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BIOTROPICA 39(5): 628–636 2007 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2007.00314.

Low Interannual Variation of Mating System and Gene Flow of Symphonia globulifera
in the Brazilian Amazon

Francimary da Silva Carneiro1 , Alexandre Magno Sebbenn2,3,4 , Milton Kanashiro1 , and Bernd Degen3
1 Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, C.P. 48, 66095-100, Belém-PA, Brazil
2 Instituto Florestal de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 1322, 01059-970, São Paulo, Brazil
3 Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft (BFH), Institut für Forstgenetik Forstpflanzenzüchtung, Sieker Landstrasse 2, D-22927,
Grosshansdorf, Germany

Six microsatellite loci were used to compare the mating system and gene flow in two consecutive years of a natural, unlogged population of Symphonia globulifera in a
500 ha experimental plot in the Brazilian Amazon (Flona Tapajós). The species had a low density of reproductive trees per hectare (d = 0.46 trees/ha). We analyzed 205
trees and 261 and 487 open-pollinated seeds from 26 and 30 mother-trees in the years 2002 and 2003, respectively. A significant spatial genetic structure was detected
for the adult trees for distances up to 100 m. We observed only small interannual differences in multilocus outcrossing rate (tˆm(2002) = 1.000, tˆm(2003) = 0.998),
biparental inbreeding (tˆm − tˆs (2002) = 0.093, tˆm − tˆs (2003) = 0.063), and paternity correlation (r̂ p(2002) = 0.414, r̂ p(2003) = 0.386). The number of pollen donors
contributing to mating of each tree in both years was estimated to be low ( N̂ e p = 2.4 − 4.0). Using TWOGENER analysis to calculate the density of reproductive trees
and the distance of pollen dispersal for normal and exponential models, the lowest error was detected for exponential model. For this model, the estimated density
of reproductive trees was lower in 2002 (dˆe (2002) = 0.03 trees/ha) than 2003 (dˆe (2003) = 0.19 trees/ha), resulting in a higher distance of pollen dispersal in 2002
(δ̂(2002) = 444 m) than 2003 (δ̂(2003) = 154 m), although these changes did not affect the outcrossing and correlated mating rates.

Abstract in Portuguese is available at

Key words: biparental inbreeding; Neotropical tree species; pollen dispersal; spatial genetic structure; TWOGENER.

THE MATING SYSTEM AND GENE DISPERSAL OF TROPICAL TREES have Symphonia globulifera L. F. (Clusiaceae) is a hermaphroditic
been proven to be highly dynamic and sensitive to ecological factors. species with an exceptionally large geographic distribution from
Many studies describe variation of outcrossing rate among different Mexico to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and it is also present in tropical
populations of the same species (Murawski et al. 1994, Aldrich & West Africa. Range wide phylogeographic investigation (Dick et al.
Hamrick 1998, Lee 2000, Sebbenn et al. 2000, Collevatti et al. 2003b) has indicated the colonization of Central and South Amer-
2001, Rocha & Aguilar 2001, Obayashi et al. 2002, Dick et al. ica through marine dispersal from Africa during the mid-Miocene
2003a, Funch et al. 2003, Moraes et al. 2004) and a limited num- (ca 15 mya). There are contrasting reports on the community of
ber of studies describe year-to-year variation in outcrossing rate pollinators of S. globulifera at different places. In Costa Rica, Pas-
in the same population (Murawski et al. 1990, Hall et al. 1996, carella (1992) observed Lepidoptera as the most important pollina-
Caron et al. 1998, Rocha & Aguilar 2001, Hufford & Hamrick tors whereas, in Central French Guiana, Gill et al. (1998) identified
2003, Kenta et al. 2004). For perennial plants, single-season studies perching birds, and, in the Central Amazon, Bittrich and Amaral
may provide a limited characterization of generational patterns of (1996) and Maues (2001) observed hummingbirds as the principal
mating (Irwing et al. 2003). The level of outcrossing and the distri- pollinators. In South America, the density of S. globulifera is also
bution of effective pollen might change from one flowering event extremely variable among populations, with 122 trees/ha (diameter
to another simply as a function of demographic structure, phe- at breast height [dbh] > 10 cm) in Guiana (Andel 2003), over 10.5
nology, and pollinator community composition and abundance. trees/ha in French Guiana (Degen et al. 2004), less than 1 tree/ha in
Whereas some studies with insect-pollinated tropical tree species Panama (Center for Tropical Forest Sciences, 2000 forest census),
showed little variation in the mating system among years (Hall and 0.46 tree/ha in Tapajós in Brazil. This geographic variation in
et al. 1996, Kenta et al. 2004), others demonstrated substantial the type of pollinator and tree density probably affects the mating
variation in outcrossing rates (Caron et al. 1998, Rocha & Aguilar system of different S. globulifera populations. Variation in mating
2001, Hufford & Hamrick 2003,), paternity correlation (Rocha & system due to changes in type and abundance of pollinators with lat-
Aguilar 2001), and in pollen composition among years (Irwing et al. itude gradient has been observed in some studies (Molina-Freaner
2003). et al. 2003, Silva-Montellano & Eguiarte 2003, Valiente-Banuet
et al. 2004). For example, in Agave lechuguilla, populations in the
South had an excess of heterozygous individuals, whereas popula-
Received 1 June 2006; revision accepted 17 December 2006. tions in the Central section had genotypic frequencies near Hardy–
4 Corresponding author; e-mail: Weinberg equilibrium and those in the North had an excess of

