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Republic of the Philippines


Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

Week 7
Inductive Reasoning

II. Pre-Competency Checklist

Use inductive reasoning to determine the next three terms in the list of numbers.
1. 50, 25, 0, -25, -50, -75, -100, -125
2. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37
3. 2/3, 11/3, 20/3, 29/3, 38/3, 47/3, 56/3, 65/3
4. 50, 100, 200, 350, 550, 800, 1100, 1450
5. -14, 12, -2, 10, 8, 18, 26, 44

IV. Explore
Activity : The title of this activity is “ He says, she says.” Obtain information on five things that three
classmates bring to school everyday. List them on a piece of paper and write a very brief conclusion
about the person.

From the activity “ He says. She says.” Revisit the list and the brief conclusion made about the three
classmates. If two more details are added, will the conclusion be the same?

 Jinky Del Rosario brings ball pen, and notebook in her bag. Therefore, I can say that
she is a good and student.

 Carla Soriano brings her book, phone, pen, and notebook every day at school. So, I
can say that she’s a hardworking student and she loves to read during her free time.

 Angeline Senorin always brings her laptop at school. I therefore conclude that she’s a
good student that always do her school works especially PowerPoint presentation.

 Yes, when we add two things to it, the conclusion will alter since the arrangement of
ideas will vary through time, affecting the conclusion that should be made.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

V. Discussion Board
Support the conjecture inductively by showing three examples:

1. The product of an odd integer and an even integer is an odd integer.

1x2= 2
9x7= 72
Therefore, the statement is not correct.

2. Think of a number. Add it to 5, multiply 2 and then subtract 7. What is the

I chose number 4, 10, 20
2(4+5)-7= 2(9)-7= 18-7= 11
2(10+5)-7 = 2(15)-7 = 30-7 = 23
2(20+5)-7 = 2(25)-7 = 50-7 = 43
Therefore, the result is odd numbers

3. The product of an odd number and its consecutive number is an even

3x4 = 12
9x10= 90
5x6= 30
Therefore, the statement is not correct.

4. Positive numbers whose last digit is zero is divisible by 10.

10, 20 and 30 are numbers with 0 on their last digit.
10/10= 1
Therefore, the statement given is correct.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

5. Multiply 3 to the difference of a number and seven. Then add the product of the
same number and 5. Find the result.
If the number is 4 then the result of 3(4-7) + (4) (5) is equal to 0.

VI. Post-Competency Checklist

A. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in each list.

1. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24? 28

2. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35? 41
3. 3, 5, 9, 15, 23, 33? 45
4. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125? 216
5. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49? 64

B. Use inductive reasoning to decide whether each statement is correct.

6. The sum of any two even counting numbers is always an even counting number.
 0, 2,4,6,8 are even numbers.
So, 2+4=6 and;
8=+6= 14.
Therefore, the statement isn’t true because the sum of any even numbers is always
even but not counting numbers.

7.The product of an odd counting number and an even counting number is always an
even counting number.
 1, 3,5,7,9 are odd numbers and 2,4,6,8 are even numbers.
So, 1x2=2,
2x3= 6, and;
3x4= 12
Therefore, the statement isn’t true because the product of an odd and even
numbers are always even but not counting numbers.

8. The product of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.
 1 and 3, 3 and 5, and 5 and 7 are pairs of odd counting numbers.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

So, 1x3= 3,
3x5= 15, and;
5x7= 35

9. The sum of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.
 1 and 3, 3 and 5, and 5 and 7 are pairs of odd counting numbers.
So, 1+3=4,
3+5= 8, and;
5+7= 12

10. Pick any counting number. Multiply the number by 8. Subtract 4 from the product.
Divide the difference by 2. Add 2 to the quotient. The resulting number is four times
the original number.
 If I pick 12 then ⌊ (12)(8)−4⌋+2, the result is 48.
Therefore, the statement given is correct.

Week 8
Deductive Reasoning

II. Pre-Competency Checklist

Complete the following

1. In order to get a student license, a person must be 16 years old. Liza will be 16
years old in two days.
Conclusion: I therefore conclude that Liza will get a student license since she will be
16 years old in two days.

2. Students have a “wash” day every Wednesday to allow them to wash their
uniforms. Today is Wednesday.
Conclusion: I therefore conclude that students can wash their uniforms today
because today is Wednesday and it’s wash day.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

3. All humans are rational. I am a human.

Conclusion: I therefore conclude that I am rational because all human are rational.

4. All tangible materials are destined to depreciate. A car is a tangible material.

Conclusion: I therefore conclude that a car destined to depreciate because all
tangible materials are destined to depreciate.

5. All students are eligible to be the dean’s list. Edwin is a student.

Conclusion: I therefore conclude that Edwin are eligible to be the dean’s list since all
students are eligible to be a dean’s list.

