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Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of brain

parts, its processes, and functions.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to identify ways to
improve brain functions which will be manifested in thoughts, behavior,
and feelings.
Learning Outcomes: Going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Match the self with the checklist of a left-brain and right-brain learner;
2. Check what brain hemisphere is dominant in them through brain
dominance self-test.
1. discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes
and functions may help in improving thoughts, behavior and
2. explore ways on how to improve brain functions for personal

Competency Code:EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1,EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-h-6.2

What I Know
Let us try to know how far you have understood about the brain and its
functions by answering these few questions. Read the questions carefully and
write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Are the basic functional units of the nervous system

A. Brain Stem C. Corpus callosum
B. Cerebellum D. Neuron
2. What is neurogenesis ?
A. Death of the neurons C. It is the production of new neurons
B. Production of body tissues D. It is the production of brain cells

3. The cerebellum.
A. Is a highly organized brain structure. C. Coordinates movement
B. Participates in automatic movements D. All of the above
4. Where is the emotional element of a memory stored ?
A. Amygdala B. Cerebellum C. Hypothalamus D. Thalamus
5. It has the control of center of the body.
A. Bones B. Brain C. Lungs D. Stomach
6. Is the largest of the three brain sections for about 85 % of the brain’s weight and
has four lobes.
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebrum C. Cerebellum D. Skull
7. It controls functions that keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood
pressure and food digestion.
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebrum C. Cerebellum D. Skull
8. Contains the nucleus that manufactures molecules that neurons need to survive
and function
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull
9. Responsible for receiving signals from the dendrites and transmitting them to
other neurons in the brain or in other organs
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull
10. Responsible for receiving messages from other nerve cells
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull

Stop for now, time is up. Let us see if your answers are correct as you
explore this module. As continue towards your destination, paddle now.

What I Need To Know

Hello, my dear learner welcome back. You are already on module 6

towards knowing yourself. This module will help you realize that you are
gifted by God with knowledge and wisdom that is stored in your brain.
Various developmental changes occur at your age which includes your
cognitive development. With the different changes you will be directed to find
means of knowing yourself better and find ways on how to improve brain
functions for your personal development. Are you excited now in knowing
yourself to be a better person ? So please read the learning objectives and of
the end of the lesson you are expected to:
a. Match the self with the checklist of a left-brain and right-brain learner;
b. Check what brain hemisphere is dominant in them through brain
dominance self-test.

What’s In

You have learned from the previous module that Stress is part of our life. We
experience stress as a response to stressors and seems we are incapable of handling
distress leads to a sense of helplessness however not all stress is negative. Eustress
challenges us to find creative positive solutions to different negativity of life. Our body
reacts to stress that is why coping with it is essential.


Directions: In a separate sheet of paper try to answer by associating the letters in

the word BRAIN with an adjective or words that describes it.


What’s New

Now it’s time to explore the world of the Human Brain. Let us have some
activities that would prepare you about the topic.


Directions: Read the scenario carefully and write in a complete sentence in your
notebook or a separate sheet of paper.

You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by
a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus.

a. 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

b. 2. An old friend who once saved your life.
c. 3.Questions:
The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

1.Knowing that there can be only one passenger in your car, whom would you
2.What are your reasons in choosing that person ? _____________________.

What Is It

When you choose the answers based on the activity above, what part of the body
you used ? Correct ! It is your brain.

The human brain is the center of the nervous system. It centralized the control of
all organ systems. As early as 1664 a British doctor Thomas Willis, concluded that
the brain is responsible for mental functioning. In an extensive research on the brain
by Dr. Jay Giedd, he found out that the human brain has a natural tendency to
prune itself by slashing brain cells and strengthening connections in the puberty
stage the brain jumps into a growth spurt and physical and mental development
where radical change in the brain happens and teen’s brain is shaped by experiences
and brain cells rearranged themselves and neurons connecting each other are


The brain has 3 major parts:

1. Cerebrum – is the largest of the three brain sections for about 85 % of the brain’s
weight and has four lobes. It is responsible for most thinking and learning.
Functions for sensing, integrating and action.