C 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation 
C 2007 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Mating System and Gene Flow in Symphonia globulifera 629

homozygous individuals (inbreeding). This pattern was consistent genetic structure), and a low number of pollen donors contributing
with the higher rates of pollinator visiting and greater fruit set in the to the offspring.
South (Silva-Montellano & Eguiarte 2003). Changes in population
density can also affect the mating system of a species, altering levels
of self-fertilization and correlated mating, as has been detected in METHODS
studies comparing mating system in trees localized in continuous
forest and isolated in fragmented landscape or in logging popu- SITE AND THE SAMPLE SIZE.—The study population is situated in
lations (Murawski et al. 1990, 1994; Aldrich & Hamrick 1998; a 500-ha experimental plot in the Tapajós National Forest (TNF)
Sebbenn et al. 2001; Cascante et al. 2002; Obayashi et al. 2002; South of Santarém, Pará State, Brazil at 2◦ 51 S and 54◦ 57 W and
Fuchs et al. 2003; Quesada et al. 2004; Lobo et al. 2005). Alteration 175 m above sea level (Fig. 1). The area is a flat plateau covered
in population density can also affect the species self-incompatibility by a dense terra firme forest. The climate is tropical with a mean
system, changing the mating system from predominantly outcross- annual rainfall of 2000 mm (peaks from February to May) and a
ing to a mixed mating system as has been suggested for Paquira dry season of 2–3 mo (August to October). Annual temperature
quinata (Fuchs et al. 2003) and Ceiba pentandra (Lobo et al. 2005). averages 27◦ C in the humid lowland areas. The 500-ha experimen-
The present study aimed to quantify interannual variation of tal plot was established as an intensive study plot for the ecological
mating system and gene flow in a population of S. globulifera with and genetic studies of the Dendrogene Project (Embrapa Amazônia
low density of reproductive individuals in continuous forest in the Oriental/DFID, Kanashiro et al. 2002). The 500-ha plot was sub-
Brazilian Amazon. The results were compared to published data divided into six subplots with four 100-ha subplots (subplots 3–6)
from Northern populations (Aldrich & Hamrick 1998, Degen et al. and two 50-ha subplots each (subplots 1 and 2) (Fig. 1). All S.
2004) where the type of pollinators and population density are dif- globulifera trees with dbh > 20 cm were identified and mapped in
ferent. We expected that the low density of reproductive individuals subplots 1–6, resulting in a density of 0.46 reproductive trees per
in the Amazon Forest would correspond to high fertilization rate, hectare. Additionally, in subplot 5 all trees with dbh > 10 cm were
long pollen flow distance, low biparental mating (absence of spatial also identified and mapped, as we aimed to use this data set for

FIGURE 1. Spatial position of S. globulifera trees in the 500-ha experimental plot at Tapajós (Brazilian Amazon). Squares show the position of the sampled seed
630 Carneiro, Sebbenn, Kanashiro, and Degen

