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1) What is an HDFS?

2) What are the HDFS daemons?

3) What is namenode?
4) What is Datanode?
5) What is secondary namenode?
Any changes done to HDFS gets noted in the edit logos the file size grows where as the
size of fsimage remains same. This not have any impact until we restart the server. When
we restart the server the edit file logs are written into fsimage file and loaded into main
memory which takes some time. If we restart the cluster after a long time there will be a
vast down time since the edit log file would have grown. Secondary namenode would
come into picture in rescue of this problem.
Secondary Namenode simply gets edit logs from name node periodically and copies to
fsimage. This new fsimage is copied back to namenode.Namenode now, this uses this
new fsimage for next restart which reduces the startup time. It is a helper node to
Namenode and to precise Secondary Namenode whole purpose is to have checkpoint in
HDFS, which helps namenode to function effectively. Hence, It is also called
as Checkpoint node.

6) What is backup node?

7) What is cheak-point in HDFS?
8) What is block in HDFS?
9) How client reat and write operations done in HDFS?
10) What is Rack Awarness?
11) Explain HA in HDFS?
12) What is default blocl-size in hdfs?
13) Why default replication 3 and block size 128mb?
14) What happens if file is less than block size?
15) what is Fsimage?
Fsimage- It stores the snapshot of the file system.
16) what is edit log?

Editlogs- It keeps track of each and every changes to HDFS.

17) what does journal nodes?
18) explain HDFs architechure?
19)what happens if namenode goes down?
20) what happens if one datanode goes down?
21) what happens if secondary namenode goes down?
22) what is hdfs fedration?
23) what is safemode?
24)what is namespace?
25) how snapshot process done in hdfs?
26) what is user quota in hdfs, how many quota are there and difference between those quotas,how
setup quotas
No, Secondary NameNode is not a backup of NameNode. You can call it a
helper of NameNode.

NameNode is the master daemon which maintains and manages the

DataNodes. It regularly receives a Heartbeat and a block report from all the
DataNodes in the cluster to ensure that the DataNodes are live.

In case of the DataNode failure, the NameNode chooses new DataNodes for
new replicas, balance disk usage and manages the communication traffic to
the DataNodes.

It stores the metadata of all the files stored in HDFS, e.g. The location of
blocks stored, the size of the files, permissions, hierarchy, etc.

It maintains 2 files:

•FsImage: Contains the complete state of the file system namespace

since the start of the NameNode.

•EditLogs: Contains all the recent modifications made to the file

system with respect to the most recent FsImage.

Whereas the Secondary NameNode is one which constantly reads all the file
systems and metadata from the RAM of the NameNode and writes it into
the hard disk or the file system.

It is responsible for combining the EditLogs with FsImage from the

NameNode. New fsimage send to the namenode to update


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