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Domain Links:
Homepage PageRank:
Wikipedia Links:

Server IP:

Domain Age:
18 March 2005
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Domain links:
The number of all the pages that point to this domain. The number of incoming links is a popularity grade, it's one of
the most important factors that affect the performance in search engines.
Importance: very high
Homepage PageRank:
This Rank is provided by Google and it shows the importance of the page. Generally the higher the PageRank of the
homepage, the more important the site is considered.
Importance: high
Wikipedia links:
The number of incoming links coming from
Importance: low
Server IP:
The IP address of the hosting server. Google ranking algorithms take into account the location of the server.
Importance: high
Displays the location of the hosting server.
Importance: high
Domain Age:
Displays the domain's creation date. The older domains are considered more trustworthy.
Importance: medium
Index Results Index 13 January 2007
DMOZ Index Not Found
Yahoo Directory Index Not Found
Number of Indexed Pages in Google 23
Number of Indexed Pages in Yahoo 18
Number of Indexed Pages in Bing 15
[+] show help Index:
It shows if the domain exists in the Index.
Importance: low
DMOZ Index:
It shows if this page has been indexed in the open directory project, one of the largest human edited and search engine
friendly directories of the web.
Importance: medium
Yahoo Directory Index:
It shows if this page has been indexed in Yahoo directory, a large human edited directory.
Importance: medium
Google Index:
This is the number of pages of the site that can be found in Google's index.
Yahoo! Index:
This is the number of pages of the site that can be found in Yahoo!'s index.
Bing Index:
This is the number of pages of the site that can be found in Bing's index.
Whois Records:
Domain Name: ORBEES.COM
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Name Server: YNS1.YAHOO.COM
Name Server: YNS2.YAHOO.COM
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 05-mar-2010
Creation Date: 18-mar-2005
Expiration Date: 18-mar-2011

>>> Last update of whois database: Mon, 17 May 2010 11:31:01 UTC <<<
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The Whois Records displays information about the domain registrar, the name servers, the status of the domain, the
creation and expiration dates, the owner etc.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /stats/
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Above you can find the robots.txt file of the domain. Robots exclusion protocol is used by search engines and spiders in
order to find out which pages of a website are allowed to access.
Alexa Rank:
Compete Rank:
Estimated Number Of Visitors:
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Alexa Rank:
It measures the website's popularity by using a combination of visitors, pageviews and other parameters over the past 3
Compete Rank:
It is another web popularity indicator based on unique visitors metrics.
Estimated Number Of Visitors:
It is a traffic estimation for the particular site provided by
Daily Traffic
Daily Traffic:
The traffic rank is based on traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse
traffic data sources, and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach).
Daily Reach
Daily Reach:
Reach measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a
given site. So, for example, if a site like has a reach of 28%, this means that of all global Internet users
measured by Alexa, 28% of them visit
Daily Pageviews
Daily Pageviews:
Page views measure the number of pages viewed by site visitors. Multiple page views of the same page made by the
same user on the same day are counted only once.
Daily Pageviews per User
Daily Pageviews per User:
The page views per user numbers are the average numbers of unique pages viewed per user per day by the visitors to
the site.
Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate:
Bounce rate is a term used in web site traffic analysis. It essentially represents the percentage of initial visitors to a site
who "bounce" away to a different site, rather than continue on to other pages within the same site.
Time on Site
Time on Site:
Time on Site measures the average time (in minutes) that every visitor spends on site.
Search Visits
Search Visits:
Search Visits measures the percentage of traffic that the particular site receives from the major search engines.
Page Analysis

en (48.77% Confidence)