simulation studies of forest logging (Fig. 1), resulting in a density (ts ) and multilocus outcrossing rate (tm ), the probability of mating
of 0.83 trees/ha. The distance among trees ranged from 14 m to among relatives (tm − ts ), selfing correlation (r s ) or the probability
2962 m, with an average of 1234 m. We sampled cambium from of randomly sampling two sibs and both are self-sibs, multilocus
205 adult trees representing more than 90 percent of all mapped paternity correlations (the likelihood that two randomly selected
trees. In 2002, 261 seeds were collected direct from the crown of offspring from a single mother share the same father, r p(m) ), and
26 mother-trees (9–15 seeds per tree) and in 2003, 487 seeds were pollen and ovule allele frequencies were estimated using MLTR pro-
collected from the crowns of 30 mother-trees (12–30 seeds per tree) gram (Ritland 2004). Standard errors for parameter estimates were
(Fig. 1). In 2002, the number of fruiting trees was higher than based on 500 bootstraps. The effective number of pollen donors,
2003: in 19 cases seeds could be collected from the same trees in as N̂ e p = 1/r̂ p , was computed from paternity correlation. Av-
both years. The distance between sampled seed trees varied between erage coancestry coefficient within families ( x y ) was estimated
26 m and 2951 m with a mean of 1282 m in 2002 and 1295 m in as  ˆ x y = r̂ x y /2, from relatedness correlation (r xy ) within fami-
2003. lies, r̂ x y = 0.25(1 + Fˆ p )[4sˆ + (tˆ2m + r̂ s tˆm sˆ )(1 + r̂ p )] (Ritland
1989), where Fp is the inbreeding coefficient in the parental gener-
MICROSATELLITE ANALYSIS.—DNA was extracted from the cam- ation and s is the selfing rate (sˆ = 1 − tˆm ). The variance effective
bium of adult trees and from the seeds according to the protocol size (N e (v) ) was estimated using the Cockerham (1969) estimator,
of Colpaert et al. (2005). Six primer pairs Sg03, Sg18, Sg06, Sg08, N̂ e (v) = 0.5/ ˆ x y . The 95% CI for the parameters was estimated
Sg09, and Sg10 were used for microsatellite analysis according to √
from standard deviation (SD) as C I95% = me a n ±1.96(S D/ m),
Degen et al. (2004) and Vinson et al. (2005). Amplification prod- where ‘mean’ is the average estimated parameter, and m is the num-
ucts were visualized by electrophoresis with a LIZ-500 size Standard ber of sample families. The confidence interval of the estimates was
(Applied Biosystems Incorporated, ABI; San Mateo, CA, U.S.A.) on used to verify if there were statistical differences between years in
an ABI 310 automated sequencer. Allele sizes were scored using the the estimated parameters.
program Genotyper from Applied Biosystems. The observed segre- Following Smouse et al. (2001) we made a TWOGENER analysis
gation of alleles within families showed co-dominant inheritance of using the progeny arrays of two reproductive events. The principle
the microsatellite fragments. of this method is to estimate the differentiation of allele frequencies
DATA ANALYSIS.—The fixation index was estimated for adults and among the pollen pools ( f t ) sampled by several mother-trees in
offspring as Fˆ = 1 − ( Ĥo / Ĥe ), where Ho is the observed heterozy- the population. The relation between  f t and dispersal distance
gosity, and He is the expected heterozygosity at Hardy–Weinberg has been shown for given dispersal curves (Austerlitz & Smouse
equilibrium. The significance of F values was tested using Monte 2001a), allowing the development of several estimates of pollen dis-
Carlo permutation methods (Degen et al. 1999). The total co- persal (Austerlitz & Smouse 2002). A general estimate is based on
efficient of inbreeding in seeds (Fo ) was portioned into its com- the global  f t measured across all the seed-trees of the population.
ponents resulting from self-fertilization ( F̂ s = 0.5sˆ (1 + Fˆ p ), This provides an estimate of the pollen dispersal distance (δ) assum-
where Fp is the coefficient of inbreeding of seed-trees) and mating ing a given dispersal curve and a density of reproducing adults (d)
among relatives ( F̂ tm −ts = θ̂ p , where θ p is the coancestry coeffi- in the landscape. Pairwise  f t estimates between all mother-trees
cient between outcrossed relatives). Thus, it can be estimated as in the population were calculated to derive pollen dispersal distance
Fˆ o = Fˆ s + F̂ tm −ts = 0.5sˆ (1 + F̂ p ) + tˆm θ̂ p , without assuming (δ) and density (d) of reproductive adults (joint estimation). As
inbreeding equilibrium. noted by Austerlitz and Smouse (2002), the pairwise analysis yields
The spatial distribution of genotypes was analyzed for the adult more accurate estimates of  f t but requires larger sample sizes.
trees using the coancestry coefficient (θ x y ) between pairs of trees The analysis also included information on the spatial position and
within ten distance classes, at 50-m intervals. We used the 50-m in- genotypes of all sampled reproductive trees so the estimates could
tervals to get comparable results to the study of Degen et al. (2004) be corrected according to the observed spatial genetic structure. We
in French Guiana. We also used smaller (25 m) and larger (100 m) tested the normal and exponential dispersal function, and used a
intervals to estimate the impact of the scale of intervals, but the proportion of the known adult density to estimate density of repro-
correlograms showed the same general pattern. The coancestry co- ducing adults. In the Tapajós National Forest, S. globulifera had a
efficient measures the probability of identity by descent of two density of 0.83 trees (dbh > 10 cm), but observations showed that
randomly sampled alleles at the same locus in two different individ- only trees with dbh > 20 cm flowered. Moreover, we found a vari-
uals. The coancestry coefficient was estimated according to Loiselle ation in flowering periods among trees. Thus, as only reproductive
et al. (1995) and Hardy and Vekemans (2002). In theoretical terms, trees are relevant for studying gene flow by pollen, we estimated
the θ x y parameter ranges from zero to 1, assuming a value of zero the pollen dispersal assuming an upper bound of the density of
in the absence of relatedness between individuals, 0.0625 for first- reproductive trees of 0.46 (d max ) and a lower bound of 0.1 (d min ).
cousins, 0.125 for half-sibs, 0.25 for full-sibs and parent-offspring, We computed the 99% CI of  f t by bootstrapping among loci
and 0.5 for self-sibs and clones. The 95% CI of the multilocus with 1000 replicates (Weir 1996). Following Austerlitz and Smouse
coancestry coefficient was estimated from the standard error, calcu- (2001b) the parameter  f t was corrected for the coefficient of in-
lated by Jackknifing over loci. breeding in the parental generation (Fp ) as  ˆ = ˆ ft (1 + Fˆ p ). We

