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VISAKA Contents ‘About Vieaka 10 Products offered by Visaka Industries Limited TW Acbestos cement sheets nz Vine Mal Veo 1122 VPremium 25 VPanele wrsatum 14 Wonder Yarn Tis ATUM Life 12 Production capacity 13 Product salor 220 Visaka's contribution to people and the earth 21 Our social footprint 32 our material footprint 253 Reclaimed products 2.4 Water resource management 25 GHC emissions 2.6 Waste management 2:7 Working wath our supply chain to ensure greater environmental protection ‘30 Sustainable business model ‘51 Sustanabilty pillar 32 Long term partnerships with stakeholders 33 Matera assessment and action 40 Pilar Innovation 41 Using alternative raw materials for our products 2innovatve product mix 43 Operational efficiency HSGSSSSRESSREIISRLAMSRARNSE= 50 Pillar 2: People Si Agile Bexperienced workforce ‘511 Diveraty and ipelsion S12 Talent retention and growth 515 Employee benefits 516 Adeuately set up for safety at workplace 515 Employee grievance mechanism 52 Robust supply chain 5 customer engagement $4 community ‘5.4 Organised action for CSR S.42C5R policy, 5.45 Numbor of lives benefited for every activity in FY 2020-21 5.44 CSR spending for eaeh setivityim FY 2020-21 5.45 CSR team organisation 6.0 pillar 3: Clean revenue 61 Diversified portfolio of sustainable preducts 62 Compliance to regulations ‘621 corporate governance 1622 Grievance redreseal policy 623 Vigil mechanism 63 Building brand Visaka ‘631 Dicipline for building tustul relationships 1632 Discipline for quality excellence 16.35 Discipline for rmovation 16.56 The future we want 6.4 Top line growth ‘70 Pillar & Science ‘Ti Research and development 72Bullding a scientific mindset within Visaka Assurance Statement ‘eRtindex SDC index ma us ns I us ua 1 BS About the Report At Visaka, our commitment to improve the lives of people and protect the environment serves fs the basis of our product offerings, operations, and overall business, We approach sustainability asa business ‘opportunity. We welcome you to know more by reading our Jet Business Sustainability, Report titled ‘Ability Responsibility Sustainability’ for Financial Year 2020 - 202 ‘This report presents Visaka's evolution over 40 years and tlaborates on how innovation, cour people, their determined focus on science and research fot generating clean revenue hhas enabled us to leverage sustainability asa business. (GR) 10241, 102-49) Reporting Period This report is mapped with the Global Reporting intiative (CRI) indicators and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG3). The report discloses information dated between April1,2020 and March 31,2021. (GRI 102-50, 102-51, 102-52) Report Boundary This report reflects in full scope our overall performance, best practices and initlatives Undertaken in the reporting period. The scope of reporting Boundary includes all business and operations of Visaka Industries Limited unless otherwise stated. The report therefore includes operations. inall locations of Visaka's plants. (GRI 102-66). Vieakaindusties Limited We're located at (cr! 102-4) Marketing Offices vBoards Division Plants @ 1 Amritsar, Punjab 1 Gajatapuram village, Telangana 2 Bengaluru, Karnataka 2 Pune, Maharashtra 3 Bhilwara, Rajasthan 3 shaljar, Maryana 4% Bhubaneshwar, Odisha 6 Kelas, Wensergal | ATUMPlant@ S tetsisl ves eeoa 1 Miryalaguda, Telangana @ Mumbai, Maharashtra 9 Noida, Utar Pradesh 10 Pune, Maharashtra 1 Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 12 Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh AC. Division Plants @ esounun ‘Textile Division Plant @ 1 Sangareddy District, Telangana Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu Midnapore West, West Bengal ‘Tumkur Taluk, Karnataka Raiareli District, UttarPradesh Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh Sambalpur District, Odisha Pune, Maharashtra Nagpur district, Maharashtra ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty Reference Standards ‘This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. (GRN02-54) Report Assurance Independent assurance helps in building credibility and trust with our key stakeholders It also reassures ‘ur readers that the information is accurate, reliable, Unbiased and covers all the topics of material importance to the organization's stakeholders. For ‘ur Business Sustainability Report, we have engaged Sustain Labs Paris LLP to provide extemal assurance: on the non-financial data presented in the report. Access to the Report Visaka's Business Sustainability Report are accessed from the link below: beeps: /hurww.visaka.cofinvestors Data Compilation Methodology ‘The data published in our Business Sustainability Report has been collected through Visaka's internal reporting systems for inclusion. ‘Assumptions and standard calculation ‘methodologies for estimation and quantification ‘of data have been used. Our direct and indirect, ‘emissions and eneray consumption are calculated Using the Intergovernmantal Panel on Climate ‘Change (IPCC) and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) published emission and energy factors. The financial information presented in our Finanelal Statement Summary may be referred from our Annual Report for FY 2020-21 (cR1 102-45) Suggestions and Feedback We welcome you to share your views, suggestions and feedback on the report at (cRm02-53) “Sustainability at Visaka Industries Limited is at the core of our products and operations, From our search for alternative raw