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Copyright © 2010
All rights reserved

Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Document code: MA-VI-VIVAWEEN-01

Release software: VIVA Rel. 2.0.3.x for Windows XP
Date of issue: 6-7-2010

Seica S.p.A. * reserves the right to change the technical specifications without notice.

* The words Seica or Seica S.p.A. quoted in this manual also refer to Seica Inc., Seica Sarl, Seica China,
associated Companies, branches and Seica divisions.

CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. I
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................... III
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................V
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1-1

1.1 Wizard Environment (CTRL+W) ............................................................... 1-3

1.2 Graphic Environment (CTRL+G) .............................................................. 1-5

1.3 Camera Environment (CTRL+I)............................................................... 1-5

1.4 Debug Environment (CTRL+D)................................................................ 1-5

1.5 Run Statistics (CTRL+T) ......................................................................... 1-6

1.6 Programming Environment (CTRL+P)....................................................... 1-7

1.7 Functional Programming Environment (CTRL+F)......................................... 1-8

1.8 Board Configuration (CTRL+J) ................................................................ 1-9

1.9 System Configuration (CTRL+Q) ........................................................... 1-10

1.10 Self Test (CTRL+S).............................................................................. 1-10

1.11 Homing Procedure (CTRL+H) ................................................................ 1-10

1.12 Exit (CTRL+E)..................................................................................... 1-10

2. OPERATOR INTERFACE ..................................................................................2-1
2.1 System starting ........................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Test systems with horizontal architecture ................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Test systems with vertical architecture ..................................................... 2-3
2.2 Test program execution ................................................................................ 2-4
2.2.1 Manual mode ........................................................................................ 2-4
2.2.2 Automatic mode .................................................................................... 2-5
2.3 System shutdown ........................................................................................ 2-5
2.4 PC-CONSOLE – Control panel and Board Handler .............................................. 2-8
2.4.1 Maximum board handler width ................................................................ 2-8
2.4.2 Minimum board handler width ................................................................. 2-8
2.4.3 Board Handler automatic calibration......................................................... 2-8
2.4.4 Board loading/unloading with Board Handler ............................................. 2-8
2.4.5 Set the Board Handler width ................................................................... 2-9
2.4.6 “Console menu” dialog ........................................................................... 2-9
2.4.7 Set the board load/download side .......................................................... 2-10 Load from LEFT SIDE (default condition) ......................................................... 2-10 Load from RIGHT SIDE ................................................................................. 2-10 Download on RIGHT SIDE (default condition) ................................................... 2-10 Download on LEFT SIDE ................................................................................ 2-10 Set default conditions ................................................................................... 2-10
2.5 Camera–Control panel and Camera Environment ............................................ 2-11
3. Wizard Environment ......................................................................................3-1
3.1 Wizard Environment – Start page ................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Create a new board ............................................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Select a board....................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.3 System maintenance ............................................................................. 3-4
3.1.4 System library and template options ........................................................ 3-5
3.2 Wizard Environment – Import data page ....................................................... 3-11

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.2.1 Import CAD data ................................................................................. 3-11 Import BOM data ......................................................................................... 3-13 Advanced Import Data Settings...................................................................... 3-19 Assign Function ........................................................................................... 3-19
3.2.2 Manual import CAD data....................................................................... 3-20
3.3 Wizard Environment – Board data page......................................................... 3-21
3.3.1 Edit Board & Set Pins Info..................................................................... 3-23
3.3.2 Edit Board & Set Components Info. ........................................................ 3-28
3.3.3 Edit Board & Set Signals Info. ............................................................... 3-30
3.3.4 Edit Board & Marker Zone. .................................................................... 3-32 Translate a Marker Zone ............................................................................... 3-34
3.3.5 Edit Board & No Flying Zone. ................................................................ 3-35
3.3.6 Edit Board & Z Markers. ....................................................................... 3-37
3.3.7 Rotate Board / Set Reference Points....................................................... 3-39
3.3.8 Add Pins … - Adding points to an existing data base ................................. 3-41 Manual Mode ............................................................................................... 3-44 Automatic Mode........................................................................................... 3-48 Connector Mode........................................................................................... 3-49 Component Mode ......................................................................................... 3-52
3.3.9 Learn the dimensions of the points added to the board database................ 3-54
3.3.10 Advanced Board Data Settings .............................................................. 3-55 Board Data Options .................................................................................. 3-56 Test Point Adjustment ............................................................................... 3-60 Import data options .................................................................................. 3-61
3.4 Wizard Environment – Create Program page .................................................. 3-62
3.4.1 Assign Function................................................................................... 3-63
3.4.2 Update Program .................................................................................. 3-65
3.4.3 Advanced Create Program Settings ........................................................ 3-66
3.5 Wizard Environment – Multiply page ............................................................. 3-68
3.5.1 Board Panel – Multiply Board with “Learn Offset” ..................................... 3-70
3.5.2 Board Panel – rotate board panel........................................................... 3-71
3.5.3 Export parameters in multiplied boards .................................................. 3-72 Procedure ................................................................................................... 3-72
3.5.4 Parallel test ........................................................................................ 3-73
3.6 Wizard Environment – Board setup page ....................................................... 3-77
3.6.1 Definition of Reference Points................................................................ 3-78
3.6.2 Translate Board on Reference Points ...................................................... 3-79
3.6.3 Coordinates Check and Autolearn .......................................................... 3-81
3.6.4 Definition of markers ........................................................................... 3-82
3.7 Wizard Environment – Verify page................................................................ 3-85
3.7.1 Autodebug.......................................................................................... 3-88
3.7.2 Debug Environment ............................................................................. 3-88 Debug Environment – Tool bar....................................................................... 3-94 Debug Environment – Grid Contextual Menus................................................... 3-97
3.8 Wizard Environment – RUN page................................................................ 3-101
3.8.1 Statistics Environment ....................................................................... 3-104 Accessible Components Report..................................................................... 3-112 Board Tested Report................................................................................... 3-112 Batch Statistic Report ................................................................................. 3-113 Component Statistic Report ......................................................................... 3-114 Statistic Process Control.............................................................................. 3-115
4. BOARD CONFIGURATION...............................................................................4-1
4.1 TAB BOARD CONFIGURATION ........................................................................ 4-2
4.2 TAB “CHANNELS SETTINGS” .......................................................................... 4-3
4.3 TAB “Z AXIS SETTINGS” ............................................................................... 4-5
4.4 TAB “BARCODE SETTINGS” ........................................................................... 4-7
4.5 TAB “PRINTER SETTINGS”............................................................................. 4-8
4.6 TAB “TEST CONFIGURATION” ........................................................................ 4-9
4.7 TAB “ADVANCED TEST CONFIGURATION”...................................................... 4-10
4.8 TAB “PROGRAM SETTINGS” ......................................................................... 4-11


4.9 AUTOMATIC MARKERS SETTINGS................................................................. 4-12

5. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .............................................................................5-1
5.1 TAB “SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ..................................................................... 5-2
5.2 TAB “SETTINGS” .......................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 TAB “INSTALLATION” ................................................................................... 5-5
5.4 TAB“MAINTENANCE”..................................................................................... 5-6
5.5 “ATE CONFIGURATION” ................................................................................ 5-8
5.6 TAB “MOTION CONFIGURATION”.................................................................. 5-10
5.7 TAB “CAMERA CONFIGURATION”.................................................................. 5-11
5.8 TAB “PYROMETER CONFIGURATION” ............................................................ 5-12
5.9 TAB “CALIBRATIONS” ................................................................................. 5-13
5.10 TAB “ABOUT” ............................................................................................ 5-14
6. USE OF QUICKTEST IN FLYING PROBE SYSTEMS ...........................................6-1
6.1 Add QT Section............................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 USE OF QUICKTEST ON ELDER TEST PROGRAMS.............................................. 6-5
7. VIVA GROUPS AND WINDOWS GROUPS ........................................................7-1
7.1 Description ................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2 Windows User login Management ................................................................... 7-4
7.2.1 USER LOGIN MANAGEMENT IN O.S. WINDOWS 2000 ................................. 7-4
7.2.2 USER LOGIN MANAGEMENT ON WINDOWS XP ........................................... 7-6
7.3 VIVA ACCESS MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 7-8
7.3.1 VIVA ACCESS LEVELS ............................................................................ 7-9 USERS.......................................................................................................... 7-9
7.3.2 PROGRAMMERS................................................................................... 7-10
7.3.3 ADMINISTRATORS ............................................................................... 7-10
8. BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................8-1


Fig. 1-1 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Program Prepare, Verify and Execute .................................................. 1-4
Fig. 1-2 - VIVA SOFTWARE: syntactic diagrams of a VIVA program (development environment) ......... 1-7
Fig. 1-3 - VIVA SOFTWARE: syntactic diagrams of a VIVA program (run time environment) ............... 1-8
Fig. 1-4 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Board Configuration” dialog .............................................................. 1-9
Fig. 1-5 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “System Configuration” dialog ......................................................... 1-10
Fig. 3-1 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Create New Board” dialogs........................................................ 3-2
Fig. 3-2 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Select a Board” dialogs............................................................. 3-3
Fig. 3-3 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Sytem Maintenance” dialogs ..................................................... 3-4
Fig. 3-4 - VIVA: Dialog “Manage multiple boards”......................................................................... 3-4
Fig. 3-5 - VIVA: Dialog “Create new Board” and source templates .................................................. 3-5
Fig. 3-6 - VIVA: Dialog “Board Options” ...................................................................................... 3-5
Fig. 3-7 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings” ............................................................... 3-6
Fig. 3-8 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings” ............................................................... 3-6
Fig. 3-9 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings” ............................................................... 3-9
Fig. 3-10 - VIVA: “Import Data” and “Import Report” after the “Import !” execution........................ 3-11
Fig. 3-11 - VIVA: “Set Signals Info”. ........................................................................................ 3-12
Fig. 3-12 - VIVA: Import Data from BOM files. ........................................................................... 3-13
Fig. 3-13 - VIVA: Advanced Import Data Settings....................................................................... 3-19
Fig. 3-14 - VIVA: Assign Function. ........................................................................................... 3-19
Fig. 3-15 - VIVA: Board Data Collection. ................................................................................... 3-22
Fig. 3-16 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – “Edit Board” “Mode”. ................................................... 3-22
Fig. 3-17 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Pins. ........................................................ 3-23
Fig. 3-18 - VIVA: Dialog Edit Board: Horizontal toolbar. .............................................................. 3-24
Fig. 3-19 - VIVA: Dialog “Search”. ........................................................................................... 3-24
Fig. 3-20 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Pins Info. ............................................ 3-26
Fig. 3-21 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Componens Info. ................................. 3-28
Fig. 3-22 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Signal Info. ......................................... 3-30
Fig. 3-23 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Marker Zone. ............................................ 3-32

The figures contained in this manual may not correspond to the last product release. Their aim is to

support the topics described in the manual .

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-24 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Marker Zone - Edit..................................... 3-33
Fig. 3-25 - VIVA: Edit Board: Definition of Reference Points for a Marker Zone- Translate Marker Zone ..3-
Fig. 3-26 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – No Flying Zone. ......................................... 3-35
Fig. 3-27 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Markers................................................. 3-37
Fig. 3-28 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Marker Status. ....................................... 3-38
Fig. 3-29 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Marker Status (contextual menu). ............. 3-38
Fig. 3-30 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Rotate Board – Position. ............................................... 3-39
Fig. 3-31 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Rotate Board – TPs. ..................................................... 3-40
Fig. 3-32: Dialog “Edit board”.................................................................................................. 3-41
Fig. 3-33: Dialog “Set new pins information” ............................................................................. 3-42
Fig. 3-34: Dialog “Set components info” ................................................................................... 3-43
Fig. 3-35: “Edit board”-View image .......................................................................................... 3-44
Fig. 3-36: Camera Environment; tab “autolearn”........................................................................ 3-45
Fig. 3-37: Dialog “Add item wizard” ......................................................................................... 3-46
Fig. 3-38: Add item wizard, add signal...................................................................................... 3-46
Fig. 3-39 Add item wizard: Menu Add pin .................................................................................. 3-47
Fig. 3-40 .............................................................................................................................. 3-48
Fig. 3-41: Connector layout .................................................................................................... 3-49
Fig. 3-42 Dialog Set new pins information ................................................................................. 3-50
Fig. 3-43: Connector layout (II)............................................................................................... 3-50
Fig. 3-44: Connector pin numbering ......................................................................................... 3-51
Fig. 3-45 Dialog “Set New pins information ............................................................................... 3-52
Fig. 3-46: Assign pins to a component ...................................................................................... 3-53
Fig. 3-47 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Advanced Board Data Settings – Board Data Options. ....... 3-55
Fig. 3-48 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Advanced Board Data Settings – Test Point Adjustement. .. 3-55
Fig. 3-49 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Through Hole selected................................. 3-57
Fig. 3-50 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Changes in the board data base (Comp.). ...... 3-57
Fig. 3-51 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Changes in the board database (Pins)............ 3-58
Fig. 3-52 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Changes in the board data base. .... 3-59
Fig. 3-53 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Run-time calculation..................... 3-60
Fig. 3-54 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Run-time calculation..................... 3-61
Fig. 3-55 - VIVA: “Create Program” and “Program Generation Report” dialogs ................................ 3-62
Fig. 3-56 - VIVA: “Assign Function” dialogs for “Device” and “Component”..................................... 3-64
Fig. 3-57 - VIVA: Dialogs “Assign Function”: “Assign Macro” and “Assign Complex” ......................... 3-64
Fig. 3-58 - VIVA: “Create Program” “XML Import file Name” ........................................................ 3-65
Fig. 3-59 - VIVA: “Create Program” “Advanced Create Program Settings” ...................................... 3-66
Fig. 3-60 VIVA: “Multiply Page” – before and after “Multiply Board” .............................................. 3-68
Fig. 3-61 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Change the Panel Board Sequence”............................................. 3-69
Fig. 3-62 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Test Report after Run on Panel”.................................................. 3-69
Fig. 3-63 - VIVA: Dialogs: Learn Offsets and Select Destination Board Postion................................ 3-70
Fig. 3-64 - VIVA: Dialogs Save Offsets and Multiply Board ........................................................... 3-70
Fig. 3-65 VIVA: “Board Data - Rotate Board …” and “Board “Selection”.......................................... 3-71
Fig. 3-66 VIVA: “Board Data - Rotated 180°” and “Panel Selection” .............................................. 3-71
Fig. 3-67 - VIVA: Debug Environment: Export parameters in multiplied boards............................... 3-72
Fig. 3-68 - VIVA: Dialog “Create New Board” ............................................................................. 3-73
Fig. 3-69 - VIVA: Board data collection ..................................................................................... 3-74
Fig. 3-70 - VIVA: Dialog “Set Pins Info” .................................................................................... 3-74
Fig. 3-71 - VIVA: Dialog Multiply Board..................................................................................... 3-75
Fig. 3-72 - VIVA: Dialog “Learn Offset- Select Destination Board Position” ..................................... 3-76
Fig. 3-73 - VIVA: Camera Environment..................................................................................... 3-76
Fig. 3-74 VIVA: Dialog “Board Setup” ....................................................................................... 3-77
Fig. 3-75 VIVA: “Board Setup” and “Definition of reference Points” dialogs..................................... 3-78
Fig. 3-76 VIVA: Camera Environment - “ViewFinder on TP1 and TP2” ............................................ 3-80
Fig. 3-77 VIVA: “Absolute and Relative Coordinates” .................................................................. 3-80
Fig. 3-78 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Component or Channel Selection”.................................. 3-81
Fig. 3-79 VIVA: “Camera Env.t” - “View Channel” on Phisichal System and on Emulated System....... 3-81
Fig. 3-80 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Marker1 and Marker2 definitions” .................................. 3-83
Fig. 3-81 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Filters Selection on Markers”......................................... 3-83
Fig. 3-82 VIVA: “Marker Selection” and “Marker Parameters” ....................................................... 3-84
Fig. 3-83 VIVA: “Verify Page” and “Kind of program selection” ..................................................... 3-85
Fig. 3-84 VIVA: “Verify Page” - “Advanced Settings …”................................................................ 3-87
Fig. 3-85 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Display Macro parameters on “Debug Environment”........................... 3-89
Fig. 3-86 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Internal Instruments and System Channels ...................................... 3-90
Fig. 3-87 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Debug Environment”................................................................. 3-91


Fig. 3-88 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Live Page” and “Display Measure” ................................... 3-92
Fig. 3-89 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Board Page” and “Panel Page” ........................................ 3-92
Fig. 3-90 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Info Page” and “Report Page” ......................................... 3-92
Fig. 3-91 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Panel Page ” and “History Page” ..................................... 3-93
Fig. 3-92 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Main Tool Bar” ............................................................. 3-94
Fig. 3-93 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Debug Environment” – “Grid area”................................................. 3-97
Fig. 3-94 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Debug Environment” – “Grid area and contextual Helps” ................... 3-98
Fig. 3-95 VIVA: “Run Page” – before and after “Start Program” .................................................. 3-101
Fig. 3-96 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Execute Program Toolbar” ....................................................... 3-101
Fig. 3-97 VIVA: “Run Page” – “Execute Program Toolbar” .......................................................... 3-101
Fig. 3-98 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Stop on Error” and “View Probes” ................................. 3-103
Fig. 3-99 VIVA: “SPC” – “Cp index” ........................................................................................ 3-106
Fig. 3-100 VIVA: “SPC” – Histogram and normal distribution...................................................... 3-107
Fig. 3-101 VIVA: “SPC” – Histogram with 30, 50, 96 and 196 values........................................... 3-108
Fig. 3-102 VIVA: “Accessible Component Report” and “Signal Statistics”...................................... 3-109
Fig. 3-103 VIVA: “Board Tested Component Report” before and after “Create Program” ................. 3-109
Fig. 3-104 VIVA: “Batch Statistic Report” and “Component Statistic Report”................................. 3-109
Fig. 3-105 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “CP index” ........................................................... 3-110
Fig. 3-106 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “CPK index” ......................................................... 3-110
Fig. 3-107 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “GR&R index”....................................................... 3-111
Fig. 4-1 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Board Configuration ...................................... 4-2
Fig. 4-2 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Channels Settings” ....................................... 4-3
Fig. -3 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, Dialog “Channels Update” ...................................... 4-4
Fig. 4-4 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Z axis settings” ............................................ 4-5
Fig. 4-5 VIVA: Z axis settings.................................................................................................... 4-5
Fig. 4-6 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Barcode Settings ........................................... 4-7
Fig. 4-7 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Printer Settings ............................................. 4-8
Fig. 4-8 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Test Configuration ......................................... 4-9
Fig. 4-9 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Advanced Test Configuration ........................ 4-10
Fig. 4-10 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Program Settings”...................................... 4-11
Fig. 4-11 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Automatic Markers Settings ......................... 4-12
Fig. 5-1 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab System Configuration................................... 5-2
Fig. 5-2 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, dialog Modify User Permissions ........................... 5-3
Fig. 5-3 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Settings”................................................... 5-4
Fig. 5-4 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Installation” .............................................. 5-5
Fig. 5-5 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, dialog Drivers Settings ...................................... 5-5
Fig. 5-6 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab Maintenance ............................................... 5-6
Fig. 5-7 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab ATE Configuration........................................ 5-8
Fig. 5-8 VIVA: Dialog Build Board Channels ................................................................................. 5-8
Fig. 5-9 VIVA: Dialogs: LAM Configuration and ACLAM Configuration............................................... 5-9
Fig. 5-10 VIVA: Dialog User Power Settings................................................................................. 5-9
Fig. 5-11 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Motion Configuration” ............................. 5-10
Fig. 5-12 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Camera Configuration” ............................ 5-11
Fig. 5-13 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Pyrometer Configuration” ........................ 5-12
Fig. 5-14 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Calibrations” .......................................... 5-13
Fig. 5-15 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “About” .................................................. 5-14
Fig. 5-16 VIVA: Dialogs: Motion Controllers and DSP Analog Modules............................................ 5-15
Fig. 6-1 VIVA: Add Quicktest Section.......................................................................................... 6-2
Fig. 6-2 VIVA: Add Test............................................................................................................ 6-3
Fig. 6-3.................................................................................................................................. 6-4
Fig. 6-4 VIVA: QuickTest Main Dialog ......................................................................................... 6-5
Fig. 6-5 VIVA: Programming Environment, Tab “General” .............................................................. 6-5
Fig. 7-1 VIVA: Dialog System Configuration ................................................................................ 7-2
Fig. 7-2 VIVA: Default VIVA Groups configuration; dialog “System Configuration” ............................. 7-3
Fig. 7-3: How to create user access levels (win 2000)................................................................... 7-4
Fig. 7-4: VIVA Access to a local group ........................................................................................ 7-9
Fig. 7-5: User Toolbar (the grayed elements are not accessible ...................................................... 7-9
Fig. 7-6: Programmer/administrator Toolbar (some items are grayed in system configuration) ......... 7-10


Tab. 2-1 VIVA SOFTWARE: System status executing actions in MANUL or AUTOMATIC mode .............. 2-7
Tab. 3-1 VIVA SOFTWARE: Example of point feature definition for a board to be tested ................... 3-54

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Tab. 7-1 VIVA: Window Users, Window Groups and VIVA Groups ................................................... 7-2


The VIVA software has been designed to manage test programs development and execution on electronic
devices (components, boards, devices, etc…) using the systems manufactured by Seica S.p.A.

The VIVA software toolbar, made up by a set of buttons allows either to chose one of the following
environments or to exit the program:

Wizard Environment (CTRL+W)

Graphic Environment (CTRL+G)

Camera Environment (CTRL+I)

Debug Environment (CTRL+D)

Run Statistics (CTRL+T)

Programming Environment (CTRL+P)

Functional Programming Environment (CTRL+F)

Board Configuration (CTRL+J)

System Configuration (CTRL+Q)

Self Test (CTRL+S)

Homing Procedure (CTRL+H)

Exit (CTRL+E)

NOTE: The field “Board:” located on the left of the buttons allows to select the board to be managed
in the current session of the VIVA software. After selecting the board, the system displays the
environment which was active in the last work session for that board. If no environment was
selected for the board, the software automatically displays the Wizard Environment with the
last page of the dialog selected.

The VIVA software is designed to manage test systems. Some of the environments are available only if
they are scheduled on the software protection key supplied with the system.

As far as test systems are concerned, some environments are available according to the kind of system:

• Flying Probe interface systems

• Bed of Nails or Connectors interface systems.

The next paragraphs offer a brief description of the environments available before focusing on the
Wizard Environment which is the main topic of this manual. The description is withdrawn from the
documents referenced in the bibliography .

In the following pages, a number in square brackets indicates a crossed reference to a document included in the

bibliography available at the end of this manual. For example: [2]indicates the following reference:

[2] ACL Module – Internal Instruments

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

This manual is intended for VIVA users belonging to “Programmers” and “Users” groups: in fact, the
information included in this manual allow to create, develop, verify and execute test programs.

Code: MA-VI-ACLI00EN-06 (23-07-2009) Seica S.p.A.


1.1 Wizard Environment (CTRL+W)

The Wizard Environment is a guided procedure to develop a test program which, through eight dialogs
displayed in sequence allows the operator to supply to the system all the data required. After the first
complete execution of the procedure, the operator can select the different dialogs randomly with no need
to start the whole procedure anew.
The eight dialogs correspond to eight pages present in the Wizard Environment dialog:

Page Start: allows either to: create a new program, select an existing program, access
the System Maintenance Environment; display the installed manuals or
enter the help on line.

Page Import Data: Allows to supply the data to describe the UUT layout and components.

Page Board Data: Allows to supply additional data related to the physical features of the UUT
to be checked. The page allows to modify the data inserted in the Import
Data page and to add new ones.