Blocked by Robots.txt:
Blocked by Meta-Robots:
Links Nofollowed by Meta-Robots:
Canonical URL:
No markup found
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The algorithm tries to identify the language that is used in the particular page.
Blocked by Robots.txt:
It displays whether the page is blocked by robots.txt file. If it is blocked the spider will not be able to parse the page,
but it might appear in the search results.
Importance: high
Blocked by Meta-Robots:
It shows whether the page is blocked by Metatags. If it is blocked the spider will be able to parse the page, but it will
not appear in the search results.
Importance: high
Links Nofollowed by Meta-Robots:
It displays if all the links of this URL have been no followed by using Metatags.
Note that nofollowed links lead to PageRank loss.
Importance: high
Canonical URL:
It displays (if exists) the Canonical URL.
Importance: medium
Canonical URL Validation:
This shows whether the Canonical URL is valid.
Importance: medium
Indexation Results
Google Indexed
Yahoo! Indexed
Bing Not Indexed
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Indexation table displays whether this page is indexed in Google, Yahoo and Bing. If your page is not indexed in one or
more of the above Search Engines check if some other version of the page (for example www and non www version) is
in the index. To resolve this issue submit the correct page and make use of Canonical URLs or 301 redirections.
Importance: very high
Reputation Num
Total Twitter Tweets 0
Facebook Mentions1
Google Blog Search Results 0
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Total Twitter Tweets:
It counts the number of unique times that this URL has been mentioned in Twitter.
Facebook Mentions:
It counts the number of times that this URL has been recently posted in Facebook.
Google Blog Search Results:
It counts the number of recent blog posts that point to this URL.
Bookmarks Num
Delicious 0
Digg 0
Stumbleupon Submit
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It counts how many times this page has been bookmarked in Delicious.
It counts how many times this page has been shared recently in Digg.
It counts how many times this page has been bookmarked in Stumbleupon.
Number of incoming links:
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Number of Incoming Links:
The number of all the pages that point to this URL. The number of incoming links is a popularity grade, it's one of the
most important factors that affect the performance in search engines.
Importance: high
This Rank is provided by Google and it shows the importance of the page.
Importance: high
Incoming Links List:
A list of the top 1000 pages that point to the particular URL.
HTML Validation
Validity Invalid
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The HTML Validation Table displays whether the particular URL is Valid according to W3C standards and the number
of Errors and Warnings that are found. HTML validation is not an SEO factor but it affects the user experience.
Importance: low
Title Length:
Title Relevance:
Description Length:
Description Relevance:
Keywords Length:
Keywords Relevance:
Average HTML Headings Relevance:
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Title Length:
It shows the number of characters used in the page title. The optimal maximum length is 64 characters but some Search
Engines display up to 70.
Importance: high
Title Relevance:
It measures how relevant are the keywords used in the title compared to the general content.
Importance: very high
Description Length:
It shows the number of characters used in Meta Description. The optimal maximum length is 150.
Importance: high
Description Relevance:
It measures how relevant are the keywords used in the Meta Description compared to the general content.
Importance: high
Keywords Length:
It shows the number of characters used in Meta Keywords. The optimal maximum length is 250.
Importance: very low, almost insignificant
Keywords Relevance:
It measures how relevant are the keywords used in the Meta Keywords compared to the general content.
Importance: very low, almost insignificant
Average HTML Headings Relevance:
It measures how relevant are the keywords used in the H1-H6 compared to the general content.
Importance: high
Information Technology, Social networking, Alumni relation, and Email marketing solutions - Orbees Inc.
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The page Title is an important factor that affects the page's performance in search engines. It must be used wisely in
maximum 64-70 characters describing the content of the page and including the most important keywords.
Importance: high
Orbees is a leading organization in providing Information Technology, scoial networking, alumni relation, and Email
Marketing solutions to its higher education customers in the U.S. and Western Europe since 2006. We offer products
and services to the higher education institutions.
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The Metatags are HTML elements that are used to provide structured metadata about a Web page. Such elements can
be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements
and attributes.
Meta Description:
Description is one of the most important Metatags. It must include maximum 150 characters describing the content of
the page using important keywords. Usually it appears in the SERP snippets.
Importance: high
Meta Keywords:
Some search engines still consider keywords as SEO factor. Meta keywords must contain less than 250 characters.
Importance: very low, almost insignificant
It contains information on whether the page should be indexed in search engines and whether the links of the page are
nofollowed. If you choose to block the page by using the noindex attribute value, the page will be removed from the
indexes of all search engines. If you choose to use the nofollow attribute value all the links of the page will be
nofollowed. Note that nofollowed links lead to PageRank loss.
Importance: high
HTML Headings:
H1 (3):
Student Groups and Collaboration Portal
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The HTML Headings are special tags (H1, H2, H3 etc) that are used to provide the title of a particular segment of the
page. They are weighted by most search engines more than the body text and they must include the basic keywords to
describe the text below them. H1 is considered the most important Heading and it is advised not to have more than 2
per page, H2 is the second most important etc.
HTML Headings List:
It displays the list of all the HTML Headings that have been found in the body of the page along with the number of the