The mating system was analyzed using the mixed-mating used the parameter  f t to estimate the effective number of pollen
model (Ritland & Jain 1981) and the correlated mating model donors: N̂ e p = 1/2 ˆ  (Smouse et al. 2001). Again we used the
(Ritland 1989). Mating system parameters, including single-locus upper bound of 0.46 trees/ha (d max ), and the lower bound of 0.1
Mating System and Gene Flow in Symphonia globulifera 631

trees/ha (d min ). Assuming a homogeneous pollen dispersal around not statistically different between years (Table 1). From paternity
a tree, we estimated the effective pollination neighborhood area as, correlation, the number of pollen donors was estimated to be about
 e p = π(δ̂ 2 ) (Nason et al. 1998). three.
WITHIN PROGENY.—The fixation index was positive and statisti-
cally different from zero in adult trees (Fp ) and sampled seeds (Fo )
SPATIAL GENETIC STRUCTURE.—There was a strong spatial genetic
from both years (Table 1), indicating probable inbreeding. The par-
structure indicated by positive coancestry coefficients (θ x y ) between
tition of the fixation index in the seeds, due to selfing and biparental
pairs of trees up to a distance of 100 m (Fig. 2). The highest
inbreeding indicates that all inbreeding came from mating among
coancestry coefficient was obtained for the distance class from zero
relatives, F̂ o = Fˆ tm −ts = θ̂ p . The estimated average coancestry co-
to 50 m (θ̂x y = 0.119;P < 0.05), which is comparable to the value
efficient and the variance effective size within progeny were higher
for half-sibs (θ x y = 0.125).
than expected for half-sibs (0.125 and 4, respectively) and not sta-
tistically different between years.
MATING SYSTEM.—We did not detect great differences in mating
system parameters between the two reproductive years (Table 1). GENE FLOW BY TWOGENER ANALYSIS.—The differentiation of
Estimates of the multilocus outcrossing rate were not statistically pollen pools among seed-trees corrected by inbreeding coefficient
different from one in both reproductive years (tˆm(2002) = 1.000, ( f t ) was statistically different from zero, but not different between
tˆm(2002) = 0.998; P > 0.05). The single-locus outcrossing rate years (Table 1). From TWOGENER analysis we estimated that 3–4
(ts ) was significantly lower than the multilocus rate in both years trees were the fathers (Nep ) of the sampled seeds of each mother-
(tˆs (2002) = 0.907,P < 0.05, tˆs (2003) = 0.936, P < 0.05), and tree, but these values were not statistically different between years.
significantly different between reproductive years (Table 1). Dif- Both the 2002 and 2003 analyses, using the fixed density of 0.46
ferences between multilocus and single-locus estimates were sig- and 0.10 reproductive trees/ha, converged to the same estimated
nificantly different from zero (tˆm − tˆs (2002) = 0.093, P < 0.05; density of reproductive trees, pollen dispersal distance, and error
tˆm − tˆs (2003) = 0.063, P < 0.05), suggesting the occurrence of (Table 2). The joint estimation of pollen dispersion distance (δ)
mating among relatives. But, at 95% confidence limits, these es- and density of reproductive trees decreased the estimated tree den-
timates are not different between years. The self-correlation was sity in all analysis. In 2002, the estimated tree density decreased
low and statistically different from zero for the two reproductive to 0.05 trees/ha (normal model) and 0.03 trees/ha (exponential
events, (r̂ s (2002) = 0.110,P < 0.05; r̂ s (2003) = 0.109, P < 0.05), model), and in 2003 down to 0.23 trees/ha (normal model) and
but not significantly different between years, (Table 1), showing low 0.19 trees/ha (exponential model). Differences in the error, calcu-
variation in individual outcrossing rate among seed-trees. Paternity lated as a quadratic criterion by fitting the observed and expected
correlation estimates were high and statistically different from zero pairwise  f t values (Austerlitz & Smouse 2002), were quite small
(r̂ p(2002) = 0.414,P < 0.05; r̂ p(2003) = 0.386, P < 0.05), but among the models. In general, the smallest error was obtained for

FIGURE 2. Correlogram with the coancestry coefficient in ten distance classes, for all pairwise comparisons among trees of S. globulifera at Tapajós, Pará, Brazil.
Dotted lines indicate the limits of the 95% CI obtained by Jackknifing among loci. (∗ P < 0.05).
632 Carneiro, Sebbenn, Kanashiro, and Degen

TABLE 1. Estimates for mating system and gene flow in two reproductive years in a population of S. globulifera.