Page Create Program: Allows to create the test program. For each component to be checked,
the software generates the default values associated to the settings of the
macros developed to execute the test.

Page Multiply: Allows to multiply the program, to manage several UUTs when these are
arranged in groups to be checked together before being physically

Page Board Setup: Allows to define the information required to align the physical coordinates
of the board placed into the work area with the coordinates present in the
board description stored by the software. This page schedules four
activities to be executed in sequence; the first two are compulsory:

1. Definition of Reference Points

2. Translate Board on Reference Points
3. Coordinates Check and Autolearn
4. Definition of Markers

Page Verify: Allows to execute the created program (with debug and autolearn option).
This page is the same as the RUN page, but contains an additional icon to
activate the Debug Environment. Once the activities scheduled in the
Verify page are completed, the development phase is ended and the
program is now ready for execution in production activities. The
production activities can be activated with the page RUN, directly
selectable for subsequent program executions.

Page Run: Allows to execute the program created. For Flying Probe systems, before
starting the program, it is possible to select the marker management
mode. Instead of starting the program, it is possible to select the Debug
Environment and then start the program from the same environment.

When creating a new program, the pages which allow the operator to supply the required data, are
available in sequence, so that the next page is available as soon as all the tasks included in the current
page have been completed. At the end of this phase, all the pages are available at once and can be

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

In the VIVA management software, the program is identified with the board name. The flow chart below,
(see bibliography for crossed reference) offers a synthesis of all the Wizard Environment activities .

Fig. 1-1 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Program Prepare, Verify and Execute

In [1] is described the “Seica CAD data files”



1.2 Graphic Environment (CTRL+G)

The Graphic Environment allows to manage the layout of the points4 and components that make up the
board to be checked. The view of the layout can be related either to the top or the bottom side of the
board and it can be rotated or flipped all way around. The main dialog of the environment contains a
toolbar and two pages that can be selected: “Edit board” and “Rotate board”. In this environment it is
possible to define or modify the features of the board points by changing the values related to each point.
More in detail:

• Side possible values: Top or Bottom

• Testability possible values : Test/Don’t Test
• Technology possible values : SMD or Trough Hole
• Shape possible values : Round or Square/Rectangle or Hole
• External diameter possible values: external diameter of the test point
• Internal diameter possible values: internal diameter of the test point

For Flying Probe systems, at the board level, it is possible to define two points as translation points:
these will take the values of the physical coordinates acquired with the camera when translating the
board. If the value of the attributes modified affects the program generation, the button which allows to
save the changes tells that when saving the data the test program is generated.

1.3 Camera Environment (CTRL+I)

For Flying Probe systems, the Camera Environment, through a view system, allows to:

• manage the acquisition of the physical coordinates of the board placed into the work area
• manage the acquisition of the markers used as fiducial points for the automatic translation
during program execution
• execute the manual translation of the board coordinates using the two translation points defined
in the Graphic Environment
• manually insert the points in the layout of the board to be tested.

The main dialog of this environment contains a toolbar and three selectable pages: Translation, Set
Markers and Autolearn.

1.4 Debug Environment (CTRL+D)

After program creation, the Debug Environment allows to:

• Define the execution mode.

• enable/disable the execution on a specific section, component or macro executed in the section.
• enable/disable the repetition of the execution on a specific section, component and on a specific
macro executed in the section.
• enable/disable the graphic view of the values related to the execution on a specific point
• view the result of the execution on a specific point.
• View and modify the value of settings used in the software procedure (macro) which executes the
test procedure on a specific point.
• enable/disable the step by step program execution.
• enable/disable the loop execution on the program.
• enable/disable the report printing after program execution.
• enable/disable the use of markers for automatic translation when program execution starts.
• enable/disable the probe view when executing the test
• start/stop program execution.

The Debug Environment can be used to view:

• the sections of a test program (corresponding to the execution of a specific kind of function)
• the components tested in a specific section
• the macro used to test each component

For further information on points, channels, hardware and software context, see [1]

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

• for each macro, the current macro settings

the Debug Environment dialog is divided into several areas:

• in the upper left part, it is possible to select the test mode

• immediately below, on the left, a grid gives the hierarchical order of the items of a test program
(sections, components of the section and macros used for each component)
• On the lower left part, it is possible to select summarizing information about the program
• The area on the upper right side, is used to view information related to the item selected in the
second area on the left (Section, Component, Macro)
• The area in the lower right part allows to view graphical information concerning program execution or
the component related to the item selected in the second area on the left

1.5 Run Statistics (CTRL+T)

The Run Statistics environment allows to view and print statistic reports related to the activities
executed with VIVA Software.


1.6 Programming Environment (CTRL+P)

The Programming Environment5 is used to make new functions available or to modify the existing
ones as far as the program creation in VIVA is concerned. In this environment it is possible to:

• Define the link between a kind of component and the functions executable on that component
through the VIVA management software
• Add new functions to those provided with the installation
• Define the macros that make up a specific function
• Define the labels that make up a specific macro
• Define the executive code for a specific label of a specific macro; the executive code consists in
recalling the system instruments with the associated operation (o method) which the instrument
can perform.

This manual aims to describe the programming environment. The notes included provide a general
description of a VIVA program architecture and the environment. The diagrams below provide a general
idea of a VIVA program structure. Fig. 1-2 shows the syntax diagrams of a VIVA program defined in the
Programming Environment. Fig. 1-3 shows the syntax diagrams of a VIVA program in the RUN

Fig. 1-2 - VIVA SOFTWARE: syntactic diagrams of a VIVA program (development environment)

For further information and a description of the Programming Environment, please refer to the documents in the

section Bibliography.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 1-3 - VIVA SOFTWARE: syntactic diagrams of a VIVA program (run time environment)

*Patterns VIVA: rules present in the Programming Environment and used in the Create Program phase.

Once created, the program looks like a series of sections, where “section” defines the execution of a
function associated to a component.

1.7 Functional Programming Environment (CTRL+F)

Note: On the Flying Probe systems, the aim of the Functional Programming Environment is to create
macros for the test

The Functional Programming Environment is used on TEST systems managed by VIVA software to

create functional programs. The functional programs, also called patterns, are formed by clusters (a
cluster is a code sequence written to check specific functions of a UUT).

With a text editor, the environment allows to:

• Build up single clusters,

• Organize the clusters in pattern files (*.pat)
• Fill in the pattern files patterns file

For further information about the functional programming, please refer to [4] or to the VIVA software
on-line documentation.

It has been quoted since some system macros have been generated in this environment. These macros
are defined (module type) as “VL” and “VL_DYNAMIC” macros, i.e.:

VL The macro in use is written in VIVA Language (VL). The macro is executed in the static
VL_DYNAMIC The macro in use is written in VIVA Language Dynamic (VL_DYNAMIC). The macro is
executed in the dynamic mode.

Two other values of “ModuleType” are:

NONE The macro in use is written in VIVA native language .


VBS The macro in use is written in Visual Basic Script. (VBS).

For further information and description of the Functional Programming Environment, please refer to the documents in

the section Bibliography.

The VIVA native language is a graphic language that can be used to build VIVA macros. With this language it is

possible to use parts of codes written in VL, C, VBScript languages and access directly to the driver software status.


1.8 Board Configuration (CTRL+J)

The Board Configuration environment allows to configure some default parameters used in the create

program phase.

Fig. 1-4 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Board Configuration” dialog

The Board Configuration dialog (see fig. 1-4) allows the user to modify the board configuration in the
test phase.

Note: If the selected board is “System Library” the modifications applied in this dialog are applied to
all the boards of the system

For further information, please refer to the Help On Line and to section 4 of this document

For further information and detailed description of the Board Configuration Environment, please refer to section 4 of

this manual.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

1.9 System Configuration (CTRL+Q)

The System Configuration9 dialog (Fig. 1-5) contains several information related to system,
installation, configuration and status. The information are stored in ten pages which make up the dialog
of the environment (For further information, please refer to the corresponding section of the Help on Line
and to section 5 of this document).

Fig. 1-5 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “System Configuration” dialog

1.10 Self Test (CTRL+S)

The Self Test environment contains the dialog to parameter the VIVA system self test.

1.11 Homing Procedure (CTRL+H)

For the Flying Probe systems, the button Homing Procedure executes the axes homing procedure; the
system probes are placed at the limit of the work area.

1.12 Exit (CTRL+E)

The button Exit interrupts the VIVA management execution passing the control to the environment from
where it had been activated.

For further information and description of the System Configuration Environment, please refer to section 5 of this


operator interface

The Flying Probe system is made up by different smart sub-systems (PC-MAIN, PC-CONSOLE, STEPPER
Module, etc.) interacting between them. The procedures to start/shut down the system must be executed
following a specific sequence of steps to grant to activate/deactivate the system correctly. This section
describes the operations to be performed to:

¾ Start the system.

¾ Shut down the system.
¾ Check the operation and use the PC-CONSOLE to manage the board handler through the control
¾ Use the picture acquisition function and move the camera through the control panel of the

For further information about the operator interface on Flying Probe systems, please refer to: [8] .

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

2.1 System starting

2.1.1 Test systems with horizontal architecture

The procedure below can be applied to flying probe systems with horizontal architecture

1. Open the air tap located on the rear side of the system.
2. Set the MAIN-SWITCH on the rear side of the system to “1”.

3. The led STAND-BY turns on ; otherwise the EMERGENCY button could be pressed.
4. When the PC-MAIN is on, perform the login to access the system Desktop. The icon displayed
when the pc is connected to the network (LAN) shows that the connection is not active.

5. Press button: , on control panel. The icon displayed when the pc is connected to the
network (LAN) is now displayed.
6. After about 60” the system outputs a sound; the system is now ready and the led status is the

7. Launch VIVA application by double clicking the icon on Windows desktop.

8. Press buttons and to set them to the ON condition.

9. Click the Homing Axes icon to initialize the system.

NOTE: The condition ON of ATE ON/OFF button indicates that the unit which contains the
measurement instruments is active.

NOTE: The condition ON of the MOTION ON/OFF button, indicates that the X, Y and Z motors are

NOTE: After system shutdown it is necessary to wait about 10“ before starting the system again.

The system is now ready to operate either in MANUAL or AUTOMATIC mode.

• In the MANUAL mode, the operator places the board on the rails, loads the board (using the control
panel buttons) and starts the test.

• In the AUTOMATIC mode, the operator places the board on the rails and the system automatically
loads the board, executes the test and downloads the board. See the next paragraphs for further

operator interface

2.1.2 Test systems with vertical architecture

1. Open the air tap located on the rear side of the system.
2. Set the MAIN-SWITCH on the rear side of the system to “1”.

3. Press the button MAIN ON

4. Press the button MOTOR ON
5. Press the button ATE ON

Note: For system shutdown, repeat the steps described above, from 5 to 1

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

2.2 Test program execution

After performing the “system starting” procedure, the system is ready to execute the test program for a
specific board. The system has two operating conditions:

• In the MANUAL mode, the operator executes all the operations required to test the board. In this
operating mode, the SMEMA interface is ignored.

• In the AUTOMATIC mode the operator simply loads/downloads the board from the board-handler
before and after the test program execution, and the Flying Probe system automatically executes all
the other operations. In this operating mode, the SMEMA interface allows the Flying Probe system to
communicate with other equipments installed upstream and downstream.

If the protective cover is opened or the button “EMERGENCY OFF” is pressed when executing the
program, the program is stopped immediately. To restore the system, follow the “system starting”

Here below is provided a description of the procedures to execute a test program in the two operating
modes. The Tab. 2-1, shows the condition of the nine leds indicating the Flying Probe system status, in
the manual and automatic mode. The value is indicated only when the action executed implies a shift
from an old to a new value.

2.2.1 Manual mode

1. Select, in the case “Board:” on the top left side of the main VIVA dialog, the name of the program
that will be executed.

2. Press button to turn on the led .

3. Set the board-handler width in automatic or manual mode.
4. Click the icon to access the Wizard Environment and select the page “Run”.

5. Press button , the led turns on

6. Place the board on the board-handler through the side opening (it is possible to choose the load
7. Press button to load the board.

8. Press button , the led turns on.

9. Press button , to start the test program execution.

10. At the end of the program, press button ; the led turns on.
11. Press button: , to download the board.

operator interface

2.2.2 Automatic mode

1. In the case “Board:” on the top left side of the main VIVA dialog, select the name of the
program that will be executed.

2. Press button , the led turns on.

3. Set the board-handler width in automatic or manual mode.
4. Click the icon to enter the Wizard Environment and select the page “Run”.

5. Press button , the led turns on.

6. Press button , the led turns on.

7. Press button ; the led of the section AUTOMATION STATUS turns on.
8. Place the board on the board handler through the opening on the load side you’ve chosen.
The system will automatically load, test and download the board.
9. Once the program execution has been complete remove the board from the board-handler
(download side).

2.3 System shutdown

1. Press buttons and to set them to OFF.

2. Click icon on the upper right side of the toolbar to exit VIVA software.
3. Execute pc shutdown.

4. Press button on control panel.

5. Set to OFF the MAIN-SWITCH located on the rear side of the system.

6. Close the air tap.

operator interface

Tab. 2-1 VIVA SOFTWARE: System status executing actions in MANUL or AUTOMATIC mode


Mode Action
Homing procedure OFF

Program loading ON
Board loading (+> o START) ON
End of board loading OFF

Start program (START) ON
End program without errors OFF ON
(End program with no errors) (OFF) (OFF) (ON)
During board downloading ON
End of board downloading
Remove board OFF

Homing procedure OFF
Program loading ON
Run Environment

Insert board from load side ON
Automatic program execution OFF OFF ON ON
End program without errors ON OFF ON OFF ON
(End program with errors) (ON) (OFF) (ON) (OFF) (OFF) (ON)
Remove board OFF

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

2.4 PC-CONSOLE – Control panel and Board Handler

This chapter contains some notes to check the operation and to use the PC-CONSOLE group, executing
commands through the control panel to manage the system board handler.
Before performing these operations execute the System starting procedure (see 2.1).

2.4.1 Maximum board handler width

1. Press button the led turns on.

2. Press buttons , . The moveable rail of the board handler opens until it reaches the
maximum rail width.
3. Press button . The dialog “Console Menu” opens to display the current rail width. The
maximum rail width is displayed.

2.4.2 Minimum board handler width

1. Press button ; the led turns on.

2. Press buttons , . The moveable rail of the board handler moves until it reaches the
minimum rail width.
3. Press button . The dialog “Console Menu” opens; the current rail width is displayed.
(minimum rail width).

2.4.3 Board Handler automatic calibration

1. Press button ; the led turns on.

2. press the following buttons in sequence , , . The moveable rail of the board handler
moves until it reaches the maximum rail width. After a few seconds, the moveable rail moves
until it reaches the minimum rail width
3. Press button . The dialog “Console Menu”, which displays the current rail width, shows the
minimum rail width.

2.4.4 Board loading/unloading with Board Handler

1. Get a board to be checked.

2. Press button ; the led turns on.

3. Using buttons , , and suit the board handler rail width to the board dimensions.
4. Insert the reference board on the board handler loading side.
5. Press button to load the board. The board is carried into the work area.

6. Press button ; the led turns on. The clamps close to lock the board into the work area.

7. Press button ; the led turns on. The clamps open.

8. Press button to download the board. The board is then conveyed out of the work area to the
download area.

operator interface

2.4.5 Set the Board Handler width

With board loading management in MANUAL mode (led on). Press button . The dialog
“Console Menu” is displayed.

On the left side of the dialog is displayed the name of the active board. Press button to
perform the axes homing procedure. The case "Current Rail Pos." contains the current rail width
expressed in mm. To save the current rail width for the selected board, press button ;
the value appears in the case below the button. The button allows to set the rail width
corresponding to that stored for the active board.

2.4.6 “Console menu” dialog

The button on the control panel, allows to activate/deactivate the dialog “Console Menu”, used to
program the Board Handler. It is possible to activate the “Console Menu” dialog even through the VIVA
interface, using button “Open Menu” from “Console Configuration” tag in the System Configuration
Environment (selectable from the toolbar available in the main VIVA dialog).

When the Console Menu is active:

• The buttons and of the control panel, allow to shift from the current page to the previous or
next page. It is possible to select the pages using the mouse or from the keyboard
• When the page “Board” is selected, the buttons: or of the control panel, allow to pass from
the current control to the previous control or from the current control to the next one. It is possible
to select the controls available with the mouse or from keyboard (SHIFT+TAB) or TAB.
• If the page “Board” is selected, the button on the control panel, activates the control selected to
manage the board handler. The same result is obtained using the mouse left button to select the
control or by pressing ENTER on keyboard.
• If the page “Autolearn” is selected:
o The button on the control panel, activates the button - : subsequent selections of this
button decrease the “Probe Step” value.
o The button on the control panel, activates the button + : subsequent selections of this
button increase the “Probe Step” value.

It is even possible to select the buttons - or + with the mouse or using the TAB key to select the
button and then pressing ENTER to decrease or increase the “Probe Step” value.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

2.4.7 Set the board load/download side

It is possible to configure the system side for board loading/unloading, using the direction buttons on the
control panel. The configuration is active both in the MANUAL and AUTOMATIC mode.
Follow the instructions provided below:

• Close VIVA application (icon on the toolbar).

• Choose the required configuration from the available: Load from LEFT SIDE (default condition)

Press buttons: Load from RIGHT SIDE

Press buttons: Download on RIGHT SIDE (default condition)

Press buttons: Download on LEFT SIDE

Press buttons: Set default conditions

To reset the previous settings and restore the default conditions (load from LEFT SIDE and download on
RIGHT SIDE) press buttons:

Example: configure the system to load/download on RIGHT SIDE.

1 Exit VIVA environment

2 On the control panel, press buttons , in sequence

3 On the control panel, press buttons , in sequence

4 Enter the VIVA environment by double clicking the icon on your desktop.
5 Start the activity

operator interface

2.5 Camera–Control panel and Camera Environment

The following notes allow to check the correct operation of the camera motion and the camera
environment through commands sent from the control panel of the PC-CONSOLE group.

1. Execute the System starting procedure

2. Get a board to be checked.

3. Press button ; the led turns on.

4. Using the buttons: , , and suit the rail width to the width of the board in use.
5. Place the reference board on the loading side of the board handler.
6. Press button to load the board. The board is conveyed into the work area.

7. Press button ; the led turns on. The clamps close to lock the board into the work area.

8. Select the Camera Environment by clicking the icon on the toolbar available in the main
VIVA dialog.

NOTE: In this environment the blue buttons on the control panel allow to move the camera along the
X, Y axes.

9. Using the buttons , , , , , and move the camera until it is under

the board located into the work area.
10. Check that on the PC-MAIN is displayed the picture of the board which is above the camera

NOTE: In the Camera Environment, the button opens the “Console Menu” dialog which allows to
define the axes step motion to move the camera (1 mils -1000 mils).

1mils := 1/1000 inch:= 0,0254 mm


Wizard Environment

The Wizard Environment (icon on the VIVA software toolbar) allows to create test programs through
a guided procedure starting from CAD files that describe the board layout and features, to create the test
program which will automatically execute the test scheduled for that board.

This environment allows to:

• Create and execute a test program through a guided procedure.

• Select and execute an existing program or to intervene in the steps of its development.
• Execute system maintenance operations
• Check the documentation supplied with the system (manuals or help on line).

To activate the main toolbar, launch the VIVA application by double clicking the icon . If, after
performing this operation, the toolbar is not prompted, press “Esc” on the keyboard.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.1 Wizard Environment – Start page

The page “Start” of the Wizard Environment allows to:

• Create and execute a test program for a board through a simple guided procedure indicated by
the wizard itself.
• Select an existing program for execution or to interfere in the steps scheduled for its
• Execute System Maintenance operations.
• Examine the documentation supplied with the system as manuals or help on line.

3.1.1 Create a new board

• Enter the Wizard Environment, in the page “Start”, press button “CREATE A NEW BOARD”.

• In the dialog displayed:

o Fill in the fields “Name:” and “Description”. (“Description” is optional)

o Select, from the list of templates available the more suitable one for the kind of board for
which you are creating the test program.

• Press button “OK” to continue; the page “Import Data” is now active.

Fig. 3-1 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Create New Board” dialogs.

Wizard Environment

3.1.2 Select a board

• Enter the Wizard Environment; in the page “Start”, press button “SELECT A BOARD”.

• In the dialog displayed:

o From the list “Boards:” select a board to open a work session.

o If the work session is related to the execution of different programs, and if the system
operates in the in-line mode, the button “Configure Board Loader” allows to configure the
database which identifies the boards to be loaded through the SMEMA interface.
o In the section Board Preview, if available, is displayed the layout for the selected board,
aligned to the data stored in the board database.
o In the list “Boards”, near to field “Name” there’s a field identified as “!” which tells the
program belongs to one of the three possible steps scheduled to develop a test program. It
can also identify a template Database used to develop the test program.

• Prepare
• Verify
• Execute
• Template database to develop programs

NOTE: A “Template” is a sample database where are recorded the default settings used in the Wizard
Environment pages to create a new program. It is important to consider that possible changes
made on a Template database will affect the values of the default settings in the subsequent
executions of “CREATE NEW BOARD” with this Template.
• To continue, press button Select; the page “Import Data” is now available, or the page active during
last program execution.

• The four buttons “Copy”, “Delete”, “Compress” and “Expand” allow to execute these operations
directly on the selected program with no need to select button SYSTEM MAINTENANCE.

Fig. 3-2 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Select a Board” dialogs

NOTE: If the selected board is a Template”, (e.g. “System Library”) the only page available in the
Wizard Environment dialog, in addition to page “Start”, is the page “Template Option”. This
page allows to define some default settings for some of the attributes used when creating

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.1.3 System maintenance

• Enter the Wizard Environment from the dialog of the page: “Start”, press button SYSTEM

• In the SYSTEM MAINTENANCE there are several buttons:

o “SYSTEM BACKUP” to Create a backup copy of the system configuration files.

o “SYSTEM RESTORE”, to restore the system configuration files previously stored with the
backup procedure.
o “COMPRESS BOARD”, to compress a test program in the .zip format.
o “EXPAND BOARD”, to expand a test program previously compressed in the .zip format.
o “COPY BOARD”, to copy the selected test program.
o “DELETE BOARD”, to remove the selected test program.
o “SELF TEST”, to execute the system diagnostic program.
o “CALIBRATION”, to calibrate the system axes.
o “EXPORT DATA”, export data from the current board database in the “CAD Seica” format
(*.nod, *.par, *.sho). The “CAD Seica” format can be used as “Input File Name” in the step
“Import data from CAD”.

Fig. 3-3 - VIVA: “Start” page and “Sytem Maintenance” dialogs

The icon is enabled only if “System Library” is selected. If pressed, the dialog displayed in
fig. 3-4 appears.

The dialog displays all the boards available on the

left side. It allows to delete several boards at once.
All the buttons available in the bottom side of the
dialog, apply the action to all the selected boards.
If one or more boards are deleted, the button

updates the list of the boards.

Fig. 3-4 - VIVA: Dialog “Manage multiple boards”

Wizard Environment

3.1.4 System library and template options

As explained in Fig.1-1, the creation of a new test program can begin with a reference template which
contains all the default values. The change of one of these values by the user affects all the programs
created using that reference template. ( e.g. System Library).
The information included in the tab Board Options allow to change some of the default parameters
proposed by the VIVA Software to create test program.
The information supplied in this paragraph are reserved to expert users or Programmers/Administrators
of the test system in use.

To create a Template, press the button

“Create a New Board”; flag the checkbox
“Create template” and select an existing test
program from the available
This paragraph describes the features of the
dialog Board Options.

