MN Core Administrative Competencies - Final

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MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)

Portfolio Evaluation Form

A. Leadership Self Score (1-5) and Comments

A1. Demonstrate leadership by collaboratively assessing and

improving a professional culture of engagement, ethical and
equitable practice, and systems perspective; 4
Planned professional development sessions with the leadership action team. Collected survey
results to inform teaching. Engaged in discussions on communication and ethics and worked
on improving my listening skills.

A2. Demonstrate leadership by collaboratively developing a shared

educational mission for the school or district which provides 5
purpose and direction for individuals and groups; Worked on the School Improvement Team to help align the educational mission of the school
with our staff development and learning.
A3. Demonstrate shared leadership and decision-making strategies
and empower and entrust teachers and staff with collective
responsibility for meeting the academic, social, behavioral, 5
emotional, and physical needs of each student pursuant to the Our school has lighthouse teams as a part of being a leader in me lighthouse school
mission, vision, and core values of the school; (academic, leadership, and culture) each tasked with different responsibility to ensure all
needs of the students are met.
*became a leader of the leadership lighthouse team
Focused on developing my own mission, vision, and core values and found how they aligned
with those of our school.

A4. Understand how education is impacted by historical, local,

state, national, and international events and issues;
Studied these events in courses and engaged in discussion. Engaged in virtual PLN that talk
about many of these current issues.
A5. Through a visioning process, formulate strategic plans and
goals with staff and community to promote the academic success
Participated in the planning of our data time and the development of our school-wide goals during our
and well-being of each student. data day. Learned about strategic planning and engaged in discussions on the topic
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
A6. Demonstrate the setting of priorities in the context of stakeholder
A7. Demonstrate an ability to serve as a spokesperson for the welfare of
all learners to ensure high expectations; and
Became the leader of the leadership action team and was able to be a spokesperson for staff and
students as it relates to leader in me content and curriculum
A8 Understand the dynamics of change and demonstrate the ability to
implement change and education reform.
B. Organizational Management Self Score (1-5) and Comments

B1. Demonstrating an understanding of organizational systems;

Was able to shadow our principal and superintendent and got much better insight into the
organizational systems of our school/district
B2. Defining and using processes for gathering, analyzing, managing
and using data to plan and make decisions for program evaluation; 4
Data days, STEM district-wide goals, science MCA scores

B3. Planning and scheduling personal and organizational work, establish

procedures to regulate activities and projects, and delegate and empower 4
others at appropriate levels; I have leadership jobs in my classroom and within my STEM team, and now with the leadership
collaborative team. I have been able to delegate roles on this team.
B4. Demonstrating the ability to analyze need and allocate personnel and
material resources;
Organized and distributed STEM distance learning materials for over 550 students
B5. Developing and managing budgets and maintain accurate fiscal
records; 3
Learned about budgeting and educational finance through discussions, course readings, and
an interview with our district superintendent.
B6. Demonstrating an understanding of facilities development, planning
and management; 3
Gained some experience through shadowing
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
B7. Understanding and using technology as a management tool.
Part of my practicum was attending Seesaw development courses and supporting staff in the building
with this tool to improve their classroom systems and management.
C. Equity and Culturally Responsive Leadership Self Score (1-5) and Comments

C1 Ensure that each student is treated fairly, respectfully, and with

an understanding of each student’s culture and context
We have a culture action team that helps to ensure we are doing this as well as continued training as
we are a very diverse school

C2. Recognize, respect, and employ each student’s strengths,

diversity, and culture as assets for teaching and learning
I use the multiple intelligences to guide my teaching and am working on professional development to
create more culturally responsive lessons.
C3 Ensure that each student has equitable access to effective
teachers, learning opportunities, academic and social support, and
other resources necessary for success; 3
Equity is a large goal for our school and something we put a lot of focus on in our workshops and
C4 Ensure policies and practices are in place that encourage
positive behavior, and respond to student behavior in a positive,
Another Leader in Me requirement (creating clear classroom expectations with students so they are a
fair, and unbiased manner part of the process)

