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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Know the story behind ➤ Planning a trip to the hills ➤ Sixteen teams set to
TODAY’S Yuletide and who are
Yeomen in Concepts to
after your exams are over? battle it out for the FIH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2021

Take a tour of Leh— the land of Men’s Junion World Cup
Newspaper in

Clasrooms high passes and soak in the

mystic charm of the hills PAGE 4


Kerala school inches closer to

ndia's first virtual sci-
ence lab for children —

gender neutrality India's first under the 'CSIR Jigyasa'

programme that will con-
nect students with scien-

virtual science tists across the country was launched

on Monday. Describing the virtual
lab as a new beginning, Union min-
lab for children ister of state for science & technology,
Jitendra Singh, said that this will not only
take science to all segments of students in
All the rulers in the

launched every corner of the country, but is also in tune

with the National Education Policy (NEP), where stu-
democratic set-up,
before beginning
their routine work,
dents are allowed to choose any subject and the con-
should introspect
cept of streams has been disbanded. Accordingly, CSIR
whether they have any bad char-
has partnered with IIT Bombay to develop a virtual lab
platform under the 'CSIR Jigyasa' programme, which acteristics. There is a need to
facilitates classroom learning with laboratory research offer just administration and it

for school students. should be according to people's
The target audience for the needs. People are the ultimate
lords in democracy and whatever

virtual lab is students of stan-
n a step closer to gender neutrality, a government school in decision has been taken by the
dards VI to XII (11-18 years),
Kerala has decided to introduce a new uniform for all its stu- dispensation should benefit
who would like to explore sci-
dents. Valayanchirangara Government Lower Primary School, near them. True education is the one

ence using different activities
Perumbavoor in Ernakulam district, has introduced a new uniform which imbibes moral values and
— 3/4th shorts and shirt, which will be worn by all students. The The main aim of the virtual lab virtues of humility, discipline,
school, which has a strength of 754 students, had taken the decision is to provide quality research selflessness, compassion, toler-
on a new dress code in 2018. Initially, it was introduced in the lower
primary section of the school but was extended to all students when
exposure and innovative peda- ance, forgiveness and mutual
the facility reopened post-lockdown. gogy for school students to respect. Unfortunately, the mod-
drive their scientific curiosity based on The key highlights of the virtual lab are: ern education system tends to
an online interactive medium with simu- Open source platform; access content in focus only on the 'utilitarian'
 The uniforms have been designed by Vidya Mukunan. The Kochi- regional languages; scientist/researchers
lated experiments, pedagogy based function of education. Such a
based designer said that initially parents were concerned about support; knowledge up-gradation for
content, videos, chat forums, anima- system is not equipped to deal
how girl students would use the washroom. She said that several teachers and students; project-based sup-
tions, gaming, quiz, facility sharing, with the 'moral' or 'spiritual'
designs were checked before finalising the present dress code. port; fun-based gaming; need-based videos function of education, which

"Girls told us that they feel very comfortable with the new uni- webinars etc and animation; simulation experiments;
form. This was initially implemented among the pre-primary stu-
builds the character of our stu-
The content will be available in promoting scientific temperament; sci- dents and allows them to devel-
dents. Later, after considering the positive response from the par- ence-based webinars; student entrepre-
English initially, but has been op a social consciousness
ents and the teachers, the school introduced it to the other class- neurship; student-expert forums; student
es," she added. (More on page 3)
planned to be made available and a sense of
in Hindi and other regional lan- to student forums; simplified content;
guages as well availability to technical assistance; build
confidence and motivation NV Ramana, Chief
Share your views at Justice of India

El Salvador plans first 'Bitcoin City'

E l Salvador plans to build the
world's first 'Bitcoin City', funded ini-
tially by bitcoin-backed bonds,
President Nayib Bukele said, doubling down
on his bet to harness the crypto currency to
El Salvador in September
became the first country in
the world to adopt bitcoin
as legal tender
fuel investment in the Central American
country. Speaking at an event closing a week-long promotion of bitcoin in El Salvador,

Bukele said, the city planned in the eastern region of La Union would get geothermal
power from a volcano and not levy any taxes except for value added tax (VAT).

49th International Emmys: David Tennant,

 Half of the VAT levied would be  Likening his plan to cities founded
used to fund the bonds issued to by Alexander the Great, Bukele said,
build the city, and the other half Bitcoin City would be circular, with
'Tehran', 'Call My Agent 4' get top awards would pay for services such as
garbage collection, Bukele said, esti-
an airport, residential and commer-
cial areas, and feature a central

mating the public infrastructure plaza designed to look like a bitcoin
he Indian challenge at the 49th International would cost around 300,000 bitcoins. symbol from the air.
Emmy Awards, which concluded at Casa Cipriani
in New York City on late Monday night (US

Now, file e-complaint

Eastern Time), ended with Nawazuddin Siddiqui
losing out to Scottish actor David Tennant in the Best
Performance by an Actor category.