V. Discussion Board

Deductive reasoning is a process of making specific and truthful conclusions based on general

1. All members of the club can use the club’s pool. Diane is a member of the
Club. Therefore, Diane can use the club’s pool.

2. All numbers are divisible by 3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3. Consider 399.
The sum of 3, 3 and 9 is 15. Therefore 399 is divisible by 3.

Example :Given: 4(3x – 8) + 5 = x – 5. Solve the equation for x. Give reason for each step in

Solution: 4(3x – 8) + 5 = x – 5
12x – 32 + 5 = x – 5 Apply distributive property
12x - 27 = x - 5 Combine similar terms
11x – 27 = -5 Apply subtraction property of equality
11x = 22 Apply addition property of equality
X=2 Use division property of equality

VI. Post Competency Checklist

A. Solve the following completely

1. The sum of four consecutive numbers is 3962. Find the numbers.

ANSWER: Let x be the smallest number.
3962 = x + (x+1) + (x+2) + (x+3)
3962 = 4x+6
3962-6 = 4x
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

989= x, therefore the four consecutive numbers are 989, 990,991 and 992.

2. 7m + 4(m + 3) = 5m + 6(2m -1)

ANSWER: 7m+4m+12= 5m+12m -6
m= 3

3. 5x = 10
y = 3x – 14
ANSWER: If 3. 5x = 10 and 5x=10
then x=2.
If x=2, then y= 3x-14 will become y=3(2)-14 which will be y= 6-14 and the value of y is -8.

4. Eric is Jay’s father. Eric is 41 years old now. Two years ago. Eric was 3 times as old as his
son. How old is Jay now?
ANSWER: Two years ago, Eric was 41-2 years old which is 39.
 To compute Jay’s age, let’s use a as his age 2 years ago.
 If Eric is 3 time older than Jay, two years ago, then the mathematical sentence will be 39=
 39/3=3a/3
 13=a. So Jay was 13 years old two years before.
 13 years old +2 years passed= 15 years old is Jay’s age in the present.

5. y = 2x + 6
3y = x – 2
ANSWER: If y = 2x + 6, then the solution will be like this:
3y = x – 2
3(2x + 6) = x – 2
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

6x+18= x-2
6x-x= -18-2
5x= -20
x= -4

6. Fifty- four less than 4 times a number is equal to the number. What is the number?
ANSWER: The mathematical sentence will be:
54-4n=n, where n is the number.
54= 4n+n
54= 5n
54= 5n/5
N= 10.8

7. -2x – 1 ˂ -9
ANSWER: -2x-1 ˂ -9
-2x= -8
X= 4
Let’s try three intervals:
 If x>4, then -2(5)-1 = -10 which is lesser than -9.
 If x<4, then -2(3)-1 = -7 which is not less not -9.
 I therefore conclude that x= {x:x>4}

8. 3x + 8(x – 1) = 47
ANSWER: 3x + 8x – 8 = 47
11x = 47+8
11x= 55
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

9. 1⁄2(x + 2) = 5 (x + 2)
ANSWER: x+2= 5x+10
x+2= 2(5x+10)

10. y = 4x-12
ANSWER: y= 4x-12
y+12= 4x
x= y+12

Week 9-10
Classification and Organization of Data

II. Pre-Competency Checklist

Write quantitative or qualitative data for each of the following statements

1. Julius Irving is 7 feet tall.
2. The prevalent skin color of Filipinos is brown.
3. The cities in the Bicol Region are Naga, Iriga, Legaspi, Sorsogon, Tabaco, and Ligao.
4. The freshmen college students are very anxious for the final examination.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

5. Two of the smartest in our class were elected president and vice president respectively.

IV. Explore

Qualitative and quantitative data are the two types of data. Qualitative data deals with categories or
attributes. Examples are color of eyes, ethnicity, and brand of ice cream. Quantitative data are
numerical data. Quantitative data can be discrete or continuous. Discrete data is obtained through
counting. Continuous data is obtained by measuring. Number of countries in Southeast Asia and
number of courses in a school term are examples of discrete data while weight and age are some of
the examples of continuous data.

Classification of data includes levels of measurement of data. The levels of measurement of data
are nominal, ordinal, and ratio. Nominal level of measurement classifies qualitative data into two or
more categories. It is the lowest level of measurement. Examples of nominal are the books in the
library and courses in college. Ordinal level of measurement ranks qualitative data. Interval level of
measurement involves quantitative data that are ranked and makes sense of differences. There is
no starting point for this level of measurement. An example is the Celsius temperature. Ratio level
of measurement does not only include those characteristics of interval level of measurement but
also starts at 0 value. It is the highest level of measurement. Examples are weight, the time it takes
to do a math project and the number of absences of students in a class.