Fig. 3-5 - VIVA: Dialog “Create new Board” and source templates

To view and edit the Board Options enter System Maintenance and select tab Board Options.
Once the changes in Board Options have been completed, it is possible to create a new custom template
different from the System Library. It is then possible to create Board Programs with the same default
settings as the source program (selected to create a custom template).

Fig. 3-6 - VIVA: Dialog “Board Options”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The Board Options are collected in eight different sections as shown in Fig. 3-5; below a list of the


• Default Card Type: is the name of the default CAD Translator used by VIVA Software to import
CAD data
• Default CAD file path: is the path of the directory used to import the CAD files

The section ADVANCED CAD DATA contains all the default options related to the operations executed by
the software during the import of CAD and BOM data. The options available in this section are:

• Enable short generation: to enable/disable the generation of shorts test in VIVA. The possible
values are 0 and 1
• Use pads dimensions: to enable/disable the use of pad size to create the shorts test. If this
option is enabled, the distance of adjacencies is calculated taking into account also the pads size
and shape.
• Pads clearance: this default value is displayed in the dialog “Advanced import data settings ”of
the page Import Data and is expressed in mils.

Note: The clearance area is the

distance of adjacencies between the nets
used to create shorts tests. The software
will create the short applying the
following rule: on each point of every
net, VIVA creates a risk area whose
diameter is the values set in the dialog
displayed in Fig.3-5. All the test points of
the risk area belonging to different nets
will be tested for shorts. For the test
generation it is contemplated only the
distances between the test points of the
nets and not the distance between the
nets. (see fig. 3-7).
Fig. 3-7 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings”

Fig. 3-8 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings”

Wizard Environment

• Use pin number: to enable/disable the generation of shorts test between the pins of a
component by pin number. The “minimum pin number” to create the test can be typed in the
next board option. The possible values are 0 and 1

• Minimum pin number: this default value is related to the previous. The short test will be
automatically created by pin number only for the components having a minimum pin number as
the value indicated in the value option. (The value must be a whole number)

• Disable tolerances adjustment: VIVA applies an automatic software adjustment of tolerances

for the resistive, capacitive and inductive values during the import of the Bills of materials. This
option allows to import by BOM the exact value of the tolerances, disabling the adjustment. The
possible values are 0 and 1.

• Disable pins under component removal: By default, the pins of a component placed under
other components are automatically removed from the test during the Import CAD data. If the
user modifies this default value, at the next execution of “import CAD data, those pins are
considered as testable.

• Assign Channel as TP number: Type here the letter used to define the attribute of the test
point and assign the channel number which corresponds to the TP number. The possible values

A=Alternative testable
N=Not testable

• Channels numbering offset: This offset is related to the starting number of the channel and is
often combined with the previous option. For example, if the name of the Test Point is TP and the
starting number is 1 (TP1), if the channel numbering offset is 50, the corresponding channel
number starts from 51. The value must be expressed as a whole number.


The Board Data Options are referred to four default values used to set the system for board test.

• Side to test: is the default test side set for the system (displayed in the Board data collection” of
the Wizard Environment. The possible values are: B for Bottom and T for Top and O for Both
(only for vertical test systems)
• Probing level: is the default pressure executed by the probe on the test point to achieve the
level set in the option value. The default value after the first installation is -1 and is expressed in
• Probes flying level: is the altitude of the probes during the test. The maximum value changes
according to the type of system.
(This options can be viewed in the dialog “Board Data Collection”Fig. 3-15 )
• Touch type: There are five possible touch types for the flying probes systems in VIVA. To set the
touch type, enter the dialog Board Configuration (icon in the main VIVA toolbar). The values
are included in the range 0-4 and have the following meaning:


VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Contain some advanced that affect the board data after the import.

• Enable through hole XY offset: this option enables/disables the offset on through hole
components for flying probe systems. There are two possibilities: Calculation from CAD data and
Runtime calculation. (see fig. Fig. 3-52Fig. 3-53). The possible values are: 0=disable by default
the offset; 1= enable by default the Calculation from CAD data; 2= enable by default the
Runtime calculation.
• Through hole XY offset Value: the XY offset is applied to pads through hole greater than the
value indicated. The value is expressed in mm and can be viewed in the dialog Main Options (see
Fig. 3-47)
• Through hole XY offset angle: is the angle of the offset, calculated from the CAD data, applied
to the through hole components. The default value of this option is 90°.
• Enable test points adjustment: The value of this option enables/disables the set of features of
the test point adjustment (see Fig. 3-48). The possible values are 0 and 1.
• Only components in priority table: This option is related to the Test Point adjustment and is
available in the dialog Fig. 3-48. If enabled, VIVA must associate the test point exclusively to one
of the categories present in the priority table. The possible values are 0 and 1.
• Enable pin lodge: The possible values of this option are 0 or 1. If the value is set to 1, the pin
lodge is applied (see fig. Fig. 3-50)
• Pin lodge pads shift: is the default value of the shift applied by the pin lodge. The value is
expressed in mm and is valid for all the components
• Pin lodge components shift: in this field it is possible to type one or more component names,
device or shapes, with the corresponding shift (the value is expressed in mm). The pin lodge
pads shift is not taken into consideration for all the components included in this list.

Note: The Pin Lodge is relevant only for SMD components. In this section the user can set a value
which will be added to the coordinates of the SMD components. If a value is typed in the field
“Shift SMD pads of”, the value is added to all the nodes with SMD type components. If the field is
empty. The table consists of rows with two fields to type the component name and the value of
the shift applied to the component nodes. From release 2.0.3 of VIVA software, the offset is
applied from out to in.


This section displays the default options of the dialog “Advanced Create Program Settings” (see fig. Fig.
3-59). The options available in this section are:

• Enable continuity test: This option enables/disables by default the creation of the continuity
test in the phase “Create Program”. The values allowed are 0 or 1.
• Continuity test impedance: Indicates the default value below which the system will measure a
continuity between two test points. It is expressed in Ohm and is displayed in the dialog
“Advanced Create Program Settings”.
• Enable short test: Enables/disables by default the creation of isolation (short) test in the phase
“Create Program”. This option is displayed in the dialog “Advanced Create Program Settings”; the
values allowed are 0 or 1.
• Short test impedance: The value is expressed in Ohm and is used by the isolation test to define
the limit below which there is a short between two test points.
• Short test voltage: The default value is referred to the voltage used by the isolation test
(expressed in Volts).
• Enable analog components test: Enables/disables by default the creation of Analog Test in the
phase “Create Program” for components like Resistors, Capacitors, Inductive etc. The values
allowed are 0 and 1.
• Enable digital components test: Enables/disables by default the creation of digital test
(Openfix, Autic, Opentic, Jscan) in the phase “Create Program”. The values allowed are 0 or 1
• One touch per net: This setting is the default value for the field OPTN; it is related to the type
of test for the nets in the dialog “Advanced Create Program Settings”. The values allowed are:
0= None
1= One touch per net
2= Fnode

Wizard Environment


Fig. 3-9 - VIVA: Dialog “Advanced import data settings”

• Enable the discharge macros generation: Enables/disables by default the creation of the
discharge macros and section Discharge in the grid of the Debug Environment in the phase
“Create Program” for Capacitors higher than 1μF. The values allowed are 0 and 1.
• Enable the parallel components generation: Enables/disables by default the calculation of
parallel values for resistors and capacitors. The values allowed are 0 and 1.
• Enable the guardings generation: Enables/disables by default the generation of the guarding
points for the In Circuit Test. The values allowed are 0 and 1.


Show current pad: Indicates whether to show or not the current pad and the corresponding channel
in the Camera Environment
Show negative pin channel: Indicates whether to show or not the channels of pins with negative
number (these are the original pins for which a test point has been created (e.g. pin lodge or
staggering) in the Camera Environment.


• Program to execute after test: indicates the path of the program to be executed to manage
the information related to repair. It is valid when in the field Repair program the items: GR
Tracks, Standard Output or None are selected-
• Print all components result: Prints the report related to all the tested components (not only
the fail). Values allowed are 0 and 1.
• Save all the reports: If the value is set to 1 all the test reports are saved as
“TestReport_BoardCode.xml” in the program folder. The board code is replaced by the
progressive number of the board tested. The values allowed are 0 and 1
• Reports directory: Type here the path of the new default directory to save the test report file.
End the path with the symbol “\” (eg. C:\VIVABOARD\report\)
• Reports name: Type here the new default name of the test report files created after the test if
other than “TestReport”. To restore the original default name, do not fill in the option value
• Reports name separator: This option allows to replace the character “_” used as Separator
between the name and the board code, in the filename of the report, usually named
“TestReport_BoardCode.xml “, with another one.
• Reports name format (NSBDTPM): Format to use to create the report file name. Each letter
corresponds to a letter to be added in the filename, in the same order as indicated. The possible
letters are:

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

N=name of the file indicated in the field Reports Name

S=separator indicated in the field Reports Name Separator
B=current barcode
D=Current date
T=current time
P=name of the program
M=Name of the system.

• Enable program loop in wizard: Enables/disables the loop of the program, (i.e. the repetition
of the program)
• Path of the standard output file: type here the path, including the name of the file to save the
Standard Output file of the report file type selectable in the dialog “Board Configuration”
• External program to run: path of the program to run at the beginning of every test to execute
operations on the board (e.g. read a barcode)


• External Editor path: path of the editor program to be used to modify the .pat files.
• Compatibility: forces the compile process of the VL language to maintain the compatibility with
the previous releases. Indicate the selected VIVA release (e.g. 2.0.1).By default the compatibility
is set to the version used to create the board.
• Digital Language: Enables the emulation of other digital languages (e.g. L200)
• Use Com Tecnology for Power: indicates wheter to use or not the new performances available
with the Power management tools. If yes, the compatibility of the test program with the previous
releases is not guaranteed.
• Use Com Tecnology for Digital: indicates whether to use or not the new performances
available with the tools for the management of the digital channels If yes, the compatibility of the
test program with the previous releases is not guaranteed.
• Enable Digital level Compatibility: disables the setting of the digital channels negative levels
for compatibility with rel. 2.0.1 and previous.
• Variable Name Length: defines the length considered for the names of variables and labels for
compatibility with other digital languages (see L200)
• PC Speed Compatibility: Changes the execution speed of the static functional commands for
compatibility with slower PCs (not yet implemented)


• Show Failed Components: allows to view (or not) in red all the components “failed” in the
board layout.

• Show All Components (when Show Failed is 0): allows to view or not all the components in the
board layout.
• Enable Barcode in Error List: If this value is 1 in Repair Station will be recalled the list of
errors of a board tested simply by reading the barcode directly from the barcode reader. Values
allowed are 0 and 1.


• Quick Test Sequence Workpath: path to save the programs created through the Quick Test

Wizard Environment

3.2 Wizard Environment – Import data page

The page “Import Data” of the Wizard Environment allows to supply the data to describe the board layout
and the UUT components. The files may be either in CAD or BOM format. Before importing the data, it is
possible to indicate the dimensions of the clearance area around the points where the possible presence
of short-circuits will be checked.

3.2.1 Import CAD data

In the dialog “Import Data”:
• Select, from the CAD translator list, the one related to the CAD data used as an input to provide the
board data required for the test program.
• In the field “Input File Name:” indicate the pattern of the file which contains the board CAD data to
create the test program. Use button “…” to select the pattern and the file name by exploring the
• Press button “Import!” to start the import CAD data phase, which will end displaying a report to
summarize the information related to the activity executed.
• Before completing the CAD data import, the dialog “Assign Signal Kind” is displayed. Here it is
possible to associate to signal names a signal kind with the following possible values: <unknown>,
• If the UUT database contains components whose function has not been detected by the VIVA SW, the
dialog “Assign Function” opens to allow the user to define the function of these components before
completing the CAD data import phase.
• The next page available after the import CAD data execution is the “Board Data” page.

Fig. 3-10 - VIVA: “Import Data” and “Import Report” after the “Import !” execution.

NOTE: If no CAD data are available for the board to develop the program, follow the procedure
provided in 3.2.2

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Set Signals Info

The dialog “Set Signals Info” allows to associate the signal names to signal kind with the following
possible values: <unknown>, GND, NC, VCC.

The meaning of the controls in the dialog is:

List of Changeable Signal(s): lists the channels present in the board database. It is possible to select
one or more signals from the list using the mouse, to associate them to a signal kind.

Filters: allow to define a filter to select the channels available from the list: “Changeable Signal(s)”. In
the signal list are displayed only those signals whose name begins with the strings typed in the five
cases of section Filters.

Select All!: selects all the names listed as “Signal Name”, to associate them to a signal kind.

Remove Selected: removes the selected signals from list “Changeable Signal(s)”.

Kind: allows to define the signal kind to be associated to the signals selected from list “Signal Name”
(<unknown>, GND, NC, VCC). To enable the field “Kind”, tick the check-box on the left.

Fig. 3-11 - VIVA: “Set Signals Info”.

The dialogs in Fig. 3-11 show two examples:

• The first dialog shows the automatic association performed by VIVA Software: when it detects a
signal named GND it assigns the typology GND.

• The second dialog shows the manual association by the user to assign signals “+15V”, “+12V”, “+5”
and “+15” to VCC signal kind.

macros schedule as parameter channel numbers associated to the GND kind. (e.g. FPOINT,
AUTIC, etc.).

Wizard Environment Import BOM data

After importing the CAD data, it is possible to execute a second “Import Data” phase to import files in the
BOM format to correct or integrate the imported data. The changes or integrations are included in the
Seica CAD data files which is the CAD data format used to execute the steps and create the program.

In the dialog “Import Data”:

• Select, from the list of BOM translators available, the one related to BOM data kind used as an input
in this phase to provide the board data required to create the test program.
• In the field “Input File Name:” indicate the complete pattern of the file which contains the BOM data
of the board to create the test program. Use button “…” to obtain the file name and pattern by
exploring the folders.

• Press button “Import!” to start the BOM data

import, which will end showing a report to
summarize the information related to the
performed activity.
• The button “Next” allows to pass to the next page
“Board Data”, available when the import BOM
data phase has been successfully completed.

Fig. 3-12 - VIVA: Import Data from BOM files.

There are three ways to import a file in the BOM VIVA.

The first method:

1. Select the format of the BOM from the Seica table “Import Data” (see fig. 3-11)
2. In the field “Input File Name” type the path of the BOM file
3. Press the button “Import”

Here below, a list of the Seica BOM format

C1 C2 C4 C5 C7 C8 C10; 0.01 μF 10 10
C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16; 0.01 μF 10 10
C17 C18 C19 C20 C22 C23; 0.01 μF 10 10
C25 C26 C28 C29 C31 C32; 0.01 μF 10 10
C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38; 0.01 μF 10 10
C39 C44 C45 C51 C52 C54; 0.01 μF 10 10
C58 C75 C76 C88 C89 C90; 0.01 μF 10 10
C3 C6 C9 C21 C24 C27 C30; 10 nF 10 10
C47 C48; 220 μF 10 10
C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65; 10 pF 10 10
C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71; 10 pF 10 10
C72; 10 pF 10 10

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8;
D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14;
D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20;
D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26;
D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32;
D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38;
D39 D40 D41 D42 D43 D44;
D45 D46 D47 D48 D53 D54;
D55 D56;

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

D57 D58;
JP1 JP2;
JP5 JP6 JP7;
J1 J2;
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8;
P9 P11 P12;
R1 R8 R9 R16 R17 R24 R60; 0
R61 R64 R65 R72 R73 R80; 0
R81; 0
R2 R10 R18 R30 R38 R46; 100 K 1 1
R62 R66 R74 R82 R93 R101; 100 K 1 1
R109; 100 K 1 1
R3 R11 R19 R55 R67 R75; 200 K 1 1
R83; 200 K 1 1

R4 R5 R6 R7 R12 R13 R14; 220 o 1 1

R15 R20 R21 R22 R23 R56; 220 o 1 1
R57 R58 R59 R68 R69 R70; 220 o 1 1
R71 R76 R77 R78 R79 R84; 220 o 1 1
R85 R86 R87; 220 o 1 1

R29 R37 R45 R92 R100; 2 K 1 1

R108 R127 R128; 2 K 1 1

R31 R39 R47 R94 R102; 20 K 1 1

R110; 20 K 1 1

R32 R33 R34 R35 R40 R41; 10 o 5 5

R42 R43 R48 R49 R50 R51; 10 o 5 5
R95 R96 R97 R98 R103; 10 o 5 5
R104 R105 R106 R111 R112; 10 o 5 5
R113 R114; 10 o 5 5

R129; 20 K 0.1 0.1

R130; 10 K 0.1 0.1

R131; 4.7 o 5 5

R132; 470 o 1 1

R133 R134; 8.2 K 1 1

R135; 4.64 K 0.1 0.1

U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8;
U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U17;





The first field is the name of the components separated by a space. This list should end with ";" Then,it is
necessary to define the value, the unit of measurement, the positive and negative tolerances.

Wizard Environment

The .bms file also belongs to the Seica format: it corresponds to a .par file which is an ASCII file made up
by some lines of comment (beginning with character [*]) followed by data lines. Data lines are usually
made up by fields arranged in columns and separated by one or more spaces or tab characters. It is
possible to include alpha-numeric data between inverted commas (“”) in order to employ characters that
normally are not allowed. All the lines end with characters [CR] and [LF]; empty lines are ignored. If any
fields contains a number of characters higher that the allowed, the information is automatically cut. All
the fields must be defined. In case of missing information, the empty fields will contain “0” except for the
last field which is left empty.
To use a .par file as a BOM, it is recommended to rename the file as .bms
The.par file represents the partlist of the board. It must be built up using the following format:

column (field) description

1 COMPONENT Component name (30 char. max.) Mandatory

2 DEVICE Component type (20 char. max.) Mandatory
3 VALUE Component value (floating point number) Mandatory
4 UNIT Measurement unit (2 characters as Mandatory
5 TOL+ Positive tolerance (floating point number) Mandatory
6 TOL- Negative tolerance (floating point number) Mandatory
7 NRPIN Number of component pins (whole number) Mandatory
8 MACRO Name of the macro SEICA used to check this Option
component or type of component if beginning with
character $ (see the table of macros and types of
components below)
(20 char. max. without inverted commas – leave
empty if not defined)

Below an example of .par file:

Example: JOBNAME.par


“R1” “Resistor” 1.0 KO 10.0 00.0 2 RES
“R2” “RES0912” 100 O 5.0 5.0 2 $RESISTOR
“C1” “Capacitor” 0.1 uF 20.0 10.0 2 CAP
“C2” “CAP100NF” 100 nF 30.0 80.0 2 $CAPACITORS
“D1” “D4278” 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 2 DIO
“U1” “74HCT374” 0.0 V 0.0 0.0 20

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The second method:

1. Select the format “Generic BOM

2. Enter the path of the generic BOM file
3. Press “Import”

The BOM Generic format is listed below:

#7|1||C18||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#8|1||C17||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#9|1||C19||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#10|1||C8||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#11|1||C9||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#12|1||C10||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#13|1||C11||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#14|1||C12||0.1μ |10%|10%||||
#26|1|DEVR12 |R12||1K|5%|5%||||
#30|1||R16 ||1K|5%|5%||||

The field contain the following information:

1. serial number preceded by a square (#)

2. number of components in the same row
3. Part Number of the components listed (optional)

Wizard Environment

4. list of components separated by a comma

5. function (optional)
6. positive tolerance
7. negative tolerance
8. negative tolerance
9. Possible second value of the tolerances

Third method:

A third method to import the BOM, is to compile a .GBI file and save it in the VIVA System folder (the
user can choose the filename). Then, the name of this file is included in the Table of BOM (Dialog “Import
Data). The file .gbi is composed using the following syntax


; chars used to separate columns


; chars used to separate items in columns


; chars used to separate reference groups


; chars used to start a remark line


; chars used to define a string


; ignore all lines starting with


; number of columns for each output value


In ColumnSeparators: enter the character used to separate columns in the BOM file to import.
In ItemSeparators: enter the character used to separate the name of the components on the same line.
In RemarkStart: type the name of the font used to start a line of remark.
In StringQuote: specify the character used to define a string. In the field: IgnoreLine it is possible to
define the lines to be considered as a comment. In the next fields it is necessary to indicate the number
of the column where you can collect the information on a file in the BOM which could appear as below:

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

RefDes Comp_Part_Number Description VALUE SYM_NAME

C1 520361920036 C_E2SC_.4,7UF..+-20%_.25V 4.7uF 20% CERB55T_RW
C2 520361900426 C_CX1C_.100NF..+-10%_.25V 100nF 10% C0805T_RW
C3 520361920276 C_E2SC_.220UF..+-20%_.25V 220uF 20% CERH10T_RW
C4 520361900426 C_CX1C_.100NF..+-10%_.25V 100nF 10% C0805T_RW
C5 520361920036 C_E2SC_.4,7UF..+-20%_.25V 4.7uF 20% CERB55T_RW
C6 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C7 520361523496 C_CX1C_..10NF..+-10%_.50V 10nF 10% C0805T_RW
C8 520361920036 C_E2SC_.4,7UF..+-20%_.25V 4.7uF 20% CERB55T_RW
C9 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C10 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C11 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C12 520361523496 C_CX1C_..10NF..+-10%_.50V 10nF 10% C0805T_RW
C14 520361900426 C_CX1C_.100NF..+-10%_.25V 100nF 10% C0805T_RW
C15 520361900426 C_CX1C_.100NF..+-10%_.25V 100nF 10% C0805T_RW
C16 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C17 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C18 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C19 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C20 520361543376 C_CX1C_...1NF..+-10%_100V 1nF 10% C0805T_RW
C21 520361523496 C_CX1C_..10NF..+-10%_.50V 10nF 10% C0805T_RW

In this case the columns are separated by a tab; the columns contain the following information:

first column: component name

second column: Part Number
third column: Description
fourth column: the value
fifth column tolerance

Note: The GBI is a set of rules used by VIVA to extract information from the BOM file that has a
provision which should be saved as. .txt.or .bom files.

Wizard Environment Advanced Import Data Settings

The dialog “Advanced import data settings in the

page “Import Data” allows to define the clearance
area dimensions around the points for which the
presence of shorts is checked.

Fig. 3-13 - VIVA: Advanced Import Data Settings. Assign Function

The dialog “Assign Function” allows to

associate to components a function or a
complex component to test them. This
dialog is displayed before completing the
import cad data phase if the UUT database
contains any components whose function
has not been recognized by VIVA Software.

Fig. 3-14 - VIVA: Assign Function.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.2.2 Manual import CAD data

When the CAD data are not available to create the board database, it is necessary to follow the
operations described in this chapter.

Place a board into the work area; press button “Create New Board” (page start of the Wizard
Environment, select page “Import DATA and select from the CAD translators list: <none>. Press button
“Next” to activate the “Board Data Collection” dialog. Here it is possible to add the points into the board
database by acquiring their location and shape through the Camera Environment.

Note: To add pins to the board database, follow the steps described in 3.3.8 Add Pins … - Adding points
to an existing data base

NOTE: If you add pins to the board database on a Programming Station in Emulation Mode the
camera is not available to learn the pin coordinates (X,Y). Enter the Board Environment, select
page “Board Information” and for the field “Fixture Type” select value: “Manual”. When
pressing button: “+_Add_Pin” the pin or points coordinates (X,Y) are required.???

Wizard Environment

3.3 Wizard Environment – Board data page

In the Wizard Environment, the page “Board Data” displays the board layout recorded into the database
after the “Import Data” phase. The layout displayed corresponds to the board side used for test.