from your phone

 Ram Madhvani's 'Aarya' was edged out by the
Israeli spy thriller series 'Tehran', which got The
International Emmy for Drama Series. Vir Das's

comic take on Indian history, 'Vir Das: For India',
made way for yet another Netflix acquisition, tudents from the
'Call My Agent: Season 4', which walked away KL Deemed-to- HOW IT WORKS  One can also check the status
of a case that has been filed
with The International Emmy for Comedy. be University  A perfect amalgamation of through this application. The app
 ’Tennant’, who became famous as The have developed a ‘Cyber information, guidance and also provides study material on
Doctor in the British TV series 'Doctor Who', Security app’ that offers solution, the app alerts the cyber security and cyber laws, IT
was honoured for his work in the three-part features like e-complaint users before they fall victim to Act 2000 and IT Act 2008, cyber
crime drama miniseries 'Des', which centres filing, cyber internships, cyber them. forms, and the latest cyber
around the Scottish serial killer Dennis  It also provide the user an
consultation, etc. Developed by security news.
Nilsen, who was arrested in 1983, after the understanding of cybercrime
D Rahul Shashank, a final year  Additionally, a list of the
discovery of human remains which had and ways to tackle it.
student at the College of Law, cyber police stations is also
blocked a drain near his London home.  More importantly, the app
KL Deemed-to-be University, available on the app to help
helps users to lodge cyber users find the nearest cyber
this app is available in English
related complaint. Using this police stations by enabling the
The International Emmy Awards honour and Telugu. According to univer- feature, a user can file a GPS / location. The app also
the best in television programming out- sity officials, this app is simple, cyber complaint through the has ‘Cyber Legal Aid’, which is
side of the US. This year, the awards convenient, and absolutely cru- e-filing link, which is provid- divided into two sub modules
were presented in 11 categories and the cial to ensure one’s digital ed with the disclaimers in the namely cyber expert consul-
nominees were from 24 countries security. application. tancy and cyber volunteer.
02 “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he
can learn in no other way.”

Beginning the journey TEACHERS, IF YOU
of learning in an THAT CAN CHANGE
alphabetical order, Times A CLASSROOM,
NIE takes you through SHARE IT ON
one concept from each WITH
subject every week YOUR PHOTOGRAPH


GEOGRAPHY Which period do they
Younger Dryas, also called Younger YEAST
YOUNGER DRYAS Dryas stadial, was the cool period
■ The leading hypothesis, first
proposed by Finnish scientist
he Younger Dryas
is a cold period of between roughly 12,900 and 11,600 Claes Rooth in 1982, postulated
about 1500 years years ago that dis- that large amounts of fresh water
that occurred at about rupted the pre-
10,000 to 8,500 years ago. It were discharged into the North
is believed to have been vailing warming Atlantic about 12,800 years ago.
brought on by a sudden trend occurring in More specifically, the retreat of
release of cold water into the Northern the Laurentide Ice Sheet allowed
the oceans from behind
Hemisphere at the Lake Agassiz, a glacial meltwater
the North American ice sheets, which were east is single-celled organism that belongs to the
breaking up at about that time. end of the lake that covered a large part of kingdom Fungi. There are more than 500 species
Pleistocene in the North Atlantic from and thousands of varieties of yeast that can be found
north-central North America, to
Epoch (that descending to lower depths, in the soil, sugary liquids (in the fruit and flowers) and
The Younger drain eastward into the Atlantic on the surface of plants and animals. Yeast plays an
lasted from thereby interrupting thermohaline
Dryas was Ocean rather than southward into important role in the industry of bread and alcoholic
2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). The circulation (a system of surface beverages and has wide application in biotechnology.
named after Dryas the Mississippi River. Broecker
Younger Dryas was characterised by and deep water currents that dis-
octopetala, a pale yellow and American geologist George
tributes large amounts of heat
wildflower of the rose
family, typical of cold open
cooler average temperatures that
returned parts of Europe and North
Denton proposed that this large
influx of fresh water may have
around the globe) and initiating a LEARNING WITH NIE
America to ice age conditions. short-term return to glacial

Single cell of yeast has 3 to 5 microns in diam-
Arctic environments stopped higher-density seawater
conditions. eter. Visible colonies of yeast are composed of
at least one million cells. Package of yeast used
for cooking contains billions of cells. Like in other
eukaryotic organisms, DNA of yeast is located
Y I E L D ( C O M M E R C I A L M AT H )
LANGUAGE MATHS inside the nucleus. It also contains mitochondria.

