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9/17/21, 1:00 Mt ‘Questionnaire Report, ‘Yau oguin 2 J SOUNOAPPAN TRAINEE LAB TECHNICIAN (Lo os) COURSE END SURVEY 2019-2023 Home ® My courses ® ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ® cos1923 » COURSE END SURVEY2019 2023 » ‘SEMESTER -4 b View All Responses ® Summary P View Default order Navigation Advanced settings Questions Preview View AllResponses —_Non-respondents tome Summary Utot responses 2 tyro View Detail order Ascending order Destordng oer Dalla ALL Responses Downed info ‘Site pages format My profile ‘View All Responses. All participants. View Default order (P) Responses: 153 Curent couse ee SEMESTER 4 Participants 4. UISEC401- ENGINEERING ELECTROMAGNETICS. General 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2 - AGREE, 1- DISAGREE COURSE END SuRVEV209- sus Average rank 5 © senesrer oo © SEMESTER -2 (& SEMESTER -3 CO? Apply the concepts of coordinate system to analyze ! 29 (© SEMESTER 4 ‘the geometrical parameters of objects and field quantities. Tepe C0? Apt the concn of elcrosiates ovate he 128 “opie apactare ol paral late coax ané shore Tee caactes. “opie s CO: Apply ho concps of magotstat to oalat the 12s : insane of eslono fredaneconlvanmetn vies ws Tope? epee ou iz ston ne propane 12s Topic 9 guing Tepe 10 COS Apply EM and EMC concept sve afore 12s iplcatons of EM raatonm praca ppicatons Ny courses so tks Teva Administration CO" Apt the concpis of orca sytem tana the 1 39 ass uesteonaie srometicalperaetes farts an ald qurstes. ow eH em) © Est stings C02 Apt the concpis of costs vale oe om 1 a Rovanced songs apactare paral plate pe ane sherialcpector. o $% Questions 03 Apply the concepts of magnetostatcs to evaluate the oe 35 183 Q Preview inductance of solenoid, toroid and coaxial transmission line. (12%) (88%) Vow Al Responses sunmary CO Analyze slecvomagneewave propagation in varus guiding 20,432.48 Se tate redhon (3%) am) order COS Apply EMI and EMC concepts to solve different implications of 0 16 137183 2 Aecening order EM radaton praca apleatons (10%) 60% * Doszondng oreo a 2 UIsecA02- LINEAR INTEGRATED CUTTS Responses 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2 AGREE, 1- DISAGREE * Domioas ia texters averagerank List of responses » Noncespondens ra © Local egned as © Permissions Ot Analyze and understand the fundamental oper i 29 = cheek emissions staralogie. * Fer oo 602 Desin analog creuts using Opps 1 28 + Bacup €0: Deserbe te worn of Signal Gonrators. 12 * Resiow ———_§_ CO4 Explain the working of Voltage Reference and 1 28 Course sariiraton Raptor crit, ‘Sutich role to. COS Analyze the operation of Analog to Digital and Digital 1 28 My profe stings to Aralog operations 15 9/17/21, 1:00 Mt!modiquestionnarelreport php instance=261 &grouf Questionnaire Report CO’ Analyze and understand the fundamental operations of ‘Analog ICs, (002 Design analog cuits using Op-Amps. 603 Desert tho working of Signal Generators. CO4 Explain the working of Votaga Reference and Regulator cous, C05 Analyze the operation of Analg to Digtal and Digsl to Analog operations. Ut9EC409-- DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE, 1- DISAGREE 01 Describe DFT , FFT and to porform ts computations C02 Design FIR agit fiers using various techniques C03 Design IR digital ters using different techniques COs Analyse the fie word length effect in signal processing C05 Deserbe the fundamentals of digital signal processors C01 Deserbe OFT , FFT and to perform ts computations. C02 Design FIR sigta fiters using various techniques C03 Design IR digital fiers using efferent techniques. COs Analyse the fie word length effect in signal processing C08 Deseribe the fundamentals of digital signal processors UISECO4 - ANALOG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 3 - STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE, 1- DISAGREE 0! Describe the generation and detection methods of various AM systems. C02 Explain the Modulation and demodulation methods of FM systems. C03 Classy the types of noise and its effect on ‘communication system. C04 Analyze the noise performance of various Analog rmoculation systems (COS Krow the purpose of information theory and the significance of source coding 1 ° ° 2 1%) %) ve) (6) (1%) 12 oy 5 (10%) 2 en 2 om 13 cy ‘Average rank 140%) a) 6 (0%) 20 (3%) 18 12%) 6 (10%) 139 1%) 137 (a0%) 40 (92%) 140 (62%) 138 (80%) 138 (e0%) 137 ox) a3 em 135 (es) 137 (eo%) Total 159 153 13 159 153 29 29 29 29 29 otal 153 153 153 459 153 29 29 29 29 29 Total 25 9/17/21, 1:00 Mt!modiquestionnarelreport php instanct Questionnaire Report C01 Describe the generation and detection methods of various AM systems. 002 Explain the Modulation and demodulation meteds of FM. systems. 03 Classy he types of noise and its eect on communication system. 