materials that are environment friendly, to continuously improving the resource efficiency of our operations, as well as taking care of jocal communities through our products as well as philanthropic initiatives, Vieak's clear commitment. to bullding a better word for allof us is evident. Lnvlte you to read our Ist Business Sustainability Report that lays out Visaka's agility, great sense of esponsibility, and sustainability.” ‘Smt. G. Saroja Vivekanand Managing Director, Visaka Industries Ltd. Dear readers, in ensuring thet humanity sustained by avaccine, the ‘emphasis on sustainability is ‘renter than ever. At Vial Industrie Limited, sustainability has been the core of our business from the start. Inout products land operations our primary focus has been on being responsible towards the environment and Tam therelore happy to present, to,you Visas Industries Limited's 1et Business Sustainabiliy Report ‘The report covers all matters elated to the compari/s business {ustsnabilty for the Financial Year 2020.2) and isa reflection of our Commitment to you that Visaka’s Siceipined ana steady growth Siso signifies the growth of lt ‘Stakeholders. ‘Thisteport presente toyou what sustainabilty means at our Company, explained through the ‘The report then maps out VILe materiality framework, analysing Scone he report the mater ‘stakeholders and to our business The report effers a data backed explanation of how our business model, business processes Sd prosiucton process are sUrtsinable. I also goer onto ‘omphacize how our social by the usage of our produete Inrural india andlin ower Income urban groups but also by our philanthropy that even predates the CSR lw in india. Fake this opportunity to also add that sinee our company’ been engeged in efforts around ‘ensuring sustainability of the ‘company and ts stakeholders, We are glad to provide you with tocommunieate to you about thi Report is prepared on the basis ofthe ltest version of guidelines ‘developed by the Global Reporting Initiative and is acsurea by Sustain Lbs Pari the world around us has dramatically changed in the lostto the pandemic, besides affecting the prontias and Sniylives of those iho survive, Communicating toyou about ‘Vaaka's business sustainability therefore ensures that you know that we have our finger on the Pulse ofthese tremendous Changes that we have survived the pain lespfrogging onthe opportunities that change always ‘offers and are ensuring that \Visakals groth path remains high and indeed surtsinable, Sincerely, Mr. G. Vamsi krishna 3oint Managing Director, ka Industries Lt, a. Tira. 1. About Visaka 1 Visaka ie a diversified Company incorporated in 198) and manufactures products that capitalize an ongoing improvement in lifestyle standards in India and abroad. The Company was started as a joint venture company promoted by Dr. G. Vivekxanand, first generation entrepreneur and the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (APIDC}. Iris headauarted in Secundrabad, Telangana The Company commenced its commercial operations in the year 1985 In 1999, APIDC divested its holdings in favour of Dr.Gvivekanand Visaka then diversified and implemented the air jet spinning technology for yarns in the year 1992, thus becoming the world's largest manufacturer of twin air jet spun yarn of that time. \Visaka established the Visaka Charitable Trust in 2000 to suppor initiatives that benefit goelety on a not for profit basis, The Trust mainly works in the areas of water supply, education, and health, ‘The company has steadily grown “starting from a single product single location company toa ‘ulti product mult location ‘company - by capitalising on India’ lifestyle and aspirations driven growth while leveraging sustainability as a business ‘epportunity. In the year 2008, the compary diversified into, manufacturing Vnext fibre ‘cement boards In 2018, Visaka launched an Integrated solar roof system called ATUM, which was fs one-ofits-kind product in the ‘country andl which is patented for 20 years in india and South Africa ‘The company floated an IPO and the shares are lited on the stock exchange in 1991 ‘Ability Reeponsility Sustainability Visaka’s growth (cr! 102-7) ‘The company has steadily grown starting from a single product single location ‘company toa multi product mult location ‘company - by captalising on Inca’ fete ‘and aspirations driven growth while leveraging sustainability asa business opportunity, 1981 Vieska was started asa joint venture company promoted byDr.G.Vivekanand,a first-generation entrepreneur ‘and the Andhra Pradesh Industral Development Corporation (APIDC) 1985, commenced ite ‘commercial operations 1989 AIDC divested its holdings in favour of DG Mivekeanand 1991 ‘The company floated an IPO and the shares are listed onthe stock exchange in 199 1992 Diversified and implemented the ar jet spinning technology for yarns inthe year 1382, thus becoming the work's largest manufacturer of twin air jet spun yam of that time, 2000 Establihed the Visake Charitable Trust to suppor initiatives that benefit socety on anot for profit, The Trust mainly works in the areas ‘of water supply, education, and health 2009 Diversified into manufacturing Vest fibre cement boards 2018 Launched integrated Solar Roof ‘ATUM'- aone-ofts kind product which is patented for 20years in India and South Arica Non-asbestos business accounted for approximately 31% of revenues in 2020-21. During FY 2020-21, our non-textiles non- roofing solutions generated 18% of revenues largely due to a spike in rural preference. Whereas the asbestos roofing sheets business generated 69% of revenues and the textiles business which was affected by lockdowns accounted for 12% of revenues. Asa stated policy, the company intends to increase the proportion of non-textiles non-roofing revenue streams to 25% of its turnover by 2022-2023. Visaka Indus Limited's now being stewarded by Mr. G. Vamsi krishna, son of Br G. Virekanand ‘and Mrs, Saroja Vivekanand. in January 202, under the leadership (of Mr. C. Vamsi Krishna, Visaka has launched ATUM Life, a chain of stores that sell 1200 2 ‘Standard weight (for 6mm) kal? 39 3 Thickness of boards {range} mm 4.25 4 Dimension of boards mm 1220°1830, 1220°2440, 1220°2745,1220°5050 Mechanical Characteristics 37 Medulus of rupture EMC Minimum Mba.or Nimm® 110 io jemonome a ts o7 aater absorption. 