Four Lobes of Cerebrum

a. Parietal Lobe - helps people understand

what they see and feel.
b. Frontal Lobe - determines personality
and emotions.
c. Occipital Lobe - function for visual
. d. Temporal Lobe – responsible for hearing
and word recognition.
Photo courtesy:

2. Cerebellum – this region controls voluntary movement. It is located just

below the rear part of the cerebrum and right behind the brain stem. It is
highly organized brain structure, coordinates movements and stores the
memory of automatic movements. It involved in mental rehearsal of motor
tasks and improved your performance and skills.

Neurons – are the basic functional units of the nervous system. They are comprised
of a nerve.
Cell body -contains the nucleus that manufactures molecules that neurons need to
survive and function.
Axon - responsible for receiving signals from the dendrites and transmitting
them to other neurons in the brain or in other organs.
Dendrite - responsible for receiving messages from other nerve cells, which
looks like branches at the end of nerve cells.

Neurons are formed through a process called neurogenesis. The signal jumps from
the end of the dendrite on one cell across the space to the dendrite of another cells
is called synapses with the help of this chemicals called neurotransmitters such
as dopamine ( attention, memory and cognition) endorphins ( to fight stress and
pains). By doing physical exercises it release endorphins to help us feel good and
relax after.

Photo courtesy:

3. Brain Stem – connects the spinal cord and the brain. It controls functions that
keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and food
digestion. Your vital body functions such as heartbeat, respiration, body
temperature and digestion are monitored and controlled by the brain stem.

Reticular Activating System – located in brain stem, responsible for your brain’s
Limbic system - located above the brain stem and below the cerebrum, composed of
structures that have different functions such as generation of emotion and
processing of emotional memories.

4 Parts of the Limbic System

Photo courtesy:

1. Thalamus – involved in many cognitive activities, including memory.

2. Hypothalamus – it moderates different body functions which include sleep,
feelings, body temperature, food intake by controlling the release of some
3. Hippocampus – it consolidates learning and converts information to the
long-term storage regions.
4. Amygdala – take part in emotions especially fear and regulating your
interactions with your environment that can help you survive such as whether
you attack, escape, mate or eat, emotional element of memory is stored.


Closely related to the theory of Joseph Bogen & Roger Wolcott Sperry that certain
cognitive processes are dominant in one hemisphere that in the other, each
hemisphere stores information in different ways or separately functions different
from the other.

Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

1. Is connected to the right 1. Is connected to the left side of

side of the body of the body
2. Analytical thought 2. Intuitive thought/Spatial
3. Detail oriented perception 3. Holistic perception
4. Ordered sequencing 4. Random sequencing
5. Rational thought 5. Emotional Thought
6. Verbal 6. Non-verbal
7. Cautious 7. Adventurous
8. Planning 8. Impulse
9. Math/Science 9. Creative writing/ Art
10. Logic 10. Imagination
11. Right Field Vision 11. Left Field Vision
12. Process positive such as joy 12. Handling negative emotions
13. Being on time 13. A good times
14. Being thoughtful 14. Being active

Are you a left brain or a right brain? If you answer either of the two, this does not
mean that we have two brains it is just we have only one brain and has many
functions. This could be more highly evident in the different hemisphere. Ideally, we
must be balanced capable of using our intellect and the same time creative.

What’s More


Are you a right brain or left brain person ? If you answer either one of it, how
many brains do we have ? Before you get fall by the question, rest assure that you
have only one brain inside your head. Take time to answer the next activity in
which you will know what brain dominance you belong. Write your answers on
your notebook or any separate sheet of paper.

______I am very organized _____ I work best in a quiet space.

______I remember faces more than names. _____ I daydream a lot.
_____ I think things through ______I hate taking risks.
before making a decision.
_____ If someone’s mad at me, ______ I tend to get emotional.
_____ I can tell even without _____ I make a to-do-list.
the person saying a word. ______ I trust my “gut instinct”.

Note: If you have more “yes” answers from the left column, you are probably left-brain
dominant, while if you have more “yes” answers from the right column, you are probably
right-brain dominant.