C5 Recognize, identify, and address individual and institutional biases;

Took multiple IAT tests to help determine my own implicit biases so that I may work to address them
and identify them in other areas.
C6 Promote the preparation of students to live productively in and
contribute to a diverse and global society;
C8 Ensure policies and practices are in place that address student
and staff mental and physical health and trauma.
Trauma trainings and accountability partners. Planned staff development to help with this
(Irreducible Grace Foundation)
D. Policy and Law Self Score (1-5) and Comments

D1. Understand and implement policy to meet local, state, and

MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
federal requirements and constitutional provisions, standards, and
regulatory applications to promote student success;
Completed case studies, readings, and discussions regarding educational law.

D2. Recognize and apply standards of care involving civil and criminal
liability for negligence, harassment, and intentional torts; and
D3. Demonstrate an understanding of state, federal, and case law
governing general education, special education, and community 4
education. Completed case studies, readings, and discussions regarding educational law.

E. Political Influence and Governance Self Score (1-5) and Comments

E1. Exhibit an understanding of school districts as a political system,

including governance models; 3
Learned more from shadowing our principal and superintendent.

E2. Demonstrate the ability to involve stakeholders in the development

of educational policy; 3
Joined the 622 Education Foundation to help with educational policy and connecting the community to
our school district.
E3. Understand the role and coordination of social agencies and human
services to develop production relationships and engage resources for the 3
school community; and Big Brother Big Sister in our school as well as community food shelters, worked with social workers
and the foundation to fulfill needs of students
E4 Demonstrate an understanding of processes to align
constituencies in support of school and district priorities.
F. Communication Self Score (1-5) and Comments

F1 Understand the need to develop shared understating of and

commitment to mission, vision, and core values with in the school
and the community; 4
A very large part of being a LIM school
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
F2. Demonstrate individual and team facilitation skills;

F3. Recognize and apply an understanding of individual and group

behavior in all situations; 3
Better understanding after coursework on adult learning and social, cultural, political and community
dimensions of education
F4. Demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution and
problem-solving strategies relative to communication;
Have had training in this area outside of the school setting for other leadership positions

F5 Making presentations that are clear and easy to understand;

Given presentations at multiple academic conferences and had the opportunity to present using various
formats throughout all of my courses.
F6 Respond to, review and summarize information for groups;
Gained a lot of experience with this throughout my coursework, summarizing information from
readings and presenting it in the form of discussion posts or reflection papers.
F7. Communicate appropriately through speaking, listening, and writing,
for different audiences including students, teachers, parents, community, 4
and other stakeholders; Learned about humble inquiry and ways to improve listening in personal communication and ethics

F8. Understand and utilize appropriate communication technology.

Updated our school website to make the communication more clear and easier to use.

G. Community Relations Self Score(1-5) and Comments

G1. Articulating organizational purpose and advocate publicly for the

needs and priorities of students, families and the community; 4
622 Education Foundation, STEM night, Citizens for 622

G2. Demonstrate the ability to engage the extended community

Joined the 622 Education Foundation to work closer with community members.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
G3. Effectively generate and respond to various forms of communication
through media; 4
Created multiple videos to help create a clear message for various organizations

G4. Promote a positive image of schools and the school district;

Have done so through articles, videos, updating the website, etc.