24 hours ie ae io" amine bond strength MPa or Nim? £09 | Other Characteristics |g Thermal conductivity k) Wikre lee (B0* Cmean temperature) 10 pHvalue : 104 ; T1Acoustic insulation (8 mm thick Vboard) dB 2 12 Screw withdrawal (on face} N 1220 13 Nallwithdrawal (on face) N 1010 Table 3.1 Technical & Physical Specifications (vBoard) ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty 3s kness Internal 46 ig 9 to 166 1820.25. False ceiling Wall paneling Mezzanine flooring Doors Wet areas Kitchen Cabinets) ee ae External Prefab structures Wall cladding Sign boards Roof underlay Duct covering Table 3.2: application Matrix (vBoard) Authority ia eerie’ Bis Product license no. 150 9001-2015 Manufacture & supply of fibre cement boards Ci Green Products and Certificates ~ GreenCo & GreenPro Certification and Services Gualifies as a Green company & Products Shriram institute for, VBoard Test certificate / Test results Industrial Research Modulus of elasticity Board Test Certificate / Test Results Modulus of rupture (Dry & Wet) Nail withdrawal Free Moisture Content pH (Extract) Compressive Strength Density Absorption test certificate Screw Withdrawal Modulus of rupture, bending strength, MPa; Frost resistance ratio, Soak-dry test ratio; Warm water test atic; apparent density; dimensions; shape; swelling in water, water absorption; compressive strength; tensile strength perpendicular to surface; tensile strength parallel to surface; screw withdrawal test; nai withdrawal test; modulus of elasticity; pH value foo License NoCM/L-€922884 IASIQMS/C2366 \VNext Boards (GPVI06001), \VNext Designer Boards (GPV106002) VNext Panels (GPVI06004) \VNext Premium Planks (GPV106006) \VNext Premium Boards (GPV106007) (000267496 000272626 (000272626 (000267494 000267527 000267551, (000267493 (000267530 (000267526 cyo00072382/13022017 Authority / Institution issuing Particulars of test / certificate / ees id report Shriram Institute for Industrial Research felling in water Tensile stren Tensile strength (perpendicular to the plane! National Test House (Eastern Region) - Government of India {c0n, Electronics Test & Development Centre Fire Test Certificate (2 numbers} Test Report- High Voltage test at 1OkV(rms Test Report Engineering & Technology Center for Testing and Evaluation ‘of Wood Composites / Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute RAI (The AUTOMOTIVE Research Association of India) Termite Resistance Test Sound Test Report Sound Test Report Sound Test Report peor (000267495 (000267498 000267409 NTHIER)CIViGy/2016/00970 1463646617659 ETDC(HY)/TR/T-SI2/6-17 dated 03.04.2017 No1606283 /20.03 2017 No Dir. MIL/4821/Bio-6690/2015 dated son2015 NVH/4481/2015-16/590 (V-2)-1/ 14092015 NVH/4481/2015-16/590 (V-2)-3 / 4.092015, NVHi/4451/2015 16/590 [V-2}-4 14.09.2015 et me ken eens Ce aes Tid od ‘Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology, henna i Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity ‘Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee. ‘TDV SUD, PSB Singapore Thermal Conductivity Evaluation Report Thermal Conductivity test Water Vapour Resistance EXOVA Warringtonfire, UK | Fire Resistance Table 33: Product certifications (VBoard) Bard is Exova Warrington fire-rating resistant and meets the IS 14862:2000 standards tions and tests for VBtoards are listed above, roofs, [Ability Responsiity Sustainability peas Report No47B41 / 26.08.2015 47441 07.07.2015, 02940 /08.06 2015 4nii2 0806-2018 Ref 15(}/E8/2009 /1509.2009 No7is}06nes 04 - MEC 1S DLM dated 28052013 No7is106nas - MEC 15/03 KSY dated 17.06.2018. WF Report No, 321028 / 08.02.2015 Employees stacking VPremium sheets ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty 1.122 VPremium \VPremiumis alsomade of special grade cellulose fibr ordinary portland cement, fine silica, quartz, and mineral additives using the Hatschek process tis then cured using the HPSC technology, using high pressure steam to give the product strength and stability Premium is manufactured as por ISO &536/I5 14862/ ASTM CTa6 standards. They are available in smooth ang textured finishes, ‘There are 4 variants of \vPremium: Vnext Premium Plank, Vnext Premium Stone, ‘next Premium Sandstone, ‘next Premium valley. For example, the Vnext Premium Plank isa textured \Vnext Premium Board Into 150 mm or 200 mm wide strips, used as an exterior grade ‘material for applications such as facades, external cladding, and siding, Ee 2 % % Physical Characteristics Dimensional tolerances Lenath & width Thickness | straightness & squareness Density eee ASTM CIIBS, Is 1462 150 8336 ASTM CTIBS, Flexural Strength (MOR- wet condition) | ASTM CIIs Water impermeability Moisture movement Water absorption