What I Have Learned

From the lesson or discussion above, I am pretty sure that you are already
equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to do another task by answering
the next activity which capsulized the whole lesson on this module. Read the
questions and write your answers on your notebook or a separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Write the word Right brain or Left brain based on the given words.
______1. Athletics, art, or music ______9. Cautious
______2. Being on time ______10. Planning
______3. Holistic perception ______11. Being on time
______4. Analytical thought ______12. Careful planning
______5. Emotional thought ______13. Being active
______6. Verbal ______14. Process positive
______7. Imagination ______15. Being active
______8. Adventurous

What I Can Do

Having understood the different parts of the brain and its functions. You are
going to define or explain in a sentence the following words below. Write your answers
on your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper.

Activity 5: DEFINE ME

1. Brain Stem __________________________________________________________

2. Cerebellum __________________________________________________________
3. Cerebrum __________________________________________________________
4. Thalamus ___________________________________________________________
5. Hypothalamus ________________________________________________________
6. Neurons ___________________________________________________________
7. Amygdala ___________________________________________________________
8. Limbic system ________________________________________________________
9. Reticular activating system ____________________________________________

10. Neurogenesis _________________________________________________________
11. Axon ________________________________________________________________
12. Dendrite ______________________________________________________________
13. Dopamine ____________________________________________________________
14. Endorphins ___________________________________________________________
15. Cell Body ____________________________________________________________


How are you now my dear student ? It is my hope that you unlocked difficult words
to a simple one and you thoroughly understand the lessons. Now you will have a
summative test which means it is a graded test and will be recorded so be sure to
read and analyze the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. It has the control of center of the body.

A. Bones B. Brain C. Lungs D. Stomach
2. What part of the brain that is responsible for alertness ?
A. Amygdala C. Reticular activating system
B. Hypothalamus D. Thalamus
3. What is the function of the Limbic System ?
A. It generates cells C. It generates emotions
B. It monitors impulses D. It monitors vital body functions
4. What is neurogenesis ?
A. Death of the neurons C. It is the production of new neurons
B. Production of body tissues D. It is the production of brain cells
5. The cerebellum _________.
A. Coordinates movement
B. Is a highly organized brain structure.
C. Participates in automatic movements
D. All of the above
6. Where is the emotional element of a memory stored ?
A. Amygdala B. Cerebellum C. Hypothalamus D. Thalamus
7. Which is NOT a function of the left hemisphere of the brain ?
A. Generates spoken language
B. Puts events in spatial patterns
C. Performs arithmetic operations
D. Processes input in a sequential and analytical manner
8. Which is NOT a characteristic of a right brain dominant person ?
A. Adventurous C. Emotional thought
B. Being on time D. Likes creative writing
9. Which is NOT a characteristic of a left brain-dominant person ?
A. Logical C. Holistic perception
B. Being on time D. Rational thought
10. Are the basic functional units of the nervous system
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebellum C. Corpus callosum D. Neurons
11. Is the largest of the three brain sections for about 85 % of the brain’s weight and
has four lobes
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. Skull

12. It controls functions that keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood
pressure and food digestion
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. Skull
13. Contains the nucleus that manufactures molecules that neurons need to survive
and function
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull
14. Responsible for receiving signals from the dendrites and transmitting them to
other neurons in the brain or in other organs
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull
15. Responsible for receiving messages from other nerve cells
A. Axon B. Cell body C. Dendrite D. Skull

Additional Activities

Well done! my dear student. You are almost done with module 6. After you
understood the lessons and have a background on the left and right brain theory,
I want you to be creative in this activity. In a sheet of paper/s or any available
materials at home you may create things which you belong either you are a LEFT –


You may create a poem, compose a song, create a crossword puzzle, draw,
sketch, make an origami, construct a paper boat, or anything that will
showcase your talents and abilities.

1. Variety of pictures/concepts used to develop main ideas - 5pts.
2. Ideas ( originality and interest ) - 5pts.
3. Relevance of material ( connected to main idea ) - 5 pts.
4. Visual Impact ( effectiveness of overall presentation ) – 5 pts.
TOTAL: 20 pts.


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