Parameter 2002 2003

Multilocus outcrossing rate: tm 1.000 (0.982–1.018)a 0.998 (0.982–1.013)

Single-locus outcrossing rate: ts 0.907 (0.902–0.912) 0.936 (0.931–0.941)
Outcrossing rate among relatives: tm − ts 0.093 (0.076–0.110) 0.063 (0.049–0.077)
Self-correlation: r s 0.110 (0.098–0.122) 0.109 (0.101–0.117)
Multilocus correlation of paternity : r p 0.414 (0.401–0.427) 0.386 (0.378–0.394)
Effective number of pollen donors: N̂ e p = 1/r̂ p 2.4 (2.3–2.5) 2.6 (2.5–2.7)
Fixation index in adult trees Fp 0.086 (0.040–0.245)∗∗ –
Fixation index in families Fo 0.078 (0.054–0.127)∗∗ 0.101 (0.038–0.174)∗∗
Coancestry coefficient within progeny:  x y 0.192 (0.183b –0.204c ) 0.189 (0.176–0.211)
ˆ xy
Variance effective size: N̂ e (v) = 0.5/ 2.60 (2.45–2.74) 2.65 (2.36–2.83)
Genetic divergence among pollen pools:  f t 0.135 (0.072–0.190)d 0.173 (0.132–0.221)
Corrected genetic divergence among pollen pools:  ˆ t =
ˆ f t/(1 + Fˆ p )e 0.125 (0.070–0.180) 0.160 (0.120–0.200)
Effective number of pollen donors: N̂ e p = 1/2 t 4.0 (2.8–7.1) 3.1 (2.5–4.2)

95% CI, mean ± 1.96EP; b  ˆ x y (95%−l o wer ) = 0.125(1 + Fˆ p(min) [4ˆs min + (tˆ2 ˆ x y (95 −up per ) =
m(max) + r̂ s (min) t m(max) s (min) )(1 + r̂ p(min) )];
a ˆ ˆ c 

0.125(1 + F p(max) [4ˆs max + (tˆm(min) + r̂ s (max) tˆm(min) sˆ(max) )(1 + r̂ p(max) )], where max and min are the maximum and minimum values estimated for the

95% CI; d 99% SE; e Corrected for inbreeding in the parental generation (Austerlitz & Smouse 2001b); ∗∗ , P < 0.01.

the joint estimation in the exponential model. Thus, we considered DISCUSSION

the joint estimation of pollen dispersal distance and density of repro-
ductive trees and the exponential model as the best. The estimates VARIATION AMONG YEARS IN MATING SYSTEM PARAMETERS.—In gen-
of the average pollen dispersal distance (δ) from the normal model eral, we did not find great differences in mating system parameters
were lower than the exponential model in both years (Table 2). In between years. The outcrossing rates, mating among relatives, cor-
2002, the pollen dispersal distance was higher than in 2003 for related mating, and differentiation in pollen pool among seed-trees
both normal and exponential models. For the exponential model, were similar and not statistically different among years (Table 1).
in 2002, the observed pollen dispersal was 444 m and in 2003 it Low variation of outcrossing rates between two different years has
was 154 m. Due to the fact that the distance of pollen dispersal was also been reported for the tropical trees Pithecellobium elegans (Hall
higher in 2002, the effective pollination neighborhood area, esti- et al. 1996) and Dipterocarpus tempehes (Kenta et al. 2004) (P. el-
mated as a circular area around seed-trees, was also higher in this year egans: tˆ(1991) = 0.97, tˆ(1992) = 0.92; D. tempehes: tˆ(1996) = 0.93,
(Table 2). tˆ(1998) = 0.96). However, other studies have detected significant

TABLE 2. Density of reproductive trees (d), mean pollen dispersal distance (δ), and pollination neighborhood area (Aep ) estimated for the normal and exponential dispersal
model (TWOGENER). The error is a quadratic criterion for the fit between expected and observed values for pairwise  i j estimates (Austerlitz & Smouse 2002).

