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Communication Studies Essay

Language and Community

In this extract, one can see that the writer is a Caribbean person because of the type of language that
she uses, one can also see the type of register and level of formality used in the conversations and the
benefits of transforming this extract into a video presentation can also be seen.

Firstly, the narrator uses standard English in the narrative parts of the essay and creole through the
dialogue of the characters. This identifies her as a Caribbean person because the creole is properly used.
For example, her use of unmarked verbs when Miss Eila said " I hear you pass first term" both "here"
and "pass" is in the present tense leaving it up to the listener to understand through the use of context
clues and adverbial phrases that show time, what Miss Eila means. The leaving out of the "to be"
infinitive also indicates that the narrator is a Caribbean person. This is seen when Miss Eila says "That
you up there, beka pet" instead of "is that you up there beka pet?". The use of sentence tags also show
this, for example, when miss eila says " -eh Miss Ivy", "eh" is used as a sentence tag here. All of these
examples indicate that the narrator is a Caribbean person.

In the extract, one can also identify the level of formality and the register being used between Miss Eila
and Miss Ivy. There is an intimate register being used, this is seen by the reference made to unspecified
topics and situations. For example, Toycie, miss eila's sister and the contest that Beka won. It is also seen
by the use of nicknames when Miss Eila called Miss Ivy, "Miss I". The dialect is also kept constant
throughout, further indicating that the register is informal. One can also see that there is little formality
between the two as they converse in creole, which Indicates that it is a casual conversation and because
sometimes Miss Ivy drops the "Miss " when referring to Miss Eila. All of these indicate the register and
the formality of the conversation.

Lastly, transforming this extract into a video version would be beneficial because the nonverbal
communication taking place would be emphasized. For example, proxemics of the two ladies would
indicate how casual the conversation is, their facial expression would show how the feel about the
conversation, there would be gestures that would help to further emphasize points and vocal qualifiers
might help emphasize excitement and other emotions. All of these things would be present in a video
presentation of the extract, however they would not be seen in the extract alone.

In summary, the narrator can clearly be identified as a Caribbean person through her use of language,
especially the main character's dialogue, the registers used is intimate, the conversation causal and
there can be many benefits of transforming the extract into a video presentation, many of which is to
display the many nonverbal aspects of conversation that is lost in just words.

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