Implicit in interest rate is time ■ Interest, due as per the tenure of the loan, Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw the
By Sandeep Obviously, interest rate will change if peri- is paid to the lender at the end of that peri- cells of yeast under the microscope
YABBER Srivastava od (or at the end of every time period in in- in 1680, but he failed to identify
terest rate, as if that’s the tenure and re- them as living entities. In 1857, Louise
By Kartik Bajoria Educator since 20 Pasteur discovered that cells of yeasts
newed after every interest payment). For
Jaipur-based yrs, he specialises instance, a principal taken for 7 quarters are responsible for the brewing of beer.
Communication Skills in making Maths (tenure), at 2% per quarter, will be paid as
easy and fun ‘7 x2% of the principal’, at the end of the 7th

od of payment changes; for example, 12% Yeast converts sugar from liq-
Educator & Writer per year will become around 1% per month. quarter, as interest amount (or, 2% is paid uid medium into alcohol and car-

specific set of mathematical con- We never mention interest rate as some- every quarter for each of the 7 quarters). bon dioxide and improves aro-

efore anything else, let us explore the word cepts are used in the world of com- thing like 8%, it is always along with the pe- The interest amount computed this way ma of beer and wine. It was used for
Yabber itself. It is believed that yabber merce (anything predominantly riod of the interest rate, 8% per annum, 8% is called simple interest – it’s simple ‘p x r x making of beer and wine thousands
originates from a native Australian lan- related to buying, selling or half-yearly, etc. t’. ‘t' is 1, or the total time period. of years before it was discovered.
guage known as Yabba. In today’s modern parl- borrowing). For example, borrowing a sum ■ Interest, due as per the time period in the

ance, Yabber equates to jabbering, or talking in of 1,00,000, at 10% interest, payable over 12 interest rate, is paid to the lender at the end Yeast plays important role in the
a manner that is too fast, indistinguishable, un- equal monthly instalments. Commercial INTEREST AMOUNT of the tenure, but with interest on every manufacture of bread and vari-
clear. And that is why it is vital in the context of math applies a wide range of mathematical The interest rate gives the interest amount interest amount as per the interest rate time ous dough. Ancient Romans
language and communication. That when we applications, but we will focus on one pri- for one unit of time – the time in the inter- period. Every due interest payment becomes learned that dough left in the sun can
talk, communicate and use language, it not be mary foundation of maths used in commerce est rate, e.g., for ‘1 year’ in 10% per year. More additional principal for the rest of the tenure, be ‘revived’ after adding the sugar.
Yabbering or Jabbering but rather speaking in – interest; after all, the value of money is interest will accrue if the time period is and interest is to be paid on it too. Without knowing, they discovered it.
a relaxed pace where we clearly enunciate each very important in commerce. more than the time period in the interest ■ For instance, for the above example, 2%
word so that we are fully understood and achieve WHY INTEREST IS CHARGED ON BORROWED rate. For example, if the interest rate is 3% of principal can be paid every quarter, OR

