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1 An analysis of ‘Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is salient feature in organization culture as it thrives to create a clear
comprehension on how organization strives to achieve its objectives and purpose. Employee
engagement in decision making, objective and organization mission is crucial for
organization success. Positive relationship between employees create a productive working
environment. Workers engagement in an administrative background is a system that brings
about relevant situation for corporate associates to offer their unique daily, highly
commitment to the organization’s objectives, motivation molarity and values. The motivation
aims at providing effective services to overall organization achievement.
Mostly, the principal dimension such as affective, intellectual and social help understand the
dimension for employee engagement and it relationship with different conceptions like job
satisfaction, employee involvement and commitment in organization (Brightenburg
,Whittington, Asare, 2020). In affective dimension includes employee’s enthusiasm and
willingness to surpass the target set. An effective worker engagement requires to take into
account the skills, knowledge and abilities of workers. On the intellectual perspective,
employees are passionately, innately and physically tied to their inspirations and career
progression. Consequently, the social dimension is vivid evident in in employees’ emotional
and mental tiers of their job assignments. It is also justified by the level of job satisfaction
vested by the workers.
In relation to different between employee engagement and commitment, the commitments is
the degree of employee satisfaction and personality with the organization. Worker
engagement comprise of employee optional efforts to achieve set organizational goals.
Worker involvement is centred at stimulating productivity levels while engagement exhibit
how productivity is improved. The C.E.O and other key stakeholders should incorporate a
motivation session concerning working liaison among diverse employees.
1.2 A justification of the need for alignment between engagement practices and other
corporate components
To attain involvement of workers in an organization, the stake holders and C.E.O of the
corporate must align the mission statements, vision and organization objectives with the
employee engagement. Apart from attaining set organization goals .the corporate
significantly relies on the level configuration of workforce engagement with organization’s
components such as mission statements, vision statement, scope, company resources,
objectives and approaches to attain the goals set. The mission lays effective and clear guides
for decision making. The matching of employee and company goals guarantees the worker
meeting personal target goals and attaining organization success. In case of derivation
between organization policies on increments and promotion it must be modified to align with
employees’ engagement to enhance corporate components (Brightenburg, Whittington,
Asare, 2020)
With clear organization structure helps reduce task overlap and encourages innovation widen
organization values and goals as employees focus on core values of heir innovation projects.
In addition, if workers engagement are aligned with vision, mission and objectives employees
feel part and owners of the company as it builds positive company culture. The workers
engagement alignment with components of corporate relies on positive personal attitude of
managers with employees. Laissez-faire leader has a positive attitude on employees hence
creating environment that allows them perform their expected daily tasks with less
intervention. This create room for growth new promotion opportunities that motives
employees work hard to achieve organization objectives (Rohman, Indiyati, & Ghina, 2021).
Employees feel more motivated when their engagement in company corporate components
are modified. Likewise, strong social networking are built when workers engagement are in
line with the corporate components.
Brightenburg, M. E., Whittington, J. L., Meskelis, S., & Asare, E. (2020). Job Engagement
Levels Across the Generations at Work. In Global Applications of Multigenerational
Management and Leadership in the Transcultural Era (pp. 108-137). IGI Global.
Rohman, A. F., Indiyati, D., & Ghina, A. (2021). The Influence of Organizational Culture
and Employee Engagement on Employees Performance at Telkom University, Indonesia.
International Journal of Science and Society, 3(1), 75-88.

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