• In the dialog “Board Data” (Fig. 3-15) it is possible to provide information that will be used to create
the program:
• Tick the checkbox “Panel”, if the program is being developed for a panel containing more
than one board.
• In the field “Board Thickness:” type the board thickness. Consider that this value is expressed
in mm and that the decimal divider is “.” (dot).
• The field: “Probes flight alt.:” indicates the probe height when they move from one point to
another along the X, Y coordinates. Check that the value is sufficient for the program being
• Tick the checkbox “Board Supports”, if in the work area there are the supports to access the
points near the board edges.
• The field “Probing Level:” indicates the probes height when executing measurements. A
negative value indicates the probe distance with regard to the board, when no board is placed
into the work area. When a board is placed into the work area this value indicates the probe
pressure on the point to be tested. Check that the value is sufficient for the program being
• In the field “Side to test:” select the side of the board to be tested. (Top/Bottom). When this
value is modified, the board layout is updated.
• The button “Edit Board …” opens the dialog shown in Fig. 3-16; it is a graphic editor to select a group
of points among those displayed in the board layout. On the left side of the dialog there’s a vertical
dynamic toolbar which allows to select three other toolbars:
Mode to select the kind of dialog to be activated after selecting the points with the mouse on
the picture of the board displayed. (Pins, Components, Signals, Marker Zones, No Flying
Zones and Z-markers)
Pins In the Mode toolbar, press button “Pins” and select the kind of points to be displayed on
the board picture displayed. (Not Testable, Testable, Forced, Terminal, Open Fix, Power
Source, Thermal, View Channel and JPG)
Layer to select the kind of board layout displayed if the imported CAD files contained
information related to the board layout.
For all the points selected a dialog opens to modify, where necessary, the value of the attributes
selected according to the choice made in the “Mode” toolbar.
• The button “Rotate Board …” opens a graphic editor dialog to rotate the board with regard to the
position defined with the imported CAD data.
• The button “Add Pins …” activates the Camera Environment, which allows to add new pins to the
board database. In particular, for each point, it is possible to indicate the value of all the attributes
that characterize the point
• The button “Advanced …” opens a dialog made up by two pages that allow to optimize the access of
probes to the board points and to optimize the definition of the forced point to access the Nets
present on the UUT.

NOTE: In the dialog displayed when pressing button “Edit Board …”, select button: on the toolbar,
to set the mouse buttons to operate as area selectors. If this button is not selected, the
mouse buttons will work as zoom on the image displayed: (left button := zoom+, right
button:= zoom-). If the button is selected, to use the zoom with the mouse do as follows
(SHIFT+left button := zoom+, SHIFT+right button:= zoom-) To activate the zoom from
keyboard: SHFT+”+” to zoom in and SHIFT+”-“ to zoom out.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-15 - VIVA: Board Data Collection.

Fig. 3-16 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – “Edit Board” “Mode”.

Wizard Environment

3.3.1 Edit Board & Set Pins Info.

In the vertical toolbar “Mode” select the button “Pins”; keep pressed the left button of the mouse, and
draw the mouse on the picture of the board displayed. When defining the area, a dotted rectangle is
displayed: its opposite summits correspond to the initial cursor location and the current location. When
the mouse button is released, the dialog “Set Pins Info” opens to display the list of the points included in
the selected area. (Fig. 3-20)

The vertical toolbar “Pins” allows to select the kind of pins to be displayed in the board layout.

• Displays (light blue) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Not Testable”.

• Displays (green) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Testable

• Displays (fuchsia) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Forced”.

• Displays (yellow) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Terminal”.

• Displays (olive green) the points identifying the center of the components checked with
function OpenFix.

• Displays(dark yellow) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Power Source”

• Displays (dark blue) the points whose attribute “Testability” is set to “Thermal”

• Displays (red) the points to whom is associated a channel number.

• Allows to view a .jpg image of the board and use it on a remote pc (e.g. for reverse
engineering purposes)

Fig. 3-17 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Pins.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-18 - VIVA: Dialog Edit Board: Horizontal toolbar.

Below a description of the buttons available in the toolbar represented in fig. 3-18

Allows to pass from the current test point to the previous

Allows to pass from the current test point to the next (here the Customer can decider whether to
move on channels, coordinates or pins) the information are updated in the lower part of the dialog

Allows to view the board in its real dimensions

Allows to zoom in (i.e. to enlarge) the current view

Allows to zoom out (i.e. decrease the dimensions of the current view

If enabled (default condition) it allows to click on a specific point of the board. If disabled, it works
like a zoom (i.e. when clicking on a point of the board, the view is automatically enlarged.

Allows to locate board points. When pressed, the dialog displayed in fig.3-19 is prompted.

In this dialog, it is possible to locate board points by

component name, pin number, Signal or Channel.
When the user completes one of the four possible fields,
the system automatically updates all the other fields in the
dialog. If the checkbox “Search for alternative pins” is
selected, the system will search for an alternative test
point, always on the same net, in case the first test point
is engaged.

Fig. 3-19 - VIVA: Dialog “Search”.

Allows to locate test points on the board layout

Allows to add new test points (see paragraph 3.3.8)

Allows to delete a test point previously selected on the board layout

Activates the dialog “Global View, useful to have a global view of the board when using the zoom

Allows to select (and view) the points on the top side of the board

Wizard Environment

Allows to select (and view) the points on the bottom side of the board

Allows to print either the current view or the entire board (the option can be selected through a
dropdown menu available in the button

Exits the Edit Board Dialog and restores the previous dialog

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-20 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Pins Info.

Meaning of the buttons:

Remove Selected: removes the selected points from the list.

Filters: allows to define a filter to select the points included in the list: “Selected Points”. The list of
points will display only those whose name begins with the strings typed in the seven fields of the section

Select All: selects all the names listed under “Selected Points”, to associate the changes made in the
dialog fields.

Change Signal: allows to assign a new name to all the points (pins) present in the list.

Shift Pins: allows to shift the coordinates of all the points (pins) present in the list.

Remove Pins: allows to remove all the points (pins) present in the list. Once removed, the points will no
longer be available: to have them available again, it is necessary to repeat the CAD data import.

Modify All Board Coordinates: To modify all points (pins) coordinates stored in the board database. If
this button is pressed, the system requires to indicate a multiply coefficient for the coordinates and if also
the pad dimensions must be multiplied for the numeric coefficient.

Wizard Environment

Remove Selected Area!: removes the points included in the selected area from the board database.
Then these points will no longer be available: it will be necessary to repeat the Import CAD data
procedure to have them available again.

Save: updates the board database with the changes made in fields: “Test Position”, Testability”,
Technology” and Shape”.

Cancel: closes the current dialog without updating the board database.

Meaning of fields:

Selected Points: indicates the list of selected points where the possible changes made in this dialog are
applied. It is possible to select and remove pins from the list using the button “Remove Selected”.

Test Position: defines for the selected points, the board side where the test is executed. The possible
values for this field are: “No change (leave “Top”/”Bottom”)”(*), “Top”, and “Bottom”.

Testability: defines for the selected points, the attribute testability. The possible values for this field
are: “Testable”, “Not Testable, “Forced”, “Terminal” and “Testable Alternative”.

Technology: Defines the technology of the selected points. The possible values for this field are: “No
change (leave “SMD”/”Trough Hole”)”(*), “SMD” and “Trough Hole”.

Excluded Heads: defines for the selected points, the heads that must not be used for test.

Thermal Impedance: Irrelevant field for Flying Probe systems. Used on “Firefly” selective soldering

Shape: defines the pad shape of the selected points. The possible values of this field are: “No change
(leave ”Round”/”Square/Rectangle”/”Hole”)”(*), “Round”, “Square/Rectangle”, “Hole” “Square/Rectangle
with Hole”. If for the attribute “Shape” the value “Square/Rectangle” or “Hole” has been selected, the two
fields “Width/External Diameter” and “Height/Internal Diameter” are editable. If, for the attribute
“Shape” the value “Square/Rectangle with Hole” has been selected, the two fields “Width/External
Diameter” , “Height/Internal Diameter” and “Hole” are editable.

Lead Shape: Irrelevant field for Flying probe systems. Used on “Firefly” selective soldering systems.

Height: defines for the selected points, the pin height with regard to the board plan. It is possibly
necessary to fill in this field when the pin height exceeds the value indicated in the field “Probes flight
alt.:” in page “Board Data” of the Wizard Environment)

The value “No change (leave “…”)” means that this attribute will not be modified in the board

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.3.2 Edit Board & Set Components Info.

In the vertical toolbar “Mode” press button “Components”. Keeping pressed the left button of the mouse
draw the cursor on the picture of the board displayed. A dotted rectangle appears; its opposite edges
correspond to the initial cursor position and the current cursor position. When you release the mouse
button, the dialog “Set Components Info” opens and lists the components included in the selected area.

Fig. 3-21 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Componens Info.

Wizard Environment

Meaning of the buttons:

Remove Selected: removes the selected components from the “Changeable Component(s)” list.

Filters: allow to define a filter to select the components listed under “Changeable Component(s)”. The
component list will only display those components whose name begins with the strings typed in the five
fields of the section “Filters.

Select All: selects all names listed in “Changeable Component(s)”, to associate them the changes made
in the fields of the dialog.

OK: if pressed, updates the board database with the changes made in this section.

Cancel: If pressed, closed the current dialog without updating the board database.

Meaning of fields:

Changeable Component(s): contains the list of the selected components where the possible changes
made in the dialog will be applied. It is possible to select and remove components from the list using
button “Remove Selected”.

Move Pin(s): The section contains two fields:

• The first field defines for the selected points, the kind of update to be made in the board database

No Change: no change is made for the selected points in the board database .
Move the pin(s) to the component: to assign the selected points to a component
No component: if the selected component must be broken up in single pins.

• The second field indicates the name of the component associated to the selected points.

Component(s) Data: The section contains six check-boxes allowing to modify the attributes of the
selected component; these attributes will be used when creating the test program:

5 Device
5 Value
5 Unit
5 Pos. Tolerance
5 Neg. Tolerance
5 Height

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.3.3 Edit Board & Set Signals Info.

In the vertical toolbar “Mode”, press button “Signals”; keeping the left button of the mouse pressed, draw
the mouse on the board picture displayed. It appears a dotted rectangle whose edges correspond to the
initial and the current position of the cursor. When you release the left button of the mouse the dialog
“Set Signals Info” opens to list the signals included in the selected area.

Fig. 3-22 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Set Signal Info.

Meaning of buttons:

Edit Signal Pins: When a signal is selected from the “Changeable Signal(s)” list, this button allows to
modify the features of the points associated to the net identified by that signal name. The dialog “Set
Pins Info” opens and it is then possible to modify the features of the selected points as described in 3.3.1.

Remove Selected: removes the selected signals from the “Changeable Signal(s)” list.

Filters: allow to define a filter to select the signals listed under “Changeable Signal(s)”. The signal list
will only display those signals whose name begins with the strings typed in the five fields of the section

OK: allows to update the board database with the changes defined in this section.

Cancel: Closes the dialog without updating the board database.

Wizard Environment

Meaning of fields:

Changeable Signal(s): this field contains the list of the selected signals where the possible changes
made in this dialog will be applied. It is possible to select and remove signals form the list using the
button “Remove Selected”.

Signals(s) Data: The section contains four check-boxes which allow to modify the attributes for the
selected signal. These attributes are used to create the test program:

… Name Not enabled for Flying Probe systems.

… Fixed Channel Not enabled for Flying Probe systems.
5 Kind Allows to modify the typology of the selected signals
… Thermal Impedance Not enabled for Flying Probe systems.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.3.4 Edit Board & Marker Zone.

A Marker Zone is a geometrical portion of the board identified by a name and defined by the position of
the four lines enclosing it: “Left”, “Right”, “Top” and “Bottom”. During the test phase, after marker
recognition, and autolearn of their current coordinates, all the points included in the marker zone are
automatically translated. The markers associated to the Marker Zone are local markers and allow to
translate only the points included into the Marker Zone. The markers associated to the whole board,
named “Board Markers”, are global markers and allow to translate all board points.

The button “Definition of markers” present in the page “Board setup” of the Wizard Environment allows to
define the markers associated to a Marker Zone. From the “Settings” vertical toolbar, press icon “Marker
Zones”; it is then possible to select the marker zone to whom the markers will be associated. This
multiple option dialog is prompted only if at least one Marker Zone has been defined; in this case, to
define the global markers, it is necessary to select from the “Marker Zone” list the name “Board Marker”.

Even though the markers associated to a marker zone might be selected in any point of the board; it is
important to define them into the Marker Zone itself or in the nearby area.

• In the vertical toolbar Mode, press button “Marker Zones”. Keep the left button of the mouse pressed,
and draw the cursor. A dotted rectangle appears to show the selected area: its edges correspond to
the initial position and to the current position of the cursor. When you release the button of the
mouse the dialog “Add New Marker Zone” opens to display the Marker Zone name and the
coordinates of the four lines enclosing it. The user can modify the five fields available in the dialog
and save the changes into the board database by pressing button “OK”. The button “Cancel” allows to
close the dialog without saving the changes in the board database

Fig. 3-23 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Marker Zone.

Wizard Environment

Meaning of the fields in the dialog “Add New Marker Zone”

Name: allows to name the Marker Zone.

Left: indicates the X coordinate of the Marker Zone left side.

Right: indicates the X coordinate of the Marker Zone right side.

Top: indicates the Y coordinate of the upper side of the Marker Zone.

Bottom: indicates the Y coordinate of the lower side of the Marker Zone.

• To modify any value in a previously defined “Marker Zone”, right click on the marker zone and select
menu “Edit” to select the dialog “Edit/View Marker Zone”. (it is also possible to place the cursor into
the marker zone and then double click with the left button of the mouse)
• To remove a “Marker Zone”, right click on the marker zone and select “Remove”.

Fig. 3-24 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Marker Zone - Edit.

• For each zone it is possible to define two translation points (TP1 and TP2) to execute the manual
translation of the points included into the Marker Zone.

o Button “Rotate Board…”, vertical toolbar “TPs”.

o In the main toolbar press button “Panel/Board Selection Tool (P)”, to open the dialog
“Panel/Board Selection Tool” then select the tool “Board View”.
o The button “Marker Zones” opens a dialog which allows to select a “Marker Zone”.
o Select a point and press button “TP1” to define it as first translation point for the Marker
o Select a point and press button “TP2” to define it as second translation point for the Marker

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Translate a Marker Zone

This paragraph describes how to define the reference points for a marker zone and then, how to translate
the marker zone. To learn how to define a Marker Zone, please refer to 3.3.4.
When a Marker Zone is defined, the software selects two reference points for the marker zone. The user
can decide either to accept the default reference points or to modify them.

To modify or to re-define the reference points for a Marker Zone you have previously defined, follow the
steps below

1. Enter the dialog Edit Board and press the button Rotate Board
2. Press the button TPs on the Vertical Toolbar. Select the point you want to use as a reference
point for the marker zone and press TP1 to define the first reference point for the Marker Zone.
Press SAVE
3. Press the button TP2 on the vertical toolbar to define the second reference point for the Marker

4. The marker Zone is delimited by a square (to view the Marker Zone, press the button )

At the end of the procedure, the dialog should appear as in figure 3-25.

Fig. 3-25 - VIVA: Edit Board: Definition of Reference Points for a Marker Zone- Translate Marker Zone

When the reference points have been defined for the marker zone it is necessary to translate the marker
zone. Follow the procedure below:

1. Enter the Camera Environment

2. Select the tab Translation
3. Press the button Markers Zones in the vertical toolbar on your left
4. In the white box, select the item MZ1

Note: Remember to press the button to enable the panel view and display the Marker Zone in the

Wizard Environment

3.3.5 Edit Board & No Flying Zone.

If a board has areas which contain components higher than the probe displacement height, it is possible
to define board areas where the probe height is automatically adjusted considering the component
dimensions. If the component height exceeds the Z axis maximum height, the probe will move around
the area instead of flying over it.
A “No Fly Zone” is a portion of the board, identified by a name and defined by the position of the four
lines enclosing it: “Left”, “Right”, “Top”, “Bottom” and by the height, considered as the distance between
the board array and the highest point of the “No Fly Zone”.

• From the vertical toolbar “Mode”, press button “No Fly Zones”, while pressing the mouse left button,
draw the cursor on the board picture. A dotted rectangle is displayed: its opposite edges correspond
to the initial position and to the current position of the cursor. When you release the button, the
dialog “Add New No fly Zone” opens, displaying the “No Fly Zone” name, the coordinates of the four
lines that enclose the “No Fly Zone” and the “No Fly Zone” maximum height. The user can modify the
five fields available in the dialog and then save the changes to the board database by pressing the
button “OK”. The button “Cancel” exits the dialog without modifying the board database

Fig. 3-26 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – No Flying Zone.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Meaning of the fields in dialog “Add New No Fly Zone”

Name: allows to define the name of the “No Fly Zone”.

Left: indicates the left side X coordinate of the “No Fly Zone”.

Right: indicates the right side X coordinate of the “No Fly Zone”.

Top: indicates the top side Y coordinate of the “No Fly Zone”.

Bottom: indicates the bottom side Y coordinate of the “No Fly Zone”.

Height: allows to define the height of a No Fly Zone considered as the distance existing between the
top side of the board and the highest point of the No Fly Zone.

• To modify any value in an existing “No Fly Zone”, right click with the mouse on the “Marker Zone”
and select menu “Edit” to open the dialog “Edit/View No Fly Zone”. (it is also possible to open this
dialog by placing the cursor on the “No Fly Zone” and then double click with the left button of the
• To remove a “No Fly Zone”, right click on the “No Fly Zone” and select “Remove”.

Wizard Environment

3.3.6 Edit Board & Z Markers.

When the boards to be tested have warpage problems, the pressure on the test points might be irregular.
False errors may be caused by instable contacts due to this ununiform pressure on test points. The use of
Z-markers allows to uniform the pressure on test points , thanks to warpage recovery system to adjust
the probe position on Z-axis.

Press button “Z Markers” on the vertical toolbar “Mode”. The board layout displayed is divided into 25
parts. A “Z Marker” is assigned to each one of them and will be used, when executing the program, for
warpage recovery purposes.

Fig. 3-27 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Markers.

Each “Z-Marker is highlighted with a circle; the color of the circle indicates the “Z-Marker” status:
• White: Measure this Z-Marker.
• Blue: Calculate this Z-Marker from the others Z-Makers.
• Red: Force the height of this Z-Marker.

The number of “Z-Markers” measured when executing the test program (circled in white), is determined
according to the points that make up the board.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

To change the status of a Z-marker, place the cursor of the mouse into it and double click. If you select
the menu “Force the height of this Z-Marker” a dialog opens to indicate the height of the selected Marker.

Fig. 3-28 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Marker Status.

Fig. 3-29 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Edit Board – Z Marker Status (contextual menu).

Wizard Environment

3.3.7 Rotate Board / Set Reference Points

The button “Rotate Board …” opens a dialog with a graphic editor to rotate the board with regard to the
position defined with the imported CAD data. From this dialog it is possible to define the reference
translation points as described in 3.6.1.

From dialog “Rotate Board/set reference points”:

• To rotate the board coordinates select button “Position”; this will enable a vertical toolbar to indicate
the kind of rotation required.
Rotate Left 90° To rotate the board 90 degrees counterclockwise
Rotate right 90° To rotate the board 90 degrees clockwise
Rotate 180° To rotate the board 180 degrees counterclockwise
Mirror Horizontal To obtain a specular image of all the points of the board along the vertical axis
Mirror Vertical To obtain a specular image of all the points of the board along the horizontal axis
Invert To invert the TOP/BOTTOM side
Flip Horizontal To flip all the points of the board along the vertical axis
Flip Vertical To flip all the points of the board along the horizontal axis

• To define the two reference points used to translate the coordinates of the points recorded in the
board database select button “TPs”; follow the procedure described in 3.6.1.

Fig. 3-30 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Rotate Board – Position.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-31 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Rotate Board – TPs.

Wizard Environment

3.3.8 Add Pins … - Adding points to an existing data base

Fig. 3-32: Dialog “Edit board”

There are four modes to autolearn all the points and components of a board:

• Manual
• Automatic
• Connector
• Component

They all are available selecting Mode and pressing Add New Pin button from Camera Environment or
from the button New of Edit Board clicking on the drop-down menu.
In the same menu, before starting the autolearn procedure, click on Set Default… and set the default
parameters for the pins of a component (for example: position, name, function, shape etc.)

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-33: Dialog “Set new pins information”

The declaration of the components should be made before the learning of the nets, anyway it’s always
possible to acquire all the points of a board by Automatic mode (this procedure will be explained in the
next paragraphs), to execute the netlist learning and only then, declare the components in Edit Board.
For this last choice operate as follows:

1. In Edit Board, select on the left side the mode Component as shown in the next figure
2. select the pins with the left button of the mouse.

The dialog Set Components Info is displayed.

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-34: Dialog “Set components info”

From this dialog click on the button Select All then select, in the combo box of Move Pin(s), the voice
Move the Pin(s) to Component : and insert the name of the component in the empty space on the
right. The points TP393 and TP394 showed in the figure after this operation will be renamed in Pin1 and
Pin 2 of the Component R1.
The next paragraphs explain how to work for autolearning directly the components.

Note. For a better accuracy when rebuilding the schematics it’s very important to declare the
components with the correct pin-number.

Note. After learning all the components of the board offline, due to the dimension of the image stored by
digitizer option, it is recommended to export data from System Maintenance and recreate a new program
of the board. To do this use the file exported in the folder of the board whose name will look like

Note. Instead of the Offline PC you can always use the Autolearn procedure on the system moving the
camera on the test points with the joystick and then learning the points.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Manual Mode

Selecting Manual it’s possible to insert manually all the pins of a component.
From Edit Board with the function View Image enabled (the button with the letters JPG) click with the
left button of the mouse on the first pin of the component that will be autolearned and press the button
New (N) to save it.

Fig. 3-35: “Edit board”-View image

In Digitizer or in Autolearn, instead. move the camera on the first pin of the component and autolearn
it by clicking on the button New (N) as shown in the figure below.

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-36: Camera Environment; tab “autolearn”

The following dialog is displayed:

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-37: Dialog “Add item wizard”

The button “Device: …” allows adding the name of the Device and the associated Function. For example,
in the previous picture the Device name is T1 and the associated function is (AUTIC).
In the field New Component Name type the name of the components and press button Add
Component to save it.
When you select tab Add Signal the dialog shown in the next figure is displayed.

Fig. 3-38: Add item wizard, add signal

Wizard Environment

In this dialog (see fig. 3-13) type the name of the signal that you want to associate to component pin.
The tag Add Pin allows assigning the name of the component and the name of the signal to the selected
pin as shown in the next figure.

Fig. 3-39 Add item wizard: Menu Add pin

From the section Add Pin select the component previously added, the signal and modify the dimension
of the pin while the number of the pin will be set automatically by the software. When you press the
button Add Pin all the changes will be saved.
Now, from Autolearn if you work on the system or from Digitizer or Edit Board if you are working
offline move to the second pin and press New (N); add a new signal name from Add Signal and add a
new pin from Add Pin . This way it is possible to manually autolearn all the pins of a component and this
is the same for all the components of a board.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Automatic Mode

Selecting Automatic in Camera Environment it’s possible to autolearn manually or by an automated
procedure all the points of a board as Testpoints.
With the automated procedure, just click and drag the object and ask the software to search for all the
objects that are similar to that one.
Let’s see how to work.
In Digitizer of Camera Environment enable the option: Set Image in the Settings then draw a larger
rectangle area with the left mouse button and a smaller rectangle area around the testpoint.
Check that the percent on the point is as nearest as possible to 0.0 %. In the dialog Marker Parameters
check that is set the tolerance value for the automatic recognition and press OK.

Fig. 3-40

To start searching, press the button RUN on the left.

Of course this procedure will not be 100% automatic and you need a bare board.
With the manual procedure it is still possible to autolearn all the points moving, with the camera in
Autolearn or Digitizer of Camera Environment or with the mouse with the image enabled in Edit
Board, on the points, and pressing every time the button New (N). To all the points is automatically
assigned the name TP with an increasing number.
By autolearning all the test points we are assigning coordinates to each point.

