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PYQNS SAO, AIG-s GGal anata ascina aid, peceqa ASI_SHE aIdUIRa ‘Madhusudan Nagar, Unit-lV, GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Sachibalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar-751001 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF Phone No.(0674)-2392776, 2392904 RURAL WORKS: BHUBANESWAR EaLid- Letter No. 24 Use Dated. 2.0— Com don} To All Chief Construction Engineers, R.W. Circles (Civil & PH) Superintending Engineer, RW. Electical Circle, Bhubaneswar Al Superintending Engineers, R.W. Divisions (Civil, PH) All Executive Engineers, R.W. Divisions (Civil, Electrical) ‘Sub: Security Deposit in Procurement of Goods, Services and Works...regarding Ref: RD. Department letter No, 28235300902021/RD Dt.21.10.2021. Sit, In inviting a reference to the above cited letter on the aforementioned subject, it is to state that the Finance Department has issued following instructions relating to Bid Security / EMD & Performance Security: ‘+ No provisions regarding Bid Security should be kept in the Bid Documents and only Provision for Bid Security Declaration should be kept for all tenders issued till 31.12.2021 (Office Memorandum No. 8943/F dated 18.03.2021) + Performance Security has been reduced from existing five to ten percent to three percent of the value of contract for all existing contracts. All tenders / contracts issued / concluded till 31.12.2021 should also have the provision of reduced Performance Security. The reduced performance security shall continue for the entire duration of the contract and there should be no Subsequent increase of Performance Security even beyond 31.12.2021 (Office Memorandum No, 8952/F dated 18.03.2021), The above instructions have also been issued by the Works Department vide Office Memorandum No, 5984 dated 27.04.2021 and No, 5892 dated 27.04.2021, Further, it is pertinent to mention that @ meeting for discussion on implementation of the above instructions issued by the Finance Department was held on 07.10.2021 under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary where in it has been pointed out in the meeting that some offices are not strictly adhering to these instructions due to which a lot of grievances from contractors are being received. Besides, it has been observed that the EMD of unsuccessful bidders are also not refunded in time. The Finance Department has sought for the ‘K, BRC. meeting along withthe said format is enclosed in letter under reference. information on EMD & Performance Security in the format as Par The minutes of the above In view of the above, you are requested to examine all tenders / work contracts under your jurisdiction and strictly adhere to following instructions of Finance Department: ‘+ The revised guidelines of the Finance Department on Performance Security & Bid Security should be implemented ‘+ The Performance Security ofall existing contracts should be kept at three percent and in cases Where higher percentage has already been deducted due to the then prevailing contract Conditions, the differential amount must be refunded to the concerned contractors (subject to the refund request made by them in form of an application regarding refund of the same). + Performance Security of closed contracts to be retumed to the contractors as per the guidelines The EMD / Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders must be refunded to the concemed bidders immediately. ‘You are also requested to submit the information as desired by Finance Department in the format enclosed as Part‘A, 'B’ & °C by 01.11.2021 positively in MS-Excel Format through e-mail to ‘ and through e-Despatch. Yours feithyfully, Encl: As above om aaa Engineer-in-Chief, Rural Works Memo NSA SE Date: 2 -— Cor22 ( Copy forwarded to the FA-cum-Additional Secretary to Govt, R.D. Departmentyor information with reference to their letter No. 28236300902021/RD Dt.21.10.2021 Vl, Engineer-in-Chief, Rural Works ‘By Fan/E-mail/Speed Post iaalaae smiccasi ace, é prema cascact ant gece ga-seecoe oh gia agag Gaus einai, ‘ GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA \okateba nar, bon 901 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT File No 28235300902021 /RD. Dt:21-Oct-2021 Smt. Smita Pani, OFS (SAG), FA-cum-Addl. Secretary to Govt. To The E.1.C, R.W., Odisha, Bhubaneswar. Sub: Security Deposit in Procurement of Goods, Services and Works-- Matter Regarding Sir vit a Copy of the letter No.28929 dtd-18.10.2021 of Finance uubject cited above, | am directed to request you to furnish the consolidated data in the prescnbed format to this Deptt. latest by 2nd November, 2021 for onward transmission to Finance Deptt for kind perusal of the Chief Secretary. This may please be treated as urgent. Yours faithfully FA-cum-Addl. Secretary to Govt. 4 dges), CE ( oad) , CE (PMGSY), O/o the E.1.C., Rural Works, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action ce ALL SEs & EEs working under RW Division for information and necessary action. MISC-0090-2021/2/2021 GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA FINANCE DAPRTMENT JF, pt._18/ 10/202] FIN-COD-MISC-0007-2019 Sri Anil Kumar Purohit ad Deputy Secretary to Government To The D.C-cum-A.C.5/ 1 1 Additional Chief Secretary to Government/ Principal Secretary to Government/ Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Government All Departments sub Security Deposit in Procurement of Goods, Services and Works...regarding Madam / Sir In inviting a reference to the subject cited above 1 am directed to jose herewith copy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 07.10.2021 1 05.0 er the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to review the ction Laken en revised provision relating to Performance Security and Bid Security along with the format for providing Information on EMD & formance Security for information and necessary action at your end. It ste Kindly furnish the required information to Finance nt latest by 07th November, 20215 per the format attached, for kind perusal of Chief Secretary. Yours faithfully, et Deo.. ¢ AS) 2] Deputy Secretary to GoverAment fF vated. 