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1. So, If you are DR. TAN, what would you do in the case of Ace?

If I am Dr. Tan, as a doctor I should follow my code of ethics

and I should work professionally therefore I will not tell to Jam
the condition of Ace, because my client trusted me and in the first
place I, as a student of medicine I should be more than prepared to
encounter this kind of situation. It is very hard because it can put
someone in danger, but at the same time as a doctor, I should do
my duties and responsibility properly and ethically. If I am Doctor
Tan, I should respect the decision of Ace and keep things
confidential if it is what he wants. As a doctor, my role is to be a
doctor, there will be many more situations like this, and I should
always remember, rules on being a doctor are made for a reason.

2. Would you breach the rule of confidentiality to safeguard Jam?

No, As a doctor, I do not have the right to get involved in such

personal matters of my clients. I should work professionally and
set aside my emotions. I should never let my emotions and
personal opinions and decisions affect my profession. All I can do
to help Jam is to give advice to Ace because Ace is the one who
should decide and the one who is responsible for his personal
problem. Breaching the rule of confidentiality will not just make
my clients mad but also will lessen my reputation as a doctor and
can affect the trust of my clients. I should always respect the
decision of Ace because that is his right as a patient. Breaching
something can result in many consequences.

3. Would you keep confidentiality to protect Ace from harm that

would come to him from his family members, especially his father?

Yes, if this is what Ace wanted me to do. As a doctor I do not

have the right to decide for my clients because I am not the one
who will face the risk, it is my client's. Ace should be the one to
decide on what to do because it is his personal problem.
Confidentiality is a very important and very serious matter that a
Doctor should never breach. It is something that holds the trust
between patient and doctor. I am not totally protecting ace from
the possible consequences, but rather I am just doing my duty as a
Doctor and I am just giving Ace his rights as a patient.

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