Wizard Environment Connector Mode

When you select Connector the system executes the automatic autolearn of a connector.
From Autolearn (on the system) or Digitizer (offline) Environments, move the camera on the first pin
(pin A in the figure below) of the connector and press New(N); then, move on pin B and press New(N).
In Edit Board, enable the JPG button and select the first (A) and second (B) pin of the connector with
the mouse, as described before, and press New(N) button.

Pin B

Pin A

Fig. 3-41: Connector layout

The dialog shown in the next figure is displayed

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-42 Dialog Set new pins information

Pin B

Pin A

Fig. 3-43: Connector layout (II)

Wizard Environment

Or set to height for the following

Pin B

Pin A

Fig. 3-44: Connector pin numbering

In the same dialog it’s also possible to set the testability (top or bottom), the technology (SMD or
Through Hole), and the dimension and the shape of the pads.

NOTE: In case of error, there may be two options:

If it is necessary to delete the last pins of the connector: the system will automatically recreate the
connector and it is possible to add new pins.

If it is necessary to delete intermediate pins of the connector, it is necessary to delete the connector and
create it anew

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Component Mode

Selecting Component mode it’s possible autolearn automatically all the components.
From Autolearn (on the system) or Digitizer (offline) environments, move the camera on the first pin
(pin A in the figure below) of the connector and press New(N); then, move on the pin B and press
New(N). In Edit Board, enable the JPG button and select on the image the first and the second pin with
the mouse and press button New(N) as described before.
The dialog below is displayed:

Fig. 3-45 Dialog “Set New pins information

Where required set the number of the pins along X coordinates, (in this case 2), and the number of pins
along Y coordinates (in this case 6).
Then, set the length in the field “Number pins on component” to assign the coordinates to the pins of
the component as described in the next figure.

Wizard Environment

Pin B

Pin A

Fig. 3-46: Assign pins to a component

In the same dialog it’s also possible to set the testability (top or bottom), the technology (SMD or
Through Hole), and the dimension and the shape of the pads.

Note: In mode component it’s possible to autolearn only components with two horizontal or vertical rows
of parallel pins. Components with a different geometry of pin should be autolearned in Manual mode.

Note: In case of error, there may be two options:

If it is necessary to delete the last pins of the connector: the system will automatically recreate the
connector and it is possible to add new pins.
If it is necessary to delete intermediate pins of the connector, it is necessary to delete the connector and
create it anew

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.3.9 Learn the dimensions of the points added to the

board database
In the page “Board DATA”, the button “Add Pins …” opens the Camera Environment, which allows to
select the points included in the board database to learn their geometrical dimensions.

• In the vertical toolbar “Settings”, the button “Select Channel” opens a dialog where it is possible to
select the point to be displayed by the camera when pressing button “Go”. It is possible to select a
point choosing the couple component-pin or the channel number. The view finder will be placed in the
center of the selected point.
• Place the vertical axis of the View Finder tangent to one side of the picture taken by the camera.
• Press button “Coord. Type” to define the coordinate reference system in Relative Coord mode. Now
the coordinates of the center of the View Finder are X:0 - Y:0.
• Move the camera along the X axis until the vertical axis of the View Finder is tangent to the opposite
side of the picture taken by the camera. The X value now corresponds to one dimension of the point.
This value can indicate either the width of a side or the internal/external diameter, according to the
position associated to the View Finder before setting “Relative Coord.” and after moving the camera
to the opposite side of the picture.
• Then, the button “Edit Board…” allows to use the acquired data to correctly define the geometrical
features (dimensions and shape), in addition to other possible definitions described in: 3.3.1 Edit
Board & Set Pins Info.

The following table offers an example of points definition in a board database which schedules two
translation points and three potentially testable points.

Tab. 3-1 VIVA SOFTWARE: Example of point feature definition for a board to be tested
New Device Associated Signal Component Width / Height /
Function External Diameter Internal Diameter
Translation Point Fiducial SignalTP TP1
Translation Point Fiducial SignalTP TP2
ACDC Testing ACDC1_AC ACDC1 1.716 1.091
ACDC Testing ACDC1_DCA ACDC1 1.698 1.125
ACDC Testing ACDC1_DC+ ACDC1 1.698 1.125

Wizard Environment

3.3.10 Advanced Board Data Settings

The button “Advanced …” opens a dialog which is made up by two pages to improve the probe access to
the UUT points and to optimize the definition of a forced point to access the UUT nets.

Fig. 3-47 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Advanced Board Data Settings – Board Data Options.

Fig. 3-48 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Advanced Board Data Settings – Test Point Adjustement.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Board Data Options

The page “Board Data Options” (Fig. 3-47) allows to optimize the probes access to the points. The dialog
is divided into three sections:

• Components Testability: Allows to define the components side and testability. When the checkbox
5Components Testability is selected all the fields of the sections (greyed out in fig. 3-46) are editable
and the operator can modify the attributes using the dropdown menus.
The button Apply available in the section, applies the changes
• Pin Lodge is relevant for SMD components. The section
allows to set a value which will be added to the SMD kind
components coordinates.
If you type a number in field “Shift SMD Pads of:”, this 100
value will be added to the X coordinates of all points of
SMD components. If the field “Shift SMD Pads of:” is left
blank, it is possible to indicate in the table the shift value
for the single point. The table contains two fields to Without Pin Lodge
indicate the component name and the shift value. With Pin Lodge
The button Apply . applies the shifts indicated by the user
to the SMD components.
Fig. 3-50 shows the changes in the board data base for the SMD components on the ground of the
values set in the page “Main Options” of the dialog “Advanced Board Data Settings” (Fig. 3-49). Fig.
3-51, instead, shows the changes applied to the points of the SMD components. The attribute “Test:”
(previously set to “Forced”) is changed into “Not Testable”. A new fictitious point is created: the
attribute “Test:” is set to “Forced”; the attribute “Shape:” is set to “Round” and its coordinate is
changed according to the “Shift” value defined in the page “Main Options” of the dialog “Advanced
Board Data Settings”.

• Through Hole XY Offset is relevant for BBT system. It allows to shift a through hole test point
coordinate from the center to the crown. In the field “When it size is greater than:”, type a threshold
value to apply the shift. The coordinates are determined according to one of the options available:

€ Calculation from CAD data the coordinates correspond to the CAD data recorded in the board
€ Run-time calculation the coordinates are calculated when executing the test program.

• The button “ Apply “, available in the section “Through Hole Offset” applies the shift to all the trough
hole components having an external diameter greater than the value indicated in field: “When it size
is greater than:”.

If you use the CAD coordinates stored in the board database the pictures displayed in Fig. 3-51 show
that, for a Through Hole point, to whom the shift is applied:

• The attribute: “Test:” is modified from “Forced” to “Not Testable”

• A fictitious point is created: the attribute “Test:” is set to “Forced”, and its Y coordinate is
shifted; the attribute “Shape” is set to: “Round” not “Through Hole”.

If you have chosen the run-time calculation of the coordinates, the contact of the probe, as shown in
Fig. 3-53, is shifted:

• From the center of the point to the left if the probe comes from the left
• From the center of the point to the right if the probe comes from the right

• The tick on check-box “5 Fixed Ground on the Board”, indicates that the ground reference of the
board is connected to a fixed channel.

• The tick on check-box “5 Process Laminated Present”, indicates that the board layout contains a
Laminated Board. The presence of a Laminated Board on the edges, near to the clamps, affects the
elaborations of the VIVA Software to calculate the “Z Marker”.

Note: The button Apply associated to the single section prevails on the button Cancel at the bottom
of the dialog. This implies that all possible changes made to a section remain when the corresponding
button Apply is pressed even though the button Cancel is pressed before closing the dialog.

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-49 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Through Hole selected.

Fig. 3-50 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Changes in the board data base (Comp.).

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

“Pin Lodge” not selected

Contact point at the center of the SMD point;

attribute “Test:” set to “Forced”.

“Pin Lodge” selected

The attribute “Test:” for the center of the point is

set to “Not Testable”.

“Pin Lodge” selected

The contact point is identified with a new fictitious

point, shifted along the Y coordinate; the attribute
“Shape:” set to: “Round” and the attribute “Test:”
set to “Forced”.

Fig. 3-51 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Pin Lodge & Changes in the board database (Pins).

Wizard Environment

Through Hole Offset not selected

Contact point at the center of the Trough Hole,

has attribute “Test:” set to “Forced”.

Through Hole Offset selected

The center of the Trough Hole point has

attribute “Test:” set to “Not Testable”.

Through Hole Offset selected

Contact point identified by a new fictitious

point, shifted on the Y coordinate; the attribute
“Shape:” is set to: “Round” but not “Trough
Hole” and the attribute “Test:” is set to

Through Hole Offset Selected

Contact point identified by a new fictitious
point, shifted on the Y coordinate; when the
option “Runtime Calculation is selected, the
fictitious testpoint is shifted at the center of
the crown.

Fig. 3-52 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Changes in the board data base.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Run-time calculation with Run-time calculation with

probes coming from the left probes coming from the right

Fig. 3-53 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Run-time calculation. Test Point Adjustment

The page “Test Point Adjustment” (Fig. 3-48) allows to define the criteria applied to choose the forced
point among the testable on every net.

In the phase Import Data, the software automatically associates a testpoint to every net of the board.
This dialog allows the user to optimize and possibly modify the criteria applied by the software

• By checking the box “5 Test Point Adjustment”, the priority table under the check-box indicates the
rule applied. The fields “Component” and “SMD” in a row, define the kind of point that will be

searched among the available in the Net to define the forced point. The rules are applied to each net
starting from the first row of the table to the others if no points matches the features defined in
fields: “Component” and “SMD”.
The user can define the order of the elements listed in the priority table and can also add/remove
The three checkboxes present on the top right side of the dialog have the following meaning:

Only Components in the Priority Table: if the checkbox is selected , only the components listed in
the Priority Table are taken into consideration.
Ignore Previous forced: Allows the user to ignore the forced points automatically defined by the
system in the Import Data Phase
Enables 2 Points on Single Pads: Allows the user to enable 2 test point on a single pad (hence to
test a point using two probes.

• When button Apply is pressed, the software updates the information contained in the field “Forced
#”. Here is indicated the number of forced points defined by the rule of the row itself.

• By flagging the box “5 Only Component in Priority Table”, the forced points are only those defined in
the “Priority Table”. If the checkbox is not flagged in addition to the points defined in the “Priority
Table” the board database will also contain the points forced on the ground of the condition of the
check-box “… Ignore Previous Forced”.

• By checking the box “5 Ignore Previous Forced”, the forced points present in the board database are
ignored. If the box is not checked the forced points included in the board database are not ignored. if
the criterion defined in the Priority Table for the net selects another point as “Forced” this point is
defined “Alternative Forced”.

The check-box “… Enable 2 Points on Low Resistor”, is not relevant for Flying Probe systems.

Note: The button Apply associated to the single section prevails on the button Cancel at the bottom
of the dialog. This implies that all possible changes made to a section remain when the corresponding
button Apply is pressed even though the button Cancel is pressed before closing the dialog.

The field “Component” defines the initial string of the point name indicated with the syntax <Component Name-Pin

Number> (instead of the syntax <X Coordinate, Y Coordinate>.

The field “SMD” defines the kind of component, with possible values: SMD, T.H, or “ignore the kind of component.

Wizard Environment Import data options

Fig. 3-54 - VIVA: Board Data Collection – Through Hole Offset & Run-time calculation.

The dialog displayed in Fig. 3-53 allows to define the import data options (it is possible to access this
dialog after the system has executed the phase Import Data.
The dialog contains 5 sections, each one has a button “Apply” on its side (see note at the bottom of the

If the checkbox Remove Pins Under Components is selected, all the pins under the components are
considered as “Not Testable”

If the Checkbox Set Terminal Points is selected, all the points of the nets are considered as “Terminal”
(to enable continuity tests).

If the Checkbox Set Thermal Points is selected, the user can define the thermal points on digital
components (this is valid only if the option Thermal Scan is available on the test system.

If the Checkbox Set Power Points is selected, the user can define the points to be tested using the
power probes (for Pilot V8 system only).

If the Checkbox Assign Channels is selected, the user can type a string in the textbox (e.g. TP) this will
force the test system to associate CH1 to TP1, CH2 to TP2 and so on

Note: The button Apply associated to the single section prevails on the button Cancel at the bottom
of the dialog. This implies that all possible changes made to a section remain when the corresponding
button Apply is pressed even though the button Cancel is pressed before closing the dialog.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.4 Wizard Environment – Create Program page

• The dialog “Create Program” allows to provide the information to create the test program:

o The button “Assign Function …” allows to define, or re define, the function, the macro or
the complex device used to check the specific components or devices.

o The button “Update Program …” allows to create the program using the data recorded in an
“.XML” file. This is an alternative way to create the test program. Instead of using button
“Create Program”, which only uses the data generated in the “Import Data” and “Board Data”
phase, the button “Update Program …” also uses the data contained in an “.XML” file
generated using button “Export Data” in the “System Maintenance” dialog (available in the
page “Start” of the “Wizard Environment”).

o The button “Advanced …”, allows to define advanced settings and options to create the
program. The dialog allows to define the kinds of tests executed: continuity tests, insulation
tests, analog and digital components, board power up test, analog and/or digital tests on

• Press button: “Create Program” to start the executive phase of test program creation, which will end
displaying a report to summarize the activity. (Fig. 3-55)

• The button “Next” allows to pass to the following page. If in the page: “Board Data” was selected the
option “Panel”, the next page prompted is the page “Multiply”. Otherwise, two pages will be
available: “Multiply” and “Board Setup”; page “Board Setup” is now active.

Fig. 3-55 - VIVA: “Create Program” and “Program Generation Report” dialogs

Wizard Environment

3.4.1 Assign Function

The button “Assign Function …” allows to define, or re define, the function, the macro or the complex
device used to check the specific components or devices. The dialog lists all the UUT components. The
controls available in the dialog allow to define the view and the associations.

Mode: allows to view the device or component list according to the selected option:

“~ Device” the list will contain as many rows as the devices present on the
UUT. The assignment of the instrument employed for the check
(function or complex device) is hence related to a class of
components. A device is a class of components.

“~ Component” The list will contain as many rows as the components on the UUT.
The assignment of the instrument employed for the check (function,
macro or complex device) is hence related to specific components.

View: allows to define the kinds of components listed according to the number of component pins:

“5 All” The list will contain all the components with a pin number ≥ 2.

“5 View Comp with less than 2 pins” The list will also include the components with less than 2 pins.

Filter: allows to define a filter for the devices or components listed. For example, in the second drawing
shown in Fig. 3-56, the filter indicates that only the components whose name begins with string “R26”
must be displayed.

Select All: to select all the components.

Assign Function to Selected Components: to define the function used to check the selected
components or devices. (Fig. 3-56).

Assign Macro to Selected Components: to define the macro to be used to check the selected
components. (Fig. 3-57). The section is present if the option button: “~ Component” is selected.

Assign Complex to Selected Components: To define the complex device used to check the selected
components or devices. (Fig. 3-57). For further information about Complex Devices, see [4].

Add New: opens the dialog “Complex Component Wizard” to create new complex devices. For further
information about Complex Devices, see[4].

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-56 - VIVA: “Assign Function” dialogs for “Device” and “Component”

Fig. 3-57 - VIVA: Dialogs “Assign Function”: “Assign Macro” and “Assign Complex”

Wizard Environment

3.4.2 Update Program

The button “ XML Update Program …”, available in the page “Create Program”, opens the dialog “XML
Import File Name”, (Fig. 3-58) which allows to create the test program using the data stored in an
“.XML” file. This is used as an alternative option to create the test program instead of the button “Create
Program”, which uses only the data created in the “Import Data” and “Board Data” phases. The button
“Update Program …” also uses the data stored in an “.XML” file created with “Export Data” button in the
“System Maintenance” dialog (Page “Start of the “Wizard Environment”).

Fig. 3-58 - VIVA: “Create Program” “XML Import file Name”

At the end of the procedure the system displays a report of the activities executed. The filename is
updatexmlreport.xml and is stored into the board folder.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.4.3 Advanced Create Program Settings

The button “Advanced …”, opens the dialog “Advanced Create Program Settings”, (second drawing in
Fig. 3-59) which allows to define advanced settings to create the test program.

Fig. 3-59 - VIVA: “Create Program” “Advanced Create Program Settings”

The options available in the dialog have the following meaning:

; Continuity xx [Ω] For all the signals present the electrical continuity is checked among
the channels connected on the same track. (the continuity exists if
the resistive value between the two points is lower than the limit
xx, the continuity does not exist if the resistive value is higher than
the limit xx).

; Isolation yy [Ω] zz [V] For a specific signal is checked the insulation between the forced
point (TEST:=”F”) and the forced points of the adjacent signals. For
all the tested channels will be checked the electrical insulation (the
insulation exists if the resistive value between the two points
exceeds the value yy, the insulation does not exist if the resistive
value is lower than yy). The value “zz” indicates the voltage value
supplied by the generator to execute the measurement.

; Analog Component Test To create sections to check the analog components present on the

; Digital Component Test To create sections to check the digital components present on the

; Power on the Board To create sections and execute checks which require the board is
powered on for the test.

Wizard Environment

; Power To create sections “POWERON” and “POWEROFF” to power on/off

the power supplies. The section “POWERON” is placed after the
sections dedicated to analog tests on UUT components. Between
sections “POWERON” and “POWEROFF” will be included those tests
on components which require to power up the UUT (with user power
supplies). The section “POWEROFF will end the sections scheduling
a powered up UUT. An example of sections included between
“POWERON” and “POWEROFF” sections is provided by sections:

; PwMon To create sections to execute the macro “DIGPIN” on UUT signals.

For further information on “DIGPIN” macro, see [1].

OTPN: The field has three possible values:

none No test on UUT signal is carried out

One Touch per Net The macro “FPOINT” and if possible, macros
“JSCAN” or “OPENFIX” are executed on UUT

FPoint The function “Fan”, (implying “FPOINT”

macro) is executed on UUT signals. For further
information about “FPOINT” macro, see [1].

Optimization: The field is enabled if in the field “OTPN” the option “FPoint” has
been selected. Four possible values are available

none During the execution of “Fpoint” section, the tolerance

values applied correspond to those set in the FPOINT
macros parameters.
Isolation During the execution of “Fpoint” section, the tolerance
values applied are lowered by 20% with reference to
the values set in the FPOINT macro.
Coverage During the execution of “Fpoint” section, the tolerance
values applied are lowered by 25% with reference to
the values set in the FPOINT macro.
Speed During the execution of “Fpoint” section, the tolerance
values applied are lowered by 30% with reference to
the values set in the FPOINT macro.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.5 Wizard Environment – Multiply page

If in the page “Board Data”, the option “Panel” is selected, after creating the test program and before the
page “Board setup” is available, the page “Multiply” is displayed. Here it is possible to define the
database related to a panel made up by one or more boards.

• Select the check-box: “Enable Multiple Board” to enable the fields and buttons available in the dialog.
• In the field: “Number of Boards” type the number of boards of the panel.
• In the field: “Number of Boards on X-Axis”, type the number of boards on the X-axis of the work
• In the two fields: “X Offset” and “Y Offset”, type the distance on XY axes between a point of the first
board and the corresponding point on the adjacent board. If the two values are unknown, use the
procedure described in 3.5.1 to autolearn the two values from the panel placed into the work area.
• Press button “Multiply Board” to multiply the board. The area which contains the board layout is
updated to display the layout of the entire panel as shown in Fig. 3-60
• The button “Undo Multiply” allows to undo all the settings to the board panel. This will also restore
the previous board layout.

Fig. 3-60 VIVA: “Multiply Page” – before and after “Multiply Board”

NOTE: From dialog “Verify Program” (and “Run Program), it is possible to execute the test program
either on the whole panel or only on the boards selected before starting the test program. It is
also possible to define the board test sequence (Fig. 3-61). The Fig. 3-62, shows the report
output after executing the program on the whole panel.

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-61 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Change the Panel Board Sequence”

Fig. 3-62 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Test Report after Run on Panel”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.5.1 Board Panel – Multiply Board with “Learn Offset”

Instead of directly typing the values: “X Offset” and “Y Offset”, it is possible to autolearn the two offsets
through the Camera Environment: place the board panel into the work area and press button “Learn
Offsets”. Follow the steps below:

1. Press button "Learn Offsets”.

2. The dialog: "Translation” of the Camera Environment is prompted; and the camera reaches the
center of the translation point.
3. If the translation point displayed is not TP1 on the first board, move the camera and place it at the
center of TP1 on the first board. (Fig. 3-63).
4. On the dialog toolbar, press button "Learn Offsets”.
5. Check:
• That the dialog: "Learn offsets – Select Destination Board Position” is prompted.
6. On the toolbar located on the left, it is possible to define the kind of rotation of the second board with
regard to the first one. (Fig. 3-63). If there has been no rotation, select nothing.
7. Press button "OK":
8. Check:
• That the dialog: "Translation” of the Camera Environment is prompted.
• That the button "Learn Offsets” is now “Save Offsets”.”
9. Move the camera on TP1 of second board.
10. Press button “Save Offsets”.
11. Check:
• That button "Save Offsets” is now “Learn Offsets”
12. Press button “Close” in the secondary dialog.
13. Check:
• That the dialog of page “Multiply” is prompted, with values “X Offset:” and “Y Offset:”
filled in. (xxx,xx and yyy,yy). (Fig. 3-64).
14. Press button “Multiply Board” and continue as described in 3.5.

Fig. 3-63 - VIVA: Dialogs: Learn Offsets and Select Destination Board Postion

Fig. 3-64 - VIVA: Dialogs Save Offsets and Multiply Board

Wizard Environment

3.5.2 Board Panel – rotate board panel

After creating a board panel, it is possible, where necessary, to rotate the single boards of the panel. To
do so, follow the steps here below:

1. Select page: “Board Data”.

2. Press button: "Rotate Board …".
3. On the toolbar of the secondary dialog, press button: “Panel / Board Selection Tool (P).
4. Select the board to be rotated.
5. From the toolbar “Position”, on the left side of the dialog, select the kind of rotation required. (e.g.
Rotate 180°)
6. Check that the layout of the selected board changes according to the selected rotation.
7. Press button “Save the current settings” in the toolbar.
8. Select the icon which represents the panel and check that in the panel layout the board appears
rotated as defined in step 5..
9. On the toolbar of the secondary dialog, press button: “Panel / Board Selection Tool (P) to close the
10. Press button: "Close".

Fig. 3-65 VIVA: “Board Data - Rotate Board …” and “Board “Selection”

Fig. 3-66 VIVA: “Board Data - Rotated 180°” and “Panel Selection”

Note: it is recommended to execute the translation on the panel and on each board of the panel after
the Multiply procedure

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.5.3 Export parameters in multiplied boards

In the Debug Environment of VIVA rel.2.0.x, in case of a panel of multiplied boards, it is possible to
export the values of the parameters of a macro, or of all the macros of a board, to all the other boards of
the panel. Procedure
In the Debug Environment, in the bottom left part of the dialog, select the tag “Panel” and left click on
the board from which you want to export the parameters.

Fig. 3-67 - VIVA: Debug Environment: Export parameters in multiplied boards

The selected board is marked by an asterisk (*) present in the upper left side. Here it is possible to
export either the entire board or select the components you want to debug in the grid.
Then, select the board where you want to export the parameters. Press the keys: [CTRL + left button
of the mouse].
To export the parameters press [CTRL +right button of the mouse] and select from the built in menu:

• Export all items: the values of the items of the first board will be exported in the selected boards.
• Export selected items: only the parameters related to the components selected in the debug grid
will be exported.