Some species of yeast can
the most basic goals of communicating in the MONEY? per quarter, then the interest payable for 5 interest is paid at the end of the tenure of 7 induce various diseases in hu-
first place. The extra amount paid for the use of quarters will be 5 times interest rate per quarters as under: mans and animals. Candida
Many of us unconsciously yabber. Particu- money or to borrow money is what we call quarter, i.e., 5 x 3% = 15%. 7 x2% of principal PLUS interest of 2% albicans, for example, can induce
larly in the context of young students, when we INTEREST. of the first quarter interest payment for 6 infection in the mouth and gas-
are asked to formally address a gathering, or in Simply put, money buys less as time INTEREST AMOUNT IS A MULTIPLE OF THE quarters (from end of first quarter to the trointestinal tract of humans.
most public speaking scenarios, students’ tire- passes; for example, `100 may get us a dozen INTEREST RATE end of the tenure – 7 quarters) PLUS inter-
less efforts at researching and preparing their crayons today, but may cost `104 a year There are three possible scenarios once est of 2% of second interest payment for 5
speeches in many cases turn futile because of later. Inflation in prices depreciates the val- interest rate is known: quarters PLUS interest of 2% of third in- Our hair, weight and height, among many other features, show the
yabbering, which is an unconscious manifesta- ue of a given sum of money (i.e., same ■ The principal amount is not 100 (as is ex- terest payment for 4 quarters, and so on. signs of ‘compound growth’ – the growth ‘on top of’ the level already
tion of nervousness. amount of money will buy less things). The pected in real life): Then the interest amount The interest amount computed this way achieved. When something grows in a compound manner, it simply
The natural corollary therefore is, how does lenders have to ensure that they have more for the period of the interest rate = Interest is called compound interest – it’s not ‘p x r x keeps growing over the last level and not separately. Compound growth
one control this tendency to yabber? In my opin- money to be able to buy what money can rate x Principal. t’; it is a series of different ‘p x r x t’. is a special kind of change in something. To better understand the con-
ion and experience, it can be significantly con- buy today. Indeed, longer the tenure of bor- ■The total time period of borrowing is more, cept of ‘compound growth’, let’s see what would have happened if our
trolled by regulating out breathing. Having said rowing, the more the money as interest to or less, than the period of the interest rate: WHAT ABOUT ‘INTEREST ON INTEREST’? hair or nails were not growing the compound way. In that case, hair
that mostly this is caused due to subconscious compensate for the higher depreciation in for example, if the total time period of bor- When the tenure of a loan and the time pe- and nails would grow a fixed length everyday BUT at the same point –
nervousness, if, before speaking, we focus our value of borrowed/loaned money. rowing is one and half years, and the in- riod of the interest rate are the same, there the last cut level. You can imagine it to be like one distinct offshoot of
attention on our breathing and attain an even, Time and value of money are inverse- terest rate is 1% per month, then the total is only one interest amount due to be paid; growth for every day at the point of last cut. But don’t think that com-
relaxed, unhurried rhythm, it will reflect di- ly related; this way, money is not same as time period will be expressed in multiples for example, interest rate is 5% per year and pounded growth (or change) is special and about living things only. It’s
rectly in the manner and speed of our commu- other assets, such as gold, land, securities, of ‘1 month’, i.e., 18 months. the loan’s tenure is 1 year. However, for a as applicable to non-living things too; in fact, compounded change is
nication and reduce yabbering to a great extent. etc. (there are market driven – their value ■. The principal is not 100, and the total time simple situation like – 5% per year for a loan the natural law of change. For instance:
Try it yourself. Stand in front of a mirror, reg- can appreciate, or depreciate). period of is not the same as the period of the for 2 years – there are more than one inter- ■ If you drag a chair some distance towards a table and leave it there
ulate your breathing, and then talk. The results Plus, money when invested as a capital interest rate: est amounts to be paid, at the end of first for a while, then the next time you have to bring it nearer to the table,
will be pleasantly surprising. Yabbering, gone! in a business may earn profit; so, money ap- Clearly, the interest amount = and second years. Expectedly, there are two you only have to drag it for the distance left to be dragged from the last
preciates when well-invested. Lenders see Interest rate x Principal x time! In oth- ways interest amounts can be paid back: time. The distance the chair is dragged is compoundable.
interest as the opportunity cost of depreci- er words, the interest amount will be ad- ■ As interest, as and when due – simple ■ How would you collect five pencils together? If you already have
ation in value, as well as loss of opportuni- justed for the actual principal amount, interest. three, then you only need to add two more and if you already have five
ty to earn profit by investing it elsewhere. and also adjusted for the time period of ■ As additional principal, the borrower you needn’t add any. The number of pencils compound together.
HOW IS AN INTEREST (AMOUNT) EXPRESSED? the borrowed amount. keeps the interest amount till the end of the ■You must have heard about financially lucrative careers such as tea-
Percent is the simplest way to express quan- tenure, much like the original principal – a tasters but have you heard of a similar category of career w.r.t. chicks.
tities that need to be compared, discussed. HOW IS AN INTEREST AMOUNT COMPUTED? ‘compounding’ situation (where the prin- When hens are reared (for eggs), it benefits more if hens are separat-
Thus, interest is expressed as ‘interest rate’, Mathematically, if ‘r’ is the interest rate (in cipal is growing). We will explore this con- ed from roasters as soon as possible after chicks hatch (born); more
i.e., amount of interest to be paid per 100 of %, as x/100), p is the capital, and t is the to- ceptually. and more hens must be reared to get more and more eggs.
principal amount; this makes interest a small tal time of borrowing (expressed as multi- CAN YOU GUESS HOW AND WHY?
number, for example, 3.34%, 11.2%, etc. ples of the interest rate time period), COMPOUND INTEREST The female chicks will lay eggs to be sold through their life time. That’s
For example, Neha wants to borrow Interest amount = r x p x t = p x r x t It’s the nature’s chosen way of growth and only like ‘simple interest’ – the same hen giving an egg a day!
1,000. The local bank says ‘10% Interest’. AMOUNT PAID BACK FOR BORROWED MONEY change. But there is more to be expected from a hen – her eggs could be
So to borrow 1,000 for 1 year, it will cost Total amount paid back to loaner = Princi- We all know that nails and hair grow used to get many more female chicks, who in turn would grow into
her: 1000 x 100 ) =100. In this case, the ‘In- pal amount + Interest amount. every day. But how do they grow? They grow hens to give more eggs and even more female-chicks out of the eggs
TEACHER Ask students to stand in front of the terest' is `100, and the ‘Interest Rate’ is 10% THE TWO WAYS TO PAY INTEREST over and above the ‘yesterday’s length’ and and the chain can go on. There is indeed a growth path beyond the
PROMPT mirror and then talk (but people often say ‘10% Interest’ without A closer look at interest payouts presents us not over and above the ‘last cut length'. Our ‘simple interest’ form – the compounded form.
saying ‘Rate’). with two distinct scenarios: height and weight also grow the same way.

Yeomanry was the

name applied to
groups of freeborn
YEOMAN commoners engaged
as household guards, or
eoman, in English history, a class
intermediate between the gentry
and the labourers; a yeoman was
raised as an army during
usually a landholder but could also be a times of war
retainer, guard, attendant, or subordinate
official. The word appears in Middle