Moisture content Water vapour transmission Glue line shear force/ strength Direct screw withdrawal resistance Durability Freeze- thaw resistance (50 cycles) Warm water resistance Soak: dry resistance (50 cycle Heat: rain resistance (25 cycles) eee fener Tasnacias sou ASTM DI037 ‘ASTM CTIBS, ASTM CiI8S 150 8336, ‘ASTM Cnias, mmin kgim® Nimm? Gates = os ce = eS Sa feos es te a _ F (3264.2 whos is P Pass: - P Pass - r Pass: = Pass. ee ET 16 16 ” 18 19 21 ened Fire lgnitability Fire propagation index Surface spread of flame Fire resistance (integrity and insulation) in minutes for non- load besring insulated, double- skin partition Surface burning characteristics Flame spread index | Smoke developed index Class Acoustic Characteristics Sound transmission co-efficient Bare board (amm thick) Typical partition (with 10 mm facing sheets, 72 mm stud, 50 mm glass wool, 48 kg/m?) ‘Thermal Characteristics ‘Thermal conductivity foes Peetu’ BS 476, Part S Class P BS 476, Parte rack easily, Q ignitable, BS 476, Patt 7 i es 476, Both in i Part 22 minutes ASTMEB4 Nim? Lower values are STM ASTM E84 fechned ASTM ESS % DIN S2210/ 180140, 8 : 1so140 3B - asmcsia Wink Kealimh'k [Ability Responsiity Sustainability fone ete Class P 279 Class mas 29 0.0748 Table 4: Technical & Physical Specifications (vPremium) ‘Table 5:1 Technical & Physical Specifications (vPane!) Peeters 77 Thema weight perag metre” Tyyagpe fake 7 2 ailload ‘Sample Size 25 m 0.6m ASTM E72 KN/mn ‘54 (SF 2) " Sample Size 15 m,03m ASTM E72 KN 65 (SF 2) 3 "Mutt point toad : "as metre span. “ASTM E72 kg/m? ] Ts t 50 7 24 metre span ASTM E72 kg/m? 200 1.5 metre span ASTM E72 kg/m? 450 4 Uniform distributed oad foagtest) ASTM E72 | KNin 1 03 Ss 7 Tensile strength parallel to surface —__ |S 2380 1977 | Nimm? 03 0.35 6 Modulus of rupture 1523801977 kglem? 42 Asself-sustainable and eco-friendly a house at the UN-HABITAT assembly a Panera ace anaes 7 ‘Thermal resistance 1933461980 MK 3 | panels : 8 Overall thermal transmittance 1833461980 W/MK 1s 151 ‘ai ebay Siskin : i w Eee ‘Acoustic Properties 9 Sound transmission class 10 9901 Fire related properties 10 Firerating BS 476: Part 20 Surface spread flame BS 476: Part7 2 Fire propagation index BS 476: Part 6 B Ignitability BS 476 Part 16 Combustibilty BS 476 Part 4 Resistance to air and water 15 BS 431521970 Table 51: Technical & Physical Specifications (vPanel) Peet eure my dB Minutes Index Performance Performance Cees Sea et ed 3B 36 60 0 Class Class 1 Be 33 Class P Class P Not combustible | Not combustible No dampness, no No dampness, no leakage, increase leakage, increase in weight is 4.5% in weight is 4.5% maximum maximum, Peet era) Internal Prefab structures Drywall partitions Mezzanine flooring ‘Compound wall hour fire rated partitions 2 hour fire rated partitions 3 hour fire rated partitions Residential partitions [Ability Responsiity Sustainability Table 5.2: Application Matrix (vPane!) Authority /Institution _ Particulars of tificate eerie perce eer 150.9001- 2015 | Manufacture & supply of sandwich panels, |AS/QMS/C2366, “Central Building Research. Toxicity and oxygen index of VPanel..... Report No.£ B(S)/0239 Central Building Research Fire Resistance Test Reports (S numbers) _ Ref Test schedule references: FR / 0509, FR / Institute, Roorkee, India | 0319 Evaluation Renorts: Industrial Consultancy Modulus of rupture - test certificate (TC), JNTUCEH ICS CIVIL STR / 4846/09/15 dated Services, INTUH, Hyderabad Tensile Strenath- TC INTUCEH ICS CIVIL STR/ 4846/09/18 dated : | 28.96.2010 Transverse Load Test TC INTUCEH ICS CIVIL STR/ 4846/09/19 dated | 28.08.2010 ‘uial Compressive Strength TC INTUCEH ICS CIVIL STR/ 4846/09/20 dated 28.06.2010 Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load TC | INTUCEH ICS CIVIL STR / 4846/09/21 dated | 28.062010, aial Compressive Strength TC INTU/CEH/CIVIL/CS/I277/6955 dated 15112014 Tensile Strength Perpendicular to Surface | JNTU/CEH/CIVILICS/1127716955 dated 151.2014 _ (Bond Strength) TC : | Modulus of Rupture (MOR) INTUICEH/CIVIL/ICS/1277/6955 dated 151.2014 Transverse Load Test TC INTU/CEH/CIVILACS/11277/6955 dated 15.71.2014 Uniformly Distributed Transverse Load TC | INTU/CEH/CIVIL/ICS/11277/695 dated 151.2014 —— NERY 1. | Integrated solar roofing system Weight of the Panel Per Square Meter TC. | JNTU/CEHICIVIL/ICS/11277/6955 dated 151.2014 —— WE CSIR—National Physical Sound Transmission Loss TC 15060270/D5.07A/T-043 Laboratory ‘Table 55: Product Certifications (VPanel) Inthe year 2018, Visaka launched ATUM, an integrated solar roofing system that offers the functions of a traditional roof, while generating eneray for the resident. Essentially, these are integrated solar panels with a cement base. ‘They have a density of 1250 kg/euble metre and thermal conductivity of 0072 Wimtk. [ATUM has been patented in, India and South Africa for the last 20 years. Advantages: Dual purpose roof providing shelter and power Cost efficient Reduces temperatures by 35-40% as compared to traditional roofs Rust proof leak proof Noise, fire, shock resistant High then Non polluting to the environment, sistance due to low thermal conductivity 20% more power output in the same area as compared to. traditional solar roof Vieakaindusties Limited [ATUM solar boards reduce temperatures by 35-40% as compared to traditional roofs, thus providing better insulation from heat with no need for an insulation mat under the root. Ithas a lifespan of ‘bout 25 years and does not rust. For large orders, the company customizes the size of the ATUM