G5. Monitor and address perceptions about school community issues;

and 3
Spoke with individuals on the phone when working to pass the levy, dealt with social media
“backlash” as a part of the foundation
G6. Demonstrate a community-centric perspective and the ability to
identify and articulate critical community issues that may impact local 2

H. Curriculum Instruction, and assessment for the Self Score (1-5) and Comments
Success of All Learners

H1. Implement state academic standards, a coherent system of culturally

responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promotes the 4
mission, vision, and core values of the district to embody high This is a large focus in our STEM team as well as specialist team at school.
expectations for student learning.
H2. Develop, assess, and support teachers’ and staff members’
professional knowledge, skills, and practice through differentiated 3
opportunities and emerging trends for learning and growth, guided by Developed multiple staff learning sessions
understanding professional and adult learning and development;
H3 Apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum,
technology, and relevant resources to help all learners achieve at high 4
levels; I have done a lot of research on integrating technology into my STEM room when writing grants and
have been a part of curriculum writing teams
H4. Understand and assess the implementation of alternative
instructional designs, curriculum, positive approaches to behavior 3
management, and assessment accommodations and modifications as An area I have had a lot of experience with as a specialist (see every student in the school) but would
appropriate in all programs; definitely like to continue to develop
H5 Demonstrate the ability to use data from valid assessments that are
consistent with knowledge of child learning and development and 4
technical standards of measurement to monitor student progress; Analyzed different types of data sets, how to collect data, and how to apply what you discover in
methods for evidence based practice.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
H6. Lead, support with meaningful and effective feedback, and assess
instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning 2
and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student; and Sent out surveys but have never assessed another teachers instructional practices

H7. Promote and support instructional practice that is consistent with

knowledge of child learning and development, is intellectually 2
challenging, is authentic to student experiences, recognizes student Familiar with child learning and development but have little experience promoting and supporting
strengths, and is differentiated and personalized. others with it

I. Human Resource Management Self Score (1-5) and Comments

I1. Demonstrate knowledge of diversifying, effectively recruiting,

selecting, and retaining personnel; 1
I have never been on an hiring committee

I2. Demonstrate an understanding of staff development to improve the

performance of all staff members; 4

I3. Demonstrate the ability to select and apply appropriate models for
supervision and evaluation; 1
No experience evaluating other staff

I4. Describe and demonstrate the ability to apply the legal requirements
for personnel selection, development, retention, and dismissal; 1
No experience

I5. Demonstrate an understanding of management responsibilities to act

in accordance with federal and state constitutional provisions, statutory
and case law, regulatory applications toward education, local rules,
procedures, and directives governing human resource management;
No experience
I6. Demonstrate an understanding of labor relations and collective
bargaining; and 2
Little knowledge from union meetings and contract negotiations
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
I7. Demonstrate an understanding of the administration of employee
contracts, benefits, and financial accounts; 3
Gained knowledge from shadowing and attending leadership meetings

J. Values and Ethics of Leadership Self Score (1-5) and Comments

J1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of education in a

democratic society; 2

J2. Demonstrate the ability to balance complex community demands in

the best interest of learners; 3

J3. Help learners grow and develop as caring, informed citizens; and
As a STEM team, we have worked to develop curriculum that keeps our students informed about their
environmental responsibilities
J4. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the Code of Ethics
for Administrators under Part 3512.5200. 2

K. Judgment and Problem Analysis Self Score (1-5) and Comments

K1. Identify the elements of a problem situation by analyzing relevant

information, framing issues, identifying possible causes, and reframing
possible solutions;
I have experience with problem solving from other leadership positions but would like to learn how to
apply it to a school administrative position.
K2. Demonstrate adaptability and conceptual flexibility;

K3. Reach logical conclusions by making quality, timely decisions based

on available information; 3
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
K4. Identify and give priority to significant issues.

K5. Demonstrate an understanding of and utilize appropriate technology

in problem analysis; and 4
Strong knowledge of best technology

K6. Demonstrate an understanding of different leadership and decision-

making strategies, including but not limited to collaborative models and 4
model appropriately their implementation. Leadership training throughout undergrad

L. Safety and Security Self Score (1-5) and Comments

L1. Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement policies and

procedures for safe and secure educational environments; and 3
Am able to implement the policies in my classroom but have never developed procedures and policies
for safe and secure environments
L2. Demonstrate the means to address emergency and crisis situation.
Emergency training in the past but not in an administrative role

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