English as yemen, or yoman, and is per- scribed them as having free land worth £6
haps a contraction of yeng man or yong (originally 40 shillings) annually and as not ule comes from the old Norse jól and Old
man, meaning young man, or attendant. being entitled to bear arms. In the early English géohol, which was the season of
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 15th century, yeoman was the rank of chival- hunting after the harvest was done. This
(late 14th century) depicts a yeoman who ry between page and squire. By the late 17th
is a forester and a retainer. Most yeomen century, yeoman became a rank in the new fell in what we now call December, so it eventual-
of the later Middle Ages were probably Royal Navy for the common seamen who ly became associated with the Christmas Holiday.
occupied in cultivating the land; Raphael were in charge of ship’s stores, such as food- In Old English, it was referred to as a mid-winter
Holinshed, in his Chronicles (1577), de- stuffs, gunpowder, and sails.
pagan festival that took place in December.
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
Serenity is peace amid the storm Deepavali, an array of lights
iwali or Deep- victory of light over
avali is the festi- darkness, knowledge

al Bharati Public School, the peaceful Buddhist chanting, the ver- val of lights that over ignorance, good
GRH Marg, on November satile MC for the occasion, Rekha Shar- is celebrated in over evil and hope over
18 hosted an enriching ma introduced HE the 8th,Chokyong Pal- various regions across In- despair through the
spiritual talk by His Emi- ga Rinpoche, who mesmerised the audi- dia. The name ‘Deepavali’ medium of dance, mu-
nence the 8th, Chokyong ence with his deep insightful wisdom literally means an “array sic, and speeches. The
Palga Rinpoche, Buddhist teacher and conveyed in a light – hearted, easy man- of lights”. The festival importance of this fes-
philosopher, and a tulku of the Druk- ner which helped to develop an instant usually lasts for five days tival was set forth in the
pa (Dragon) lineage of Tibetan Bud- connect with the audience.Emphasising and is celebrated during form of Ramlila act
dhism. Organised by the illustrious the illusionary nature of the world,which the Hindu lunisolar which was the highlight
Child Education Society (Regd), the is marked by impermanence, he high- month Kartika (between of the programme.
apex body of all Bal Bharati Public lighted the importance of ‘Claw’ signi- mid-October and mid-No- School manager Rev
Schools, pan India, the enlightening fying compassion, love, awareness, and vember). Fr Savarimuthu Sankar
session, on the theme, ‘Serenity is not wisdom as well as ‘detachment to gain To make the students under- enlightened the students on sharing
freedom from the storm but peace freedom from the cycle of birth and re- stand the importance of Diwali, St divine light of knowledge and wis-
amid the storm’ befittingly marked birth’. In the invigorating QA session, he Michael’s Sr Sec School, Pusa dom, bringing hope and positivity.
the first public event to be held in the addressed an array of queries related to Road had an online celebration on Rev Father expressed his best wish-
school premises since the closure of the school person, School Advisory Council, CES; advisors existence and happiness, and also shared useful November 2. Nidhi Dhar along with es to students and staff and prayed
due to Covid19. Stringent measures were taken to CES, namely, SK Bhattacharya, Rekha Shar- tips for spiritual sustenance, such as, ‘It’s okay to her team of teachers organised the for the divine spark of light to illu-
to ensure that Covid protocols were appropriately ma, and Nanu Rekhi; principals, vice-principals, be not okay sometimes.’ celebration. minate everyone’s lives.
followed in all aspects. and head mistresses of different units of BBPS; The programme concluded with an eloquent Students of classes V Tulip, VI Both teachers and students en-
The august gathering included Mr Nikhil besides the staff members of BBPS GR. vote of thanks presented by LV Sehgal, principal Ruby, VII Emerald and VIII Emer- joyed the Diwali celebration whole-
Channa, president, CES; Meenu Goswami, chair- Following the lamp lighting ceremony amidst of the host school, and joint secretary, CES. ald presented the significance of the heartedly.

My pandemic experience Vaccinations came as a ray of

hope for the adults,
All showed a response of exults.
Gender neutrality begins with school uniform
We experienced an upheaval, clapped to pay a tribute, The coming of the second wave;
The world ordeal SARS- Everyone was trying to contribute. made my boards cancelled,
CoV-2’s easel. With the coming of ‘Am I audible’ Everyone called us ‘the Covid
Kerala education minister V Sivankutty supported the campaign for gender-neutral uniform lauding the schools that have
Everything seemed to came and ‘Teacher, your voice batch’ and dappled. introduced it. "We need similar efforts to achieve the goal of gender equality in education and other fields," he said.
to a cease, is cracking’, We experienced an

