade
12 STEM Students in Specialize
Subjects “ 


When Covid -19 spread ,every one sifted at what we describe as
everyday life to another more cautious approach  to dealing with the
tasks we do. The whole world got affected  ]in all aspects; businesses,
livelihoods, transportation, way of  living, and  a lot  more. The
continuity  of school was  a big  mark for everyone. Now, students have
to learn and  adapt to  the new  learning types  and ways so  that they 
can  continue  their  education  even amid  a  pandemic. Now 
that students are  learning through online  methods, students 
can  easily access social media platforms.
 Specializing through the use of words, pictures, and videos .  
It is a form of digital communication media which gives the  
ability for everyone to interact, associate, and share and form  
a room to disseminate content with the use of the internet .  
Social media has become a powerful and impacted the whole  
world in every aspect, especially students. Internet and social  
media are essential to students nowadays now that it became  
a  part of  their  daily  lives. Now  that  students  are studying  
under  the  new  learning  system,  which  is  through  online  
methods,  it  is no  doubt  that  social  media can  affect  their  
academic life in some ways. A study’s results showed that the  
use  of  social  media  helps  students  in  their  academic  
performance by improving their skills in socializing, reading,  
and  improving  their  general  knowledge.  However,  the   unhealthy
and  unnecessary use  of  social media  may  affect  
their  academic  performance  badly  .  Another  study concluded that
while all of the students used social media, it  
is rare that  they use it for school  purposes. Thus, the study  
concluded that the use of social media is not associated with  
their  academic  performance  .  However,  this  study   occurred  way 
before the  Covid-19 pandemic  arose.  In the  
new learning system, the use of social media is essential to students. 
Social media for academics can greatly influence the perception and
approach of students with their educational environment. 
The outcome of the research implies that  there  is  still  a  need  of  
continuous experimentations and the pursuit of new theory that
increases our comprehension on  how digital natives respond to the use
of social media in education. Social media are already being  
introduced in education through different contents and activities. Some
educators use social media  to have engagement with the learners. The
students in the study where asked to post a content on  
social media and it results into students voluntarily participating
through posting four times the  minimum amount required. The result
lead to a compelling argument that social media can really  boosts
students to engage share and learn.   Social media is very much
common in youth and teenagers. This group is far way different  
to other groups as they know the versatility of the media, such as
emails and chatting, and use it  for multiple purposes. Furthermore,
researchers nowadays use social media for discussion and publication
of their works worldwide. Today, anybody can have easy access to
information using  social media, and on the flipside, users can also use
the said virtual platforms to share information  
and it is high time to welcome the newer methods with open arms but
still securing the traditional  
methods since it is the base of all the growth which has brought us to
the civilization that we have  today.   
Grade 12 STEM in Specialize  Subjects 
The role of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
education in terms of students’ learning outcome is a central topic for
the educational field. However, STEM education is a very broad term.
Therefore, in this current study, STEM education (enactment) refers to
teaching, learning, and integrating the disciplines and skills of science,
technology, mathematics, and engineering in STEM topics, with an
emphasis on solving real-world problems. Indeed, STEM education
focuses on hands-on activity to prepare students in facing the
developments of a new competitive era. In STEM learning activities,
soft skills such as problem-solving, higher-order thinking skills, and
collaborative work are the main focuses on which students’ learning is
This paper aims to find out the positive and negative impact of social
media on  academic performance of grade 12 STEM students in
Specialize Subject .Specifically it sought to answer the following: 
1. What is social media and why Grade 12 STEM students use
it specially  in Specialize Subjects?  
2. How much time do students spend using social media? 
3. What is the impact of social media on grade 12 students’ academic
Social networks are becoming more popular among Senior High
School students and are a new way of  spending free time and serve as
a separate channel for finding the necessary information,
both  educational and entertaining. Therefore, it is urgent to examine
the question of what effect social  networks have on their users, in
particular, how the use of social networks affects the
academic performance of grade 12 STEM students in Specialize
Subjects.This study will discover this information, giving the researchers
an  opportunity to explore and gain new knowledge. Furthermore, it
can be used for future studies. 
The study was conducted to assess the usage of social media on
students’academic ofGrade12STEMstudents performance. Twenty Thre
e (23) students who are actively using social media are the respondents
of the  study. It was conducted during the first  semester of academic
year 2021-2022. The study limited only on variables of social media that
the researchers assumed that has effects  of respondents’ academic
performance of Grade 12 STEM students. These variables are
respondents’ access to internet, usage,  perception on social media,
and their frequency of using it. 

As words may mean differently in different contexts, the followin
g definition are given us the words usedas intended to be unders
tood for the purpose of this study.

Social media: They are forms of electronic communication which facilita
te interactive base oncertain interests. Social media include web and
 mobile technology.
Social Networking site:
A website where people put information about them can send to
others .

Social Networking:
The use of internet to make information about yourself available to oth
er especially people you share an interest with to send message to

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