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NIM : 855743834
Kode dan Nama Mata kuliah : PDGK 4304/ Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Pokok Bahasan : Telling time.Food and money

Transportation Sumber Materi
Nama Tutor : ANANG ALIANI,M.Pd Modul 4. 5, 6
Masa Registrasi : 2021.2
Rentang Skor : 10 – 100

Kompetensi Khusus/TIK :

1. Mengidentifikasi makanan yang diperlukan setiap hari

2. Membandingkan harga makanan
3. Menyebutkan tempat tempat belanja
4. Menjawab wacana sederhana.
5. Menanyakan ongkos
6. Mengungkapkan prohibitions
7. Menanyakan dimana harus turun dari bis
8. Menulis paragraph sederhana.
9. Asking and giving directions
10. Mengungkapkan prohibitions and suggestions
11. Menanyakan waktu dan jam.
12. Menanyakan bulan dan tahun.musim dan cuaca.

Uraian Tugas :

1. What do you need if you feel hungry ?

2. How much is a glass of tea ?

3. Compare this price

1 kilo gram of sugar is 8.000
1 kilogram of salt is 1000
1 kilogram of meat is 65.000
Make three sentences using degree of comparison Based on the sententes above !

4. Where do you usually buy softdrink ?

At the restaurant

Sometimes Kartolo’s family eats dinner at a restaurant. The waitress gives

them a menu. In a few minutes she come back to take their order, she says
May I take your order please ? Mr Kartolo orders fish and his wife orders fried
6.What doe they leave ?
What does the waitrees give them ?
Answer the following questions correctly
Explain your holiday !
Tell your free time.
What do you do in your leisure time.
What date is your birthday ?
Could you tell me the nearest minimarket ?
How much does it take from Pajarbulan to Rajabasa ?
How ............. your father go to work.
,,,,,,,,,,,,, history book.

Answare uraian :

1. Ordering food
2. It is 5000 thousand rupiah
3. 1 kilo gram of sugar is cheap 8000
1 kilo gram garam eauls 1000 cheap
1 kilo gram of meat is 6500 expensive
4. l buy soft drinks at minimarket kets like Alfamart and indomart
5. Mr Kartolo eats at the restaurant
6. - the waitress gives them a menu
- in a few minutes she come back to their order
- she says my l take your order please
7. Mr. Kartolo order fish and his wife order fried
Answer the following questions correctly

1. l want on vacation to the beach last week with my friend

2. l spend my free time with my family and help my parents activities
3. l help my parents in gardening
4. It is clock (8,45)
5. Holiday is Sunday the 17 th
6. Yes tomorrow is saturday and the next day is Sunday
7. The supermarket is across the street next to the pharmacy at most it's
about 500 meter
8. Usually 80 thousand if we take a travel car father work as an entrepreneur buying and selling agricuucltural
10. l reading book history

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