Wizard Environment

3.5.4 Parallel test

This procedure is available only for Pilot V8 test system with VIVA software release or higher.

Note: In order to use the parallel test capability, it is necessary to upgrade the test system to VIVA
release or upper.

Follow the standard procedure to create a test program through the VIVA Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-68 - VIVA: Dialog “Create New Board”

Import the CAD files and, if necessary, the BOM.

According to the accessibility, select the test side (the one granting the highest test coverage). Compile
the information requested in the dialog displayed in fig. 3-68; in the field “Side to test, choose “BOTH”.

Note: The parallel test works correctly only if in the field “Side to test” the option “BOTH” and the
test is enabled on one side only.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-69 - VIVA: Board data collection

In the dialog Edit Board, press the button of the side not to be tested and select all the points; then filter
by “POSITION” (e.g. “Top” if we are testing the “bottom” side) and select all.
In the section “Testability” select “Not testable” from the dropdown menu (see fig. 3-69)

Fig. 3-70 - VIVA: Dialog “Set Pins Info”

Wizard Environment

Follow the guided procedure of the Wizard Environment and debug the board to be tested.
Before any changes, open the Debug Environment and optimize the board, if required, then exit this
Load the second board into the Pilot V8 test system and flip it horizontally if compared to the first board.

Note: It is recommended to execute the translation of the first board before proceeding.

In the section Multiply Board of the Wizard Environment, flag the checkboxes: Enable Multiple Board
and Enable Parallel Test. The value of the fields Number of Boards and No. of Boards on X-Axis is
automatically updated to 2.

Fig. 3-71 - VIVA: Dialog Multiply Board

Learn the offset between the two boards using the function Learn Offsets in this panel or manually add
this offset in the field X Offset.
Learn the coordinates of the first point on the first board and then, in the dialog displayed in fig. 3-71
press the button “Flip Horizontal” in the vertical toolbar. When done, learn the same point on the second

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-72 - VIVA: Dialog “Learn Offset- Select Destination Board Position”

Save the offset and exit the Camera Environment. Now it is possible to multiply the board using the
learned offset.

In the dialog Board Setup of the Wizard Environment, press the button Definition of Reference
In the dialog displayed, press the button Panel/Boards selection tool; select Board View; the area
created in the previous step is displayed.
Translate the first board, and then the others as shown in fig. 3-72. Now the boards are ready for test.

Fig. 3-73 - VIVA: Camera Environment

Note: The points tested with Macros: Openfix, Autic and Jscan are not tested in the mode described
in this paragraph.

Wizard Environment

3.6 Wizard Environment – Board setup page

In the page “Board Setup” it is possible to supply information which will be used to execute the test
program for the board placed into the work area:

• Press button “Definition of Reference Points” to open a dialog to define or modify the two points that
will be used as reference points to translate the theoretical values of the point coordinates with the
effective values of the board placed into the work area.
• Press button “Translate Board on Reference Points”; the dialog displayed allows to execute the
translation using the translation points defined in the dialog “Definition of Reference Points”,
• Press button “Coordinates Check and Autolearn”; the system displays a dialog to check, for a board
where the translation has been executed , that the coordinates stored in the board database
correspond to the physical coordinates of the board placed into the work area. If this correspondence
does not exist it is possible, for each point, to manually place the camera on the point and store its
coordinates into the board database. This dialog also allows to activate the environment to add new
points (or pins) into the board database.
• Press button “Set Markers”; the system prompts a dialog allows to define two graphic pictures that
can be identified on the board and used as reference points to automatically translate the theoretical
coordinates with the actual coordinates of the board placed into the work area.

NOTE: The first two points are compulsory, the third and the fourth are optional. If the import data
procedure has been executed for the new board, in the database two translation points are
automatically assigned. If you reckon that these two points are good, it is not necessary to
Define reference points for translation”.
Once all the information needed in the page “Board Setup” are completed, the button “Next” activates
the two pages “Verify” and “Run” to execute the test program.

These two pages are similar, but the page “RUN” does not contain the icon to access the Debug
Environment. The users belonging to VIVA Group “Users” should use exclusively the page “RUN” to
execute the test program. The page “VERIFY” may also be used by users belonging to VIVA Group

Fig. 3-74 VIVA: Dialog “Board Setup”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.6.1 Definition of Reference Points

It is necessary to locate, on the physical board, the two points to translate the coordinates of the board
placed into the work area with those stored into the board database. The VIVA software determines two
default points that may be used for translation. The operator may either accept the default points or
define others.
To define the two translation points, follow the steps below:

• From dialog “Board Setup”, press button “Definition of Reference Points”. The Graphic
Environment is active. Press button “TPs” to open the dialog related to definition of translation
points TP1 and TP2.
• Move the cursor of the mouse to the center of the point to be used as translation point 1 (TP1)
and press the left button of the mouse.
• A view finder is now displayed, to better locate the center of the point.
• The dimension of the view finder is fixed, while the graphic picture of the point may be modified
(use mouse buttons together with key CTRL. (zoom+ := CTRL+ left button, zoom-:= CTRL+ right
• Place the view finder in the center of the point, then press button TP1, on the vertical toolbar on
your left. A white circle surrounding the point indicates that the point has been selected as TP1.
• Repeat the same steps to define TP2. A violet circle surrounding the point, indicates that the
point has been selected as TP2.

Fig. 3-75 VIVA: “Board Setup” and “Definition of reference Points” dialogs

Wizard Environment

3.6.2 Translate Board on Reference Points

The data used to display the board layout are stored into the board database. In order to make a location
and displacement of the cursor on the board layout correspond to the location and displacement of the
camera on the board present into the work area, it is necessary that the coordinates included in the
board database are those of the board placed into the work area.
Since the camera used to acquire board pictures moves together with a mobile probe holder, it is possible
to check that the coordinates recorded into the board database correspond to those of the board placed
into the work area. So, a displacement of the cursor to a point of the board layout, coincides with the
displacement of the camera on the physical board.
Two points that must coincide are the “Translation Points” TP1 and TP2 since they have been defined on

• Open dialog “Board setup” and press button “Translate board on reference points”: the Camera
Environment is now active. In this environment the buttons of the control panel do not manage the
board handler but allow to move the camera as described at step 9. of chapter 2.5.
• Using the control panel buttons, move the camera so that the image displayed by the camera
contains the point chosen as TP1 (translation point 1).

NOTE: The button “view-finder” available in the dialog, allows to customize the viewfinder; in order
to correctly execute the translation it is important that the viewfinder is placed exactly at the
center of the reference point.
• To achieve this aim, it is possible to use the direction buttons on the control panel or even the
o With the control panel:

ƒ With the buttons: , , , , , and move the camera so

that the image displayed by the camera contains the point chosen as TP1. Where
necessary, press button: to open the “Console Menu” dialog, tag “Autolearn” to
modify the camera motion step.

o With the mouse:

ƒ Move the mouse and keep pressed the left button: the cursor becomes a hand and
the movement will shift the image with regard to the cursor to locate the image.
ƒ Place the cursor on a point of the acquired image and right click with the mouse. The
camera will move so that the point located by the cursor coincides with the center of
the viewfinder.

• Once TP1 has been located, press button “Translate”: . This way:

o The coordinates of the point identified by the view-finder are assigned to TP1 coordinates in
the board database.
o Calculation of deviation (∆X and ∆Y), between the new acquired coordinates and those
recorded into the data base
o Automatic positioning of the camera on the second reference point TP2 for translation.
• Once that the center of the point selected as TP2 coincides with the Viewfinder, press button

“Translate”: . This way:

o The coordinates of the point identified by the view-finder are assigned to TP1 coordinates in
the board database.
o Calculation of deviation (∆X and ∆Y), between the new acquired coordinates and those
recorded into the data base
• Now all the coordinates into the board database coincide with the coordinates of the board located

into the work area. By pressing the buttons and you will see that the camera moves on the

physical TP1 and TP2 coordinates. Press button to save the updated data and button to exit
Camera Environment and get back to dialog “Board Setup”.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-76 VIVA: Camera Environment - “ViewFinder on TP1 and TP2”

NOTE: The button “View Channel” allows to view the channel number associated to the points in the
image displayed by the camera.

NOTE: The button “Coord. Type” allows to change the reference system to indicate the coordinates:
Absolute Coord. The coordinates refer to an array where XY axes origins correspond to the
work area.
Relative Coord. The coordinates are referred to an array where XY axes origins are those
of the point selected when passing from absolute to relative coordinates
(button “Coord.Type”).

Fig. 3-77 VIVA: “Absolute and Relative Coordinates”

Wizard Environment

3.6.3 Coordinates Check and Autolearn

Press button “Coordinates Check and Autolearn” to open a dialog and check the coordinates recorded into
the board database; follow the instructions below:

• Press button “Viewfinder” and select the required cursor.

• Press button “Select Channel” to open a dialog to select the point displayed by the camera when
pressing button “Go”. It is possible to select the point choosing either the couple Component-pin
or the channel number.
• If the view finder is not placed at the center of the point, manually move the camera so that the
view finder coincides with the image of the selected point. The row below the image displayed
contains the physical coordinates of the point.
• Press button to save the physical coordinates of the point displayed into the board database
and to associate them to the selected point.

NOTE: In the dialog “Coordinates Check and Autolearn”, the button opens the dialog “Add
Component/Pin Wizard”, of the Camera Environment to add points to those recorded into the
board database.

Fig. 3-78 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Component or Channel Selection”

Fig. 3-79 VIVA: “Camera Env.t” - “View Channel” on Phisichal System and on Emulated System

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.6.4 Definition of markers

Instead of using two points of the board as reference points to translate the physical coordinates with
regard to the coordinates recorded into the board database, it is possible to use two predefined images
(markers) on the board. Choose two images as a reference; save the images and their coordinates into
the board database. Before executing the program, the system will search on the board located into the
work area the first of the two reference images. If the image is found, its coordinates are compared to
the coordinates associated to the image recorded into the database, in order to calculate the deviation
between the two. This value will be used to execute the translation the same way as the reference points
TP1 and TP2. If the system also recognizes the second image, the program execution continues;
otherwise it is stopped. If the manual markers are enabled, the camera is placed next to TP1 and the
operator can execute the manual translation using reference points TP1 and TP2.
To define the two markers, follow the steps below:

• In dialog “Board Setup”, press button “Definitions of Markers”; the Camera Environment is now
active. Here the buttons of the control panel do not manage the board handler but allow to move the
camera, as described at step 9. of chapter 2.5.
• Using the buttons on the control panel, move the camera so that the image acquired contains the
area including the image to be used as a marker for the automatic translation when executing the

NOTA: To move the camera using the mouse, as described in 3.6.2, press button . If the button is
not pressed the mouse can be used to define the search area for the marker as explained
• Define the search area: keep pressed the left button of the mouse and draw it; a square appears
around the selected point: this is the search area where the system will search the picture set as
• Define the marker: keep pressed the right button of the mouse and draw it: another square appears
into the search area, to inscribe the picture selected as marker. This square is the marker.
• Check the marker: press button to check the selected marker: a dialog opens to display a value
(%) and a cross into the smaller square. The percent value indicates the picture recognition. The
more the value is near to 0, the more the system recognizes the object. The cross, instead, indicates
where the system locates the center of the picture set as a marker. If the system finds it difficult to
recognize the object selected as marker (values near to 1%) it is possible to apply filters to improve
the marker recognition. It is even possible to combine one or more filters, choosing the most suitable
ones among the available on the vertical toolbar. (Fig. 3-81)
• End of check: press button .
• Modify tolerances: where necessary, press button to open the dialog shown in Fig. 3-82; it is then
possible to modify the value of the maximum tolerance accepted in the comparison between the
selected marker and the one detected during test program execution; and the tolerance on the
rotation angle of the two markers
• Enable markers: Press button to enable the recognition of the marker for the automatic
translation during test program execution.

• Enable manual markers: press button: to enable the manual markers recognition, (i.e. TP1 and
TP2) for the translation. If the marker recognition is enabled (automatic translation); the manual
recognition is available (if enabled) only if the system does not find either Marker1 or Marker2.
• Select marker: Press button to select the first and the second marker; or buttons and .

• Exit the dialog: press button to save the changes and to exit the Camera Environment and
get back to dialog “Board Setup”.

NOTE: To define the markers for automatic translation, it is recommended to use a board where the
manual translation has been executed. See 3.6.2.

NOTE: The automatic markers are used to automatize the test program execution. With the manual
markers, the operator will have to execute the manual translation for each board placed into
the work area (see 3.6.2).

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-80 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Marker1 and Marker2 definitions”

Fig. 3-81 VIVA: “Camera Environment” - “Filters Selection on Markers”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-82 VIVA: “Marker Selection” and “Marker Parameters”

Wizard Environment

3.7 Wizard Environment – Verify page

Once provided all the information required in the page “Board Setup”, the button “Next” opens the page
“Verify” which allows to execute the test program.

Fig. 3-83 VIVA: “Verify Page” and “Kind of program selection”

• In the section “What kind of program would you like to enable?” select the option required for test

Normal Test The test is executed applying the current macro parameters.

Check Normal Test

Autodebug Test to optimize the macro parameter. The values of parameters that can
be modified, are related to the macro execution modes; i.e. the
optional parameters. The values of the main parameters, related to
the measurements to be executed, are not modified. (expected value,
positive and negative tolerance).

Autolearn Test to acquire from the UUT the values of the main parameters, related to
measurements to be executed: expected value, positive and negative
tolerance. This execution mode is relevant only with sample boards,
i.e. perfectly and correctly operating. The acquired values are reliable
if, after executing the program in “Autolearn” mode, repeated
executions in “Normal” mode, using the same sample UUT, always
output a “PROGRAM PASS” result. Executions on other UUTs will
output correct results only if the test has been executed in “Autolearn”
and “Normal” modes, have been performed with a correct UUT.

Autodebug Test: The test program section are first executed in “Autodebug” and, where
Autolearn Test necessary, also in “Autolearn” mode. If the “Autodebug” mode
execution has not achieved to determine the values of parameters to
execute the section, the test program is executed in the “Autolearn”
mode. If, again, it was not possible to calculate the values of
parameters to execute the section, the section is not executed and
the output result is “Skipped”.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Auto Adjustment This execution mode allows to acquire the same values as the
“Autolearn” mode execution. The acquired values are not directly
recorded into the program database which will contain instead
average values between the previously recorded and the values
acquired in the “Auto Adjustment” mode. It is possible to execute the
program in the “Auto Adjustment” mode several times. For instance,
with sample UUTs available. Following the procedure with n sample
UUTs the program database will contain the parameters whose value
corresponds to the average value on n sample UUTs

Learn Parasite Value This execution mode allows to acquire the capacitive values between
the signal and the system GND reference. This execution mode can be
used to optimize the results obtained with FPOINT macro described in
[1]. When using this mode, make sure the UUT is not connected in
order to allow the VIVA software to store the parasite capacitive
values existing in the connections between test system and UUT.

NOTE: For some system macros (Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, etc.) the “Autolearn” mode execution
must be preceded by an “Autodebug” mode execution. For these macros, the use of
“Autolearn” mode implies the “Autodebug and Autolearn Test” mode execution.

• In the section “What kind of Markers would you like to enable?” indicate which markers are used
when executing the program: “Automatic”, “Manual” and “Z Markers”.

Automatic “5 Automatic” before program execution the system will translate the physical
coordinates of the board using the previously defined markers. This check-box can
be either selected or not. The first time you access the “Verify” page, the
check-box is selected if in the dialog for marker definition the button “Enable
Markers”: has been selected.

Manual “5 Manual” indicates the manual translation using reference points TP1 and TP2
previously defined. The operator will have to follow the step described in 3.6.2
“Translate Board on Reference Points”. If the automatic markers have been enabled
(“5 Automatic”), the manual marker recognition is activated only if the automatic
marker recognition has failed. This check-box can be either selected or not. The
first time you access the page “Verify”, the check-box if selected if in the dialog for

marker definition the button “Enable Manual Markers”: has been selected.

Z Markers “5 Z Markers” indicates that during the test program execution the probe vertical
positioning height is determined according to the “Z Markers” defined for the board.
The system will acquire the value of Z markers (circled in white) then the system
will determine the value of the other “Z Marker” (circled in blue). Then the test
program will start. This check-box may be either selected or not in this section.

Wizard Environment

• In the section “What board would you like to enable?” it is possible, in case of board panels, to
select/deselect all the boards of the panel, and define the sequence of boards to be tested.

• In the section “Other Settings?” it is possible to enable the final report printing after test execution.
The button “Advanced Settings … “ allows to define execution modes interacting with FPOINT macro.
(Fig. 3-84). For further details on FPOINT macro, see [1].

Fig. 3-84 VIVA: “Verify Page” - “Advanced Settings …”

• In the section “Execute” it is possible to:

o Press button to start the test program execution.
o Press button to stop the test program execution.
o Press button to execute only tests with errors
o Press button to execute “Retry on Error”.
o Press button to execute “Retest errors”.
o Press button to activate the Debug Environment.
o Press button to activate the Statistics Environment.

• The area “Info”, available under the section “Execute” displays:

o Information related to the activity carried out with program ”Board Code:”, “Step N.:”,
“Errors N.:”, “Total Boards”, “Total Passed” e “Total failed”.

o Information on messages output by VIVA SW during program execution.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.7.1 Autodebug
As explained above, the Autodebug is used to verify and optimize all the values, parameters and
tolerances defined for a test program. At the first execution of the test program, the VIVA software
automatically runs the autodebug, regardless the selected test mode.
When the autodebug is complete, the software runs the test and it is then possible to decide whether to
execute the Manual Debug or not.
The autodebug function is available only for the following macros: CAP; RES; INDUCTOR; DIODE;
For macros: FNODE; PWMON and JSCAN also the function AUTOADJUST can be enabled. It allows to
automatically adjust the range of tolerances.

3.7.2 Debug Environment

From page “Verify” of the Wizard Environment it is possible to activate the “Debug environment”. After
program creation, the Debug Environment allows to:

• Define the execution mode

• enable/disable the execution on a specific section
• enable/disable the execution on a specific component
• enable/disable the execution on a specific macro of the component
• enable/disable re-execution (on section, component and on the macro)
• enable/disable the display of values related to the execution on the single point
• display execution result on the specific component
• view/modify the values of parameters used by the software procedure (macro) to test the
• enable/disable the step by step program execution
• enable/disable the loop on program
• enable/disable the report printing after program execution
• enable/disable markers for automatic translation (for Flying Probe systems)
• enable/disable the probe view during test execution (for Flying Probe systems)
• start/stop program execution

The Debug Environment can be used to view:

• the sections of a test program (corresponding to the execution of a specific kind of function)
• For all sections, the components tested in the section
• For each component the macros used for test
• For each macro, the actual parameters of the macro

The “Debug Environment” dialog is divided into different areas:

• On top left side, it is possible to select the test mode

• Immediately below, on the left, a grid lists the items of a test program (sections, section components
and macros used for each component)
• On the bottom left side, are displayed run-time information and end program information
• The top right area is used to view information related to the item selected in the second area on the
left (Section, Component, Macro)
• The bottom right area displays graphic information about program execution or about the component
related to the item selected in the second area on the left.

To display as many information as possible concerning a VIVA macro applied to a component,

set the following views:

1. In the grid, select the section, the component and the macro
2. In the summarizing information, select page “Board”
3. In the graphic information select: “Schematics”
4. In the top right area:
• select “Section View” to obtain information about the section
• select “Component View” to obtain information about the tested component

Wizard Environment

• select “Macro View” to obtain information on the actual parameters of the macro executed for the
selected component
• to view the macro optional parameters, select button “View Optional Parameters”

Test mode

Current macro parameters




Pins , channels and signals linked to

UUT points layout the component context

Fig. 3-85 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Display Macro parameters on “Debug Environment”

The different color of the item in the grid indicates its status:

Green current item and all lower level items selected

Red all lower level items disabled

Orange not all lower level items are enabled

Black current item not selected

It is important to consider that the macro has two kinds of parameters:

Main Parameters related to the measurement to be executed; these normally allow to define a
test developer requirements.

Optional parameters are related to the mode by which the macro executes measurements; to modify
the current values of these parameters a good knowledge of the system internal
instruments described in [1] is required.

Fig. 3-86 displays the system internal instruments, their connection to the analog measurement lines and
channels which make up the test system interface.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-86 - VIVA SOFTWARE: Internal Instruments and System Channels

Wizard Environment

The two dialogs shown in Fig. 3-87 offer an example of two possible views in the Debug Environment
which allow to analyze, modify and check the single tests. The first dialog displays the information
related to the component (Name, Value, Tolerances, etc.) and to the “In-Circuit” context of the
component (displaying the component schematics and of the connected components). The second dialog
displays the current values of macro parameters used to check the component; the page “View Pins” lists
the component pins and the connected components.

Fig. 3-87 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Debug Environment”

The figures in the next pages show some views related to run-time program execution, which could be
useful when verifying a test program.

The dialogs in Fig. 3-88 show the views available in “Live” page which shows, (probes in the work area),
the measured values with analog-digital display and with the Oscilloscope.

The dialogs in Fig. 3-89 display the views available from page “Board”, which shows the probes position
on board layout; or from page “Panel”, which displays the board as a panel. The color of the background
changes according to the condition of the test program:
-gray background: before program execution
-yellow background, during program execution
-green background if the program output result is “PASS”
-red background if the program output result is “FAIL”.

The dialogs in Fig. 3-90 display the “Info” page, which contains program run-time information, and the
“Report” page, which contains the information output at the end of the program.

The dialogs in Fig. 3-91 display the page “Panel”, which contains a board panel, and the page “History”,
which contains information related to the program executions recorded into the board database of the
“Repair Station”.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-88 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Live Page” and “Display Measure”

Fig. 3-89 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Board Page” and “Panel Page”

Fig. 3-90 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Info Page” and “Report Page”

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-91 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Panel Page ” and “History Page”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Debug Environment – Tool bar

The toolbar displayed in Fig. 3-92 allows to activate the functions available in the Debug Environment.

Fig. 3-92 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Main Tool Bar”

The buttons allow to (in brackets, the shortcut from keyboard):

Start Program (Space bar) To start program execution.

Stop Program (Esc) To stop program execution.

Step by Step (CTRL+T) For “Step by Step” program execution. The basic step of a
program is to execute a macro for a component. It
corresponds to the “Items” listed in the third level of the
grid displayed in the Debug Environment.

Print (CTRL+P) To print a report related to program execution.

Failed Step Only (CTRL+F) To execute only the tests that gave errors. The button is
not enabled when the program is executed, but only at the
end of the program if errors occurred. To repeat the Failed
steps press “Start Program”.

Repeat Program (CTRL+L) To indicate how many times the test program must be

Retry on Error (CTRL+R) disable/enable option Retry on error, which repeats each
test for a given number of times slightly moving the probe
on the test point. This button is active only if values are
indicated in sections “Retry XY Axis” or “Z Axis Retry” in
the Board Configuration Environment.

Retest Errors (CTRL+E) Disable/enable the Retest option; at the end of the test
program execution allows to repeat the tests with negative
output result. If the checkbox “Automatic Error Retest
after Test”, the button is selected. It is possible to select o
de-select this button from Debug Environment. The
condition of this button affects the check-box “Automatic
Error Retest after Test” in Board Configuration

Stop and retest on Error (CTRL+O) If an error is detected the program is stopped and the test
where the error was detected is executed in loop.

Wizard Environment

Debug on Error (CTRL+U) This button is relevant in the “Functional” environment. If

selected, when an error occurs the debug environment is
activated for the cluster written in Viva Language (VL).

Search Markers (CTRL+M) Disable/Enable the global or local markers search. This
button is active only if the markers have been previously

Z-Markers (CTRL+Z) To enable the Z Marker. If you press this button the
check-box “5 Z Markers” in the section “What kind of
Markers would you like to enable ?” is flagged.