Dispersal Density Year 2002 Year 2003

Function contrasting d (trees/ha) δ̂ (m) error  e p d (trees/ha) δ̂ (m) error  e p

Normal fixed 0.46 103 6.64 3.3 0.46 88 0.87 2.4

fixed 0.10 216 6.60 14.6 0.10 186 1.15 10.8
estimated 0.05 296 6.60 27.4 0.23 101 1.19 3.2
Exponential fixed 0.46 115 6.62 4.1 0.46 99 0.87 3.1
fixed 0.10 243 6.59 18.5 0.10 210 0.87 13.8
estimated 0.03 444 6.55 61.7 0.19 154 0.86 7.4
Mating System and Gene Flow in Symphonia globulifera 633

differences among years (Murawski et al. 1990, Hall et al. 1996, BIPARENTAL INBREEDING.—The results indicated a significant rate
Caron et al. 1998, Rocha & Aguilar 2001, Hufford & Hamrick of mating among relatives in both reproductive events, but low
2003). For example, Murawski et al. (1990) found for the tropical variation between years (Table 1). The mating among relatives can
tree Cavanillesia platanifolia, multilocus outcrossing rates of 0.569 be explained by observed spatial genetic structure in the popula-
in 1987 and 0.347 in 1988. Rocha and Aguilar (2001) studied two tion (Fig. 2) and limited pollen dispersal distance. The scale and
consecutive reproductive events in a population of Enterolobium cy- strength of the observed spatial genetic structure were not expected
clocarpum in Costa Rica and observed multilocus outcrossing rates because its known seed dispersers (bats and monkeys) are capable
of 0.812 and 0.924, and paternity correlations of 0.462 and 0.174, of transporting seeds for long distances (Dunphy et al. 2004). Still,
in 1994 and 1995, respectively. Hufford and Hamrick (2003) de- the significant fixation index detected in sampled seeds from both
tected variation in individual outcrossing rates among two repro- years can be explained by mating among relatives. A mixture of mat-
ductive events of Platypodium elegans at Barro Colorado Island (for ings among first cousins (θ p = 0.0625) and half-sibs (θ p = 0.125)
example, tree 6: tˆ(1998) = 0.88, tˆ(1999) = 0.96). Thus, S. globu- could explain the observed levels of inbreeding. Similar results were
lifera did not show high interannual variation in mating system observed by Degen et al. (2004) in French Guiana. The authors
parameters. One explanation for low differences between years for detected high rates of biparental inbreeding (tˆm − tˆs = 0.156) and
outcrossing rates is that S. globulifera might have a ‘cryptic self- significant spatial genetic structure up to 150 m.
incompatibility’ mechanism, ensuring consistent high outcrossing For many tree species, higher estimates of fixation index have
levels. been detected in progeny compared to adult trees (see Murawski
1995). The general explanation is that selection against inbred
progeny occurring in early ontogenetic stages reduces the excess
VARIATION AMONG REGIONS.—Our results are in contrast to the of homozygotes in adult population (Hufford & Hamrick 2003).
initial hypothesis that the low density of reproductive individu- But our fixation index for adult trees was positive and bigger than
als in Amazonian Forest would increase the self-fertilization rate. the fixation index of the seeds from 2002. However, the high fix-
The multilocus outcrossing rate estimates in this study (minimum ation index in adult trees could also be due to a Wahlund effect,
0.982) were higher than the reported values in previous studies for if the population is structured in different, reproductively isolated
the same species in other populations. Aldrich and Hamrick (1998) subpopulations.
estimated an outcrossing rate of 0.920 in a continuous forest, 0.886
in fragmented forests, and 0.731 for pasture trees, all occurring CORRELATED MATING.—A similar high proportion of correlated
in low densities of reproductive individuals in Costa Rica. Degen matings between years in the present population was observed, in-
et al. (2004) estimated an outcrossing rate of 0.920 for a high den- dicating that part of seeds are full-sibs (Table 1). Correlated mating
sity, partially logged population of S. globulifera in French Guiana. can be caused by the behavior of the pollinator, insufficient flow-
The results obtained for the population at Tapajós represent mat- ering synchrony, low numbers of reproductive trees, and limited
ing under undisturbed, low-density conditions for S. globulifera. population size (Lee 2000). However, the study population is large
Independent from the tree densities we see a tendency of increasing and there are many reproductive trees outside the plot, so small
self-fertilization with increasing level of disturbance (undisturbed population size can be discarded as a potential explanation. All
population in Brazil > partly logged population in French Guiana other factors could have contributed to the high levels of correlated
> fragmented population in Costa Rica). These results also suggest mating. However, correlated mating in tropical tree species seems
that the S. globulifera may have a ‘cryptic self-incompatibility sys- to be a common phenomenon and has been detected in many
tem,’ a phenomenon that has been observed in other tropical tree species (see Table 3). Thus, open-pollinated seeds usually comprise
species. For example, P. quinata, C. pentandra, and Samanea saman mixtures of progeny with different degrees of relatedness. In this
occurring in continuous forest are self-incompatible, but in frag- case, for S. globulifera, we found a high proportion of half-sibs
mented populations the species showed a partially self-incompatible ( P̂ H S(2002) = (1 − tˆm )r̂ p = 0.586, P̂ H S(2003) = 0.614), but also
system, and the mating system changed to mixed mating (Cascante a significant proportion of full-sibs (minimum 38.6%). The mean
et al. 2002, Fuchs et al. 2003, Quesada et al. 2004, Lobo et al. 2005). coancestry coefficient within progeny was higher than the theo-
This mating system variation has been attributed to the absence of retical value of 0.125 expected in half-sib families. This result has
pollinators and alteration in population density by fragmentation. important implications for seeds collected for ex situ conservation,
Possibly, a flexible mating system may occur in S. globulifera and un- tree breeding, and reforestation. The high coancestry coefficient
der a logging regime, if pollinator behavior has changed, the species within families requires higher sample size in terms of the number
may be able to change mating system and spatially isolated trees of families in order to avoid genetic drift due to low effective popu-
produce seeds by selfing. Moreover, it is possible that the number of lation size. The same conclusion can be drawn from the low values
pollen donors involved in seed fertilization was reduced, increasing of variance effective population size (N e (v) ).
the relatedness within families, as detected by Aldrich and Hamrick
(1998) comparing the mating system of S. globulifera in trees in DIFFERENTIATION IN POLLEN POOL.—The levels of pollen pool dif-
continuous forest and isolated in forest fragments. They observed ferentiation in both reproductive years (Table 2) was lower than
that the majority of the seeds of S. globulifera trees in fragmented detected in a high-density population of the same species in French
forest were fertilized by a few trees located in pasture. Guiana ( ˆ ft = 0.205, Table 3). But the values of pollen pool
634 Carneiro, Sebbenn, Kanashiro, and Degen