total Headings per tag.
Tip: Excessive usage of these tags may lead to spam penalties.
Keyword Analysis:
Single Keywords KeywordRank Occurrences Density Possible Spam
orbees 84 11 3.73 %
donorbadge 22 4 1.36 %
findanalum 22 4 1.36 %
student 24 5 1.69 %
groups 20 3 1.02 %
Show More
collaboration 22 4 1.36 %
portal 24 5 1.69 %
services 17 7 2.37 %
marketing 39 6 2.03 %
communication 6 3 1.02 %
products 11 4 1.36 %
social 32 4 1.36 %
networks 6 3 1.02 %
development 8 4 1.36 %
teams 4 2 0.68 %
universities 4 2 0.68 %
struggling 4 2 0.68 %
common 4 2 0.68 %
challenge 4 2 0.68 %
strategy 6 3 1.02 %
learn 10 5 1.69 %
alumni 37 5 1.69 %
practice 4 2 0.68 %
contact 4 2 0.68 %
manage 4 2 0.68 %
institution 7 2 0.68 %
technology 35 4 1.36 %
application 4 2 0.68 %
web 4 2 0.68 %
client 4 2 0.68 %
networking 31 2 0.68 %
relation 33 3 1.02 %
email 31 2 0.68 %
solutions 31 2 0.68 %
organization 7 2 0.68 %
higher 10 2 0.68 %
education 10 2 0.68 %
2 Word Phrases KeywordRank Occurrences Density Possible Spam
donorbadge findanalum 4.5 2 0.68 %
findanalum student 4 2 0.68 %
student groups 20.333333333333 3 1.02 %
groups collaboration 20.333333333333 3 1.02 %
collaboration portal 22.333333333333 4 1.36 %
Show More
services orbees 6.5 2 0.68 %
services products 4.5 0* 0%
marketing communication 4 2 0.68 %
marketing orbees 10.166666666667 0 * 0%
social networks 6.5 3 1.02 %
teams universities 4 2 0.68 %
struggling common 4 2 0.68 %
common challenge 4 2 0.68 %
networks social 6.5 0* 0%
groups student 6.3333333333333 0 * 0%
collaboration groups 6.3333333333333 0 * 0%
portal collaboration 8.3333333333333 0 * 0%
products services 7.5 2 0.68 %
orbees services 6.5 0* 0%
communication marketing 4 0* 0%
orbees marketing 4.1666666666667 1 0.34 %
networking alumni 31 2 0.68 %
alumni relation 31 2 0.68 %
relation email 10.75 2 0.68 %
email marketing 31 2 0.68 %
marketing solutions 31 2 0.68 %
higher education 10 2 0.68 %
3 Word Phrases KeywordRank Occurrences Density Possible Spam
findanalum student groups 4 2 0.68 %
student groups collaboration 18.666666666667 3 1.02 %
student groups portal 16.166666666667 0 * 0%
groups collaboration portal 22.166666666667 3 1.02 %
services marketing orbees 4.3333333333333 0 * 0%
Show More
services communication orbees 4.1666666666667 0 * 0%
struggling common challenge 4 2 0.68 %
student collaboration portal 16.333333333333 0 * 0%
groups collaboration student 8.1666666666667 0 * 0%
groups portal student 6.8333333333333 0 * 0%
collaboration portal student 5.8333333333333 1 0.34 %
collaboration portal groups 8.1666666666667 0 * 0%
collaboration student groups 8.1666666666667 0 * 0%
portal student groups 6.8333333333333 1 0.34 %
portal student collaboration 5.8333333333333 0 * 0%
portal groups collaboration 8.1666666666667 0 * 0%
marketing communication services 4 1 0.34 %
marketing services orbees 4.3333333333333 0 * 0%
communication services orbees 4.1666666666667 1 0.34 %
communication services marketing 4 0* 0%
services orbees marketing 4.3333333333333 0 * 0%
orbees marketing services 4.3333333333333 0 * 0%
networking alumni relation 31 2 0.68 %
alumni relation email 20.875 2 0.68 %
relation email marketing 17.5 2 0.68 %
email marketing solutions 31 2 0.68 %
4 Word Phrases KeywordRank Occurrences Density Possible Spam
findanalum student groups collaboration 4 2 0.68 %
student groups collaboration portal 26 3 1.02 %
services marketing communication orbees 7.3333333333333 1 0.34 %
findanalum groups collaboration student 4 2 0.68 %
student collaboration portal groups 26 3 1.02 %
Show More
groups collaboration portal student 12 1 0.34 %
groups portal student collaboration 12 1 0.34 %
collaboration portal student groups 12 1 0.34 %
collaboration student groups portal 12 1 0.34 %
portal student groups collaboration 12 1 0.34 %
marketing communication services orbees 7.3333333333333 1 0.34 %
communication services orbees marketing 7.3333333333333 0 * 0%
networking alumni relation email 33.7 2 0.68 %
alumni relation email marketing 27.625 2 0.68 %
relation email marketing solutions 20.8 2 0.68 %
5 Word Phrases KeywordRank Occurrences Density Possible Spam
findanalum student groups collaboration portal 4 2 0.68 %
student groups collaboration portal services 16 1 0.34 %
services marketing communication orbees products 2 1 0.34 %
learn findanalum student groups collaboration 2 1 0.34 %
learn findanalum groups collaboration student 2 1 0.34 %
Show More
findanalum student collaboration portal groups 4 2 0.68 %
findanalum groups collaboration portal student 4 2 0.68 %
findanalum collaboration portal student groups 4 2 0.68 %
learn marketing communication services orbees 2 1 0.34 %
learn communication services orbees marketing 2 1 0.34 %
networking alumni relation email marketing 37 2 0.68 %
alumni relation email marketing solutions 30.875 2 0.68 %
relation email marketing solutions orbees 24.3 1 0.34 %
relation email marketing solutions higher 31.014285714286 1 0.34 %
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Above you can find a complete text analysis of the text of the page. We consider as Keywords the words or phrases that
are relatively close to each other and appear in the same patern more than once. Note that before the analysis we
remove all the common words of the vocabulary (aka stopwords).
The KeywordRank measures how optimized a keyword is within a page. This special rank can be used to distinguish
the important amongst the not important keywords. We use a special image and a pointer to indicate whether a
particular keyword is significant in the page. Red indicates that the site is not optimized or over optimized (possible
keyword stuffing) and green indicates that the keyword is well optimized.
This displays the number of times a word or phrase is found in the page. Usually important keywords have relatively
increased number of Occurrences within the text.
This displays a percentage which is the number of occurrences divided by the total number of words in the page.
Possible Spam:
This rank indicates if this word or phrase has been overused consisting a spam alarm. You should consider this flag as a
warning and not as an error.
* Word Phrases:
Word phrases (or Keyword Phrases) are usually considered 2 or more keywords that appear the one next to the other,
more than once within the text (many Occurences). Nevertheless in many cases important keywords of a page could
never appear the one next to the other within the page. Our algorithms are able to detect such keywords and this is
denoted by a 0 Occurence value. This does not mean that the Keyword Phrases are not optimized, but that those
keywords are not found within the text next to each other.

