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church = us

This friend of mine is like a brother to me. We always eat together,

play together, and cheat together. But one day we had a fight because he

did not pay his debt to me. We did not talk for a week. This experience

makes me sad because I became lonely without him. I feel like I lost

something important to me. “Minsan ay hindi ko na alam ang nangyayari.

Kahit na anong gawin, Lahat ng bagay ay merong hangganan” This lyrics from

Eraserheads is what I felt after we had an argument. I tried to talk to him

what is his problem why he cannot pay his debt. He explained to me and I

understood him. I forgave him. I give him a chance. Because I don’t want

our friendship to end in only one problem. This experience is really difficult

for me because, as much as I value our friendship, the amount I let him

borrow is also a lot. But in the end, as we talked about it, we both manage

to understand each other, I realized that I concluded things easily, without

hearing his reasons, which at the end of our conversation he really has a

valid reason why he fails to pay back in the due date. The relevance of this

activity is that we are the church, because of lack of communication we fail

to understand each other, we fail to reform ourselves to be better, I realize

that as a Church we need communication, in order to become aware and

know the reasons, and most importantly, in order for us to be more faithful to

the spirit.

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