TABLE 3. Density of reproductive trees (d), analysis method ( TWOGENER and MLTR), paternity correlation (r p ), differentiation in pollen pool ( f t ), number of pollen
donors (Nep ), and effective pollination neighborhood area (Aep ) for some tropical tree species

Species Forest d (tree/ha) Method r̂ p ˆ ft

 N̂ e p  e p b (ha) Reference

Carinana legalis Fragmented 1.57 MLTR 0.324 – 3.1 2.0 Sebbenn et al. (2000)
Carinana legalis Fragmented 0.25 MLTR 0.295 – 3.4 13.6 Sebbenn et al. (2000)
Carinana legalis Fragmented 1.80 MLTR 0.212 – 4.7 2.6 Sebbenn et al. (2000)
Ceiba pentandra Fragmented 0.01 MLTR 0.370 – 2.7 270.3 Lobo et al. (2005)
Ceiba pentandra Fragmented 0.03 MLTR 0.600 – 1.7 55.6 Lobo et al. (2005)
Dinizia excelsa Continuous 0.17 TWOGENER – 0.104 4.8 28.3 Dick et al. (2003a)
Dinizia excelsa Fragmented 0.10 TWOGENER – 0.002 299.4 2,994.0 Dick et al. (2003a)
Hevea brasiliensis Continuous 1.00 MLTR 0.351 – 2.8 2.8 Furlani et al. (2005)
Myracrodruon urundeuva Fragmented 0.50 MLTR 0.371 – 2.7 5.4 Moraes et al. (2004)
Myracrodruon urundeuva Fragmented 0.60 MLTR 0.671 – 1.5 2.5 Moraes et al. 2004)
Pachira quinata Continuous > 20.0 MLTR 0.470 – 2.13 0.1 Fuchs et al. (2003)
Pachira quinata Isolated trees 0.01a MLTR 0.740 – 1.35 13.5 Fuchs et al. (2003)
Samanea saman Continuous < 10.0 MLTR 0.027 – 37.0 3.7 Cascante et al. (2002)
Samanea samana Isolated trees 0.01a MLTR 0.120 – 8.3 833.2 Cascante et al. (2002)
Symphonia globulifera Continuous 4.00 TWOGENER – 0.205 2.4 0.6 Degen et al. (2004)
Sextonia rubra Continuous 1.50 TWOGENER – 0.061 8.2 5.5 Veron et al. (2005)

a Isolated tree at least 500 m, dˆ = 1/0.0001.π (500)2 = 0.01. b  e p = N̂ e p /d .