Save (CTRL+S) To save in the program database, the current configuration

settings defined in the Debug Environment. (macro
parameters, grid items enabled/disabled, kind of program
selected, etc.). When the program is opened again, it will
prompt the last saved configuration.

Create a New Test Setting (CTRL+A)

Delete (CTRL+D) To delete from program database a previously saved

configuration using option: “Save as (CTRL+A). This
button is enabled only when in the section “What kind of
program would you like to enable?” a previously saved
program has been selected.

View Probes (CTRL+V) To interrupt the test program execution and open a dialog
to view the probe location in the work area. It is even
possible to define which one of the four probes must be
displayed. The buttons: Continue and Stop allow either
to continue the program execution or to stop the program

Pin Finder (CTRL+I) Enables the function which allows to check the
correspondence between test channels and fixture nails.
As soon as this function is enabled, the system suggests a
range of channels to be tested, corresponding to the
number of configured channels. Once the program has
started, contact whatever of the fixture nails using the
GND probe to find the corresponding test channel.
Interrupt the program execution to disable this function.
This button is mainly used on Bed of Nails systems; but
since the Flying Probe system may use fixed probes as
well, the button “Pin Finder” can be useful.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Statistics (CTRL+C) Activates the function to gather statistics information and

data to perform the Statistic Process Control (SPC). A set
of specific tools (Cp, Cpk and GR&R) allows to determine
the average of stability e repeatability of test programs. To
view the SPC index, open the Statistic Environment (from
pages “Verify” or “Run” of the Wizard Environment or from
the main toolbar of the VIVA Software. For further
information about the Statistic Process Control, see [8].
Fun Terminal (CTRL+N) To view or hide the terminal used to interact with the
operator to execute macros written in Viva Language (VL).

Exit Run Program (Esc) Closes the Debug Environment dialog.

Wizard Environment Debug Environment – Grid Contextual Menus

In the Debug Environment the test program is displayed in the top left side of the dialog into a matrix or
grid (Fig. 3-93). The column “Name” of the grid contains the sections that make up the test program. The
column “Name” is formed by a three level tree:

• The first level identifies a section of the program (e.g. RESISTOR)

• The second level identifies the components tested in that section (e.g. R181)
• The third level identifies the macros used to check the component described in the upper level

Fig. 3-93 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Debug Environment” – “Grid area”

The other columns in the grid have the following meaning:

Enabled If the checkbox is flagged (5) the part of program (Section, Component or Macro), listed in
column “Name”, will be executed.

Status indicates, for the part of program, executions in: “Autodebug”, “Autolearn”, “Autoadjust”
modes. The possible values of that field are:

• D Execution in “Autodebug” mode

• A Execution in “Autolearn” mode
• J Execution in “Autoadjust” mode
• Null no execution in“Autodebug”, “Autolearn”, “Autoadjust” mode has been performed

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Result indicates the test result for that part of program. The possible values are: “Pass”, “Fail” or

Perc. Indicates the displacement % of the test with regard to the expected value.

View if the checkbox is flagged (5) indicates that the measured value, the expected value and the
tolerances will be displayed on the Analog Digital Display available in the page “Program” of
the Debug Environment.

Repeat If the checkbox is flagged (5) indicates that the part of program is executed in loop. The
loop is interrupted and the program execution continues if the checkbox is flagged. (…).

Jump/Call field to insert instructions to manage the test flow in the program. The tests are normally
executed in sequence. This field allows to pass, after the current test, to another component
than the subsequent, according to the current test result. The jump can be: “Jump”,
“JumpOnError”, “JumpOnOk, “JumpOnPrviousError”, “JumpOnPreviousOk”, and “NoJump”.
The argument of the jump instruction can be selected from the component list.
For example, in Fig. 3-93:

• If the test on “R227” outputs a “Fail” result, the check will pass to “R182”.
• If the test on “R227” outputs a “Pass” result, the check will pass in sequence to “R183”.
• If the check on “R192” outputs a “Pass” result, the check will pass to
“END_COMPONENT”, identifying the end of program.
• If the check on “R192” outputs a “Fail” result the check will continue in sequence with

After selecting a field in column “Name”, right click with the mouse; this will prompt a contextual menu
to select actions and operate on program structure. The contextual menu displayed changes according to
the level (Section, Component or Macro), as shown in Fig. 3-94.

Fig. 3-94 - VIVA SOFTWARE: “Debug Environment” – “Grid area and contextual Helps”

Wizard Environment

Below, a brief description of the items available in the three contextual menus in the Debug Environment.

Run Test Active after one or more items in the grid have been selected. Allows to execute
the sections containing the selected items. The checkbox next to the section to
be executed must be flagged (column “enabled”). The number of executions is
defined with button “Repeat Program”.
Run Failed Active after “Run Test” with errors. Executes the test only for those items where
an error has been detected.
Run Last Failed Active after an execution with errors. Executes the test only on the last
component where errors have been detected.
Run Autodebug Autodebug mode execution for the selected items.
Run Autolearn Autolearn mode execution for the selected items.
Enable Enables the execution of the selected part of program (Section, Component or
Macro). The checkbox of the enabled items is flagged (column Enabled) (5).
Disable Disables the execution of the selected part of program (Section, Component or
Macro). The checkbox of the enabled items is not flagged (column Enabled)
Lock Locks the “Enabled” column status for the selected part of program (Section,
Component or Macro). It will not be possible to modify the status of the column
“Enabled” and the action available in the contextual menu changes from “Lock”
to “Unlock. To modify the status of the field “Enabled”, select “Unlock” from the
contextual menu.
Disable From … Allows to disable all the components of the current section which use the signal
present in the selected file.

Swap Pin1 – Pin2 Swaps the channel associated to parameter “Pin1” of the macro associating it to
parameter “Pin2” and vice versa.
Search… After selecting one or more items from the grid; it allows to search for a string
in column “Name”.
Search again Active after a first search; allows to search for a string in the column “Name”.
Macro To associate a macro to the selected component. Select the item and choose a
macro from the list prompted on screen.
Function To associate the macros of a function to the selected component. Select the
voice and then choose a function from the list prompted on screen.
Edit Macro allows editing a functional macro (.pat file)
Add To add a section, a component, a cluster, a visual inspection, a Thermal Test, a
Quick Test or a macro after the selected items. The objects available depend on
the level of the selected item.
Move After selecting an item from the list, it allows to move the item. (select the
component and right click with the mouse pointing to new position, select
“Move” from the menu)
Rename To rename the selected item.
Remove To remove the selected item.
Generate Test Allows to generate the sections containing the items selected from the grid.
After the test generation, the field “Enabled” on the left, is selected. It is
important to consider that the system will use the values associated to the
component (stored in the board database) to generate the test. Possible
changes in the parameters executed from the Debug Environment will be lost.
Parallel Add/Remove allows to add or remove a test between components in parallel

Optimize To optimize the movement of flying probes to reduce test time to a minimum.
When this command is selected, the sequence of execution of the different
sections may be affected. Active exclusively at the section level.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Copy Parameters The parameters of the selected macro are copied into an internal area of the
Paste Parameters The item is active only after “Copy Parameters”. The value of the copied
parameters is assigned to the parameters of the selected macro.
Export Parameters The macros and parameters associated to the component test are exported into
an external database. This database is a file having the same name as the
component and “.XML” extension. (e.g. R260.XML).
Import Parameters Opens a dialog to select the component to restore parameters. To restore the
parameters it is necessary to export the parameters for the same component.
Generate Test After selecting one or more items from the grid, allows to generate the sections
containing the selected items. After test generation, the field “Enabled” on the
left, is flagged.
Jump/Call To Allows to fill in the field “Jump/Call” to manage the flow when executing the

Repair As… allows to select which component is to be repaired in case of “fail of the current

Wizard Environment

3.8 Wizard Environment – RUN page

The page “RUN” is used to execute the test program in a production environment. It is similar to page
“Verify”, but does not contain the button “Debug” to avoid changes to the program optimized with the
option available in page “Verify”.
The operator should only be enabled to execute the “Start” page to select the test program and the page
“RUN” to execute it.

Fig. 3-95 VIVA: “Run Page” – before and after “Start Program”

The figures: Fig. 3-96 and Fig. 3-97 show the toolbars of the “Execute Program” sections available in
pages “Verify” and “Run” of the Wizard Environment.

Fig. 3-96 VIVA: “Verify Page” – “Execute Program Toolbar”

Fig. 3-97 VIVA: “Run Page” – “Execute Program Toolbar”

The buttons have the following meaning:

Start Program (Space bar) To start the test program.

Stop Program (Esc) To stop the test program.

Failed Step Only Displays a list showing the program executions. Select
a row where the test result is “Fail”; then press button
“Start Program”. This will not execute the whole test
program, but only the failed tests.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Retry on Error To Disable/Enable the option Retry on error, to repeat

each test for a given number of times slightly moving
the probe on the test point. This button is available
only if values have been defined in sections “Retry XY
Axis” or “Z Axis Retry” in the Board Configuration

Retest Errors To disable/enable the option Retest errors; to repeat

tests with negative output result at the end of the test
program execution. If the check-box “Automatic Error
Retest after Test” in the Board Configuration
Environment is flagged, the button is selected. It is
possible to change its status from Debug Environment.

Stop and retest on Error If an error occurs, the test program is stopped and a
dialog is prompted to display the information related to
the executed measurement (Fig. 3-98). Besides, the
dialog contains three other buttons , and to
continue the program execution, end the program
execution or view probes position in the work area.

Open the Debug Environment Opens the Debug Environment used to check and
calibrate the executions performed by the test

Open the Repair Station Environment Opens the Repair Station Environment used to identify
the components where errors have been detected.

Statistics Allows to view statistics information related to program


Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-98 VIVA: “Debug Environment” – “Stop on Error” and “View Probes”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

3.8.1 Statistics Environment

The Statistics Environment allows to create reports related to the test activity performed with VIVA SW.

To activate this environment, press icon , available in different dialogs of the VIVA Software:

• Main VIVA Software toolbar.

• Page “Import Data” of the Wizard Environment.
• Page “Verify” of the Wizard Environment.
• Page “RUN” of the Wizard Environment.

The icon opens a dialog, which allows to select three kinds of reports by choosing one of the three
pages available.

Coverage “Coverage” allows to select two kinds of reports: “Access” and Test”.

• By selecting the class of report “Access” the report: Accessible Component Report is
created. It contains the list of the accessible and of the not accessible components for
each side of the board. Then it’s indicated the list of accessible and not accessible
signals for each side of the board.
The Accessible Component Report contains the information recorded into the board
database after the “Import Data” phase. (see Fig. 3-102).

• By selecting the class of report “Test” the report: Board Tested Component Report
which contains the list of the tested and not tested components, is created.
The Board Tested Component Report contains the information recorded into the board
database after the “Crete Program” phase and of the possible changes modifying the
items present in the grid displayed in the Debug Environment. (see Fig. 3-103).

Defects The class “Defects” allows to select two kinds of reports: “Batch” and “Components”. (see
Fig. 3-104.)

• By selecting the class of report “Batch” the “Batch Statistic Report” is created. It
contains the information related to the tests executed on groups of boards. the report

• Program name and description

• Date of report
• Lot name. (Batch:)
• Barcode range selected for report. (From Barcode:, To Barcode:)
• The time range selected for report. (From Date:, To Date:)
• The operator name. (Operator:)
• The number of total tested boards. (Total Tested Boards:)
• The number, and percent of board with “PASS” result. (Total Pass:)
• The number, and percent of boards with “FAIL” result. (Total Fail:)

• By selecting the class of report “Components” the Component Statistic Report is

created. It contains information related to the tests executed on the faulty
components of tested boards. The report contains:

• Program name and description

• Date of report
• Lot name. (Batch:)
• barcode range selected for report. (From Barcode:, To Barcode:)
• The time range selected for report. (From Date:, To Date:)
• The name of the operator who executed the test. (Operator:)
• Number of tested boards. (Total Tested Boards:)
• The list of faulty components and for each component:
• The average percent with regard to the expected value (Average Perc.)
• The number of errors occurred (Number of Errors:), and the corresponding
percent with regard to “Total Fail” (Perc. of Error).

Wizard Environment

SPC The SPC class allows to create a report to analyze the Statistical Process Control (SPC).
This tool allows to calculate some statistics index (Cp, Cpk and GR&R) to evaluate the
process capability and the average of stability and repeatability of the test programs. To
view the SPC index (tables and charts), open the Statistic Environment form “Verify” and
“Run” pages of the “Wizard Environment” or from the toolbar available in the main dialog.
For further information on the Statistics Process Control, see [8].

The data used to create the “Coverage” and “Defects” class reports are collected without an explicit
action by the operator; the data used for the “Coverage” class report are collected during the “Import
Data” phase, the “Create Program” phase execution and in case of possible changes made in the Debug
Environment. The data used to create the “Defects” class reports are collected at any program execution
and the data are subsequently recorded into the Repair Station database.

The data for “SPC” class reports are collected and generated when the operator selects button
Statistics (CTRL+C), in the Debug Environment toolbar.

When the button is selected, all measurements executed on the components are stored in a dedicated
database (Program_name.STD).

• For each execution the stored data are: Barcode, Name, Type, Tester, User, Start, Result, State
and Batch.

• For each executed measurement the stored data are: Component_Name, Value_Read,
Value_Expected, Low_Value_Expected, High_Value_Expected, Unit and Gua.

If the button is deselected, the data collection is interrupted and will continue if the button is selected

NOTE: Remember that the button available in the Debug Environment, enables and disables the data
collection. To use the collected data and elaborate the statistical index related to Statistics
Process Control, select button “Statistics Environment”, in the main VIVA Software toolbar or
from pages “VERIFY” and “RUN” in the Wizard Environment; then choose page “SPC”.

The Fig. 3-105, Fig. 3-106 and Fig. 3-107, show an example of calculation of the three index “CP”, “CPK”
and “GR&R”, related to 25 components. To select the components, use the filters available in the SPC
dialog; then press button “Execute” in the section “Action”.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

As far as the “SPC” index are concerned, it is important to take into consideration what follows:

• The index that can be evaluated with the SPC class report, are relevant only if related to processes
under statistic control.
• A process is under statistic control when its variability is due to common causes. Until the special
causes that affect the faultiness are removed, the process is out of statistic control.
• The values measured in a statistic process control tend to distribute around an average value (μ)
according to a normal distribution whose variability is indicated by the standard deviation (σ).
• As we consider as valid the measured values included in the interval 6σ of distribution centered on
the average value, then 99.73% of the measured values is acceptable. The interval 6σ is called
process natural tolerance.
• The dispersion accepted by the specification level of a process corresponds to the difference between
the two limits:

o (USL – Upper Specification Level)

o (LSL – Lower Specification Level)

• The ratio between the tolered dispersion and the process natural tolerance corresponds to the “CP”
index and identifies the process potential capability. Cp=(LSS-LIS)/ 6σ . Cp=1,00 is considered as
the minimum value acceptable, even though a value higher than 1,33 is recommended.

The process variability exceeds the tolerance field accepted – elements out of
specification (faulty) are output.

The process respects the specifications to the limit. 0.3% of faulty elements are
expected, but they could be many more if the process is not centered. (average
value μ, next to the expected specification value at the center of the interval
identifying the tolered dispersion).

The process variability is lower than the accepted by specifications, however there
could be faulty elements if the process were not centered.

The process variability is much lower than the accepted by specifications, and grants
a quite complete lack of faulty elements in the process.

Fig. 3-99 VIVA: “SPC” – “Cp index”

• The “CpK” is similar to the “Cp” index but it also takes into consideration the position of the process
with regard to the tolerance limits; hence it is more accurate. CpK=1,00 is the minimum value
acceptable, even though a value higher than 1,33 is recommended.

• The “GR&R” index (Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility) is related to the ratio between the
variability of the measuring instrument and the process variability. “GR&R” Index Values lower
than 10% are considered acceptable.

Wizard Environment

So we can assume that the distribution of data identifying the statistic process control must have a
normal trend centered on an average value (Gaussian distribution). There must be a sufficient amount of
data to figure the normal distribution.

Fig. 3-100 VIVA: “SPC” – Histogram and normal distribution

When the button Statistics (CTRL+C) is selected, the data collection must be performed on a
sufficient amount of measurements. (recommended: 50 or more).

It is possible to calculate the three “CP”, “CPK” and “GR&R” index even with only two measurements in
the database. In this case the index are not relevant and should not be taken into consideration until
they approximate the histograms with the normal distribution: this grants the process being under
statistic control.

Fig. 3-101 shows the frequency distribution related to a resistive measurement through progressive
measurements. Notice that 30 and 50 measurements do not allow yet to see a normal distribution. With
100 and 200 measurement you can notice the normal distribution trend. With the histogram that
approximates the normal distribution, the “SPC” index calculated are relevant, since the process is under
statistic control.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-101 VIVA: “SPC” – Histogram with 30, 50, 96 and 196 values

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-102 VIVA: “Accessible Component Report” and “Signal Statistics”

Fig. 3-103 VIVA: “Board Tested Component Report” before and after “Create Program”

Fig. 3-104 VIVA: “Batch Statistic Report” and “Component Statistic Report”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Fig. 3-105 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “CP index”

Fig. 3-106 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “CPK index”

Wizard Environment

Fig. 3-107 VIVA: “Statistic Process Control” - “GR&R index”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Accessible Components Report

To create the report, select the possible options applying the filters available in the dialog and then press
button “Create”.

~ Top Displays the list of accessible components on the Top side of the board.
~Bottom Displays the list of accessible components on the bottom side of the
~Both Displays the list of accessible components on both sides of the board.
5 Include NC Pins in this report The component list also includes the pins that although physically
accessible, are not connected to any signal. Board Tested Report

Board Name:
Date 24-May-2010 16:28:30

To create the report, select the possible options applying the filters available in the dialog, then press
button “Create”.

5 Show Tested Component in this report Displays the list of tested components and the list of the not
tested components.

Wizard Environment Batch Statistic Report

To create the report, select the possible option applying the filters available in the dialog, then press
button “Create”.

Filter By: To select one of the possible filters:

All To select all the boards included into the database.

Date To select the boards recorded in the database included in a time range (fields
“Begin:” and “End:”).
Test N° to select the boards included into the database by “Barcode” (fields “Begin:” and
Batch to select the boards having a batch value equal to the number typed in field

Operator: To select the board tested by an operator.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems Component Statistic Report

To create the report select the possible options applying the filters available in the dialog, then press
button “Create”.

Filter By: To select one of the possible filters:

All To select all components of the boards included in the database.

Date To select the board components in the database by date (fields “Begin:” and
Test N° To select the board components included in the database by “Barcode” (to define a
range, fill in the fields “Begin:” and “End:”).
Batch To select all the components of the boards included in the database having a batch
value equal to the value typed in field “Batch:”.

Operator: To select the board components tested by an operator.

Wizard Environment Statistic Process Control

The page “SPC” of the “Statistics” dialog in the “Statistics Environment” allows to calculate three kinds of
index (CP, CPK and GR&R) used for the statistic process control. The data used are recorded into the

board database when button Statistics (CTRL+C), in the Debug Environment toolbar is selected.

The controls available in the dialog allow to select the kind of index to be calculated and the data used
(not necessarily all the data recorded into the SPC database (file “PGMNAME.STD”).

NOTE: If the dialog appears for a short while when you select page “SPC” and then disappears, this
means that the database does not contain the minimum data amount required to calculate the
index. The database must contain at least two values for every component taken into
consideration. Besides, remember that the number of measurements recorded must be
sufficient to display the normal distribution trend centered on an average value.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Section “Actions”:

Allows to select the kind of index, the reference value for the index and to show/hide the section

Functions: allows to select the kind of index to be calculated (CP, CPK or GR&R)

Ref Value: to type the reference value for the selected index.

: To calculate the selected index on the ground of the options and filters defined in the
different sections of the dialog. The results are then displayed as a chart and as a table.

/ : allows to show/hide section “Filter”

Section “Filter”:

Allows to apply a filter to data.

~ Date To filter the data by date. The system displays a set of dates: it is possible to select a
date for the beginning and for the end of the period.
~Test N° To filter the data by Barcode. The system displays all the barcodes available, to select a
barcode range (beginning/end)
~Batch to filter the data by batchcode. The system displays a list of Batchcodes to select one. The
option “All” allows to view all the lots available in the database.

Third section:

To apply other criteria in addition to the options defined in section “Filter”. The available options are:

~ All Boards to consider all boards.

~ Pass Only to consider only the boards with “Pass” output result.
~ Fail Only to consider only the boards with “Fail” output result.
5 Remove failed Components if flagged, allows to exclude from the analysis, the failed components.

Fourth section:

To select the components and calculate the selected statistic index. It is possible to choose:

~ All Components to select all components.

~ Component Selection: to make a further selection from the component list recorded into the

Wizard Environment

Fifth section:

To select the test system which output the data to calculate the selected statistic index. It is possible to

~ On All Testers to consider all data output by all test systems.

~ Tester Only: To select a specific test system from a list prompted by VIVA Software.

Section “Graph Type”:

To select the chart displayed. It is possible to choose between:

~ Lines To display line chart.

~ Bars To display bar chart.
~ 3D Bars To display 3D bar chart.

Section “Threshold”:

Allows to filter the kind of tests displayed by the chart. It is possible to choose:

~ Ignore To display all tests.

~ Failed Only To display failed tests only.
~ Passed Only To display passed tests only.

: To set the logo displayed on the chart.

: To save the displayed chart.
: To print the displayed chart.

board configuration


The Board Configuration Environment (BCE) allows the user to configure some default parameters
used in the test program execution. This section describes the BCE, the different dialogs and options

To enter the Board configuration environment, press the icon in the Main Toolbar. The dialog here
below is displayed.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 4-1 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Board Configuration

The main dialog of the BCE is divided into three sections. The section Board Information contains the
following fields:

Description: Allows to add a description of the UUT (16 characters max.)

Fixture Type: Allows to define the type of fixture used for the test. The possible options are:

Flying: indicates a FP equipment

Manual: indicates a manual adapter
Automatic: indicates a automatic adapter
Aut. Seica: indicates a specific type of automatic adapter
Pneumatic: indicates a pneumatic adapter

Fixture model: The field is not editable for Flying Probe systems
Report file type: Allows to define the type of file used for the report. The possible options are:
Standard Output
GR Tracks

System Target: The field is not editable and report the board system target
Vacuum present: The field says that the fixture vacuum is present

The section Repair Station allows to configure the Repair Station (if available). The user can select one
of the two scheduled options for the Repair Station (Standard or Enhanced)
The button “Configure database connection” opens a dialog to configure the Repair Station Environment

Repair Workpath: indicates the path of the Repair Station database; (normally it is a remote pc
networked to the test system)

The section “Quicktest” allows to indicate the path where a quicktest program resides

For further information on the Configuration and use of the ERPS, please refer to the following manual “Repair
Station& QSTAT User Guide; document code MA-VI-REPDSDEN-00

board configuration


Fig. 4-2 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Channels Settings”

The tab “Channel Settings” contains the following fields:

Stray Capacitance (DC): indicates the parasite capacitive value of the wires and on the system
modules, expressed in pF. This value is subtracted during the in-circuit tests to grant the highest
accuracy possible. The recommended value is 600 pF

Stray Capacitance (AC): indicates the value of the stray capacitance of the internal system wiring and
tracks, expressed in pF. This value will be subtracted during all in-circuit capacitive tests (executed with
both the LAM and USB card) to ensure the highest measurement accuracy. The stray capacitance is
considered from the test point to the measurement module. The default value is 18 pF. (For Flying Probe
systems, the suggested value is 700pF).

