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Jakarta. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has congratulated United States president-elect Joe
Biden and his vice president Kamala Harris on their recent electoral victory on November 8,

AFP reported that several TV networks projected Biden’s victory over Donald Trump on
Saturday after the Democratic nominee claimed several key battleground states won by the
Republican incumbent in 2016. The decision was called after Biden was projected to win the
decisive state of Pennsylvania. In a series of tweets posted on his official Twitter account on
Sunday, Jokowi conveyed his best wishes to the pair, expressing hopes for improved relations
with the new US administration.

“My warmest congratulations [to] Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on your historic election.
The huge turnout is a reflection of the hope placed on democracy,” Jokowi tweeted
alongside a photo of him shaking hands with Biden.

The President went on to say that he was looking forward to working with Biden to
strengthen the strategic partnership with the US on economy and democracy for
the betterment of the two nations.

Taken and adapted from:

congratulates-biden-harris-on-electoral-victory.html November 11, 2020

Analysis of the text using the table.

Generic Structure Analysis
News Worthy Event What President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has congratulated
United States president-elect Joe Biden and his vice
president Kamala Harris on their recent electoral
Who President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo
When on November 8, 2020
Where Jakarta
Background Event Why AFP reported that several TV networks projected
Biden’s victory over Donald Trump on Saturday after
the Democratic nominee claimed several key
battleground states won by the Republican incumbent in
2016. The decision was called after Biden was projected
to win the decisive state of Pennsylvania. In a series of
tweets posted on his official Twitter account on Sunday,
Jokowi conveyed his best wishes to the pair, expressing
hopes for improved relations with the new US

The President went on to say that he was

looking forward to working with Biden to
strengthen the
strategic partnership with the US on economy
and democracy for the betterment of the two
How Jokowi tweeted alongside a photo of him shaking hands
with Biden
Source Participant “My warmest congratulations [to] Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris on your historic election. The huge
turnout is a reflection of the hope placed on
democracy,” Jokowi tweeted alongside a photo of him
shaking hands with Biden.

Your Job

Analyze the text using the following table

Police have arrested a student protester carrying a toy gun during a demonstration against
French President Emmanuel Macron near the French Embassy in Jakarta on Monday.

“It is, indeed, just a toy [gun]. But it was inappropriate to bring such a thing during a situation
like this,” Central Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Heru Novianto said.

Police also arrested 10 students under 17 years of age who were involved in the protest.

Protesters from several groups, including the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) and the
firebrand Islam Defenders Front (FPI), gathered near the embassy building to condemn
Macron's recent statement on Islam.

The 212 Alumni Brotherhood is known as the driving force behind the so-called 212 rally in
December 2016 to demand the imprisonment of then-Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok”
Tjahaja Purnama for alleged blasphemy.

Around 1,000 to 1,500 people joined the protest that started at around 1 p.m. on Monday,

Heru said. The protest took place around the same time as another one staged by thousands of
workers who rallied against the controversial Job Creation Law at the Arjuna Wijaya
monument, also known as the Horse Statue, near the State Palace in Central Jakarta.

Generic Structure Analysis

News Worthy Event What
Background Event Why
Source Participant

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