18/ 10/ 202) elary for kind wnformation of Irs Sinn Seeratery da couched | : 8934 é vores, 18/10/2021 forwarded to PS to Additional Chief Secretary to Government, nance Department /Director, Smali Savings for kind information of Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Finance Department /Director, Neg vga Deputy Secretary to Government 9q%2 Memono 28932 pp Dated. Ig/to/20a4 Copy forwarded to all FAs /AFAS for kind information and necessary ie S\\o|2o} Deputy Secretary to Governms mati Savings dinutes of the meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary on 07.10.2021 at 05.00 PM through MS Team to review the action taken on revised provision relating to Performance Security and Bid Security. Chief Secretary chaired the meeting. The list of the officers participated in the meeting is at Annexure-A 2. While initiating the discussion Chief Secretary underlined the objective of the revised guidelines on Performance Security and Bid Security issued vide FO OM No.8952/F, dated 18.03.2021 and No.8943/F, dated 18.03.2021. He expressed that the revised guidelines will reduce the difficulties faced by the vendors in wake of slowdown of ihe economy due to Covid-19 pandemic. 3 Finance Department made a presentation highlighting the provision of revised guidelines issued vide FD OM No.8952/F, dated 18.03.2021 and No.8943/F, dated 18.03.2021 on Performance Security and Bid Security. 4 After through deliberation following decisions were taken in the meeting + Administrative Departments are to implement the revised guidelines on Performance Security and Bid Security issued vide FD OM No.8952/F, dated 18.03.2021 and No.8943/F, dated 18.03.2021 (Action-All Administrative Departments) + Administrative Departments to immediately refund the excess amount of Performance Security and Bid Security after taking the applications from the contractors as per the revised guidelines. (Action-All Administrative Departments) + Performance Security of closed contracts to be returned to the contractors as per the guidelines. (Action-Ail Administrative Departments) + Immediate steps to be taken for return of Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders of the closed contracts as per the guidelines. (Action-All Administrative Departments} + PR & DW Department may seek clarification on Additional Performance Security (Action- Works Department, PR & DW Department) + Finance Department will circulate a format for submission of information on action in pursuance to aforementioned letters on Performance Security and Bid Security (Action- Administrative Departments, Finance Department) The meeting ended with thanks to chair . Chief Secretary ANNEXURE-A Review Meeting on the action taken on revised provision relating to Performance Security and Bid Security held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary on 07.10.2021 at 05.00 PM through MS Team LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Date - 07.10.2021 Time - 05.00 P.M No. Participants 1 Chief Secretary - 2 | Principal Secretary, Finance Department 3 Principal Secretary, ST & SC Development Department 4 Principal Secretary, Energy Department 5 | Special Secretary, Energy Department 6 Special Secretary, Finance Department 7 Director-cum-Additional Secretary, Drinking Water & Sanitation 8 Director, Small Savings, Finance Department 9 EIC, OWSSB, Odisha 10 | EIC, RW, Odisha 11 EIC, PH, Odisha 12 CEO, waTCO 13 FA-cum Special Secretary, 4 & UD Department 14 | FA-cum-Additional Secretary, Energy Department 15 FA-cum-Additional Secretary, ST & SC Development Department 16 FA-cum-Additional Secretary, Works Department 17 FA-cum-Special Secretary, Water Resource Department 18 CE Mega lift 19 Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation (FORMAT FOR PROVIDING INFORMATION ON EMD & PERFORMANCE SECURITY) Name of the Department: __ Part-A: Completed Project SINo | NoofContract/ | Noofcases | Noofcases | Noof cases | No of cases works awarded where EMD | where EMD | where wher | Refunded is pending | Performance Performance | and reason | Security Security is thereof refunded pending and reason thereof b ~ " 1 2 3 4 5 b a _ | | | Part-B: Contract executed before 18.03.2021 (i.e. the date of issue of revised office memorandum) | SINo | — Noof Noof cases | Noofcases | No of cases where | No of cases | Contract / | where EMD | where EMD is | Performance Security where | works Refunded to , | pending and | has been reduced tor | Performance | | awarded the reason existing contract and | Security has | unsuccessful thereof refunded to the not been | bidders awardee reduced + 4 1 2 3 4 5 . | Part-C: Contract executed after 18.03.2021 (ie. the date of issue of revised office memorandum) No of Contract | No of cases where No of cases No of cases No of cases, / works Bid Security where EMD. where where the awarded Declaration has has been reduced Performance been obtained in. obtained ane performance Security has: leu of EMD from reason thereof ‘security has not been the bidders: been reduced and [| obtained reason thereof 1 2 3 a 5 6

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