Solar boards. The company has partnered with battery and inverter manufacturers, to facilitate their customers! use of the ATUM solar boards In comparison to Galvalume sheets, ATUM solar boards withstand heat and rain better, do not {generate noise atthe time of rain, ae fire-resistant, do not emit radiations, and eliminate the hazard of electrocution, Y “ip pbyyy) tzvxyyff~feg 0444444444444 4p 4p spo Table 6.1 Technical & Physical Specifications (ATUM) Cell Temp = 25°C Electrical Characteristics at standard test conditions 10 Module type VILSS5PVIL3SOP -VIL325P VIL320P__VILSISP_VILSIOPVIL3OSP VIL 3OOP Incident Irrad = 1000 W/m? Maximum power (W) 335 330 325 320 315 E310 305 300 63 W i one veboe inn fon ‘ fee Positive power tolerance 0-25% 0-25% 0-25% 0-25% _0-25% 8 Open circuit voltage (V) 4624 4624 4621 461846154608 4594 45.65, Incident Irrad = 800 wim? Short circuit current (A) 945 930 918 906 as 876 865, ase Maximum power voltage 3781 37701 ‘3741 3720 3692 3686 3675 3652 - Maximum power current | 8.86 875 8.69 B61 855 B41 830 az Incident Irrad = 600 Wim? Module efficiency 1688% — 16.62% © 163TH = TG I2%=— ISBT — ISHII ISI Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions 1975" 1005*17 mm (board thickness 10mm) Weight 48k Frame Framed | Incident trrad = 200 wim? Cells 6°12 polycrystalline solar cells unetion box Rated current 2 154, IP 67, TUV& Ul Cable Length 100mm, 14mm | 1 ° 10 20 30 40 50 Connector MCé/ compatible with MC4 Voltage MI 2 Vicaka industries Limited ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty ‘Temperature Characteristics Voltage temperature coefficient Current temperature coefficient Power temperature coefficient Maximum ratings Maximum system voltage {V) Series fuse rating (A) Reverse current overload [A) System design eer | Table 6.2: Characteristics of ATUM (0.300 + 002494) °C (-0.059 + 0.007%) °c (0342 0.00496) °C 1000 15 20 40°C to 85°C Maximum diameter of 25 mm with 23 m/simpact speed Snow 5400Pa, wind 2400Pa A 8 ATUM Sheet profile ATUM T profile™ Front view Back view Hexagonal nead Eeitarilingserew 0 mn thick som Pane 1975 mm MS Box section Mounting arrangement ‘The ATUM roofing system underwent teste done a diferent Underwriter Labs 1005 mm ha procured Bis certfieation 1s 14286-2010) EC ez: 2005- product design {aliinton IS/EC ‘e730 prt} 200% ISNEC 7S0\pert 2 2004" qualy system ‘management eertifestion -AxityRosponsbitySustsnabity ss Authority Bureau of Indian Standards Lean Maestro IS 14862 ALMM UL Peteeraae 1514286: 2010/IEC 61215: 2005- product design qualification IS/EC 61730 [part 2} 2004- quality systern management certification GIZ15-1-1.2016, IEC 61215-12016, IEC 1215-2: 2016 - product design qualification 617031: 2016 , IEC 61730-22016 - Quality management system certification ATUM roof water proof certification -Evaluation of aging properties of ATUM SEALANT for its functional property asa sealing agent to prevent the water seepage through the joints, Approved list of modules manufacturers UL61730-1 Standard for Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification ~ Part! Requirements for Construction UL61730-2 Standard for Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification - Part 2: Requirements for Testing Ref no: R-63000795, Cortif. No: US-34859-UL Certif. No: US-34840-U Ref. Cert. No: 20181125-E508082 Ref. Cert. No: 20191125-E508082 Table 6.5: Product certifications of ATUM S 1.14 Wonder Yarn ‘The company diversified into manufacturing of synthet Unit deploys the twin air jet spinning technology procured from Murata Manufacturing Co. Lida Japanese manufacturer of electronic components. Airjet yarn quality = better than ether spinning technology tor some parameters. The yarn has obtained ISO certification in 1994. The current valid certificate with QMS standards I/ ISO80012015 from 1Sth May 2019 to Téth May 2022, License No. QM/L-7000256.7 and EMS License No. QM/L-7000710.0 and is OEKO-TEX certified since 2008 (Standard 100; 08.HIN59035 / 31.07.2020), Our Products (Wonder Yarn) ‘are Whi (era Yaens) 100% polyester seid, 100% polyester optic wiite 100% polyester Nome retarsent Potyertervezoee 65/55 & 524 100% viscore/ modal Polyester low meit blended Polyester natural or bleached nen blondea s/s ope dyed yarns and melange yarns 100% polyester Polyester viscose 65/35 852/48 100% viseote Table 71: Yarn count Abiity ResponsbicySurtsinabilty ‘Making of Wonder Yarn (Ring Spinning Method) Lopening [| 4, Drawing 7.Winding EA 2.Carding S.Roving 8, Doubling 3. Drawing 6.Ring Spinning 9. Twisting eo ® ‘Vesa Industries Limite Gee 1.Opening 2.Carding 3.Drawing 4 Drawing 5. Drawing ‘6, Murata Twin Spinning 7.Twisting ‘Making of Wonder varn (MTS Twin Spinner Method) ‘Abily Reeponeility Sustainablity Greige heat setting treatment/ scouring Drying ‘Chemical finishing Table 7.2: Wonder Yarn- Air Jet Yarn Bees Temperature 175°C + 2°C Contact time 30s Over feed 4 to 6% Detergent 122 g/l Soda ash 2-4 g/l Wetting agent 1-29/ Lubricating agent 0.75 gil Temperature 90-105 °C Time 20-30 mins Followed by hot wash, cold wash and neutralisation Temperature 140-150 °C Avoid over- drying Fabric should have 4-6% moisture content Over feed 20.4% Micro amine silicone 20-30 g/ Hydrophilic softener 20-40 afl Elastomer 15-20 g/l Temperature 140°C. Decatise or sanforise Equipment ‘Stenter Jet dyeing machine Stenter Stenter Decatising or sanforising machine 1.15 ATUM Life Visaka's chain of ATUM Life stores across India is being set up in April 2021 to give a platform to the manufacturers of products