Except our frontline workers I assured myself that my class X existential crisis, ender neutrality is something disregarded in our ender neutrality is often confused with equality
trying to make peace. will be nerve wracking. We encountered undignified society. Gender and sex are two different aspects. owing to the lack of quantitative and qualitative
I needed a pause, With the momentarily nervous deaths, because of this virus. Sex is something assigned at birth while gender analysis of the topic. Often, the rights of the
To rectify my flaws. breakdowns, Lost so many near and dear ones,
From WFH to keeping up with No one understood our teenagers’ I know they won’t come back no identity is an internal perception, it is personal and not LGBTQIA+ community are ignored. Policies, social struc-
the latest trends, downs. matter how much I shun. easy. ture, gender roles or identity should avoid distinguishing
I realised family’s quality time is With the first wave of Covid, ap- With still not being infected with There are people who are non-binary, gender fluid, inter- roles according to the sex identified at birth. It is not in
so much more important than our propriate measures were taken, the virus and hoping to be vacci-
nated shortly,
sex, non-conforming. People are finding it hard to accept the uniform or any exterior element, but in the mind.
work spends. Nevertheless, we didn’t know we
While ‘Muskuraega India’ gave were yet to be shaken. This 16-year-old hasn’t left hope one another for being themselves. School is the best place Consider the girls who like to wear skirts and think neu-
hope to Indians, With events, exams and chatting and prays for the safety of all daily. to bring change. Gender equality is treating all tral. Discrimination among people can
The bilateral tensions amid mid-
dle east, has become oblivion.
becoming virtual,
With my neighbours getting posi-
TISSHYA SHARMA, class XI, Bal Bharati FOR equally. Usage of gender-neutral uniform, lan- be changed by raising awareness to AGAINST
Indians banged utensils and tive, my tensions got dual. Public School, Rohini guage, recognising they/them pronouns are ways we could think differently. From KG, neutrality should be instilled in
support the LGBTQIA+ community. Clothing is a form of children, to accept people as per their orientation. Sex
gender expression and gender neutral uniform can lead to education classes are a must and language should be gen-
Aster Public wins AC Deb Memorial Football Tournament the neutral perception, besides freedom of movement for der neutral. Textbooks or syllabus should change with
girls. It is a way for children to grow with similarity in neutral roles for everyone — the concept of mother cook-

C Deb Memorial Inter respective groups to reach the
School Football Tour- semifinals. clothing and imbibe the value of accepting people ing and father reading newspaper should change. The
nament is an annual The final match of the tour- as they are as well as them- attitude to gender orientation
feature in the sports nament was played between
calendar of Cambridge Schools. Cambridge School Noida and
selves. This has the potential to should change for the better.
For more than a decade and a half Aster Public School Greater Noi- bring more equality and harmony. Malavika Rajesh, class XI,
Cambridge School Noida has da on November 20. The AC Deb Mythili Manoj, class XI, Bhavan's Bhavan's Adarsha
been hosting this event. Memorial Inter School Football Adarsha Vidyalaya, Vidyalaya,
Keeping this in view, this menced on November 15 with Tournament Trophy was won by Kakkanad, Kakkanad,
year the tournament was con- Rajesh S. IPS, DCP Noida inau- Aster Public School Greater Noi- Ernakulam
ducted at Cambridge School Noi- gurating the tournament. Dis- da. The Best Player of the tour-
da. 12 under 19 junior boys foot- trict Football Association Sec- nament was Anshul from Aster
ball teams from NCR partici- retary Wajid Ali was the guest Public School Greater Noida. The
pated in the prestigious AC Deb of honour. After the keenly con- Best Scorer of the tournament
Memorial Inter School Football tested preliminary rounds, four was Mridul Joshi of Cambridge

Experience the mystic charm of Leh-Ladakh

Tournament. The event com- teams clinched top spots in their School, Noida.

"You're off to great paces! Today is

your day! Your mountain is waiting,
so…get on your way!" Dr Seuss

ravel plan was in the air and I was
excited. We left for Leh and Ladakh
by flight in September, when the
weather though chilly was just perfect
for a memorable holiday. The beauty of
these places is mesmerising, but the
higher the altitude, lower the oxygen. In the Siachen Base
Leh, we were advised Camp was inspira-
rest to help our body tional and surreal
acclimatise to the sur- as we learnt how
ARONA BINU MATHEW, class VII, St. roundings. We used this the army personnel
Michael Sr Sec School Pusa Road prepare for the
time to visit local sites
such as Leh Palace, 'highest battlefield'. The Pangong
Shanti Stupa, Hall of Tso Lake was like a blue pearl with multi-
Fame, Magnetic Hill and coloured shades in water seen in the
we watched the light and sound show at Bollywood movie '3 Idiots'.
Zorawar's Fort. The beauty of Leh-Ladakh cannot be
RUBY CLASS, class VIII- We reached the Nubra Valley through expressed in words and can only be felt
B, Shaheed Bishan Singh Khardung La Pass (one of the highest through a visit. It was a life-time experi-
Memorial Sr secondary motorable road) in the world. The white ence that I will never forget.
School, Mansarovar AFNAN SHAKEEL, class X-D,
Garden Hamdard Public School sand dunes were magnificent and double- Shriya Shravan Sareen, class VIII, The
hump camel ride was thrilling. The trip to Choice School, Tripunithura, Ernakulam

Mystical beauty with divine ance of ‘Sindoor Khela’ in the fi-

nal episode. Garba dance was an
excellent performance by the par-
ents which left the spectators

blessings at ASN Int’l spell-bound.

