Quilantang Fa5 Psy1202 Sec2

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PSY1202 – SEC 2


1. Discuss the balance of sleep and wakefulness in terms of biological processes.

According to (McCarley & Simpton - Scholarpedia 2008), sleep is a normal,

regularly repeating state of inactivity marked by the loss of awareness and diminished
response to external stimuli. It is also known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep or
deep sleep. On the other hand, wakefulness is defined as the absence of sleep and is
characterized by consciousness, alertness, and activity. However, in determining the
biological processes of sleep and wakefulness, our brain chemicals are composed of
different neurotransmitters; that is why (Sleep/Wake Cycles | Johns Hopkins Medicine
2021) states that Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that carry signals
between various nerve cells in the brain. Cells in the brainstem produce
neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers. Norepinephrine, histamine, and
serotonin are among the neurotransmitters. While we are awake, neurotransmitters
operate on various brain sections to keep us aware and functioning correctly.

Other nerve cells block the instructions that urge us to remain awake and keep
our eyes open, and we feel drowsy as a result of this—the existence of a molecule
known as adenosine. Caffeine increases wakefulness by inhibiting the action of
adenosine receptors in the brain. When we are awake, it seems that adenosine works
by slowly building up in our bloodstream, which has the effect of making us sleepy.
Slowly dissipating during sleep is the chemical's decomposition. Moreover, while we
sleep, two physiological processes govern sleep and wakefulness. These are referred
to as sleep/wake homeostasis and the biological clock's circadian rhythm. With
sleep/wake homeostasis, the more awake we are, the more our body recognizes the
need for sleep. If this mechanism were solely responsible for regulating our sleep/wake
cycles, we would theoretically have the most significant energy when we awoke in the
morning. Additionally, we would be exhausted and ready for sleep. (Sleep/Wake Cycles
| Johns Hopkins Medicine 2021) articulate that the SCN, a brain region, regulates our
body's internal clock, also known as (suprachiasmatic nucleus). In the hypothalamus,
the SCN is found. The SCN detects dark and light signals. The optic nerve in our eye’s
senses morning light. The SCN then stimulates the production of cortisol and other
hormones to assist us in regaining consciousness. However, as night falls, the SCN
transmits information to the pineal gland. This gland releases Melatonin, and Melatonin
induces drowsiness which makes us drowsy.

Furthermore, Certain neurotransmitters assist our body in recharging during

sleep. These also might benefit us in remembering information that we studied,
overheard, or observed while awake. Acetylcholine is at its peak both during REM sleep
and when we are awake. It seems to enhance our brain in retaining knowledge gained
when awake. It then stores such data while we sleep. Therefore, if we study or acquire
new knowledge in the hours before bedtime, "sleeping on it" may aid in memory. As well
while we sleep, other neurotransmitters may operate against us. Abnormalities might
trigger sleep problems such as restless legs syndrome in the neurotransmitter
dopamine. The negative impact of having a lack of sleep shows that just one hour of
sleep deprivation over a few days may affect. It may result in a decline in performance,
mood, and cognition. It is critical to get proper sleep consistently. It might assist us in
remaining alert and strengthened throughout the day. Additionally, it might assist us in
feeling calm and asleep at night. This assists in preparing us for a long, peaceful night's

2. Identify specific brain regions salient for the process of wakefulness and sleep.

Upon searching which part of the brain regions is responsible for the process of
wakefulness and sleep. The Swiss Info (2018) claimed that the thalamus, a connecting
area between the cortex and the brainstem, processes sensory information and
organizes cognition and awareness. It is placed between the two. It has connections to
almost every other part of the brain. Also, according to the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Brain Basics: Understanding sleep (2019), the
hypothalamus, a peanut-sized structure located deep inside the brain, comprises
clusters of nerve cells that operate as sleep and arousal control centers. The
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is located in the hypothalamus and consists of clusters
of hundreds of cells that obtain information on exposure to light directly from the eyes
and regulate your behavioral cycle. Specific individuals with SCN impairment sleep
intermittently throughout the day due to their inability to align their circadian rhythms to
the light-dark cycle. Most blind persons retain some capacity to see the light and adjust
their sleep/wake cycle.

On the other hand, our thalamus serves as a carrier for sensory information to
the cerebral cortex (the brain covering interprets and processes information from short-
to long-term memory). The thalamus remains silent throughout most sleep phases,
allowing us to tune out the external world. However, during REM sleep, the thalamus is
active, delivering pictures, noises, and other sensations to the brain, which populate our
dreams. Additionally, the brain stem, which is situated towards the base of the brain,
works in tandem with the hypothalamus to control our alertness and drowsiness. (The
brain stem is comprised of the pons, medulla, and midbrain.) The hypothalamus and
brain stem sleep-promoting cells produce a brain chemical called GABA, which
suppresses the activity of the hypothalamic and brain stem arousal regions.
Additionally, the brain stem (particularly the pons and medulla) performs a unique
function in REM sleep; it sends signals to relax muscles necessary for body posture and
limb movement, preventing us from acting out our dreams.

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep | National Institute of Neurological Disorders And

Stroke. (2019, August 13). Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep | National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-

Circadian Rhythm - Wikipedia. (2021, September 1). Circadian rhythm - Wikipedia.


McCarley, R. W., & Sinton, C. M. (2008, April 10). Neurobiology Of Sleep And
Wakefulness - Scholarpedia. Neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness –

Sleep/Wake Cycles | Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2021, January 1). Sleep/Wake Cycles |
Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-

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