V. Discussion Board
Given below is a survey questionnaire. Identify which level of measurement is each item.

To determine your profile, please answer the questions below : Level of Measurement

1. Name (optional) Mariz S. Tumbaga NORMAL

2. Age 19
3. Civil Status RATIO
 Single
__________ Married ORDINAL
4. Educational Attainment
__________ High School
 College
__________ Post – Graduate
5. Religion
__________ Christian
 Catholic ORDINAL
__________ Muslim
6. School Attended
 Public NORMAL
__________ Private
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

VI. Post Competency Checklist

Determine the relationship between the family monthly income and the grades of the students.

Student A B C D E F G
Family 30,000 21,000 45,000 54,000 86,000 34,000 49,000

1.25 1.75 3.0 2.75 3.0 2.25 2.5

 The amount of family income is somehow inversely proportional to the grades of


Week 11-12
Measures of Central Tendency

II. Pre-Competency Checklist

Consider the following scores obtained by agroup of 12 students on their statistics quiz.

86, 94, 90, 76, 95, 72, 82, 91, 86, 94, 86, and 78.

Find the value of the following:

a. mean

b. median

c. mode

IV. Explore
English sentences use the words and, of, that, and to often if not all the time. Consider the
paragraphs below. Using the table, write how many of these words appear. Calculate the mean,
median, and mode for each column.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

Paragraph 1:
Jenna wants to go to the park. She wants to invite her friends, Sherman and Phie, but they
are busy. After a few minutes, she shrugged her shoulders and started walking toward the park.
When she was half way there, she saw Phie and waved her over. Phie explained that her mom
didn’t need her anymore to help. Jenna was happy because she has someone to play with.
Paragraph 2:
Javier just got his grades for the term. He is happy with his efforts. Looking back, he was
glad he made sacrifices just to get the grades he has now. He knows that his parents will be proud
of him. He was told that he can ask for anything if he gets good grades. Thinking about what he
needs the most, he stopped in his tracks. Smiling, he gathered up his things and started his long
walk home.

Paragraph 3:
Lea must get to class before her teacher. Her teacher said that there will be a surprise quiz
today within the period but she did not tell them what part of the period. It might be given at the
start, in the middle or at the end of the period. Lea knows that if she misses this quiz, she will get
lower grades. Her scholarship is on the line. She walked faster. As she was opening the door to her
classroom, she saw the teacher just putting her things on the teacher’s table. Lea signed with relief
as she slid to her seat.

and of that the to

Paragraph 1 3 0 1 2 5
Paragraph 2 1 1 2 3 1
Paragraph 3 0 2 2 9 3

1. Add all the values and divide it by 15. What is the answer?
 0+0+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+3+3+3+5+9= 35/15= 2.33 or 2

2. Arrange the data from lowest to highest. What is the middle value?
 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 9
 middle value = 2

3. Of all the words in the list, which word appears the most number of times?
 The word “the” appears the most.

VI. Post Competency Checklist:

A. Among your classmates, ask 5 of them the questions, “How many friends do you currently have
on facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?” Use the table below to organized the data.

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Classmate 1 2, 478 356 54
Classmate 2 5,000 578 157
Classmate 3 4,690 90 89
Classmate 4 2,564 65 23
Classmate 5 5,000 243 149
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

Determine the mean, median, and mode for each Social Network Sites.
Mean= 3,946.4
Median= 4,690
Mode= 5,000

Mean= 266.4
Median= 243
Mode= none

Mean= 94.4
Median= 89
Mode= none

B. Riza listed the number of times the teacher said “ok” during class discussions for the school
week. The results were 11, 6, 7, 6, 5. Calculate the mean median and mode.
Mean= 7
Median= 6
Mode= 6

C. The heights of Susan, Ada, and Rhea were 155, 158 cm, and 161 cm, respectively. What is the
height of Tricia if the mean of all four girls is 158 cm?
ANSWER: The height of Tricia is 158 cm.

D. A sample of 20 families gave the following data on the number of children per family.
0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0
Find the mean, median, and mode.
Mean= 3.6 or 4
Median= none
Mode= 0,2,3,4,5,6

E. The mean height of Ana, Lucy, Pearl, and Tess is 66 inches. What is the height of Cora if the
mean height of the five girls is 70 inches?
ANSWER: The height of Cora is 70 inches.

F. The six departments of a company, consisting of 22, 32, 18, 16, 10, and 12 employees have an
equal monthly salary of ₱ 7,200, ₱7,600, ₱6,900, ₱8,200, ₱7,800 and ₱7,200, respectively. What is
the mean monthly salary of all the employees of the company?
Mean= 7,483.3
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

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