04 Analyze the noise performance of various Analog moctlation systems C05 Know the purpose of information theory and the significance ‘of source coding UUtgcsdos - DATA STRUCTURES 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE, 1 - DISAGREE CO: implement abstact datatypes for inear data structures 02 Solve real world problems using stack and queue Tear data sructres C03 Apply various nonsnear ioe data structures in real time applications (C04 Design algorithms to Solve common graph problems COS Analyze various searching, sorting and hashing techniques: CO: implement abstract datatypes for near data structures C02 Solve roal world problems using stack and queve linear dota structures C03 Apply various nonsinear ee data structure in realtime applications C04 Design algorthms to salvo common graph probloms COS Analyze various searching, sorting and hashing techniques: Ut9GE¢02- ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE SCIENCE 3. STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE , 1 DISAGREE CO: State te importance of te acute need fr ‘environmental awareness and ciscuss significant axpects ‘of natural resources ike forests, water and food (C02 Explain the concepts ofan ecosystem and provide ‘an overview of biodiveriy an is coneorvation, C03 Explain environmental based pollution ther causes, effects and the’ remedial measures C04 Discuss their causes, effects and the control measures of Global Warming, Acd Rain, Ozone Layer Depletion 1 am 1 om 16 (10%) 15 (10%) 18 (12%) 18 (12%) 18 (12%) 4 om e (12%) 18 (2%) wv nm 6 co) ‘Average rank 137 (20%) 17 (90%) ns (68%) 136 (88%) 134 (0%) 139 orm 14 8%) 135 (68%) 135 (6%) 138 (20%) Total 153 153 153 153 153 29 29 29 29 29 Total 153 153 159 153 153 29 29 29 29 35 9/17/21, 1:00 Mt ‘Questionnaire Report, ‘Average rank U COS Deserbe the effet of emate change due to poiton 1 29 esposan + 23 Total CO: State the importance of the acute need for environmental 2 2 139 153 awareness and discuss significant aspects of natural resources lke (1%) (8%) (81%) forests, water and food resources, C02 Explain the concepts of an ecosystem and provide an overview 1 18134183 of biodiversity and its conservation, (1%) (12%) (88 03 Explain environmental based poluiontheircauses,efecis and 1 16136183 ther remedial measures (1%) (10%) (89%) 04 Discuss thelr causes, effects and the control measures of + 8 136 453 Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone Layer Dopleton (12%) (10%) (88%) C05 Deseribe the ofect of chmate change due to polation 12 140153 (1%) 6%) (82%) 7 UIVECAOS LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LABORATORY 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2 - AGREE, 1- DISAGREE 001 Design circuits using Op-amp, PLL and Timer ICs for 128 varous applications. 202 Design analog fiters using Op-amp. 1 29 603 Design vottage regulators using IC 723. 129 espouse + o2 2 Total 0% Design circuits using Op-am, PL and Timer ICs for 2 4 40189 vvarous applications. (1%) 7%) 2%) £02 Design analog fiters using Op-amp. + 1843383 (1%) (12%) (87%) (603 Design voltage regulators using IC 728 + 13439483 (1%) (8%) 1%) 8 __VI9ECSOS- DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LABORATORY 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE, 1- DISAGREE ‘Average rank CO! Perform convoluton, sampling and FFT operations 20 using MATLAB and DSP Processor C02 Design FIR and IR fiers using MATLAB and OSP 1 29 Processor C03 Perform arithmetic operations and generation of - 28 signals using DSP Processor feoposer + 2s Total CO} Perform convoluton, sampling and FFT operations using 0 tt 188 MATLAB and DSP Processor (o%) 2%) 002 Design FIR and II firs using MATLAB and DSP Processor 017 136.183 «nm (69%) C03 Perform arthmetic operations and generation of signals using 117138183 DSP Processor 1%) (11%) (88%) 9 —_UI9CS107 DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY 3- STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE, 1 -DISAGREE!modiquestionnairelreport php instance=261 &grouf 415 9/17/21, 1:00 Mt!modiquestionnarelreport php instanct Questionnaire Report ‘Average rank U 0: Design ane develop simple programs using data 1 29 602 Apply nonlinear data stuctures for various real tine 1 20 applications (603 Design shortest path algorithm for various real fe - 29 applications seep 12 2 Tota (C01 Design ané develop simple programs using data 2 19(0%) 198153 structures (1%) (eo%) C02 Apply norinear data structures for various realtime + maa ‘pplications (1%) (13%) (86%) 203 Design shortest path algorithm for various real te 2 14(%) 19758 applications (1%) (g0%) UISECAOIR: SOFT SKILLS AND APTITUDE - 41 -DISAGREE C01 Demonstrate capabilities in additonal sof-sil areas 1 28 using hands-on andlor ease study approaches C02 Solve problems of increasing difculy thanthose in 1 29 SSSALI* in given areas of quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning and score 65-70%4marks incompany-specie inornal tests 603 Demonstrate greater than SSA leval of verbal E28 apttude ils in english wih regard to given topes and score 65-70% marks in company - specific intemal esis foepones + 23 Total C01 Demonstrate capabilites in adltonal st-sil areas using 1 12 140153 hands-on andlor case study aporoachos (1%) (%) (22%) 02 Solve problems of increasing ifculy hanthose in SSAI*in 217434183 ‘given areas of quanitatve aptitude and logical reasoning and score (1%) (11%) (88%) £55-70%marks incompany-specte ntanal tests 603 Demonstrate greater than SSA leva of verbal pitide skits 147435189 in english with regard to gven topes and ecoce 65-70% marks in (1%) (17%) (88%) ‘company - speci intornal ests Q rroate 200 or ts page You ae logged nae J SOUNDAPPAN TRAINEE LAB TECHNICIAN (Log ot) 751029 55

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