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rreai2024 (Questionnaire Report ‘Yau oguin 2 J SOUNOAPPAN TRAINEE LAB TECHNICIAN (Lo os) COURSE END SURVEY Home ® My courses ® ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ® CESECE » ces-2017 baich ® semester-2 » Viow Al Responses Summary P View Defeull order Navigation Advanced settings Questions Preview View All Responses Home Summary List of sponses © My home View Default order Ascending orer Descending onder Site pages: format My pre iow Al Responses. All partlpants, View Dott order Responses #91 Curent course , coe semester - Participants 4 UISENG201AR-Technical English Il courte End survey o course End 3 STRONGLY AGREE , 2. AGREE, 1-DISAGREE 20142018 Batch Tepe? BATCH 2018 -2000 : COURSE END SURVEY CO? Use grammatical components effectively in both BATCH 2017 -2021 ‘written and spoken communication COURSE END SURVEY 02 Utlse speaking sks fr st-invaducon,delveng os. 2017 bach Speeches and tchncal presentation © semester £03 Speak flocvely inal be and business stations Bi semector-2 CO4 Write emails, formal letters and descriptions of B somester-3 cretion B sementer-& 05 Wie reports ane proposals Bi semester-5 ponseneer P semester-6 . B somester-7 onoster CO: Use grammatical components efetvayin bot writen ana 6 6 ‘spoken communication Tope 6 tepe? 02 Ute spaking sks for seinsecucondaveng speeches fn techincal presertaton Tepe8 topes 03 Speak ofectvely neal te and busines stations epi 10 Tope tt 204 We ema, oma ters and descriptions of graphics Ny courses (COs Wie reports and proposals ‘Administration Quesionraice 2. UIGMAT202CR-Mathemates ~ I or ECE Encatirgs 3: STRONGLY AGREE , 2 AGREE ,1-DISAGREE 4 Advanced etings £ cuestone Q Proview ; iw Al Responses Summary Vow Default C0: classy eitoret yp of ordinary eterna orcor tqutons and uso various methods lo solve rol 1 Reconding order uations * Descaring 202 Compute vector functions, operas and use order different methods of solving line, surface and volume = Date ALL weg Responses © Derloatn 03 Deserbe spec. eatures of uncon ofa complex Parnes ‘rable properies and solve te pools vehing ee enonmal mapping + Nonosoondens C04 Find ne power sates expansion oa complex + Loca assigned oes fecon andthe procecues of vauating the complex * Pormissons inter ® Check permissions!modiquestionnarelreport. php instanct Nonespondents i AL Responses 1 am a%) a) am am ‘Average rank. ' ' ' ' ' 4 126 (3%) (96%) 4 126 (2%) (96%) 4 1% (9%) (96%) 5 135 4%) (95%) 5 125 4) (95%) ‘Average rank Download in text ’ 30 30 30 29 29 Total a at a 11 at 30 30 30 30 15 rreai2024 (Questionnaire Report © Filters © Logs © Backup C08 Solve problems on Laplace transform is inverse, © Restore properties and solve an ordinary ferential equation using Laplace transform, Gourse administration ‘Switch ale to, feopoee My profile setings C01 Class diferent ypes of ordinary ctferental equations and use various methods to solve difeental equations. C02 Compute vector functions, operators and use diferent methods ‘of solving line, surface and volime integrals 03 Describe special features of function of a complex variable properties and solve the problems involving conformal mapping C04 Find the power series expansion of a complex function and the procedures of evaluating the complex integra (COs Solve problems on Laplace transform its inverse, properties and solve an ordinary diferental equation using Laplace transform, 3 _UISMEC209R-asie Mechanical Engineering 5: STRONGLY AGREE, 2- AGREE ,1- DISAGREE CO! Explain the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, its components and solve simple problems, (C02 Deseribe and explain te principles of thermal power plant IC engines and components. (603 Analyse the heat transfer modes, mechanisms of heat transter and principle of refrigeration, 0% Identity enginsering materials, thor propertos, manufacturing metnods and exolain the functions and ‘operations of machine too. (COS Explain the mechanism of power transfer trough belt, rope, chain and gear crv. C01 Explain the fundamental praciples of thermodynamics, is Components and solve simple probleme (602 Deseribe and explain the principlos of thormal power plant, 1G ‘engines and components, C03 Analyse the heat transfer mades, mechanisms of heat transfor ‘ad principe of rages C04 Identty engineering materials, ther properties, manufacturing methods and explain the functions and operations of machine took COS Explain the mechanism of power transfor trough bolt, rope, chain and gear dive 4 UISCHE2048R-Enviranmental Engineering Science 3- STRONGLY AGREE , 2- AGREE , 1-DISAGREE 01 Explain the eco system of desert, grass land, forest, fresh water and saltwater 02 Deserbe the concepts of scosystem and Biodverst.!modiquestionnairelreport php ?instance=2538gr ou ‘Average rank. ' 1 4 18 + 4 126 (1%) (3%) (86%) 14 126 (1%) %) (26%) ‘Average rank ' ' ' ' ' 1 4 16 (1%) 3%) (86%) 1 4 16 (2%) %) (95%) 1 4 16 (1%) @%) (98%) 44 126 (1%) (8%) (96%) 1 4 18 (1%) (2%) (86%) ‘Average rank ' ' 30 Total 11 a a 11 a1 30 30 30 30 30 Total a1 a1 at a a1 30 30 25 rreai2024!modiquestionnairelreport php instanct Questionnaire Report 603 Deserbe about natural resources Ike foo, sl ‘water and minerals C04 Identity the probloms in alr, Energy, azone, global ‘warming ard can suggest remedial measures. COS Analyses the Indian scenario in human population ‘andthe environment CO Explain the eco system of desert, grass land, forest, fresh water ‘and salt water 02 Deserbe the concep of ecosystem and Biodversiy C03 Deseribe about natural resources Ike food, sal, water and minerals COs Identity the problems in a, Energy, ozone, global warming and can suggest remecial measures. COS Analyses the Indian scenario in human population and the U1SBEE205R-Batic Electrical Engineering {STRONGLY AGREE ,2- AGR: 1 DISAGREE C0: Analyse and solve electric crults for voliage and current (602 Explain the principles of operation of magnetics ‘oreuts, transformers and relays. 603 Analyse tree phase induction motors and thir speed contol methods. (COs Analyse and identity the starting methods of synehonous machines and DC machines with ther speed conitl metnoas. C05 Explain the principles of operations of single phase induction and stepper motors. CO: Analyse and solve electtlecrults for vatage and caren, £02 Explain the principles of operation of magnetics circus, ‘ransformers and relays, C03 Analyse tree phase induction molors and their speed contre methods. C04 Analyse and identify the starting methods of synchronous machines and DC machines with the Speed control methods. (COS Explain te principles of operations of single phase induction ‘and stopper motors UrSPCLZ06CR Physics and Chomisty Laboratory Hl 5: STRONGLY AGREE ,2- AGREE, 1- DISAGREE CO: Apply the principles of optics, eleccty and elastcty to determine the engineering properties of materals, 588 grOup=0 ‘Averagerank E30 E30 E30 +k 8 Total 14 16 at (0%) @%) (05%) 44 426 48 (1%) (3%) (86%) 14 128 at 14 16 at +4 126 at ‘Average rank U E30 E30 E30 : 30 E30 1 2 3 Total +4 128 at 44 126 at (0%) @%) (05%) + 4 128 481 (1%) 3%) (86%) +4 128 at 35 rreai2024!modiquestionnairelreport php instance=2538gr oUF Questionnaire Report Average rank £02 Evaluate the amount of iron content inthe given E30 ‘sample using spectophotomety, analyze the amount of Chloride ina domestic water sample and analyse the ‘quality of brass by estimating cooper. £03 Determine the resistivity ofthe given fuse wire used E30 forhouse hold applications and determine the dissolved ‘oxygen in to diffrent water samples collected fram the ‘students residential areas, esposan +023 Total CO: Apply the principles of optics, elect and eastcy to 1 4 18 481 dotormine tho enginoerng properties of mato. (1%) 3%) (86%) (602 Evaluate the amount of ron contentin the given sample using 1.126134, ‘Spectophotometry, analyze the amount of chloride na domestic (1%) (3%) (95%) ater sample and analyse the qually of brass by estmating copper. £03 Determine the resistivity ofthe given fuse wie used forhouse 1A 1268131 hold applications and determine the dissolved oxygen in two diferent (1%) (3%) (95%) water samples collected from the students residential areas, UISEPL207R Engineering Practices Laborsiory 5 STRONGLY AGREE ,2- AGREE , 1- DISAGREE COs Measure and draw basic wave forms using function E30 ‘generator & CRO, C02 Mako simple electronics circuit using passive E30 ‘components and general purpose PCB. 603 Connecting electrical devices and verifying their E30 practical application, fasponat + 23 Total CO! Measure and draw basic waveforms using functon generator 14126431, CRO, (15) (9%) (5%) C02 Make simple electronics circuit using passive components and 14126481, ‘general purpose PCB, (1%) @%) 5%) C03 Connecting electrical devices and verifying their practical + 4 8 at ‘application (1%) @%) 5%) U1SBELZ06R-Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory 3. STRONGLY AGREE ,2- AGREE , 1 DISAGREE ‘Average rank C0: Apply basic circuit laws for calculating electric - 30 parameters of DC orcuts, 602 Determine and draw the mechanical, electeal and 30 performance charactristes of DC Machines, (603 Determine the efficiency and reguaton of E30 ‘ransformer under loae and no lead conditions, feeponee +23 Total C01 Apply basi ccul laws for caleulating oloctic parameters ofDC 14126. 131 coreuit (0%) %) (96%) C02 Determine and draw the mechanical, electicaland performance 1 126.134, characteristics of DC Machines, (0%) @%) (05%) 415 rreai2024 (Questionnaire Report feoponee 123 Total (603 Determine the efficiency and reguaton oftansformer under 11268134, load and ne load cantons. (1%) (2%) (26%) rote 20 or page You aeloggad nae J SOUNDAPPAN TRAINEE LAB TECHNICIAN (Log ot) ‘cESECE!modiquestionnairelreport php instance=2538gr oUF 55

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