National secretary of Shik-
sha Sanskriti Utthaan Nyas

SN Int’l School, New Delhi Atul Kothari- the
Mayur Vihar, organ- chief guest for the day- invited
ised an 8-day long vir- for the first episode, congratu-
tual event ‘Devi Nav- lated all the teachers, parents
durga- A Musical Ballet’ in Oc- and students involved in put-
tober, where children had an in- ting up such a learned show
sight of the rich culture and her- and blessed them on this occa-
itage. The objective was not only sion to reach the highest eche-
to let the students of 21st centu- lons of success. The final
ry be in touch to their roots with episode was organised in the
the depiction of old-aged tradi- presence of the eminent chief
tion, but also to make them learn guest Dr Kamla Bhardwaj- Pro-
the values of power, happiness, fessor of Ved Vedang.
humanity, tranquillity, knowl- cased the victory of ‘naari shak- classes, nursery and kinder- K L Luthra’ appreciated the
edge, devotion, name, fame and ti’ over the evil demon Mahisha- garten enthralled the audience entire event and emphasised that
health from the nine avatars of sura, with great enthuse and gai- with their rendition to Maa Dur- posterity, for sure, assist learn-
Maa Durga. ety. Attired in attractive dresses, ga through a traditional dance ing the wisdom and moral val-
‘Devi Nav-durga- A Musical the students enacted their char- performance in the first episode, ues. The show went spectacular
Ballet’, depicting the suprema- acters spectacularly which was but also the school teachers under the constant support of
cy of woman, was organised on a treat to everyone’s eyes. added icing to the cake by show- the guiding forces Shivani Khan-
Zoom platform, beautifully show- Not only the young girls of casing an outstanding perform- na and Priyanka.
Irrespective of whether you have talent or not, one has to work hard. Just being
talented doesn’t mean anything; you can end up wasting it before you realize.
Virat Kohli, Indian Cricketer

Focus shifts to hockey as junior World Cup campaign begins

ockey fever is set to hoping and praying for their favourite 16 TEAMS IN

grip the nation as 16 teams to top their respective pools.
teams prepare to On Monday, Pakistan head coach RECKONING
battle it out for top Danish Kaleem said, “We are excited
Our team became honours the FIH Ju-
nior Hockey World
to compete in the tournament as it
will help increase the popularity of
For the organisers, it will be a big-
ticket event. For the players, it will
Cup begins in the sport.” After missing the 2016 edi- be a contest to beat the opponents
champions in 2016 and Bhubaneswar on beginning Wednes- tion of the junior World Cup in Luc- with stamina and stick-work. The Ju-
day. Following India’s 10-wicket defeat know, the team from across the bor- nior World Cup will begin with the
now our team’s aim is to Pakistan in the ICC T20 World Cup
recently, fans are now looking forward
der will be only too happy to be here
playing in the global tournament. Un-
match between Belgium and South
Africa on November 24. India will
to another clash -- albeit on a differ- like cricket, Pakistan hockey’s mis- also start its campaign against
to continue to perform ent turf -- and hoping India get a fortune is that they get very few op- France the same day.
‘chance’ to beat the arch-rivals. While portunities to compete abroad. But Teams from 16 top countries are
in a similar manner. that will depend on the two teams’ per-
formance in their respective pools,
this is one opportunity they would-
n’t want to miss. And a clash against
participating in the tournament.
Canada, France and Poland are in
there is no denying that it has creat- India would be the icing on the cake Pool B along with India. In Pool D,
VIVEK SAGAR PRASAD, ed quite a buzz in hockey circles. for Kaleem’s boys. Pakistan have to deal with Argenti-
Every time India and Pakistan have India, led by captain Vivek Sagar na, Egypt and Germany. Pool A con-
Indian captain played on the hockey turf, expectations Prasad, will be looking to retain the sists of Belgium, Chile, Malaysia and
are sky high on either side of the bor- prestigious trophy as they take cen- South Africa, while Pool C has South
der, and it’s going to be no different this tre stage on their home turf. “Our team Korea, Netherlands, Spain and the
time around as well when -- and if -- the became champions in 2016 and now United States.
two young teams meet at the Kalinga our team’s aim is to continue to per- Teams from Australia, New
Stadium in Bhubaneswar. form in a similar manner,” Vivek, who Zealand and England have with-
A clash between the arch-rivals was part of India’s historic bronze- drawn due to the COVID-19 regula-
is only possible if both teams advance medal winning performance at the tions in their respective countries.
from their respective groups -- and Tokyo 2020 Olympics, said. Obviously, the competition level of
that can only happen if they finish The event is also important for In- the tournament has dipped a little
among the top two in their pools. In dia and Pakistan to build strong teams because of major teams pulling out,
the event of India and Pakistan for the Asian and Commonwealth but the curiosity around a possible
achieving either first or second po- Games next year, and the Paris Indo-Pak match has brought back
sitions in their respective Olympics in 2024. the enthusiasm. AGENCIES
pools, they can meet in the
semifinals or the final.
While it’s actually hard While we did not have overseas competition,
to predict an India-Pak- the team played some practice games against
istan clash, given that
teams like Germany,
the senior side in Bhubaneswar, which were quite
Argentina Belgium valuable. Since arriving in Bhubaneswar, we have
and Netherlands are been getting used to the stadium. The Kalinga
also in the fray, any-
thing is possible in Hockey Stadium is truly iconic. It’s good that we
sports, and fans would be are getting to train here before we start.
Photo: GETTY IMAGES India’s chief coach GRAHAM REID