with low environmental and social foctprint to Showcase and sel their products. In doing s0, ATUM Life wil be the first sustainable retall chain in india VVisaka's plan ie to gather all the information related to products cold through ATUM Life in terms of eneray conserved during the products’ production and by their Usage, Customers of these products in the store will be educated about the energy, environmental, societal properties and detalle of these products. Therefore, a: every Customer at ATUM Life is contributing to protecting the planet, these customers will be rewarded for purchasing products as per the sustainability characteristics of the products Visaka will also reward customers for giving thelr used plastic, old newspapers, which will then be recycled. This will help in reducing waste in the ecosystern, ATUM Life stores will have a paperless billing system, This technology will be energy efficient and contribute towards saving trees. Also, the use of ATUM roofing systems in every ATUM Life store will make the store self sustainable and energy efficient [Ability Responsiity Sustainability 1.2 Production Capa: visaka hae an annual aggregate production capacity (902,000 tonnes of cement facbestos sheets. The capacity lof Vnext products is 1837750 tonnes, marking an inerease (f10000 tonnes during the Current year 2020-21 of vPanels ‘at Jhaijar. The company’s yarn Spinning plant possesses an annual production capacity 9 2.752 twin air-jet spinning positions equivalent to 62,560 Spindles, The installed capacity for ATUM salar boards ie 30 MW per annum, Peng Asbestos cement sheets 802000 TPA ‘Synthetic blended yarn —_—_-2752 twin air jet spinning positions Reinforced Building boards veer sears] 170000 TPA panels 19750 TPA ‘ATUM 30 MW PA Table 8: Our production capacity at Visaka -Axilty Reeponsiblity Sustainability s 1.3 Product Sales (Grr 102-6) ry ‘Tho company directly markets i's Vex building products to retailers, besides the traditional ‘sompany-distrioutor retoiler' model. This direct access to retailers helps Visaka gather better ienowledge of the market. It has also enabled the company to have, over the years, a dealership network of 8500 external retailers for markating of buliding products and has 27 depots and marketing offices as on 31.0321 owned by the company, across india ‘ATUM roofing systems are also distributed both via distributors as well as direct sales to customers. The company’s spinning division sells the yarn to institutional textile manufacturers, school uniform and upholstery makers {As another example of Visaka's path breaking business initiatives, the company will establish the let ATUM Life store selling only sustainable productsin Hyderabad. Ithas the target of Setting up 25 ATUM Life stores in FY 202-22 and a total of 100 ATUM Life stores by end of FY 2022-28. ‘This growth I planned to be a hybrid model auch that the company will own a few stores whereas the remaining will be ATUM Life franchises, Global retail sales presence 1. Germany 2 Italy 3 Turkey 4 Egypt 5. USA é.uK 7.Taiwan, 8. France 9 Russia 10.Lebanen Ti. Mexico 12 Portugal 15 Polana 14. Heng Kong 15. Bosnia & Herzegovina 16, South Africa V7 Sti Lanka 18. Nepal 19, Gulf countries o Ces ecee) Capacity utilisation (%) Cy reo) 2752 twin air jet mnthetie blended yarn Pe ¥A™ spinning positions 70000 TPA a 6 6 n boards (Vnext Boards) Table 9: Capacity utilisation product-wise (In 36) Visaka Industries spent 1.86 crores on fos Sree lle! 1.77 crores in pierleea| 2.1 Our social footprint ‘Our emphasis on Social Responsibility stems from ite corporate philosophy of giving back to the society and to be aresponsible corporate citizen, We intend to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the Communities in whieh we operate, Our efforts are specially focused at areas with low human development index where lies immense opportunity to build a better, sustainable way of ife for the weaker sections of the society Provision of water fa: ‘ies in drought areas ‘The Government of Telangana has declared districts of Karimnagar and Adilabad as drought districts. The inhabitants of these districts travel miles to fetch drinking water every day, Water being a bacie necessity, ts absence worsened the already existing poor state of ling conditions. In these districts, Visaka initiated digging of 1075 water bore wells and irrigation tanks as part ofits CSR project in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Areas. The project simed at providing easy availabilty ‘of water for drinking as wall as irrigation purposes. The project has provided access to safe drinking water nd has benefitted over 400 households in the two districts Visaka Charitable Trust operates in Youlumala Village, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Medak District Andhra Pradesh, Chiruva Village, Moudha Talag, Nagpur District, Maharashtra, Manikkanathamn Village, Pararnati-Velur Talag, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu and also in the backward Districts of Adilabad, Karimnagar and Ranga Reddy of Andhra Pradesh. Visakais also ‘aking substantial investments in providing sanitation faciltes, medical facilities, and enhancing the Standards by imparting vocational training, 2020-21, our CSR projects and activities focused fon six theres namely Water, Health, Sanitation, Education, Sports and Agriculture. The efforts were ‘made either in the form of monetary contributions or Support for development activities in the backward districts of Telangana state