differentiation detected in S. globulifera were generally higher than EFFECTIVE POLLEN DISPERSAL.—The reduction in the estimated re-
estimates in other animal-pollinated tropical trees species (Dizinia productive tree density in all analyses in relation to fixed density,
excelsa, ˆ ft = 0.002 − 0.104, Dick et al. 2003a, Sextonia rubra, suggested that only part of the adult reproductive population par-
ft = 0.061, Veron et al. 2005), and wind-pollinated tree species ticipated in the reproductive event. In fact, we observed that some
(Quercus alba,  ˆ ft = 0.036, Smouse et al. 2001; Pinus echinata, trees produced no seeds in either of the 2 yr, and others only in
ft = 0.095, Dyer and Sork 2001; Quercus lobata,  ˆ ft = 0.136, 1 yr. The results also showed that the density was more reduced
Sork et al. 2002; Pinus sylvestris, ft = −0.006 − 0.007, Robledo- in 2002 than 2003, indicating an annual variation in the number
Arnuncio et al. 2004). A lower synchronization among flowering of reproductive individuals. However, although this alteration did
trees or the behavior of pollinators may explain the higher values of not change mating system parameters, as already demonstrated, the
S. globulifera. The high differentiation in pollen pool, as with high pollen dispersal distance was affected (Table 2). The estimated den-
paternity correlation ( ˆ ft = r̂ p /2, Hardy et al. 2004), reduces the sity of reproductive trees per hectare was lower in 2002 than 2003
genetic variation within families and increases it among families. As and distance of pollen dispersal was higher in 2002 than 2003 for
the pollen pool differentiation and the paternity correlation were both normal and exponential models. Pollen dispersal appears to
high in both reproductive years, it suggests that a low number of be negatively correlated with the tree density (Dyers & Sork 2001,
effective pollen donors mating with each seed-tree (Table 1). These Degen et al. 2004, Veron et al. 2005, Ward et al. 2005). When the
results are similar to the values reported for another population of density of reproductive trees is reduced, both the distance among
S. globulifera in French Guiana and many other tropical tree species reproductive trees and the distance of pollen dispersal distance in-
(see Table 3). crease. For example, in comparison to fixed density of adult trees
The number of pollen donors estimated from paternity correla- (0.46), the estimated density of reproductive trees in 2002 was
tion (Ritland 1998) was lower than estimated from differentiation smaller (0.03) than in 2003 (0.19) and, consequently, the distance
in pollen, although only the estimates obtained from 2002 were of pollen dispersal was 2.9 times bigger in 2002 (444/154). The in-
statistically different. This difference can be attributed to the sta- crease in the distance among reproductive trees forces the pollinator
tistical approaches used to calculate the Nep parameter. Ritlands to travel longer distances between trees to obtain nectar, increasing
correlated mating model uses a maximum-likelihood method to es- the distance of pollen dispersal. However, this apparently does not
timate paternity correlation and therefore better exploits multilocus affect the number of pollen donors between years (Table 1).
information (Hardy et al. 2004). The differentiation of pollen pools We found a longer pollen dispersal distance in the plot
is a measure of paternal genetic resemblance within families relative (Table 2) than had previously been reported. The estimated values
to that among families (intraclass correlation coefficient). Hence, for the effective pollen dispersal distance (δ) in Tapajós were higher
we can expect differences between the estimates of the number of than those reported by Degen et al. (2004) in French Guiana, who
pollen donors by different methods. estimated a mean pollen dispersal of 27–53 m. The higher density
Mating System and Gene Flow in Symphonia globulifera 635

of reproductive individuals per hectare of S. globulifera in French 2001-10101, The author A.M.S
Guiana (10.9 trees/ha) compared to Tapajós National Forest (0.46 would like to thank the Conselho National of Desenvolvimento
trees/ha) is the most likely cause. The pollen dispersal distance of Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for granting him a scholarship
S. globulifera in Tapajós National Forest is also higher than values for postdoctoral studies at the Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst-
observed in other tree species with low tree density. For example, und Holzwirtschaft (BHF) in Germany. We thank Eric Bandou for
Veron et al. (2005) detected a mean pollen dispersal between 65 m his excellent technical assistance in the lab. We are very grateful
and 89 m, for S. rubra (an insect-pollinated tropical tree species, to Mauricio Quesada, Stephen Cavers and three anonymous refer-
with a density of 1.5 trees/ha). Sork et al. (2002) found a mean ees for helpful comments and constructive suggestions on a former
pollen dispersal of 64.8 m for wind-pollinated Q. lobata with a version of the manuscript.
density of 1.19 trees/ha. Higher values were observed by Dick et al.
(2003a) in the Amazon Forest for the insect-pollinated tropical tree
Dinizia excelsa. They found a mean pollen dispersal of 1509 m in
a fragmented landscape and 212 m in an undisturbed forest with ALDRICH, P. R., AND J. L. HAMRICK. 1998. Reproductive dominance of pasture
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