Keywords Cloud:
orbees about orbees core values leadership delivery models donorbadge findanalum student groups and collaboration
portal it services marketing communication orbees products donorbadge donorbadge powering fundrasing campains
across social networks the development and fundraising teams at various universities lately are struggling with one
common challenge what should be their strategy for social networks and how to leverage the social networks learn
more visit www donorbadge com findanalum findanalum allows professional schools alumni to enhance their practice
through referrals from alma mater the alumni relations and development teams at various universities keep struggling
with one common challenge how can they have the latest contact information of its alumni their primary donors learn
more visit www findanalum com student groups and collaboration portal student groups and collaboration portal allows
students to manage all aspects of student clubs and organizations orbees portal is built using microsoft sharepoint and
can be easily customized to meet the unique requirements of your institution learn more visit collaboration portal demo
all products information technologyr services at orbees orbees information technology services application
development and integration maintenance of legacy applications web enablement and re architecting deployment
customization of software packages strategy process improvement best practices learn more marketing communication
services at orbees orbees marketing communciation services website development and management outreach
communication campaign crm strategy search engine marketing optimization learn more spot light clients client
testimonials home about us products services careers contact sitemap copyright 2010 orbees inc all rights reserved
information technology social networking alumni relation and email marketing solutions orbees inc orbees is a leading
organization in providing information technology scoial networking alumni relation and email marketing solutions to
its higher education customers in the u s and western europe since 2006 we offer products and services to the higher
education institutions
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Keyword Cloud is a Visual representation of words based on their density. The higher the density of the word, the
bigger font size it has. The cloud gives a rapid representation for which keywords the page is optimized.
Spider View:
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Spider View displays how this page appears to search engine's web crawlers.
ErrorsErrors (2)
The meta-Keywords is not relevant with the rest of the page.
The Page is not indexed in Bing.
WarningsWarnings (6)
The page Title should be more than 10 and less than 64 chars long. Current Length: 103.
The page meta-Description should be more than 50 and less than 150 chars long. Current Length: 282.
The page meta-Keywords should be more than 10 and less than 250 chars long. Current Length: 0.
The number of H1 Tags should be lower than 2. Current number: 3.
The Text to HTML Code Ratio of the page is lower than 20 %. Current Text to HTML Code Ratio: 7.589 %.
The Page contains 44 images but 31 of them do not contain alt text.
InfoInfo (8)
The total number of Words in the page is 295.
The total number of Keywords in the page is 119.
The total number of Optimized Keywords in the page is 1.
The total number of Possibly Spam Keywords in the page is 0.
The total size of the page is 28.143 kb.
The text size of the page is 2.136 kb.
The page contains Table Tags. Tableless CSS designs usually load faster and create cross browser websites.
This Page has 0 backlinks from External domains and 3 from Internal.

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