and in the vicinities of factories and offices of Visalia, The projects included payment of teacher salaries 1 Provision of drinking water 4 Supply of classroom furniture andl Beyond this, Visaka has donated solar carts with ‘ATUM to various poor and needy people, which in addition to enabling them to earn their livelihood, ‘iso promotes environmental sustainably. has also been helping the local people of nearby ‘manufacturing units on need basis and facilitating Health Camps Sports events Tocal customs and festivals to. ATUM has been installed on the roofs of the homes of poor people. Visaka has embarked on a journey ta Electify Rural India’ Further, Vnex's operations have been reported to have increased the groundwater level at their locations, thus benefiting the local communities with 2 positive impact through their rainwater harvesting Construction of classrooms and Construction of irrigation tanks techniques. toilets in schools and colleges Vieakaindusties Limited ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty es tel perenne) eae acd ae co) Ye eee See cts ee Serco ees oa Cre) enc ES Tanta Cea health care and es) eee unc) eed eae rey eee ty renee Peerorn) Corry) Beer enc Prien) preea es CS eros Preece coe ce epee Pose eiats ees females eee nes) pene een coe nee earl terres Pies Perc cara i era eee coo ar patent Cre ini ae eee ee err ere) peemeciny) Ure ces eens! Bearers setting up public eer acuc Rok ece eats eee cere Reena benefit of armed ace ucns eee Coomera Cera aed ete sve) Berra) Pa aoe Cocca) nS aes eee) cee tes ren erro” cere was pore) Cerny 10 1 2 eee erty ee Maer een) eee Cone) al anna rer era ao ees purrs Fee eect recy eta AT) uot) Ble oT 54 2.2 Our material footprint GRI 301-1), (S06 6,155) Visaka's business is pivoted in offering products that are environmentally responsible, Our efforts are focussed on minimising the carbon footprint in our products! raw materials, manufacturing processes, and company operations. This year, we are launching our ATUM Life stores, which will be India's first retail chain that sells only sustainable products, These stores will be paperless. ATUM Life stores will thus join our product portfolio to also contribute to environmental protection by reduced COZ ‘emissions, avoiding deforestation, educating and encouraging customers to adopta sustainable lifestyle. This section explains the contribution to environmental protection by our various existing products Asbestos Cement Roofing material (AC Division) uses renewable matetials like flyash and non- renewable materials including RM, LDO, Lube Oil, and Hyd Oil in production and packaging. AN analysis of the material used per unit product over the years in consideration reveals a marginal decline in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 periods in comparison to the previous two years, signaling an increase in material usage efficiency. Evolution of material used per unit product over the last four years \Vnext division, similar tothe AC division, uses a mix 02 of renewable and rron-renewable Iaterialsin ies production process ol ‘The below graph fee shows the evolution of the ammount of materials used over the last 4 yer Amount used per unit product ving perune = tain) un) 201718 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Pr Cee Rn) Gta Eco a ily product for manufacturing OTe ee ual over 2017-2021 reveals a decline in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 periods Pea Ue ROR Ty Pele ww Red signals an increase in our material usage efficiency. The Wonder Yarn division of Visaka Industries has reported the use of diesel and LPC under the non-renewable resources used in the production. The reported data also includes the renewable sources used. OTN ec RR Pre eo a) 5 to report that the use of eee ur an) Wonder Yarn has increased yoy 2018 - Pyne rae se ed have decreased during the same period with the largest decrease during FY 2020-21. 2.3 Reclaimed Products ‘The collection and repeated usage of chrysolite (GW) help the AC division inredueing its material footprint and increasing resource efficiency. ‘The AC division of Visaka Industries has reported the reclamation of glass textolite (HCW) during the last 4 {years as indicated in the following graph. The megatonnes of HW reclaimed per unit product has however shown a decline over the last ‘years. ow used irhint) i ‘The Vnext division, on the other hand, has reported that the packaging materials like serap wood and two-ply paper are recyeled and reused. In addition to the recycling ef the packaging material, used oil and cotton waste Is reused as fuel in Boilers for the generation of steam. However, the exact ammount of recycled)reused materials hasn't been quantified yet. ‘The Wender Yarn division hasn't reported any collection, reusing, ‘recycling of products at the end of their life eycle Ya tees eT uae tite the circular economy. Pee mar cur ea caer) wood and two-ply paper are eect: At) oil and cotton waste is also ete een URN Tsien cra eu acs es 2.4 Water resource management (CRI 303-1, 305-5, 303-6, 303-5) Before plant installation the zone is assessed, the site is selected only in safe zones that are not waters Stressed, We have Set our water conservation target as 20% ess than the consent received and in irrespective of productivity. Groundwater is the primary source of water forall production activities, Ground water is the single major souree with no reported withdrawal from surface of seawater resources Total rainfall has been Collected through