Stray impedance: indicates the parasite impedance value of the wires and internal system modules,
expressed in Ohm. This value is then subtracted during the in-circuit resistive tests to grant the highest
accuracy possible. The default value is 1 Ohm; the recommended value is 1.8 Ohm.

Stray inductance: indicates the inductive value of the wires and internal system modules, expressed in
μH. This value is then subtracted during the in-circuit inductive tests to grant the highest accuracy
possible. The default value is 2 μH

Stray relays impedance: indicates the parasite impedance value of the relays, expressed in Ohm. This
value is then subtracted during the in-circuit resistive tests to grant the highest accuracy possible. (per il
range di valori e i valori di default, sentire Valerio).

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The button Channels updates opens the dialog displayed below, which contains the following

Start Chn: first channel to change

Stop Chn: last channel to change
Offset: channel offset to add
File path: file used to change the channel number

Three radio buttons which allow to:

Shift Channels: shift the channel number using the

above values
Convert from Mod32 to Mod 64: convert channels
from 32 channels connector to 64 channels connector
Invert Odd/Even: this option is valid only for in-
circuit tests with channels module 64

Fig. 4-3 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, Dialog “Channels Update”

In the lower part of the dialog there are three buttons:

OK: Saves possible changes made in the dialog

CANCEL: Closes the current dialog without saving possible changes

APPLY: Applies possible changes made in the dialog

board configuration


Fig. 4-4 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab “Z axis settings”

The tab “Z axis settings”, represented in the figure above contains:

The section “Side to test” allows to verify which side(s) of the board must be tested

Top: only the accessible points on the top side are tested
Bottom: only the accessible points on the bottom side are tested
Both: all the accessible points of the board are tested, regardless their position

5 radio buttons to define the touch type

A central section which contains different text boxes (the value is expressed in mm)

Top Up Position/ Top Down Position: Defines the Flying Probe Height
Near position: it indicated the board upper side plane. This field will be taken as a reference for the Up
and Down values hence it should always be at 0.

Fig. 4-5 VIVA: Z axis settings

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Down Position: indicates the lowering of the measuring probes, in millimeters, after these have come
into contact with the surface of the tested board. Values ranging from –0,7 and –1,0 are generally
sufficient to guarantee a good contact.
quota probes su pad non forati?
quota probes su pad forati?
quota open probes?

1 textbox to define board thickness

1 textbox to define the X and Y axis speed

board configuration


Fig. 4-6 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Barcode Settings

This dialog contains the following fields:

Port Type: indicates the port used to connect the barcode reader. The dropdown menu provides the
following options:

None: No barcode reader is connected to the system

Keyboard: The barcode reader is connected through the keyboard port. If the value keyboard is
selected in the field Port Type, and the barcode reader is not present, it is possible to type the
board code from keyboard
COM1-COM16: The barcode read is connected through a serial port (possible values: COM1-
COUNTER: The total number of tests displayed in the test environment is used as a barcode
(displayed in the test report and used also in the statistics database).

Only from barcode reader: if selected

Autostart: if selected, the program execution starts as soon as the barcode of the board to be tested is
Checkmask: Allows the user to define a recognition mask for the barcode. The mask can be defined
using the following characters:

Barcode Verify: if selected

*: indicates all characters

%: indicates numeric characters (0-9)
&: indicates alphabet characters (A-Z)

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 4-7 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Printer Settings

This dialog allows to configure a printer connected to the test system.

The field Printer name: allows to name the printer installed

The field Column number: indicates the printer columns number
The field Max. Printed Errors: indicates the maximum number of errors printed or displayed (the value
is a whole number ranging from 0 to 999.
If the checkbox Print report on PASS is flagged, the system prints a report of the PASS tests

board configuration


Fig. 4-8 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Test Configuration

The section XY Axes Retry contains the following fields:

Retry Number On Error: The value indicates how many times the test is executed on a component,
moving the probe around the pin (The value of the displacement is indicated in the next field). The
accepted value ranges from 0 and 999

Move probe of Micron: The value is expressed in μm it indicates the displacement of the measuring
probe when the option Retry Number On Error is active. The accepted value ranges from 0 and 999.

Retry Number On No Contact: number of retry if the contact test fails

The section “Z Axis Retry contains two radio buttons:

None: No retry on Z
Manual Retry Number On Error: Number of retries lowering the probe in Z in case of test fail

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 4-9 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Advanced Test Configuration

Fixture wait time:

Stop program On Same Board/Panel: automatic abort of the test program when the threshold of
consecutive errors on the same board is exceeded.

Stop program On Consecutive Board/Panel: automatic abort of the test program when the threshold
of consecutive errors on the same board is exceeded.

board configuration


Fig. 4-10 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Program Settings”

This dialog allows to define some settings applied to the test program. Specifically:

If flagged, the checkbox: Enable Program Emulation allows to execute the program in Emulation Mode

The section Report Type: Allows to define the type of report output after the test. The possible values


The section: Report Settings contains the following checkboxes:

Show Test Report: open report when the test is completed

On Fail Only: open the report only in case of test fail
Create Board Barcode Image File: add the barcode image to the report
Create Program Name Image File: add the image of the program name to the report

Batch Code: A text box allows to define the batch name

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 4-11 VIVA: Board Configuration Environment, tab Automatic Markers Settings

Retry enabled: Enables the retry in case of marker fail

Number of retry: number of retry before marker failure
Retry step: Displacement of the marker during

system configuration


The System Configuration Environment contains several information related to the system
installation, configuration and status. The information are stored in ten pages which make up the dialog
of the environment. This section aims to describe the dialogs and the functions available in the

To enter the System Configuration Environment, press the icon in the Main Toolbar. The dialog of
Fig. 5-1 is displayed

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-1 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab System Configuration

The main dialog of the Environment is divided into two sections; the section “System information”
provides the following information:

System name: indicates a general system name. The Customer can use up to 16 alphanumeric
characters to specify the name of the test system. This name is used for statistic purposes (i.e. repair

System type: indicates the name of the test system in use (this is defined during the installation)

Default program: allows to specify the name of the test program to be loaded when starting VIVA.

Workpath: indicates the workpath where the VIVA software and the information about the board are

Programming station (checkbox) if flagged, it allows to configure and define the settings for the
programming station

Use local repair workpath (checkbox): allows to define a local or remote PC for repair purposes (for
further information about the programming station and instructions for configuration, please refer to the
dedicated manual in the Bibliography).

The section “Groups” allows to define the access permissions for VIVA users. For information related to
the association between WINDOWS Groups and VIVA groups, please refer to section 7 of this document.

system configuration

The button Permission, opens the dialog displayed in Fig. 5-2.

Fig. 5-2 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, dialog Modify User Permissions

Where it is possible to define the access permissions for every user (As explained in section 7, the
System Administrator defines the permissions for the VIVA Users (the permission determine the
accessibility to the different VIVA Environments and activities.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-3 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Settings”

The tab Settings allows to define and modify some information related to the system:

In the section Serial Ports

Printer: Allows the user to install and configure a printer

Barcode: Allows the user to install and configure a barcode reader

The button EDIT allows to modify the path where reside the drivers of the two serial peripherals

The section Sounds

Open App: allows to define a sound to play at Viva start up

Close App: allows to define a sound to play at Viva closing

On Pass: allows to define a sound to play on test pass

On Fail: allows to define a sound to play on test fail

The button BROWSE allows to change the system sounds.

In the section Measurement Units the user can define the measurement unit accepted (mm or inches)

In the section Temperature Units the user can define the measurement unit accepted for temperature
(Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees).

system configuration


Fig. 5-4 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Installation”

The dialog displays some information which are loaded by default during the installation. The button
DRIVERS SETTINGS allows to modify or update the drivers if needed

The button Drivers Settings opens the dialog displayed below:

Fig. 5-5 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, dialog Drivers Settings

Note: The access to some of the dialogs described in this section depends on the permissions granted
to the user.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-6 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab Maintenance

In the section Probe Hits:

Probe1- Probe8: the system records the hits for each probe (8 for the V8 systems). This allows to
monitor the condition of the probe and remind the operator to change the probes at the recommended

Calibration Date: Indicates the date of the last calibration on the probe (it is recommended to execute
this calibration periodically, to compensate usury, when a probe is changed and when a problem occurs).

Alarm Threshold: The user can define a threshold value to remind checking the probe status (it is
recommended to replace the probes at recommended intervals: this may vary according to the test
system in use).

Calibration Threshold: The user can define a threshold value to execute the probe calibration

In the section Openfix Hits:

Openfix 1-2: the system records the hits of each openfix probe. This allows to monitor the condition of
the probe and remind the operator to change the probes at the recommended interval.

Calibration Date: Indicates the date of the last calibration on the openfix probe (it is recommended to
execute this calibration periodically, to compensate usury, when a probe is changed and when a problem

Alarm Threshold: The user can define a threshold value to remind checking the openfix probe status (it
is recommended to replace the probes at recommended intervals: this may vary according to the test
system in use).

system configuration

Calibration Threshold: The user can define a threshold value to execute the openfix probeprobe

In the section Hardware:

Calibration Date: Indicates the date of the last calibration executed on the hardware (i.e. test system).
It is recommended to execute the system calibration periodically, to ensure the correct operation; a
system calibration is also recommended when a problem occurs and generally once a year.

Operating Hours: Indicates the system operating hours

In the section Filters:

Calibration Date: Indicates the date when the filter has been replaced; it is recommended to check the
filter status every day, and replace it when it becomes dark or dump. (In case of spots or marks, it is
highly recommended to replace the filter.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-7 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab ATE Configuration

This dialog contains information about the system. It is divided into different sections which are described

Section Hardware Information

The checkbox TIM I/O defines the communication between the test system and the Main PC (in this case
it is performed through PCI Module)

Port Address: Indicates the address of the PC port used to communicate with the test systems
IRQ Address: Indicates the number of interrupt of the Main PC used to communicate with the test

Relays closure time: Indicates the relay closure time for the analog channels. The value may range
from 0 to 50000μs. The recommended value is 1000 μs.

Channel Type: indicates the type of channel boards installed on

the system. The board type is encoded through letters The button
allows to select the types of boards to be added in the configuration
(the scrollbar allows to scroll the list of boards available). See Fig.

Fig. 5-8 VIVA: Dialog Build Board Channels

system configuration

Section Hardware Options

ACL (enabled) contains the instruments needed for measurements
Channel Board (SCAFP) Indicates that the SCAFP module is available on the test system (it allows to
manage up to 16 analog channels)

The buttons on the right side open the following dialogs:

Fig. 5-9 VIVA: Dialogs: LAM Configuration and ACLAM Configuration

Accessory Box: if selected, indicates that the Accessory Box module, which provides the power voltage
and the control signals for the UUT through fixed capacitive probes.
User Power supplies: If selected, the module SE2 is present on the system: it is used to control the
Voltage Distribution. The button displays the dialog: User Power Settings:

Fig. 5-10 VIVA: Dialog User Power Settings

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-11 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Motion Configuration”

This dialog allows to configure the X, Y, Z axes motion speed

system configuration


Fig. 5-12 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Camera Configuration”

This dialog allows to configure the camera used by the test system. The user can select a camera in the
textbox on the left; then the three buttons on the right allow to Edit, Add or Remove the selected

The button EDIT opens the dialog which allows to Edit the settings of the camera selected in the tab
“Camera Configuration”
The button ADD allows to add an additional camera
The button REMOVE deletes the camera highlighted in the Camera Configuration dialog

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


Fig. 5-13 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Pyrometer Configuration”

In this dialog the user can configure a pyrometer, which can be used to execute the thermal scan test.

Select Pyrometer 1 and press “EDIT”

The dialog ADD/EDIT PYROMETER opens to allow the configuration of the (TOP) pyrometer options
Select TOP and ANALOG Input 1 OK
Select Pyrometer 2 – EDIT
The ADD/EDIT PYROMETER opens to allow the configuration of the (BOTTOM) pyrometer options
Select BOTTOM and ANALOG Input 2 – OK

(for further information, please refer to the reference documentation in the bibliography)

system configuration


Fig. 5-14 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “Calibrations”

The section Checkboard indicates the checkboard supplied with the test system and its serial number”

The section Calibrations Settings allows to configure the settings for the system calibration.

Checkboard Set Probe Area Number:

Camera: if flagged, allows to execute the camera calibration

Joystick: if flagged, allows to execute the joystick calibration

Set Camera Pixel/Unit: if flagged, allows define the camera motion step

Probes: if flagged, allows to execute the calibration of the flying probes

Z alignment: used to calibrate the Z axes

X and Y alignment: used to calibrate the X,Y axes

Mobile Opens probe: Used to calibrate the mobile openfix probes

Note: For further information, please refer to the Operator Manual of the test system in use

The section XY axis settings contains two buttons:

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

Set Machine Limits: This procedure is used to acquire some parameters related to the system features.
This values will be used in the phase “Create Program” to validate the inputs provided by the user. This
procedure is applied in the manufacturing of the test system and can also be performed by the service
engineer in case of replacement of motors or elements of the axes motion.

Set system home: This dialog allows to modify the system homing position for each probe. The system
homing points defined in this dialog are valid for the whole system, i.e. are applied to all the test

NOTE: The access to these dialog and the permission to modify the defalt settings (defined from
factory) are restricted to Seica personnel only.

5.10 TAB “ABOUT”

Fig. 5-15 VIVA: System Configuration Environment, tab “About”

system configuration

The dialog displayed in Fig. 5-15 provides information about the test system and installation options.

The current software release installed on the test system

The serial number of the hardware key (which defines the capabilities and the test options which the
Customer can use).
Additional software information about the files installed

Finally, the two buttons:

Release Motion Controller: Displays a dialog which indicates the Firmware Version

Release DSP Analog Module: Displays a dialog which contains the Firmware of the ACLAM module

Fig. 5-16 VIVA: Dialogs: Motion Controllers and DSP Analog Modules

use of quicktest in flying probe systems


Quicktest is a powerful software application which allows the user to create and execute functional test
sequences in an intuitive and easy-to-use graphic interface.
To access the Quicktest functionalities, the quicktest option must be enable and available on the
hardware key associated to the test system in use.
This section contains all the information required to add a quicktest section in a test program.
For further information, please refer to the reference documentation in the Bibliography

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

6.1 Add QT Section

To add a QT section for powered tests in the current sequences library, follow the instructions below:

1. Open “Viva – Debug Environment”

2. Right-click with the mouse
3. Select “POWERON” – “Add” – “Section” (see note)

Fig. 6-1 VIVA: Add Quicktest Section

NOTE: It is possible to add a quicktest for non powered tests to any of the sections available in a test
program. To do so, just select a section other than POWERON (as in the example) and then follow the
same steps as below.

use of quicktest in flying probe systems

4. Write the name of the new section (QT)

5. Select “Add”

The following screen appears

6. Right-click with the mouse and select the new section “QT” – “Add” – “QuickTest” as shown in
Fig. 2

Fig. 6-2 VIVA: Add Test

7. Write the name of the new test (QT1)

8. Select “OK”

Once the Macro QT1 has been created, it is possible to start

“RUN AUTODEBUG” function:

Right click and select the new section “QT” – “Run


Run Autodebug QT Mode

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The main dialog of the application is shown in figures 3 and 4; the dialog is divided into sections:

• The horizontal toolbar

• The vertical toolbar
• The Test Sequence Visualizer
• The APE editor
• The virtual oscilloscopes

Fig. 6-3

use of quicktest in flying probe systems

Fig. 6-4 VIVA: QuickTest Main Dialog


To add a Quicktest section to a test program developed and optimized with a previous software release,
follow the steps below:

1) Upgrade the VIVA software to a newer release which schedules the availability of the Quicktest.
Environment (e.g. rel.
2) Import in the test program the QUICKTEST Macro and the QUICKTEST NOPOWER Macro

a. Enter the Programming Environment (icon on the main VIVA Toolbar)

Fig. 6-5 VIVA: Programming Environment, Tab “General”

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

b. In the dialog displayed in Fig. 6-1, press the button Import Macro which allows to select the
program from whose database (the file has .mdb extension) you want to import the macro to the
current database. Once the database has been selected, a list of the macros available is
displayed. Select the Macro from the list.

In the IMPORT phase, the VIVA software imports the selected macro and, at the same time, creates a
function (empty) which has the same name as the macro. At the end of this phase, the Programming
Environment is automatically closed.

c. Now, it is necessary to enter the Programming Environment again to associate the macro to
the function. (this step is described in the Manual “VIVA Programming Environment”

Note: The Import Macro procedure allows to import one macro at a time. So, to import the second
macro required (QUICKTEST NOPOWER) repeat the same steps described above

VIVA groups and Windows groups


The VIVA Environment schedules three kinds, or groups of users:

Administrators: Users that can administrate all VIVA Environment functionalities.

Programmers: Users that can create, modify, execute and debug the test programs. These users can
not access the System Configuration Environment.

Users: Group of Users that can only execute the test programs.
ƒ These users are not allowed to access to the main VIVA Software toolbar.
ƒ When they launch the VIVA Software they directly access to Wizard Environment.
ƒ The only pages enabled in the Wizard Environment are: “Board Setup”, “Verify”
and ”RUN”.
ƒ From page “Verify” the icon to access the Debug Environment is not enabled.
ƒ The button “CREATE A NEW BOARD” is not enabled in the “Start” page and the
nine buttons of the dialog of the “SYSTEM MAINTENANCE” are not enabled.
ƒ To exit the VIVA software, the button “Exit” on the main toolbar is not enabled
but the button “Exit” in the page “Start” is available.

It is important to take the following into consideration:

• The user of the VIVA management software must belong to one of the three kinds of the VIVA
• The VIVA groups are associated to local system groups (Windows).
• To associate the VIVA Groups to Windows groups, enter System Configuration Environment from the
main toolbar, Select tag “System Configuration”, section “groups”.
• After launching the VIVA application, on the top right side of the desktop is displayed the user group:
Administrator, Programmer or Normal User.
• If the user does not belong to one of the groups scheduled by the VIVA Software, an error message is
prompted to tell that the current user cannot be identified: the access is then allowed as “normal
• If the user belongs to WINDOWS Administrator Group, but not to one of the three groups scheduled
by VIVA Software, the VIVA Software will identify this user as “Administrator” and the VIVA groups
configuration is set to the default settings as shown in. It is possible to modify the association to
VIVA Groups: “Programmers” and “Users” from the default configuration.

Tab. 7-1 shows an example of association between Windows and VIVA Groups, with different access
permissions to VIVA Software activities.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The VIVA SOFTWARE System Operator must belong to the local Windows Groups associated to VIVA
group: “Users” as shown in Fig. 7-1.

The VIVA SOFTWARE programmer must belong to the local Windows Groups associated to VIVA
groups “Programmers” as shown in Fig. 7-1.

The VIVA SOFTWARE System Administrator must belong to the local Windows groups associated to
VIVA group: “Administrators” as shown in Fig. 7-1,

Fig. 7-1 VIVA: Dialog System Configuration

Tab. 7-1 VIVA: Window Users, Window Groups and VIVA Groups
Member of Associated to
User He is or can do
Window Group VIVA Group
Administrator This user is not member of
Administrators ----------------
VIVA Groups
This user can fully administer
VIVA_HAD Administrators, Power Users Administrators
VIVA and Window Features
This user can fully
VIVA_AD Power Users Administrators
administer VIVA Feature
This user is allowed to edit
VIVA_PR Users Programmers
and debug programs
This user is trusted
VIVA_OP VIVA Execute Users
to execute board test
This user is not member of
VIVA_NO NoVivaExecute ----------------
VIVA Groups

VIVA groups and Windows groups

Fig. 7-2 VIVA: Default VIVA Groups configuration; dialog “System Configuration”

7.1 Description
The following paragraphs describe the information required to establish the access groups to access the
VIVA SW environments.
The Viva software environment provides a broad range of capabilities, from configuration and
administrative tasks, to test program development and debug, to an operator running a test program in a
manufacturing environment. Since access to some areas could cause adverse effects, the Viva software
is structured to restrict access based on a login and password. The Windows ( W2000 or XP) login is
used to establish the access levels allowed within the VIVA software.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

7.2 Windows User login Management


The System Administrator should establish a list of users for the Viva software and create accounts for
each one of them. To create User accounts, access the Control Panel and select the icon “Users and

Fig. 7-3: How to create user access levels (win 2000)

VIVA groups and Windows groups

Select tag “Advanced” and press button “Advanced”

in section “Advanced user management as shown in
the figure. It is now possible to create new users
and groups of users

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems


The System Administrator should establish a list of users for the Viva software and create accounts for
each one. To create User Accounts enter Control Panel\User Accounts.

VIVA groups and Windows groups

Once the accounts have been established, the System Administrator will assign the individual users to
Windows Groups using the Computer Management available in Control Panel\Administrative
Tools\Computer Management. The Windows Groups are under the Local Users and Groups tree.

VIVA SOFTWARE - Flying Probe Systems

The System Administrator will decide which access and privileges each user will have within the Windows
environment. As will be shown in the Viva Management section, these Windows Groups access
privileges/restrictions are used to establish a similar access level within the Viva software


Only users belonging to the Administrators group can enter the Viva Access Management screen to
establish the access levels for the Viva software. There are three (3) levels of access (Groups) within the
Viva Software:

ƒ Administrators
ƒ Programmers
ƒ Users
The System Administrator establishes the link between the accounts within a given Windows Group. To
perform the Viva Group administration click on “System Configuration” icon in the Viva Toolbar, then
click on “System Configuration” tab.

VIVA groups and Windows groups

Fig. 7-4: VIVA Access to a local group

In Viva SW, users can perform basic system operations typically found within a manufacturing testing
environment. These include:

Select test programs

Run test programs
Run system diagnostics
Run SPC reports on collected data

Fig. 7-5: User Toolbar (the grayed elements are not accessible)

VIVA groups and Windows groups

Fig. 7-4: VIVA Access to a local group

In Viva SW, users can perform basic system operations typically found within a manufacturing testing
environment. These include:

Select test programs

Run test programs
Run system diagnostics
Run SPC reports on collected data

Fig. 7-5: User Toolbar (the grayed elements are not accessible



[1] VIVA System macros

Cod: MA-VI-VIVAMSEN-02 (11-01-2008) Seica S.p.A.

[2] ACL Module Internal Instruments

Code: MA-VI-ACLI00EN-06 (23-07-2009) Seica S.p.A.

[3] VIVA Language MA-VIVAVLEN-00

Code: MA-VIVAVLIT-00 (31-01-2006) Seica S.p.A.

[4] VIVA Complex devices MA-VI-VIVADCEN-00

Codice: MA-VI-VIVACDEN-00 (19-12-2007) Seica S.p.A.

[5] ICT Programming Language MA-LAFPICEN-02

Code: MA-LAFPICEN-02 (06-10-2004) Seica S.p.A.

[6] VIVA: Programming Environment MA-VI-VIVAPEEN-00

Code: MA-VI-VIVAMPEEN-00 (17-2-2010) Seica S.p.A.

[7] VIVA: Functional Programming Environment MA-VI-VIVAFEEN-00

Codice: MA-VI-VIVAFEEN-00 (4-2-2010) Seica S.p.A.

[8] VIVA Pilot VIP Operator Manual

Codice: MA-VI-PIVPOPIT-01 (30-09-2007) Seica S.p.A.

[9] Reverse Engineering For Flying Probe Systems

Codice: MA-VIFP00UTEN-01 (19-02-2010) Seica S.p.A.

[10] Thermal Scan

Codice: MA-VI-FP00HW02EN (30-04-2010) Seica S.p.A.

[10] QuickTest Software

Codice: MA-QT-GEN0UTEN-02 (28-04-2010) Seica S.p.A.

[9] SPC, The Statistic Process Control. Seica S.p.A.


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