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THE UNPACKING OF SELF individual will achieve a sense of competence and

(Brief Notes) ability to choose demanding roles in a complex society.

Objectives: - How they view themselves?
1. Explore the different aspects of SELF; - How they view others?
2. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in - How they think others view them?
integrating the various aspects of SELF; • First impression is very critical ….Individual devote
3. Identify the different forces and institutions that intense attention to their own bodies, face,
impact the development of the various aspects of appearance and structure. Some people’s self-
SELF & identity; concept is based solely on the physical and nothing
4. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of more. Body Image has become an important
self. aspect of one’s mental health, self-esteem and
well-being. Three ways physical appearance
What is unpacking of SELF? impacts people’s self-worth. The sociology of the
Do you accept yourself as what you are? body became an established discipline in the
 The unpacking the SELF is self-acceptance. 1990’s.Bryan Turner coined the term “somatic
 Self-acceptance is an acceptance of yourself in its society” which means the new found importance
entirety (the good, the bad and the awesome) or, as of the body in contemporary society. Body work is
Nathaniel Braden explains in The Six Pillars no longer simply a question of mechanical
of Self Esteem, “my refusal to be in an adversarial maintenance but a lifestyle choice and identity:
relationship with myself.”
- The obsession to have a beautiful face & body
 According to Robert Holden – “True self-acceptance is
- Eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa and
the realisation that you are what you seek,”
 The 6 aspects of SELF
- The demand for cosmetic surgery
1. Physical or Biological Self
2. Sexual Self
3. Spiritual Self
4. Economic / Material Self • Sexual self-concept--defined as an individual's
5. Political Self evaluation of his or her own sexual feelings and
6. Digital Self actions--is proposed as an important predictor of
contraceptive behavior among teenagers, and a scale
"When you look at the mirror…who do you see? Do you measuring the concept is described.
see a beautiful human being looking back at you,
someone who is contributing to life, who is accepting • Sexual self-concept refers to the totality of oneself as a
and loving… who is connected to a bigger picture sexual being, including positive and negative concepts
that fills you with joy, or do you see someone who and feelings. According to theorists, sexual self-
doesn’t fit the “image” of who you think you are concept is described well along three dimensions (Snell
“supposed” to be. & Papini, 1989):
"I am not who I think I am. 1. sexual self-esteem is “the feelings you have about
I am not who you think I am. your body and your confidence level in how you
I am who I think you think I am." relate intimately to someone else.
2. sexual depression – When sexual desire fades, or
PHYSICAL SELF- disappears completely, it can impact your quality
 is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the of life and your relationship with your partner. ...
person that can be directly observed and examined. You may also have an absence of sexual fantasies
 Physical Self/Body is an initial source of sensation and that causes you serious distress or interpersonal
necessary for the origin and maintenance of difficulty. Low libido can also be a symptom of a
personality according to William James, American mental health problem, such as depression
philosopher and psychologist 3. sexual preoccupation - has been defined as a
 In Psychoanalytical school, Sigmund Freud's tendency to become obsessed with thoughts
construction of self and personality makes the physical about sexual behaviors (Snell & Papini, 1989).
body the core of human experience.
 To Erik Erikson, experience is anchored in the ground- SPIRITUAL SELF
plan of body, the role of bodily organs is especially • Spiritual self-care is any ritual or practice that we do to
important in early developmental stages of a person’s further our connection with our higher self. Your
life. Later in life, the development of physical as well as higher self is who we truly are as an individual, the
intellectual skills help determine whether the real you. Your higher self is the YOU that is
disassociated from, and not influenced by, the DIGITAL SELF
ego or fear.  is the persona you use when you're online. Some
• Your Spiritual Self is you in your most beautiful and people maintain one or more online identifies that are
powerful form. It is the authentic self, the distinct from their “real world” selves; others have a
unconditioned part, the YOU without patterns. single ONLINE SELF that's more or less the same as the
This is personal for each of us, so no need to get one they inhabit in the real world.
caught up on the language.
 Social media is a term for numerous technologies that
• Spiritual individuals strive toward a better life and allow instantaneous communication, status updates,
consider personal growth and fulfilment a and social networking among individuals. Social media
central goal. Spirituality can be considered to be platforms today include text messaging via cellular
a path toward self-actualization, because it phones and social networking sites such as Facebook.
requires people to focus on their internal values
and work on becoming a better individual.  The use of social media by youth (preadolescents and
• Examples include volunteerism, social adolescents) continues to increase across the world on
responsibility, optimism, contributing to society, a yearly basis. Youth in nearly every country use social
connectedness with others, feeling of media to maintain nearly constant contact with their
belonging/being part of a group, and love of friends.
self/reason to care for self.
 Given the importance of both social media and
What is Spiritual Personality? friendships to youth, this review examines the impact
• Being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a of social media on the emotional experiences of youth.
person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself Social media can have a positive impact upon
and others. A spiritual person cares about people, loneliness, intimacy, and relationship maintenance
animals and the planet. A spiritual person knows that during adolescence. However, adolescents also
we are all One, and consciously attempts to honor this experience relational issues via social media and are
Oneness. A spiritual person is a kind person. more reckless online. Social media, particularly
Facebook, may have both a positive and a negative
ECONOMIC/MATERIAL SELF impact on mood symptoms and other mental
• The material self refers to tangible objects, people, or disorders.
places that carry the designation my or mine. Two
subclasses of the material self can be distinguished:  Social media may play a role in identity formation by
The bodily self and the extracorporeal (beyond the allowing younger users to experiment with different
body) self. behaviours and interactional styles. The effects of
• MATERIAL POSSESSIONS - signify aspects of one's social media may lead to more positive outcomes for
sense of self and identity. One's sense of self and boys than for girls. There is need for research on social
identity is influential on how an individual chooses to media use during preadolescence, since work is largely
purchase his or her wants and he or she makes conducted with adolescents, and for further research
economic decisions that will address his or her to be conducted with potential mediators between
personal and social needs. social media and well-being (e.g., friendship).
• All of the physical elements that reflect who you are.
Possessions, car, home, body, clothes.
• Social self is the self as reflected through your
interactions with others; actually, a variety of selves END
that respond to changes in situations and roles

- Considers the historical context of SELF as a Filipino,
appreciating its identity thereby taking pride of the
Filipino values and traits
- Political self-organization then refers to the formation
of political patterns through the local interactions of
the members only; this can be seen in the formation of
public opinion, political movements,
and political revolutions. **Have additional readings on these aspects

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