Look forward to evaluate Asia Cup preparations as they take on top nations

he Indian women’s national football hint of jetlag. The players were greeted by the dian Aditi Chauhan in an official AIFF release.
team is in Manaus, Brazil to play in a 4- Indian Embassy upon arrival at the Eduardo “I couldn't believe it when the Brazil tour was
nation International tournament. India Gomes International Airport on Monday. announced. I had to go and confirm with our
Photo: AP

will lock horns with Brazil, Chile, and “We are very excited. We’ve never dreamt team management, and even then I could not be-
Venezuela in their three matches. The about playing against a team like Brazil, but we lieve it. I was really happy and excited, so I want-
exposure tour is part of the Indian Women’s team’s are here. It’s simply amazing. It’s really exciting ed a proper confirmation. I still can't believe that

rgentina striker Li- ed for the awards following his
Photo used for representation purposes only

preparation for the forthcoming AFC Women’s that our coaching staff and federation believe I will be playing against someone like Marta. I onel Messi and Portu- incredible form this year.
Asian Cup India 2022. This will be the first time that we can play against tough teams like Brazil, can't describe these feelings,” said team member gal captain Cristiano Magdalena Eriksson,
any Indian Senior National team will be playing Chile, and Venezuela. I’m sure this will be one Anju Tamang. Ronaldo headlined the nomi- Pernille Harder and Ji Soyun
against either Brazil, Chile or Venezuela. Former of the matches that we will remember all our nations for The Best FIFA are some of the prominent
FIFA Women’s World Cup runners-up Brazil are lives. There’s no fear, we will not hold back and Much-needed exposure Football Awards 2021, re- names shortlisted for the
ranked seventh in FIFA Women’s Football Rank- be overborne by the occasion,” said India custo- The team had been camping in Jamshedpur for the vealed the governing body. awards.
ings, while Chile are on 37 and Venezuela on 56. In- past few months. In the midst of the camp, the team The winners of awards Public voting is open on
dia are currently ranked 57th. took off for six friendly games against UAE, will be revealed at an online and will run until
INDIA’S MATCHES Tunisia, Bahrain, Chinese Taipei, Djurgarden IF ceremony on January 17, 2022. December 10, 2021, FIFA said
Mood upbeat ■ November 25: Brazil vs India and Hammarby IF, across three different countries. The candidates have been se- in a statement.
The mood in the Indian women’s team is one of As the governing body, we want to provide the best lected by two expert panels - The apex body of football
excitement. It has been a rather long journey ■ November 28: India vs Chile platform for preparation for our women’s senior one for women’s football and will announce the three fi-
from the other side of the planet, but the ener- ■ December 1: India vs Venezuela team, All India Football Federation (AIFF) gener- one for men’s football. nalists in each of the seven
gy and excitement in the team drown out any al secretary Kushal Das said. AGENCIES Liverpool star Mohamed categories listed in early Jan-
Salah has also been shortlist- uary 2022. ANI

Who is the first-ever win all four grand slams and the In which Olympic event did France with Ineos or Team Sky?
Q U IZ T IM E ! Q4: female athlete to win a
medal for India at the Olympics?
Olympic gold medal in singles? Q7: Abhinav Bindra win India’s
first individual gold medal?
a. Nairo Quintana
Name the other player. b. Tadej Poga?ar
a. Mary Kom a. Rafael Nadal b. Roger Federer a. London (2012) c. Primo Rogli?
How many silver medals has
Q1: India won at the Olympics?
a. 16 b. 11 c. 13 d. 9
b. Saina Nehwal
c. Karnam Malleswari
c. Novak Djokovic d. Andy Murray b. Athens (2004)
c. Beijing (2008)
d. Egan Bernal

Andre Agassi
Who is the first Indian to
In which type of
d. PV Sindhu d. Rio (2016)
Q10: win a bronze medal for
Q2: gymnastics might a
gymnast use a hoop or a ball? Q5: What is the U-shaped
platform used in Q8: Which former Manchester
United players scored five
India at the Olympics?
a. Norman Pritchard
a. Artistic skateboarding called? goals in Euros 2021? b. KD Jadhav
a. A pitch a. Cristiano Ronaldo c. Leander Paes
b. Rhythmic
d. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
c. Ice skating b. A full-pipe b. Romelu Lukaku
d. Acrobatic c. A green c. Michael Carrick ANSWERS: 1. d. 9 2. b. Rhythmic
d. A half-pipe d. Wayne Rooney 3. b. 4 4. c. Karnam Malleswari
5. d. A half-pipe 6. a. Rafael Nadal
How many bases are there
Q3: in a game of Basketball?
Q9: Who is the only non-British
7. c. Beijing (2008) 8. a. Cristiano Ronaldo

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 Q6: Andre Agassi is one of the

two male tennis players to Photo: GETTYIMAGES
rider to win the Tour de
9. d. Egan Bernal 10. c. Leander Paes

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