proper drainage system which in tum connected to rainwater pits for recharging ground water. Excess water in the pits utlized for gardening and domestic usage purpose. There is zero discharge fof water from our plants and offices. Water harvesting methods are used to secure the supply of water during times of searcity. This is further aides by an emphasis on minimizing water wastage across the entire value chain. Total ground water withdrawn & total water consumption across the company 45615 in megaliters Table 10: Water consumption Visaka Industries Limited has done an assessment of is environmental impact on water resources at plant sites, including a water feotprint assessment at the required plants conducted in April 2018 and May 2018, (On average, 65 killitres of water Is discharged per annum from plants and offices. The entire amount of Slscharged water Is recycled and is reported not to have any effluents, thus net requiring any effluent treatment before discharge. On analysis over a petiod of time, as, indicated in the graph below, itis observed that the total water consumption by the division has steadily decreased, which indicates an increase in its water Usage efficiency. 46450 45387 | 42920 Mega Litres of water Water Consumption in Mega Litres 460 450 440 430 420 201718 2018-19 [Ability Responsiity Sustainability 2019-20 2020-21 BERN oma io) PAE OM eat decreased, which indicates an increase its water usage Cire ita Visaka Industries Limited has done an assessment of itz environmental impact on water resources at plant Including a water footprint ment at the required plants ‘that was conducted In April 2018 and in May 2018. On average, 30.64 Megalitres of water is discharged per annum from plants and offices. The entire amount of discharged water is recycled and is reported not to have any effluents, thus not requiring any effluent treatment before discharge. There is Zero discharge of water Sire ae) iim 7 P withdrawn By the division for operations 3h rainwater harvesting niques, 20 megalitres of | also set minimum for the quality ofthe effluent Inrainwaterpitsto recharge discharge, indwater, and the ‘amount is used for gardening and domestic \next also plan with fs suppliers fore plant install sides, the di ‘of the permitted amount, pective of the productivity the plants Tee aa eee ape ee eld of the effluent discharge at Wonder Yarn Parameter Standard Py Perens) Total suspended solids < 100 ma/! a Sone roy) ll Pore) Sr roc) Soe een se) eee ee reed ere ete eet ae ee] peer ee lar ier super ee tay Es ote eget) predominant technique to replenish the water Pernt a ieee ea eres Petit canteens eee eee kel Eee es ene eee eae eee eT ae from the average of 145ML over the past 3 years 2.5 GHG Emissions (oR! 305-1, 305-7) Inthe asbestos cement division of Visaks, NOx, SOx, and particulate matter emission values are reported ‘which amount to 23 ugh per ‘annum, 25 uasin?, and 61 gin? per ‘annum on an average respectively ‘The main source of emissions is DG Stack. The Vnext division adheres to GHG Accounting Standards in reporting its direct emissions ‘The major sources of emissions that have been identified are: ‘Consumption of fuel (coal and LPG) Refilling of CO2 in fire extinguishers, Air conditioning of the facilities. COZ has been identified as the ‘sole GHG constituting the entire ‘emissions profile. The tCO2 per ton of production has shown a decline over ‘the last 2 years in comparison to the previous two years unit product Nox, SOx, and particulate matter emission values are reported alongside CO2, and their values have decreased ‘over the past year as shown, below. miesions profile In the our Wonder Yarn division, the reported data includes SOx and particulate ‘matter which are emitted at the rate of 155 Kgjday and 55 rg/Nm3 respectively. The main sources identified for these emissions are diesel-operated baby boiler and diesel (generators. These values were arrived at by direct measurement methods, Viena industies Limited 2.6 Waste Management (cr1 306-4 306-2, 307: } (sDo 1213) ‘The process employed by Visaka industries Limited reuses the entire hazardous ‘waste and therefore nullifies ite environmental impact on the plant's surroundings Inthe AC Division of the Industry, glass textotite {HW} is the major source of hazardous waste generated at the division's production faciities The amount of hazardous waste has seen a steady decline over the last 4 years from 7558 MT of HOW in 2017-2018 to 5079 MT in 2020- 2021. The entire amount of HGW generated is recycled In the Vnext Division of the industry, the wastewater from manufacturing units waste and water diecharged vatume 2o1r18 201839 2019-20 ‘2020-21 Wh vistercsscnarge kt) I ra vole otvaste generated At) and recycled, Asindicated in ‘The Wonder Yarn division reports an average of 270L serumeocticchargedltythe thegrapn below, the volume of spentool wastage. Under the non-hazardous waste ‘vision is treated through STP andno hazardous waste is reported to be generated by production facilities. The entire Volume of non-hazardous waste is reported to be reused of wastewater discharged andnon-hazardous waste has volume of 199 ML in 2017-2016 to 40 ML in FY 2020-21 Shown a decline in the past year. The division also has. local facility store of 25 tonnes category, the amount of waste has decreased from a for non-hazardous waste. The division engages with an authorized reprocessor to dispose of waste ‘Ability Responsibly Sustainablty a

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